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Heaven in my Lolo’s Eyes

Last year August, when my Grandfather was taken to the emergency room because he cannot breathe
properly. My Grandfather stayed in the hospital for almost 3 weeks. Our whole family thought my
grandfather would leave us, and we were worried because traveling from Manila to the province was
difficult at the time. My grandmother, who was his wife, died when I was 11 years old. He also lost a
younger brother in 2018 named William.

My grandfather told us that when he is unconscious he sees random things. In his dream, the doctor is
wearing a spacesuit and he is in the middle of a place that he has never been before in his life. According
to him, it is white and there is no one else inside except him and the doctors. Suddenly, the area
changed into a dessert-like area, and he believed he was in heaven. In that place, he saw my
grandmother and his younger sibling.

Upon seeing him, his younger brother was excited and enthusiastic. He said William wanted to come
along with him. My grandmother told William to wait for the right moment and suddenly, my
grandfather pulled all the wires and tubes attached to his body. It was my grandfather's belief that
William was looking forward to the day when he would die so he could be with him, while my
grandmother disagree with William's wishes. In addition, my grandfather told us that the heavens are
white and that we will only see the people we loved who have passed away.
Never too late by Jim Key

The Never Too Late speech by Jim Key is about dreaming is never too late. You control your life and your
passion so, you can do whatever you want and dream whatever you want to be. No matter what's your
age, gender, or circumstances you are facing. We cannot be defined by our mistakes as losers or
unworthy of dreaming and succeeding, but mistakes help us to become more knowledgeable, more
adept at solving problems, and they help us to become great.

When Jim Key delivered his speech you can feel his sincerity through his words. He uses some verbal
cues, when he wants to emphasize a word he uses a high pitch tone so people will alarm and know that
word needs to be remembered. When he mocked his daughter, his tone of voice changed into a young
girl's, making the viewers imagine that the child is saying that dialogue. In using verbal cues effectively,
the audience will be more attentive while listening to a speech because it will tell what the speaker is
trying to say.

Aside from that, Jim Key used non-verbal cues to deliver his speech such as when he said "I am bending
my knee" he also bends his knee, when he says "when we hit the wall" he walks and stops like he hit the
wall. When he said he is crying while watching in the theater he makes a face of him crying. Using these
non-verbal cues, the speaker shows the audience what the audience needs to feel, and also gives the
audience a sense of what is happening.

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