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Lessons and experiences

Hi Parents and guardians! I wanted to fill you in on what your students and I
have been doing during my time in the classroom during the past 3 weeks!

Week 1
My very first lesson involved a story called "The Prairie Fire". Students were
thrilled to find out that we were FINALLY able to read it together and their
eyes and ears were locked in for the entire duration. After listening to the
story, students were instructed to pick four scenes, draw them, and write a
proper sentence that describes the scene. I enjoy activities such as this one
where students demonstrate comprehension and writing skills through
multiple modalities. Feedback on this lesson from students went along the
lines of, "WOW, this story is actually so good!" which made it memorable for
me as I was able to see the value of an engaging story.

Week 2

The next memorable lesson I taught was on insulation where students were guided
through three lessons in understanding the differences between insulation and
conduction. Many times, when educators are introducing a larger task or concept,
they scaffold lessons to make the process easier on the students and that is what I
aimed to do as well. I scaffolded this concept and experiment into three separate
lessons that increased independence and skill each time. We started understanding
insulation and making a thermos as a group and worked towards students making
their own thermos and measuring the water temperature with a thermometer and
calculating temperature drop on their own. Lessons such as this are very exciting for
students as they get to naturally learn through hands-on experience and
independent investigation. It was a big task to take on and plan but it was rewarding
for both myself and the class.

Week 3
One lesson I taught was how to use a
number line for subtraction and addition.
This was the most rewarding experience as I
saw students who previously struggled with
math understand this method and
confidently answer math problems that
used to cause stress and defeat. One
student who often struggled with
subtraction approached me and asked, "Is
this math?"... I replied with a nod. They
continued to say, "This doesn't feel like
math, I love this math!" and proceeded to
walk back to their desk with excitement
shining on their face.

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