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TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022

The Active Learning

Elementary School

Family Handbook

Equity, Body, Mind & Character

TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022

General Information

A. TALES’ Mission

The mission of The Active Learning Elementary School (TALES), a PK-3 school, is to foster
academic excellence in a safe and caring learning environment. Through a partnership of family,
staff, and community, TALES strives to educate the whole child by meeting their academic, health
and wellness, and social-emotional needs. We utilize a race equity lens to empower students to
break up patterns of racism and become leaders in our world.

B. TALES’ Vision

The vision of The Active Learning Elementary School (TALES), a PK-3 School, is to
empower our students with the academic, social-emotional, and health and wellness skills
necessary to become leaders who question the world around them and strive to end racism.

C. TALES’ Core Values

The Core Values serve as a guide to our daily lives at TALES and our lives beyond the classroom.
The Core Values themselves and the terminology used to define them should become a part of the
students’ vocabulary and ultimately frame their way of thinking and living. Only by consistently
modeling and discussing them will our students exemplify the following Core Values:

Race Equity – TALES community members utilize a race equity lens to foster an equitable
learning environment for all. We value and learn from the diverse cultures within our community
and city.

Health/Nutrition – TALES community members realize that as we grow, our physical well-being
is important to achieve our highest potential. This means that we must constantly keep health and
nutrition in our minds by eating healthily and exercising everyday.

Respect – TALES community members make sure to treat others the way they themselves want to
be treated. We make sure to value other people’s beliefs and ideals even if we don’t necessarily
agree with them. TALES members always display kindness and compassion to others.

Leadership – TALES community members make decisions to do what is right even in difficult
situations. We are people who lead by example and show others the way to act while making a
commitment to better ourselves through learning inside and outside of school.

Commitment - TALES community members understand that hard work, listening to others around
us, and compromise are important in achieving both individual and community goals. We are
responsible for each other and must ensure that we grow and develop the community around us.

D. Important Contact Information


TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022

TALES Main Office 718-445-5730

TALES FAX 718-445-5856
TALES Website
TALES General email
Google Voice number 971-426-4254
(in the case schools go fully remote)

E. Arrivals

We will continue to follow the social distancing guidelines for arrival during the 2021-22 school
year. All family members are expected to follow the flow outlined with signs and markers for
arrival to ensure social distancing. The school session times for this year will be 8:20am - 2:40pm
for students which is a change from years past. Please check your child's Day 1 letter for more
specific arrival and dismissal information. It is very important that your child comes to school on
time in the morning as their classes will be meeting together to move upstairs and practice social

Pre-K families will line up near the front door and will enter with their child through the front
door to the classroom maintaining social distancing. There will be clear spots marked inside the
school leading to the classroom to maintain social distancing.

Unless specifically noted in your Day 1 letter, your child's class will line up in the back yard
each morning. Using the SIDE entrance closest to Colden street and paying close attention to the
social distancing markers on the ground, please walk your child through the two gates to the
backyard. A staff member will be there to help guide you, manage the flow of people and do
random temperature checks. If your child is in 2nd or 3rd grade and their class is in the backyard,
you will say goodbye to them at the first gate and they will walk to the backyard to join their class.
A TALES staff member will be watching them to ensure they get to their class correctly. If your
child is in 1st grade or Kindergarten, staying within the lane designated for walking you will look
for the name of your child's teacher which will be posted and a space will be designated for a
student line with social distancing circles on the ground. You will accompany your child where
they will meet their teacher who will assist them in moving to a circle spot.

We recognize that this will be an emotional time for both you and your child, however we will ask
that once their teacher has connected with you and your child that you leave them with the teacher
and move to the identified lane for family members. We will ask that you follow the arrows to
walk out the backyard gate on the other side of the school. Maintaining a one way flow of people
is important for both arrival and dismissal. Unfortunately, you will not be able to accompany your
child to the classroom so that we can adhere to space capacity requirements.

Health Screening and temperature checks:

It is expected that families complete the health screening for each child prior to bringing them to
school every morning. This is to ensure as best as possible that every child coming to school has

TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022
not been exposed to COVID-19 and is healthy enough to come to school. Please follow this link to
complete the health screening for your child each morning.

Students will be subject to a random temperature check each morning upon arriving. This
temperature check will be conducted by staff members every day. In the event that a child
demonstrates a temperature, they will be evaluated by the nurse and may not be allowed to remain
in school that day.

It is important that if your child is exhibiting any symptoms related to COVID-19 or any illness at
all that they remain home. This is for the health and safety of everyone in school.

F. Dismissals

As with arrivals in the morning, it is important that you arrive on time to pick up your child. Please
refer to the Day 1 welcome email for specific guidance for each grade.

Pre-K families, you will line up at the front door and be allowed to enter the building to pick up
your child at the classroom door, remembering to maintain social distancing in the process.

All other families, please arrive for dismissal as you did for arrival, through the gates on the
Colden street side of the building unless identified differently in your Day 1 letter. If you are
waiting to pick up your child, please make sure to line up on the social distancing stickers leading
up to the gate. You will move through the identified lane for family members in the yard to your
child's teacher. Your child's teacher will need to make clear contact with you before releasing your
child to you. We ask that you are attentive to the flow of traffic if you are waiting for your child to
be dismissed. Once you have your child, please continue to maintain social distancing and move
to the gate on the other side of the school.

Inclement weather for arrivals and dismissals

● In the event of rain or snow, we will expedite arrival and dismissal as much as possible. It
is best for health and safety if arrivals and dismissals are kept outdoors throughout the fall
and the winter as well. Please dress your child appropriately for the weather of the day
as they may have to stand outside for arrival and dismissal.

Parents need to inform classroom teachers at the beginning of the school year about how
student pick-up will be handled. (i.e. babysitter picks up student, family member, after
school program, etc.).

Any adult who picks up your child must be listed on the emergency contact card.
Dismissal times are as listed above in the “DAILY SCHEDULE” section.
● Parents/Guardians of students in Kindergarten thru 3rd Grade must wait in the designated
dismissal areas or arrange for an adult (who is listed on the emergency dismissal card) to
pick the student up. This is to ensure the safety of our students so that the dismissing
teacher sees and acknowledges the pickup person.
● Dismissal for Pre-K will start at 2:35pm. Parents may pick-up children directly from their

TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022
Pre-K room. Please make sure your child is picked up no later than 2:40PM. This
dismissal policy will be in effect until further notice. Parents should arrive at the school at
least 5 minutes prior to dismissal in order to ensure a timely pick up.

● Students are not brought outside of the school to a car or any other personal vehicle waiting
outside of the school for dismissal. Parents are expected to come inside the building to their
child’s assigned dismissal area to pick up their child.

Please Note: Students will only be dismissed early to a guardian or an adult (all must be 18
years or older) listed on the emergency contact sheet who arrives in person for pick up only -
no exceptions will be made. This person must have proper identification.

Students that are not picked up immediately upon dismissal will be brought to the multipurpose
room and seated separated from each other. It is more important than ever to be on time for pick
up as we are not able to accommodate numerous late pickups and maintain proper social
distancing. Families who fail to observe the school’s pick up policy consistently may be
referred to the school’s social worker/attendance teacher for follow-up.

Parents are responsible for ensuring that after-school centers pick up on time each day. In addition,
if your child is in an afterschool program where the child is picked up directly from the school,
TALES must have written notification from the family which includes the name of the
afterschool program, phone number for the after school program and the name of adult
authorized to pick up the child. The afterschool program is responsible to contact school in
case they send a different staff member other than the one listed on the permission slip. All
visitors should carry a valid identification with them when entering TALES.

If you know you are running late to pick up your child, please contact the main office at
718-445-5730 to inform us.

G. Daily in school and remote schedules.

● Breakfast will be served in PRE-K rooms promptly at 8:40AM. Please ensure that your child is on
time daily as instruction will begin during the breakfast period. Parents may drop their children off
at the classroom door after checking in with the safety agent. After your child has been received by
a TALES staff member in the classroom, you should proceed to exit the building through the Colden
doors joining the one way traffic leading you into the backyard and exit through the Kissena gates.
Please also be mindful that you are not on your cell phone during drop off as this distracts the
classroom. With the current need for social distancing, it is important that families do not cluster at
the classroom door. We know that this will be difficult, however we also must ask that family
members not enter the classroom.

● Snack and lunch will be served in the classroom.

● Children should be appropriately dressed for outside weather conditions as children will experience

TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022
an outdoor play period on a daily basis.

● Dismissal will start at 2:35PM. Parents may pick-up children directly from their Pre-K room. Please
make sure your child is picked up no later than 2:40PM.

Kindergarten thru 3rd Grade


● “Grab and Go” breakfast will be available to all students as they enter the building and go

● For late students, parents may drop their children off at the school’s main entrance and they
must be handed off to a school staff member. Except for special circumstances, parents will
not be allowed to enter the school building past the security desk. This drop-off policy will
continue until further notice. Any person who enters the building must check in with the
school safety agent.

● Beginning in October, students will be provided a snack through school as a part of the
healthy fruit and vegetable program. Any snack that you may be packing for your child
must be healthy. Cookies, cakes, soda etc. will be returned to you at the end of the day.
Children with medically documented dietary concerns will receive appropriate

● Children should be appropriately dressed for outside weather conditions as children will enjoy
outdoor recess on a daily basis if space permits. Please refer to our guidelines on outdoor
play in cold weather.

● Children may be selected to attend extended day enrichment classes which we expect will
commence at the end of November. You will receive a notice if your child is selected. This
class will be through Google Meet.

H. Online family forums: TALES is committed to continuing the practice that has been effective
of conducting a family forum at least once per month for the 2021-22 school year. This will
enable us to communicate any necessary information to the school at one time. We understand
that in some cases the scheduled session will conflict with your work or other schedule. We will
record the sessions and can share the recording with families upon request. We encourage the
PTA to also conduct meetings in this way.

I. Mask use in school

All staff and students must wear a mask at all times in school. Students will be required to wear a
mask to enter the building. If they do not have a mask, one will be provided for them. Please
make sure to label your child's mask and all items such as backpacks with their name so that no
items are exchanged, misplaced or misused. The only time students will not have a mask on in

TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022
school is to eat or drink. Please practice with your child how to make sure the mask covers both
the mouth and nose. If possible, we will look to structure outdoor opportunities for mask breaks.

J. Outdoor space use for 2021-22

At TALES, we have always believed that outdoor play is important for student development.
Health and safety will always be our first consideration but we are committed to ensuring that all
children have regular time outside for play, physical education and instruction. We will look for
every opportunity possible to have students learning and playing outside during the 2021-22 school

K. Building sanitization for the 2021-22 School Year

● Custodians will be disinfecting the school each day after students leave. They will also be wiping
down high touch areas like handrails, door knobs, and other handles throughout the day. At the end
of the day, the school will be disinfected thoroughly. The custodians are aware that this is very
important for the health and safety of students and staff.

● All school staff are invested in maintaining the best sanitation methods possible. Items in
classrooms will be regularly disinfected and health and safety protocols will be followed.

L. Common Expectations for All Students

At TALES, all students are expected to:
● Be prepared for each lesson/class (i.e., have the proper tools - paper, pens, notebooks, etc.)
● Follow instructions of all staff the first time they are given.
● Display the behaviors that are part of Accountable Talk:
o Maintain a calm body
o Look at the speaker
o Participate in classes by asking and answering questions and sharing ideas
● Respect all members of the community as well as visitors.
● Not chew gum, eat candy, or drink any beverage other than 100% juice or water. These will
be confiscated by TALES’ staff.
● Not bring handheld cellular phones, electronic games, or music systems to school. These will
be confiscated by TALES’ staff.
● Use appropriate language while on school grounds.
● Be safe and considerate while moving through common spaces.
● Be on time for all activities.

M. The Active Learning Elementary School Community Contract

Staff, family members, and students are expected to abide by this agreement which details expectations for each constituency.
These are the “non - negotiables” of TALES. This agreement will be reviewed at school open houses/orientations or on a 1 to 1
basis as needed. Please review this agreement, as well as the New York City Discipline Code, with your child in order to clearly
understand TALES’ expectations:
The Active Learning Elementary School Community Agreement
The underlying belief at TALES is that strong teaching in a caring environment combined with an intensive and holistic

TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022
school day will stimulate the child’s mind, nourish their bodies, and develop their character. Staff, students and parents must each
do their part to ensure that this belief is realized.
As a staff member at TALES, I promise to:
➢ Provide students with a safe and nurturing environment.
➢ Hold students to high standards by doing the best work they are capable of.
➢ Share information and resources with teachers and parents that will aid in student learning.
➢ Have zero tolerance for off task behavior or lack of effort.
➢ Become an expert in the field of teaching and use the best instructional practices.
➢ Assess students on a regular basis and work with students and parents to provide the best possible individualized
➢ Be direct and respectful in communication with all members of the TALES community.
➢ Be respectful and responsible for school property and equipment.
➢ Hold myself to behaving in accordance with TALES’ Core Values.
➢ Understand that critical feedback is an important part of professional growth.
By signing this statement I am agreeing to uphold these commitments to TALES parents and students.

Teacher Signature____________________________________________________

As a parent/caring adult at TALES, I promise to:

➢ Work with TALES staff to support my child’s learning and development.
➢ Maintain clear and frequent communication with the school including returning all Progress Reports and other
signed documents when they are due.
➢ Attend all required school meetings.
➢ Support TALES’ behavioral policy, its rewards, and its consequences; work with the TALES staff to make sure that my
child is following the school and class rules so as to protect the safety, feelings and rights of other students, staff,
parents and him or herself.
➢ Have zero tolerance for off task behavior or lack of effort.
➢ Ensure that my child maintains a minimum of 95% attendance and is on time each day.
➢ Check my child’s homework each night to make sure it is complete and done with care.
➢ Make arrangements so that my child is appropriately taken care of at dismissal each day.
➢ Come in immediately when it is requested by the school.
➢ Be direct and respectful in communication with all members of the TALES community.
➢ Hold myself to behaving in accordance with TALES’ Core Values.
By signing this statement I am agreeing to uphold these commitments to TALES staff and my child.

Parent/Caring Adult Signature_________________________________________

As a student at TALES, I promise to:

➢ Participate in class.
➢ Arrive at school on time each day.
➢ Complete all my class-work and homework with care every day.
➢ Respect other people's bodies and feelings.
➢ Be on task and work hard at all times.
➢ Take advantage of enrichment opportunities made available.
➢ Follow school rules and regulations.
➢ Wear the TALES uniform (when applicable).
➢ Hold myself to behaving in accordance with TALES’ Core Values.
➢ Try hard at everything I do.
By signing this statement I am agreeing to uphold these commitments to TALES staff, my family and myself.

Student Signature____________________________________________________

TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022


N. TALES Organization Sheet 2020-2021

Bob Groff, Principal
Nifemi Ogunsuyi, Assistant Principal
Evelyn Moya, School Secretary
Lisa Conte, School Secretary
Lalita Kovvuri, Parent Coordinator
Anran Wang, Supervising School Aide
Tracy Fung-Lo, School Aide
Edyta Maciejewski,School Aide
Caroline Japutra, School Counselor
Judith St. Pierre, Social Worker
Maggie Stratigakos, 1st grade- Reading Recovery
Rita Esposito - ENL teacher
Rebecca Kaizerman, Kindergarten ENL teacher, Science
Stephanie Graziano, First Grade ENL teacher, SS
Ye Wang, Second Grade ENL teacher, SS
Teresa Dubin, 3rd grade ENL teacher, SS and Science
Brian Renta, Language through Movement
Karen Hu, Kindergarten Play/ Inquiry teacher,
Esther Eng, K- 3 STEM teacher
Kimberly Ilardi, Language through Music
Ming Cheng - Bilingual Special Education Teacher
Rachel Nicholson, SETTS Teacher
Julie Dai-Chu, Special Education Teacher, K/1st Grade
Meaghan Reilly, Special Education Teacher 2nd/3rd Grade
Anna Oliveri, Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
Andy Yung, Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
Charlene Rivera, Kindergarten Teacher
Fanny Roman, Kindergarten Teacher
Mandy Lam, Kindergarten BIL Teacher
Kathy Koutsianas, Kindergarten Teacher
Kathie Yip, Kindergarten teacher
HaeRan Chun, First Grade Teacher
Shirley Liang, First Grade Teacher
Karen Nesser, First Grade Teacher
Lumi Cekovic, First Grade Teacher
Angela Valco, Second Grade Teacher
Karen Darrell, Second Grade Teacher
Dalia Dimian, Second Grade teacher
Yvonne Moss, Second Grade Teacher
Daniela Belanich, Third Grade Teacher

TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022
Meredith Mills, Third Grade Teacher
Jessica Pasternak, Third Grade Teacher
Helen Chin, Paraprofessional
Tahsina Khatun, Paraprofessional
Chihhui Zhou (Pauline), Paraprofessional
Pricilla Romanov-Arana, Paraprofessional
Hsiao Tang, Social Worker
Weinian Luo, School Psychologist
Jamie Yu, Family Worker
Mari Karr Sabellina, Physical Therapist
Tina Yeung, Speech Therapist
Michaela Aymong, Speech Therapist

O. Meetings with Teachers and Staff

Each year we welcome families into school to meet with teachers and staff regularly. Unfortunately, this
year we will not be able to accommodate meetings in school on a regular basis. Teachers will have parent
engagement time scheduled daily from 2:40 – 3:20 and other arranged times in some cases. This time
should be primarily used for Google Meets and phone calls with your child’s teacher or school staff rather
than in person meetings to enable social distancing and ensure health and safety. Please feel free to contact
your child’s teacher directly via email or call the main office number (718-445-5730) and leave a message
for a staff member. Please note that TALES staff members will likely be working with children so their
availability during the school day is limited. You can also email the school at any


P. Absences
Students are expected to maintain 95% attendance throughout the school year. Please alert the school if
your child will be absent by calling the following phone number: 718-445-5730. Please make sure to
identify yourself, your child, the class your child is in, the reason for absence and his/her birth date.

In the event that your child is absent 3 consecutive days or more, the school will require written
documentation concerning the absences.

The school shall call you to verify any information regarding absences, as well as discuss the
circumstances around your child’s absence. Students and their families are responsible for making up all
missed assignments while absent.

Q. Cellular Phones, Electronic Devices, & Toys

The use of cellular phones, electronic devices, and/or toys by students is prohibited at TALES. Cell phones
or other electronic devices that are on and/or being used will be confiscated. Call the main office to
schedule an appointment to retrieve confiscated items. The use of toys by students is prohibited at TALES.
The Department of Education has decided to reverse the city-wide ban on cell phones and other electronic
devices such as laptops, iPads, MP3 players and video games in schools as of March 2nd, 2015. If a
student’s device is broken, misplaced or lost, TALES is NOT responsible for finding or replacing the

TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022
device. We HIGHLY recommend that all such devices be kept home at all times as to avoid them getting
lost or broken. It is the policy of TALES at this point forward that all such items as mentioned above may
NOT be used inside the school at any time including during after-school programs. Students bringing such
items to school must keep them turned off and stored in their backpacks.

R. Copies of Student Records and Face to Face Letters

Student records will be copied with 72 hours advance notice on business days. Face to face letters, and any
other requested documentation, will be printed within 3 business days.

S. Discipline

TALES follows the New York City Department of Education Discipline Code. Please ensure that you have
a copy of the NYC Discipline Code and have reviewed it.

T. Dress Code/Uniforms
Please refer to the NYC Department of Education regulations regarding student dress code. The school will
make available for purchase school spirit wear which may be worn to school as parents wish. Sneakers
should be worn on a daily basis as students have recess and physical activity daily.

U. School-Home Communication
We are trying to convert as many communications as possible to be electronic. However, to start the year,
students in blended learning will receive a blue communication folder. This folder will be used to send
homework, periodic reports, and other notices home to families. It should be checked on a daily basis by
an adult caregiver. All forms requiring caregiver signatures should be returned to school within 2 days.
Blue folders are purchased by school and the school would like to reuse them. Please help your children keep
them clean and reusable. Families that decided for their child to go fully remote will get communications via
email. We also will work to have as much communication with families as possible through monthly Google

V. Field Trips
To start the year, there will be no trips. In order to be able to attend trips, students must be able to follow
the directions of all adults who work at TALES at all times, as any one of the adults may be responsible for
their safety. If we feel that your child poses a safety concern due to difficulties in following adult directions,
he/she will not be permitted to attend trips (the option of an adult family member attending with the child
may be discussed).

TALES appreciates the assistance of our field trip volunteer chaperones. Social distancing and health and
safety protocols must be followed if walking trips do occur. For the safety and well-being of our students,
we request that all chaperones follow the required guidelines listed below:

1. Social distancing must still occur. Any volunteers must maintain the TALES expectations for
social distancing throughout the trip.

2. Chaperones must stay with their assigned students at all times. Students are to be escorted to
the restrooms by the chaperones or a TALES staff member. Students are not to be sent to the
restroom alone. Please wait for students directly outside the bathroom. (If you need to use the
bathroom, please have another chaperone or a TALES staff member watch your group of

TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022

3. Cell phone use is prohibited, unless it is to contact the school, another Chaperone, or TALES
staff member.

4. For the safety of all students, it is important that pictures are not taken of children during school
trips and posted online including social media/youtube etc.

5. Chaperones are asked to follow the teacher’s directions throughout the trip.

6. Chaperones should refrain from giving money to students, including their own child, during the

7. Chaperones should refrain from purchasing snacks, gifts, etc., for students, including their
own child, during the trip.

8. Chaperones are prohibited from going into the bathroom stalls with students while
accompanying them to restrooms. Please wait outside the stall for the students to finish using
the restroom.

9. Smoking is strictly prohibited during the entire trip.

10. Alcohol consumption or substance use of any kind is strictly prohibited before and during the
field trip.

11. Only children enrolled in the class or activity may go. Under no circumstances may guests or
siblings attend a field trip unless the trip is announced as a special family event and other
siblings are specifically invited. Many of our field trip destination institutions, especially
commercial businesses, will not allow smaller children to accompany the field trip. Please do
not make arrangements for someone else to meet you at the field trip or event site with
siblings. The chaperone needs to pay their undivided attention to the group assigned at all
times. The chaperones will be asked to sign the chaperone guidelines sheet stating they
understand the guidelines prior to each trip.

12. In order to chaperone your child’s trip, you must be at the school before the scheduled leave
time. You cannot meet the class at the trip site. You must also accompany the class back to the
school before leaving the group.

13. Adherence to the TALES Chaperone Guidelines ensures that each child will have a safe and
memorable day. Chaperones who are unable to attend the field trip due to a change of plans
should notify the teacher as soon as possible.

W. Birthday Parties
Birthdays at TALES are celebrated regularly as the classroom teacher sees fit. Cakes, cookies, candy or
other snacks will not be accepted by the classroom teacher to celebrate a child’s birthday. Birthday parties
are also not done in school. If you wish to give something to the class to celebrate your child’s birthday
such as pretzels or fruit for a class snack on that day, you may speak to their teacher (applicable only to Pre
K and kindergarten).


TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022

X. Grading
Grades K-3
There will be an end of unit assessment in each unit of study in every subject area in blended learning.
Assessments will be graded on a level 1- 4, meaning 1-beginning (beginning to meet standard), 2-
developing (approaching standard), 3-consistent (meeting standard) and 4-exceeding (exceeding standard).
Parents may ask to see assignments at report card conferences or by appointment.

Students working remotely will be assessed based on their daily attendance, participation, work submitted
and other applicable methods. Feedback will be given to students to then revise and improve their work
with teacher support. TALES will be creating additional assessment methods to develop more
understanding of the strengths and areas of need for our students during remote learning.

Y. Homework (Grades K-3)

Homework at TALES is designed to reinforce learning in the classroom and provides teachers with an
opportunity to assess students’ independent mastery of material that has been previously taught. It can also
provide students with an opportunity to preview material that will be addressed in class in order to help
them build background knowledge prior to learning. We do not give a lot of homework at TALES,
especially in the younger grades. We don’t believe in worksheets as a method for homework and we
encourage more experiences after school and reading with students as much as possible.

If you know your child will be out due to illness or another reason, you may request a homework packet
early but the teacher may or may not be able to complete it for you.

Z. Report Cards and Parent/Teacher Conferences

Report cards are issued three times each year, at the end of each term. Report cards are designed to provide
parents and guardians with a detailed picture of their child’s progress in all areas taught as well as their
progress toward TALES’ Core Values.

Individual Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for each student at the end of Terms 1 and 2. In Term
3, conferences are scheduled for parents of students who have been identified as holdovers or are in danger
of being held over. Report cards are distributed and discussed at these conferences and parents/guardians
have an opportunity to see and discuss student work. Please refer to the above calendar for dates of report
card conferences.

For the 21-22 school year, we expect all report cards to be distributed via NYCSchool accounts. TALES
staff will help you to access the report card when the marking period ends in November.

AA. Promotion Criteria for Grades K thru 3

In accordance with A-501, schools establish promotion benchmarks, or academic standards, which
students must meet in order to advance to the next grade level at the end of the school year.
Throughout the year, teachers and principals regularly review students’ academic performance and
identify students who, even with additional support and interventions, may be at risk of not
meeting the promotion benchmarks for their grade level. Each student’s academic progress is
assessed holistically, using multiple measures, such as NYSED test scores, course grades, writing
samples, projects, assignments, and other performance-based student work. While NYSED test
scores may be considered, they may not be the determining factor in assessing a student’s

TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022
readiness for the next grade.

Students are held to different promotion benchmarks based on their grade levels and, if applicable,
their English language learner (ELL) status and/or the criteria specified on their Individualized
Education Programs (IEPs).

The Principal makes final decisions on all promotions and retentions, and can, in specific situations make
exceptions to the protocol below if he deems fit.

Grades K-3
● Promotion for students in grades Kindergarten thru 2nd Grade will be based on meeting two out of
three of the following criteria:
a. Maintains 90% or higher attendance (please note, this is the minimum criteria for promotion
purpos es, the school expects a minimum 95% attendance rate. Please also note that attendance by
itself cannot determine promotion)
b. Meets TALES’ curriculum grade level standards as determined by class work.
c. Meets social development standards as determined by Periodic Report scores and teacher
● Follows classroom and school rules appropriately.
● Makes age appropriate decisions.
● Forms age appropriate relationships.

● Promotion for students in grade 3
a. Empowering Educators – Based on a review of student work from the year, teachers and
principals will identify the students they believe may be at risk of not being able to succeed
in the next grade, even with support. State test results for the lowest-performing students
will continue to be shared with schools in June. Schools may use this information as one of
multiple pieces of evidence to assess student readiness for the next grade level, but they may
not use it as the primary or major factor in those decisions.
b. Authentic Student Work – Teachers will complete promotion portfolios for
students identified for possible retention. The guidance provided to schools about this
process will be revised so that student promotion portfolios align to the Common
Core, represent real classroom learning, and incorporate student work already
completed throughout the school year.
c. Consistent, Rigorous Standards – The reviews of student portfolios in schools across the city
will be judged against clear, consistent, criteria aligned to the Common Core.
Superintendents will oversee this process for their schools.

AB. Class Placement Procedures

In June every year, administrators and teachers meet by grade level to discuss class assignments for
the following school year. Much time and thought is put into our placement process. We carefully
consider all factors that affect the educational development of each individual child. Parents are
asked not to request the specific assignment of children to specific teachers. We ask that parents
trust the professional judgment about appropriate placement of students. Situations sometimes arise
in which initial class assignments made in June are modified prior to the start of the school year (or
once the school year commences) in order to balance out class numbers or for other reasons. These
class changes are at the discretion of administrators and are final.


TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022

AC. Illness and Medication

Students who are not feeling well can notify their teacher and may be sent to the nurse if they appear ill. If
they are seriously ill, parents/guardians will be called to pick the child up from school. Emergency contacts
will be called if a parent/guardian cannot be reached. Students will only be released to adults who are
listed on the emergency contact card. In case no adult can be reached, the school may make the decision
to seek medical care for your child. A child may not come to school if they have an illness that may be

COVID/Quarantine: Significant additional procedures have been put in place for the 2021-22 school
year as a continuation from last year. A student feeling ill will be escorted to the nurses office by a staff
member wearing Personal Protective Equipment. The nurse will evaluate the child's symptoms and
determine whether they could be COVID related. If the nurse decides they could be COVID related, the
family will be called to pick up the child and it will be highly recommended that they are then tested for

Students are not allowed to have medication with them at school. If a student has a prescription or other
medication that needs to be administered during the day, parents/guardians need to inform the school and an
adult from your family (who is listed on the emergency contact card) must come to school and administer
the medication. Unless the proper medical forms (504 form) have been submitted, no staff member may
administer medication to a child.

AD. Lost and Found

Typically, a Lost and Found bin is kept between the double doors for any materials that children lose and
are found in the school building and items that are not claimed for 30 days will be donated to the
organization as a fundraiser. In 2021-22, items will not be kept in the bin for an extended
amount of time.

Please label your child’s clothing. It is very important that you put your child’s name and class on all
clothing (including masks) and other items so they can be returned whenever possible. If your child has lost
an article or clothing at school, come to check for it the same day or the next day at the latest.

AE. School Breakfast and Lunch

It is important to know that all meals served at TALES are vegetarian. All students receive free school
breakfast and lunch through the School Food and it will be served in the classroom daily until further notice.
While meals are free, all parents, regardless of income, must still complete the Income Inquiry form so that
our schools get access to federal funding for this program and others. Please complete the form online at We will also send a copy of the form home or you can
get it at your school’s main office.

AF. School Closings and Delays

TALES will follow all New York City Department of Education decisions on school closings and delays.
Please monitor local media outlets for school closings/delays information. In addition to providing you
with TALES’ yearly school calendar, reminders will be sent home when upcoming off-days for students are
nearing. The schools website ( will be updated whenever possible to relay critical
information. As well, you may check the NYCDOE website at

It is important to know that snow days and also election day will be remote instruction for the 21-22 school

TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022

AG. Special Education

The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) requires appropriate services to be administered in the least
restrictive environment. Students with IEPs are included in the classroom to the fullest extent possible and
teachers are obligated to make accommodations and modifications to meet the needs of the child.
Additionally, students with 504 Accommodation Plans which detail specific accommodations for the
regular education classroom are included in this process.
The responsibilities of teachers in this regard are:

● To be aware of which students have IEPs or 504 plans

● To be familiar with the accommodations listed in IEPs and 504 plans
● To provide the appropriate modifications and accommodations
● Attend and be an active participant in IEP meetings

Students can only be referred for special education testing after staff have attempted to provide intensive
differentiated instruction within the regular education program. Because staff can individualize instruction
for students, TALES has a design that helps meet all student needs, including struggling learners.

The NYC Department of Education has revised the special education policy for all schools. Students with
IEPs will be scheduled to have increased exposure to general education classrooms on a daily basis. For
more information, please speak to the parent coordinator or make an appointment to speak with the

AH. Visitors
In a normal school year: All families are welcome to visit TALES, with valid photo identification. In our
school it is of course our foremost responsibility to make sure that all of our students and staff are safe at all
times. All visitors will be asked for proof of identification as they enter the building by the security agent,
proper identification needs to be presented in order to gain entry. A major part of this is to make sure that we
are aware of all visitors that are in the building at any given time. Therefore, any visitor in the building will
be asked to wear a visitor’s badge to indicate that they have been granted access to the building and which
floor they are going to. This badge may be obtained at the security agent’s desk.

While identification continues to be important during the 2021-22 school year for building entry, entry
to the building will be significantly restricted to maintain health and safety. All meetings should be
held via Google Meet whenever possible.


AI. Parent Involvement Policy

The Active Learning Elementary School, PS244Q, believes that all parents and families want the best for
their children and strongly supports research showing that children do best when parents are enabled to play
four key roles in their children’s learning:
1) Teachers - Helping children at home
2) Supporters - Contributing their skills to the school
3) Advocates - Helping children receive fair treatment
4) Decision-makers - Participating in joint problem-solving with the school and at home in
helping children make good decisions.


TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022
TALES recognizes parents/guardians are full partners with teachers, administrators, and the whole school
community to achieve the best possible learning experience for each child. A strong program of
communication between home and school must be encouraged, continually evaluated and maintained so the
school and community are connected in meaningful and productive ways.
To truly be an effective advocate for your child’s progress in school, it is important to always check on
homework, attend school workshops, attend parent teacher conferences, always ask questions, and be on time
for drop off and pick up daily. If you feel as though you need more information in any particular area, always
feel free to ask. Parents can make an appointment to meet with teachers online using Google Meet between
2:40pm and 3:20pm each Tuesday during parent engagement time to discuss students’ progress.

AJ. School Leadership Team (SLT)

School Leadership Teams (SLT’s) are school-based organizations composed of an equal number of parents
and staff. They meet at least once a month, and determine the structure for school-based planning and shared
decision-making. The core responsibility of each SLT is to develop the school’s Comprehensive Educational
Plan (CEP) that is aligned with the school-based budget. SLTs are strongly encouraged to solicit input from
various school community constituencies in order to ensure that all voices are heard regarding the needs of
students. Functioning in a collaborative manner, SLTs also help to evaluate the effectiveness of the school’s
educational programs and their impact on student achievement. It is very important that all SLT members
attend all the scheduled SLT meetings. Please discuss any hardships in attending the meeting at the time of
appointment into SLT. School Leadership members can be removed after two consecutive absences as listed
in the SLT bylaws.

AK. Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

TALES has formed a Parent-Teacher Association (“PTA”). The PTA has three major purposes: 1) To be a
link between the school leader and the TALES parent and teacher community, 2) To receive and
communicate issues of concern or importance to the TALES community and 3) To further the mission of
The Active Learning Elementary School. For the 2021-22 school year, we are always looking to increase
the involvement of the PTA in daily activities within the school including but not limited to organizing
regular after school and before school events, fundraisers, parent workshops, trips, English language
classes, celebrations and more.

The PTA is made up of parents who are elected by the parents and staff members. They meet once a month,
at a time decided by the PTA. The PTA also gathers and communicates information about what is
happening in the school, including parent programs, past and upcoming school activities and events, and
other items of importance to the TALES community. Normally, elections for the PTA occur at the end of
each school year. For the 2020-21 school year, we will need to have an election as soon as possible. If you
are interested, please speak with the parent coordinator about roles and responsibilities. Please be aware if
you do become a PTA board member, it will be important to attend and contribute to discussions and events

AL. Parent Advisory Council (PAC):

Title 1 Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is a consultative body that is formed to involve and engage
all Title 1 parents of our school in the Title 1 program. The Tile 1 PAC will participate with the
School Leadership Team in joint review, planning and improvement of the school’s Title 1
program, as well as the development, revision and review of the parent and family engagement
policy. The Title 1 Parent Advisory Council (PAC) will have parents of students in various grades,
as well as parents of English language learners and students with IEPs.

TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022

School Wellness Policy

Our students’ wellness is very important. Studies have shown that healthy students do better at
school, take fewer sick days, and enjoy their time at school more. As you may or may not know,
As of January 2013, P.S. 244 is the first public school in the United States to offer completely
vegetarian breakfast and lunch menus. These menus are in place because we believe they
contain what is currently the healthiest options available for your children. Although meat will not
be served in the cafeteria, you are more than welcome to send your child to school with meat
items. If you have any questions, please schedule a meeting with the principal.
The following are guidelines to aid in your child’s overall wellness. As with any advice, always
check with your health care provider before beginning a new program.

AM. Healthy foods

It is recommended that students eat a well-rounded diet including, but not limited to, a variety of
vegetables, fruit, and legumes. It is also important to stay hydrated by drinking water throughout
the day.

There is a school wide ban on junk food in place in the school. Soda, juice that is not 100%
real fruit juice, potato chips, cookies, and candy are not allowed on school premises at any
time. These junk foods have no nutritional value and therefore, are only detrimental to our
children’s health.

AN. Exercise
The US Department of Health and Human Services recommends that children get at least 60
minutes of daily exercise. Meeting the 60-minute threshold will help a person maintain a healthy
weight and reap health benefits like lowering the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, and
hypertension, according to the guidelines.
There are plenty of playgrounds available around our neighborhood. An hour of playtime at the
playground is plenty of exercise. You may also go on long family walks, organize spontaneous
running races as you walk home from school, or enroll your student in an afterschool sports
activity (like martial arts or soccer).

AO. Sleep
It is generally recommended that kids get 10-11 hours of sleep a night. This means an 8pm
bedtime for a 7am wakeup time!

Sleep deprivation can have severely detrimental effects. Short sleep duration is linked with:

● Increase in body mass index – a greater likelihood of obesity due to an increased

appetite caused by sleep deprivation
● Increased risk of diabetes and heart problems
● Increased risk for psychiatric conditions including depression and substance abuse
● Decreased ability to pay attention, react to signals or remember new information

TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022
For the wellbeing of your kids, please ensure that they get plenty of sleep.

AP. Smoke-free Environment

Smoking is not allowed, under any circumstances, in or around the school building at any time. It
is highly recommended that you do not expose your children to any kind of smoke. Children
should not be near adults smoking at any time. Also, keep in mind that toxic chemicals remain on
your clothing after smoking, now referred to as third-hand smoke. These particles pose a serious
risk to children who inhale them.
If you wish to get help for a smoking problem, please call the Queens Hospital Center at (718)

AQ. Screen time

As mentioned previously in the handbook, we know that screen time is inevitable during our
current situation with COVID. At the same time, we ask you to closely monitor additional screen
time that your child may have. Studies show screen time negatively impacts children’s sleep,
escalates psychological difficulties including hyperactivity, and increases emotional and
behavioral issues including difficulty interacting with peers. Screen time is also identified as a
factor in childhood obesity. Screen time can be habit-forming, the more time children engage with
screens, the harder time they have turning them off as they get older.
We have observed extended screen time is linked to irregular sleep patterns and tiredness in
students. We have also observed behavioral concerns among students that have been on their
gaming systems, iPads or phones for extended periods of time. As a result, we HIGHLY
RECOMMEND that your child spends no more than 30 minutes a day on an iPad or phone
beyond their school work during remote learning and that you limit their TV time each day as well.
If TALES feel that screen time may be negatively affecting your child, they will set up time to
discuss ways to keep children engaged at home and give resources to families. After the initial
meeting if families do not adopt the screen free activity plan and if kids continue to use electronic
devices in a manner that the usage impacts the students’ academic and social behavior at school,
the family will be asked to come in for another meeting with the principal to discuss further

Policies and Guidelines 2020-2021

AR. TALES Racial Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Respect Policy:

TALES is a Racially and culturally inclusive school and supports the achievement of all students.
TALES welcomes all the cultures, ethnic backgrounds and languages students bring to school and
nurtures them and utilizes them to promote student achievement.


TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022
We expect all the students, staff and families to adhere to our school policy of tolerance,
acceptance and learning from the diversity and culture that we have in our building.
As a school, we have spent significant amounts of time with staff, students and families in
discussing issues revolving around race and equity. We will be continuing that work this year and
encourage family members to ask about ways to get involved in this area. The recent events across
the country, further illustrate the need for us as adults to talk about race and have these discussions
with our students as well. It is important to know that students even at very young ages are
effected by the world around them and begin to develop their own racial identity early and begin to
recognize biases in the world and in the media even before they are of school age. While they may
not be able to express that thinking, they begin to draw conclusions on their own and it is
important to talk about this with children.

AS. Social Media Guidelines for Families:

For the privacy and protection of our students, students’ pictures taken during the school day
activities, field trips and school events are not to be posted on social media (Facebook,
WeChat, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc). This applies to any picture that has any child other than
your own child. The same guidelines apply to any posts by our school staff and teachers;
posts created by our school staff and teachers cannot be reposted on social media.

AT. Guidelines for Outdoor Play in Cold Weather:

Children benefit from vigorous exercise and should be given the opportunity to play outside
whenever possible. Unless there is ice on the playground making safety a problem, low
temperatures should not be a barrier to outside play, as long as children are appropriately dressed.
The Health Department strongly encourages schools to maintain outdoor play periods on the vast
majority of winter days.
With the health and nutrition focus of our school we are certainly a supporter of this policy. Please
ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for all weather (including freezing temperatures) with
hats, scarves, gloves and a warm coat as they will be participating in outdoor recess on a majority of
days. (Please help your child keep track of his/her winter accessories. Hats and scarves go in the
sleeve of their coat and gloves/mittens in the pocket of their coat, when not in use.)
If your child has a medical excuse to stay indoors, a medical note is necessary. No child will be kept
inside without a doctor’s note.

AU. Safe Driver’s Policy for Parents and Guardians of PS 244Q:

Parents should drop off their children at school in a safe manner by following traffic laws and not
double park and let children out of the car in the middle of the street. Parents should not pass a school
bus with the stop sign out, and not leave cars unattended in a NO STANDING zone. PLEASE make
sure to bring your child into the building and make sure a staff member receives them and not let
them walk from your car to the building alone.

AV. Guidelines for Riding School Bus:


TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022
To ensure the safety of everyone on the school bus, it is necessary that all the students who ride the
bus be aware of and understand the need for proper behavior on the bus at all times. Transportation
to and from school on the school bus is a privilege, and that privilege comes with responsibilities. It
is the responsibility of the students on the bus to behave in a manner that will allow the driver’s
attention to be focused on the road and the traffic for the safety of everyone. The driver has a huge
responsibility for the safety of all the students while the bus is moving. We, school staff and parents,
have the responsibility to keep students aware of their responsibility and to remind them of the
consequences if they fail to follow safety procedures and guidelines for riding the school bus. With
that in mind please note the following rules for behavior and discuss them with your children.
1. Students must keep their mask on the entire time and keep socially distant from other
2. Stand well back from the curb or stopping point when the bus arrives. Wait until the bus comes
to a full stop before approaching the bus. When standing outside the bus, keep safe distance
from the bus.
3. Listen to the bus driver and follow directions.
4. All children must be seated and stay seated on the bus at all times. Children are never permitted
to stand or walk around on the bus while the bus is in motion.
5. Seat belts must remain fastened until the bus comes to a complete stop.
6. Never lean out of the window. Keep heads, hands and arms inside the bus at all times.
7. Have a book to read or engage in a quiet activity. Speak quietly on the bus. No fighting, arguing,
pulling, pushing, shoving, shouting, screaming, teasing etc.……
8. Keep your belongings on your lap.
9. Enter and exit the bus one child at a time, and use handrail for assistance.
10. If you drop something outside or forget something you left on the bus, do not try to retrieve
it. Wait until the bus leaves or the next time you are on the bus.
11. Do not eat or drink on the bus. Do not mark, litter or damage the vehicle.
12. Parents are never permitted to board the school bus for any reason. This is against the
regulations of the Office of Pupil Transportation of the New York City Department of

AW. New York City Department of Education Regulations

As a New York City Public School located within District 25 of the City of New York, The Active
Learning Elementary School, PS244Q, adheres to the Chancellor’s Regulations as published by the
New York City Department of Education.



TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022

The Active Learning

Elementary School




TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022


A. TALES 的使命
The Active Learning Elementary School (TALES) 的使命, 學校的年級設置從 PK 至 3 年級,TALES
員和社會團體的合作關係保障我們的學生在此獲得成功。TALES 將致力於通過滿足學生的學業和身

B. TALES 的愿望和憧憬
The Active Learning Elementary School (TALES) 的愿望和憧憬,作為設置為 PK 至 3 年級的學校,我

C. TALES 的價值核心觀
核心價值觀是 TALES 日常生活和課堂以外生活的指南。核心價值觀本身和用於定義它們的術語應該

種族平等 - TALES 社團成員利用種族平等的視角為所有人營造一個公平的學習環境。我們重視並學

健康/營養 - TALES 社區成員意識到隨著我們的成長,我們的身體健康對於實現和发挥我們的最大

尊重-TALES 的社團成員一定要以他們自己所希望被對待的友好善良態度去對待他人。我們一定要
重視其他人的信念和理想,即使我們不一定同意他們的觀點。TALES 的成員應始終保持並顯示友好

領導力-TALES 的社團成員將嘗試即使在困難的情況下做出什麼是正確的選擇。我們將以身作則以

承諾-TALES 社團區成員理解並明白這是一項艱難的工作,聽取我們周圍其他人的意見,很重要的


TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022

D. Important Contact Information

TALES 綜合辦公室 718-445-5730
TALES 傳真 718-445-5856
TALES 郵箱地址
Google 留言信箱電話 971-426-4254

E. 到達學校
在 2021-22 學年期間,我們將繼續遵守社會疏離準則,確保人與人之間保持規定的社交距離是非常
和間隔的標誌,以確保遵循社會保持距離的規定。學生上學的時間是早上 8:20 –下午 2:40,這與去

Pre-K 的家庭將在前門附近排隊,並與他們的孩子一起通過前門進入教室,保持社交距離。在學校

Colden street 一側的側門入口,並高度關注地面上的社會隔離標誌,請帶孩子通過兩個側門進入後


上學的孩子都沒有接觸過 COVID-19,並且身體健康地來到學校。請點擊此鏈接,用以每天早晨為


重要的是,如果您的孩子出現任何與 COVID-19 病症相關的症狀或任何的疾病和不適,請將他們留


TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022

F. 放學
Pre-K 的家庭,您將在前門排隊,並被允許進入教學樓在教室門口接孩子,請注意並記住在此過程
中保持社交距離。請參閱第 1 天的歡迎電子郵件,了解每個年級的具體指導。

其他所有家庭,請保持與您早上到達學校時一致,通過教學樓 Colden street 一側的側門進入後操場


• 如果下雨或下雪,我們將需要盡可能加快到達和放學的速度。在整個秋季和冬季早上到達學


● Kindergarten 至 3 年級學生的家長/監護人必須在指定的放學區域等候,或安排成人(該人必
● Pre-K 班級放學時間將從下午 2:35 開始。家長可以直接在班級教室外接孩子。請確保您到學校
接孩子不遲於下午 2:40。此放學政策將一直有效直至另行通知。家長應提前至少 5 分鐘到達
● 如果您同時有在 Pre-K、Kindergarten 和一年級至三年級的孩子,請先接小的孩子,然後再接
● 不得將學生帶到學校外的汽車或任何其他在校外等待放學的私人車輛並滯留在學校前門。家

請注意:學生如果需要提前被接回,到校接學生的成年人(必須年滿 18 歲)信息必須填寫在緊急


則 TALES 必須收到該學生家長的書面通知,其中包括課後輔導班的名稱、電話號碼和來校接學生

TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022
清單上所列人員以外的其他人員。進入 TALES 時,所有訪客均應攜帶有效的身份證件。

如果您知道您講遲到來接孩子,請致電辦公室 718-445-5730 通知我們。

G. 每天在學校學習和遠程學習時間表
早上 8:20 –下午 2:40
● PRE-K 班級學生的早餐將於早上 8:40 在他們的教室內開始就餐。請家長確保您的孩子每

● 加餐和午餐都將在教室內提供。

● 學生的穿著要依據天氣條件的情況,穿著適應室外氣候的服裝。每一天學生們都將會體驗

● 放學將從下午 1:55 開始。家長可以直接到班級教室門前接孩子。請確保您不遲於下午 2:00


Kindergarten 至三年級
每一天早上 8:20 –下午 2:40
• 所有學生進入學校教學樓後,都可以獲取“ Grab and Go”早餐。
• 對於遲到的學生,家長可以將孩子送到學校的正門,必須將他們交給學校教職員工。除特殊
● 從十月開始,學校將為學生提供零食,作為健康果蔬計劃的一部分。您可能要包裝給孩子的
● 兒童應適當穿著外面的天氣條件,孩子們將體驗到每天的戶外遊戲時間。請參考我們的在寒
● 我們可能會選擇一部分學生參加課後延長課程,我們預計這項計畫將從 11 月底開始。如果您
的孩子被選中,您將收到通知。本課程將通過 Google Meet 進行。

H. 在線家庭論壇:TALES 致力於繼續有效的做法,該做法在 2021-22 學年每月至少舉行一次家庭

享。我們鼓勵 PTA 也以這種方式召開會議家長會議。

I. 在學校使用口罩


TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022

J. 2021-22 年的室外空間利用
在 TALES,我們一直認為戶外遊戲對學生的發展很重要。健康和安全永遠是我們的首要考慮因素,
機會,讓學生在 2021-22 學年期間在戶外學習和玩耍。

K. 2021-22 學年學校教學樓的衛生管理
● 衛生管理人員每一天都將在學生離開後進行消毒。他們還將全天擦拭扶手、門把手和其他把
● 所有學校員工都將投入最佳的狀態以持續保持最佳的衛生方法。教室中的物品將定期消毒,

L. 對所有學生共同的期待
TALES 的所有學生都應該做到:
● 提前做好每一節教學課程的准备(即準備好合适的用具–紙張、笔、記事本等)
● 當得到無論是任何一位教職人員給予指示後應按照所示立即執行。
● 當於他人交談時應展現負有責任的交談態度和行為舉止:
o 保持身体平靜保持站姿
o 與人交談時要注視對方
o 積極參與班級討論,就所討論的問題做出詢問和回答並與他人分享各自主張和建
● 尊重所有社團成員和所有造訪學校的人員。
● 不嚼口香糖、不吃糖果和除了水和 100%纯果汁以外不喝其他任何饮料。否則 TALES 的
● 不能攜带手機电话、电子游戏或音乐播放設備到學校 。否則 TALES 的教職人員將予以没
● 在校園內使用適當的語言。
● 日常在行走經過學校範圍內時注意確保自身安全並愛護公物。
● 遵守所有活动安排並準時到達。

G. The Active Learning Elementary School 社團協議合約

希望教職人員、家長和學生能夠通過這份協議,詳細了解每一部分的詳細內容和相應的期望值並參照執行。在 TALES 下面所包
含的內容都是“不能–協商”的。該協議將作用於學校評估、公開展示會/定向介紹會或根据需要進行 1 对 1 情况介紹時。请家
長與您孩子一起仔細閱讀本協議以及紐約市學生紀律守則,從而清晰明瞭的期望 TALES 的期望:

TALES 的基礎信念是擁有一個充滿關愛的氛圍,擁有嚴謹密集高質量的教學,擁有強大且全面的師資隊伍,擁有先進設備和資


TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022

TALES 的教職人員承諾:
! 為學生提供一個安全、培育的學習環境。
! 在最大的能力範圍內提高保持學生達到更高標準。
! 加強與家長之間的合作,互通學習及相關的信息和資源以幫助學生達到更高的水準。
! 絕不容忍不負責任的行為或缺乏努力的態度。
! 成長為教學領域的專家,應用最好的實踐指導教學。
! 定期評估學生的基本學業水準,與學生和家長一起努力以確定提供最佳的個別化教學指導。
! 以直率且禮貌的良好修養與 TALES 社團會所有成員溝通交流。
! 尊重和愛護學校的財產和環境。
! 讓自己的行為舉止與 TALES 的核心價值觀目標保持一直。
! 明白理解批評指正的反饋信息是督促專業技能成長提高的的重要組成部分。
通過簽署此聲明,我同意並贊成綜上所述對 TALES 的家長和學生的承諾。


作為 TALES 學生的家長/照顧學生的成人,我承諾:
! 我將與 TALES 的教職人員合作,支持幫助我的孩子使他們的學業進步和發展。
! 保持經常與學校交流聯絡,其中包括返回發送回家的所有學業進展報告和其它需要家長簽署按期交回學校的文件。
! 參加學校所有有必要出席的會議。
! 支持 TALES 關於學生行為舉止的守則規定,其效應的回饋抑或是嘉獎或承擔後果。努力與 TALES 的教職人員協同合作,
! 絕不容忍關閉任務的行為或缺乏努力。
! 確保我的孩子每一天準時到達學校,保持在出勤率不低於 95%。
! 每天晚上檢查孩子的家庭作業,以確保我孩子認真、整齊、完整地完成了他們的家庭作業。
! 規劃時間,讓我的孩子在每一天下課之後都能得到適當的照顧。
! 當學校有要求時及時到達學校。
! 以直率且禮貌的良好修養與 TALES 社團會所有成員溝通交流。
! 讓自己的行為舉止與 TALES 的核心價值觀目標保持一直。
通過簽署此聲明,我同意並贊成綜上所述對 TALES 的教職人員和學生的承諾。


作為 TALES 的學生,我承諾:
! 積極參與課堂教學並認真聽講。
! 每天準時到達學校。
! 認真專心地完成所有的課堂功課和家庭作業。
! 尊重其它族裔學生的身體和感受。
! 學習任務和成效都需付出最大的努力。
! 在可能獲取豐厚成果的條件下爭取機會獲得優勢。
! 按照學校的各項規章制度。
! 按照學校的各項規章制度。
! 穿著印有 TALES 學校標識的服裝(適當的時候)。
! 讓自己的行為舉止與 TALES 的核心價值觀目標保持一直。
! 保證每一天完整地完成我所有的課堂昨夜和家庭作業。


TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022
! 努力嘗試我能夠做到的一切。
通過簽署此聲明,我同意並贊成綜上所述對 TALES 的教職人員和我的家長和我自己的承諾。



N. TALES Organization Sheet 2020-2021

Bob Groff, Principal
Nifemi Ogunsuyi, Assistant Principal
Evelyn Moya, School Secretary
Lisa Conte, School Secretary
Lalita Kovvuri, Parent Coordinator
Anran Wang, Supervising School Aide
Tracy Fung-Lo, School Aide
Edyta Maciejewski,School Aide
Caroline Japutra, School Counselor
Judith St. Pierre, Social Worker
Maggie Stratigakos, 1st grade- Reading Recovery teacher
Rita Esposito - ENL teacher
Rebecca Kaizerman, Kindergarten ENL teacher, Science
Stephanie Graziano, First Grade ENL teacher, SS
Ye Wang, Second Grade ENL teacher, SS
Teresa Dubin, 3rd grade ENL teacher, SS and Science
Brian Renta, Language through Movement
Karen Hu, Kindergarten Play/ Inquiry teacher,
Esther Eng, K- 3 STEM teacher
Kimberly Ilardi, Language through Music
Ming Cheng - Bilingual Special Education Teacher
Rachel Nicholson, SETTS Teacher
Julie Dai-Chu, Special Education Teacher, K/1st Grade
Meaghan Reilly, Special Education Teacher 2nd/3rd Grade
Anna Oliveri, Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
Andy Yung, Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
Charlene Rivera, Kindergarten Teacher
Fanny Roman, Kindergarten Teacher
Mandy Lam, Kindergarten BIL Teacher
Kathy Koutsianas, Kindergarten Teacher
Kathie Yip, Kindergarten teacher
HaeRan Chun, First Grade Teacher
Shirley Liang, First Grade Teacher
Karen Nesser, First Grade Teacher
Lumi Cekovic, First Grade Teacher
Angela Valco, Second Grade Teacher

TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022
Karen Darrell, Second Grade Teacher
Dalia Dimian, Second Grade teacher
Yvonne Moss, Second Grade Teacher
Daniela Belanich, Third Grade Teacher
Meredith Mills, Third Grade Teacher
Jessica Pasternak, Third Grade Teacher
Helen Chin, Paraprofessional
Tahsina Khatun, Paraprofessional
Chihhui Zhou (Pauline), Paraprofessional
Pricilla Romanov-Arana, Paraprofessional
Hsiao Tang, Social Worker
Weinian Luo, School Psychologist
Jamie Yu, Family Worker
Mari Karr Sabellina, Physical Therapist
Tina Yeung, Speech Therapist
Michaela Aymong, Speech Therapist

O. 與教師和管理人員的會議
期在學校舉行會議。教師將每天的家長參與時間安排在下午 2:40–3:20,也可以安排在能夠使用的其
他時間。這段時間將基本採用 Google Meets 和與孩子的教師或學校工作人員進行電話交流,而不是
撥打辦公室電話(718-445-5730)並留言。請注意,TALES 的工作人員可能會與孩子一起工作,因
此在上課期間他們的工作時間有限。但您也可以隨時通過電子郵箱 發送電


P. 缺勤
學生全學年的出勤率應保證達到 95%。如果您的孩子缺勤請按照下面的電話號碼致電通知學校。電



Q. 手機,電子設備,玩具
在 TALES 禁止學生使用手機、電子設備和/或玩具。開著或使用手機以及其他電子設備將被沒收。
家長需要致電學校辦公室預約時間取回被沒收的設備。同樣在 TALES 禁止學生攜帶玩具到學校。3


TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022
月 2 日 2015 年教育部已決定取消了全市範圍內禁止手機和其他電子設備如筆記本電腦、ipad、MP3
播放器和視頻遊戲。但如果學生所攜帶的設備損壞、放錯地方或丟失,TALES 均不負責尋找或更換
壞。鑒於綜上所述,TALES 的這項政策執行將實施在正常學校日和課後班,所有上述提及的設備均

R. 復印學生的成績報告和在校證明信
如果家長需要復印學生的成績報告,需在 72 小時之前通知學校。學生在校證明信以及任何其它任
何所需文件打印,將需要 3 個工作日。

S. 紀律
TALES 將遵照紐約市教育局的紀律守則執行。請確保您持有紐約市紀律守則的副本,並已閱讀過。

T. 著裝/校服

U. 學校-家庭之間的交流聯絡
藍色的交流文件夾。家長應該每天檢查您孩子的文件夾。所有需要家長簽名的文件須在 2 天之內交
便可以重複使用。每星期二下午 2:40-3:20 是家長預約會晤教師的時間,家長可以要求預約教師討論
過每月的 Google Meets 與家人進行盡可能多的交流。

V. 外出實地考察學習
行,學生必須能夠始終遵循所有 TALES 的教職人員的指示,同時,任何成年人都可能對其安全負

TALES 感謝我們實地考察志願陪伴者的幫助。如果確定步行外出旅行,則必須遵守社交距離以及健

1. 保持社交距離仍然是必須執行的。任何志願陪伴者都必須在旅行中保持 TALES 對社交距離的

2. 陪同人員必須自始至終同指定的學生在一起。學生到洗手間必須有陪同人員或 TALES 的工作
你自己需要使用衛生間,可請其他的陪同人員或 TALES 工作人員臨時照看你的學生團體)。
3. 禁止使用手機。除非用於聯繫學校、其他陪同人員和 TALES 的工作人員。

TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022
4. 為了所有學生的安全,重點強調請家長不要將學校組織的外出旅行期間拍攝的兒童照片在網
上發布,包括社交媒體/ YouTube 和微信等。
5. 陪同人員須按班級教師的指示遵循時間的指導。
6. 陪同人員應避免在途中把錢給學生,包括他們自己的孩子。
7. 陪同人員在途中應避免為學生購買零食、禮品等,包括他們自己的孩子。
8. 外出陪護人員在陪同學生前往洗手間時,禁止陪同人員與學生一起進入廁所。請在外等候學
9. 陪同人員在外出參觀之前和過程中,嚴禁使用任何含有酒精的飲品和藥物。
10. 只有學校註冊的學生可以參加此類活動。學生的兄弟姐妹或親屬謝絕同行。除非該活動是為
11. 隨同學生外出的陪同人員,必須在預定離開學校時間之前到達學校,不可以在路途中與班級
12. 遵守 TALES 伴侶指南可確保每個孩子都有一個安全而難忘的一天。如陪同人員計劃變更而
13. 遵守 TALES 外出參觀實習陪同指南準則是確保每一個學生能夠擁有一個安全和值得紀念的

W. 生日慶祝
TALES 的生日慶祝是由班級教師在各自的班級中為學生舉辦適宜的慶祝活動。蛋糕,餅乾,糖果
(僅限 Pre K 和 kindergarten 年級的學生)。

X. 混合和遠程學習中的評分
K-3 年級
為 4 個等級,分別從 1 至 4。這意味著 1-為初始階段(開始進入標準的基礎階段),2-發展中
(接近基本的標準),3-相一致(達到並符合基本標準)和 4-超越(超過基本的標準要求)。家

遠程工作的學生將根據他們的日常出勤、參與教學的情況、通過 Google 課堂提交的功課以及其他

TALES 將創建其他評估方法,以進一步了解我們的學生在遠程學習期間的優勢和需求領域。

Y. 家庭作業(K 至三年級)
TALES 的家庭作業旨在加強課堂學習,並為教師提供機會來評估學生對以前教授過的材料的獨立掌
識。我們在 TALES 不會佈置很多家庭作業,尤其是在低年級。我們不相信作業紙是家庭作業的一

TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022

Z. 成績單及家長/教師會議
細的說明和圖示使他們了解學生們學習的進程以及他們在實現 TALES 核心價值觀的過程中的進步


去年六月,所有學生成績單均通過學生的 NYCSchool 帳戶發送了郵件。儘管我們目前不知道這種情

況是否會持續下去,但很有可能會持續。在 11 月結束時,TALES 工作人員將幫助您訪問您的帳戶

AA. 至三年級的晉級標準
根據 A-501,學校建立晉升基准或學術標準,學生必須達到這些標準才能在學年結束時升入下一年
如 NYSED 考試成績、課程成績、寫作樣本、項目、作業和其他基於表現的學生作業。雖然可以考
慮 NYSED 考試成績,但它們可能不是評估學生為下一年級做好準備的決定性因素。

根據學生的年級水平和(如果適用)他們的英語語言學習者 (ELL) 狀態和/或他們的個性化教育計

劃 (IEP) 中指定的標準,學生將遵守不同的晉升基準。


Kindergarten 至二年級的晉級標準將基於在下列的三項標準中有兩項達到合格:
a. 保持 90% 以上的出勤率(請注意,這是晉級的最低標準,學校期望的最低出勤率為
b. 通過課堂上的功課和家庭作業達到 TALES 總課程等級標準的要求。
c. 通過定期的學業報告成績和曾任教師的觀察記錄報告確定:
• 遵守教室和學校適合的規則。
• 做適合自己年齡的決定和判斷。
• 建立適合自己年齡的人際關係。

a. 賦權教育- 根據對學生該年度學習的檢查回顧,教師和校長將確定他們認為可能在
b. 真實的學生功課 -教師將確定為可能無法晉級的學生建立完成促進學業的文檔組


TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022
c. 一致且嚴謹的標準 - 對整個公立學校的學生界定晉級的評估將根據與共同核心一致

AB. 學生班級安排的規定
每年 6 月,管理人員和教師將按年級進行班級安排的會議,討論下一學年的學生班級安排。我們在
斷。有時會出現這樣的情況,即在學年開始之前(或學年開始時)重新修改 6 月份上一學年結束時

AC. 疾病和藥物

COVID /檢疫:2021-22 學年已實施了重要的附加程序。身穿個人防護用品的工作人員將把生病的

學生護送到護士辦公室。護士將評估孩子的症狀,並確定他們是否可能與 COVID 有關。如果護士
認為他們可能與 COVID 有關,則將孩子安置在護士辦公室的隔離室。我們會請一名家庭成員立即
到校接孩子,強烈建議您為孩子進行 COVID 測試。

子用藥。例外的情況是家長有向學校提交適當的醫療表格(504 表),在學校中沒有任何的工作人

AD. 失物招領
何物品都將暫時存放在此。如果這些物品在 30 天之內無人認領, 我們將會把所有物品捐獻給募捐
組織 。在 2021-22 年,丟失的物品將不會長時間存放在學校的存放箱中。


AE. 學校午餐
所有學生都可以通過 School Food 獲得免費的學校早餐和午餐。但是所有家長,無論收入多少,都

TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022在線填寫表格。我們還會將表格副本發送到您的家

AF. 學校關閉和推遲
TALES 將遵循紐約市教育局所有對學校關閉和延遲的決定。請監控當地媒體對於學校關閉/延遲的
播報信息。另外除了為您提供 TALES 的年度學校日曆之外,還會在即將臨近的放假日期之前發送
另外,您也可以進入 NYCDOE 的網站查詢。網址。

重要的是要了解下雪天和選舉日將是 21-22 學年的遠程教學日。

AG. 特殊教育
殘疾人法案(IDEA)的個人適當的需要服務,將在最少限制的環境中進行管理。IEP 學生的個別教
習環境和緩解改善限制和不便。同時,這項管理也包括在正常班級中享有 504 教育計劃的學生。

● 要知道哪一個是有 IEP 服務的學生或知道那個學生享有 504 服務計劃。

● 熟悉 IEP 和 504 計劃中列出的氛圍和環境
● 為需要的學生提供適當的不利因素的改善和營造環境氛圍。
● 出席 IEP 會議並成為積極參與者。

的強化指導教育。因為教職人員給予學生的是俱有個性化的指導教學,TALES 擁有的課程設計有

紐約市教育總署已為所有的學校修訂為了特殊教育的政策。接受 IEP 教育服務的學生每一天都將被


遠程學習期間的 IEP 會議:在遠程學習期間,我們必須保持 IEP 教學的原則,這一點很重要。這


AH. 訪客
在正常的學年中:歡迎學生所有的家人光臨 TALES,請攜帶有效身份證進入學校。在我們學校,我

在 2021-22 學年,對於進入學校教學樓的所有人員來說,身份識別仍然很重要,為了保障所有人的
健康和安全,將嚴格限制進入教學樓。所有會議應盡可能通過 Google Meet 舉行。


TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022


AI. 家長參與政策

The Active Learning Elementary School, PS244Q, 堅信所有的父母和家人都想要給予孩子最好的和最


1) 指導者 - 幫助孩子在家裡
2) 支持者 – 將自己的專業技能技巧帶到學校與他人分享
3) 捍衛者 - 幫助孩子獲得公平待遇
4) 決策者 - 參與學校關聯的各個層面的問題解決和在家中幫助孩子做出正確的決定。

TALES 認為家長/監護人是學校的合作夥伴,為了讓每一個孩子擁有最佳的學習經驗,您將是教

觉得您需要了解任何特定範疇的详细信息,您可以随時提出詢問。每星期二下午 2:40-3:20 是家長預

AJ. 學校領導團隊(SLT)

導團隊每月舉行一次例會,共同決策並確定學校基礎結構的規劃。SLT 的核心職責是制定學校的綜
合教育計劃(CEP)並使之與學校的基礎預算達到一致。 SLT 強烈建議徵求學校社團內各方人員的參
與加入,以確保能夠聽到所有關於學生需求的聲音。SLT 將以合作的運作方式幫助評估學校的教育
計劃及其對學生成績影響的有效性。所有 SLT 成員參加所有預定的 SLT 會議是非常重要的。請就
任的 SLT 成員討論參加會議的任何困難。學校領導團隊成員可以在 SLT 章程中列出連續兩次缺席
的成員將被解除 SLT 成員的資格。

AK. 家長教師協會 (PTA)

TALES 已經成立了家長教師協會(PTA)。PTA 的三個主要職責:1) 連接學校領導團隊和 TALES 家

長和教師團體之間的聯繫,2) 接受和傳達 TALES 所關心或重視的社會問題,3) 籌劃實施學校的各
項活動。在 2021-22 學年,我們仍將關注增加 PTA 參與學校日常活動的機率。這其中包括但並不僅

PTA 家長會執行委員會是由家長和學校教職人員選舉組成。每月召開一次會議,會議時間將由 PTA


TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022
決定。PTA 還工作還包含了積聚和傳播有關學校正在開展的各項活動事態,包括一些針對家長的課
程,學校曾經開展的和即將舉辦的各種活動和事件,以及 TALES 的其它重要項目信息。PTA 執行
委員會成員的選舉通常都會在每學年的結束時舉行。目前 2021-22 學年的 PTA 執行委員會中聯合執
行會長一職尚空缺。如果您有興趣,請與學校的家長協調員聯絡了解該角色的相關職責。 請注意並
請您了解,如果您想成為 PTA 的執行委員會成員,非常重要的是您需要奉獻您的一點時間參加定期

AL. 家長諮詢理事會(PAC)

Title 1 家長諮詢理事會(PAC)是一個諮詢機構,旨在讓我們學校的所有 Title 1 家長參與 Title 1 計

劃。 Tile 1 PAC 將與學校領導團隊一起參與聯合審查、規劃和改進學校的 Title 1 計劃,使家長和家
庭參與政策的製定、修訂和審查。 Title 1 家長諮詢理事會(PAC)的成員將有不同年級的學生家
長,以及英語學習者和 IEP 學生家長組成。


病假休息使他們更加享受在學校的時間。您可能知道或可能不知道,在 2013 年 1 月 PS 244 就已經


AM. 健康的食物

在學校範圍內禁止任何的垃圾食品。例如:汽水、不是 100%純果汁的飲料、薯片、餅乾、糖果是

AN. 鍛煉

美國衛生部和人類能源服務部建議兒童每日的鍛鍊不少於 60 分鐘。每天 60 分鐘的身體鍛鍊是一個



AO. 睡眠


TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022
通常建議孩子們每晚的睡眠時間應保持 10-11 小時。這意味著晚上 8 點鐘上床睡覺早上 7 點鐘起


● 正常身體需求指數的大量增加 - 睡眠不足常會令人食慾大增進而造成肥胖的更大可能

● 增加糖尿病和心臟疾病的患病風險
● 增加精神疾病包括抑鬱症和藥物濫用所造成病患的風險
● 減少和分散專注能力、反應能力或對新信息的記憶能力


AP. 無煙環境



AQ. 屏幕時間
如手冊先前所述,在目前的 COVID 疫情情況下學生使用電子設備較多。我們要求您密切監視孩子

還觀察發現,超長時間在遊戲系統、iPad 和手機上的學生的行為也存在諸多的問題。因此,我們高
度推薦,您的孩子每天在 iPad 或手機上每天不超過 15 分鐘,而且他們每天觀看電視的時間也需要

如果 TALES 認為屏幕時間可能會對您的孩子造成負面影響,我們將安排會議時間與家長討論如何

Policies and Guidelines 2021-2022 政策與準則


TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022

AR. TALES 公平、多元文化、包容性和相互尊重的政策:

TALES 是一個公平、包容多元文化的學校,給予所有學生獲得成就的支持和幫助。TALES 歡迎並




AS. 家庭社交媒體指南:
媒體(Facebook、微信、WhatsApp、Instagram 等)上發布。這適用於任何有您孩子以外的孩子的照

AT. 寒冷天氣戶外課間活動指南:



AU. PS244Q 學生家長和監護人的安全駕駛策略:

應該通過停靠的站牌位置,不能留下無人看管的汽車在 NO STANDING 的區域。請確保將您的孩

AV. 乘坐校車的準則


TALES Family Handbook 2021-2022

1. 學生必須全程佩戴口罩,並與其他學生保持社交距離。
2. 當校車到達停靠站時,站在路邊停靠線之後。等待校車全部停止並在出示了讓其他車輛保持
3. 聽從校車司機的安排並遵守紀律。
4. 所有學生在校車上的任何時候都必須坐在座位上並始終保持不離開座位。在校車行進 的過
5. 學生必須系上安全帶並保留直到校車完全停止。
6. 從不在任何時候將頭探出窗外,保持頭、手和手臂在車廂內。
7. 有如果在車上閱讀書籍或參與互動,在校車上需要安靜地交流。不能爭鬥、吵架、推拉、擁
8. 把自己的物品保持放在自己的腿上。
9. 下車時要一個個安順序進行,借助扶手的幫助安全上下車。
10. 在下車之後如果發現丟失或忘了什麼東西,不要試圖返回車上去尋找,要等到校車離開或你
11. 不要在車上吃喝。不要在車上亂寫亂畫損害車子。
12. 無論任何理由絕不允許家長登上校車。這是對紐約市教育局交通運輸廳的規定。

AW. 紐約市教育局的規章條例

作為紐約市 25 學區的 The Active Learning Elementary School, PS244Q 公立學校,將按照紐約市教育




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