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Crisis Management

Week 1: What is Crowd Management?

In this lesson, I have learned the definition of Crowd Management and realized that the effective
crowd management helps to ensure the safety of those people whose at an event. The consequences
of a poorly managed crowd can be disastrous; people can be injured and lives can be lost.

We also tackled the 4 stages of Crisis Management, I have learned that it's important to understand
and be aware of the different stages of a crisis. These stages occur during a crisis and can help you
determine how you should respond to the situation at different points in time.

The Tips for effective crowd management at events gave me an idea of what to expect, how to
prepare, and how to survive. In my opinion, it is better to know because from there on we can plan
our actions accordingly to be most suitable to the circumstances.

LESSON 2/Week 2: Identifying a Crisis

Here’s my reflection for Identifying a Crisis lesson. I just realized how important this lesson for
everyone. It’s not only for companies or businesses because inevitable events may occur anytime,
anywhere without any warning.

From my own understanding, It’s very important to have a better understanding of the elements and
classifications of Threats to help us to be more effective in designing a framework to identify potential
threats, uncover and address your vulnerabilities in order to mitigate risk.

To summarize the concepts of threat, vulnerability, and risk. I will use hurricane as an example.

The threat of a hurricane is outside of one’s control. However, knowing that a hurricane could strike
can help business owners assess weak points and develop an action plan to minimize the impact. In
this scenario, a vulnerability would be not having a data recovery plan in place in the event that your
physical assets are damaged as a result of the hurricane. The risk to your business would be the loss
of information or a disruption in business as a result of not addressing your vulnerabilities.

Lesson/Week 3: Crisis Management Basics

Most often, a crisis is unpredictable. Crisis can happen at any time, often with little to no warning. I
have learned that being prepared saves money, saves time, saves reputation, and can even save lives.
Here are the things I have realized in this lesson:

1. Planning means less opportunity for negative situations to ever become true crises. With crisis-
specific planning and protocols in place you have the tools to handle sudden negative issues in a way
that will at least reduce, and sometimes completely avoid, their impact.

2. Planning protects your most important asset or your reputation. If your company has a solid crisis
management plan, you’ll be able to protect your people, your customers/guests. In that way, people
will trust you more.
1. Planning helps keep the doors open. Having plans in place to deal with worst-case scenarios is
critical to making sure there is ever a “business as usual” to return to after the fact.It can minimize
damages both in reputation and revenue. That has an impact on both revenue and reputation.
In terms of reputation, your company will pass as truthful and self-sufficient if it’s able to
communicate promptly of an impending crisis and prevent it before it inflicts damages.
In terms of productivity and revenue, your business will suffer financially if it experiences a downtime
of any kind or duration, regardless of whether or not you lose customers or you are sued.
I have an example that happened in Manila years ago, I will not mention the hotel name but a lot of
guests and employees died during the attack. It might happened again if the management didn’t have
a solid plan and strict compliance.

Lesson 4: Crisis Stages

This is very important information. Knowing the stages of a crisis means that we can predict with
confidence what will happen when. Discover how to test, plan & validate. Ensuring your business is
prepared for any number of possible crises will allow you to maintain a positive and professional
reputation with your customers and competitors as well as your employees.

By developing a crisis management plan, considering the possible stages of a crisis, and creating a
team of people to help you through any unforeseen event or catastrophe, you’ll prevent your
company from long-lasting, negative repercussions. Afterall, today, it is as much about engagement as
it is managing, so understanding the stages and the patterns assists in determining the most relevant
response, it helps us "pick the panic.”

Lesson 5: Establishing a Crisis Management Team

Our society has witnessed (too many times to count) that incidents of human-created terror or
natural disasters can happen anywhere in the world. Schools, healthcare facilities, and businesses of
all kinds are vulnerable. There is no longer a mythical place of “it can’t happen here.” For that reason,
building security officials need to be well-versed in crisis management.

2. I have learned that The Crisis Management Team primarily focuses on detecting the early signs of a
crisis and identifying vulnerable areas. They prepare a crisis management plan for a number of
emergency situations. It is important to have representation from all areas of the company, Because
the Crisis Management Team’s planning ahead of time and action during an emergency will help an
organization through a tough time. Having a quality team in place and thinking through various
situations proactively will help your organization deal with the issue head on and come through
positively in the end. Establishing a Crisis Management Team helps us keep everyone safe. A well-
defined emergency response plan will help us make every second count. Note that as short as a one-
second delay during an emergency could end up being the reason someone dies.

Lesson 6: The Crisis Team Leader and the team

”The Role of the Crisis Manager”

I realized the importance of the role of the Crisis Manager. In this, lesson it discussed the branches of
Crisis Management Team and its definition, Characteristics of a Successful Crisis Management Team
and their responsibilities. Based on my own understanding, The crisis management team exists to
help an organization minimize or possibly avoid a calamity and, if disaster strikes, to recover as quickly
as possible with minimal negative repercussions. No business is immune to crisis, so every company
needs to understand the basics of crisis management. This essential guide provides an overview of the
topic and insights from leading experts.

In this lesson, It helps me define what roles of the Crisis Manager and who should manage it if it

A crisis management outlines our communications plan, create protocols that define who should be
contacted when and why, and which problems can wait and which might necessitate senior decision-
makers to be called in urgently.
COVID19 Response

We all have been affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic. Everyone isn’t prepared that this will
happen, who knows? As we can see, we didn’t have a solid plan for this crisis. No one is prepared.
Billions of people died anywhere in the world. HCT COVID 19 Response plan showed us how World
Health Organization (WHO) created a guidelines on how we fight these tough times. Health
professionals joined forces to distribute of critical equipment and supply needs of government in
responding to COVID-19. This current public health crisis demonstrates that we are all interconnected
and that our well-being is contingent on that of others. A renewed and healthy society is possible only
if governments and public authorities commit to reducing vulnerability and the impact of ill-health by
taking steps to respect, protect, and fulfill the right to health.It requires that government and
nongovernment actors establish policies and programs that promote the right to health in practice. It
calls for a shared commitment to justice and equality for all.

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