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Government of Karnataka

साहित्य गौरव
(हितीय पी. यू. सी. हिन्दी प्रश्नकोश)

(II PUC Hindi: Question Bank)

Department of Pre-University Education

18th Cross, Malleshwaram, Bengaluru-12
© Directorate of Pre-University Education
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worked for the preparation of question bank made all efforts to make comprehensive and foolproof.
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Copyrights; The copyrights of the question bank lies with the Director, Department of Pre-University
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Lecturer in Hindi,
Govt. Pre-University College for Boy’s
18th Cross, Malleshwaram,
BENGALURU – 560012.

Lecturer in Hindi,
Christ Junior College,
DRM College post, Hosur Road,
BENGALURU – 560029.


Lecturer in Hindi,
Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College,
J C Road,
BENGALURU – 560027.



Dean-Languages Humanities and Social Sciences,
Professor- Hindi,
School of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Atria Towers,
No. 1, Palace Road,
BENGALURU – 560001.
प्रश्न ऩत्र का ढाॉचा
प्रश्न I औय II : गद्य भाग से : 25 अंक
प्रश्न III : पद्य भाग से : 20 अंक
प्रश्न IV : अऩठित बाग से : 15 अॊक
प्रश्न V : व्माकयण से : 25 अॊक
प्रश्न VI : यचना से : 15 अॊक
कुर 100 अॊक

I अ एक शब्द मा वाकमाॊश मा वाकम भें उत्तय लरखिए : (छ: प्रश्न) 6x1=6

आ ककनहहॊ तीन प्रश्नों के उत्तय लरखिए : (ऩाॉच प्रश्नों भें से तीन) 3x3=9
II अ ननम्नलरखित वाकम ककसने ककससे कहे ? (चाय प्रश्न) 4x1=4
आ ससॊदबभ स्ऩष्टहकयण कीजजए : (चाय प्रश्नों भें से दो प्रश्न) 2x3=6
III अ एक शब्द मा वाकमाॊश मा वाकम भें उत्तय लरखिए : (छ: प्रश्न) 6x1=6
(भध्मकारहन कववता भें से दो प्रश्न तथा आधनु नक कववता भें
से चाय प्रश्न)
आ ककनहहॊ दो प्रश्नों के उत्तय लरखिए : (चाय प्रश्नों भें से दो प्रश्न) 2x3=6
(भध्मकारहन कववता भें से एक प्रश्न तथा आधनु नक कववता भें
से तीन प्रश्न)
इ ससॊदबभ बाव स्ऩष्ट कीजजए : 2x4=8
(भध्मकारहन कववता -दो भें से एक
आधनु नक कववता दो भें से एक)
IV अ एक शब्द मा वाकमाॊश मा वाकम भें उत्तय लरखिए: 5x1=5
(ऩाॉच प्रश्न) [कभ से कभ दो प्रश्न एक एकाॊकी से]
आ ककनहहॊ दो प्रश्नों के उत्तय लरखिए: 2x5=11
(i) प्रथभ एकाॊकी से दो प्रश्नों भें से कोई एक प्रश्न
(ii) हितीय एकाॊकी से दो प्रश्नों भें से कोई एक प्रश्न
V अ वाकम शुद्ध कीजजए : (चाय वाकम) 4x1=4
आ रयकत स्थान की ऩनू तभ कीजजए : (चाय रयकत स्थान) 4x1=4
(कायक हिह्न मा उचचत शब्द)
इ सूचनानुसाय कार फदलरए : (तीन वाकम) 3x1=3
ई भुहावयों को अथभ के साथ जोड़कय लरखिए : 4x1=4
उ अनम लरॊग रूऩ लरखिए : (तीन शब्द) 3x1=3
ऊ अनेक शब्दों के लरए एक शब्द : (तीन शब्द) 3x1=3
ए उऩसगभ जोड़कय लरखिए : (दो शब्द) 2x1=2
ऐ प्रत्मम अरग कय लरखिए : (दो शब्द) 2x1=2
VI अ ककसी एक ववषम ऩय ननफॊध लरखिए : (तीन भें से एक) 1x5=5
ऩत्र रेिन
आ अऩठित गद्यांश 5x1=5
इ अनुवाद (कन्नड़/अंग्रेज़ी से हिन्दी में) (ऩाॉच वाकम) 5x1=5
** ** **

UNITS/SUB UNITS 1 3 4/5 1 3 4/5 1 3 4/5 1 3 4/5 1 3 4/5
गद्य भाग प्रश्न ऩत्र
1. सुजान बगत 6 5 1 1 1 2 1 ऩढ़ने के
2. कत्तभव्म औय सत्मता लरए-15
* *
3 6 1 1
3. गॊगा भैमा से साऺात्काय 3 4 1 1 1 1 लभनट
4. एक कहानी मह बी 5 5 1 1 1 2 1 गद्य बाग

5. बायतयत्न ववश्वेश्वयय्मा 4 4 1 1 1 1 55

6. चीफ़ की दावत 5 4 1 1
1 लभनट

7. बोरायाभ का जीव
3 5 1 1 1 2
8. मात्रा जाऩान की 6 4 1 1 1 1
पद्य भाग-मध्यकालीन कविता
1. यै दासफानी
3 5 1 1 1
2. सयू दास के ऩद 3 3 1 1
3. यहहभ के दोहे 3 1 1 1
पद्य भाग
4. बफहायह के दोहे 3 4 1 1
आधुननक कववता
1. अचधकाय 3 3 1 1
2. गहने 2 1 1 1
3. कामय भत फन
3 5 1 1 1
4. एक वऺ
ृ की ह्तत्मा 3 5 1 1 1 1
5. बायत की धयती
4 3 1
6. हो गई है ऩीय ऩवभत-सी
3 4 1 1 1
अऩठित भाग (एकॊककयाॉ)
बाग 30
1. सूिी डारह 12 12 2 2(1) 2 1
2. प्रनतशोध 8 13 3 2(1) 3 1
व्याकरण तथा रचना
1. वाकम शुद्धद्ध 3 4 4 4
2. रयकत स्थान की ऩनू तभ 3 4 4 4
3. कार ऩरयवतभन 3 3 3 3
4. भुहावये 3 4 4 4
5. लरॊग 3 3 3 3
6. अनेक शब्दों के लरए एक शब्द 3 3 3 3
7. उऩसगभ 2 2 2 2
8. प्रत्मम 2 2 2 2
9. ननफॊध
4 5 1
10. ऩत्र 3 5 1 1
11.अऩठित गद्यां श 3 5 5 5
12. अनुवाद 3 5 5 5
ु यावतभन-
10 लभनट
TOTAL 120 141 31 13 15 10 07 06 13 05 56 21 23
Hrs Marks
38 26 100 Marks



नमन ू े का प्रश्न ऩत्र
Time: 3 Hours and 15 minutes Max. Marks: 100
सूचना 1 .सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर ठहॊदी भाषा तथा दे वनागरी लऱवऩ में लऱखना आवश्यक है |
2. प्रश्नों की क्रम सॊख्या लऱखना अननवायय है |
I अ .एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए: 6x1=6
1. सुजान के छोटे फेटे का नाभ लरखिए|
2. गॊगा भैमा ने सत्म को कमा कहा है ?
3. अॊग्रेज़ी-ठहनदह ववषमवाय शब्दकोश के अधयू े काभ को ककसने ऩूया ककमा ?
4. कावेयह नदह ऩय फाॉध ककस नाभ से भशहूय है ?
5. बोरायाभ ने दयख्वास्त ऩय कमा नहहॊ यिा था ?
ु तकारम से फाहय ननकरते सभम अराभभ कमा जताता है ?
6. ऩस्
आ .ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों में से ककनहीॊ तीन प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए: 3x3=9
7. झूि की उत्ऩवत्त औय उसके कई रूऩों के फाये भें लरखिए|
8. शाभनाथ औय उनकी धभभऩत्नी भाॉ को रेकय कमों चचॊनतत थे ?
9. ववश्वेश्वयय्मा की प्रहसद्धद्ध तथा ऩदोनननत दे िकय कुछ इॊजीननमय कमों जरते थे ?
10. सभाज भें कौन-कौन-सी सभस्माएॉ फढ़ यहह हैं ? सॊऺेऩ भें लरखिए|
11. जाऩान के ये रवे स्टे शन औय ये र मात्रा के फाये भें रेखिका कमा कहती हैं ?
II अ .ननम्नलऱखखत वाकय ककसने ककससे कहे ? 4x1=4
12. ‘फाफा इतना भुझसे उि न सकेगा |’
13. ‘आई एभ रयअरह प्राउड ऑफ़ मू |’
14. ‘सच ?भझ ु े गाॉव के रोग फहुत ऩसॊद हैं ?’
15. ‘गयहफी की फीभायह थी |’
आ .ननम्नलऱखखत में से ककनहीॊ दो का ससॊदभय स्ऩष्टीकरण कीजजए: 2x3=6
16. “इसलरए हभाया मह धभभ है कक हभायह आत्भा हभें जो कहे उसके अनस
ु ाय हभ कयें |”
17. “मह रड़की भझ
ु े कहहॊ भॉह
ु ठदिाने रामक नहहॊ यिेगी |”
18. “साध-ु सॊतों की वीणा से तो औय अच्छे स्वय ननकरते हैं |”
19. “अफ तक जजस घय भें याज्म ककमा, उसी घय भें ऩयाधीन फनकय वह नहहॊ यह सकता”|
III अ .एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए: 6x1=6
20. यहहभ ककसे फावयह कहते हैं?
21. अॊग-अॊग भें ककसकी सुगॊध सभा गई है ?
22. फेटह ककनहें गहने भानती है ?
23. कवव नये नर शभाभ ने ककसे अचधक अऩावन कहा है ?
24. वऺ
ृ का शयहय ककससे फना है ?
25. दहवाय ककसकी तयह ठहरने रगी?
आ .ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों में से ककनहीॊ दो प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए: 2x3=6
26. सूयदास ने भािन चोयह प्रसॊग का ककस प्रकाय वणभन ककमा है ?
27. फादर एवॊ वसनत कतु से हभें कमा प्रेयणा लभरती है ?
28. बफहाय याज्म की बव्मता का वणभन कीजजए |
29. ऩीड़ड़त व्मजकत की सॊवेदना को कवव दष्ु मनत कुभाय ने ककस प्रकाय व्मकत ककमा है ?
इ .ससॊदभय भावस्ऩष्ट कीजजए: 2x4=8
30. प्रबुजी तुभ दहऩक, हभ फाती,
जाकी जोनत फयै ठदन याती |
प्रबुजी तुभ भोती, हभ धागा,
जैसे सोने लभरत सुहागा |
सभै-सभै सन
ु दय सफै, रूऩ कुरूऩ न कोइ |
भन की रूचच जेती जजतै, नतत तेती रूचच होइ ||

31. मुद्धॊ दे ठह कहे जफ ऩाभय
दे न दहु ाई ऩीि पेय कय;
मा तो जीत प्रीनत के फर ऩय
मा तेया ऩद चभ
ू े तस्कय |
ू भें , फारयश भें ,
गयभी भें , सदी भें ,
हभेशा चौकनना
अऩनी िाकी वदी भें |
IV अ .एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए: 5x1=5
32. भर
ू याज के भॉझरे फेटे का नाभ लरखिए|
33. व्मजकत ककन गण
ु ों से फड़ा होता है ?
34. कवव ककस ऩय शासन कयता है ?
35. प्रेभ के बफना ककसका भूल्म नहहॊ है ?
36. बायवव के अनुसाय जीवन का सफसे फड़ा अऩयाध कमा है ?
आ .ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों में से ककनहीॊ दो प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए: 2x5=01
37. दादा जी की कमा आकाॊऺा थी ?
फेरा की चारयबत्रक ववशेषताओॊ ऩय सॊऺेऩ भें प्रकाश डालरए |
38. शास्त्राथभ भें ऩॊड़डतों को हयाते दे ि वऩता ने बायवव के फाये भें कमा सोचा?
बायती औय सुशीरा के वाताभराऩ को अऩने शब्दों भें लरखिए|
V. अ वाकय शुद्ध कीजजए: 4x1=4
39. i) भेया प्राण फेचन
ै है |
ii) कोमर डारह भें फैिी है |
iii) आज तक भैं धोिा नहहॊ िामा|
iv) तुभ तुम्हाये घय जाओ|
आ कोष्िक में ठदए गये उचचत शब्दों से ररकत स्थान भररए: 4x1=4
(बरा ,सज्जन ,प्रकाश ,साथभक)
40. i) चायों ओय_______पैरा हुआ है |
ii) आऩ_____तो जग बरा |
iii) सदै व______शब्दों का प्रमोग कयना चाठहए |
iv) _______सदै व सम्भाननत होते हैं|
इ ननम्नलऱखखत वाकयों को सच
ू नानस
ु ार बदलऱए: 3x0=3
41. i) वह भझ
ु े नागऩयु फर
ु ा यहा है | (बत
ू कार भें फदलरए)
ii) लसद्धाथभ ने कववता लरिी | (वतभभान कार भें फदलरए)
iii) यभेश भैदान भें िेर यहा है | (बववष्मत ् कार भें फदलरए)
ई ननम्नलऱखखत मुहावरों को अथय के साथ जोड़कर लऱखखए: 4x1=4
42. i) शभभ से ऩानी-ऩानी होना क. माचना कयना
ii) हाथ पैराना ि. ककसी का अऩभान कयना
iii) टोऩी उछारना ग. आलरॊगन कयना
iv) गरे से रगाना घ. फहुत रजज्जत होना
उ .अनय लऱॊग रूऩ लऱखखए: 3x0=3
43. i) तऩस्वी ii) लशऺक iii) हविान
ऊ .अनेक शब्दों के लऱए एक शब्द लऱखखए: 3x0=3
44. i) ठहॊसा कयने वारा
ii) घूभने कपयने वारा
iii) जो साथ ऩढ़ता हो
ए .ननम्नलऱखखत शब्दों के साथ उऩसगय जोड़कर नए शब्दों का ननमायण कीजजए: 2x1=2
45. i) स्वाथभ ii) उम्र
ऐ .ननम्नलऱखखत शब्दों में से प्रत्यय अऱग कर लऱखखए: 2x0=2
46. i) दक्षऺणी ii) साभाजजक

VI अ .ककसी एक ववषय ऩर ननबॊध लऱखखए : 1x5=5
47. i) दयू दशभन ii)प्रदष
ू ण की सभस्मा iii) स्वस्थ जीवन के लरए व्मामाभ
अऩने लभत्र को नववषभ की शुबकाभना दे ते हुए ऩत्र लरखिए |
आ .ननम्नलऱखखत अनच्
ु छे द ऩढ़कर उस ऩर आधाररत प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए : 5x1=5
48. लभत्रता अनभोर धन है | इसकी तुरना ककसी से बी नहहॊ की जा सकती है | हहये -
भोती मा सोने-चाॉदह से बी नहहॊ | भैत्री की भठहभा फहुत फड़ी है | सच्चा लभत्र सि

औय दिु भें सभान बाव से भैत्री ननबाता है | जो केवर सि ु भें साथ होता है ,उसे
सच्चा लभत्र नहहॊ कहा जा सकता | साथ-साथ िाना-ऩीना ,सैय ,वऩकननक का आनॊद
रेना सच्ची लभत्रता का रऺण नहहॊ | सच्ची लभत्रता की फस एक ऩहचान है औय
वह है – ववचायों की एकता | ववचायों की एकता हह इसे ठदनोंठदन प्रगाढ़ कयती है |
सच्चा लभत्र फड़ा भहत्वऩण
ू भ होता है | जहाॉ थाह न रगे ,वहहॊ फाॉह फढ़ाकय उफाय रेता
है | लभत्रता कयना तो आसान है ,रेककन ननबाना फहुत हह भजु श्कर | आज लभत्रता
का दरुु ऩमोग होने रगा है | रोग अऩने सीलभत स्वाथों की ऩूनतभ के लरए लभत्रता का
ढोंग यचते हैं | लभत्रता जीवन का सवभश्रेष्ि अनुबव है | मह एक ऐसा भोती है ,जजसे
गहये सागय भें डूफकय हह ऩामा जा सकता है | लभत्रता की कीभत केवर लभत्रता हह
है | सच्ची लभत्रता जीवन का वयदान है | सच्चा लभत्र भनुष्म की सोई ककस्भत को
जगा सकता है औय बटके को सहह याह ठदिा सकता है |
1. कौन सुि औय दि
ु भें सभान बाव से भैत्री ननबाता है ?
2. लभत्रता की कमा ऩहचान है ?
3. कमा लभत्रता ननबाना आसान है ?
4. लभत्रता की प्राजतत ककस प्रकाय हो सकती है ?
5. सच्चा लभत्र ककसको सहह याह ठदिा सकता है ?
इ .ठहनदी में अनुवाद कीजजए: 5x1=5
49. i) ನ಺ವು ಑ಗ್ಗಟ್಺ಾಗಿ ಬ಺ಳಬ ೇಕು.
We should live unitedly.
ii) ವಿದ್಺ಯರ್ಥಿ ಜೇವನ಴ ೇ ಸುವರ್ಿಮುಗ್.
Student life is the golden life.
iii) ಭ಺ಯತ ದ್ ೇಶವು ಕೃಷಿ ಩ರಧ಺ನ ದ್ ೇಶ಴಺ಗಿದ್ .
India is an agricultural country.
iv) ಸಯಳ ಫಹಳ ಩ರತಿಭ಺ನಿತ .
Sarala is very talented.
v) ಮ಺ನವನು ದ್ ೇವಯ ಉತತಭ ಸೃಷಿಾಯ಺ಗಿದ್಺ಾನ .
Human being is the finest creation of God.


UNITS/SUB UNITS 1 3 4/5 1 3 4/5 1 3 4/5 1 3 4/5 1 3 4/5
गद्य भाग प्रश्न ऩत्र
1. सज
ु ान बगत ऩढ़ने के
6 5 1 1 1 2
2. कत्तभव्म औय सत्मता 3 4 1 1 1 1 लरए-15
3. गॊगा भैमा से साऺात्काय लभनट
3 6 1 1 1
4. एक कहानी मह बी गद्य बाग
5 5 1 1 1 2
5. बायतयत्न ववश्वेश्वयय्मा 4 4 1 1 1 1 55
6. चीफ़ की दावत 5 4 1 1 1 1 लभनट

7. बोरायाभ का जीव 3 5 1 1 1 2 1
8. मात्रा जाऩान की
6 4 1 1 1
पद्य भाग-मध्यकालीन कविता
1. यै दासफानी 3 1 1 1
2. सूयदास के ऩद 3 4 1 1
3. यहहभ के दोहे 3 3 1 1
पद्य भाग
4. बफहायह के दोहे
3 5 1 1 1
आधनु नक कववता
1. अचधकाय 3 5 1 1 1 1
2. गहने
2 3 1
3. कामय भत फन
3 4 1
4. एक वऺ
ृ की ह्तत्मा 3 1 1 1
5. बायत की धयती
4 4 1 1 1
6. हो गई है ऩीय ऩवभत-सी 3 4 1 1 1 1
अऩठित भाग (एकॊककयाॉ)
बाग 30
1. सूिी डारह 12 12 2 2(1) 2 1
2. प्रनतशोध 8 13 3 2(1) 3 1
व्याकरण तथा रचना
1. वाकम शुद्धद्ध 3 4 4 4
2. रयकत स्थान की ऩूनतभ 3 4 4 4
3. कार ऩरयवतभन 3 3 3 3
4. भुहावये 3 4 4 4
5. लरॊग 3 3 3 3
6. अनेक शब्दों के लरए एक शब्द 3 3 3 3
7. उऩसगभ 2 2 2 2
8. प्रत्मम 2 2 2 2 यचना-

9. ननफॊध 4 5 1
* 45
10. ऩत्र 3 5 1 1 लभनट
11.अऩठित गद्यांश 3 5 5 5
12. अनुवाद 3 5 5 5
ु यावतभन-
10 लभनट
TOTAL 120 141 31 13 15 10 07 06 13 05 56 21 23
Hrs Marks
38 26 100 Marks



ू े का प्रश्न ऩत्र
Time: 3 Hours and 15 minutes Max. Marks: 100
सूचना 1. सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर ठहॊदी भाषा तथा दे वनागरी लऱवऩ में लऱखना आवश्यक है |
2. प्रश्नों की क्रम सॊख्या लऱखना अननवायय है |
I अ .एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए: 6x1=6
1. सत्कामभ भें फाधा डारने से कमा बफगड़ता है ?
2. फहुत-से रोग नीनत औय आवश्मकता के फहाने ककस की यऺा कयते हैं?
3. वऩताजी यसोई घय को कमा कहते थे ?
4. 1955 भें बायत सयकाय ने ववश्वेश्वयय्मा को ककस उऩाचध से ववबूवषत ककमा ?
5. बोरायाभ को ऩाॉच सार से कमा नहहॊ लभरा ?
6. ‘स्रभ डॉग लभलरमनेय’ कपल्भ ककसकी ऩुस्तक के आधाय ऩय फनी है ?
आ .ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों में से ककनहीॊ तीन प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए: 3x3=9
7. अॊग्रेजी-जहाज फीच सभर
ु भें डूफते सभम ऩरु
ु षों ने कैसे अऩना धभभ ननबामा ?
8. गॊगा भैमा का कुसी से कमा अलबप्राम है ?
9. भैसूय याज्म के ववकास भें ववश्वेश्वयय्मा के मोगदान के फाये भें लरखिए|
10. फयाभदे भें ऩहुॉचते हह शाभनाथ कमों ठििक गमे ?
11. ‘टफ्स’ के ऩुस्तकारम के फाये भें लरखिए |
II अ .ननम्नलऱखखत वाकय ककसने ककससे कहे ? 4x1=4
12. ‘क्रोधी तो सदा के हैं | अफ ककसी की सुनेंगे थोड़े हह |’
13. ‘रौटकय फहुत कुछ गुफाय ननकर जाए तफ फुराना |’
14. ‘जो वह सो गमीॊ औय नीॊद भें ियाभटे रेने रगीॊ, तो?’
15. ‘भुझे लबऺा नहहॊ चाठहए, भुझे बोरायाभ के फाये भें कुछ ऩूछ-ताछ कयनी है |’
आ .ननम्नलऱखखत में से ककनहीॊ दो का ससॊदभय स्ऩष्टीकरण कीजजए: 2x3=6
16. “आदभी को चाठहए कक जैसा सभम दे िने वैसा काभ कये |”
17. “एक फाय जफ ज़फान ऩे चढ़ जाए तो कपय कुछ अच्छा नहहॊ रगता |”
18. “वऩता के िीक ववऩयहत थीॊ हभायह फेऩढ़ह-लरिी भाॉ |”
19. “ऩें शन का ऑडभय आ गमा”?
III अ .एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए: 6x1=6
20. यै दास के अनुसाय कबी बी कमा ननष्पर नहहॊ जाता?
21. वस्तुएॉ कफ सुनदय प्रतीत होती हैं?
22. कवनमत्री को ककसकी चाह नहहॊ है ?
23. हवा को कमा हो जाने से फचाना है ?
24. वऩतयों का तऩभण ककस बलू भ भें होता है ?
25. ऩीड़ड़त व्मजकत को ककस प्रकाय चरना चाठहए?
आ .ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों में से ककनहीॊ दो प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए: 2x3=6
26. यहहभ ने भनष्ु म की प्रनतष्िा के सॊफॊध भें कमा कहा है ?
27. ‘गहने’ कववता के िारा कवव ने कमा आशम व्मकत ककमा है ?
28. ‘भानव’ ने उत्तय प्रदे श की ककन ववशेषताओॊ का वणभन ककमा है ?
29. ‘हो गई है ऩीय ऩवभत-सी’ गज़र से ऩािकों को कमा सॊदेश लभरता है ?
इ .ससॊदभय भावस्ऩष्ट कीजजए : 2x4=8
30. तेयह सौं भैं नेकॉु न िामौ, सिा गमे सफ िाइ |
भुि तन चचतै, बफहॉलस हरय दहनहौ, रयस तफ गई फुझाइ |
लरमौ स्माभ उय राइ ग्वालरनी ,सूयदास फलर जाइ|
जऩभारा छाऩा नतरक, सयै न एकौ काभु |
भन-काॉचै नाचै वथ
ृ ा, साॉचै याॉचै याभु ||

31. वे सूने से नमन, नहहॊ –
जजनभें फनते आॉसू-भोती;
वह प्राणों की सेज, नहहॊ—
जजनभें फेसुध ऩीड़ा सोती

तेयह यऺा का न भोर है ,

ऩय तेया भानव अभोर है ,
मह लभटता है , वह फनता है ,
महह सत्म की सहह तोर है
IV अ .एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए : 5x1=5
32. घण
ृ ा को ककससे नहहॊ लभटामा जा सकता?
33. ऩेड़ की छामा को फढ़ाने का काभ कौन कयती है ?
34. ग्रानन से बये हुए बायवव को जाने से कमों नहहॊ योका गमा?
35. शास्त्राथभ के ननमभों भें ककसके ह्रदम को नहहॊ फाॉधा जा सकता?
36. वऩता के क्रोध भें ककसके प्रनत भॊगर काभना नछऩी है ?
आ .ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों में से ककनहीॊ दो प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए: 2x5=01
37. दादा जी के ‘फड़तऩन’ के सॊफॊध भें कमा ववचाय थे ?
भॉझरह बाबी ऩय ठटतऩणी लरखिए |
38. ग्रानन औय जीवन के सॊफॊध भें श्रीधय के कमा ववचाय हैं?
भहाकवव बायवव का चरयत्र-चचत्रण कीजजए |
V. अ वाकय शुद्ध कीजजए: 4x1=4
39. i) भन भें ऐसा शजकत है |
ii) भेहभान रोग आि फजे आएगा |
iii) वसॊत कतु अच्छा रगती है |
iv) कर भाताजी आ यहे हैं|
आ कोष्िक में ठदए गये उचचत शब्दों से ररकत स्थान भररए: 4x1=4
(सत्म, सेवा, ननणभम, ददभ )
40. i) उसके ऩेट भें _______हो यहा है |
ii) भनुष्म का ऩयभ धभभ_____फोरना है |
iii) ______कयने से चरयत्र फनता है |
iv) ऩॊचों का_______सबी को भानम है |
इ ननम्नलऱखखत वाकयों को सूचनानुसार बदलऱए: 3x0=3
41. i) सुजान के भन भें तीथभ मात्रा कयने की इच्छा थी | (वतभभान कार भें फदलरए)
ii) उसका बाषण सुनते हह फधाई दे ता हूॉ | (बववष्मत ् कार भें फदलरए)
iii) प्रनतबा को बट्टह भें झोंकना है | (बूतकार भें फदलरए)
ई ननम्नलऱखखत मह
ु ावरों को अथय के साथ जोड़कर लऱखखए: 4x1=4
42. i) कॊचन फयसना क. बाग जाना
ii) पूरे न सभाना ि. शरु
ु आत कयना
iii) नौ दो ग्मायह होना ग. अत्मचधक िश
ु होना
iv) श्री गणेश कयना घ. आभदनी फढ़ना
उ .अनय लऱॊग रूऩ लऱखखए: 3x0=3
43. i) आमष्ु भान, ii) याजऩत
ू , iii) अलबनेता
ऊ .अनेक शब्दों के लऱए एक शब्द लऱखखए: 3x0=3
44. i) जो ईश्वय ऩय ववश्वास यिता हो
ii) जो जाना ऩहचाना हो
iii) जो रोगों भें वप्रम हो
ए .ननम्नलऱखखत शब्दों के साथ उऩसगय जोड़कर नए शब्दों का ननमायण कीजजए: 2x0=2
45. i) कीनतभ ii) कनमा
ऐ .ननम्नलऱखखत शब्दों में से प्रत्यय अऱग कर लऱखखए: 2x0=2
46. i) भुस्कयाहट ii) ऩरयचचत

VI अ .ककसी एक ववषय ऩर ननबॊध लऱखखए: 1x5=5
47. i) दे श प्रेभ ii) भेये जीवन का रक्ष्म iii) भोफाइर पोन : सवु वधा मा असवु वधा
अऩने शैऺखणक प्रवास के अनुबव का वणभन कयते हुए अऩनी भाॉ को ऩत्र लरखिए |
आ .ननम्नलऱखखत अनच्
ु छे द ऩढ़कर उस ऩर आधाररत प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए : 5x1=5
48. सॊसाय का प्रत्मेक धभभ दमा औय करुणा का ऩाि ऩढ़ाता है | हय धभभ लसिाता है कक जीव
ऩय दमा-बाव यिो औय कष्ट भें पॉसे इॊसान की सहामता कयो | ऩयोऩकाय की बावना हह
सफसे फड़ी भनष्ु मता है | ऩयोऩकाय की बावना यिनेवारा न तो अऩने-ऩयामे का बेद-बाव
यिता है औय न हह अऩनी हानन की ऩयवाह कयता है | दमावान ककसी को कष्ट भें दे िकय
ु चाऩ नहहॊ फैि सकता | उसकी आत्भा उसे दि
ु ी प्राणी के लरए कुछ कयने को भजफयू
कयती है | अगय कोई ककसी ऩय अत्माचाय कये मा फेकसयू को मातना दे ,तो हभाया कत्तभव्म
फनता है कक हभ फेकसयू का सहाया फनें | नमाम व धभभ की यऺा कयना सदा से धभभ है |
दमा-बाव ववहहन भनष्ु म बी ऩशु सभान हह होता है | जो दस
ू यों की यऺा कयते हैं ,वे इस
सजृ ष्ट को चराने भें बगवान की सहामता कयते हैं | धभभ का भभभ हह दमा है | दमा-बाव से
हह धभभ का दहऩक सदा प्रज्वलरत यहता है |
1. सॊसाय का हय धभभ ककसका ऩाि ऩढ़ाता है ?
2. सफसे फड़ी भनष्ु मता कमा है ?
3. दमावान व्मजकत कफ चुऩचाऩ नहहॊ फैि सकता ?
4. नमाम व धभभ की यऺा कयना कमा है ?
5. सजृ ष्ट को चराने भें बगवान की सहामता कौन कयते हैं?
इ .ठहनदी में अनुवाद कीजजए: 5x1=5
49. i) ನಭಮ ಕ಺ಲ ೇಜು ಫಸ್ ನಲ಺ಾರ್ದಿಂದ ಐದು ಕಿ. ಮೇ. ದೂಯದಲ್ಲಿದ್ .
Our College is at a distance of five kilometer from bus stand.
ii) ಎಲ್ಿಯೂ ಅವನನುು ಭಯ಺ಿದ್ ಯಿಂದ ಕ಺ರ್ುತಿತದಾಯು.
He was respected by everyone.
iii) ಕಳ ದ ತಿಿಂಗ್ಳು ನ಺ವು ಹಳ್ಳಿಗ ಸ ೂೇಗಿದ್ ಾವು.
We had been to village last month.
iv) ನೇನು ನನು ಜ ೂತ ಭನ ಗ ಫಯು಴ ಯ಺?
Are you coming home with me?
v) ನ಺ನು ಮೈಸೂರಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಑ಿಂದು ವಷಿವಿದ್ ಾ.
I have lived in Mysore for one year.


UNITS/SUB UNITS 1 3 4/5 1 3 4/5 1 3 4/5 1 3 4/5 1 3 4/5
गद्य भाग प्रश्न ऩत्र
1. सज
ु ान बगत ऩढ़ने के
6 5 1 1 1 2
2. कत्तभव्म औय सत्मता 3 3 1 1 लरए-15
3. गॊगा भैमा से साऺात्काय लभनट
3 4 1 1 1
4. एक कहानी मह बी 5 5 1 1 1 2 1 गद्य बाग
5. बायतयत्न ववश्वेश्वयय्मा 4 4 1 1
1 55
6. चीफ़ की दावत 5 5 1 1 1 2 1 लभनट

7. बोरायाभ का जीव
3 6 1 1 1
8. मात्रा जाऩान की 6 5 1 1 1 2 1
पद्य भाग-मध्यकालीन कविता
1. यै दासफानी 3 3 1 1
2. सूयदास के ऩद 3 5 1 1 1 1
3. यहहभ के दोहे
3 4 1
पद्य भाग
4. बफहायह के दोहे 3 1 1 1
आधनु नक कववता
1. अचधकाय 3 1 1 1
2. गहने 2 3 1 1
3. कामय भत फन
3 4 1 1 1
4. एक वऺ
ृ की ह्तत्मा 3 5 1 1 1 1
5. बायत की धयती
4 4 1 1 1
6. हो गई है ऩीय ऩवभत-सी
3 4 1
अऩठित भाग (एकॊककयाॉ)
बाग 30
1. सूिी डारह 12 13 3 2(1) 3 1
2. प्रनतशोध 8 12 2 2(1) 2 1
व्याकरण तथा रचना
1. वाकम शुद्धद्ध 3 4 4 4
2. रयकत स्थान की ऩूनतभ 3 4 4 4
3. कार ऩरयवतभन 3 3 3 3
4. भुहावये 3 4 4 4
5. लरॊग 3 3 3 3
6. अनेक शब्दों के लरए एक शब्द 3 3 3 3
7. उऩसगभ 2 2 2 2
8. प्रत्मम 2 2 2 2
9. ननफॊध 4 5 1 1
10. ऩत्र
3 5 1
11.अऩठित गद्यांश 3 5 5 5
12. अनुवाद 3 5 5 5
ु यावतभन-
10 लभनट
TOTAL 120 141 31 13 15 10 07 06 13 05 56 21 23
Hrs Marks
38 26 100 Marks



ू े का प्रश्न ऩत्र
Time: 3 Hours and 15 minutes Max. Marks: 100
सूचना 1. सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर ठहॊदी भाषा तथा दे वनागरी लऱवऩ में लऱखना आवश्यक है |
2. प्रश्नों की क्रम सॊख्या लऱखना अननवायय है |
I अ .एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए: 6x1=6
1. सज
ु ान को ककतने भहहने के अववयर ऩरयश्रभ से पर लभरा?
2. ऩन
ु : उत्थान की ककयणें कफ पूटती हैं?
3. मन्नू भंडारी ने ‘भहाबोज’ उऩनमास भें ककस ऩड़ोसी के व्मजकतत्व को अलबव्मकत ककमा ?
4. ववश्वेश्वयय्मा ने ककस फाॉध के लरए ऑटोभैठटक गेटों का ड़डज़ाइन ककमा ?
5. भाॉ भन हह भन ककसके उज्ज्वर बववष्म की काभनाएॉ कयने रगीॊ ?
6. ‘लशनकानसेन’ का शाजब्दक अथभ कमा है ?
आ .ननम्नलऱखखत में से ककनहीॊ तीन प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए: 3x3=9
7. भनष्ु म का ऩयभ धभभ कमा है ? उसकी यऺा कैसे कयनी चाठहए?
8. प्रदष
ू ण के सॊफॊध भें गॊगा भैमा ने कमा कहा है ?
9. मन्नू भंडारी की भाॉ का ऩरयचम दहजजए |
10. नायद आखिय बोरायाभ का ऩता कैसे रगाते हैं ?
11. ववश्वेश्वयय्मा के गुण-स्वबाव का ऩरयचम दहजजए |
II अ .ननम्नलऱखखत वाकय ककसने ककससे कहे ? 4x1=4
12. ‘ठदन बय एक न एक िुचड़ ननकारते यहते हैं |’
ॊ |’
13. ‘मू है व लभस्ड सभचथग
14. ‘आज तुभ िाना जल्दह कहा रेना| ’
15. ‘फताइमे ,गटाऩचाभ कमा होता है |’
आ .ननम्नलऱखखत में से ककनहीॊ दो का ससॊदभय स्ऩष्टीकरण कीजजए: 2x3=6
16. “बगवान की इच्छा होगी, तो कपय रुऩमे हो जामेंगे | उनके महाॉ ककस फात की कभी है ? ”
17. “भेयह भाॉ गाॉव की यहनेवारह हैं | उभय-बय गाॉव भें यहह हैं |”
18. “चचॊता भें घुरते-घुरते औय बूिे भयते-भयते उनहोंने दभ तोड़ ठदमा |”
19. “मह ककरा जाऩानी सॊघषभधलभभता औय जजजीववषा का प्रतीक है | ”
III अ .एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए: 6x1=6
20. सुभन से ऽश
ु फू कौन रेकय आता है ?
21. बगवान कफ प्रसनन होते हैं?
22. ऩयभात्भा की करुणा से कवनमत्री को कमा लभरा?
23. कवव नये नर शभाभ कमा अऩभण कयने के लरए कहते हैं?
24. नठदमों को कमा हो जाने से फचाना है ?
25. ववश्वगरु
ु कौन कहराते हैं?
आ .ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों में से ककनहीॊ दो प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए: 2x3=6
26. यै दास ने बगवान औय बकत के सॊफॊध को कैसे वखणभत ककमा है ?
27. फेटह यॊ गीन कऩड़े औय गहने कमों नहहॊ चाहती?
28. भानवता के प्रनत कवव नये नर शभाभ के ववचाय प्रकट कीजजए|
29. हरयमाणा की साॊस्कृनतक ववशेषताओॊ ऩय प्रकाश डालरए|
इ .ससॊदभय भाव स्ऩष्ट कीजजए: 2x4=8
30. जभुना तट दे िे नॊद नॊदन |
भोय-भुकुट भकयाकृत-कुण्डर, ऩीत-वसन तन चॊदन |
रोचन ततृ त बए दयसन तैं उय की तऩनन फुझानी |
प्रेभ-भगन तफ बईं सुॊदयह, उय गदगद, भुि-फानी |
ननज कय कक्रमा यहहभ कठह, सुचध बावी के हाथ |
ऩाॉसे अऩने हाथ भें , दाॉव न अऩने हाथ ||

31. दयअसर शुरू से हह था हभाये अॊदेशों भें
कहहॊ एक जानी दश्ु भन
कक घय को फचाना है रुटेयों से
शहय को फचाना है नाठदयों से
दे श को फचाना है , दे श के दश्ु भनों से |
भेये सीने भें नहहॊ तो तेये सीने भें सहह,
हो कहहॊ बी आग ,रेककन आग जरनी चाठहए |
IV अ .एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए: 5x1=5
32. भरभर के थान औय अफयों को ऩये श ककसके ऩास नहहॊ रेकय जाते?
33. दादा जी ने ऩये श से छोटह फहू को कहाॉ रे जाने के लरए कहा?
34. फेरा के अनसु ाय ऩरयवाय की सदस्मा उससे ककस प्रकाय डयती हैं?
35. बायती ने बायवव को कहाॉ दे िा था ?
36. ब्रह्म का ननवास कहाॉ होता है ?
आ .ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों में से ककनहीॊ दो प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए: 2x5=01
37. यजवा ने छोटह बाबी से कमा कहा ?
फेरा ने बावावेश भें रूॉधे हुए कॊि से दादा जी से कमा कहा ?
38. बायवव से सॊफॊचधत भाता-वऩता के फीच होने वारे प्रायॊ लबक सॊवाद का साय लरखिए |
बायवव ने अऩने वऩता से ककस प्रकाय का दण्ड चाहा औय उसे कमा दण्ड लभरा ?
V. अ वाकय शुद्ध कीजजए: 4x1=4
39. i) भैंने जाकय भाॉ की चयण छुए |
ii) ऩीने के लरए गयभ ऩानी अवश्म लभरती है |
iii) अफ फहुत काफ़ी हो गमा|
iv) मह एक इनतहालसक घटना है |
आ कोष्िक में ठदए गये उचचत कारक चचनहों से ररकत स्थान भररए: 4x1=4
(के ,से ,का ,की)
40. i) चैत_______भहहना था|
ii) ववश्वेश्वयय्मा सभम ________ फड़े ऩाफॊद थे |
iii) अफ इन व्माऩायों ______उसे घण
ृ ा होती है |
iv) वह भेयह ककताफ _______ चोयह कयता है |
इ ननम्नलऱखखत वाकयों को सूचनानुसार बदलऱए: 3x0=3
41. i) भैं बी तो फैिा नहहॊ था | (वतभभान कार भें फदलरए)
ii) दर से दर रड़ता है | (बववष्मत ् कार भें फदलरए)
iii) वे जज़ॊदगी बय अऩने लरए कुछ भाॉगते नहहॊ हैं | (बूतकार भें फदलरए)
ई ननम्नलऱखखत मह
ु ावरों को अथय के साथ जोड़कर लऱखखए: 4x1=4
42. i) ईद का चाॉद होना क. प्रस्थान कयना
ii) कूच कयना ि. फहुत कभ ठदिाई दे ना
iii) घी के ठदमे जराना ग. अहॊ उतायना
iv) रू उतायना घ. िलु शमाॉ भनाना
उ .अनय लऱॊग रूऩ लऱखखए: 3x0=3
43. i) मव
ु क, ii) सॊऩादक, iii) जोगी
ऊ .अनेक शब्दों के लऱए एक शब्द लऱखखए: 3x0=3
44. i) जजसकी फहुत अचधक चचाभ हो
ii) चायों वेदों को जानने वारा
iii) साफ़-साफ़ कहने वारा
ए .ननम्नलऱखखत शब्दों के साथ उऩसगय जोड़कर नए शब्दों का ननमायण कीजजए: 2x0=2
45. i) उत्तभ ii) ननवेश
ऐ .ननम्नलऱखखत शब्दों में से प्रत्यय अऱग कर लऱखखए: 2x0=2
46. i) शुरुआती ii) इॊसाननमत

VI अ .ककसी एक ववषय ऩर ननबॊध लऱखखए: 1x5=5
47. i) भठहरा सफरहकयण ii) ऩुस्तक-एक उत्तभ साथी iii) साठहत्म औय सभाज
अऩने ऺेत्र भें सावभजननक ऩुस्तकारम एवॊ वाचनारम िोरने की प्राथभना कयते हुए
सॊफॊचधत अचधकायह को ऩत्र लरखऽए |
आ .ननम्नलऱखखत अनच्
ु छे द ऩढ़कर उस ऩर आधाररत प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए : 5x1=5
48. हभाये दे श भें प्राचीन कार से अच्छे स्वास््म के लरए उचचत आहाय ऩय जोय ठदमा गमा है |
चचककत्सा शास्त्र के आचामों औय कवष-भनु नमों ने आमव
ु ेद भें आहाय की भहत्ता प्रनतऩाठदत
की है | उऩननषद् भें कहा गमा है – अनन हह हभाये भन का ननभाभण कयता है | चयक
सॊठहता भें लरिा है – अनन प्राखणमों का प्राण है | श्रीभद्बगवद्गीता के अनस
ु ाय बोजन
अथवा आहाय मथामोग्म होना चाठहए | हभाया आमव
ु ेद तो बोजन अथवा आहाय सॊफध
ॊ ी
ठहदामतों से बया ऩड़ा है | रेककन कपय बी मह ववडम्फना हह है कक बायत भें आधे से अचधक
फच्चे कुऩोषण से ककसी न ककसी रूऩ भें ग्रस्त हैं तथा एक-नतहाई के रगबग भठहराऐॊ
कुऩोषण की लशकाय हैं| आमवु द
े भें ऩ्म एवॊ कुऩ्म को बी फहुत अचधक भहत्व ठदमा गमा
है | आमव
ु ेद भें शयहय औय भन के लरए ठहतकायह आहाय को ऩ्म एवॊ शयहय को नक ु सान
ऩहुॉचाने वारे बोज्म ऩदाथों को कुऩ्म कहा गमा है |
1. हभाये दे श भें प्राचीन कार से अच्छे स्वास््म के लरए ककस ऩय जोय ठदमा गमा है ?
2. उऩननषद् भें कमा कहा गमा है ?
3. श्रीभद्बगवद्गीता के अनस
ु ाय आहाय ककस प्रकाय का होना चाठहए ?
4. बायत भें आधे से अचधक फच्चे ककससे ग्रस्त हैं ?
5. शयहय औय भन के लरए ठहतकायह आहाय को कमा कहते हैं ?
इ .ठहनदी में अनुवाद कीजजए: 5x1=5
49. i) ವಿವಿಧತ ಮಲ್ಲಿ ಏಕತ ಮನುು ಭ಺ಯತದಲ್ಲಿ ಕ಺ರ್ಫಹುದು.
Unity and diversity is found in India.
ii) ನ಺ವು ರ಺ಷರಗಿೇತ ಮನುು ಗೌಯವಿಸಬ ೇಕು.
We should respect our National Anthem.
iii) ರ಺ಹುಲ್ನು IAS ಩ರಿೇಕ್ಷ ಮನುು ಩ರಥಭ ಷ಺ಾನದ್ ೂಿಂದಗ ತ ೇಗ್ಿಡ ಸ ೂಿಂದದ್಺ಾನ .
Rahul cleared his IAS exam with 1st Rank.
iv) ಩಺ರಿಂಶು಩಺ಲ್ಯು ಗ ದಾವಯನುು ಩ರಮ಺ರ್ ಩ತರದ್ ೂಿಂದಗ ಩ರಶಿಂಸಿಸಿದಯು.
Principal appreciated winners with certificates.
v) ಕ಺ಡು ಩಺ರಣಿಗ್ಳು ಫಹಳ ಅ಩಺ಮಕ಺ರಿ.
Wild animals are very dangerous.


गद्य भाग
1 सज
ु ान भगत
Knowledge Based 1 Marker -प्रेभचॊद
I अ एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखिए :

1. सीधे-सादे ककसान धन आते हह ककस ओय झुकते हैं ?

2. तीन वषभ रगाताय कौन-सी पसर रगती गमी ?
3. कानन
ू गो इराके भें आते तो ककसके चौऩार भें िहयते ?
4. सज
ु ान ने गाॉव भें कमा फनवामा ?
5. सज
ु ान की ऩत्नी का नाभ कमा है ?
6. सत्कामभ भें फाधा डारने से कमा बफगड़ता है ?
7. सज
ु ान के फड़े फेटे का नाभ लरखिए ?
8. सज
ु ान के छोटे फेटे का नाभ कमा है ?
9. बगत फनने के फाद सफसे फड़ी फात कमा है ?
10. कौन िार ऩय आकय चचल्राने रगा ?
11. फढ़
ु ाऩे भें आदभी की कमा भायह जाती है ?
12. सज
ु ान के हाथों से धीये -धीये कमा छीने जाने रगे ?
13. घय भें ककसका याज होता है ?
14. कठटमा का ढे य दे िकय कौन दॊ ग यह गमी ?
15. शॊकय कमा बयकय रामा ?
16. सज
ु ान की गोद भें सय यिे ककनहें अकथनीम सि
ु लभर यहा था ?
17. सज
ु ान ने रुऩमे-ऩैसे का रेन-दे न ककसके हाथ भें दे यिा था ?
18. सज
ु ान को ककतने भहहने के अववयर ऩरयश्रभ से पर लभरा ?
19. लबऺुक के गाॉव का नाभ लरखिए |
20. ककसने बोरा को ऩयास्त कय ठदमा था ?
Comprehension based 3 Marker
आ ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. सज
ु ान भहतो की सॊऩवत्त फढ़ह तो कमा कयने रगा ?
2. बगतों के आचाय-ववचाय कैसे होते हैं ?
3. सज
ु ान ने लबऺुक को कमा दे ना चाहा औय उसका ऩरयणाभ कमा हुआ?
4. घय भें सज
ु ान बगत का अनादय कैसे हुआ ?
5. सज
ु ान बगत ऩेड़ के नीचे फैि कय कमा सोचता है ?
6. सज
ु ान बगत को सफसे अचधक क्रोध फर
ु ाकी ऩय कमों आता है ?
7. चैत के भहहने भें िलरहानों भें सतमग
ु के याज का वणभन कीजजए |
8. सज
ु ान बगत लबऺुक को कैसे सॊतष्ु ट कयता है ?
9. सज
ु ान बगत अऩना िोमा हुआ अचधकाय कपय कैसे प्रातत कयता है ?
Comprehension based 1 Marker
II अ ननम्नलऱखखत वाकय ककसने ककससे कहे ?
1. “धयभ के नाभ भें भीन-भेष ननकारना अच्छा नहहॊ |”
2. “ठदन बय एक न एक िच
ु ड़ ननकारते यहते हैं |”
3. “आधी योटह िाओ, बगवान का बजन कयो औय ऩड़े यहो |”
4. “क्रोधी तो सदा के हैं | अफ ककसी की सन
ु ेंगे थोड़े हह |”
5. “भैं सॉझा को डाॊड पेंक दॉ ग
ू ा| ”
6. “फाफा इतना भझ
ु से उि न सकेगा |”
7. “अच्छा ,फताओ ककस गाॉव भें यहते हो? ”

Expression based 3 Marker

आ ननम्नलऱखखत का ससॊदभय स्ऩष्टीकरण कीजजए :
1. “बगवान की इच्छा होगी तो कपय रुऩमे हो जामेंगे| उनके महाॉ ककस फात की कभी है |”
2. “अबी ऐसे फढ़
ू े नहहॊ हो गमे कक कोई काभ हह न कय सकें |”
3. “कहाॉ आटा यिा है ,राओ ,भैं हह ननकारकय दे आऊॉ | तभ
ु यानी फनकय फैिो| ”
4. “आदभी को चाठहए कक जैसा सभम दे िे वैसा काभ कये |”
5. “अफ तक जजस घय भें याज्म ककमा, उसी घय भें ऩयाधीन फनकय नहहॊ यह सकता |”
6. “अच्छा, तम्
ु हाये साभने मह ढे य है | इसभें से जजतना अनाज उिाकय रे जा सको, रे जाओ |”

2 कत्तयव्य और सत्यता
Knowledge based 1 Marker डॉ .श्माभसद
ॊु य दास
I अ एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखिए:
1. हभ रोगों का ऩयभ धभभ कमा है ?
2. कत्तभव्म कयने का आयम्ब ऩहरे कहाॉ से शरू
ु होता है ?
3. कत्तभव्म ककस ऩय ननबभय है ?
4. कत्तभव्म कयने से कमा फढ़ता है ?
5. धभभ-ऩारन कयने भें सफसे अचधक फाधा कमा है ?
6. भन ज्मादा दे य तक दवु वधा भें ऩड़ा यहा तो कमा आ घेयेगी ?
7. कत्तभव्म ऩारन औय सत्मता भें कैसा सॊफध
ॊ है ?

8. झि
ू फोरने का ऩरयणाभ कमा होगा ?
9. फहुत-से रोग नीनत औय आवश्मकता के फहाने ककस की यऺा कयते हैं?
10. ककसे सफसे ऊॉचा स्थान दे ना उचचत है ?
11. जो भनष्ु म सत्म फोरता है , वह ककससे दयू बागता है ?
12. ककनसे सबी घण
ृ ा कयते हैं ?
Comprehension based 3 Marker
आ ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. घय औय सभाज भें भनष्ु म का जीवन ककन-ककन के प्रनत कत्तभव्मों से बया ऩड़ा है ?
2. भन की शजकत कैसी है ?
3. धभभ-ऩारन कयने के भागभ भें कमा-कमा अड़चन आते हैं ?
4. अॊग्रेजी-जहाज फीच सभर
ु भें डूफते सभम ऩरु
ु षों ने कैसे अऩना धभभ ननबामा ?
5. झूि की उत्ऩवत्त औय उसके कई रूऩों के फाये भें लरखिए |
6. भनष्ु म का ऩयभ धभभ कमा है ? उसकी यऺा कैसी कयनी चाठहए ?
7. ‘कत्तभव्म ऩारन औय सत्मता के फीच घननष्ि सम्फनध है |’ कैसे? स्ऩष्ट कीजजए |

Expression based 3 Marker

आ ननम्नलऱखखत का ससॊदभय स्ऩष्टीकरण कीजजए :

1. “जजधय दे िो उधय कत्तभव्म हह कत्तभव्म दे ि ऩड़ते है |”

2. “कत्तभव्म कयना नमाम ऩय ननबभय है |”
3. “इसलरए हभाया मह धभभ है कक हभायह आत्भा हभें जो कहे , उसके अनस
ु ाय हभ कयें |”
4. “इसी प्रकाय जो रोग स्वाथी होकय अऩने कत्तभव्म ऩय ध्मान नहहॊ दे त,े वे सॊसाय भें रजज्जत होते हैं औय सफ रोग उनसे घण
ृ ा कयते हैं |”
5. “सत्म फोरने हह से सभाज भें हभाया सम्भान हो सकेगा औय हभ आनॊदऩव
ू क
भ हभाया सभम बफता सकेंगे |”

3 गॊगा मैया से साऺात्कार

Knowledge based 1 Marker -डॉ .फयसाने रार चतव
ु ेदह
I अ एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. रेिक ने ककनसे साऺात्काय लरमा है ?
2. रेिक भकय-सॊक्राॊनत के ठदन कहाॉ थे ?
3. भाॉ कहाॉ ववयाज यहह थी ?
4. भाॉ के चहये ऩय कमा थी ?
5. ककसका सॊकट चचाभ का ववषम फना हुआ है ?
6. गॊगा भैमा ने सत्म को कमा कहा है ?
7. ककसका व्माऩायहकयण हो यहा है ?
8. असरह झगड़ा ककसके फाये भें हैं ?
9. भनष्ु म के कुकभों ऩय कौन हॉसने रगे हैं ?
10. गॊगा भैमा ने ककसे सवभ शजकतभान कहा है ?
11. ऩन
ु : उत्थान की ककयणें कफ पूटती हैं ?
Comprehension based 3 Marker
आ ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. प्रदष
ू ण के सॊफध
ॊ भें गॊगा भैमा ने कमा कहा है ?

2. सभाज भें कौन-कौन-सी सभस्माएॉ फढ़ यहह हैं ? सॊऺेऩ भें लरखिए|

3. गॊगा भैमा का कुसी से कमा अलबप्राम है ?

Comprehension based 1 Marker
II अ ननम्नलऱखखत वाकय ककसने ककससे कहे ?
1. “चरयत्र के अजस्तत्व को ककसने लभटामा ?”
2. “कायण अरग-अरग फताते हैं ऩय असरह झगड़ा कुसी का है |”

Expression based 3 Marker

आ ननम्नलऱखखत का ससॊदभय स्ऩष्टीकरण कीजजए :

1. “वत्स, दे श का वातावयण हह जफ प्रदवू षत हो गमा तफ भैं कैसे फच सकती थी |”

2. “फेटा, शब्दकोशों भें उसका नाभ शेष है , उऩदे शकों के प्रमोग भें बी आ यहा है |”
3. “सेवाठह ऩयभो धभभ’ के स्थान ऩय रोग ‘भेवाठह ऩयभो धभभ’ कहने रगे हैं |”
4. “एक फाय जफ ज़फान ऩे चढ़ जाए तो कपय कुछ अच्छा नहहॊ रगता |”
5. “ऩतन की जफ ऩयाकाष्िा हो जाती है तबी ऩन
ु : उत्थान की ककयणें पूटती हैं |”

4 एक कहानी यह भी
Knowledge based 1 Marker -भननू बॊडायह
I अ एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखिए:

1. भननू बॊडायह का जनभ ककस गाॉव भें हुआ ?

2. अजभेय से ऩहरे भननू के वऩता कहाॉ थे ?
3. अॊग्रेजी-ठहनदह ववषमवाय शब्दकोश के अधूये काभ को ककसने ऩयू ा ककमा?
4. रेखिका की फड़ी फहन का नाभ लरखिए |
5. ऩाॉच बाई-फहनों भें सफसे छोटह कौन है ?
6. भहानगय के फ़्रैट भें यहनेवारे रोग कमा बर
ू गए हैं ?
7. भननब
ू ड
ॊ ायह ने ‘भहाबोज’ उऩनमास भें ककस ऩड़ोसी के व्मजकतत्व को अलबव्मकत ककमा?

8. वऩताजी का आग्रह कमा था ?

9. वऩताजी यसोई घय को कमा कहते थे ?
10. भननू बॊडायह को प्रबाववत कयनेवारह ठहनदह प्राध्मावऩका का नाभ लरखिए |
11. कॉरेज से ककसका ऩत्र आमा ?
12. वऩताजी के अॊतयॊ ग लभत्र का नाभ लरखिए |
13. शताब्दह की सफसे फड़ी उऩरजब्ध कमा है ?
14. ‘एक कहानी मह बी’ की रेखिका कौन हैं ?

Comprehension based 3 Marker

आ ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए :

1. भननू बॊडायह के फचऩन के फाये भें लरखिए |

2. वऩताजी के प्रनत रेखिका के कमा ववचाय थे ?
3. रेखिका फचऩन भें कौन-कौन से िेर िेरती थीॊ ?
4. ‘ऩडोस-कल्चय’ के फाये भें रेखिका कमा कहती हैं ?
5. शीरा अग्रवार का रेखिका ऩय कमा प्रबाव ऩड़ा ?
6. वऩताजी ने यसोई को ‘बठटमायिाना’ कमों कहा है ?
7. एक दककमानस
ू ी लभत्र ने भननू बॊडायह के वऩता से कमा कहा ?
8. भननू बॊडायह की भाॉ का ऩरयचम दहजजए |

Comprehension based 1 Marker

II अ ननम्नलऱखखत वाकय ककसने ककससे कहे ?

1. “रौटकय फहुत कुछ गफ

ु ाय ननकर जाए तफ फर
ु ाना |”
2. “साये कॉलरज की रड़ककमों ऩय इतना यौफ है तेया...”
3. “हभाये -आऩके घयों की रडककमों को शोबा दे ता है मह सफ |”
4. “फॊद कयो अफ इस भननू का घय से फाहय ननकरना |”
5. “आई एभ रयअरह प्राउड ऑप मू |”
6. “मू हैव लभस्ड सभचथॊग |”

Expression based 3 Marker
आ ननम्नलऱखखत का ससॊदभय स्ऩष्टीकरण कीजजए :

1. “एक ओय वे फेहद कोभर औय सॊवेदनशीर व्मजकत थे तो दस

ू यह ओय फेहद क्रोधी औय अहॊ वादह |”
2. “वऩता के िीक ववऩयहत थीॊ हभायह फेऩढ़ह-लरिी भाॉ |”
3. “मह रड़की भझ
ु े कहहॊ भॉह
ु ठदिाने रामक नहहॊ यिेगी |”
4. “वे फोरते जा यहे थे औय वऩताजी के चेहये का सॊतोष धीये -धीये गवभ भें फदरता जा यहा था |”
5. “कमा वऩताजी को इस फात का बफरकुर बी अहसास नहहॊ था कक इन दोनों का यास्ता हह टकयाहट का है ?”

5 भारतरत्न ववश्वेश्वरयया
Knowledge based 1 Marker -डॉ .फारशौरय ये ड्डी
I अ एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए :

1. ववश्वेश्वयय्मा का ऩयू ा नाभ लरखिए |

2. ववश्वेश्वयय्मा का जनभ कहाॉ हुआ ?
3. ववश्वेश्वयय्मा ने फेंगरयू के ककस कॉरेज से फी.ए. उत्तीणभ ककमा ?
4. ववश्वेश्वयय्मा ककसके फड़े ऩाफॊद थे ?
5. ववश्वेश्वयय्मा ककस उम्र भें अलसस्टें ट इॊजजननमय के ऩद ऩय ननमक
ु त हुए ?
6. ववश्वेश्वयय्मा ने ३१ वषभ की उम्र भें कौन-सा फड़ा कामभ ककमा ?
7. ववश्वेश्वयय्मा ने ककस फाॉध के लरए ऑटोभैठटक गेटों का ड़डज़ाइन ककमा ?
8. ववश्वेश्वयय्मा को अदन से कफ फर
ु ावा आमा ?
9. नौकयह से ननवत्त
ृ होने के फाद ववश्वेश्वयय्मा ककस याज्म के सराहकाय के रूऩ भें ननमक
ु त हुए ?
10. ककस नदह भें बमॊकय फाढ़ आती थी ?
11. कावेयह नदह का फाॉध ककस नाभ से भशहूय है ?
12. १९५५ भें बायत सयकाय ने ववश्वेश्वयय्मा को ककस उऩाचध से ववबवू षत ककमा ?
13. ववश्वेश्वयय्मा की भत्ृ मु कफ हुई ?
14. ववश्वेश्वयय्मा का जनभ ठदन ककस नाभ से भनामा जाता है ?

Comprehension based 3 Marker

आ ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए :

1. ववश्वेश्वयय्मा के फाल्म जीवन के फाये भें लरखिए |

2. ववश्वेश्वयय्मा की लशऺा के फाये भें लरखिए |
3. ववश्वेश्वयय्मा की प्रहसद्धद्ध तथा ऩदोनननत दे िकय कुछ इॊजीननमय कमों जरते थे ?
4. हैदयाफाद के नवाफ के साभने कौन-सी भस
ु ीफत थी ? उसका सभाधान ववश्वेश्वयय्मा ने कैसे ककमा ?
5. भैसयू याज्म के ववकास भें ववश्वेश्वयय्मा के मोगदान के फाये भें लरखिए |
6. ववश्वेश्वयय्मा के गण
ु -स्वबाव का ऩरयचम दहजजए |

6 चीफ़ की दावत
Knowledge based 1 Marker -डॉ .बीष्भ साहनी
I अ एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए :

1. चीफ़ की दावत ककसके घय ऩय थी ?

2. शाभनाथ की ऩत्नी ने भाॉ को कहाॉ बेजने के लरए कहा ?
3. शाभनाथ भाॉ को कौन-से यॊ ग के शरवाय-कभीज़ ऩहनने के लरए कहते हैं ?
4. भाॉ के सफ ज़ेवय कमों बफक गए थे ?
5. भाॉ कमा टार नहहॊ सकती थी ?
6. भेभ साहफ को कमा ऩसॊद आमे थे ?
7. सबी दे सी जस्त्रमों की आयाधना का केंर कौन फनी हुई थी ?
8. भाॉ कमा गाने रगी ?
9. ककसने ऩाटी भें नमा यॊ ग बय ठदमा था ?
10. चीफ़ साहफ फड़ी रूचच से ककसे दे िने रगे ?
11. चीफ़ साहफ की िुशाभद कयने से शाभनाथ को कमा राब हो सकता था ?
12. भाॉ भन हह भन ककसके उज्जवर-बववष्म की काभनाएॉ कयने रगीॊ ?

Comprehension based 3 Marker
आ ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए :

1. शाभनाथ औय उनकी धभभऩत्नी ने चीफ़ की दावत के लरए सफ

ु ह से कमा-कमा तैमारयमाॉ कीॊ ?
2. शाभनाथ औय उनकी धभभऩत्नी भाॉ को रेकय कमों चचॊनतत थे ?
3. चीफ़ की दावत के सभम भाॉ की भनोदशा का वणभन कीजजए |
4. फयाभदे भें ऩहुॉचते हह शाभनाथ कमों ठििक गमे?
5. चीफ़ औय भाॉ की भर
ु ाकात का वणभन कीजजए |
6. भाॉ को आलरॊगन भें बयकय शाभनाथ ने कमा कहा ?
7. चीफ़ साहफ ऩय ठटतऩणी लरखिए|
8. शाभनाथ की चारयबत्रक ववशेषताओॊ ऩय प्रकाश डालरए|
9. शाभनाथ की भाॉ के स्वाबाववक गण
ु ों का ऩरयचम दहजजए|

Comprehension based 1 Marker

II अ ननम्नलऱखखत वाकय ककसने ककससे कहे ?

1. “भाॉ का कमा होगा |”

2. “जो वह सो गमीॊ औय नीॊद भें ियाभटे रेने रगीॊ, तो?”
3. “आज तभ
ु िाना जल्दह िा रेना |”
4. “जफ से फीभायह से उिी हूॉ नाक से साॉस नहहॊ रे सकती |”
5. “सच? भझ
ु े गाॉव के रोग फहुत ऩसॊद हैं |”
6. “वह ज़रूय फना दें गी | आऩ उसे दे िकय िुश होंगे |”

Expression based 3 Marker

आ ननम्नलऱखखत का ससॊदभय स्ऩष्टीकरण कीजजए :

1. “इनहें वऩछवाड़े इनकी सहेरह के घय बेज दो |”

2. “चड़ू ड़माॉ कहाॉ से राऊॉ फेटा, तभ
ु तो जानते हो, सफ ज़ेवय तम्
ु हायह ऩढ़ाई भें बफक गए |”
3. “भेयह भाॉ गाॉव की यहनेवारह हैं | उभय-बय गाॉव भें यहह हैं |”
4. “कमों, भाॉ, साहफ को पुरकायह फहुत ऩसॊद है , इनहें ऐसी एक पुरकायह फना दोगी न |”
5. “ओ अम्भी ! तभ
ु ने तो आज यॊ ग रा ठदमा |”
6. “जानती नहहॊ, साहफ िुश होगा, तो भझ
ु े तयककी लभरेगी ?”
7. “तो भैं फना दॉ ग
ू ी, फेटा, जैसे फन ऩड़ेगा, फना दॉ ग
ू ी |”

7 भोऱाराम का जीव
Knowledge based 1 Marker -हरयशॊकय ऩयसाई
I अ एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. स्वगभ मा नयक भें ननवास स्थान ‘अरॉट’ कयने वारे कौन हैं ?
2. बोरायाभ के जीव ने ककतने ठदनों ऩहरे दे ह त्मागी ?
3. बोरायाभ का जीव ककसे चकभा दे गमा ?
4. मभदत
ू ने साया ब्रह्तभाण्ड ककसकी िोज भें छान डारा ?
5. बोरायाभ ककस शहय का ननवासी था ?
6. बोरायाभ को ऩाॉच सार से कमा नहहॊ लभरा ?
7. नायद जी बोरायाभ की ऩत्नी से ववदा रेकय कहाॉ ऩहुॉचे ?
8. बोरायाभ ने दयख्वास्त ऩय कमा नहहॊ यिा था ?
9. फड़े साहफ के कभये के फाहय कौन ऊॉघ यहा था ?
10. फड़े साहफ की रड़की कमा सीिती है ?
11. नायद कमा नछनते दे ि घफयामे ?
12. फ़ाइर भें से ककसकी आवाज़ आमी ?

Comprehension based 3 Marker
आ ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए :

1. चचत्रगतु त ने धभभयाज से कमा कहा ?

2. मभदत
ू ने हाथ जोड़कय चचत्रगतु त से कमा ववनती की ?
3. नयक भें ननवास स्थान की सभस्मा कैसे हर हुई ?
4. बोरायाभ का ऩरयचम दहजजए |
5. बोरायाभ की ऩत्नी ने नायद से बोरायाभ के सॊफध
ॊ भें कमा कहा ?

6. बोरायाभ की ऩत्नी ने नायद से कमा ववनती की ?

7. फड़े साहफ ने नायद से दफ़्तयों के यहनत-रयवाज़ के फाये भें कमा कहा ?
8. नायद आखिय बोरायाभ का ऩता कैसे रगाते हैं ?

Comprehension based 1 Marker

II अ ननम्नलऱखखत वाकय ककसने ककससे कहे ?

1. “भहायाज, रयकाडभ सफ िीक है |”

2. “बोरायाभ का जीव कहाॉ है ?”
3. “भहायाज, भेयह सावधानी भें बफरकुर कसय नहहॊ थी |”
4. “कमों धभभयाज, कैसे चचॊनतत फैिे हैं ?”
5. “इनकभ होती तो टै कस होता | बि
ु भया था |”
6. “भझ
ु े लबऺा नहहॊ चाठहए, भझ
ु े बोरायाभ के फाये भें कुछ ऩछ
ू -ताछ कयनी है |”
7. “गयहफी की फीभायह थी |”
8. “आऩ साधु हैं, आऩको दनु नमादायह सभझ भें नहहॊ आती |”

Expression based 3 Marker

आ ननम्नलऱखखत का ससॊदभय स्ऩष्टीकरण कीजजए:

1. “ऩय ऐसा कबी नहहॊ हुआ था |”

2. “आज तक भैंने धोिा नहहॊ िामा था, ऩय बोरायाभ का जीव भझ
ु े चकभा दे गमा |”
3. “इन ऩाॉच ठदनों भें भैंने साया ब्रह्तभाण्ड छान डारा, ऩय उसका कहहॊ ऩता नहहॊ चरा |”
4. “चचॊता भें घर
ु ते-घर
ु ते औय बि
ू े भयते-भयते उनहोंने दभ तोड़ ठदमा |”
5. “साध-ु सॊतों की वीणा से तो औय अच्छे स्वय ननकरते हैं |”
6. “ऩेंशन का ऑडभय आ गमा ?”

8 यात्रा जाऩान की
Knowledge based 1 Marker -भभता कालरमा
I अ एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखिए :

1. रेखिका जाऩान ककस हे तु गई थीॊ ?

2. एमय इॊड़डमा की उड़ान ककतने लभनट ववरम्फ से चरह ?
3. रेखिका औय उनके साथी तोकमो भें ककस होटर भें िहये ?
4. जाऩान के होटरों का रयवाज़ कमा है ?
5. जाऩान का गण
ु -धभभ कमा है ?
6. रेखिका औय उनके साचथमों के ऩथ-प्रदशभक कौन थे ?
7. ‘तोकमो मनू नवलसभटह ऑफ़ फ़ॉये न स्टडीज़’ के ननदे शक कौन हैं?
8. ऩस्
ु तकारम से फाहय ननकरते सभम अराभभ कमा जताता है ?
9. रेखिका ने ककसे अनश
ु ासन वप्रम कहा है ?
10. ‘लशनकानसेन’ का शाजब्दक अथभ कमा है ?
11. ‘स्टे शन’ को जाऩानी बाषा भें कमा कहते हैं?
12. ‘ऩानी’ के लरए जाऩानी बाषा भें कौन-सा शब्द है ?
13. ‘ओके’ को जाऩानी बाषा भें कमा कहते हैं?
14. ‘स्रभ डॉग लभलरमनेय’ कपल्भ ककसकी ऩस्
ु तक के आधाय ऩय फनी है ?
15. ‘नाया’ का प्रहसद्ध भॊठदय कौन-सा है ?
16. गौतभ बुद्ध को जाऩानी बाषा भें कमा कहते हैं ?
17. नाया भॊठदय भें बुद्ध प्रनतभा की ऊॉचाई ककतनी है ?
18. एक ज़भाने भें कौन-सा शहय जाऩान की याजधानी हुआ कयता था ?

Comprehension based 3 Marker
आ ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए :

1. जाऩान के बायतीम ये स्तयाॉ ‘करकत्ता’ का वणभन कीजजए |

2. जाऩान के ये रवे स्टे शन औय ये र मात्रा के फाये भें रेखिका कमा कहती हैं ?
3. ‘टफ्स’ के ऩस्
ु तकारम के फाये भें लरखिए |
4. जाऩान के ‘फर
ु ेट-ट्रे न’ ऩय ठटतऩणी लरखिए |
5. ओसाका के ककरे का चचत्रण कीजजए |
6. ‘तोदामजी भॊठदय’ का वणभन कीजजए |
7. जाऩान के ‘ठहयन-वन’ के फाये भें लरखिए |
8. अॊतयाभष्ट्रहम ठहनदह सम्भरेन के फाये भें रेखिका के कमा ववचाय हैं ?
9. जाऩान भें ठहनदह के प्रबाव-प्रसाय ऩय ठटतऩणी लरखिए |
Comprehension based 1 Marker
II अ ननम्नलऱखखत वाकय ककसने ककससे कहे ?
1. “वह दे खिमे पूजी ऩवभत |”
2. “फताइमे, गटाऩाचाभ कमा होता है |”
3. “हफ़्ते बय तक महह िाऊॉगा औय कमा ?”
Expression based 3 Marker
आ ननम्नलऱखखत का ससॊदभय स्ऩष्टीकरण कीजजए :
1. “महाॉ ठटकट िाॉचे भें डार कय जल्द अॊदय घस
ु ो, उस ऩाय जाकय अऩनी ठटकट उिा रो |”
2. “महाॉ तो डेंठटस्ट भकिी भायते होंगे |”
3. “इनकी हय भॊजजर ऩय इतनी जगह जानफझ
ू कय छोड़ी गई है जो बक
ू म्ऩ के धकके सह सके |”
4. “महाॉ प्रकृनत की तलू रका भें सात से अचधक यॊ ग ठदिाई दे यहे हैं |”
5. “मह ककरा जाऩानी सॊघषभधलभभता औय जजजीववषा का प्रतीक है |”


पद्य भाग
मध्यकाऱीन कववता
1 रै दासबानी
Knowledge Based 1 Marker
I अ एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. यै दास ककसकी यट रगाए हुए हैं ?
2. अॊग-अॊग भें ककसकी सग
ु ध
ॊ सभा गई है ?
3. यै दास अगय भोय हैं तफ प्रबु जी कमा हैं ?
4. चकोय ऩऺी ककसे दे िता यहता है ?
5. प्रबज
ु ी के दहऩक फनने ऩय यै दास कमा फन जाते हैं ?
6. प्रबज
ु ी अगय भोती हैं तो धागा कौन है ?
7. ‘सोने लभरत सहु ागा’ भहु ावये का कमा अथभ है ?
8. यै दास अऩने आऩको ककसका सेवक भानते हैं ?
9. यै दास बगवान से ककस प्रकाय की बजकत कयते हैं ?
10. यै दास ककस प्रकाय जीवन का ननवाभह कयने के लरए कहते हैं ?
11. यै दास के अनस
ु ाय कबी बी कमा ननष्पर नहहॊ जाता ?
12. यै दास ककस याज्म की काभना कयते हैं ?
13. यै दास कफ प्रसनन यहें गे ?

Comprehension based 3 Marker

आ ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. यै दास ने बगवान औय बकत के सॊफध
ॊ को कैसे वखणभत ककमा है ?
2. ऩरयश्रभ के भहत्त्व के प्रनत यै दास के कमा ववचाय है ?
3. यै दास ने ककस प्रकाय के याज्म का वणभन ककमा है ?

Expression based 4 Marker

इ ननम्नलऱखखत का ससॊदभय भाव स्ऩष्ट कीजजए :
1. अफ कैसे छूटै याभ यट रागी |
प्रबु जी तभ
ु चॊदन हभ ऩानी,
जाकी अॊग-अॊग फास सभानी |
2. प्रबु जी तभ
ु भोती, हभ धागा,
जैसे सोने लभरत सह
ु ागा |
प्रबु जी तभ
ु स्वाभी हभ दासा
ऐसी बगनत कयै यै दासा ||
3. यै दास श्रभ करय िाइठह,
जो रौ ऩाय फसाम |
नेक कभाई जउ कयइ,
कफहुॉ न ननहपर जाम ||
2 सूरदास के ऩद
Knowledge Based 1 Marker
I अ एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. अऩने आऩको कौन बाग्मशालरनी सभझ यहह हैं ?
2. गोवऩकाएॉ ककसे सॊफोचधत कयते हुए फातें कय यहह हैं ?
3. गोवऩकाओॊ को ककनकी आॉिों से रगाव है ?
4. सभ
ु न से ऽुशफू कौन रेकय आता है ?
5. भधऩु के भन भें ककसके प्रनत अनयु ाग ऩैदा हुआ ?
6. अॊग-अॊग भें ककसका सॊचाय हुआ ?
7. ववयह-व्मथा ककनका दयू हुआ ?
8. नॊद-नॊदन कहाॉ ऩय दे िे गमे ?
9. श्रीकृष्ण के कान भें ककस आकाय का कॊु डर है ?
10. श्रीकृष्ण ने कौन-से यॊ ग का वस्त्र धायण ककमा है ?
11. श्रीकृष्ण के तन से ककसकी िुशफू आ यहह है ?
12. श्रीकृष्ण के प्रेभ भें कौन भग्न हो जाती हैं ?
13. वाणी कहाॉ यह गमी ?
14. श्रीकृष्ण की आॉिें कैसी हैं ?
15. श्रीकृष्ण से सकुचाते हुए कौन लभरती हैं ?

16. कौन अॊतय की फात जानने वारे हैं ?
17. कानहा कमा कयते हुए ऩकड़े गमे ?
18. कानहा ने कफ-कफ ग्वालरनी को सतामा ?
19. श्रीकृष्ण के अनस
ु ाय ककसने सफ भािन िा लरमा ?
20. ग्वालरनी का क्रोध जफ शाॊत हो जाता है तफ वह कमा कयती है ?
21. सयू दास ककसकी शोबा ऩय फलर जाते हैं ?

Comprehension based 3 Marker

आ ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. गोवऩकाएॉ अऩने आऩको कमों बाग्मशालरनी सभझती हैं ?
2. श्रीकृष्ण के रूऩ सौनदमभ का वणभन कीजजए |
3. सयू दास ने भािन चोयह प्रसॊग का ककस प्रकाय वणभन ककमा है ?

Expression based 4 Marker

इ ननम्नलऱखखत का ससॊदभय भाव स्ऩष्ट कीजजए :
1. ऊधौ हभ आजु बईं फड़-बागी |
जजन अॉखिमन तभ
ु स्माभ बफरोके, ते अॉखिमाॉ हभ रागीॊ |
जैसे सभ
ु न फास रै आवत, ऩवन भधुऩ अनयु ागी |
अनत आनॊद होत है तैस,ैं अॊग-अॊग सि
ु यागी |
2. जभन
ु ा तट दे िे नॉद नॉदन |
ु ु ट भकयाकृत-कॊु डर, ऩीत-फसन तन चॊदन |
रोचन ततृ त बए दयसन तैं उय की तऩनन फझ
ु ानी |
प्रेभ-भगन तफ बईं सद
ुॊ यह, उय गदगद, भि
ु -फानी |
3. चोयह कयत कानह धरय ऩाए |
ननलस-फासय भोठहॉ फहुत सतामौ अफ हरय अरय हाथठहॉ आए |
भािन-दचध भेयौ सफ िामौ, फहुत अचगयह कीनहह |
अफ तो घात ऩये हौ रारन, तम्
ु हॉ बरै भैं चीनहह |

3 रहीम के दोहे
Knowledge Based 1 Marker
I अ एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. बुद्धद्धिीन भनष्ु म ककसके सभान है ?
2. ककसके बफना भनष्ु म का अजस्तत्व व्मथभ है ?
3. चचता ककसे जराती है ?
4. चचॊता ककसे जराती है ?
5. कभभ का पर दे नेवारा कौन है ?
6. यहहभ के अनस
ु ाय अऩने हाथ भें कमा है ?
7. प्रेभ की गरह कैसी है ?
8. यहहभ के अनस
ु ाय जहाॉ अहॊ होता है , वहाॉ ककसका वास नहहॊ होता ?
9. यहहभ ककसे फावयह कहते हैं ?
10. जत
ू ी ककसे िानी ऩड़ती है ?
11. यहहभ ककसे धनम भानते हैं ?
12. जगत कहाॉ से तमासा रौट जाता है ?
13. यहहभ ककसे सीॊचने के लरए कहते हैं ?

Comprehension based 3 Marker

आ ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. यहहभ के अनस
ु ाय बू ऩय ककस प्रकाय के रोगों का जनभ रेना व्मथभ है ?
2. यहहभ ने भनष्ु म की प्रनतष्िा के सॊफध
ॊ भें कमा कहा है ?
3. यहहभ जी ने चचता औय चचॊता के अॊतय को कैसे सभझामा है ? स्ऩष्ट कीजजए |
4. कभभमोग के स्वरूऩ के फाये भें यहहभ के कमा ववचाय हैं ?
5. अहॊकाय के सॊफध
ॊ भें यहहभ के ववचाय व्मकत कीजजए |
6. वाणी को कमों सॊमत यिना चाठहए ?
7. बगवान की अननम बजकत के फाये भें यहहभ कमा कहते हैं ?

Expression based 4 Marker

इ ननम्नलऱखखत का ससॊदभय भाव स्ऩष्ट कीजजए :
1. यठहभन ऩानी याखिमे, बफनु ऩानी सफ सन
ू |
ऩानी गए न ऊफयै , भोती, भानष
ु , चून ||
2. यठहभन गरह है साॉकयह, दज
ू ो ना िहयाठहॊ |
आऩु अहै तो हरय नहहॊ, हरय तो आऩन
ु नाठहॊ ||

3. यठहभन हिह्वा फावयह, कठह गइ सयग ऩतार |
आऩु तो कठह बीतय यहह, जत
ू ी िात कऩार ||
4. धनन यहहभ जर ऩॊक को, रघु जजम वऩअत अघाम |
उदचध फड़ाई कौन है , जगत वऩआसो जाम ||

4 बबहारी के दोहे
Knowledge Based 1 Marker
I अ एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. ककस वस्तु को ऩाकय भनष्ु म उनभत्त होता है ?
2. बफहायह के अनस
ु ाय भन कैसा होता है ?
3. बगवान कफ प्रसन्न होते हैं ?
4. फाॉसयु ह ककस यॊ ग की है ?
5. ककसकी गनत को सभझना भजु श्कर है ?
6. प्रेभी चचत्त कफ उजरा होता है ?
7. सॊऩवत्त रूऩी सलरर के फढ़ने का कमा ऩरयणाभ होता है ?
8. सम्ऩवत्त रूऩी सलरर के घटने का कमा ऩरयणाभ होता है ?
9. वस्तए
ु ॉ कफ सन
ु दय प्रतीत होती हैं ?
10. ऩातक, याजा औय योग ककसे दफाते हैं ?

Comprehension based 3 Marker

आ ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. बफहायह ने दोनों कनक के सॊफध
ॊ भें कमा कहा है ?
2. कवव बफहायह के अनस
ु ाय बगवान ककस प्रकाय की बजकत से प्रसन्न होते हैं ?
3. बफहायह बगवान कृष्ण के प्रनत अनयु कत भन की गनत का वणभन ककस प्रकाय कयते हैं ?
4. सम्ऩवत्त रूऩी ऩानी औय भन रूऩी कभर के सॊफध
ॊ भें बफहायह के कमा ववचाय हैं ?
5. बफहायह सभम-सभम ऩय फदरनेवारे भन की रूचच के फाये भें कमा कहते हैं ?
6. सफ वेद औय स्भनृ तमाॉ कमा फताते हैं ?

Expression based 4 Marker

इ ननम्नलऱखखत का ससॊदभय भाव स्ऩष्ट कीजजए :
1. कनक कनक तैं सौगन
ु ौ, भादकता अचधकाइ |
उठहॊ िाऐॊ फौयाइ, इठहॊ ऩाऐॊ हह फौंयाइ ||
2. जऩभारा छाऩा नतरक, सयै न एकौ काभु |
भन-काॉचै नाचै वथ
ृ ा, साॉचै याॉचै याभु ||
3. अनत अगाधु, अनत औथयौ, नदह, कूऩ, सरू, फाइ |
सो ताकौ सागरू जहाॉ, जाकी तमास फझ
ु ाइ ||
4. सभै-सभै सनु दय सफै, रूऩ कुरूऩ न कोइ |
भन की रूचच जेती जजतै, नतत तेती रूचच होइ ||
5. कहै महै श्रनु त सम्र
ु त्मौ, महै समाने रोग |
तीन दफावत ननसकहहॊ, ऩातक, याजा, योग ||

आधनु नक कववता
1 अचधकार
Knowledge Based 1 Marker -भहादे वी वभाभ
I अ एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. भस्
ु काते पूर को कमा आना चाठहए ?
2. तायों के दहऩ को कमा बाना चाठहए ?
3. भेघ भें ककस चीज़ की चाह होनी चाठहए ?
4. कतयु ाज को कौन-सी याह दे िनी चाठहए ?
5. आॉिों की सद ॊु यता ककससे फढ़ती है ?
6. प्राणों की साथभकता ककसभें है ?
7. कवनमत्री को ककसकी चाह नहहॊ है ?
8. कवनमत्री ककस अचधकाय की फात कय यहह हैं ?
9. ऩयभात्भा की करुणा से कवनमत्री को कमा लभरा ?
Comprehension based 3 Marker
आ ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. पूर एवॊ तायों के ववषम भें कवनमत्री भहादे वी वभाभ कमा कहती हैं ?
2. फादर एवॊ वसॊत ऋतु से हभें कमा प्रेयणा लभरती है ?
3. जीवन की साथभकता ककसभें हैं ?
4. कवनमत्री अभयों के रोक को कमों िुकया दे ती हैं ?
5. ‘अचधकाय’ कववता के िारा कवनमत्री ने कमा सॊदेश ठदमा है ?
6. ‘अचधकाय’ कववता भें प्रमक
ु त प्राकृनतक तत्वों के फाये भें लरखिए |

Expression based 4 Marker

इ ननम्नलऱखखत का ससॊदभय भाव स्ऩष्ट कीजजए :
1. वे सन
ू े से नमन, नहहॊ –
जजनभें फनते आॉस-ू भोती;
वह प्राणों की सेज, नहहॊ—
जजनभें फेसध
ु ऩीड़ा सोती;
2. ऐसा तेया रोक, वेदना,
नहहॊ, नहहॊ जजसभें अवसाद,
जरना जाना नहहॊ, नहहॊ –
जजसने जाना लभटने का स्वाद !
3. कमा अभयों का रोक लभरेगा ?
तेयह करुणा का उऩहाय ?
यहने दो हे दे व ! अये
मह भेया लभटने का अचधकाय !

2 गहने
Knowledge Based 1 Marker -कुवेंऩु (अन:ु डॉ. एभ. ववभरा)
I अ एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. फेटह सोने के गहने कमों नहहॊ चाहती ?
2. फेटह यॊ गीन कऩड़े ऩहनने से कमों इनकाय कयती है ?
3. भाॉ यॊ गीन कऩड़े औय गहने ऩहनने के लरए कमों आग्रह कयती है ?
4. फेटह को कमों सद
ुॊ य ठदिना है ?
5. फेटह सजने-धजने से कमा भहसस
ू कयती है ?
6. फेटह ककनहें गहने भानती है ?
7. भाॉ औय फेटह एक-दस
ू ये के लरए कमा फनते हैं ?

Comprehension based 3 Marker

आ ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. फेटह यॊ गीन कऩड़े औय गहने कमों नहहॊ चाहती ?
2. ‘गहने’ कववता के िारा कवव ने कमा आशम व्मकत ककमा है ?

Expression based 4 Marker

इ ननम्नलऱखखत का ससॊदभय भाव स्ऩष्ट कीजजए :
1. ताकक ठदिाई दो सद ॊु य, फहुत हह सद
ॊु य मों कहती हो
ुॊ य रगे ककसको, कहो भाॉ ?
दे िने वारों को रगता है सद
ुॊ य, दे ता है आनॊद;
भगय भझ
ु े फनता है फड़ा फॊधन !
2. भेया मह फचऩन, तम्
ु हाया भातत्ृ व
मे हह गहने हैं भेये लरए, भाॉ;
भैं तम्
ु हाया गहना; तभ
ु भेया गहना;
कपय अनम गहने कमों चाठहए, भाॉ?

3 कायर मत बन
Knowledge Based 1 Marker -नये नर शभाभ
I अ एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. कवव नये नर शभाभ कमा न फनने का सॊदेश दे ते हैं ?
2. कौन याह योकता है ?
3. कवव नये नर शभाभ के अनस
ु ाय भनष्ु म को कैसे नहहॊ जीना चाठहए ?
4. कवव नये नर शभाभ के अनस
ु ाय भनष्ु म को ककसने सीॊचा है ?
5. भानवता ने भनष्ु म को कैसे सीॊचा है ?
6. युद्ध के सभम कमा नहहॊ कयना चाठहए ?
7. कवव नये नर शभाभ भनष्ु म को ककसके फर ऩय जीतने को कहते हैं ?
8. कवव नये नर शभाभ के अनस
ु ाय प्रनतठहॊसा कमा है ?
9. कवव नये नर शभाभ ने ककसे अचधक अऩावन कहा है ?
10. कवव नये नर शभाभ के अनस
ु ाय भनष्ु म के अॊदय का भानव कैसा है ?
11. कवव नये नर शभाभ कमा अऩभण कयने के लरए कहते हैं ?
12. कवव नये नर शभाभ ककसके साभने आत्भसभऩभण न कयने के लरए कहते हैं ?
Comprehension based 3 Marker
आ ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. ‘कामय भत फन’ कववता के िारा कवव हभें कमा सॊदेश दे ते हैं ?
2. कवव नये नर शभाभ ने प्रनतठहॊसा औय कामयता के सॊफध
ॊ भें कमा कहा है ?
3. भानवता के प्रनत कवव नये नर शभाभ के ववचाय प्रकट कीजजए |
Expression based 4 Marker
इ ननम्नलऱखखत का ससॊदभय भाव स्ऩष्ट कीजजए :
1. रे-दे कय जीना कमा जीना ?
कफ तक गभ के आॉसू ऩीना ?
भानवता ने सीॊचा तझ
ु को
फहा मग
ु ों तक िून-ऩसीना |
2. मद्
ु धॊ दे ठह कहे जफ ऩाभय
दे न दहु ाई ऩीि पेय कय;
मा तो जीत प्रीनत के फर ऩय
मा तेया ऩद चूभे तस्कय |
3. मह लभटता है , वह फनता है ,
महह सत्म की सहह तोर है ,
अऩभण कय सवभस्व भनज
ु को,
कय न दष्ु ट को आत्भसभऩभण

4 एक वऺ
ृ की हत्या
Knowledge Based 1 Marker -कॉु वय नायामण
I अ एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. अफकी कौन घय रौटा ?
2. कवव ने फढ़
ू ा चौकीदाय ककसे कहा है ?
3. वऺ
ृ का शयहय ककससे फना है ?
4. सिू ी डार कैसी है ?
5. वऺ
ृ की ऩगड़ी कैसी है ?
6. वऺ
ृ का जूता कैसा है ?
7. अबी बी ककसभें अकिड़ऩन ठदिाई दे ता है ?
8. वऺ ृ की वदी ककस यॊ ग की है ?
9. दयू से हह वऺ
ृ कैसे ररकायता है ?
10. वऺ
ृ की ररकाय सन
ु कवव कमा जवाफ दे ते हैं ?
11. ऩर बय भें कवव कहाॉ फैि जाते हैं ?
12. शरू
ु से हह कमा अॊदेशा था ?
13. घय को ककससे फचाना है ?
14. शहय को ककससे फचाना है ?
15. दे श को ककससे फचाना है ?
16. नठदमों को कमा हो जाने से फचाना है ?
17. हवा को कमा हो जाने से फचाना है ?
18. िाने को कमा हो जाने से फचाना है ?
19. जॊगर को कमा हो जाने से फचाना है ?
20. भनष्ु म को कमा हो जाने से फचाना है ?

Comprehension based 3 Marker

आ ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. वऺ
ृ न ठदिने ऩय कवव उसकी मादों भें कैसे िो गए ?
2. वऺ
ृ की भहत्ता ऩय प्रकाश डालरए |
3. ऩमाभवयण के सॊयऺण के सॊफध
ॊ भें कवव कॉु वय नायामण के ववचाय लरखिए |

Expression based 4 Marker

इ ननम्नलऱखखत का ससॊदभय भाव स्ऩष्ट कीजजए :
1. अफकी घय रौटा तो दे िा वह नहहॊ था—
वहह फढ़
ू ा चौकीदाय वऺ

जो हभेशा लभरता था घय के दयवाज़े ऩय तैनात |
2. दयअसर शरू
ु से हह था हभाये अॊदेशों भें
कहहॊ एक जानी दश्ु भन
कक घय को फचाना है रट
ु े यों से
शहय को फचाना है नाठदयों से
दे श को फचाना है , दे श के दश्ु भनों से |

3. फचाना है –
नठदमों को नारा हो जाने से
हवा को धआ
ुॉ हो जाने से
िाने को ज़हय हो जाने से :
फचाना है --जॊगर को, भरुथर हो जाने से,
फचाना है —भनष्ु म को जॊगर हो जाने से |

5 भारत की धरती
Knowledge Based 1 Marker -डॉ. ऩण्
ु मभचनद ‘भानव’
I अ एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. याभ-कृष्ण की जनभ बलू भ भन भें कमा बयती है ?
2. भािन का बोग कौन रगाते हैं ?
3. बायत की मह बलू भ ककसका दऩभ-दरन कयती है ?
4. हभाये भस्तक को ककसने ऊॉचा ककमा है ?
5. अऩने फर ऩय कौन अड़ा है ?
6. बजन बाव भें ककसकी वाणी जैसा धीय है ?
7. सयस्वती सरयता तट ककसका उद्गाता है ?
8. हया-बया हरयमाणा ककनका स्थर है ?
9. इॊरऩयु ह ककसके साभने ऩानी बयती है ?
10. याणा की हुॉकाय कहाॉ सन
ु ी जा सकती है ?
11. स्वालबभान से ऊॉचे भस्तक कमा नहहॊ हो सकते ?
12. युद्ध ऺेत्र भें कौन डट कय रड़ते यहे ?
13. वऩतयों का तऩभण ककस बलू भ भें होता है ?
14. ववश्वगरु
ु कौन कहराते हैं ?
15. तलभरनाडु भें याभामण का ऻान कौन दे यहा है ?
16. भहायाष्ट्र भयहिे ककसके कृत्मों के गामक हैं ?
17. कनाभटक भें ककसकी शीतर भॊद सग
ु ध
ॊ ववचयती है ?
18. ववश्व ने ककसकी शजकत भानी है ?
19. कनाभटक भें ककसके फलरदानों की एक कहानी है ?
20. बायतीमता कहाॉ फहु रूऩ भें सॉवयती है ?
21. कनाभटक की ऩयभ ऩन
ु ीत नदह कौन-सी है ?
22. कनाभटक भें ककस भहाकवव के दशभन कय सकते हैं ?
23. बायत भाता की धयती ककसकी धयती है ?

Comprehension based 3 Marker

आ ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. ‘भानव’ ने उत्तय प्रदे श की ककन ववशेषताओॊ का वणभन ककमा है ?
2. ऩॊजाफ केसयह की भहत्ता प्रकट कीजजए |
3. हरयमाणा की साॊस्कृनतक ववशेषताओॊ ऩय प्रकाश डालरए |
4. याजस्थान की वीयता के सॊफध
ॊ भें ‘भानव’ के कमा ववचाय हैं ?
5. बफहाय याज्म की बव्मता का वणभन कीजजए |
6. दक्षऺण प्रदे श की भहत्ता को अऩने शब्दों भें लरखिए |
7. कनाभटक के गौयवशारह इनतहास औय सॊस्कृनत के सॊफध
ॊ भें ‘भानव’ के कमा उद्गाय हैं ?

Expression based 4 Marker

इ ननम्नलऱखखत का ससॊदभय भाव स्ऩष्ट कीजजए :
1. उत्तय भें उत्तय प्रदे श, काशी, प्रमाग, िररिार जहाॉ |
भलरक भह
ु म्भद के, कफीय के, तर
ु सी के उद्गाय जहाॉ |
फरहनाथ, केदायनाथ-से, तीथों का मह स्थर ऩावन
भािन बोग रगानेवारा, कृष्ण कनहै मा भनबावन ||
2. वेद औय उऩननषद् ऻान गीत का तत्व प्रदाता है |
सयस्वती सरयता तट वैठदक भॊत्रों का उद्गाता है ||
हरयत-बरयत हरयमाणा, अजन
ुभ , बीभ, मचु धजष्िय का स्थर है |
धभभ-कभभ-सॊस्कृनत-सभ्मता, फर-ऩौरुष का सॊफर है ||
3. ऩयभ ऩन
ु ीत नीय कावेयह, भस्तक धय कनाभटक भें |
ऩम्ऩ भहाकवव के दशभन, कय रो चरकय कनाभटक भें ||
फसवेश्वय मा अककभहादे वी कनाभटक भें गाते |
ु आचामभ ‘भेरकोटे ’ भें दशभन दे जाते ||

6 हो गई है ऩीर ऩवयत-सी
Knowledge Based 1 Marker -दष्ु मनत कुभाय
I अ एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. कवव दष्ु मनत कुभाय के अनस
ु ाय जनता की ऩीड़ा ककसके सभान है ?
2. ऩीय ऩवभत ठहभारम से कमा ननकरनी चाठहए ?
3. दहवाय ककसकी तयह ठहरने रगी ?
4. कवव के अनस
ु ाय कमा शतभ थी ?
5. ऩीड़ड़त व्मजकत को ककस प्रकाय चरना चाठहए ?
6. कवव का कमा भकसद नहहॊ है ?
7. कवव की कमा कोलशश है ?
8. सीने भें कमा जरनी चाठहए ?
9. ‘हो गई है ऩीय ऩवभत-सी’ के गज़रकाय का नाभ लरखिए |

Comprehension based 3 Marker

आ ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. कवव दष्ु मनत कुभाय के अनस
ु ाय सभाज भें कमा पैरा हुआ है ?
2. ‘हो गई है ऩीय ऩवभत-सी’ गजर से ऩािकों को कमा सॊदेश लभरता है ?
3. ऩीड़ड़त व्मजकत की सॊवद
े ना को कवव दष्ु मनत कुभाय ने ककस प्रकाय व्मकत ककमा है ?

Expression based 4 Marker

इ ननम्नलऱखखत का ससॊदभय भाव स्ऩष्ट कीजजए :
1. आज मह दहवाय ऩयदों की तयह ठहरने रगी
शतभ रेककन थी कक मे फनु नमाद ठहरनी चाठहए |
2. हय सड़क ऩय, हय गरह भें , हय नगय, हय गाॉव भें ,
हाथ रहयाते हुए हय राश चरनी चाठहए |
3. लसपभ हॊ गाभा िड़ा कयना भेया भकसद नहहॊ,
भेयह कोलशश है कक मे सयू त फदरनी चाठहए |
4. भेये सीने भें नहहॊ तो तेये सीने भें सहह,
हो कहहॊ बी आग, रेककन आग जरनी चाठहए |


अऩठित भाग – एकाॊककयाॉ
1 सूखी डाऱी
Knowledge Based 1 Marker -उऩेनरनाथ ‘अश्क’
I अ एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. लभश्रानी को ककसने काभ से हटा ठदमा ?
2. लभश्रानी ककतने वषों से भर
ू याज के ऩरयवाय भें काभ कय यहह थी ?
3. नौकयों से काभ रेने के लरए कमा होनी चाठहए ?
4. हॉसी के भाये भय जाने की फात कौन कहती है ?
5. हय फात ऩय अऩने भामके की तायहफ़ कौन कयती यहती है ?
6. दादाजी का छोटा ऩोता ऩये श ककस ऩद ऩय था ?
7. भरभर के थान औय अफयों को ऩये श ककसके ऩास नहहॊ रे कय जाते ?
8. भरू याज के भॉझरे फेटे का नाभ लरखिए |
9. दादा जी के अनसु ाय उनका ऩरयवाय ककस ऩेड़ के सभान है ?
10. हल्की सी ियोंच बी दवा न रगाने ऩय कमा फन जाती है ?
11. छोटह फहू के भन भें ककसकी भात्रा जरूयत से ज़्मादा है ?
12. घण
ृ ा को ककससे नहहॊ लभटामा जा सकता ?
13. फयगद का ऩेड़ ककन रोगों ने उिाड़ ठदमा ?
14. दादा जी ने ऩये श से छोटह फहू को कहाॉ रे जाने के लरए कहा ?
15. ककसे दस
ू यों का हस्तऺेऩ औय आरोचना ऩसॊद नहहॊ है ?
16. व्मजकत ककन गणु ों से फड़ा होता है ?
17. ऩेड़ की छामा को फढ़ाने का काभ कौन कयती है ?
18. दादा जी को ककस कल्ऩना से लसहयन होने रगती है ?
19. फयगद के ऩेड़ की कहानी ककनका ननभाभण कयती है ?
20. दादा जी ककसके ह़ भें हैं ?
21. ककसने सायह-की-सायह छत पावड़े से िोद डारह ?
22. फॊसीरार का रड़का गरह के लसये ऩय कमा कय यहा था ?
23. फेरा के अनस
ु ाय ऩरयवाय की सदस्मा उससे ककस प्रकाय डयती हैं ?
24. दादा जी ने सफको कमा सभझामा था ?
25. ‘सि
ू ी डारह’ के एकाॊकीकाय का नाभ लरखिए |

Comprehension based 5 Marker

आ ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. इॊद ु को अऩनी बाबी फेरा ऩय कमों क्रोध आमा ?
2. यजवा ने छोटह बाबी से कमा कहा ?
3. फेरा ने साया पनीचय औय साभान कहाॉ यि ठदमा औय कमों ?
4. कभभचॊद ने ऩेड़ से एक डारह टूटकय अरग होने की फात कमों कहह ?
5. दादा जी के ‘फड़तऩन’ के सॊफध
ॊ भें कमा ववचाय थे ?
6. फेरा की भानलसक दशा का वणभन कीजजए |
7. दादा जी ने ऩये श को ककस प्रकाय भनामा ?
8. दादा जी ने ककस अलबप्राम से सबी को फर
ु ामा औय कमा कहा ?
9. दादा जी की कमा आकाॊऺा थी ?
10. घय के रोगों के व्मवहाय भें फदराव दे िकय फेरा की कमा प्रनतकक्रमा थी ?
11. भारवी ने सायह-की-सायह छत कमों औय कैसे िोद डारह ?
12. फेरा अऩने भामके कमों जाना चाहती थी ?
13. इॊद ु के भॉहु से दादा जी की फात सन
ु कय फेरा ने कमा कहा ?
14. फेरा ने बावावेश भें रूॉधे हुए कॊि से दादा जी से कमा कहा ?
15. दादा जी का चरयत्र चचत्रण कीजजए |
16. फेरा की चारयबत्रक ववशेषताओॊ ऩय सॊऺेऩ भें प्रकाश डालरए |
17. फड़ी फहू ऩय ठटतऩणी लरखिए |
18. भॉझरह बाबी ऩय ठटतऩणी लरखिए |
19. इनद ु का चरयत्र चचत्रण कीजजए |
20.ऩये श के साभने कौन-सी सभस्मा आ िड़ी हुई औय उसका ककस प्रकाय से सभाधान हुआ ?

2 प्रनतशोध
Knowledge Based 1 Marker -डॉ याभकुभाय वभाभ
I अ एक शब्द या वाकयाॊश या वाकय में उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. सॊस्कृत के भहाऩॊड़डत कौन हैं ?
2. सॊस्कृत के भहाकवव कौन हैं ?
3. बायवव की भाॉ का नाभ कमा है ?
4. सश
ु ीरा ककसके लरए फेचैन है ?
5. कवव ककस ऩय शासन कयता है ?
6. शास्त्राथभ के ननमभों भें ककसके रृदम को नहहॊ फाॉधा जा सकता ?
7. ऩत्र
ु को कौन ननवाभलसत कय सकता है ?
8. ऩत्र
ु को कफ ननवाभलसत ककमा जा सकता है ?
9. शास्त्राथों भें ऩॊड़डतों को ककसने ऩयाजजत ककमा ?
10. बायवव भें ककस कायण अहॊकाय फढ़ता जा यहा था ?
11. वऩता कमा नहहॊ सहन कय सकता ?
12. वऩता ने बायवव की ककन शब्दों भें ताड़ना की ?
13. ऩॊड़डत ककस प्रकाय बायवव का ऩरयहास कयने रगे ?
14. ग्रानन से बये हुए बायवव को जाने से कमों नहहॊ योका गमा ?
15. अनश ु ासन की भमाभदा ऩय कमा ककमा जा सकता है ?
16. श्रीधय ऩॊड़डत का ऩत्र
ु कमा नहहॊ हो सकता ?
17. श्रीधय ऩॊड़डत के घय की सेववका का नाभ लरखिए |
18. सश
ु ीरा ककसको िोज कय राने के लरए आबा से कहती है ?
19. प्रेभ के बफना ककसका भल्
ू म नहहॊ है ?
20. श्रीधय ऩॊड़डत बायवव को िोजने के लरए ककसका सहाया रेना चाहते थे ?
21. शास्त्राथभ के लरए जाते सभम बायवव ने ककस यॊ ग के कऩड़े ऩहने हुए थे ?
22. बायवव से लभरने आमी स्त्री का नाभ लरखिए |
23. वसॊत ऋतु भें ककसके स्वय से सबी ऩरयचचत हैं ?
24. ब्रह्म ऻान ककसकी वीणा ऩय नत्ृ म कयने के सभान था ?
25. बायती ने बायवव को कहाॉ दे िा था ?
26. बायती ने जफ बायवव को दे िा तो उनकी जस्थनत कैसी थी ?
27. फीज से दयू यहने ऩय बी पूर कमा नहहॊ होता ?
28. बायवव के वऩता को ककसके ऩाॊड़डत्म को दे िकय प्रसननता होती थी ?
29. अहॊकाय ककसभें फाधक है ?
30. वऩता के क्रोध भें ककसके प्रनत भॊगर काभना नछऩी है ?
31. तरवाय का प्रभाण ककसका प्रभाण है ?
32. जीवन से कमा उत्ऩनन होती है ?
33. ब्रह्म का ननवास कहाॉ होता है ?
34. बायवव के अनस
ु ाय कमा जघनम ऩाऩ है ?
35. बायवव को अऩभान ककसके सभान िटक यहा था ?
36. बायवव ने प्रनतशोध की आग भें कमा कयना चाहा ?
37. वऩत-ृ हत्मा का दण्ड कमा नहहॊ है ?
38. बायवव के अनस
ु ाय जीवन का सफसे फड़ा अऩयाध कमा है ?
39. बायवव ककससे तरवाय रेकय आमा था ?
40. ‘प्रनतशोध’ एकाॊकी के एकाॊकीकाय का नाभ लरखिए |
41.बायवव ककस भहाकाव्म की यचना कय भहाकवव बायवव फने ?

Comprehension based 5 Marker

आ ननम्नलऱखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर लऱखखए :
1. बायवव से सॊफचॊ धत भाता-वऩता के फीच होनेवारे प्रायॊ लबक सॊवाद का साय लरखिए |
2. शास्त्राथभ भें ऩॊड़डतों को हयाते दे ि वऩता ने बायवव के फाये भें कमा सोचा ?
3. सश
ु ीरा के अनयु ोध ऩय श्रीधय ने बायवव को कहाॉ-कहाॉ औय कैसे तराश कयने का वचन ठदमा ?
4. बायती औय सश ु ीरा के वाताभराऩ को अऩने शब्दों भें लरखिए |
5. बायवव अऩने वऩता से कमों फदरा रेना चाहता था ?
6. ‘अहॊकाय उनननत भें फाधक है|’ एकाॊकी के आधाय ऩय श्रीधय के इस कथन को स्ऩष्ट कीजजए |
7. ग्रानन औय जीवन के सॊफध
ॊ भें श्रीधय के कमा ववचाय हैं ?
8. प्रामजश्चत को रेकय वऩता औय ऩत्र
ु के फीच हुए सॊवाद को लरखिए |
9. बायवव ने अऩने वऩता से ककस प्रकाय का दण्ड चाहा औय उसे कमा दण्ड लभरा ?
10. ऩात्रों का चरयत्र-चचत्रण कीजजए : 1. भहाऩॊड़डत श्रीधय, 2. सश
ु ीरा, 3. भहाकवव बायवव
11. ठटतऩणी लरखिए : 1. आबा 2. बायती

व्याकरण तथा रचना
िाक्य शुद्धद्ध
noissrrpxEBased 1 Marker
1. सज
ु ान एक ऩकका कॉु आ फनवामा |
2. तभ
ु तम्
ु हाये घय आओ|
3. प्रात: कार स्त्री औय ऩरु
ु ष ‘गमा’ चरा गमा |
4. वह धीभी स्वय भें फोरह|
5. भेये को अऩना काभ फहुत ऩसॊद है |
6. श्माभ ने सॊतोष का साॉस रह|
7. फारक ने योटह िामा|
8. मह एक इनतहालसक घटना है |
9. भझ
ु से कर फहुत फड़ा बर
ू हुआ |
10. उसके हाथ काॉऩ यहह थी |
11. सफ महह कहें गे कक लबऺुक ककतनी रोबी है |
12. भन भें ऐसा शजकत है |
13. बैंस का ताकतवय दध
ू होता है |
14. तभ
ु तम्
ु हाये धभभ का ऩारन कयो |
15. अध्माऩक जी ऩढ़ा यहा है |
16. श्माभा ने कहानी सन
ु ामा|
17. भैं हवश्वहवद्यालय को जा यहा हूॉ|
18. उसे ठदिावा नहहॊ रुचती है |
19. सनु नए ,अॊदय चरे जाओ|
20. रोगों ने झि
ू ी चाटुकायह कयके फड़े-फड़े नौकरयमाॉ ऩा रहॊ |
21. मह ककताफ ककसका है ?
22. महाॉ ताजा बैंस का दध
ू लभरता है |
23. योगी को काटकय सेफ खिराओ|
24. आऩ िाना िाओगे|
25. भनष्ु म के जीवन कत्तभव्म से बया ऩड़ा है |
26. भैंने जाकय भाॉ की चयण छुए |
27. वह एक ठदन भेया ऩास आमा था |
28. उसे ककसी की डय नहहॊ है |
29. ऩाशववकता फढ़ता चरा जा यहा है |
30. भैंने कबी बेद-बाव नहहॊ की |
31. आज लभ. शाभनाथ के घय चीफ़ का दावत है |
32. भेहभान रोग आि फजे आएगा |
33. तम्
ु हाये ियाभटों की आवाज़ दयू तक जाता है |
34. भाॉ धीये से उिीॊ औय अऩना कोियह भें चरह गमीॊ |
35. चीफ़ के चहये ऩय भस्
ु कुयाहट था |
36. ऐसा कबी नहहॊ हुई थी |
37. भेया प्राण फेचैन है |
38. रार फहादयु शास्त्री का दे श सदा आबायह यहेगा|
39. रता ने आभ को िाती थी|
40. भेया कारह घोड़ा िो गमा|
41. भैं आऩ ऩय इज्ज़त कयता हूॉ|
42. यभा ने ऩढती है |
43. भेया तो प्राण ननकर गमा|
44. ऩये शानी औय बम के कायण उसका चेहया ववकृत हो गमी थी |
45. कोई ने भेयह ऩस्
ु तक दे िी?
46. महाॉ रोग ईभानदाय औय उदाय यहते हैं|
47. वह गाने की कसयत कय यहा है |
48. तभ
ु जा सकता है |
49. रड़की ने ऩत्र लरिी|
50. योहन को ऩछ
ू ो|
51. वह ऩैदर से गमा है |
52. कोमर डारह भें फैिी है |
53. भेये ऩास केवर भात्र ऩचास रुऩए हैं| -30-
54. भहेश औय सॊगीता हभाये महाॉ आएगा|
55. सभ
ु न भाधव का ऩत्र
ु ी है |
56. कृऩमा से भेया नाभ बी लरि रहजजए|
57. इसके फाद वे वाऩस रौट गए|
58. शत्रु भैदान से दौड़ िड़ा हुआ|
59. भैं आऩका दशभन कयने आ यहा हूॉ|
60. भैंने भकान फनवाने के लरए भैसयू जाना है |
61. आज तक भैं धोिा नहहॊ िामा |
62. सयु े श के चाची जी फीभाय ऩड़े हैं|
63. भैं नमा ऩोशाक ऩहनॉग
ू ा |
64. फच्चों से गस्
ु सा न कयो |
65. भेरे भें अनेकों दक
ु ानें थीॊ|
66. तर
ु सीदास ने याभचरयतभानस का यचना की|
67. भेया नाभ भहें रकुभायजी है |
68. नयक ऩय ननवास स्थान की सभस्मा हर हो गई |
69. सयदाय वल्रब बाई ऩटे र ‘रौह ऩरु
ु ष’ कहा जाता है |
70. एक दध
ू का चगरास दो|
71. ककसी बी आदभी को बेज दो|
72. काफ़ी भें कौन ऩड़ गमा है ?
73. उसे फहुत गस्
ु सा आती है |
74. भैंने भेयह करभ अऩने लभत्र को दे दह|
75. जॊगर भें फड़ा अॊधकाय है |
76. फाजाय गए हैं वऩताजी |
77. बोरायाभ का ऩत्नी फाहय आई |
78. रगाव तो भहायाज, फर-फच्चों से हह होती है |
79. बोरायाभ के केस का फ़ाइर राओ |
80. हभ सातवीॊ भॊजज़र भें हैं |
81. ऩीने के लरए गयभ ऩानी अवश्म लभरती है |
82. छात्रों ने ऩयू ह एकाग्रता से हभें सन
ु ी |
83. फाज़ाय का कोई शोय सन
ु ाई नहहॊ दे ती |
84. होटर भें ठहनदह सॊगीत चर यहह है |
85. चयिा कातना चाठहए|
86. वह बफरकुर बी फात कयना ऩसॊद नहहॊ कयती|
87. भझ
ु को घफयाना ऩड़ा|
88. वह कभय कसा फैिा है |
89. ऩॊरह अगस्त का बायत के इनतहास भें फहुत भहत्त्व है |
90. अध्माऩक फच्चों को फर
ु ाए|
91. हभ तीन बाई हूॉ|
92. अऩनी काभ स्वमॊ कयो |
93. भझ
ु े फहुत गस्
ु सा आती है |
94. याजू ने भझ
ु े भथुया ठदिाई |
95. उसने अऩने फटुआ उिाई |
96. वसॊत कतु अच्छा रगती है|
97. उसका सॊतान भेहनती है |
98. कर भाताजी आ यहे हैं|
99. अनेकों स्त्री ऩरु
ु ष वहाॉ आए थे|
100. उसके ऩास फहुत सोने हैं |

ररकत स्थान की ऩवू त्तय

Comprehension Based 1 Marker
(सत्म, सम्भान, कत्तभव्म, प्रववृ त्त)
1. सच्चाई की ओय हभायह_____झुकती है |
2. सत्म फोरने से हभाया________होता है |
3. भनष्ु म का ऩयभ धभभ_____फोरना है |
4. स्वाथी रोग अऩने _______ऩय ध्मान नहहॊ दे ते |
(ने, से, की, का)
1. चैत_____भहहना था |
2. लबऺुक________बोरा की ओय सॊठदग्ध नेत्रों से दे िा |
3. अफ इन व्माऩायों_______ उसे घण
ृ ा होती है |
4. तम्
ु हाये फेटों________तो कभाई है |
(सेवा, कुलसभमाॉ, कावेयह, अॊत)
1. इनका कोई______ठदिराई नहहॊ दे ता |
2. उस ठदन दक्षऺण की______फठहन लभरह थीॊ |
3. _______तो फाज़ाय भें िूफ उऩरब्ध है |
4. ______कयने से चरयत्र फनता है |
(का के को, भें ,)
1. ववश्वेश्वयय्मा सभम____फड़े ऩाफॊद थे |
2. लसॊध______फहुत फड़ा बाग ये चगस्तान है |
3. फैंगरोय_____घय चरना भजु श्कर है |
4. ऩानी_______इकट्िा कयना है |
(का, ऩय, को, से)
1. कुजत्सत रोगों _____ सबी घण
ृ ा कयते हैं |
2. जो िचभ कयता है , उसी____दे ता है |
3. उसके चेहये ______यॊ ग रार हो गमा |
4. इस ऩद_____उनहोंने तीन वषों तक काभ ककमा |
(ईश्वय ,ऩस्
ु तक ,फारक ,िाना)
1. भेये लरए _______राओ |
2. ______तम्
ु हें सि
ु व समृद्धद्ध दें |
3. ______ने योटह िाई |
4. वह_______ऩढ़ यहा है |
(ऩास ,ददभ ,कई ,ननकर)
1. उसके_______फहुत सोना है |
2. उसके प्राण______यहे हैं |
3. भैंने तम्
ु हें ______फाय कहा |
4. उसके ऩेट भें _______हो यहा है |
(पर ,कैं ची ,साभने ,ऩस्
ु तक)
1. ऩेड़ से _____चगयता है |
2. घय के ______ फगीचा है |
3. भेज ऩय ________ यि दो |
4. याभ ________ से कागज़ काटता है |
(फहनें, धन ,नई, ननणभम)
1. भैं_______ऩोशाक ऩहनॉग
ू ा |
2. ऩॊचों का_______सबी को भानम है |
3. यभेश की तीन ________हैं |
4. भैंने ब्राह्मण को ______ ठदमा |
(ने ,की ,के ,भें )
1. थैरह ------ ऩस्
ु तक है |
2. बफल्रह ------- साया दध
ू ऩी लरमा |
3. वे घय-घय घभ
ू कय ऩीड़ड़तों---------सहामता कयते हैं |
4. वे साठहत्म औय दशभन -------- हविान थे |
(फेटे ,रोग ,सम्भान ,चगरास)
1. सड़क ऩय ---------जभा हैं |
2. हाथ से -------- छूट गमा |
3. स्त्री को -------- दे ना चाठहए |
4. भाॉ ने -------- को सभझामा |
(से ,भें ,ने ,को)
1. वीयों ------ दे श के लरए प्राणों की आहूनत दह |
2. यजश्भ ने यभा -------- ऩस्
ु तक दह |
3. आऩ अऩने कभये -------- जाइए |
4. वह गाड़ी -------- उतया |

(ऩत्र ,नदह ,वऩल्रा ,फहुत-सी)
1. ऩस्
ु तकारम भें ------- ककताफें हैं |
2. नाव ------ भें डूफ गई |
3. कुत्ते को ------- फड़ा तमाया है |
4. अहभद से -------- लरिा गमा |
(की ,से ,ने ,भें ,)
1. भानस ------ बजकत, ऻान औय कभभ का सभनवम है |
2. ऩॊछी -------- वऩॊजया िारह ककमा |
3. वह अऩने गरु
ु ------ इज्ज़त कयता है |
4. मह काभ भेये लभत्र ------- हो जाएगा |
ु ,दऩभण ,दान ,फाा)
1. हभ रोग -------भें घभ
ू ें गे |
2. मह सॊकोच का ------- नहहॊ है |
3. ऩीड़ड़तों को --------- दो |
4. साठहत्म सभाज का -------- है |
(ऩावन ,ववऻान ,सभम ,बरा)
1. आऩ ------- तो जग बरा |
2. वह सयस्वती दे वी का ------- भॊठदय है |
3. आज का मग
ु ---------- का मग
ु है |
4. ---------- ऩरयवतभनशीर है |

काऱ ऩररवतयन
noissrrpxE Based 1 Marker
1. सज
ु ान लबऺुक को सॊतष्ु ट कयता है |(बत
ू कार भें फदलरए)
2. सज
ु ान के िेत भें कॊचन फयसता है |(बववष्मत ् कार भें फदलरए)
3. भै बी तो फैिा नहहॊ था |(वतभभान कार भें फदलरए)

1. शॊकय गाड़ी भें नारयमर बयकय राता है |(बत

ू कार भें फदलरए)
2. सज
ु ान के भन भें तीथभ मात्रा कयने की इच्छा थी |(वतभभान कार भें फदलरए)
3. सज
ु ान को चायों ऩदाथभ लभर गए |(बववष्मत ् कार भें फदलरए)

1. झूिे से सबी घण
ृ ा कयते हैं |(बत
ू कार भें फदलरए)
2. वह भेयह ककताफ की चोयह कयता है |(बववष्मत ् कार भें फदलरए)
3. हभाया जीवन सदा अनेक कामों भें व्मस्त यहे गा |(वतभभान कार भें फदलरए)

1. कत्तभव्म कयना नमाम ऩय ननबभय है |(बववष्मत ् कार भें फदलरए)

2. उन सबी को उसी ऩय छोड़ ठदमा था |(वतभभान कार भें फदलरए)
3. सत्मता को िर
ु े रूऩ भें अऩनाने का आग्रह कयें गे |(बत
ू कार भें फदलरए)

1. दर से दर रड़ता है |(बववष्मत ् कार भें फदलरए)

2. सेवा कयने से चरयत्र फनता था |(वतभभान कार भें फदलरए)
3. असरह झगड़ा कुसी का है |(बत
ू कार भें फदलरए)

1. फेटा, प्रकृनत सवभशजकतभान है |(बववष्मत ् कार भें फदलरए)

2. इसका कोई अॊत ठदिाई नहहॊ दे ता है |(बत
ू कार भें फदलरए)
3. गरू
ु जी ने छात्र को ऩस्
ु तक दह |(वतभभान कार भें फदलरए)

1. वे जजॊदगी बय अऩने लरए कुछ भाॉगते नहहॊ हैं |(बत

ू कार भें फदलरए)
2. उनका बाषण सन ु ते हह फधाई दे ता हूॉ |( बववष्मत ् कार भें फदलरए)
3. एक फहुत फड़े आचथभक झटके के कायण वे इॊदौय से अजभेय आ गए थे |(वतभभान कार भें फदलरए)

1. दरयमाठदरह के चचे बी कभ नहहॊ थे |(बववष्मत ् कार भें फदलरए)

2. प्रनतबा को बट्टह भें झोंकना था |(वतभभान कार भें फदलरए)
3. दोनों का तो यास्ता हह टकयाहट का है |(बत
ू कार भें फदलरए)

1. यात की दावत हयजेनर चौधयह के घय ऩय थी |(वतभभान कार भें फदलरए)

2. वहाॉ ठहनदह उदभ ू प्रेलभमों का जभावड़ा है |(बववष्मत ् कार भें फदलरए)
3. कुछ दे य तक हभ इसका वैबव दे िते हैं |(बत
ू कार भें फदलरए)
1. अचधकाॊश सीटें िारह थीॊ |(बववष्मत ् कार भें फदलरए)
2. शारहनता जाऩान का गण
ु धभभ है |(बत
ू कार भें फदलरए)
3. उनहोंने हभें स्वचालरत ये र औय राॊच भें घभ
ु ामा |(वतभभान कार भें फदलरए)

1. मात्री गॊगा भें स्नान कय यहे हैं |(बत

ू कार भें फदलरए)
2. सयरा गाना गाती थी |(वतभभान कार भें फदलरए)
3. अॊधी रकड़ी के सहाये भागभ तम कयती है |(बववष्मत ् कार भें फदलरए)

1. हसद्धाथथ कुछ अऩव

ू भ अनऩ
ु भ राते हैं |(बत
ू कार भें फदलरए)
2. ननभोननमा के कायण योगी भय जाएगा |(वतभभान कार भें फदलरए)
3. गरु
ु जी ने कववता लरिी |(बववष्मत ् कार भें फदलरए)

1. आत्भानॊद दे श की सेवा कयता है |(बत

ू कार भें फदलरए)
2. यभेश ने फहुत सायह कववताएॉ लरिीॊ |(वतभभान कार भें फदलरए)
3. उसने आग चचता ऩय यि दह |(बववष्मत ् कार भें फदलरए)

1. व्माऩायह ट्रक भें भार बयकय राता है |(बत

ू कार भें फदलरए)
2. रड़ककमाॉ पूर चुनेंगी |(वतभभान कार भें फदलरए)
3. उसभें बमॊकय दृढ़ता की छाऩ होती है |(बववष्मत ् कार भें फदलरए)

1. अजमऩार नतरलभरा उिे गा |(बत

ू कार भें फदलरए)
2. शीरा कऩड़े धोती थी |(वतभभान कार भें फदलरए)
3. भीया आॉसू फहाती है |(बववष्मत ् कार भें फदलरए)

1. ठटकट करेकटय ड़डब्फे भें प्रवेश कये गा |(बत

ू कार भें फदलरए)
2. भझ
ु े डय रग यहा था |(वतभभान कार भें फदलरए)
3. याहुर कॊु ब भेरे भें जा यहा है |(बववष्मत ् कार भें फदलरए)

1. जनसॊख्मा ठदनोंठदन फढती जा यहह है |(बत

ू कार भें फदलरए)
2. इस ठदशा भें काभ शरू
ु हो जाएगा |(वतभभान कार भें फदलरए)
3. भैंने लबिायह को एक रूऩमा ठदमा |(बववष्मत ् कार भें फदलरए)

1. वह भझ
ु े भम्
ु फई फर
ु ा यहा है |(बत
ू कार भें फदलरए)
2. भहाकवव कफीय का जनता ऩय व्माऩक प्रबाव था |(वतभभान कार भें फदलरए)
3. भारह ऩौधे को ऩानी दे यहा है |(बववष्मत ् कार भें फदलरए)

1. यभेश अऩना जनभठदन भना यहा है |(बत

ू कार भें फदलरए)
2. उस योगी का शयहय फहुत दफ ु र
भ था |(वतभभान कार भें फदलरए)
3. उसने अऩना काभ सच ु ारू रूऩ से ककमा |(बववष्मत ् कार भें फदलरए)

1. वह गद-गद कॊि से कहता है |(बत

ू कार भें फदलरए)
2. उसके चेहये ऩय गहया अवसाद औय अकेराऩन था |(वतभभान कार भें फदलरए)
3. कुछ औय ऩहरे की घटना माद आती है |(बववष्मत ् कार भें फदलरए)

ु ावरे जोड़कर लऱखखए
Knowledge Based 1 Marker
1. कॊचन फयसना क. हाय जाना
2. पूरे न सभाना ि. आभदनी फढ़ना
3. भॉह
ु की िाना ग .सम्भान फढ़ाना
4. ऩत-ऩानी फनाना घ. अत्मचधक िश
ु होना

1. दभ न रेना क. क्रोचधत होना

2. कभय सीधी कयना ि. कीनतभ ऩाना
3. नतनक जाना ग. कठिन ऩरयश्रभ कयना
4. नाभ जगाना घ. आयाभ कयना

1. ऩोर िुरना क. भाय डारना
2. ढाढ़स फाॊधना ि. यहस्म प्रकट कयना
3. भौत के घाट उतायना ग. ठहम्भत फढ़ाना
4. आग उगरना घ. गस्
ु सा कयना

1. रू उतायना क. फहुत क्रोचधत होना

2. थ-ू थू कयना ि. चककत होकय दे िना
3. आग फफर
ू ा होना ग. फेइज्ज़त कयना
4. आॉिें पाड़े दे िना घ. अहॊ उतायना

1. टाॉग अड़ाना क. व्माकुर होना

2. यॊ ग फदरना ि. फाधा डारना
3. ठदर फैि जाना ग. फेकाय फैिना
4. भकिी भायना घ. स्वबाव फदरना

1. गभ के आॉसू ऩीना क. बाग जाना

2. गरे ऩड़ना ि. शरु
ु आत कयना
3. नौ दो ग्मायह होना ग. द्ु ि ददभ सहना
4. श्री गणेश कयना घ. भस
ु ीफत ऩीछे ऩड़ना

1. अॊगि
ू ा ठदिाना क. बेद िुरना
2. करई िर
ु ना ि. साफ़ इनकाय कयना
3. गरे का हाय ग. व्मथभ सभम गॉवाना
4. घास काटना घ. फहुत तमाया होना

1. चॊऩत हो जाना क. डयकय बागना

2. दभ
ु दफाकय बागना ि. गामफ हो जाना
3. टस से भस न होना ग. लभननतें कयना
4. नाक यगड़ना घ. थोड़ा बी ववचलरत न होना

1. ढोर ऩीटना क. भय जाना

2. चर फसना ि. फात को हय जगह फताते कपयना
3. ऩेट भें चह
ू े दौड़ना ग. इज्ज़त उतायना
4. ऩगड़ी उछारना घ. फहुत जोय से बि
ू रगना

1. रोहा रेना क. कोलशश कयना

2. हाथ ऩैय भायना ि. फदरा रेना
3. ईद का चाॉद होना ग. प्रस्थान कयना
4. कूच कयना घ. फहुत कभ ठदिाई दे ना

1. अगय-भगय कयना क. इज्ज़त फढ़ाने वारा

2. उॊ गरह ऩय नचाना ि. टार भटोर कयना
3. घय का उजारा ग. ववयोध कयना
4. लसय उिाना घ. इच्छानस
ु ाय कामभ कयवाना

1. यॊ ग ज़भाना क. हायकय बागना

2. ऩीि ठदिाना ि. बाग जाना
3. नौ दो ग्मायह होना ग. माचना कयना
4. हाथ पैराना घ. धाक जभाना

1. हाथ-ऩाॉव पूर जाना क. भय जाना

2. िॊ डा ऩड़ जाना ि. होश आना
3. छकके छुड़ाना ग. डय जाना
4. आॉिें िर
ु ना घ. फयु ह तयह से हयाना

1. टोऩी उछारना क. क्रोध कयना

2. छाती से रगाना ि. अऩभाननत कयना
3. ऩानी-ऩानी होना ग. तमाय कयना
4. रार-ऩीरा होना घ. रजज्जत होना

1. आॉि यिना क. सम्भान नष्ट होना
2. कभय कसना ि. भौज भस्ती कयना
3. आॉिों से चगयना ग. तैमाय होना
4. गर
ु छये उड़ाना घ. ननगयानी कयना

1. खिल्रह उड़ाना क. फहुत तमाया

2. ताये चगनना ि. हॉसी उड़ाना
3. आॉिों का ताया ग. भेहनत से फचना
4. जी चुयाना घ. प्रतीऺा कयना

1. घी के ठदए जराना क. आयॊ ब कयना

2. नीॊव डारना ि. उऩेऺा कयना
3. ठदन कपयना ग. िुलशमाॉ भनाना
4. भॉहु पेयना घ. बाग्म ऩरटना

1. हवा से फातें कयना क. असहनीम द:ु ि होना

2. लसय ऩय बत
ू सवाय होना ि. रूि जाना
3. करेजा पटना ग. धुन सवाय होना
4. भॉहु पुराना घ. तेज दौड़ना

1. आसभान लसय ऩय उिाना क. काभ बफगड़ जाना

2. इशाये ऩय नचाना ि. फहुत शोय कयना
3. गड़ु गोफय होना ग. सपर होना
4. दार न गरना घ. वश भें कयना

लऱॊग बदलऱए
Knowledge Based 1 Marker
1. लबिायह 14. ऩज
ु ायह
2. आदभी 15. उऩदे शक
3. वऩता 16. साधु
4. नौकय 17. भहायाजा
5. सचचव 18. ववधवा
6. छात्र 19. फढ़
ू ा
7. श्रीभान 20. भालरक
8. साहफ 21. मव
ु क
9. रड़का 22. चौधयह
10. भाता 23.फरवान
11. फकया 24. बाई
12. श्माभ 25.सॊऩादक
13. गामक 26. श्माभ

1. अलबनेता 17. बफराव
2. श्रीभान 18. वय
3. तऩस्वी 19. नामक
4. नाई 20. बगवान
5. फैर 21. आमष्ु भान
6. ससयु 22. एकाकी
7. मव
ु ा 23. हाथी
8. सॊनमासी 24. फारक
9. लसॊह 25. तनम
10. सम्राट 26. भनोहायह
11. भेहतय 27. स्वाभी
12. कवव 28. जुराहा
13. लशष्म 29. फेटा
14. गण
ु वान 30. ऩाऩी
15. भोय 31. याजऩत

16. धनवान 32. तेरह
33. सॊमोजक 47. बतीजा
34. दाता 48. कहाय
35. हॊस 49. दे वय
36. ऩनत 50. साॉऩ
37. ऩत्र
ु वान 51. भग
ु ाभ
38. तनज
ु 52. बाट
39. नय 53. मशस्वी
40. गोऩ 54. ऩरु
ु ष
41. ठहयन 55. िाकुय
42. गड्ु डा 56. दास
43. चूहा 57. अध्माऩक
44. ऺबत्रम 58. प्रफॊधकताभ
45. फार 59. याऺस
46. जोगी 60. हविान
अनेक शब्दों के लऱए एक शब्द
Knowledge Based 1 Marker
1. जजसके ऩास कोई नाथ न हो 31. जजसभें शजकत न हो
2. जजसका कोइ शत्रु न हो 32. कभ िाने वारा
3. जो कुछ न कयता हो 33. जजसका भन अनमत्र हो
4. जजसके सभान कोई दस
ू या न हो 34. जो कभ फोरता हो
5. जजसका कोई अॊत न हो 35. भाॉस िाने वारा
6. जजसकी कल्ऩना न की जा सके 36. आकाश को छूने वारा
7. यात भें चरने वारा 37. जो कुछ न कयता हो
8. जजसे कयना आवश्मक है 38. जजसके ऩास कोई ऻान न हो
9. दस
ू ये दे श से भॊगामा जाना 39. जो ककसी से डयता न हो
10. साथ चरने वारे/वारह 40. जो कबी न भयता हो
11. जजसकी आॉिे भछरह जैसी हों 41. जो ईश्वय ऩय ववश्वास न कयता हो
12. जो सेना भें काभ कयता हो 42. दयू की चीजों को दे िने वारा
13. जजसके ऩास ववशेष ऻान हो 43. जो कभ िचभ कयता हो
14. जजसके ऩास फर न हो 44. जहाॉ ऩहुॉचा न जा सके
15. जो वप्रम फोरनेवारह स्त्री हो 45. जजसका बाग्म अच्छा न हो
16. आॉिों के आगे होनेवारा 46. अचानक होने वारह घटना
17. जो फात कहह न जा सके 47. जजसकी फहुत अचधक चचाभ हो
18. जजसका वणभन न ककमा जा सके 48. दशभनशास्त्र को जानने वारा
19. जो अनक
ु यण कयने मोग्म हो 49. ननयहऺण कयने वारा
20. जजसका जनभ न हो सके 50. पर िाकय हह यहने वारा
21. जो कानन
ू के ववरुद्ध हो 51. याजा से ववरोह कयने वारा
22. चायों वेदों को जानने वारा 52. सहन कयने की शजकत वारा
23. जो जाना ऩहचाना हो 53. साफ़-साफ़ कहने वारा
24. जो न कयने मोग्म हो 54. जो रोगों भें वप्रम हो
25. काभ से जी चुयाने वारा 55. दस
ू ये के काभ भें हाथ डारना
26. उऩजाऊ बलू भ 56. सॊकट से ग्रस्त
27. जो ककसी का ऩऺ न रे 57. जो सयरता से प्रातत हो
28. जजसका कोई अथभ न हो 58. जो ऺभा के मोग्म न हो
29. जजसे ऩढ़ा जा सके
30. सौतेरह भाॉ
1. जजसे जीता न जा सके 10. उऩकाय को भानने वारा
2. ठहत चाहनेवारा 11. योगी का इराज कयने वारा
3. जो साथ ऩढ़ता हो 12. नीनत जानने वारा
4. सदा सत्म फोरने वारा 13. आॉिों के साभने होने वारा
5. अच्छे चरयत्र वारा 14. नीचे लरिा हुआ
6. जजसभें दमा न हो 15. जानने की इच्छा यिने वारा
7. जो धभभ का काभ कये 16. दस
ू ये के सहाये ऩय यहने वारा
8. फच्चों के लरए उऩमोगी 17. जो अबी-अबी ऩैदा हुआ हो
9. जजसका रूऩ अच्छा न हो 18. जहाॉ कोई न यहता हो

19. जो नछऩाने मोग्म हो 39. सॊध्मा औय याबत्र के फीच का सभम
20. जो ऩरयचचत न हो 40. जो दे िने मोग्म हो
21. जो ठदिाई न दे 41. आऻा ऩारन कयने वारा
22. आरोचना कयने वारा 42. जजसकी कोई उऩभा न हो
23. जजसकी तर
ु ना न की जा सके 43. जो सफसे आगे यहता हो
24. यास्ता ठदिाने वारा 44. अवसय के अनस
ु ाय फदर जाने वारा
25. आकाश भें ववचयने वारा 45. फयु े चरयत्र वारा
26. फयु े आचयण वारा 46. प्रशॊसा कयने मोग्म
27. जजसका ववश्वास न ककमा ज सके 47. जो ऺभा कयने मोग्म हो
28. कभ जानने वारा 48. जहाॉ ऩहुॉचना कठिन हो
29. जजसका आठद न हो 49. ठहॊसा कयने वारा
30. बफना सोचे सभझे ककमा गमा ववश्वास 50. हाथ से लरिा हुआ
31. ईश्वय भें ववश्वास यिने वारा 51. छोटा बाई
32. जो शयण भें आमा हो 52. घभ
ू ने कपयने वारा
33. दस
ू यों का बरा कयने वारा 53. छात्रों के यहने का स्थान
34. सदा यहने वारा 54. जो दान कयता हो
35. जो दस
ू यों से ईष्माभ यिता हो 55. जजसभें दमा हो
36. कभ िाने वारा 56. जो ऩत्र
ु गोद लरमा हो
37. प्रनतठदन होने वारा 57. जजसका कोई आधाय न हो
38. जो जनभ से अॊधा हो 58. जर भें यहनेवारा

उऩसगय जोड़कर लऱखखए

Knowledge Based 1 Marker
1. शासन 36. ववश्वास
2. चारन 37. व्मवजस्थत
3. चरयत्र 38. स्वाथभ
4. धभभ 39. व्मजकत
5. भान 40. सत्म
6. दष
ू ण 41. बम
7. ऩत्र
ु 42. कीनतभ
8. ऻान 43. कभभ
9. प्रनतजष्ित 44. हद
10. मश 45. कक्रमा
11. ववश्वास 46. काय
12. दे श 47. ऺण
13. साहस 48. उत्तभ
14. जनभ 49. नमन
15. बाव 50. ककस्भत
16. कार 51. इच्छा
17. दान 52. एक
18. अऩयाध 53. साधायण
19. कुभाय 54. ग्रह
20. तॊत्र 55. याग
21. भि
ु 56. ऺण
22. हाय 57. रयकत
23. ननचध 58 जीव
24. ऩेट 59. उम्र
25. कनमा 60. गण

26. याग 61. काश
27. वाद 62. काय
28. सॊहाय 63. जन
29. सगभ 64. ऩात
30. लबनन 65. वारयस
31. मोग 66. योज
32. गभन 67. हकीकत
33. वास 68. ऺण
34. आदय 69. दान
35. ऩववत्र 70. ननवेश

71. सॊदेह 81. यस
72. बाव 82. रोक
73. कृनत 83. वेश
74. दशभन 84. भान
75. साय 58. फॊध
76. दे शी 58. नीनत
77. ठदन 58. चचत्र
78. आयॊ ब 55. शॊका
79. ऩसॊद 58. भोर
80. श्रभ 89. बेद

प्रत्यय अऱग कर लऱखखए

Knowledge Based 1 Marker
1. सत्मता 46. अजस्थयता
2. चॊचरता 47. भनष्ु मता
3. आवश्मकता 48. कामयता
4. रड़ाकू 49. ऩढ़ाई
5. दक
ु ानदाय 50. ियहददाय
6. नौकयानी 51. कहारयन
7. ऩत्रकाय 52. दे वयानी
8. चौधयाइन 53. फचऩन
9. रड़कऩन 54. याष्ट्रहम
10. भानवता 55. स्वगीम
11. बर
ु ावा 56. रूकावट
12. डयावना 57. ववशेषता
13. घफयाहट 58. ऩागरऩन
14. गज
ु ाया 59. चौथाई
15. इॊसाननमत 60. भामस
ू ी
16. ऩबत्रकाएॉ 61. योभाॊचक
17. ज़हयहरा 62. शाॊनतऩण
ू भ
18. धनवान 63. दक्षऺणी
19. अगरा 64. भस्
ु कयाहट
20. सभ्मता 65. रारची
21. वास्तववक 66. कववत्व
22. चचॊनतत 67. ऩौयाखणक
23. नगयहम 68. सभझदायह
24. सि
ु द 69. साभाजजक
25. चढ़ाई 70. कुठटरता
26. यॊ गीन 71. प्रकालशत
27. ऩरयचचत 72. ऩाशववकता
28. धालभभक 73. भजु कत
29. व्मजकतत्व 74. आजादह
30. अॊककत 75. फोरह
31. नाठटका 76. केजनरत
32. लशऺक 77. सम्भाननत
33. प्रसननता 78. अनमभनस्कता
34. बावना 79. तहसीरदाय
35. सभवऩभत 80. शरु
ु आती
36. शानदाय 81. वणभन
37. नौकयह 82. आमोजजत
38. फदराव 83. ऩबत्रका
39. सभर
ु ह 84. ईभानदाय
40. फ़ूरदान 85. उऩमोगी
41. अवसयवादह 86. कहाननमाॉ
42. ककताफें 87. चरना
43. स्थावऩत 88. जुड़ाव
44. गहयाई 89. ऩाकशारा
45. रेिक 90. आॊतरयक

Expression based 5 Marker
1. भेये जीवन का रक्ष्म 25. ऩस्
ु तक-एक उत्तभ साथी
2. ववऻान वयदान मा अलबशाऩ 26. अनश
ु ासन
3. सभम की भहत्ता 27. भेये वप्रम अध्माऩक
4. हभाये याष्ट्रहम त्मौहाय 28. होरह
5. भ्रष्टाचाय ननभर
ूभ न 29. हभाया तमाया बायतवषभ
6. वैश्वीकयण 30. काराधन
7. ऩस्
ु तकारम 31. साठहत्म औय सभाज
8. याष्ट्रहम एकता 32. लभत्रता
9. लशऺा औय कम्तमट
ू य 33. ववऻाऩन
10. दे श प्रेभ 34. ववद्माथी जीवन
11. प्रदष
ू ण की सभस्मा 35. सभाचाय ऩत्रों का भहत्त्व
12. दहे ज़ प्रथा 36. जीवन भें अठहॊसा का भहत्व
13. दयू दशभन 37. ककसी ऐनतहालसक स्थान की मात्रा
14. स्त्री लशऺा की आवश्मकता 38. याष्ट्रहम एकता
15. िेर जगत भें कक्रकेट का स्थान 39. त्मोहायों का जीवन भें भहत्व
16. हवद्याथी औय अनश
ु ासन 40. ये रवे स्टे शन का एक दृश्म
17. फेयोजगायह की सभस्मा 41. स्वतॊत्रता ठदवस
18. जनसॊख्मा ववस्पोट 42. भेये जीवन की अववस्भयणीम घटना
19. सभाज सेवा 43. दे शाटन
20. व्मामाभ का भहत्त्व 44. सभम औय उसका सदऩ
ु मोग
21. स्वावरम्फन 45. सहलशऺा
22. इनटयनेट की दनु नमा 46. भनोयॊ जन के आधनु नक साधन
23. स्वास्थ जीवन केलरए व्मामाभ 47. कभयतोड़ भहॉगाई
24. शहयह जीवन 48. भोफाइर पोन : सवु वधा मा असवु वधा|

ऩत्र ऱेखन
Expression based 5 Marker
1. शैऺखणक प्रवास भें बाग रेने के लरए अऩने वऩताजी से १५००/- रू भाॉगते हुए एक ऩत्र लरखिए |
2. अऩने लभत्र को नववषभ की शब ु काभना दे ते हुए ऩत्र लरखिए |
3. अऩने शैऺखणक प्रवास के अनब ु व का वणभन कयते हुए अऩनी भाॉ को ऩत्र लरखिए |
4. चरयत्र प्रभाण ऩत्र प्रातत कयने हे तु अऩने मिाहवद्यालय के प्राचामभ को आवेदन-ऩत्र लरखिए|
5. अऩने ऺेत्र भें डेंगू के प्रकोऩ का वणभन कयते हुए उचचत कामभवाहह के लरए ऺेत्रीम स्वास््माचधकायह को ऩत्र लरखिए |
6. अऩनी फहन की शादह भें बाग रेने केलरए चाय ठदन की छु ट्टी भाॉगते हुए अऩने मिाहवद्यालय के प्रधानाचामभ को आवेदन-ऩत्र लरखिए |
7. छात्रावास से अऩने वऩता को एक ऩत्र लरखिए|
8. आऩके भोहल्रे भें आए ठदन चोरयमाॉ हो यहह हैं | उनकी योकथाभ के लरए थानाध्मऺ को गश्त फढ़ाने हे तु ऩत्र लरखिए|
9. व्मामाभ के भहत्व को दशाभते हुए अऩने छोटे बाई को ऩत्र लरखिए|
10. अऩने ऺेत्र भें बफजरह आऩनू तभ की सभस्मा के सॊफध
ॊ भें सॊफचॊ धत अचधकायह को ऩत्र लरखिए |

अपवित गद्याांश
nxiisshsErpxE based 1 Marker
1) याजा याभभोहन याम फचऩन से हह फड़े प्रनतबाशारह थे | उनके वऩता ने उनकी ऩढाई का सभचु चत प्रफॊध ककमा |
गाॉव की ऩािशारा भें उनहोंने फॉगरा सीिी | उन ठदनों कचहरयमों भें पायसी का फोरफारा था | अत :उनहोंने घय
ऩय हह भौरवी से पायसी ऩढ़ह | नौ वषभ की उम्र भें वे अयफी की उच्च लशऺा के लरए ऩटना बेजे गए | वहाॉ वे तीन
वषभ तक यहे | उनहोंने ़ुयान का भर
ू अयफी भें अध्ममन ककमा | फायह वषभ की उम्र वे काशी गए | चाय वषभ तक वहाॉ
उनहोंने सॊस्कृत का अध्ममन ककमा |इस फीच उनहोंने बायतीम दशभन का बी अध्ममन ककमा |

1. याजा याभभोहन याम की ऩढाई की व्मवस्था ककसने की ?

2. याजा याभभोहन याम ने फॉगरा कहाॉ सीिी ?
3. उनहोंने अयफी की लशऺा कहाॉ से प्रातत की ?
4. फायह वषभ के उम्र भें वे कहाॉ गए ?
5. उनहोंने ककतने वषभ तक सॊस्कृत का अध्ममन ककमा ?

2) इस स्वतॊत्र बायत दे श के नागरयक होने का गवभ तबी साथभक कय सकेंगे जफ हभ आऩस की पूट औय वैभनस्म से फचकय दे श की समृ द्धद्ध,
सॊऩननता एवॊ सयु ऺा भें प्राणऩण से मोग दें | दे श की स्वतॊत्रता के लरए हभें अऩनी अफाचधक स्वतॊत्रता ऩय ननमॊत्रण कयना होगा |
स्वतॊत्र दे श के नागरयक की बाॊनत इस अनश
ु ासन भें यहना सीिें, हभ अऩने चुने हुए नेता का आदय कये , ववऩऺ की फात सावधानी से
ु ने को तैय्माय यहें औय दे श के ठहत को ऩाटी, जानत, सम्प्रदाम औय व्मजकतमों के ठहत की अऩेऺा अचधक भहत्व दें |

1. हभें ककस दे श के नागरयक होने का गवभ है ?
2. हभें ककससे फचकय दे श की समृ द्धद्ध ऩय मोगदान दे ना है ?
3. हभें ककस ऩय ननमॊत्रण यिना होगा ?
4. स्वतॊत्र दे श के नागरयक होने के कायण हभें कमा-कमा कयना होगा ?
5. स्वतॊत्र दे श के नागरयकों को ककस ऩय अचधक भहत्व दे ना होगा ?

3) सॊसाय के सबी नेताओॊ ने अऩनी प्रनतऻा भें दे श की बराई के लरए ननष्िा से सेवा कयने के हसद्धां तों की सत्मता ऩय ववश्वास
कयके अऩने कदभ को आगे फढ़ामा है | अनम
ु ानममों के ववश्वासघात के बम से उनहोंने ऩरामन नहहॊ ककमा न आतताइमों के
बम से उनहोंने उनके साभने सय झक
ु ामा | भेये जीवन की अऩेऺा भेयह भत्ृ मु से हह सत्म का अचधक कल्माण होगा – मह कहते
हुए भहात्भा ईसा सर
ू ह ऩय चढ़ गमे औय भहान दाशभननक सक ु यात भस्
ु कुयाते हुए ज़हय का तमारा ऩी गमे | इनतहास साऺी है कक
भहात्भा ईसा के साथ उनका धभभ सर ू ह ऩय नहहॊ चढ़ामा जा सका औय न हह सक ु यात के साथ उनके शाश्वत हसद्धां तों का अॊत हुआ |
1. सॊसाय के सबी नेताओॊ ने कैसे अऩने कदभ को आगे फढ़ामा है ?
2. नेताओॊ ने ककसके ववश्वासघात के बम से ऩरामन नहहॊ ककमा ?
3. नेताओॊ ने ककसके साभने अऩना सय नहहॊ झुकामा ?
4. ‘भेये जीवन की अऩेऺा भेयह भत्ृ मु से हह सत्म का अचधक कल्माण होगा’ इसे ककस भहात्भा ने कहा ?
5. ककसके शाश्वत हसद्धां तों का अॊत न हुआ ?

4) भनष्ु म सि
ु ालबराषी प्राणी है | सि
ु व आनॊद प्रातत कयने के लरए वह कभभ कयता है | यद्यहप इस कामभ भें ऩरयश्रभ औय कष्ट तो
कयना ऩड़ता है , तो बी ऩरयणनत आनॊद भें होती है | भनष्ु म धन कभाता है , उससे ज़रुयत की चीजों के अनतरयकत ऐश्वमभ औय
ववरास की वस्तम
ु ें ियहदता है | ककसलरए? आनॊद ऩाने के लरए | आनॊद के बफना भानव का जीवन शन
ू म है | ककसी काभ को
कयने का आनॊद तबी लभरता है जफ वह स्वेच्छा से ककमा गमा हो | एक प्रसननचचत्त व्मजकत अऩने आस-ऩास के वातावयण को
कबी नीयस होने नहहॊ दे ता | भानव के स्वबाव का असय दस
ू ये व्मजकतमों ऩय ऩड़े बफना नहहॊ यहता |
1. भनष्ु म कैसा प्राणी है ?
2. भनष्ु म कभभ ककसलरए कयता है ?
3. भनष्ु म धन कमों कभाता है ?
4. आनॊद के बफना भनष्ु म का जीवन कैसा है ?
5. एक प्रसननचचत्त व्मजकत ककसे नीयस होने नहहॊ दे ता ?

5) साठहत्मोनननत के साधनों भें ऩस्

ु तकारमों का स्थान अत्मॊत भहत्वऩण
ू भ है | इनके िारा साठहत्म के जीवन की यऺा,
ऩजु ष्ट औय अलबवृ द्धद्ध होती है | ऩस्
ु तकारम सभ्मता के इनतहास का जीता-जागता गवाह हैं | इसी के फर ऩय वतभभान
बायत को अऩने अतीत गौयव ऩय गवभ है | ऩस्
ु तकारम बायत के लरए कोई नई वस्तु नहहॊ है | लरवऩ के अववष्काय से
आज तक रोग ननयॊ तय ऩस्
ु तकों का सॊग्रह कयते यहे हैं | ऩहरे दे वारम औय हवद्यारम इन सॊग्रहों के प्रभि
ु स्थान होते थे |
इसके अनतरयकत हविज्जनों के अऩने ननजी ऩस्
ु तकारम बी होते थे | भर
ु ण करा के आववष्काय से ऩव
ू भ ऩस्
ु तकों का सॊग्रह
कयना आजकर की तयह सयर फात न थी | आजकर साधायण जस्थनत के ऩस्
ु तकारम भें जजतनी सम्ऩवत्त रगती है , उतनी
कबी-कबी एक-एक ऩस्
ु तक की तैमायह भें रग जामा कयती थी | बायत के ऩस्
ु तकारम सॊसाय बय भें अऩनी सानी नहहॊ
यिते थे | प्राचीन कार से भा
ु र सम्राटों के सभम तक महह जस्थनत यहह | चीन, पायस प्रबनृ त सद
ु यू जस्थत दे शों से झण्
ु ड
के झुण्ड हवद्यानुरागी रम्फी मात्राएॉ कयके बायत आमा कयते थे |
1. साठहत्मोनननत के साधनों भें ककनका स्थान अत्मॊत भहत्वऩण
ू भ है ?
2. ऩस्
ु तकारम ककसका जीता-जागता गवाह हैं ?
3. ऩहरे ऩस् ु तकारम ककन-ककन स्थानों ऩय हुआ कयते थे ?
4. ऩयु ाने सभम भें ऩस्
ु तकों ऩय अचधक व्मम कमों होता था ?
5. ऩस्
ु तकारमों के कायण बायत को कमा गौयव प्रातत था ?

ु ाद
niissiperpxE based 1 Marker
1. ಇಿಂದನ ಭಕಕಳ ೇ ನ಺ಳ್ಳನ ಩ರಜ ಗ್ಳು.
Today’s children are the citizens of tomorrow.
2. ರ಺ಭನು ಩ರಿೇಕ್ಷ ಮಲ್ಲಿ ವ ೇ 95 ಯಷುಾ ಅಿಂಕ ಩ಡ ದದ್಺ಾನ .
Ram has secured 95% in board examinations.
3. ಷ ೂೇನ಺ಕ್ಷಿಗ ಹಳ ಮ ಹಿಂದೇ ಸ಺ಡುಗ್ಳನುು ಕ ೇಳುವ ಹ಴಺ಯಸವಿದ್ .
Sonakshi’s hobby is to listening old Hindi songs.
4. ಭಸ಺ತ಺ಮಗ಺ಿಂಧೇ ಮವಯು ನಭಮ ದ್ ೇಶದ ರ಺ಷರ಩ತ.
Mahatma Gandhi is the father of our nation.
5. ಭ಺ಯತವು ಅಗ್ಸ್ಾ ೧೫ ೧೯೪೭ಯಲ್ಲಿ ಷ಺ಿತಿಂತರ ಗ್ಳ್ಳಸಿತು.
India got independence on 15th August 1947.
6. ಉತತಭ ಅಧ಺ಯ಩ಕನು ತನು ವಿದ್಺ಯರ್ಥಿಗ್ಳ್ಳಗ ಩ ರೇಯಣ಺ದ್಺ಮಕನು
A best teacher is one who always inspires his students.
7. ಗ ೂೇ಩಺ಲ್ನು ಒದನಲ್ಲಿ ಉತತಭನ಺ಗಿದ್಺ಾನ .
Gopal is good in studies.

8. ವಿವಿಧತ ಮಲ್ಲಿ ಏಕತ ಮನುು ಭ಺ಯತದಲ್ಲಿ ಕ಺ರ್ಫಹುದು.
Unity and diversity is found in India.
9. ಭಸ ೇಿಂದರಸಿಿಂಗ್ ಧ ೂೇನಮವಯು ಅಿಂತಯರ಺ಷಿರೇಮ ಟ್ ಸ್ಾ ಕಿರಕ ಟಿನಿಂದ ನವೃತತರ಺ಗಿದ್಺ಾರ .
Mr.Mahindra Singh Doni got retired from international test cricket.
10. ನ಺ವು ಭ಺ಯತ ದ್ ೇಶದ ಩ರಜ ಗ್ಳು.
We are citizens of India.
11. ಭ಺ಯತವು ವಿಶಿದಲ ಿೇ ಅತಿ ದ್ ೂಡಡ ಩ರಜ಺಩ರಬುತಿ ದ್ ೇಶ.
India is the biggest democratic country in the world.
12. ಮುವ ವಗ್ಿವು ದ್ ೇಶದ ಅಭೂಲ್ಯ಴಺ದ ಆಸಿತ.
Youths are valuable asset of the nation.
13. ರ಺ಹುಲ್ನು IAS ಩ರಿೇಕ್ಷ ಮನುು ಩ರಥಭ ಷ಺ಾನದ್ ೂಿಂದಗ ತ ೇಗ್ಿಡ ಸ ೂಿಂದದ್಺ಾನ .
Rahul cleared his IAS exam with 1st Rank.
14. ಅಧ಺ಯ಩ಕಯು ವಿದ್಺ಯರ್ಥಿಗ್ಳನುು ತಭಮ ಸಿಿಂತ ಭಕಕಳ ಸ಺ಗ ನ ೂೇಡಿಕ ೂಳುಿತ಺ತರ .
Teachers treat their students as their children.
15. ವ಺ಲ ಮು ಭನ ಯಿಂದ ದೂಯ, ಑ಿಂದು ಭನ ಇದಾಿಂತ .
School is home away home.
16. ಩಺ರಿಂಶು಩಺ಲ್ಯು ಕ ಲ್ವು ಭಕಕಳನುು ಕ ಟ್ಾ ಸಿಭ಺ವಕ಺ಕಗಿ ದಿಂಡಿಸಿದಯು.
Principal punished few students for misbehaviour.
17. ನ಺ವು ರ಺ಷರಗಿೇತ ಮನುು ಗೌಯವಿಸಬ ೇಕು.
We should respect our National Anthem.
18. ಷ಺ಹತಯವು ಭ಺ಶ ಮ ಭೂಲ್ತತಿ
Literature is an essence of language.
19. ತ಺ಯಮು ತನು ಭಕಕಳನುು ಸದ್಺ ಩ರೇತಿಸುತ಺ತರ .
Mothers always love their children.
20. ನ಺ವು ಑ಗ್ಗಟ್಺ಾಗಿ ಬ಺ಳಬ ೇಕು.
We should live united.
21. ಕ಺ಡು ಩಺ರಣಿಗ್ಳು ಫಹಳ ಅ಩಺ಮಕ಺ರಿ.
Wild animals are very dangerous.
22. ಭ಺ಯತದಲ್ಲಿ ಹಲ್಴಺ಯು ಭ಺ಶ ಗ್ಳ್ಳ಴ .
There are many languages in India.
23. ದ್ ೇಶದ ಸುಯಕ್ಷತ ನಮಮಲ್ಿಯ ಕತಿವಯ಴಺ಗಿದ್ .
The security of the nation is our responsibility.
24. ಴ ೈಜ್ಞ಺ನಕ ಉನುತಿಯಿಂದ ಮ಺ನವ ಜನ಺ಿಂಗ್ದ ಉನುತಿ ಷ಺ಧಯ.
Development of humanity is possible through scientific development.
25. ಭ಺ಯತ ದ್ ೇಶವು ಕೃಷಿ ಩ರಧ಺ನ ದ್ ೇಶ಴಺ಗಿದ್ .
India is an agricultural country.
26. ವಿದ್಺ಯರ್ಥಿಗ್ಳ್ಳಗ ಒದನ ಜ ೂತ ಗ ಆಟ್ವೂ ಅತಿ ಭುಖ್ಯ.
Along with studies, sports are also important for the students.
27. ಩ರತಿಯಿಂದು ರ಺ಜಯದಲ್ಲಿ ಅದಯದ್ ೇ ಆದ ಆಡಳ್ಳತ ಭ಺ಶ ಇದ್ .
Every state has its own official language.
28. ಬ ಿಂಗ್ಳೂಯು ನಗ್ಯವನುು ಮ಺ಹತಿ ತಿಂತರಜ್ಞ಺ನದ ಕ ೇಿಂದರ಴ ನುುತ಺ತರ .
Bangalore is called as Centre for Information Technology.
29. ವಿದ್಺ಯರ್ಥಿಗ್ಳು ಆಟ್ದ ಮೈದ್಺ನದಲ್ಲಿ ಆಡುತಿತದ್಺ಾರ .
Students are playing in the playground.
30. ನ಺ವು ಎಲ಺ಿ ಧಭಿಗ್ಳನುು ಗೌಯವಿಸಬ ೇಕು.
We should respect all religions.
31. ನಭಮ ಕ಺ಲ ೇಜು ಫಸ್ ನಲ಺ಾರ್ದಿಂದ ಐದು ಕಿ.ಮೇ. ದೂಯದಲ್ಲಿದ್ .
Our college is at a distance of five kilometer from bus stand.
32. ಭಸ಺ತಮಗ಺ಿಂಧೇಜ ಮವಯು ಅಕ ೂಾೇಫರ್ 2, 1869 ಯಲ್ಲಿ ಜನಸಿದಯು.
Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2nd October 1869.
33. ವಿದ್಺ಯರ್ಥಿ ಜೇವನ ಑ಿಂದು ಸುವರ್ಿ ಮುಗ್.
Student life is the golden life.
34. ಎಲ್ಿಯೂ ಅವನನುು ಭಯ಺ಿದ್ ಯಿಂದ ಕ಺ರ್ುತಿತದಾಯು.
He was respected by everyone.
35. ನೇವು ಎಿಂದ್಺ದಯೂ ರ ೈಲ್ಲನಲ್ಲಿ ಩ರಯ಺ರ್ ಮ಺ಡಿದಾೇರ಺?
Have you ever travelled by train?
36. ಸಯಳ ಫಹಳ ಩ರತಿಭ಺ನಿತ .
Sarala is very talented.
37. ಭಸ಺ತಮಗ಺ಿಂಧೇಜ ಮವಯು ಸತಯ ಭತುತ ಅಹಿಂಷ ಮನುು ಩಺ಲ್ಲಸುತಿತದಾಯು.
Mahatma Gandhi was follower of truth and non-violence.
38. ಕಳ ದ ತಿಿಂಗ್ಳು ನ಺ವು ಹಳ್ಳಿಗ ಸ ೂೇಗಿದ್ ಾವು.
We had been to village last month.
39. ನ಺ವು ಬ ೇಗ್ ಎದಾರ ಸೂಯೇಿದಮವನುು ನ ೂೇಡಫಹುದು.
If we get up early, we can see sun rise.

40. ಅವನು ಬ ೇಗ್ನ ೇ ಫಿಂದದಾಯು, ಈ ಕ ಲ ಸ ಭುಗಿಮುತಿತಯಲ್ಲಲ್ಿ.
Even though he had come early, this work could not have been completed.
41. ಗೌರಿಶಿಂಕಯ ಶಿಖ್ಯವು ಹಮ಺ಲ್ಮ ಩ವಿತ ವ ರೇಣಿಮಲ್ಲಿ ಅತಿ ಎತತಯ಴಺ದ ಶಿಖ್ಯ.
Gourishankara is the highest peak in Himalayan mountain range.
42. ಈ ಗ಺ಳ್ಳ ಮ಺ತನುು ನಿಂಫಲ್ು ಷ಺ಧಯವಿಲ್ಿ.
This rumour cannot be believed.
43. ಭನುಷಯನ ಆಷ ಗ್ಳ್ಳಗ ಮತಿ ಇಲ್ಿ. ಆದರ ೇ ಩಺ರಕೃತಿಕ ಸಿಂ಩ನೂಮಲ್ಗ್ಳ್ಳಗ ಮತಿ ಇದ್ .
Human wants are unlimited but natural resources are limited.
44. ಮ಺ನವನು ದ್ ೇವಯ ಉತತಭ ಸೃಷಿಾಯ಺ಗಿದ್಺ಾನ .
Human being is the finest creation of God.
45. ವ಺ಲ ಗ್ಳು ಜ್ಞ಺ನದ ಅಡಿ಩಺ಮ಴಺ಗಿದ್ .
Schools are the foundation of knowledge.
46. ನನ ು ಆತನು ದನ ಴ ಲ಺ಿ ನನ ೂುಿಂದಗ ಮ಺ತನ಺ಡುತ಺ತ ಕಳ ದನು.
He spent the whole day talking to me yesterday.
47. ನೇನು ನನು ಜ ೂತ ಭನ ಗ ಫಯು಴ ಯ಺?
Are you coming home with me?
48. ಮೊಬ ೈಲ್ ಫೇನಲ್ಿದ್ ನ಺ವು ಫದುಕಲ಺ರ ಴ ೇ?
Can’t we live without mobile phone?
49. ಜೇವನದಲ್ಲಿ ಶಿಸಿತಲ್ಿದ್ ಸುಖ್-ವ಺ಿಂತಿಯಲ್ಿ.
If there is no discipline in life, then there is no happiness and peace.
50. ಕ ೇವಲ್ ಹರ್ದಿಂದಲ ೇ ಯ಺ಯೂ ಸುಖ್ವನುು ಗ್ಳ್ಳಸಲ಺ಯಯು.
One cannot get happiness merely by acquiring money.
51. ನ಺ವು ರ಺ತಿರಮ ಊಟ್ವನುು ಎಿಂಟ್ು ಗ್ಿಂಟ್ ಗ ಮ಺ಡಲ್ಲದ್ ೇಾ ಴ .
We are going to have dinner at 5’o clock.
52. ಮೊೇಡಗ್ಳು ಫಹಳ ಇಯುವುದರಿಿಂದ ಭಳ ಮೂ ಫಿಂದ್ ೇ ಫಯುತತದ್ ಿಂದು ನನು ನಿಂಬಿಕ .
It is very cloudy and I am sure it will rain.
53. ಮೊದಲ್ು ನನು ಕತಿವಯವನುು ಮ಺ಡು, ನಿಂತಯ ಹಕುಕಗ್ಳ ಫಗ ಗ ಕ ೇಳು.
Do your duty first, and then ask for your rights.
54. ಭ಺ಶ ಮು ಸಯಳ಴಺ಗಿ ಅಥಿ಴಺ಗ್ುವಿಂತಿಯಬ ೇಕು.
Language should be simple and easy to understand.
55. ನಭಮ ತಿಂದ್ ತ಺ಯಮವರಿಗ ನನು ನಭಷ಺ಕಯಗ್ಳನುು ತಿಳ್ಳಸಿ.
Give my regards to your parents.
56. ತ಺ವು ಕ಺ಪಮನುು ತ ಗ ದುಕ ೂಳುಿವಿರ಺?
Would you like to have coffee?
57. ಭಳ ಮೂ ನಿಂತಮೇಲ ನ಺ವು ಸ ೂಯಗ್ಡ ಸ ೂೇಗ ೂೇರ್.
When the rain stops, we shall go out.
58. ನ಺ನು ಮೈಸೂರಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಑ಿಂದು ವಷಿವಿದ್ ಾ.
I have lived in Mysore for one year.
59. ನ಺ನು ನನ ು ಩ುಸತಕಗ್ಳ್ಳಗ಺ಗಿ ಫಹಳ ಖ್ರ್ುಿ ಮ಺ಡಿದ್ .
I spent lot of money on books yesterday.
60. ಜೂನ್ ತಿಿಂಗ್ಳಲ್ಲಿ ಅವನು ಕ಺ಲ ೇಜನುು ಬಿಡುವನು.
He is going to leave college in the month of June.
61. ನ಺ಳ ಮು ತಿಿಂಗ್ಳ ಕ ೂನ ಮ ದನ಴಺ಗಿದ್ .
Tomorrow will be the last day of the month.
62. ಕಠಿರ್ ಩ರಿಶರಭವಿಲ್ಿದ್ ೇ ಸಪಲ್ತ ಮು ಸಿಗ್ಲ಺ಯದು.
There is no success without hard work.
63. ದ್ ೇಶಬಕತಯನುು ಸದ್಺ ಗೌಯವಿಸಬ ೇಕು.
Always give respect to patriots.
64. ದನಗ್ಳ ದಿಂತ ನಯುದ್ ೂಯೇಗ್ ಸಭಷ ಯ ಉಲ್ಭರ್ಗ ೂಳುಿತಿತದ್ .
The problem of unemployment is increasing day by day.
65. ಗೌತಭ ಫುದಧನಿಂದ ಬೌದಧದಭಿವು ಷ಺ಾ಩ತ಴಺ಯತು.
Buddhism was founded by Goutam Buddha.
66. ಬ ಿಂಗ್ಳೂಯು ನಗ್ಯವು ಕನ಺ಿಟ್ಕದ ರ಺ಜಧ಺ನ.
Bangalore city is the capital city of Karnataka.
67. ನ಺ನು ಈ ಩ ರವ ುಗ್ಳನುು ನ಺ಳ ಉತತರಿಸು಴ .
I will answer these questions tomorrow.
68. ನ಺ವು ಩ಯಸಪಯ ಩ರೇತಿಯಿಂದ ಬ಺ಳಬ ೇಕು.
We have to live together with love.


Time: 3 hours 15 minutes Maximum Marks: 70

1. The question paper has four parts: A, B, C and D. All parts are compulsory.
2. Write balanced chemical equations and draw labeled diagrams wherever required.
3. Use log tables and the simple calculators if necessary.
(Use of Scientific Calculators is not allowed)

I. Answer ALL of the following. 10 × 1M = 10M
(Answer each question in one word or one sentence)
1. ‘Cis platin’ a medicine used in the treatment of which disease?
2. Write the mathematical expression for Boyle’s law.
3. Give the example for gaseous reversible reaction for which Kp = Kc
4. Which group elements in the periodic table are called Noble gases?
5. What is the oxidation number of the element in its free state?
6. Write the general electronic configuration of First group elements.
7. Why is boric acid is considered as weak acid
8. Mention the structure of SiO44–
9. Give an example for non-benzenoid compound.
10. Write the expanded form of ‘CNG’.

II. Answer Any FIVE questions 5 × 2M = 10M

11. Convert 37°C to °F.

12. Under what conditions of temperature and pressure real gases tend to behave ideally?
13. What is dipole moment? What is its SI unit
14. Write any two diagonal relationship between Beryllium and Aluminium.
15. Give the reaction for the synthesis of water gas and producer gas
16. How is chloromethane converted into methane?
17. Illustrate Markovnikov’s rule with an example.
18. What B O D? What is its significance?

III. Answer Any FIVE questions 5 × 3M = 15M

19. (i) Give reason: Ionic radius of F – is more than atomic radius of F 1
(ii) How does ionization enthalpy varies down the group? 1
(iii) Ionization enthalpy of nitrogen is more than that of oxygen. Give reason. 1

20. With the help of MOT write the energy level diagram of hydrogen molecule.
What is its bond order and predict magnetic property. 3
21. Calculate the formal charge of each oxygen atom of ozone molecule. 3

22. a) Give any two differences between sigma and pi bonds. 2

b) What is the magnetic nature of oxygen molecule? 1

23. Balance the following redox reaction by oxidation number method. 3

MnO2 + Br – →Mn2+ + Br2 + H2O (Acid medium)

24. (i) Explain the laboratory preparation of dihydrogen. 2

(ii) Give an example of ionic hydride. 1

25. Give any three points of differences between lithium and other alkali meatls. 3

26. (i) Write the molecular formula of silic. 1

(ii) Write the partial structure of silicone. 1
(iii) Name catalyst used in the gasoline production? 1

PART- D (IV & V)

IV. Answer Any FIVE questions 5 × 5M = 25M

27. a) An organic compound contains 69% carbon and 4.8% hydrogen, the remainder being oxygen.
Calculate the masses of carbon dioxide and water produced when 0.20g of this substance is
subjected to complete combustion. 3
b) Give one example each for element and compound. 2

28. a) Write the significance of quantum numbers n,l & m. 3

b) State Pauli’s exclusion principle. 1
c) Write the electronic configuration of copper (Z = 29). 1

29. a) The FM station of All India Radio, Hassan, broadcast on a frequency of 1020 kilohertz.
Calculate the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by transmitter. 3
b) What is the maximum number of electrons present in third main energy level? 2

30. a) Give any three postulates of kinetic molecular theory of gases. 3

b) On a ship sailing in Pacific Ocean where temperature is 23.4 c, a balloon is filled with 2 L air.
What will be the volume of the balloon when the ship reaches Indian Ocean where
temperature is 26.10c? 2

31. a) The combustion of one mole benzene takes place at 298K and 1 atm. After combustion, CO2(g)
and H2O(l) are produced and 3267.0 kJ of heat is liberated. Calculate the standard enthalpy of
formation of benzene.
Given: Standard enthalpy of formation of CO2(g) and H2O(l) are – 393.5 kJ mol – 1 and
– 285.0 kJ mol – 1 respectively. 3
b) Write the mathematical expression for First law of thermodynamics 1
c) Give an example of isolated system. 1
32. a) What are the values for ∆rH0 and ∆rS0 for reaction to be spontaneous at all temperatures? 2
b) Write the relation between 3
(i) Enthalpy (H) and Internal energy (U)
(ii) Cp and Cv
(iii) Free energy (G), Enthalpy(H) and Entropy (S)

33. a) The following concentrations were obtained for the formation of NH3 from N2 and H2 at
equilibrium at 500K. [N2] = 1.5 X 10–2M, [H2] = 3.0 X 10–2M and [NH3] = 1.2 X 10–2M. Calculate the
equilibrium constant. 3
b) Define common ion effect? 1
c) What is the relationship between [H3O+] and [OH– ] for neutral solution? 1

34. a) What is acid and bases according to Arrhenius concept? 2

b) Give an example for (i) solid-vapour equilibrium (ii) liquid-vapour equilibrium 2
c) Write the equilibrium constant Kc expression for H2 + I2 2HI 1

V. Answer Any FIVE questions 2 × 5M = 10M

35. a) For the molecule CH3CH2CH2OH 3

i) Identify functional group
ii) Write the bond line formula
iii) Write the succeeding homologue
b) Explain inductive effect with a suitable example. 2

36. a) An organic compound contains 69% carbon and 4.8% hydrogen, the remainder being oxygen.
Calculate the masses of carbon dioxide and water produced when 0.20g of this substance is
subjected to complete combustion. 3
b) What are nucleophiles? Give an example. 2

37. a) Explain the mechanism of chlorination of methane. 3

b) Write the Newman’s projections of ethane. 2


Time: 3 hours 15 minutes Maximum Marks: 70

1. The question paper has four parts: A, B, C and D. All parts are compulsory.
2. Write balanced chemical equations and draw labeled diagrams wherever required.
3. Use log tables and the simple calculators if necessary.
(Use of Scientific Calculators is not allowed)


I. Answer ALL of the following. 10 × 1M = 10M

(Answer each question in one word or one sentence)
1. Express 0.001023 into scientific notation.
2. Define critical temperature.
3. Give the example which acts as Lewis base as well as Bronsted base.
4. How does electro negativity related to atomic size.
5. What is the oxidation state of oxygen in peroxide?
6. Which alkali metal is act as strong reducing agent?
7. Write the formula of in-organic benzene.
8. What is dry ice?
9. Complete the reaction NH 4CNO ¾¾¾
®? Heat

10. Write the name of the chain isomer of n-Butane.


II. Answer Any FIVE questions 5 × 2M = 10M

11. Calculate the average atomic mass of chlorine using the following data.
% Natural abundance Molar mass
Cl 75.77 34.9689
Cl 24.23 36.9659

12. Draw the graph of pressure versus volume of a gas at different temperatures to illustrate the Bolye’s
13. Give any two conditions for hybridization of atomic orbitals.
14. Explain the reactivity second group elements towards hydrogen.
15. How many sigma and pi bonds are in carbon monoxide?
16. Write the structural isomers of an alkene with molecular formula. C4H8.
17. What are the characteristics for any ring system to be called as aromatic compound?
18. a) Which oxide of nitrogen in higher concentration will retard the rate of photosynthesis in plants?
b) Name the compound formed when carbon monoxide binds to haemoglobin.

III. Answer Any FIVE questions 5 × 3M = 15M

19. Why Beryllium exhibit anomalous behavior form the rest of the elements in the group. 3

20. With the help of hybridization explain the structure of methane. 3

21. a) What is bond enthalpy? How it is related to the bond order? 2

b) Write the resonance structure of CO2. 1

22. a) Give any two differences between bonding and anti bonding molecular orbitals. 2
b) What is the dipole moment of BeF2? 1

23. Balance the following redox reaction by half reaction method. 3

MnO4 –(aq) + I –(aq) →MnO2 (s) + I2 (s) : Basic medium

24. (i) Give the reactions to show amphoteric nature of water. 3

(ii) Mention any one method of removal of temporary hardness of water. 1

25. How caustic soda is commercially prepared from brine by Castner-Kellner cell. 3

26. Give the example of element of group 14 3

(i) shows maximum catenation capacity
(ii) used as semiconductor
(iii) which reacts with water

PART- D (IV & V)

IV. Answer Any FIVE questions 5 × 5M = 25M

27. a) Match the following: 3

(i) Electric current (a) S
(ii) Amount of substance (b) kg
(iii) Time (c) A
(d) mol

b) Define molarity. Write the expression to calculate the molarity of the solution for the
given mass and volume. 2

28. a) Give any three postulates of Bohr’s model for hydrogen atom. 3
b) Calculate the mass of a photon with wavelength 5.0A0. 2
29. a) Sketch the shapes of Px and dz2. 2
b) identify the property exhibited by 19K40 and 20Ca40. 1
c) Write the orbital (box) type electronic configuration of p4 and d4 according to
Hund’s rule of maximum of multiplicity. 2

30. a) Derive ideal gas equation using gas laws. 3

b) At 25 c and 760 mm of Hg pressure a gas occupies 600 mL volume. What will be its pressure
at a height where temperature is 100c and volume of the gas is 640 mL. 2

31. a) If water vapour is assumed to be a perfect gas, molar enthalpy change for vapourization of
1 mole of water at 1 bar and 1000c is 41 kJ mol – 1. Calculate the internal energy change when
I mole of water is vaporized at 1 bar pressure and 1000c. 3
b) State Hess’s law of constant heat summation. 1
c) What is the value for standard enthalpy of formation of an element. 1

32. a) Calculate ∆G0 for conversion of oxygen to ozone, O2(g) → O3 (g) at 298K. If Kp for the this
conversion is 2.47 X 10 –29 . 2
b) What is thermo chemical equation? Write the thermo chemical equation for the molar
combustion of ethanol (Given: ∆rH0 = –1367 kJ mol – 1) 2
c) What is the value of ∆G in a spontaneous process? 1

33. a) For the equilibrium 2NOCl (g) 2NO(g) + Cl2(g), the value of the equilibrium constant Kc
is 3.75 X 10 at 1069K. Calculate the Kp for the reaction at this temperature? 3
b) Write any two general characteristics of equilibria involving physical process. 2

34. a) The pH of the blood is 7.4. Calculate the [H+] 2

b) Derive the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation for acid buffer. 3

V. Answer Any FIVE questions 2 × 5M = 10M

35. a) For the following bond cleavage, use curved arrows to show electron flow, mention the type of
bond cleavage, and reactive intermediate formed. 3
· ·
CH 3CH 2 O-OCH 2 CH 3 ¾¾
® CH 3CH 2 O + O CH 2 CH 3
b) Give the hybridization and geometry of carbocation. 2

36. a) 0.2033 g of an organic compound on combustion gave 0.3780 g of CO2 and 0.1288 g H2O. In a
separate experiment 0.1877 g of the compound on analysis by Dumas method produced 31.7mL of
nitrogen collected over water at 140C and 758 mm pressure. Determine the percentage composition
of the compound. (Aqueous tension of water at 140C = 12 mm pressure).
[ANS: C=50.7%, H = 7.04% N= 19.7% and O = 22.55%.] 3
b) What are nucleophiles? Give an example. 2

37. a) Explain the mechanism of addition of HBr to propene in the presence of peroxide catalyst. 3
b) Write the structures of cis and trans isomers of But-2-ene. 2
Time: 3 hours 15 minutes Maximum Marks: 70

1. The question paper has four parts: A, B, C and D. All parts are compulsory.
2. Write balanced chemical equations and draw labeled diagrams wherever required.
3. Use log tables and the simple calculators if necessary.
(Use of Scientific Calculators is not allowed)


I. Answer ALL of the following. 10 × 1M = 10M

(Answer each question in one word or one sentence)
1. What is limiting reagent?
2. How does viscosity varies with temperature?
3. Give an example of acidic buffer.
4. Which of the following ion is iso electronic with Na+
a) Ca2+ b) Mg2+ c) Zn2+
5. Define reduction based on electron transfer.
6. Write the molecular formula of plaster of Paris.
7. The maximum co-valency of boron is 4. Why.
8. What type of hybridized carbon atom present in diamond?
9. Write the IUPAC name of CH2 = CH – CO – CH3
10. Name the catalyst used in Friedel – Craft’s reaction.


II. Answer Any FIVE questions 5 × 2M = 10M

11. Define molar volume. what is its value at STP

12. What is the compressibility factor? What is its value for ideal gas?
13. Write any two postulates of VSEPR theory.
14. Write the chemical reactions for the formation of
a) Bleaching powder from milk of lime
b) Quick lime form lime stone
15. How many carbon atoms are present in Buckminsterfullerene? What is the hybridization of each
carbon atom in it?
16. Explain ozonolysis of propene.
17. Write the resonance structures and resonance hybrid structure of benzene.
18. Name any two gases responsible for Green house effect.

III. Answer Any FIVE questions 5 × 3M = 15M

19. (i) What is electron gain enthalpy? How it vary across a period in the periodic table. 2
(ii) Name the most electronegative element in the periodic table. 1
20. Give the conditions for the linear combination of atomic orbitals to form molecular orbitals. 3

21. a) What is hydrogen bonding? What type of hydrogen bonding is present in o-nitrophenol? 2
b) Mention the shape of ammonia molecule based on VSEPR theory. 1

22. a) Write any two drawbacks of the octet theory. 2

b) Write the Lewis dot structure of CO molecule. 1

23. Balance the following redox reaction by half reaction method. 3

Fe2+(aq) + Cr2O7 2–(aq) → Fe3+ (aq) + Cr3+ (aq) : Acidic medium

24. (i) Calculate the strength of 20 volume of solution of hydrogen peroxide. 2

(ii) What is the molecular formula of heavy water. 1

25. Give any one biological importance of each 3

(i) Sodium
(ii) Magnesium
(iii) Calcium

26. Give the differences between diamond and graphite with respect to structure, hybridization and
electrical conductivity. 3

PART- D (IV & V)

IV. Answer Any FIVE questions 5 × 5M = 25M

27. a) N2 and H2 react with each other to produce ammonia according to the equation 3
N 2( g ) + 3H 2 (g ) ¾¾
® 2NH 3 ( g )
i) Calculate the mass of ammonia produced if 2.0 ´ 103 g of N2 reacts with 1.0 ´ 103 g of H2.
ii) Will any of the two reactants remain unreacted?
iii) If yes, which one and what would be its mass?
b) State and illustrate law of multiple proportions. 2

28. a) Mention the conclusion drawn from the observation of Rutherford’s α-ray scattering
experiment. 3
b) Write all the possible values of l,m & s when n = 2 2

29. a) Calculate the energy associated with the first orbit of He+ ( Z = 2, RH = 2.18 X 10–18J) 2
b) What is a black body? 1
c) Name the spectral region in which the Lyman series are present. 1
What is the colour of the first spectral line of the Balmer series? 1

30. a) Using Dalton’s law of partial pressure derive an expression for partial pressure of a gas in
terms of mole fraction. 3
b) With a suitable example explain dipole-dipole forces 2
31. a) Calculate the lattice enthalpy of sodium chloride using Born-Haber cycle. 3
b) Give one example each for intensive and extensive property. 2

32. a) What is entropy? How does entropy changes in a spontaneous process? 2

b) The molar enthalpy of combustion of benzene is – 3264.6 kJ mol – 1.
Calculate the amount of heat energy liberated when 39 grams of benzene is burnt in excess of air.
[Given: Molar mass of benzene is 78 g mol – 1] 2
c) What is free expansion? 1

33. a) The value for the Kc for the reaction 2A B + C is 2 X 10–3.

At a given time the composition of reaction mixture is [A] = ]B] = [C] = 3 X 10–4M.
In which direction the reaction will proceed? 2
b) Write the conjugate acid and base of water. 2
c) The equilibrium constant for the reaction H2(g) + I2(g) 2HIg) is K.
What is the equilibrium constant for the reaction HI(g) ½ H2(g) + ½ I(g)? 1

34. a) The pKa of acetic acid and pKb of ammonium hydroxide are 4.76 and 4.75 respectively.
Calculate the pH of ammonium acetate solution. 2
b) State Le Chatelier’s principle? What is the effect of pressure on the following equilibria.
CO(g) + 3H2(g) CH4(g) + H2O(g) 2
c) Write the solubility product expression for BaSO4. 1

V. Answer Any FIVE questions 2 × 5M = 10M

35. a) 0.6723 g of an organic) compound gave on combustion 1.530g of carbon dioxide and 0.625 g
of water. Find the percentage of carbon and hydrogen in the compound. 3
b) Explain why an organic liquid vaporises at room temperature below its boiling point
in its steam distillation. 2

36. a)Explain Kjeldahl’s method for the estimation of nitrogen in the organic compound? 3
b) Define (i) Resonance stabilization energy. (ii)Theoretical plate. 2

37. a) Explain the mechanism of Friedel – Craft’s alkylation of benzene to get toluene. 3
b) Complete the following reaction. 1+1
CH3 - CH = CH2 + H2O + (O) ¾¾¾¾ 273K
What happens to the colour of KMnO4 during the reaction ‘a’.



The question bank is prepared for the benefit of students and teachers. The committee worked
for the preparation of question bank made all efforts to make comprehensive and fool proof. However,
if any mistakes, errors found, please mail at ,

There is no guarantee that questions from this question bank only appear in the examination
conducted by the department.


The copyrights of the question bank lies with the Director, Department of Pre-University
Education. The question bank is prepared for academic purpose only. No part of the question bank is
allowed to use for commercial gains.

Design of Question Paper

Subject: Computer Science Code: 41

Time: 3hours 15 minutes (of which 15 minutes for reading the question paper).


The weightage of the distribution of marks over different dimensions of the question paper shall be as follows:

A. Weightage to Objectives:

Objective Weightage Marks Total No of

% Questions
Knowledge 30% 31 12
Understanding 40% 43 17
Application 20% 21 5
Skill 10% 10 3
Total 100% 105 37

B. Weightage to Content/Subject units: Computer Science (41)

Unit Description VSA (1 SA (2 LA (3 E (5 Total
mark) marks) marks) marks) marks
30 Hrs
C PROGRAMMING IN C++ 5 3 4 5 48
Total Marks 10 16 24 55 105

120 Total No of Questions to be answered 1X10=10 2X5/8=10 3X5/8=15 5X7/11=35 70/37

Note : Variation of 1(one) mark per chapter is allowed, however the total marks should not exceed 105.

Total No Total No of Total No of Total No of Total No of
Total marks
of questions questions questions questions
Question Type allocated
questions with one with two with three with five
mark marks marks marks
Knowledge 12 5 2 2 3 30
Understanding 17 5 5 3 4 44
Application 5 ----- ----- 2 3 21
Skill 3 ----- 1 1 1 10
Total 37 10 8 8 11 105
Note : One mark variation in Knowledge and Understanding can be accepted !!

C. Weightage to forms of Questions:

Level Weightage% Marks

Easy 30 31

Average 60 64

Difficult 10 10

General instructions:

• Questions should be clear, unambiguous understandable and free from grammatical errors.
• Questions which are based on same concepts, law, fact etc. and which generate the same answer should not
be repeated under different forms (VSA, SA and LA)
• Questions must be based on the contents of the prescribed text books.

Total number of hours : 120Hrs, Total mark : 105mark, Number of mark per hour : 0.875mph
. Knowledge 20% Understanding 40% Application 30% Skills 10% Total
No. Chapter Name hrs 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 5 .
1 Overview of computer 8 1 1 1 8
2 Input, Output and Memory devices 8 1 1 1 6
3 Data Representation 9 1 1 8
4 Software Concepts 5 1 1 5
5 Problem Solving Methedology 15 1 1 1 1 1 11
6 Object oriented concepts 2 1 2
7 Introduction to C++ 12 1 1 1 9
8 Data types 2 1 2

9 Input and Output operators 4 1 1 4
10 Control Statements 10 2 1 11
11 Arrays 8 1 1 1 9
12 Functions 2 1 2
13 User defined Functions 8 1 1 6
14 Structures 2 1 3
15 Word Processing 5 1 3
16 Spreadsheets 15 1 1 1 11
17 Web Designing 5 1 5
TOTAL : 120 105
Question paper pattern : Part - A : VSA( very short aswer ). Each carries ONE mark.
Part - B : SA(short answer). Each carries TWO marks.
Part- C:LA(Long Answers). Each carries THREE marks
Part - D : E (Essay type)Each carries FIVE marks.

Note: Answer ALL the following questions.
Each question carries ONE mark. [10x1=10]

1. What is a computer? (K)

2. What is the use of input unit? (K)
3. Define problem solving. (K)
4. Define an identifier. (K)
5. What is the purpose of manipulators? (K)
6. What is compound statement? (K)
7. How is a function invoked? (K)
8. What is a header? (U)
9. Define coding. (K)
10. What is a relative reference? (K)

Note: Answer any FIVE of the following questions.
Each question carries TWO marks. [5x2=10]

11. Write a note on Abacus. (U)

12. Give different types of ROM. (U)
13. What is a translator? (U)
14. What is difference between program and system flowcharts? (U)
15. Explain about Data Encapsulation. (U)
16. Explain lvalue and rvalue with an example. (K)
17. What is standard library? (U)
18. What are tables in word processor? (U)

Note: Answer any FIVE of the following questions.
Each question carries THREE marks. [5x3=15]

19. Explain output unit in detail. (U)

20 Write the difference between ROM and RAM. (A)
21. Explain different types of operating systems. (U)
22. Write an algorithm to convert temperature in Fahrenheit to Celsius. (U)
23. What are short hand operators? (K)
24. Write a C++ program to demonstrate the cout. (S)
25. Explain memory representation of one-dimensional array. (A)
26. What is the use of dot operator? Give an example (A)

Note: Answer any SEVEN of the following questions.
Each question carries FIVE marks. [7x5=35]

27. Explain the functional units of a computer with a neat block diagram. (A)
28. Give the Radix of: (A)
(a) Decimal system (b) Binary system
(c) Octal system (d) Hexadecimal system
29. Explain different forms of if statement. (A)
30. Explain the structure of the function with an example program. (U)
31. Write a C++ program to find the minimum and maximum element of an array. (S)
32. Compare break and continue statements. (U)
33. Explain in detail the services of internet. (U)
34. Explain the screen layout of a worksheet in detail. (A)
35. Write algorithm and flowchart to find sum of odd and even numbers upto N. (S)
36. Find (572) 8 = (?)16 = (?)10 (S)
37. Give the features of the generations of computers. (U)
38. Explain any five HTML tags with example.

Total number of hours : 120Hrs, Total mark : 105mark, Number of mark per hour : 0.875mph
. Knowledge 20% Understanding 40% Application 30% Skills 10% Total
No. Chapter Name hrs 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 5 .
1 Overview of computer 8 1 1 1 8
2 Input, Output and Memory devices 8 1 1 1 6
3 Data Representation 9 1 1 8
4 Software Concepts 5 1 1 1 6
5 Problem Solving Methedology 15 1 1 1 9
6 Object oriented concepts 2 1 1 3
7 Introduction to C++ 12 1 1 1 9

8 Data types 2 1 2
9 Input and Output operators 4 1 1 4
10 Control Statements 10 2 10
11 Arrays 8 1 1 1 1 10
12 Functions 2 1 2
13 User defined Functions 8 1 1 6
14 Structures 2 1 3
15 Word Processing 5 1 3
16 Spreadsheets 15 1 1 1 11
17 Web Designing 5 1 5
TOTAL : 120 105
Question paper pattern : Part - A : VSA( very short aswer ). Each carries ONE mark.
Part - B : SA(short answer). Each carries TWO marks.
Part- C:LA(Long Answers). Each carries THREE marks
Part - D : E (Essay type)Each carries FIVE marks.

Note: Answer ALL the following questions.
Each question carries ONE mark. [10x1=10]

1. Expand ENIAC. (K)

2. What is cache memory? (K)
3. Define stepwise refinement. (K)
4. What are escape sequence? (K)
5. Give the header file that holds setw() and endl. (U)
6. What is the purpose of switch statement? (U)
7. What is the datatype of the array subscript? (K)
8. Give the syntax of function prototype. (U)
9. How to convert data to bold using formatting toolbar in MS-word? (U)
10. How do we include a formula in a worksheet? (U)

Note: Answer any FIVE of the following questions.
Each question carries TWO marks. [5x2=10]

11. What is the role of computers in Education? (U)

12. Give the different types of ROM.(U)
13. Differentiate between interpreter and compiler. (K)
14. Define Inheritance and Polymorphism with respect to OOP. (U)
15. Give the classification of data types in C++. (U)
16. Explain the various types of errors detected during testing. (U)
17. Write any two library functions of header file String.h (K)
18. Explain the process of COPY and PASTE. (S)

Note: Answer any FIVE of the following questions.
Each question carries THREE marks. [5x3=15]

19. Give the applications of OCR, OMR and MICR. (K)

20. Convert 36B.DEF (16) to binary. (S)
21. What are the functions of operating system? (K)
22. Give the syntax, flowchart for the variations of if command. (U)
23. Mention the types of constants in C++. (K)
24. Explain cascading of input, output operators. (U)
25. Give the initialization and declaration of two-dimensional arrays. (A)
26. What are nested structures? Give an example. (U)

Note: Answer any SEVEN of the following questions.
Each question carries FIVE marks. [7x5=35]

27. Compare the features of all the generations of computers? (U)

28. Explain 2’s complement subtraction using an example. (S)
29. Explain the working of FOR loop with a programming example. (A)
30. Write a program to print Fibonacci series of N number. (A)
31. Explain DO-WHILE and WHILE in detail. (U)
32. Explain implicit and explicit type conversions with examples. (K)
33. Write a C++ program to find the position of an element in the array. (A)
34. Write the purpose of any five string functions. (K)
35. Explain the steps involved in drawing a chart. (U)
36. Give the features of a spreadsheet. (U)
37. Explain any five tags in HTML. (K)

Total number of hours : 120Hrs, Total mark : 105mark, Number of mark per hour : 0.875mph
. Knowledge 20% Understanding 40% Application 30% Skills 10% Total
No. Chapter Name hrs 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 5 .
1 Overview of computer 8 1 1 7
2 Input, Output and Memory devices 8 1 1 1 6
3 Data Representation 9 1 1 1 9
4 Software Concepts 5 1 1 1 6
5 Problem Solving Methedology 15 1 1 1 9
6 Object oriented concepts 2 1 1 3
7 Introduction to C++ 12 1 1 1 9
8 Data types 2 1 2

9 Input and Output operators 4 1 1 4
10 Control Statements 10 2 1 11
11 Arrays 8 1 1 8
12 Functions 2 1 1 3
13 User defined Functions 8 1 1 6
14 Structures 2 1 3
15 Word Processing 5 1 1 4
16 Spreadsheets 15 1 1 10
17 Web Designing 5 1 5
TOTAL : 120 105
Question paper pattern : Part - A : VSA( very short aswer ). Each carries ONE mark.
Part - B : SA(short answer). Each carries TWO marks.
Part- C:LA(Long Answers). Each carries THREE marks
Part - D : E (Essay type)Each carries FIVE marks.

Note: Answer ALL the following questions. [10x1=10]
Each question carries ONE mark.

1. Expand VLSI. (U)

2. What is the use of input device? (U)
3. Define operating system. (U)
4. What is unary operator? (K)
5. What is keyword? (U)
6. Define the term looping. (K)
7. What are subscripts? (K)
8. What is a function? (K)
9. What is header in word processor? (U)
10. Mention one application of ESS. (K)

Note: Answer any FIVE of the following questions. [5x2=10]
Each question carries TWO marks.

11. Mention any two features of ENIAC. (U)

12. Compare static and dynamic RAM. (U)
13. Mention different types of software. (U)
14. Write any two symbols used in flowchart. (U)
15. Mention any two advantages of OOP. (U)
16. Write the syntax for variable declaration with example. (S)
17. Write any two library functions of C++. (K)
18. Give shortcut command for copy and paste command in word processor. (K)

Note: Answer any FIVE of the following questions. [5x3=15]
Each question carries THREE marks.

19. Explain types of primary memory. (U)

20. Explain impact and non-impact printers in detail. (U)
21. Explain any three types of operating system. (K)
22. Write an algorithm to check whether a given number is even or odd. (S)
23. Write the rules for naming the identifier. (K)
24. Mention the different types of expressions in C++. (K)
25. What is a string? Give any two string operations. (U)
26. Define structure. Write syntax and example for declaration of structure. (A)

Note: Answer any SEVEN of the following questions. [7x5=35]
Each question carries FIVE marks.

27. Write the features of I and II generation of computers. (U)

28. Subtract 9(10) from 24(10 ) using 2’s compliment. (S)
29. Mention advantages and disadvantages of an algorithm. (U)
30. Explain general structure of C++ program. (A)
31. Write a C++ program to find sum of digits of a number using while loop. (A)
32. Explain working of SWITCH statement with syntax and example. (K)
33. Write a C++ program to read and print a matrix of order MxN. (A)
34. What are the different types of functions? Explain any one. (K)
35. What is mail merge? Write steps involved in creating mail merge document. (U)
36. Explain any five built in functions used in ESS with example. (U)
37. Explain any five HTML tags with example. (K)

One mark questions:
1. What is a computer? (K)
2. What are the advantages of learning computers? (A)
3. Which is the earliest computing machine? (K)
4. Who invented the Pascaline? (K)
5. What are the advantages of the machine by Leibnitz over Pascaline? (U)
6. What is Charles baggage known as? (K)
7. What is the machine proposed by Babbage, to perform differential equations called as? (U)
8. Who is the father of computers? (K)
9. What concept of computing did Herman Hollerith used to find a faster way to compute U.S. census. (U)
10. Who developed the first all-electronic computer? (K)
11. What us the electronic relay computer Mark-I also called as? (U)
12. Expand the term ENIAC? (K)
13. Expand the term EDVAC. (K)
15. Expand the term UNIVAC. (K)
16. Which is the basic electronic component of the first generation computers? (U)
17. Which is the basic electronic component of the second generation computers? (U)
18. What does IC stand for? (K)
19. How internet is used? (A)
20. How computer helps in publishing? (U)
21. Name any one Super Computer made in India. (K)
22. Who invented first “Read only Memory”? (U)
23. What was Napier’s Bones used for? (U)
24. Who is the First Programmer? (U)
25. Who invented Slide Rule? (U)
26. Expand CPU. (K)
27. Name a non- volatile memory. (A)
28. What is slide rule? (U)
29. Which is the basic electronic component of the third generation computers? (U)
30. Which is the basic electronic component of the fourth generation computers? (U)
31 Expand VLSI. (U)

Two Marks Questions:

1. What are the fields where computers are used today? (A)
2. Write a note on Abacus? (U)
3. Write a note on Pascaline? (U)
4. Explain the important features of difference engine. (U)
5. Explain Charles Babbage’s role in the history of modern computers? (U)
6. Mention any two features of ENIAC? (U)
7. Mention any two features of EDVAC? (U)
8. What are the importance features of the III generation computers? (U)

9. Explain the role of computers in education? (U)
10. Why are computers used in the industry? (U)
11. How are computers important in communication? (U)
12. Mention any two uses of Super Computers? (U)
13. Write two significant inventions by Charles Babbage. (K)
14. Explain Analog Computers. (U)
15. Explain Digital Computers. (U)
16. Explain Hybrid Computers. (U)
17. Write the type of computers based on usage or purpose. (K)
18. Differentiate mainframe and super computer. (K)
19. Give two examples for Input devices. (A)
20. Give two examples for output devices. (A)
21. What is CAM? (K)

Three marks questions:

1. Explain the history of computers. (U)
2. Give the features of first generation computers. (U)
3. Write the features of Second generation computers. (U)
4 State the features of third generation computers. (U)
5. Give the features of fourth generation computers. (U)
6. Explain the importance and usage of computers in education and industry. (K)
7. Discuss the characteristics of a computer in detail. (U)
8. Draw a neat block diagram of the functional units of a computer and label it. (A)
9. Explain the role of computers in science and engineering. (K)
10. Explain the latest implementation of computers. (A)
11. How does the computer help mankind? (A)
12. What is the concept of e-governance? (U)
13. Explain the use of computer in email? (K)

Five marks questions:

1. Briefly explain the history of computers. (U)
2. Give the features of the Generations of computers. (U)
3. Discuss the characteristics of a computer in detail. (U)
4. Explain the functional units of a computer with a neat block diagram? (A)
5. What are the latest developments in the field of computers, list the areas and explain. (K)
6. Explain the application of Computers. (K)
7. Compare the features of micro and mini computers? (U)
8. Compare mainframe and supercomputers(U)
9. Explain Classification of Digital Computers. (K)


One mark questions:

1. What is PC? (K)
2. What is the use of input unit? (K)
3. What happens to the data in the input unit? (U)
4. What is the use of memory? (U)
5. What is ROM and RAM? (U)
6. Classify various units of memory. (U)
7. What is cache memory? (U)
8. What is MICR? (K)
9. Define the resolution of a monitor (K)
10. What is the use of speakers? (K)
11. Expand OMR. (K)
12. Expand OCR. (K)
13. Expand PROM (K)
14. Expand EPROM. (K)
15. Expand EEPROM. (K)

Two marks questions:

1. Compare input and output units. (U)
2. What is difference between volatile and non-volatile memory. (U)
3. Compare static and dynamic Ram (U)
4. Give different types of ROM. (U)
5. Explain the different types of keyboard. (U)
6. Give the difference between hard copy and soft copy. (K)
7. Explain different types of printers. (U)
8. Explain the structure of CD-ROM. (U)
9. Write the difference between ROM and RAM. (K)
10. Define track and sector. (U)

Three marks questions:

1. Give the applications of OCR, OMR, and MICR. (U)
2. Explain impact and non-impact printers in detail. (U)
3. Explain the storage medium. (U)
4. Explain input unit in detail. (U)
5. Explain output unit in detail. (U)
6. Explain storage medium in detail. (U)
7. Illustrate the latest configuration of computers for today. (A)
9. Write the difference between ROM and RAM. (A)
10. Explain different types of ROM. (U)
11. Mention different types of mouse. (u)
12. Write a short note on plotter. (U)
13. Write a note on monitor. (U)
14. Explain cache memory in detail. (U)
15. Mention any three portable storage devices. (U)

Five marks questions:

1. What are input devices? Explain in detail. (U)
2. What are output devices? Explain in detail. (U)
3. Write a note on storage devices. (K)
4. Explain hard disk. (U)
5. Write a note on printers. (U)


One mark questions:

1. Define the base of the number system. (U)
2. What is the expansion of BIT? (K)
3. Define MSB (U)
4. Define LSB. (U)
5. What is the weight of the LSB of an 8-bit number? (S)
6. What is the weight of the MSB of a 16-bit number? (S)
7. What does BCD stand for? (K)
8. What is the expansion of ASCII? (A)
9. What is the expansion of EBCDIC? (A)
10. What is binary system? (U)
11. What is octal system? (U)
12. What is hexadecimal system? (U)
13. How are negative numbers represented? (S)
14. Write 1’s complement of 11010111(2) (S)
15. Write 2’s complement of 11011011(2) (S)

Two marks questions:

1. Specify the general rule for representing number using positional notation in any number system. (K)
2. Mention different types of positional number system. (U)
3. Explain the need of binary number system in computers. (U)
4. What is the importance of hexadecimal system? (U)
5. What is 1’s complement? Give an example. (A)
6. What is 2’s complement? Give an example. (A)
7. What are computer codes? Give example. (K)
8. Mention the different types of number systems. (U)
9. What is the use of binary number system over decimal number system? (U)
10. Convert 97.188 (10) to binary. (S)
11. Convert 728.45(10) to binary. (S)
12. Convert 1101111.101(2) to decimal (S)
13. Convert 2835(16) to decimal. (S)
14. Convert 789.625(10) to octal. (S)
15. Convert 4563 in octal to binary. (S)
16. Convert BED(16) to binary. (S)
17. Convert 1101.01101in binary to octal. (S)
18. Convert A492.B in hexadecimal to decimal. (S)
19. Convert 512.45(10) to hexadecimal. (S)
20. Convert 11011110(2) to hexadecimal. (S)
21. Convert 6A9.ABC (16) to binary. (S)
22. Add 1010101 and 1010111 (S)
23. Explain ASCII code. (U)

Three marks questions:

1. Define MSB and LSB. What is the weight of the LSB of an 8-bit number and MSB of a 16-bit number? (S)
2. Write 1’s complement of 11010011(2) and 2’s complement of 1111011(2) (S)
3. Convert 193.102 (10) to binary. (S)
4. Convert 287.27(10) to binary. (S)
5. Convert 1100011.011(2) to decimal (S)
6. Convert 2546(16) to decimal. (S)
7. Convert 897.526(10) to octal. (S)
8. Convert 4352 in octal to binary. (S)
9. Convert CEBA(16) to binary. (S)
10. Convert 1100.1100 in binary to octal. (S)
11. Convert DF43.AB in hexadecimal to decimal. (S)
12. Convert 734.67(10) to hexadecimal. (S)
13. Convert 1100101011(2) to hexadecimal. (S)
14. Convert 36B.DEF (16) to binary. (S)
15. Add 1101101 and 1011101 (S)

Five marks questions:

1. Give the Radix of: (A)
(a) Decimal system (b) Binary system
(c) Octal system (d) Hexadecimal system
2. Subtract 36 from 83 using 2’s complement. (S)
3. Using 1’s complement method, solve 54(10) – 87(10) (S)
4. Using 2’s complement method, solve 73(10) – 25(10) (S)
5. Add: 64(10) + 35(10) using binary addition. (S)
6. Find (11001001.1011)2 = (?)8 = (?)16 (S)
7. Find (FADE) 16 = (?)8 = (?)10 (S)
8. Explain different types of computer codes. (K)
9. Evaluate: BEAD (16) = () 10 = ( ) 2 = ( ) 8 (S)
10. Find (572) 8 = (?)16 = (?)10 (S)
11. Find (986) 10 = (?)8 = (?)16 (S)
12. Add: 89(10) + 66(10) using binary addition. (S)
13. Find 1101110(2) + 1010111(2) – 11110 (2) (S)
14. Find 1101110(2) + 1010111(2) – 11110 (2) + 110011(2) (S)


One mark questions:

1. What is a program? (U)
2. What is hardware? (U)
3. What is software? (U)
4. What is machine language? (U)
5. What is assembly language? (U)
6. Give an example for high-level language. (A)
7. What is meant by machine dependent language? (K)
8. What is meant by machine independent language? (K)
9. Define opcode. (K)
10. What is an assembler? (U)
11. What is a compiler? (U)
12. What is an interpreter? (U)
13. What is system software? (U)
14. What is application software? (U)
15. What is linker? (U)
16. What is loader? (U)
17. Define operating system. (U)
18. Write any one function of operating system. (A)
19. Name any single-user operating system. (A)
20. Name any multi-user operating system. (A)
21. What is multitasking? (U)
22. What is multithreading? (U)
23. Name any mobile operating system. (A)

Two marks questions:

1. What are the types of software? (U/K)
2. Compare hardware and software. (U)
3. What is application software? Give example. (U /K)
4. What is system software? Give example. (U/K)
5. State the difference between object code and source code. (U)
6. Differentiate between high-level and low-level language. (U)
7. What is a translator? (U)
8. What is an Assembler? (U)
9. Differentiate between interpreter and compiler. (U)
10. What is the function of linker and loader. (U)
11. What is an operating system? Give example. (U)
12. Explain operating system as user interface? (U)
13. Explain need of operating system. (U)
14. Explain real time operating system. (U)
15. Explain batch processing. (U)
16. Explain time sharing system. (U)
17. Write any two functional features of windows. (K)
18. Write any two functional features of network operating system. (K)
19. Write any two functional features of LINUX. (K)
20. Mention any two mobile operating systems. (K)
21. Give the difference between CUI and GUI (K)

Three marks questions:

1. Write a note on Computer languages. (K)
2. Explain different types of operating systems. (U)
3. List any three functions of operating system. (K)
4. Explain multi-user operating system. (U)
5. Mention the features of DOS OS. (K)
6. Mention the features of UNIX OS. (K)
7. Explain the purpose of utilities. (U)
8. Explain the terms multiprogramming and multitasking. (U)
9. Compare CUI and GUI. (U)

Five marks questions:

1. Define the terms:
a. Interpreter
b. Compiler
c. Assembler
d. Linker
e. Loader
2. Define the following:
a. Object code
b. Source code.
c. Application software
d. System software.
e. Utilities.
3. What is an operating system? Explain any four operating systems.
4. What are language translators? Explain briefly.
5. What are the different functions of an operating system?
6. What are the features of Disk Operating System (DOS)?
7. What are the features of UNIX operating system?
8. What are the features of Windows operating system?


One mark questions:

1. Define problem solving. (K)
2. What is problem definition? (U)
3. What is sequential construct? (U)
4. What is an algorithm? (U)
5. Define flowchart. (K)
6. How are flowcharts classified? (U)
7. Define coding. (K)
8. What do you mean by debugging? (U)
9. What does syntax refer to? (U)
10. What is syntax error? (U)
11. What are semantic errors? (U)
12. What is logical error? (U)
13. What is runtime error? (U)
14. Define stepwise refinement? (K)
15. Define testing. (K)
16. Give one advantage of structured programming. (A)
17. What is the use of documentation? (A)
18. What is program maintenance? (U)
19. Why is program maintenance required? (U)
20. When is selection construct used? (U)
21. What is the use of iteration construct? (A)
22. What is top-down design? (K)

Two marks questions

1. Which design tools are used in designing the problems? (K)
2. State the characteristics of algorithm? (U)
3. What is the difference between program and system flowcharts? (U)
4. Explain the difference between source program and object program? (U)
5. Explain the importance of documentation. (U)
6. What are the types of selection construct? (U)
7. What are the characteristics of good program? (U)
8. Write an algorithm to find simple interest. (S)
9. What is Syntax error? Give an example. (U)
10. How is runtime error different from semantic error? (U)
11. Write an algorithm to find average of three numbers. (S)
12. Draw a flowchart to add two numbers. (S)
13. Write the flowchart symbols for (U)
a) Decision b) Looping
14. Mention two differences between while and do-while constructs. (U)
15. Explain the various types of errors detected during testing.

Three marks questions:
1. Give advantages of algorithm.
2. Mention advantages of flowchart.
3. What are the different programming constructs? (U)
4. Write an algorithm to swap the values of two variables. (U)
5. Write an algorithm to convert temperature in Fahrenheit to Celsius. (U)
6. Write an algorithm to find largest among three numbers. (U)
7. Write an algorithm to find sum and average of three numbers. (U)
8. What is the importance of flowchart? (U)
9. Draw a flowchart to find the largest of three numbers. (S)
10. Draw a flowchart to calculate simple interest. (S)
11. Draw a flowchart to add all integers from 1 to 100. (S)
12. Draw a flowchart to find factorial of a number. (S)
13. What are the advantages of structured programming? (U)
14. Draw various symbols of flowchart with their purpose. (A)
15. State the different types of errors. (U)
16. Explain if-else-if structure. (K)
17. Explain while loop with example. (U)
18. Explain do-while loop with example. (U)
19. Explain for loop with example. (U)
20. How is iteration construct useful? Explain. (U)
21. Give the syntax, flowchart for the various if command. (S)

Five marks questions

1. Briefly explain the various stages of problem solving. (U)
2. What are the symbols used in flowchart? (K)
3. Mention advantages and disadvantages of algorithm. (K)
4. Write advantages and disadvantages of flowchart. (K)
5. Briefly explain documentation and maintenance. (U)
6. Explain divide and conquer method. (U)
7. Give the syntax and flowchart of if-else-if and nested-if construct. (U)
8. Explain while construct with flowchart. (U)
9. Explain do-while construct with flowchart. (U)
10. Explain for loop construct with flowchart. (U)
11. Explain while and do-while statements with flowchart and syntax. (A)
12. Explain different forms of if statement. (A)
13. Explain top-down analysis with example. (U)
14. Discuss types of errors with example. (U)
15. Explain selection statements. (U)
16. Explain iterative statements. (U)
17. Write algorithm and flowchart to find sum of N natural numbers. (S)
18. Write algorithm and flowchart to find sum of odd and even numbers upto N. (S)

One mark questions:
1. Define Structured Programming. (U)
2. Define Top-down design. (U)
3. What is Bottom up? (U)
4. What is Top-down approach? (U)
5. Define an Object. (U)
6 Expand OOP.
7. What is Object Oriented Programming (OOP)? (U)
8. What is Class? (U)
9. Define a Module. (U)
10. What is Bottom up approach? (U)
11. What is Modularity? (U)
12. What is Abstraction? (U)
13. What is Data Encapsulation.? (U)
14. What is Inheritance? (U)
15. What is Polymorphism? (U)
16. What is Dynamic binding? (U)
17. What is Message Passing? (U)
18. Mention any one benefit of OOP. (K)
19. Mention any one advantage of OOP. (K)
20. Mention any one disadvantage of OOP. (K)
21. Mention any one application of OOP. (K)
22. What is the use of member function? (U)

Two marks questions

1. What is structured programming? (U)
2. Define a Module. (K)
3. What is Modularity? (U)
4. What is an object in OOP? (U)
5. What is a Class with reference to OOP? (U)
6. Differentiate class and object. (U)
7. Mention any two characteristics of OOP(K)
8. Explain Data Abstraction (U)
9. Explain about Data Encapsulation(U)
10. Explain about Inheritance. (U)
11. Explain about Polymorphism. (U)
12. Explain about Dynamic binding. (U)
13. Explain about Message Passing. (U)
14. Mention any two advantages of OOP. (K)
15. Mention any two disadvantages of OOP. (K)
16. List any two characteristics of OOP. (K)
17. Mention any two applications of OOP. (K)
18. Define the terms: a) Encapsulation b) Polymorphism. (U)
19. What is function overloading? Give example. (U)
20. Give an example for operator overloading. (U)

One mark questions:

1. Who developed C++? (K)
2. Mention any one characteristic of C++. (K)
3. Mention any token of C++.
4. Can Keywords be used to name an identifier?
5. Define a token in C++? (K)
6. Define an identifier? (K)
7. Define variables. (K)
8. What is a keyword? (U)
9. Mention any keyword. (A)
10. Define a constant? (K)
11. What is an integer constant? (K)
12. What is an octal constant? (K)
13. What is a hexadecimal constant? (K)
14. Give an example for integer constant. (S)
15. Give an example for octal constant. (S)
16. Give an example for hexadecimal constant. (S)
17. Give an example for float constant. (S)
18. Give an example for character constant. (S)
19. Give an example for string constant. (S)
20. How do you define a string constant? (U)
21. Define Escape sequences. (K)
22. Mention any one escape sequences. (A)
23. What are punctuators? (U)
24. Mention any one punctuator. (A)
25. What is an operator? (K)
26. What are unary operator? (A)
27. Mention any one unary operator. (A)
28. What is a binary operator? (U)
29. Mention any one binary operator. (A)
30. What is a ternary operator? (U)
31. If int x=10, then find the value of y=++x-x++. (A)
32. Which operator gives the remainder? (U)
33. What is an expression? (U)
34. Convert the expression a2+b2+b2=c2 into equivalent C++ expression. (S)
35. What is the purpose of sizeof() operator?(U)
36. Give an example for sizeof() operator.
37. Which is the pointer operator? ( K)
38. What is a library function? (K)
39. What is operator precedence? (U)
40. Convert the expression l=2√a2+b2 into equivalent C++ expression. (S)
41. Convert the expression 𝐴 = 𝜋𝑟 2 into equivalent C++ expression. (S)
42. What is type casting? (K)
Two marks questions.
1. Mention any two characteristics of C++. (K)
2. Mention any two tokens of C++ . (K)
3. Mention any two rules for naming an identifier. (K)
4. Mention the types of constants of C++. (K)
5. Explain integer constant with suitable example. (A)
6. Explain octal constant with suitable example. (A)
7. Explain hexadecimal constant with suitable example. (A)
8. Explain float constant with suitable example. (A)
9. Explain character constant with suitable example. (A)
10. What are escape sequences? Give example. (U)
11. Explain string constant with suitable example. (U)
12. Explain unary operators with suitable example. (K)
13. Explain arithmetic operators with suitable example. (K)
14. Explain logical operators with suitable examples. (K)
15. Give one difference between i++ and ++i (A)
16. State the difference between / and % (A)
17. Explain type conversion. (K)
18. Explain any two math.h function. (A)
19. Explain any two ctype.h function. (A)
20. Explain any two string.h function. (A)
21. Mention any two funtions of stdio.h. (A)
22. Mention any two functions of stdlib.h. (A)

Three marks questions.

1. List the character set of C++. (A)
2. Mention any three keywords. (U)
3. Name any three punctuators. (U)
4. Explain the usage of ternary operator with an example. (K)
5. Write a note on Logical operators. (K )
6. What are short hand operators? (K)
7. Mention any three functions of stdio.h (U)
8. Mention any three functions of ctype.h (U)
9. What is type casting? Explain. (U)
10. What is the purpose of randomize(), random(n). (U)
11. Explain the difference between getch() and getche(). (S)
12. State any three rules for naming an identifier. (K)
13. Explain unary operators with examples. (K)
14. Explain escape sequences with example. (K)
15. Explain mathematical and character library functions. (K)
16. How are comments inserted in C++? (K)

Five marks questions.
1. What are the characteristics of C++ program? (K)
2. Explain briefly the different types of tokens. (U)
3. Write a note on different kinds of Constants. (U)
4. Summarize the rules for naming an identifier. (U)
5. Write a note on Unary operators with examples ( U)
6. Explain Arithmetic operators. (U)
7. Explain Relational operators. (U)
8. What is an expression? Explain precedence of operators with suitable examples. (U)
9. Write the structure of a C++ program. (K)
10. Explain implicit and explicit type conversions with examples. (K)
11. Write the purpose of any five character functions. (K)
12. Write the purpose of any five String functions. (K)


One mark questions:

1. Define a variable. (K)
2. Give the syntax of declaring and initializing a variable. (K)
3. Differentiate between lvalue and rvalue. (U)
4. Name the simple data types in C++. (K)
5. Write any two types of modifiers. (K)
6. What are derived data types? Give example. (K)
7. What are user-defined data types? (U)
8. What is an enumerated data type? (K)
9. Write the syntax for defining and declaring enumerated data type. (S)

Two mark questions:

1. Explain data types and its classification. (U)
2. Explain modifiers in detail. (U)
3. Explain enumerated data types with suitable examples (U)
4. What is a variable? Give its declaration. (K)
5. Explain lvalue and rvalue with an example. (U)
6. What is a data type? Mention the different data types. (U)
7. Explain the various data types. (U)
8. What are modifiers? Mention the different modifiers. (U)
9. What is an enumerated data type? Give an example. (U)


One mark questions:

1. What is a stream insertion operator? (K)
2. What is a stream extraction operator? (K)
3. Give the other name for cin. (A)
4. Give the other name for cout. (A)
5. What is the purpose of manipulators? (K)
6. Give the header file that holds setw( ) and endl. (U)
7. What is the purpose of setw( )? (U)
8. What is the purpose of endl? (U)

Two marks questions:

1. Explain the input operator in C++. (U)
2. Explain the output operator in C++. (U)
3. Explain the cascading of input operators with example. (K)
4. Explain the cascading of output operators with example. (K)
5. What is input output stream? (U)
6. Write the input output statements to read and display the marks scored by a student. (A)
7. Write a C++ statement to input the heights of three students using cascading. (A)
8. Write a formatted output statement to display two numbers. (A)

Three marks questions:

1. Explain the cascading of input and output operators with suitable example. (A)
2. Write a C++ program to demonstrate the cout . (A)
3. Write a C++ program to find the sum of two numbers. ( A)
4. Write a C++ program to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius. (A)
5. Write a C++ program to find whether a given number is even or odd. (A)
6. Write a C++ program to find whether a given number is positive or negative. (A)
7. Write a C++ program to print multiplication table of any number (A)
(e.g. 2*1=2).
8. Explain (a)setw (b) setprecision (c) endl (A)
9. What is the need of formatting output? Explain with example (U)


One mark questions:

1. What is compound statement? (K)
2. Name the fixed execution loop. (U)
3. What is iterative statement? (U)
4. What is the numerical equivalent of TRUE and FALSE? (U)
5. Name the multiple branch selection statement (U)
6. What is the purpose of else clause? (U)
7. What are the case labels? What type of labels must be used in case labels? (U)
8. Correct the following code fragment: (S/A)
if( x = 1 )
k = 100;
k = 10;
Ans: if(x==1)
9. What is while loop also called as? (A)
10. What is do-while also called as? (A)
11. What is nested loop? (U)
12. What is the use of jump statement? (A)
13. Name the jump statement which terminates the loop. (A)
14. Name the jump statement which terminates the program. (A)
15. Why continue statement is used? (A)

Two marks questions:

1. What will be the output of the following code fragment? (A)
int year Ans: (a) LEAP YEAR
cin>>year; (b) Not a LEAP YEAR
if(year%400==0) (c) No Output
cout<<”LEAP YEAR”;
cout<<”Not LEAP YEAR”;
If the input is (a)2000 (b)1900 (c) 1971?

2. Rewrite the following program segment using if else statement (A)

comm=(sale>10000)? sale*0.05 : 0;
3. Write the output of this program segment (A)
int ans=1,i=2;
Ans: output will be 60
4. What is the purpose of switch statement? (K)
5. How does the switch statement differ from if statement? (K)
6. What type of value can be taken by case labels? (K)
7. What is the significance of default clause in a switch statement? (K)
8. Define the term looping. (U)
9. Name the iteration statements provided by C++. (K)
10. What is pre-tested looping statement? (K))
11. What is post-tested looping statement? (K)
12. Rewrite the following using ternary operator (A)
if (income<=10000)
13. Name any two jump statements in C++. (K)
14. What is the function of exit( )? (K)
15. What are the nested statements? (U)
16. Write syntax of if- else statement. (K)
17. How many times will the following loop execute? what will be the output? (A)
int x=2, y=50;
Ans: loop will execute 5 times and y will be 15.
18. What will be the output of the following code? (A)
int p = 200;
Ans: Loop will execute 7 times and the output will be 80
19. Write a program to find the sum of odd ‘N’ numbers using while loop (A)
20. Compare break and continue statements. (U)

Three marks questions:

1.What are control statements? How are they classified? (U)
2. Explain the working of if statement with syntax and suitable example. (U)
3. Explain if else if statement with general format and suitable example. (U)
4. Explain the working of switch statement with an example. (U)
5. Write general format of while loop with a suitable example. (U)
6. Explain working of do while statement with an example. (U)
7. Differentiate between while looping and do-while looping structure. (K)
8. Write a program to find largest of three numbers using IF ladder. (A)
9. What is the final value of ctr when the iteration process given below: (S)
int ctr=0;
for(int i =1;i<=5);i++)
Ans: The final value of ctr is 15.
10. Rewrite the program segment using while loop (S)
int i,f=1;
11. Write a program fragment to display numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, ………..18, 20
Using while loop. (A)
12. Write a program segment to find the sum of 1+2+3+.......10 using do while loop. (A)
13. Explain the working of if statement with syntax and example program. (U)

Five marks questions:

1. What are control statements? How are they classified? (U)
2. What is the purpose of if- else statement? (U)
3. What are the nested statements? (U)
4. Write syntax of if- else statement. (K)
5. What is the purpose of switch statement? How does it differ from other statements? (U)
6. What are the case labels? What type of labels must be used in case labels? (U)
7. How many times will the following loop execute? what will be the output? (S)
int x=2,y=50;
} while (x<=10);
Ans: loop will execute 5 times and y will be 15.
8. What will be the output of the following code? (S)
int p = 200;
Ans: Loop will execute 7 times and the output will be 80
9. Write a short program to test the given number is even or odd. (A)
10. Write a program to find the sum of odd ‘N’ numbers using while loop. (A)
11. Write a program segment to display the multiplication table of a particular number using
do-while loop. (A)
12. Compare break and continue statements. (U)
13. Write a program to check whether a number is prime or not. (A)
14. Write a program to find the sum of the series 1+1/3!+1/5!+…….1/n! using while loop. (A)
15 Write a program to find sum of 1+ 1/2 + 1/3+ ...........+1/n. (A)
16. Write a program to check whether the number is a special number or not. (A number is said to be a special,
if the sum of the factorial of the digits of the number is same as the original number. (Eg,145 is special number
because 1!+4!+5!=145) (A)
17. Write a program to find sum of digits of a given number using while loop. (A)
18. Write a program to find the sum of x/2 +x/5 + x/8....... x/20 using do while. (A)
19. Write a program to find all the integer divisors of a given number using for loop. (A)
20. Write a program to check whether the number is Armstrong or not using for loop. (A)
21. Write a program to print Fibonacci series of N number. (A)
22. Write a program to check whether the number is palindrome or not.
(A number is a palindrome which when read in reverse order is same as read in the right order) (A)
23. Explain switch statement with syntax and example. (K)
24. Explain jump statements in C++. (U)
25. Explain working of FOR loop with flow-chart. (U)
26. Write a program to calculate the net amount according to the criteria given below:
Purchase amount Discount
0 to 5000 NIL
5001 to 10000 5%
>10001 10%. (S)


One mark questions:

1. What is an array? (U)
2. How are arrays different from normal variables? (K)
3. Define size of an array. (K)
4. What is the subscript of the first element of the array? (A)
5. What is the data type of the array subscript? (A)
6. Define one-dimensional array. (U)
7. Give the syntax of one-dimensional array declaration. (A)
8. How are one-dimensional arrays initialized? When are they declared? (A)
9. Mention the difference between an integer array and character array. (K)
10. Define two-dimensional array. (K)
11. What are multi-dimensional arrays? (k)
12. What is the use of array subscript? (K)
13. Write the syntax of multi-dimensional array. (A)
14. Write an example of one-dimensional array. (A)

Two marks questions:

1. Why do we use an array? (U)
2. What are the advantages of arrays over normal variables? (S)
3. What are the operations on arrays? (U)
4. What is the significance of subscript in an array? (U)
5. How are two dimensional arrays initialized when they are declared? (K)
6. Write the program to read and write the elements of one dimensional array. (S)
7. How do you initialize two-dimensional arrays? (A)
8. Write C++ program to input the elements of two-dimensional array and display it. (S)
9. Give the syntax and example of one – dimensional array. (A)
10. Give the syntax and example of two – dimensional array. (A)
11. Give the syntax and example of multi – dimensional array. (A)
12. How do you access one – dimensional array elements? Give example. (S)
13. How do you access two – dimensional array elements? Give example. (S)

Three marks questions:

1. What are the operations on arrays? (U)
2. Name the different types of arrays. (K)
3. Give the difference between one-dimensional array and two-dimensional array. (U)
4. How are individual elements of two-dimensional array accessed? (A)
5. Explain memory representation of one-dimensional array. (A)
6. Explain memory representation of two-dimensional array. (A)
7. How do you initialize one-dimensional array? (S)
8. How do you initialize two-dimensional array? (S)
9. Write a program to find total and average of an array containing N elements. (S)
10. Write a program to check whether the matrix is square or rectangular. (S)

Five marks questions:
1. What is an array? Explain different types of array? (A)
2. Write a C++ program to search an element in the array. (A)
3. Write a C++ program to find the minimum and maximum element of an array. (A)
4. Write a C++ program to find the position of an element from the array. (A)
5. Write a C++ program to sort the elements of one-dimensional array. (A)
6. Write a C++ program to find the sum of all positive and negative numbers. (A)
7.Write a C++ program to find the sum of two matrices. (A)
8. Write a C++ program to find the transpose of a matrix. (A)
9. Write a C++ program to find the product of two compatible matrices. (A)
10. Write a C++ program to find the row-sum and column-sum of a matrix. (A)
11. Write a C++ program to determine whether the matrix is a scalar matrix. (A)
12. Write a C++ program to find sum all the elements of a one-dimensional array. (A)


One mark questions:

1. What is standard library function? (U)
2. What is a function? (U)
3. Why is C++ standard library required? (K)
4. What are the different types of functions? (U)
5. Give an example of header file? (U)
6. Write any one library function of iomanip.h (A)
7. Define character array. (U)
8. Write the syntax to declare a string. (U)
9. Write any one library function of file string.h (A)
10. Write the syntax of getline() function. (U)
11. Write any one function of the header file ctype.h (K)
12. Write one function of the header file math.h (K)
13. Give the syntax of get() function. (U)
14. Give the syntax of put() function. (U)
15. Why do we use pow() function? (S)
16. Define use-defined function. (K)
17. Name any one function to generate pseudo-random number. (S)
18. Name the header file to be included, to use the functions for generation of random
numbers. (S)

Two marks questions:

1. What is standard library? (U)
2. What is a function? (U)
3. What are the different types of functions? (U)
4. Define character array (U)
5. Write the syntax to declare a string (U)
6. Write any two library functions of header file String.h (A)
7. Write the syntax of getline() function (A)
8. Write any two functions of header file ctype.h (K)
9. Write two functions of the header file math.h (S)
10 Give the syntax of get() function. (A)
11. Give the syntax of put() function. (A)
12. Why do we use pow() function? (A)
13. Define user defined function. (K)
14. How do we display a string using write() function? (A)
15. What is string concatenation? What function is used to achieve this operation? (A)
16. Distinguish between islower() and tolower() functions. (A)
17. Distinguish between strcmp() and strcmpi() functions. (A)
18. Write the difference between toupper() and isupper(). (A)
19. What are the different types of values strcmp() function return? (A)


One mark questions:

1. What is a user-defined function? (U)
2. How is a function invoked? (K)
3. What does the keyword void represent? (U)
4. What are actual arguments? (K)
5. What are formal arguments? (K)
6. What are global variables? (U)
7. What are local variables? (U)
8. Give the syntax and use of return() statement. (A)
9. How many expressions can be included in a return statement? (A)
10. What is a function prototype? Give syntax(K)
11. What is scope of a variable? (U)
12. What is the use of scope resolution operator? (A)
13 Define recursion. (U)

Two marks questions:

1. Differentiate between library function and user-defined function. (K)
2. How do we call a function? Give the syntax of function call statement. (U)
3. Distinguish between actual parameter and formal parameter. (K)
4. Distinguish between local variable and global variable. (K)
5. What is a function prototype? When is a function prototype necessary? (S)
6. Name the different categories of functions. (U)
7. What are the uses of default arguments? (U)
8. Name the methods of calling a function. (S)

Three marks questions:

1. What are the advantages of functions? (U)
2. Explain the structure of function with an example. (K)
3. Write a C++ program to find the greatest of three numbers using function. (A)
4. Write a C++ program to find the cube of a number using function. (A)
5. Illustrate the use of scope of variables with an example. (S)
6. Explain the method of passing default arguments to a function. (U)
7. Explain recursive function. (U)
8. Explain the method of passing constant arguments to a function. (K)
9. Explain pass by value method of calling a function. (K)
10. Explain pass by reference method of calling a function. (K)
11. Explain the method of passing an array to a function. (U)
12. Explain the method of passing structure to a function. (U)

Five marks questions:
1. Explain the structure of the function with an example program. (U)
2. Write a C++ program to find the cube of a number using function. (A)
3. Explain pass by value method of calling a function. (K)
4. Explain pass by reference method of calling a function (K)
5. Explain the method of passing an array to a function. (A)
6. Explain the method of passing structure to a function. (A)
7. Explain the scope of a variable with an example. (K)
8. Explain the working of function with no arguments and no return values with an example. (A)
9. Explain the working of function with arguments and no return values with an example. (A)
10. Explain the working of function with no arguments and with return values with an example. (A)
11. Explain the working of function with arguments and with return values with an example. (A)
12. Explain the following terms: (K)
(a) Function prototype
(b) Actual argument
(c) Function call
(d) Formal argument
(e) return statement
13. Compare call by value and call by reference. (K)


One mark questions:

1. Define a structure. (U)
2. Give a difference between an array and a structure. (U)
3. Does the definition of a structure create memory space? (K)
4. Create the structure definition that contains the information of a student. (A)
5. Why is the keyword struct used? (K)
6. How are the members of a structure accessed? (S)
7. What is the use of dot operator? (A)
8. How do we initialize a structure? (A)
9. What distinguishes an array from a structure? (K)
10. Define an array of structures. (U)
11. Why is an array of structures used? (K)
12. Can a structure have the elements of same data type? (S)

Two marks questions:

1. When do we use structures? (U)
2. How do define a structure? (U)
3. How do we declare a structure? Give an example. (A)
4. Differentiate between structure definition and structure declaration. (K)
5. Declare a structure that contains the data of a student. (S)
6. Declare a structure that contains the data of all the employees. (S)
7. How are the elements of a structure accessed? Give an example. (A)
8. How do we initialize a structure? Give an example. (A)
9. What are nested structures? Give an example. (U)

Three marks questions:

1. Define structure. Write its syntax. (U)
2. Create a structure definition to store data of a student. (U)
3. Why is the keyword struct used? How do we initialize structure? (U)
4. Differentiate between structure definition and structure declaration with example. (U)
5. What do you mean by nesting of structures? Give an example. (U)
6. What is the use of dot operator? Give an example. (A)
7. How do you access members of a structure? (A)


One mark questions:

1. What is word processor? (U)
3. Give one important activity that is performed by a word processor. (U)
4. What does the tile bar contain? (U)
5. What information is present on the ruler bar? (U)
6. What is a menu? (U)
7. What is the extension of the word processor file? (U)
8. What happens when the left button of the mouse is clicked twice on a word? (U)
9. How do we convert data to bold using formatting toolbar? (U)
10. Which are the standard alignments used in word processor? (U)
11. What is the use of the font dialog box? (U)
12. What are bullets? (U)
13. What is a header? (U)
14. What is a footer? (U)

Two marks questions :

1. Give any two advantages of word processors? (A)
2. Name any two popularly used word processors. (U)
3. Explain the usage of scroll bar and status bar? (U)
4. Give the steps for opening a new file in word processor. (S)
6. Write the difference between save as and save. (U)
7. Give the steps for opening an existing document. (A)
8. Explain the different methods of selecting text with the mouse. (A)
9. Explain any two options of the formatting toolbar in detail? (A)
10. Explain the option of copy in detail. (A)
11. Explain the option of copy and paste. (A)
12. How do we perform the undo operation? (A)
13. How to select the complete text? (A)
14. What are tables in word processor? (U)
15. How to insert page numbers? (A)
16. What is indentation? (K)
17. What is the use of header and footer? (K)

Three marks questions:

1. Explain GUI windows screen in detail. (A)
2. Write the advantages of GUI. (K)
3. What are the advantages of word processor over a manual system? (K)
4. Explain the screen layout in detail that a word processor can perform. (A)
5. Explain the screen layout in detail with suitable illustrations. (S)
6. Give the steps involved in creating a new word processor document. (S)
7. Explain the contents of the formatting toolbar. (K)
8. Explain the process of setting the paragraph attributes. (S)
9. How do we include bullets and numbers of different types in a document? (S)
10. Explain the process of setting the page margins in details. (S)
11. Explain the spelling and grammatical mistakes in a document. (S)
12. Give the steps involved and the options in finding and replacing text. (S)
13. Explain the steps involved in inserting the images. (S)
14. How to implement page border’s in a word processor? (S)
15. Explain the Mail merge operation. (K)
16. Write the shortcut for the following: (K)
(a) Bold (b) Italics (c) Underline
17. How to insert a table in word-processor? (S)


One mark questions:

1. Expand ESS? (U)
2. What is a spread sheet? (U)
3. What is workbook? (U)
4. What is an absolute reference? (K)
5. What is a relative reference? (K)
6. Give an example for spreadsheet. (K)
7. What is a work sheet? (U)
8. How many rows and columns are present in a worksheet? (A)
9. What is cell? (U)
10. What is cell address? (U)
11. What is cell pointer? (U)
12. What is the use of formula? (A)
13. Give the format of entering date in a worksheet by default? (A)
14. Why is the auto format option used? (U)
15. How do we include a formula in a worksheet? (S)
16. What is a chart? (U)
17. What is the advantage of using a chart wizard? (U)

Two marks questions:

1.What is the purpose of using ESS? (K)
2. Give any two features of spread sheet. (K)
3. Explain the terms cell, cell address with suitable example. (U)
4. What are the steps to activate ESS? (S)
5. What are the types of data used in ESS? (U)
6. Explain the steps used to add rows and columns to a worksheet. (S)
7. What is the range of numbers possible in a worksheet with version? (A)
8. Explain the steps used to change the size of rows and columns in a worksheet. (S)
9. Explain the steps of using the auto format option. (S)
10. Explain the use of any two mathematical functions with suitable examples. (A)
11. Explain the use of any two statistical functions with suitable examples. (A)
12. Explain the use of any two financial functions with suitable examples. (A)
13. Explain the use of any two text functions with suitable examples. (A)
14. Classify the types of graph? (K)
15. What is data form? (U)

Three marks questions:

1.Give the area ESS is used in detail. (A)
2. Give the features of a spreadsheet. (U)
3. Explain the screen layout of a worksheet in detail. (A)
4. Explain the options of the standard toolbar in detail. (A)
5. Explain in detail the types of data and the range of values that can be used
in a worksheet. (K)
6. Explain the various options of the formatting toolbar. (K)
7. Explain the use of the various statistical functions with suitable example. (A)
8. Explain the use of financial functions with suitable examples (A)
9. Explain the steps involved in drawing a chart. (S)
10. How can data from the other packages be imported in ESS? (S)

Five marks questions:

1. Give the features of a spreadsheet. (U)
2. Explain the screen layout of a worksheet in detail. (U)
3. Explain the steps involved in drawing a chart. (U)
4. How can data from the other packages be imported in ESS? (U)
5. Explain the default alignments text and numerical with examples. (U)
6. Explain any five built-in functions in detail. (U)
7. State the use of the following functions. (U)
(a) max (b) min (c) sum (d) average (e) if
8. State the purpose of the following functions. (U)
(a) Date (b) Day (c) Now (d) Today (e) Year


One mark questions:

1. Define internet. (U)
2. Define browser. (U)
3. Mention any one of the services of the internet. (A)
4. What is world wide web? (U)
5. What is e-mail? (U)
6. Mention any one advantage of e-mail. (A)
7. Mention any one disadvantage of e-mail. (A)
8. What is virus? (U)
9. What is spam? (U)
10. What is hacking? (U)
11. What are newsgroup? (U)
12. What is e-commerce? (U)
13. What is chatting? (U)
14. What is a gopher? (U)
15. What is telnet? (U)
16. Expand FTP. (K)
17. What is FTP? (U)
18. What is a webpage? (U)
19. What is a website? (U)
20. What is http? (K)
21. Expand http. (K)
22. What is DNS? (K)
23. Expand DNS. (K)
24. What is URL? (U)
25. Expand URL. (K)
26. What is a search engine? (U)
27. What is surfing of net? (U)
28. Expand HTML. (K)
29. Mention any one tag in HTML. (A)
30. Which tag is used to display a list? (A)

Two marks questions:

1. Briefly explain internet. (U)
2. Mention any two services of internet. (K)
3. Explain www and email. (U)
4. Mention any two advantages of e-mail. (A)
5. Mention any two disadvantages of e-mail. (A)
6. Briefly explain FTP and Telnet. (K)
7. Briefly explain chatting and gopher. (K)
8. Briefly explain www. (K)
9. Briefly explain webpage. (K)
10. Briefly explain web browser. (K)
11. Briefly explain http. (K)
12. Briefly explain DNS. (K)
13. Briefly explain URL. (K)
14. Briefly explain search engine. (K)
15. Briefly explain surfing. (K)
16. Briefly explain HTML. (K)
17. Explain any two tags in HTML. (A)
18. Explain any two formatting tags in HTML. (A)
19. Explain lists in HTML. (A)
20. Which tag is used for hyperlink? (A)

Three marks questions:

1. Explain any three services of internet. (A)
2. Explain any three benefits of email. (A)
3. Explain the disadvantages of email. (A)
4. Explain www and webpage in detail. (K)
5. Explain website and web browser. (K)
6. Explain http and DNS. (K)
7. Explain URL and search engines. (K)
8. Explain the structure of a HTML tag page. (A)
9. Explain the basic tags in HTML. (A)
10.Explain the formatting tags in HTML. (A)

Five marks questions:

1. Explain in detail the services of internet. (K)
2. Explain the various benefits of email. (K)
3. Explain the following terms in web technology. (K)
(a) gopher (b) telnet (c) web browser (d) URL (e) search engine
4. Define the following terms: (K)
(a) domain (b) http (c) webpage (d) website (e) www
4. Explain the structure of a HTML tag page with an example. (A)
5. Explain the basic tags in HTML. (K)
6. Explain the formatting tags in HTML. (K)
7. Design a web page to demonstrate the ordered lists. (A)
8. Design a web page to display your details on a web page. (A)
9. Name the tag to perform the following functions. (K)
(a) use to scroll the text
(b) use to hyperlink
(c) use to insert an image
(d) use to change background color
(e) use to change text style
10. Write the function of the following tags: (K)
(a) <OL> (b) <B> (c) <BR> (d) <P> (e) <H2>


The Committee comprises of:

Smt. Sharon Mednora
Govt. PU College for Boys,
18th Cross, Malleshwaram, Bengaluru

Smt. Farhathunissa Ansari

St. Germain PU College,
Frazer Town, Bengaluru

Smt. Neelima Ganesh

Vidyamandir PU College,
11th Cross, Malleshwaram, Bengaluru

Smt. Janet Mary

St. Ann’s PU College,
2, Millers Road, Bengaluru

Smt. Bhuvaneshwari Ankalagi

Govt PU college,
Yelahanka, Bengaluru

1|P ag e



2|P ag e
The question bank is prepared for the benefit of students and teachers. The committee which has
worked for the preparation of the question bank has made all efforts to make it comprehensive and
foolproof. However, if any errors are found, kindly mail to, There is no guarantee that questions from this question bank alone will
appear in the examination conducted by the department.

Copyrights; The copyrights of the question bank lies with the Director, Department of Pre-
University Education. The question bank is prepared only for academic purpose. No part of the question
bank is allowed to be used for commercial gains.

3|P ag e
Dear teachers and students,
We are extremely happy to offer ‘TREASURE’, a question bank for the students of FIRST
PUC. The primary objective of our collective endeavour is that the ‘QUESTION BANK’ must be of
assistance to both teachers and students alike to understand the prescribed text in a coherent
and systematic manner. This will help the students to familiarise themselves with the possible
questions that they are likely to face in the forthcoming examinations.
The question bank has been prepared keeping in view the different perspectives from
which a unit can be looked at. All possible areas of the prescribed units have been meticulously
covered to make it comprehensive and wholesome for the students.
We have striven to make it as error free as possible. However, corrections and
suggestions for further improvement are welcome. We fervently hope that the question bank
will achieve the desired objectives.

With best wishes…


Chairman, Reviewer and the Members of the Question Bank Committee.

 While setting the question paper, the teacher has to prepare the blueprint and select
questions from different units on the basis of the blue print.
 While framing questions, the context (such as the title of the poem or the lesson) needs
to be specified.
 The given questionnaire occasionally involves various ways by which a question may be
 Various abbreviations such as K-Knowledge based, C- Comprehension, E- Expression and
A- Appreciation have been used to specify the area which is examined in each question.

4|P ag e
Govt. P U College for Girls
B H Road, Shivamogga.

Vishwabharathi P U College
Mallasandra, Tumkur.


Smt. Sandhya Bai Sri. ShivaKumar. P

Govt PU College for Girls, Govt PU College,
New Town, Bhadravathi. Nyamathi, Davangere.

Smt.V. Meenalochani Smt.Savitha .N. Rao

JSS PU College, DVS PU(I) College,
Jayanagar, Bengaluru. Shivamogga.

Sri. Poorna Thejaswi D H Sri. S .M. Joseph

Govt PU College, Sri Aurobindo PU College,
Saraguru, HD Kote, Mysuru. Javalli, Shivamogga.

Sri.Deepak. D Sri Arun.K.Kuthnikar

Govt PU College, Sri Ramakrishna Vidyashala
Sidlaghatta, Chikkaballapur. Yadavagiri, Mysuru.

Smt.Anitha Javali
Govt PU College,
Kallihal, Bhadravathi

5|P ag e

1. The Gentlemen of the jungle. 8-9

2. The School Boy. 10-11
3. Around a Medicinal Creeper 12-13
4. Oru Manushyan 14-15
5. Money Madness 16-17
6. Babar Ali 18-19
7. If I was a Tree 20-21
8. Watchman of the Lake 22-24
9. The Farmer’s Wife 25
10. Frederick Douglass 26-27
11. An Old Woman 28
12. Two Gentlemen of Verona. 29-30
13. Do not Ask Of Me, My Love 31

6|P ag e

Passages. 32-41
Articles and Prepositions. 42-44
Verbs. 45-47
Subject –verb Agreement. 48-50
Correction of Sentences. 51-57
Homophones. 58
Word Class. 59
Word Order. 60-61
Question Tags. 62
‘Do’ Forms. 63-64
Framing Questions using ‘Wh’ Forms. 65-66
Reference Skills. 67-74
Letter Writing. 75
Language Functions. 76-77
Complete the Dialogues. 78-80
Dialogue Writing. 81
Blue print of Model Question paper 1 82
Model Question paper 1 83-87
Key answers of Model Question Paper1 88-91
Blue print of Model Question paper 2 92
Model Question paper 1 93-97
Key answers of Model Question Paper2 98-102
Blue print of Model Question paper 1 103
Model Question paper 1 104-109
Key answers of Model Question Paper2 110-114

7|P ag e
1. The Gentlemen of the Jungle

I Answer the following questions in a word, a phrase or a sentence each:

1. Who made friendship with the man in ‘The Gentlemen of the Jungle’? (K)
2. Why did the elephant approach the man for help? (K)
3. Where was the man’s hut located in the forest? (K)
4. What was the request of the elephant to his friend on a rainy day? (K)
5. What did the elephant promise to repay the man for his help?(K)
6. Where did the elephant fling the man? (K)
7. What did the elephant want to protect his skin from? (K)
8. What did the elephant wish to protect from the hailstorm? (K)
9. What did the lion wish to have in his kingdom? (K)
10. Who commanded his ministers to appoint a Commission of Enquiry? (K)
11.. What did the king do to resolve the dispute between the man and the elephant? (C)
12. Name one of the members in the Commission of Enquiry. (K)
13. Who was the Chairman of the Commission of Enquiry? (K)
14. Who was the Secretary of the Commission of Enquiry? (K)
15. “I have always regarded it as my duty to protect the interests of my friends” was said by the___ (K)
a. elephant b. lion c. man
16. What did the elephant always regard as his duty? (K)
17. What was the only question asked to the man by the Commission of Enquiry? (K)
18. Why was no human included in the Commission of Enquiry, according to the animals? (K)
19. What were the members of the Commission of Enquiry reputed for? (K)
20. The elephant wanted to put the_______ space in the man’s hut to a more economic use. (K)
a. occupied b. unoccupied c. cultivated
21. What did the elephant want to turn the undeveloped space into? (K)
22. Who provided the delicious meal to the Members of the Commission? (C)
23. In whose favour was the judgement given? (K)
24. What fear made the man accept the judgment of the Commission? (K)
25. What kind of hut did the man build, finally? (K)
26. The dispute and fight among the Gentlemen of the Jungle was for the rights of _____ (K)
a. occupation b. penetration c. freedom
27. According to the man, _______is costly, but it’s worth the expense. (K)
(Fill in the blank with the right word from the text)

II. Answer the following questions in a paragraph of 80 to 100 words.

1. Why was the Commission of Enquiry appointed by the King of the jungle? (C)
2. Why did the lion command his ministers to appoint the Commission of Enquiry? (C)
3. Describe the circumstances that led to the appointment of the Commission of Enquiry. ( C )

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4. How did the elephant justify his act of occupying the hut? (C)
5. How did the members of Commission of Enquiry justify their act of not including any man? (C)
6. How did the animals exploit the man, each time he built a new hut? (C)
7. What did the man finally do in order to get justice? (C)
8. How did the man finally buy peace, in “The Gentlemen of the Jungle”? (C)

III. Answer the following questions in about 200 words:

1. “You can fool people for a time, but not forever”. Explain this statement in the context of the story.(A)
2. Explain briefly the trial and the judgment of the case between the man and elephant. (A)
3. “Peace is costly but it is worth the expense”. Bring out the ironical significance of the statement
in the context of the story. (A)
4. ‘’The Gentlemen of the Jungle’’ is a political satire on Colonialism. Elucidate. (A)
5. The man’s tolerance was considered as weakness by the members of the Commission of Enquiry.
Do you agree. Elaborate. (E)
6. The onslaught of the animals on the man, time and again, marks the ‘European Expansion’.
Comment with reference to the story. (A)
7. The animals were cunning, but the man outsmarted them eventually. Elucidate.(A)

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2. The School Boy

I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence:

1. Who loves to rise on a summer morning? (K)

2. When does the school boy love to rise? (K)
3. Whose song is heard on every tree? (K)
4. Who winds his horn? (K)
5. What does the huntsman wind? (K)
6. Which bird sings with the school boy, according to the speaker of “The School Boy”? (K)
7. Mention one of the things that the school boy considers as ‘sweet company’. (K)
8. What drives the joy of the boy away? (K)
9. What does the boy hate to do on a summer morning? (C)
10. Where does the boy hate to go on a summer morning? (K)
12.’ A cruel eye outworn’ refers to ________ (C)
a) authoritarian teacher
b) bird
c) huntsman
13. ‘Learning’s bower’ refers to ______ ( C )
a. fields b.home c. school
14. What does ‘cage’ stand for? ( C )
15. What cannot give delight to the school boy? (K)
16. ‘Dreary shower’ implies ________(C)
a) monotonous ways of teaching.
b) easy ways of understanding.
c) modern techniques adopted in teaching.
17. “And blossoms blown away”. Here ‘blossoms’ refer to_____ (C)
a) teachers b) flowers c) children
18. ‘Spring’ refers to _______in the poem. (C)
a. old age b. childhood c. youth
19. ‘Summer’ refers to _______in the poem. (C)
a. old age b. childhood c. youth
20. Which season signifies ‘old age’ in the poem? (C)
21. What does ‘winter’ refer to, in the poem? ( C )

II. Answer the following questions in a paragraph of 80 to 100 words

1. The boy loves to learn amidst nature. How does the poet bring it out in the poem? ( K )
2. Describe the experience of the boy in the school. (C)
3. How is the child’s growth ‘nipped and stripped’ of its joy in the springing day? (E)
4. How do the different seasons show the effects of the school on the child? (A)

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III . Answer the following in about 200 words.

1. “The School Boy” is a critique on the formal system of education. Comment. (A)
2. “Nature is the best teacher”. How is it depicted in the poem “The School Boy” (A)
3. “ The formal system of education hinders the growth of a child”. Explain with reference to the poem
‘The School Boy’. (A)
4. “A teacher should not be authoritarian.” Examine the statement with reference to the poem ‘The
School Boy’? (A)
5. The poem ‘The School Boy’ is not just the speaker’s experience but a reminder to every
teacher. Elucidate. (A)

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3. Around A Medicinal Creeper

I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each:

1. How long did the author take to learn about the medicinal creeper? (K)
2. What was to be protected from the sun by putting up a shade over it? (K)
3. Who brought some creepers from the forest? (K)
4. Where did Sanna bring the creepers from? (K)
5. Why did Mara scold Sanna? (K)
6. “Hey, why did you pluck this, you fool?” said Mara. Here ‘fool’ refers to _______________ . (K)
a) Sanna b) the author c) medicinal creeper
7. Who tied the medicinal creeper to the tree? (K)
8. What did Mara do when he found the medicinal creeper? (K)
9. According to Mara, ‘the thief ’ was ____________________________. (K)
a) Sanna b) the author c) the medicinal creeper
10. According to Mara, who had cursed the medicinal creeper? (K)
11. What was the curse of the sage on the medicinal creeper? (K)
12. What do the leaves of the medicinal creeper resemble? (K)
13. The medicinal creeper bears fruits in a bunch like ___________________ . (Fill in the blank.) (K)
14. When does the medicinal creeper come up every year? (K)
15. Mara tied the medicinal creeper to a tree so that it _____________________ . (K)
a) needed the support of a tree b) should not run away c) could be easily located
16. When did Mara cut his hand? (K)
17. Whom did Mara go to, when he had a cut in his hand? (K)
18. Where did the white man live, in the lesson ‘Around the Medicinal Creeper’? (K)
19. What was the surprise when the white man opened Mara’s bandage? (K)
20. How did Mara convince the white man that he had a wound on his hand? (K)
21. What did the white man offer Mara if he showed him the plant? (K)
22. The white man threatened to shoot Mara if he ____________. (K)
a) didn’t take him to the forest b) didn’t show him the plant c) had no wound on his hand
23. On which side did Mara not have any teeth? (K)
24. How did the stick taste when Mara was brushing his teeth? (K)
25. What did Mara and his friend wrap the meat of the barking deer with? (K)
26. What did Mara find when he opened the packet of the meat of the barking deer? (K)
27. Where did Mara’s wife throw the leaves which were used to pack the meat? (K)
28. What did Appanna say about the medicinal creeper when it was mixed with milk? (K)
29. Name the plant pathologist in ‘Around the Medicinal Creeper’. (K)
30. What was Mr. Chandru in ‘Around the Medicinal Creeper’? (K)
31. What happened when milk was mixed with the leaves of the medicinal creeper? (K)
32. Krishna was working as a ______________ after stopping his work in the narrator’s estate. (K)
a) rickshaw driver b) doctor c) plant pathologist

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33. What was Krishna suffering from? (K)
34. What was the only allopathic treatment for piles according to the narrator? (K)
35. What did the doctor advise for Krishna’s piles? (K)
36. Who treated Krishna when he had got boils all over his body? (K)
37. ‘Godman’ refers to _______________. (K)
a) Mara b) Krishna c) Malayali sadhu
38. What did the author do when he found the tuberous root of the medicinal creeper? (K)
39. What was the taste of the tuberous root of the medicinal creeper ? (K)
40. When did the swelling in the author’s right heel disappear? (K)
41. Why did the Malayali sadhu share his knowledge of the medicine with Krishna? (K)
42. When would the medicines lose their potency, according to the belief of native doctors?(K)
43. How do the mongoose and cowcal save themselves from snakebite? (K)

II. Answer the following in a paragraph of 80-100 words.

1. Why did Mara tie the medicinal creeper to the tree? (C)
2. What was the curse of the sage? What did Mara do when he found the medicinal creeper?(C)
3. What was the narrator’s opinion about Mara tying the medicinal creeper to a tree? (C)
4. How differently did Mara and the author think about tying the medicinal creeper to a tree?(C)
5. What happened when Mara was cutting the bamboo shoot? How was he cured? (C)
6. Why was the white man ready to give his entire plantation to Mara? (C)
7. Why did the white man threaten to shoot Mara? ( C )
8. How was Mara treated when he had a cut in his hand? ( C )
9. What story did Mara narrate about his fallen teeth? ( C)
10. How did Mara lose his teeth only on the right side of his mouth? ( C )
11. How did Mara save himself from losing all his teeth? (C )
12. Narrate Mara’s story about the meat of the barking deer changing into a live wild buck. ( C )
13. How did the milk become firm and rubbery? ( C )
12. Describe the experiment conducted by the narrator and his friend Chandru to know about the
hardening of milk. ( C )
13. How was Krishna cured of his illness? ( C )
14. How did the Malayali sadhu cure Krishna of his piles and boils on his body? ( C )
15. Narrate how the swelling of the narrator’s right heel disappeared. ( C )

III. Answer the following in about 200 words :

1. Why are India’s native medicinal systems on the verge of extinction? ( A )

2. What has made the modern man lose the knowledge of traditional medicine? ( A )
3. Is the author suggesting that Indian herbal medicine is safer than allopathic medicine? Discuss.(A)
4. The incident of Mara’s wife throwing the leaves into the fire reflects the ignorance of India’s
native medicinal systems. Discuss. (A)

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4. Oru Manushyan

I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or in a sentence:

1. How far was the big city from the narrator’s home-town? ( K )
2. The people in the city were not known for the quality of _________. (Fill in the blank.) (K)
3. The people of the city were ___________________________. (K)
a) Honest b) cruel c) obedient
4. By tradition, the people of the city were ___________.(K)
a. soldiers b. beggars c. teachers
5. Where would many people serve as watchmen in the big city? (K)
6. What was highly valued by the people of the city? (K)
7. What were the daily occurrences in the city? (K)
8. How did the people earn money in the city? (K)
9. For money, people would do anything, even commit __________. (Fill in the blank.) (K)
10. Where did the narrator stay in the big city? (K)
11. What did the narrator do, to earn his living? (K)
12. Who was taught English by the narrator? (K)
13. When did the narrator teach English to migrant labourers? (K)
14. _____________was considered great education in the city. (K)
a) Learning English b) Teaching English c) Learning to write an address in English
15. People paid ______________ to write an address in English at the post office.(K)
a. eleven annas b. four annas c. fourteen rupees
16. When did the narrator wake up every day? (K)
17. Why did the narrator have food only in the evening? (K)
18. What was the narrator’s life’s savings? (K)
19. How much did the narrator have in his wallet? (K)
20. What did the narrator eat in the restaurant? (K)
21. How much was the bill of the narrator in the restaurant? (K)
22.In ‘Oru Manushyan’, the narrator put his hands into his pockets and found that his _______(K)
a. wallet was not there b. wallet was there c. pocket was torn.
23. What was the threat of the owner of the restaurant to the narrator if the money was not paid? (K)
24. The people in the restaurant looked like hungry ________________. (K)
a) wolves b) tigers c) lions
25. The narrator was not ready to take off his _______________________. (K)
a) coat b) shirt c) trousers
26. Why was the narrator not ready to take off his trousers? (K)
27. The man who came forward to pay the narrator’s bill was _________________.(K)
a) a man with a red turban b) a man dressed in a suit c) a money lender
28. What did the narrator call the man who paid his bill? (K)
29. Who had picked the narrator’s wallet? (K)

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30. Where did the man with the red turban take the narrator? (K)
31. How many wallets did the thief have in his pockets? (K)
32. Who saved the narrator by paying his bill? (K)

II. Answer the following in a paragraph of 80-100 words :

1. Describe the people and the place where the narrator stayed. ( C )
2. What was the routine of the narrator in the big city? (C)
3. What was the narrator’s profession? What kind of people lived in the city? ( C )
4. Describe the embarrassing experience suffered by the narrator in the restaurant. ( C )
5. How did the narrator lose his wallet? How did he finally pay the bill? ( C )
6. Who had picked the narrator’s wallet? How was he saved from a stranger? ( C )
7. How did the stranger come to the help of the narrator? ( C )

III. Answer the following in about 200 words :

1. The story ‘Oru Manushyan’ depicts the transformation in a man. Discuss. ( A )

2. “I have some vague notions about human beings,” says the narrator in ‘Oru Manushyan’. Do
you agree with him? Elaborate. (A)

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5. Money Madness
I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each as required:

1. In the poem “Money Madness”, what does the individual carry around with him? ( K )
2. How does a man often feel when he hands out a one pound note? ( K )
3. What does a person experience if he hands out a ten pound note? (K )
In the poem “Money Madness” a person experiences a ______ if he hands out a ten pound
note.( K )
4. We grovel before _______________ in strange terror. ( K)
5. We _________ before money in strange terror.(K)
6. What is it that makes us quail as revealed in the poem “Money Madness”? (K)
7. What are we really so terrified of? (K)
8. Who asks with one voice ‘how much is he worth?’ in the poem “Money Madness”? (K)
9. What would happen to an individual if he has no money? (K)
What would they give an individual if he has no money? (K)
10. The poet says that if he has no money they would give him ______so that he doesn’t die. (K)
11. What is the poet frightened of being forced to do if he has no money? (K)
12. The fear of having no money and being forced to eat dirt can become a ______ (K)
13. In the poem ‘Money Madness’, What can become a delirium? (K)
14. The poet says that we must have some money to______(K)
i. eat dirt. ii. avoid eating dirt iii. none of the above
15. In the poem ‘Money Madness’ what should be free for everyone? ( C )
16. What would happen if we do not regain our sanity about money? (K)
17. When the poet says “It’s one thing or the other”, he means______(K)
a. regaining sanity
b. killing one another
c. regaining sanity or killing one another
18. The fear that the poet speaks of, in the poem “Money Madness” is ____ ( C )
a. Money has a cruel fearful power among men.
b. The collective money madness of mankind.
c. Having to eat dirt if he has no money.
d. All the above.
19. The poet opines that we must regain our_________ about money. (K)

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II. Answer the following questions in a paragraph of about 80 to 100 words each:

1. Why does the poet describe money madness as our ‘vast collective madness’? ( C )
2. How does an individual measure the value of another in terms of money?( K )
3. How do people treat an individual who has no money? ( K )
4. How does money madness affect an individual? ( K )
5. How does the fear of having no money become a delirium? ( E )
6. What is described by the poet as ‘that is all wrong’, as a result of a money mad society?(E)
7. What is the solution offered by the poet to overcome the insanity of a money mad society?( E )
8. What does the poet mean when he says “money has got us down”?( E )

III. Answer the following questions in about 200 words each:

1. How does the fear of money affect the individual as well as the multitudes of a money mad
society? ( E )
2. How does money trigger fear in an individual? (E)
3. What are the fears and difficulties that an individual has to face if he has no money?(C)
4. Why does the poet suggest that man has lost his sanity about money?(A)
5. What are the various ways by which Man overcomes the fear of a money mad society as
suggested in the poem “Money Madness”?(A)

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6. Babar Ali

I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each :

1. Who is the youngest headmaster in the world? (K)

2. Babar Ali initially started his afternoon school at the age of ______(K)
3. What was the name of Babar Ali’s little afternoon venture (school)? (K)
4. Babar Ali hails from the village of ______ in West Bengal. (K)
5. Where did Babar Ali teach hundreds of students? (K)
6. Who was the first privileged member in Babar Ali’s family to get a proper education? (K)
7. How many students in total, learn in Babar Ali’s school? (K)
8. What do the underprivileged children learn free of cost at Babar Ali’s school? (K)
9. Who is described as a fortunate soul in his district of Murshidabad? (K)
10. The extent of Babar Ali’s home is described as the size of an average________(K)
11. The name of Babar Ali’s father is _________(K)
12. Nasiruddin Sheikh was a _________ by profession. (K)
13. What is man’s true religion, according to Nasiruddin Sheikh? (K)
14. Who believed that education is man’s true religion? (K)
15. How many subjects do the students at Babar Ali’s school study? (K)
16. Who initially supported Babar Ali’s venture with his own income? (K)
17. Many families could not afford to send their children to school in spite of free education
because they still had to pay for ______________.(K)
18. The School ‘Anand Shiksha Niketan’ started as a ________.(K)
19. The children enjoy playing the game ‘school-school’ because they_______(K)
a. learnt arithmetic b. had never seen the inside of a school c. Both a and b
20. Babar Ali gets the children to listen to him because____________(C)
21. According to Babar Ali, what works to their advantage? (C)
22. When was Babar Ali’s school institutionalized? (C)
23. Who initially provided the rice for the mid-day meals at Babar Ali’s school? (K)
24. How many students are on roll-call in Babar Ali’s School? (K)
25. Babar Ali’s afternoon school is now registered and recognized by the Government of
26. Who is described as an’ illiterate fishmonger’ by morning and a ‘crusading educationalist’ by
afternoon? (K)
27. What does Tulu Rani Hazra do when she ventures on her fish selling rounds of nearby villages?
28. How many children has Tulu Rani Hazra recruited? (K)
29. The teaching staff of nine at Babar Ali’s school comprises of ______(K)
30. Who is the most educated of the high school student volunteers at Babar Ali’s school? (K)
31. In Babar Ali’s school, _____ are given free for classes I to V. (K)
32. ___________ is spared in Babar Ali’s school. (K)

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II. Answer the following in a paragraph of 80-100 words each.

1. Why did Babar Ali want to educate the poor and underprivileged children of his neighbourhood?
2. What was Babar Ali’s daily routine? (C)
3. Why were many families unable to send their children to school though it was free?(E)
4. How did Babar Ali’s afternoon school grow out of a game of ‘school-school’? (C)
5. What was the role of various people in the development of Babar Ali’s school? (C)
6. How does Babar Ali get the children to listen to him? (C)
7. How is Babar Ali’s school different from other schools? (E)

III. Answer the following questions in about 200 words each:

1. Is Babar Ali’s initiative of starting a school a runaway success? Comment.(E)

2. How is Babar Ali an ideal role model to other students? (E)
3. Does Babar Ali’s initiative prove his concern for the underprivileged children? (A)
In spite of being a privileged member of his family , how is Babar Ali’s concern for the
underprivileged children revealed? (A)
4. Babar Ali’s venture to start an afternoon school is a tale of remarkable grit and determination.
Elaborate. (A)
5. What are the various stages of growth of Babar Ali’s afternoon school ? (E)
6. How is the success of Babar Ali’s school reflective of the change in the society’s attitude towards
education? (A)
7. ‘Education is man’s true religion’ as believed by Babar Ali’s father. How did Babar Ali put this
into practice? (A)
8. What were the difficulties that Babar Ali initially faced in his efforts to teach the poor/
underprivileged children of his neighborhood? How was it overcome? (A)

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7. If I was a Tree

I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each:

1. What does the speaker want to be in the poem, ‘If I was a tree’?(C)
2. Who would not ask the caste of the tree before building its nest in ‘If I was a tree’?(K)
3. According to the speaker in ‘If I Was A Tree’, what would not the bird ask before building its nest?
4. What wouldn’t feel defiled when sunlight embraces the tree in ‘If I was a tree’K)
5. The _______ would embrace the tree in the poem ‘If I was a tree’’?(K)
a) Cow
b) Sunlight
c) Bird
6. Whose friendship with the cool breeze would be sweet , in ‘If I was a tree’?(K)
7. _______ would not turn back taking the speaker for a dog-eater if he was a tree. (K)
a) The Mother Earth b) Rain drops C) The sacred cow
8. Who would not flee shouting for a bath in ‘If I was a tree’? (K)
9. According to the speaker, when would not The Mother Earth flee shouting for a bath in ‘If I was a
tree’ ?(K)
10. How many gods are sheltered inside the body of the cow?(K)
11. Who are sheltered inside the body of the cow?(K)
12. Where are the three hundred thousand gods sheltered in ‘If I was a tree’?(K)
13. What would scrape her body on the bark of the tree in ‘If I was a tree’?(K)
14. When would the three hundred thousand gods touch the speaker if he was a tree?(K)
15. How does the speaker want to be purified in the poem, ‘If I was a tree’?(K)
16. Name any one of the uses of the tree according to the speaker in the poem, ‘If I was a Tree’.(K)
17. When is the tree made pure according to the speaker in the poem, ‘If I was a tree’?(K)
18. The ______ is hacked into pieces of dry wood to burn in the holy fire. ((K)
a. mother Earth
b. tree
c. sacred cow.
19. What becomes a bier for a sinless body in the poem, ‘If I was a Tree’?(K)

II. Answer the following in a paragraph of 80-100 words each:

1. Why does the speaker want to be a tree in the poem ‘If I was a tree’?(C)
2. How do the life forces ‘sunlight and the cool breeze’ enforce nature’s idea of equality?(A)

20 | P a g e
III. Answer the following in about 200 words:

1. How does the speaker in the poem, ’If I was a Tree’ respond to the issue of caste discrimination?(A)
2. Examine the poem, ‘If I was a Tree’ as a satire on social discrimination.(C)(A)
3. Analyse the concepts of defilement and purification as illustrated in ‘If I was a Tree’?(A)
4. Nature nurtures all living beings, whereas humans fail to accept their own kind. How do you explain
this with reference to ‘If I was a Tree’?(A)
5. Compare and contrast the treatment of equality in nature to that of discrimination among
humans as illustrated in the poem, ‘If I was a Tree’.(C)(A)
6. How effectively does the poem present the caste system as one of the burning social problems in
Indian society?(A)

21 | P a g e
08. Watchman of the Lake

I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each:

1. Why were the roads being repaired in Mara’s village in ‘The Watchman of the Lake’?(K)
2. Who did the village headman consider as a ‘lunatic’ in ‘The Watchman of the Lake’?(K)
3. The village headman was angry with Mara because______________(K)
a. He wanted to marry his daughter.
b. He disturbed the good work.
c. None of the above
4. Why was the headman in a hurry to complete the road work? (C)
5. The village headman asked Mara to keep away from the road workers because—(K)
a. He was disturbing them by talking about his dream
b. He was destroying the road
c. He was snatching away the implements of the workers
6. According to Mara, why was the village headman jealous of him?
7. Who threatened to lock up Mara if he did not go out of sight for two days?(K)
8. Who had given the greatest gift to Mara in ’Watchman of the Lake’?(K)
9. Who commanded Mara to tell the king to build a tank to the river Veda? (K)
10. Who helped Mara to escape from the cellar?(K)
11. Where was Mara waiting for the King?(K)
12. Why was Mara waiting for the king in a tree? (K)
13. When the king was passing through Mara’s village, there was a sudden confusion as _________. (K)
a. the king fell down on an unrepaired road.
b. Mara jumped down from the branches of a tree before the king.
c. someone tried to attack the king.
14. Who had given Bhima iron decoction when he was a baby?(K)
15. Who was Mara’s Jailor in ‘The Watchman of the Lake’?(K)
16. Where was Mara held as a prisoner in ‘The Watchman of the Lake’?(K)
17. _____ was bound and thrown into the cellar in ‘The Watchman of the Lake’. (K)
a. Mara
b. Racha
c. Bhima
18. Who had come in Mara’s dream to talk about the tank?(K)
19. How did Mara manage to draw the attention of the king?(C)
20. The command of the Goddess to Mara was to ____(K)
a. wait for the king in the tree.
b. tell the king to build a tank for the river Veda.
c. drink iron decoction to become strong like Bhima.

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21. _____ believed that Mara had the grace of the gods upon him.(K)
a. The Village headman
b. The fisherman
c. The king
22. Who was initially appointed as the watchman of the lake by the king in ‘Watchman of the lake’?(K)
23. According to Mara, the command of the Goddess about the creatures of the lake was_____ (K)
a. One can catch fish occasionally.
b. Only gulls(birds) should be caught.
c. Nothing that flies, swims or walks should ever be killed.
24. According to Mara, ______ comes down the mountain to slake its thirst in the dead of the night. (K)
25. Why did the visitor from the farthest village come to Mara?(K)
26. Mara rushed to the king’s palace because he wanted to save _____(K)
a. his own life.
b. the king.
c. the lake.
27. Mara was trembling at the king’s palace because,(K)
a. he was afraid of the king
b. he was afraid of the safety of his son
c. he was terrified of the wrath of the Goddess.
28. Where did Hanuman find Sanjeevini, according to Mara, in ‘Watchman of the Lake’?(K)
29. Who was Mara waiting for, hiding in the tree? (K)
30. What is described as the ‘life-blood of the King’s subjects’? (K)
31. Who summoned the king on the torrential night?(K)
32. Name the river mentioned in ‘Watchman of the Lake’.(K)
33. What had the Goddess instructed Mara in his dream, in ‘Watchman of the Lake’?(K)
34. The Goddess considered river Veda as her________. (K)
a. daughter
b. own plaything
c. life-blood
35. What does the Goddess regard as her own plaything in ‘Watchman of the Lake’?(K)
36. What did Mara convey to the king late at night?(K)
37. What was the command of the Goddess when she appeared in Mara’s dream for the first time?(K)
38. ______ was the mood of the Goddess when she appeared in Mara’s dream for the first time?(C)
a. Protective, motherly, and divine.
b. Fierce, unkind and threatening.
c. Disagreeing, demanding and commanding.
39. What was the mood of the Goddess when she appeared in front of Mara on the stormy night?(K)
40. What was the suggestion given by Mara to save the lake?(C)
41. What was Mara’s last request to the king before he sacrificed his life? (K)
42. Who was appointed as the watchman of the lake after Mara?(K)
43. Who ordered Ganga to perform his father’s duties after the death of Mara? (K)

23 | P a g e
44. Whose idol is installed on the top pedestal in the shrine? (K)
45. Whose idol is installed on the lower pedestal in the shrine? (K)

II Answer the following questions in a paragraph of 80-100 words each:

1. Write about Mara’s dream in “Watchman of the Lake’’.(C)

2. What instructions did Mara give his son about the lake and the creatures?(K)
3. What mythological story did Mara narrate about the sacred spot to the King.(K)
4. What did Mara tell the king about the tank on the stormy night?(C)
5. Give an account of Mara’s vision of the Goddess on the night of the storm.(K)
6. How did Mara save the lake?(E)
7. Why did Mara meet the king for the first time?(C)
8. How did Mara manage to meet the king for the first time?(K)
9. Describe the circumstances that prompted Mara to meet the king on the stormy night. (E)
10. How did the king respond to Mara’s information about the command of the Goddess?
11. Describe Mara’s reaction to the Goddess on the stormy night.(E)
12. What did Mara request the Goddess and the king to save the lake.

III. Answer the following in about 200 words.

1. Why did the headman call Mara a lunatic? Give reasons(A)

2. ‘Nature is both protective and destructive’ How does the play bring out this idea?(A)
3. Why did Mara treat the fisherman and the visitor differently?(A)
4. Describe the sacrifices made by Mara to build and to save the lake.(E)
5. Do you think Mara took his responsibilities seriously in ‘Watchman of the lake’? Illustrate.(E)
6. Contrast the different moods of the Goddess that are portrayed in ‘Watchman of the Lake’.(E)
7. How did Mara prepare his son to become the watchman of the lake?(A)(E)
8. How was Mara treated differently by the king and the Village headman in ‘Watchman of the
9. Compare and contrast the different circumstances that prompted Mara to meet the king.(A)
10. Mara is a common man with an uncommon determination. Do you agree? Justify.(A)
11. Sketch the character of Mara in ‘Watchman of the Lake’. (A)
12. What were the incidents that led the king to build the shrine in ‘Watchman of the Lake’?(A)

24 | P a g e
09. The Farmer’s Wife

I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each as required :

1. According to the speaker in 'The Farmer's Wife', who is “the poor sinner”?(K)
2. Why did the farmer commit suicide? (K)
3. The farmer committed suicide by __________(K)
4. In the poem 'The Farmer's Wife', the phrase 'the harvest of my womb' refers to __________ (C)
5. In the poem 'The Farmer's Wife', the line “You are virtuous and you are gone”, "You" refers to
6. According to the farmer’s wife, what is she used to?(K)
7. What does the farmer’s wife want to teach her children?(K)
8. How did the farmer treat his wife when he was drunk?(K)
9. What was the 'death blow' given by the farmer to his wife, in ‘The Farmer’s wife’? (C)
10. “Worm eaten cotton pods" are compared to _____________ (K)
11. What does the farmer’s wife mean by ‘harvest of my womb’? (C)
12. How many children did the farmer’s wife have?(K)
13. The phrase ‘a bent head’ in ‘The Farmer’s wife’refers to (C)
a. her physical deformity.
b. submissive nature of women in general.
c. aggressive nature of women in general.
14. What does the phrase ‘you crossed over’ refer to, in ‘The Farmer’s wife’? (C)
15. What does the farmer’s wife decide at the end of the poem 'The Farmer's Wife'?(K)

II. Answer the following in a paragraph of 80-100 words.

1. How does the farmer's wife lament over the death of her husband? (C)
What are the memories of her husband that haunt the farmer’s wife?
2. How did the farmer poison his wife's existence? (E)
3. How does the farmer’s wife resolve to live in 'The Farmer's Wife'? (E)

III. Answer the following in 200 words

1. How does the poem ‘The Farmer’s wife’ bring out the plight of the woman and her assertion? (E)

25 | P a g e
10. Frederick Douglass

I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each:

1. Where was Frederick Douglass born? (K)

2. What authentic record had Frederick Douglass never seen in his life? (C)
3. What were the slave children ignorant of? (K)
4. How did the slaves remember their birthdays? (K)
5. According to Frederick Douglass, ________ children could tell their ages accurately. (K)
a. black
b. white
c. both a and b
6. How old was Frederick Douglass in 1835? (K)
7. Who was the overseer of Captain Anthony? (K)
8. What prevented the slaves from knowing their birth days? (K)
9. Who had hired the mother of Frederick Douglass on his farm? (K)
10. What was the source of unhappiness to Frederick Douglass during his childhood? (K)
11. Who is the mother of Frederick Douglass? (K)
12. What was whispered about the parentage of Frederick Douglass? (K)
13. When was Frederick Douglass separated from his mother? (K)
14. Why were the mother and the child separated? (C)
15. How far did Frederick Douglass’s mother walk to meet him? (K)
16. How old was Frederick Douglass when his mother died? (K)
17. How did Frederick Douglass feel when his mother died? (K)
18. The child with a black mother and white father is referred to as _________.(K)
19. Who was a savage monster according to Frederick Douglass? (K)
20. Where did Frederick Douglass run away from, to escape slavery? (K)
21. Whose daughter was Harriet Bailey? (K)
22. How many slaves did Captain Anthony possess? (K)

II. Answer the following in a paragraph of 80-100 words.

1. Why the slaves were kept ignorant from knowing their birth dates? ( C )
2. What are the memories of Frederick Douglass about his mother? ( C )
3. Why is the slave holder compelled to sell his mulatto children, according to Douglass? ( C )
4. What hardships did the mulatto children have to face from their slave masters and their wives? ( C )
5. Write a note on the cruelty of Mr Plummer. ( K )

26 | P a g e
III. Answer the following in 200 words:

1. Describe the sufferings of the slaves in the hands of the whites. (E)
2. In spite of all the hardships faced, Frederick Douglass overcame it through his grit and
determination. Elaborate.(A)

27 | P a g e
11. An Old Woman

I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each :

1. In the poem ‘An Old Woman’, ‘You’ refers to______________. (C)

a. the old woman.
b. any pilgrim whom the old woman meets.
c. Khandoba.
2. What does the old woman offer to do? (K)
3. Where does the old woman want to take the speaker?(K)
4. The old woman is __________. (C)
a. a beggar.
b. a person with self-respect.
c. a guide appointed by the government.
5. The old woman represents __________ (C)
a) inhuman social negligence.
b) Greediness.
c) happiness.
6. What does the old woman demand for her service? (K)
7. The old woman sticks to the speaker like a _______.(K)
8. The old woman’s eyes are compared to ______. (K)
9. What does the phrase ‘bullet holes’ stand for? (C)
10. ‘You want to end the farce.’ Here, “farce” stands for (C)
a. a play that was enacted there.
b. the speaker.
c. the old woman pestering the speaker.
11. Who is referred to as a ‘shatterproof crone’ in the poem? (K)
12. Name the shrine mentioned in the poem. (K)

II. Answer the following in a paragraph of 80-100 words each:

1. How is the plight of the old woman depicted in the poem? (C)
2. How does the speaker’s attitude undergo a change? (E)

III. Answer the following in about 200 words:

1. “The old woman dwarfs the self-esteem of the speaker and makes him feel that he is nothing more
than a small change in her hand.” comment. (A)
2. The speaker’s perception of the old woman changes from ‘burr’ to a ‘shatterproof crone’ in the
poem “The Old Woman’. Elaborate. (A)
3. ‘The miserable plight of the old woman is a comment on the merciless society.’ Examine. (A)
4. Why does the speaker’s scorn change to respect for the old woman towards the end of the

28 | P a g e
12. Two Gentlemen of Verona

I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each:

1. Where did the author meet the two boys? (K)

2. Who tries to stop the author from buying fruits from the boys? (K)
3. What did the driver tell about the fruits? (K)
4. What did the narrator buy from the boys? (K)
5. Who was younger between Nicola and Jacopo?
6. Who was elder between Nicola and Jacopo? (C)
7. What were the boys doing in the public square? (K)
8. What was one of the jobs done by the two boys to earn money? (K)
9. How old was Jacopo? (K)
10. How old was Nicola? (K)
11. The narrator observed that the two boys spent _______ (C)
a. very little money on their food and clothing.
b. more money on their food and clothing.
c. little time to earn money.
12. The narrator was very much impressed by the boys’ personalities because______(C)
a. they were great actors.
b. despite their age, they behaved like true gentlemen.
c. they were not successful.
13. What favour did Jacopo ask the narrator? (K)
14. Why were the two boys visiting Poleta on every Sunday? (C)
15. What was Lucia suffering from? (K)
16. Mention one of the ways the boys helped the resistance movement. (K)
17. How long did the German Elite Guards rule over Verona? (K)
18. Where are Romeo and Juliet reputed to have lived in? (K)
19. How old was Lucia? (K)
20. Whose tomb did Nicola offer to take the narrator to? (K)
21. Name the village where Lucia was being treated? (K)
22. How would the boys usually go to Poleta? (K)
23. Where did Nicola and Jacopo’s father work as a singer? (K)
24. How far was Poleta from Verona? (K)

II. Answer the following in a paragraph of 80-100 words each:

1. What qualities of the boys impressed the narrator? (C)

2. What were the different jobs that the two boys did to earn money?
3. Describe the boys’ sacrifice to save their sister, Lucia. (C)
4. How did the two boys help the narrator during his stay at Verona?(C)
5. How had the war affected the boys in ‘The Two Gentlemen of Verona’? (E)

29 | P a g e
III. Answer the following in about 200 words:

1. The narrator says, ‘Yet this silent epic of youthful devotion had touched me deeply.’ Examine
the statement with reference to ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’. (A)
2. Why does the author feel that the two boys brought new nobility to mankind? (A)
3. Why was the narrator silent during the return journey? Explain. ( C )

30 | P a g e
13. Do not ask of Me, My Love
I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each :

1. What did the speaker of the poem tell his beloved not to ask of him, in the poem ‘Do not ask of
Me, My Love’? (K)
2. What does the speaker request his beloved in the poem ‘Do not ask of Me, My Love’? (K)
3. When was the speaker’s life bright, in ‘Do not ask of Me, My Love’? (K)
4. What is more painful for the speaker in the beginning in ‘Do not ask of Me, My Love’?(K)
5. When does the speaker’s idea of love undergo a change, in ‘Do not ask of Me, My Love’? (C)
6. What gave the Spring ‘everlasting youth’ in the poem ‘Do not ask of Me, My Love’? (K)
7. The speaker says “Do not ask of Me, My Love, that love I once had for you” because___ (C)
a. his beloved is not as beautiful as she was.
b. there are other sorrows around him demanding his attention.
c. he has found a more beautiful lady love.
8. What does the line “those dark and brutal curses of countless centuries”suggest ?(C)
9. According to the speaker of the poem, ‘there are other________ in the world than love’.
10. In the poem, when the speaker says “you are beautiful still, my love, but I am helpless too”
suggests that (C)
a. he has to address the miseries of human beings.
b. he is in love with another beautiful lady.
c. he is trying to flatter her.
11. What was everything for the speaker in the beginning, in the poem ‘Do not ask of Me, My Love’?
12. When did the speaker think that the world was with him? (K)

II. Answer the following in a paragraph of 80-100 words each:

1. What are the harsh realities of life that have drawn the speaker’s attention more than his
beloved’s love? (C)
2. How is the speaker of the poem ‘Do not ask of Me, My Love’ affected by the harsh realities of
life? (E)
3. What transformation in the priorities of the speaker, do you see in the poem ‘Do not ask of Me,
My Love’? (E)
4. How does the responsibility of the speaker as a human being change his perception of love in
‘Do not ask of Me, My Love’? (E)

III. Answer the following in about 200 words:

1. “The perception of love changes when one realizes one’s responsibilities”. How is this idea
brought out in the poem ‘Do not ask of Me, My Love’? (A)
2. In ‘Do not Ask of Me, My Love,’ the speaker’ statement “you are beautiful still, but I am helpless
too”, signifies a major change in the priorities of the speaker. Elaborate. (A)

31 | P a g e

IV. Read the following passage and answer the question set on it:

Garcinia Indica is the biological name of the kokum fruit. This is also known as amsul. It is used as the
flavouring agent in dals and sabzis, to add the right tanginess to the preparation. It’s added in bhindi
sabzi so that it doesn’t get too sticky. While cooking arbi and other tubers, kokum is added to it and this
helps to control the itch or irritation to the throat. In Assam, kokum is used to make tangy fish curry
called tenga.
One can eat it raw like kachcha (unripe) aam with salt and masala. This prevents cavities. When we mix
kokum with coconut milk, we get the famous ‘sol kadhi’ of the Western Ghats.
Kokum agal or kokum water mixed with lime or pudina is a trend starter. This prevents dehydration and
Kokum sherbet is popularly called amrut kokum which has sugar, spices, rock-salt in it. This is the best
drink for weight loss.
Kokum butter nurtures and regenerates skin cells. Farm festivals that promote local foods and food
products often sell raw kokum butter. One can use it for many home beauty applications. Rubbing the
soles of feet with kokum butter just before going to bed will provide restful sleep to the most stressed
out mind.

1. What is the other name of kokum fruit?
2. Kokum is added with arbi while cooking to control the _____
a) stickiness b) irritation in the throat c) taste
3. Which is the tangy fish curry of Assam mentioned in the passage?
4. What is mixed with coconut milk to make ‘sol kadhi’?
5. How can kokum be used to prevent dehydration and acidity?
6. What is the popular name of kokum sherbet?
7. Name one of the uses of kokum butter as mentioned in the passage.
8. How will one get restful sleep?
9. Add a prefix to get the antonym of ‘hydrate’. [ ne, de, un ]
10. Raw kokum butter is sold in Farms festival held for the_________ (promote/promotion) of local
foods. ( choose the right word given in brackets)

32 | P a g e

Read the following passage and answer the question set on it:

Pheasants are shy, charming birds known for their brilliant plumage. These beautiful birds occupy an
important niche in nature’s scheme of things. The pheasants belong to the order Galliformes and family
Phasindac. The Galliformes are known as ‘game birds’ and this includes pheasants, partridges, quails,
grouse, turkeys and megapodes.
There are 51 species of pheasants in the world and these are shown in the identification chart brought
out by the Environment Society of India (ESI). The purpose of this chart is to create awareness among
the members of the school eco – clubs under the National Green Corps (NGC) of the Ministry of
Environment and Forests, Government of India.
Except for the Congo Peafowl, all the other pheasants are from Asia. Scientists believe that all pheasants
originated from the Himalayas and then scattered into Tibet, China, Myanmar, South and South East
countries as well as the Caucasus Mountains. The jungle fowl and the peafowl spread to the South India
and Sri Lanka long before the early settlers established themselves in the Indo – Gangetic plain.
About one third of all pheasants in the world are found in India. The male blue peafowl (the peacock) is
the best known member of the pheasant family and is India’s national bird. It occupies a prominent
place in India’s art, culture and folklore.

1. Niche : Suited to an environment

1. What is the passage about?
2. Name a game bird other than the pheasant mentioned in the passage.
3. How many species of pheasants are found in the world?
4. Who brought out the identification chart of the pheasants.
5. _____________ is the only pheasant which is not from Asia.
6. According to the scientists, where did all the pheasants originate from?
7. Name one of the pheasants that spread to South India and Sri Lanka?
8. Which is the best known member of the pheasant family?
9. Add a prefix from the brackets to the word ‘known’ to get the antonym. (un, re, mis)
10. Pheasants are charming birds known for the_________(brilliant) of their plumage.
(Fill in the blank using the appropriate form of the word given in the brackets)

33 | P a g e

Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it:

Soy beans belongs to the legume family. The beans are the seeds of the leguminous soy bean plant.
They can be grown in a wide variety of soils and a wide range of climates. Soy beans are versatile as they
can be used as whole beans, soy sprouts or processed as a variety of food items, such as soy milk, tofu,
textured vegetable protein, soy sauce, oil and margarine and soy dairy alternatives. They are also used
for making candles and bio diesel.
Soy is an excellent protein rich food. It is low in saturated fats and cholesterol-free. Vitamin B is plentiful
in it. The minerals like magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium and copper are found in abundance in soy.
It is also rich in fibre. Soy is highly recommended because of its ability to lower the levels of Low Density
Lipoprotein (LDL), a bad cholesterol. The Food and Drug Administration has confirmed that foods
containing soy protein are likely to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

An easy way to take soy is to drink it in the form of soya milk. It is not available with added flavours.
Soya milk does not contain lactose (milk sugar) and can be drunk by those who are allergic to normal
milk. To get soya milk, soy beans are soaked in water, ground and then strained.

1. Which family does soy beans belong to?
2. Where are soy beans grown?
3. Mention one of the food items prepared using soya beans.
4. What are the other uses of soy?
5. Name the bad cholesterol mentioned in the passage.
6. What has the Food and Drug Administration confirmed about soy protein?
7. In recent times soy has been highly recommended because it
a) is rich in vitamin B.
b) can lower the levels of Low Density Lipoprotein.
c) has high quality protein.
8. Why can soya milk be drunk by those who are allergic to normal milk?
9. Add a prefix to the word ‘saturated’ to form its antonym. (un, re, in)
10. The________( versatile) of soy beans is proved by its use as whole beans, sprouts and a variety of
processed food items.
(Fill in the blank using the appropriate form of the word given in the bracket)

34 | P a g e

Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it:

Max Mueller was a distinguished German poet. Some of his poems were set to music by Australian
composer, Franz (Peter) Schubert.
As a youth, Mueller took to the study of the Sanskrit language with great devotion and started learning
the language. He took his Doctorate in Philosophy in 1843. He did research work on Sanskrit and
philosophy under eminent scholars in Berlin University.
In 1846, Mueller went to London to copy and collect manuscripts in Sanskrit. He translated Rig Veda
which consists of 1,028 hymns addressed to different gods. As it was being printed in a London
university press, he migrated to Oxford in 1848 and lived there for the rest of his life.
The first volume of Mueller’s edition appeared in 1849, the sixth and last volume in 1874. This printed
Rig Veda caused great enthusiasm in India. Several publications on Indian Religion and literature
appeared in quick succession. Max Mueller became the greatest interpreter of India to the Western
World. His book ‘India – what it can teach us’ has a special place among his publications. But, Max
Mueller never visited India!

1. The famous music composer who set the music to Mueller’s poems was _____.
2. Where did Mueller get his Doctorate in Philosophy?
3. Name the university where Mueller did research work.
4. Why did Mueller go to London?
5. Who translated the verses of Rig Veda into English?
6. Mueller migrated to Oxford in ______
a) 1846 b) 1848 c) 1849
7. When did the sixth volume of Mueller’s edition appear?
8. Name the book of Mueller on India mentioned in the passage.
9. Add a prefix from the brackets to the word ‘appear’ to get the antonym. (un, dis, re)
10. Max Mueller’s______ (interpret) of India is very popular in the Western world. (Fill in the blank with
the appropriate form of the word given in the bracket)

35 | P a g e

Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it:

The US Navy is planning to use Armed Robotic Patrol boats with no sailors on board to escort and
defend warships moving through sensitive sea lanes.
The technology was adapted from NASA’s Rovers on Mars. This will transform how the American Navy
operates and is sure to raise fresh questions and concerns about the widening role of robots in warfare.
The office of Naval Research has released the results of what is called an unprecedented demonstration
in August involving 13 robotic patrol craft escorting a ship along the James river in Virginia.
In a simulated scenario, five of the robotic patrol boats guarded a larger ship, while eight others were
ordered to investigate a suspicious vessel. The unmanned patrol boats then encircled and swarmed the
target enabling the mother ship to move safely though the area.
“The demonstration conducted over two weeks, was designed to replicate a transit through a straight”,
Naval Research Chief Admiral Mathew Klunder told reporters in a recent briefing.
The demonstration was a break though that goes far beyond any previous experiment. He also added
that a similar robotic patrol craft is likely to escort US naval ships within a year. The patrol craft is a long
vessel. It is known in military as Rigid Hulled Inflatable Boats. They are usually operated by three or four
sailors. But as they are outfitted with the robotic system a single sailor could oversee upto twenty of the
Unlike drone aircraft, such as the famed ‘Predator’ and ‘Reaper’ planes, the robotic boats are more
autonomous and can carry out directions without having to be operated by a human at every step.
‘The excitement about this technology is, it is autonomous”, Mr.Klunder said.

1. What is the US Navy planning to use, to escort and defend warships?
2. When was the unprecedented demonstration held?
3. Name the river in which the demonstration was conducted.
4. What were the eight robotic patrol boats ordered to investigate?
5. How long was the demonstration conducted?
6. Who is the Naval Chief mentioned in the passage.
7. The number of robotic patrol boats that guarded the large ship was _______
a) Eight b) Five c) Thirteen
8. Add a prefix to the word ‘usual’ to form its antonym.
9. What benefit would the US Navy get by utilizing robotic patrol boats in overseeing the vessels?
10. The Admiral was in ___________ (excited / excitement) to speak about the technology.

36 | P a g e

Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it:

The credit for making the first war of Independence a memorable event goes largely to Tantya Tope. A
man with a commanding personality, Tantya had courage, zeal, foresight and ability to take quick
decisions. He was of immense help to Laxmi Bai and Nana Sahib. He was the commander–in–chief of the
rebel army at Shivrajpur. The victory of Indian forces at Kanpur was mainly due to his able leadership.
After capturing Kalpi, Tantya turned it into the main fort of the rebels. He won many battles by
confusing the British Generals by Guerilla tactics. While the British energy was entirely directed to
search and capture Tantya, he was busy organizing the force to ambush the British. His name was
synonymous with bravery. For days he wandered in jungles facing hardships but still could hoodwink the
enemy. However, he was unaware of a traitor who deceived him. He was captured by the British on 7 th
April 1859. In the trial, he admitted that all he did was for the sake of his country and he had no regrets.
The first war of Independence came to an end with Tantya’s death.
Tantya was the only child of Pandurang and his wife Rukma Bai. He was born in Yelva in Maharastra but
brought up in Bithoor where Nana Sahib lived. He adored Nana and dedicated his life for him. Tantya’s
real name was Ram Chander Rao. He was involved in rebellions since the Kanpur revolt and remained
linked to the war of independence till his death on April 18th, 1859. Tantya is like Garibaldi in his
revolutionary fervor and patriotism.

1. How did Tantya Tope win many battles against the British?
2. What was Tantya Tope’s name synonymous with?
3. The credit for making the first war of Independence a memorable event goes to
a) Laxmi Bai b) Nana Sahib c) Tantya Tope
4. The victory of Indian forces at Kanpur was due to __________
(Fill in the blanks with right word from passage)
5. Where was Tantya Tope born?
6. What was the real name of Tantya Tope?
7. When did Tantya Tope stop involving himself in rebellions?
8. Mention the rebel that Tantya Tope is compared to, in the passage.
9. Pick a word from the passage that describes Tantya Tope’s personality.
10. Fill in the blank with the right suffix to the word `Patriot` _________________ (ism, ive, aly)

37 | P a g e

Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it:

Gregor Johann Mendel, was born in 1822. He was an Austrian monk. In the year 1856, he
became famous for his work in a series of breeding experiments to study plant heredity. He conducted
these experiments on the garden pea plant. The biological name of this plant is Pisum Sativum. This
study formed the basis of scientific investigations on inheritance. Not much was known about genetics
till then. Mendel was the first to work on the basic laws which govern the inheritance of genes. Earlier, it
was believed that if a tall person married a short person, the children produced would have
intermediate height. But Mendel proved it wrong. He showed that individual characteristics are passed
to the next generation and would never blend.
For years, he bred and studied the edible pea plant. He chose the pea plant for his experiments
for many reasons; they were small and many can be grown in a limited area; the results of these crosses
had been studied earlier; as they were easy to cultivate because of their rapid life cycles and as the
flowers could self-pollinate themselves or even be cross pollinated under controlled conditions.
Out of the many features that a pea plant possessed Mendel’s breeding experiments centered
on the inheritance of a few contrasting features. He conducted his experiments using good scientific
method. He controlled his experimental conditions carefully. He ensured that plants were pollinated
only by the pollen he transferred. He performed his experiments in three sequential stages; firstly,
selection of pure line parents, secondly, hybridization and thirdly, self–pollination of hybrids.

1. What made Mendel famous?
2. When did Mendel become famous?
3. _________ is the biological name of the pea plant. (Fill in the blanks)
4. Who was the first one to work on inheritance of genes?
5. According to an earlier belief, a tall person married to a short person would give birth to children
who _______
a. are tall. b. are short. c. have a moderate height.
6. Mention one of the reasons why the pea plants were easy to cultivate.
7. What was Mendel’s breeding experiments centered on?
8. ‘He performed his experiments in sequential stages...’ The second stage was _______
a) Hybridization b) Self pollination of hybrids c) Selection of pure plants
9. Fill in the blank with the right suffix to the word ‘experiment’ to form its adjective __(al, ion, ed)
10. Add a prefix to get the antonym of `cultivated` (an,un,in).

38 | P a g e

Read the following passage and answer the question set on it:

Propaganda is a systematic effort to influence people’s opinions, to win them over. Propaganda is not
concerned with what is good or bad, true or false. Propagandists simply want people to believe the
The word ‘propaganda’ may seem relevant only in political arena. But this can be applied in advertising
too. Every day we see slogans, commercials, trademarks etc., in newspapers, magazines and on
television. Advertisers depend on propaganda to sell ‘products’ like a brand of toothpaste, a candidate
in elections or any view point. Studies tell us that on an average, each of us is exposed to over five
hundred different advertisements in a day.
Card stacking is one method of propaganda. Here propagandists may tell half truths, distort evidence or
divert attention from one issue to another. Advertisers use ‘weasel words’. These are small words. They
usually slip right past us. But it makes a lot of difference between reality and illusion. The best example
of shampoos – ‘Helps control Dandruff’. But audience interprets this as ‘stops’ dandruff.
Another method is Bandwagon. Here propagandists try to pressurize. Like, “Everyone’s doing it, why
don’t you?” Often propagandists succeed because many people have a deep desire not to be different.
The political ads tell us to vote for the ‘winning candidate’. Advertisers know we always feel comfortable
in doing what others do. All of us wish to be in the winning team and vote for the candidate. Propaganda
is so effective that we need to detect and understand how it is used. Some propaganda sends truthful
and worthy message – ‘Don’t Drink and Drive, Contribute to Charity’. Yet we must be aware that we are
surrendering ourselves, our independence of thoughts and actions to others.

Questions :
1. What is propaganda?
2. Where is the word ‘propaganda’ relevant?
3. What are the ideas sold in advertising called?
4. Mention one of the forms of propaganda as given in the passage.
5. How does one advertise in card stacking?
6. What do advertisers use in card stacking?
7. Name the type of propaganda that pressurizes the people.
8. Why do the propagandists succeed in Band wagon?
9. Some propaganda sends ________ (truth / truthful) message. (Choose the right word)
10. Add a suitable prefix to the word ‘comfortable’ to form its antonym. (in, un, re)

39 | P a g e

Read the following passage and answer the question set on it :

Smoking kills 9,00,000 people every year in India. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that
smoking related deaths worldwide will surpass 9 million annually by 2020, with 7 million of those deaths
occurring in developing nations.
People start smoking for a variety of different reasons. Some think it looks cool. Others start because
their family members or friends smoke. Statistics show that about 9 out of 10 tobacco users start
smoking before they are 18 years old. Most adults who started smoking in their teens, never expected
to become addicted. That is why people say it is just so much easier to not start at all.
It is a hard habit to break because tobacco contains a drug called nicotine. This drug is highly addictive.
Like heroin or other addictive drugs, the body and mind quickly become so used to the nicotine in
cigarettes that a person needs to have it just to feel normal. The nicotine can raise one’s blood pressure,
heart rate and oxygen demand for muscles, mainly for the heart. Moreover, the second hand smoke
which comes from two places i.e., smoke breathed out by the person who smokes and smoke from the
end of a burning cigarette causes health effects, including cancer, breathing problems and asthma.
Smoking is one of the most preventable causes of death in our society. It is an expensive habit. The
tobacco industry makes billions of rupees each year and they do not care about anyone’s existence. All
they want is money. One buys more cigarettes, the company earns more.
Today’s generation needs to beware of electronic cigarettes (e – cigarettes). This contains cancer
causing chemicals and other toxins. This also has a compound used in antifreeze. These battery
operated devices use cartridges filled with nicotine flavorings and other chemicals and convert them
into a vapour that is inhaled by the user. Counseling and medical help need to be sought for smoking

1. According to WHO, where do maximum deaths occur by smoking ?
2. At what age do people start to smoke?
3. What did the teenagers never expect when they started smoking?
4. Name the drug in tobacco.
5. What is the effect of nicotine on the heart?
6. What is the most preventable cause of death in our society?
7. What does the tobacco industry care about?
8. __________ is needed to help smoking addicts to come out of it.
9. Smoking is an ________ (addiction / addictive) habit.
10. Add a prefix to the word ‘expected’ to form the antonym. (non, un, re)

40 | P a g e

Read the following passage and answer the question set on it:

One great Chinese traveler, Huen – Tsang had come to India. He studied Buddhism for some time in
Nalanda University. While returning to his country, he carried with him some manuscripts, grantas
relating to Buddhism. He was sailing on the Bay of Bengal to China. Two Buddhist scholars Gnangupta
and Tyagaraja accompanied him on board the ship. They had planned to travel with him till the ship
crossed the Bay of Bengal and return to their homeland. Suddenly dark clouds appeared in the sky.
Terrific tempests and cyclonic winds began to blow. People on board the ship feared that the ship would
sink. The Captain ordered that if anyone had any heavy article, it should be thrown into the sea. Huen –
Tsang had the heavy manuscripts and grantas. He got ready to throw them into the sea. Gnanagupta
and Tyagaraja said to him that these works are ‘treasure house of knowledge’. They did not want it to be
thrown into the sea. Instead they volunteered to jump into the sea. They confirmed to tell that Man’s
life is transitory and perishable. Knowledge is permanent and imperishable. They requested Huen –
Tsang not to throw away these extra ordinary grantas. They told that many people would obtain light
which would lead them on the path of ‘Nirvana’ i.e., Salvation. This would result in ‘supreme bliss’. After
having said this, the two Indian scholars jumped into the tempestuous sea. Husen – Tsang continued his
journey and mentioned about these two great people in his books.

1. Who was Huen – Tsang ?
2. What did Huen-Tsang study in Nalanda University ?
3. What did Huen – Tsang take when he returned to his country?
4. How far did Gnanagupta and Tyagaraja plan to travel with Huen – Tsang ?
5. What was the fear of the members aboard the ship?
6. What did the captain tell the crew to do?
7. Gnangupta and Tyagaraja said that these works are ‘a treasure house’ . Here ‘treasure house’ refers
to_____ a) Sea b) Ship c) Manuscripts and grantas
8. Why did the two scholars jump into the sea?
9. Add the prefix to write the antonym of ‘perishable’
(in, im, ir)
10. One reads books to become ________. (knowledge / knowledgeable)

41 | P a g e

V. A. 34. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions given in brackets.

1. Once upon a time an elephant made friendship ___________ a man. One day ___________
heavy thunderstorm broke out; the elephant went to his friend who had a little hut _________
the edge of _____ forest.
(a, the, with, on, an, at)

2. “My dear good friend, your skin is harder than mine, there is not enough room _____
both of us, you can afford _________remain in ________ rain while I am protecting
my delicate skin from _______ hailstorm.”
(a, for, by , the, to, in)

3. “My Lord, there is no disturbance of the peace _______ your kingdom. I have only been
having ______ little discussion ________ my friend here as to _____ possession of this little hut.”
(an, with, the ,a, in ,for)

4. ______ seeing the personnel, ______ man protested and asked if it was not
necessary to include _____ this Commission ______ member from his side.
( in, a, on, an, the)

5. “Gentlemen of ______ jungle, there is no need ______ me to waste your

valuable time_______ relating _______ story which I am sure you all know.”
(in, a, with, of, for, the)

6. “My good man, please confine yourself _______ relevant issues. We have already
heard the circumstances_____ various unbiased sources; all we wish you to tell us is
whether _____ undeveloped space in your hut was occupied______ anyone
else before Mr. Elephant assumed his position?” (a, from ,by, to, an, the)

7. _____ our opinion this dispute has arisen through _____ regrettable
misunderstanding due to______ backwardness _____ your ideas.
(from,of,in,a,the, an)

8. Early one morning, when_____ huts already occupied _____ the

jungle lords were all beginning to decay and fall to pieces, he went out and
built _____ bigger and better hut a little distance away _____ the jungle.
( an, by, a, the, in, from)

42 | P a g e
9. _______ coffee seed bed has to be protected from _______ sun _______
putting up a shade ________ it.
( the, of, a, an, over, by)

10. This creeper has small leaves resembling betel leaves and bears fruits _____ a bunch like
grapes. Immediately after _____rains, this plant comes up and flowers very quickly, puts
forth flowers and fruits and dies in ____ very short time. As it is not seen for most of the year it is
tied ____ a tree.
( on, in, the, to, a ,an)

11. Mara decided to brush his teeth and wash his face ______ trekking back home. When he broke
______ small stick from a nearby plant to brush a third or fourth time, he felt a sour taste
in _______ mouth. He thought that there was something wrong ____ the stick and threw it.
( a, with, in, the, for, before )

12. ____ Mara’s house they got ready to cook. They prepared _____ masala ____
spices, put the water to boil and opened the packet to take out the meat. Instead of the meat there
was _____ live wild buck.
( a ,in, the, an, to, with)

13. It was quite_____ big city in the valley of a mountain, some thousand five hundred miles
______ home, _____ inhabitants of which had never been known_____ the quality of mercy.
( the , a, for, from, by, to)

14. The narrator stayed in the city in ____ small dingy room. By tradition _______ people there were
professional soldiers. Some ____ them went to distant places and lent out money ___________
(of ,in, the, to ,on, an , a)

15. Babar Ali must be the youngest headmaster in the world. The story of this young man_____
Murshidabad in West Bengal is _______ remarkable tale ____the desire to learn amid
______ direst poverty.
(in, from, of ,a, the, on)

16. Babar lives __________ his three siblings and his parents ___________ a thatched house which
is ___________ size of _________ average city kitchen.
(the, a, an, in, with, for)

17. Clad in widow’s whites, stick ____________ hand, Tulu Rani Hazra is __________ illiterate
fishmonger by morning and ____________ crusading educationalist ___________ afternoon.
(an, the in, by, on, a)

43 | P a g e
18. Babar Ali’s tale is a testament to ___________ difference that one person can make _________
his/her world. In this case it was ___________ mere child who decided to do
something ___________ a situation he felt was unfair.
( about, the, by ,a, an, in)

19. On the Eastern base _________ Baba Budan Hills, in Karnataka state, there is_____ obscure little
place now called Sakkerepatna, which ____________ one time, a thousand or more years ago
was ___________ capital of a king called Rukmangada.
(at, an, a, the,of, in)

20. Verona is ______ lovely city, rich __________ history, with quiet medieval streets and splendid
buildings ________ an exquisite pale honey colour. Romeo and Juliet are reputed to
have lived there. Bombed in ____________ recent war, it has lost its bridges,
but not its gaiety or charm.
(the, a, in, of , from)

44 | P a g e

35. B Fill in the blanks with suitable form of the verbs given in brackets. 1x4=4

1. Once upon a time, a man _____(live) in a hut at the edge of a forest. An elephant _____ (make)
friendship with him. One day, when it ____(be + rain) heavily, the elephant _________ (request)
the man to allow to put his trunk in his hut.

2. The Lion was the king of the jungle.He _____(want) to have peace in his kingdom. So he ______
(appoint) a Commission of Enquiry. Mr. Fox ______ (be) the chairman. On seeing the members, the
man _______ (demand) to include one from his side.

3. Once the Commission of Enquiry_________ (sit) to take the evidence. The Elephant
________(come) along with a superior air. He ______(justify) his act of occupying the hut. The man
______(be + wait) for his opportunity to give evidence.

4. The members of the Commission of Enquiry declared. that they _______ (have + hear) sufficient
evidence. Then, they _______(enjoy) a delicious meal at the expense of Mr. Elephant. Finally, they
________(decide) to give the judgement in favour of Mr. Elephant.The man _____(accept) the

5. Once, we ________ (be + erect) a bamboo frame. We needed something to tie it. So, we
_______ (send) Sanna to bring some creepers. He ________ (bring) a whole bundle. When Mara
_______(open) the bundle, he found a medicinal creeper.

6. According to Mara, a sage ______(have+curse) the medicinal creeper. The curse was that when
somebody ________ (need) it, they _________ (shall + not + find) it. So, when they _________ (find)
it, they would tie it to a nearby tree.

7. The Englishman ________(tell) Mara to show him the plant. So, Mara ______(take) him to the
forest. Although they _______(search) for the whole day, they didn’t find it. So, the Englishman
_____(threaten) to shoot him.

8. Krishna knew a Malayali sadhu. The sadhu ________ (have + treat) him for boils all over his body.
Krishna again _______ (meet) him and _______(request) him to give medicine for piles. The Sadhu
______(agree) to give medicine for piles.

9. It was quite a big city.I_____ (stay) in a small room in that city. I _______ (carry) on a profession of
teaching English.
I ________(teach) them to write address in English. People _______(pay) one anna to four annas
for writing an address.

45 | P a g e
10. By tradition, the people of the city _______ (be) soldiers. But, some of them _______(go) to distant
places. Many others _______ (serve) as watchmen. Money was highly valued by them. For money,
they ________(will + do) anything, even commit murder.

11. I got up at 4 pm and _______ (finish) my daily chores. Then I ________ (step) out for a meal.
I _________(have) 14Rs in the wallet which was in my coat pocket. I ______(enter) a restaurant and
ordered a meal.

12. The narrator put his hand in his coat pocket to pay the bill. But he ______(begin) to sweat and
almost _______ (digest) in an instant all that he _______ (have + eat). The reason ________ (be)
that his wallet was not there.

13. It ______ (be) a busy restaurant. When the narrator didn’t pay the bill, the owner _____ (give) a
loud guffaw. He ________ (catch) him by the lapels of his coat and told him to put down the money.
All the people ______(be + look) like hungry wolves at him.

14. Nasiruddin Shiekh was Baber Ali’s father.He _____ (be) a jute seller. He _______(support) his son
Babar Ali in all his ventures. Thus, Babar Ali _______ (start) his own school at the age of nine. Today,
800 students ________(be + get) education in his school.

15. Babar Ali’s school _______(grow) out of a game. In the play ‘School-School’, Babar Ali was the
teacher. His friends _______ (have + not + see) the inside of a school. They ______ (enjoy) playing
students. They ______ (end) up learning arithmetic and enjoying it.

16. Gradually, Babar Ali’s name spread. Help _______ (begin) to come from other quarters.
When Babar Ali ________ (think) of a mid-day meal scheme, the rice ______ (come) from his
father’s fields. But now, he ______(get) it from the government stock.

17. My jailor let me go when he ______ (hear) of my dream. Then I _______(slip) out unseen and
______ (climb) the tree. I _____ (hide) myself in its leaves waiting for the Majesty’s arrival.

18. The Goddess appeared before Mara. She______ (tell) him to give her message to the king. She
______ (say) that a tank_______ (have) to be built to the river Veda. Mara _____(be+wait) for an
opportunity to meet the king.

19. Mara said that the Goddess _______(stand) before him. Her tresses ______(be) wild. She
________(have + splash) her forehead with vermilion. He _____ (fall) down and prayed her not to
destroy the lake.

20. Frederick Douglass had seen his mother only four or five times in his life. Because, she _________
(be) a field hand in the farm of Mr.Stewart, who _______ (live) about 12 miles away from Douglass’

46 | P a g e
home. She _______ (make) her journeys in the night to see her son. She ____(travel) the whole
distance on foot after her work.

21. Frederick Douglass ________(have) two masters. His first master’s name _______(be) Anthony.
Douglass ______ (do + not + remember) Anthony’s first name, who _____(own) two or three farms
and about thirty slaves.

22. As we drove through the foothills of the Alps, two small boys _______ (stop) us on the outskirts of
Verona. They ______ (be + sell) strawberries that ________ ( look) delicious against the green leaves
lining the basket. We _____(want) to buy fruits from them.

23. Nicola and Jacopo’s father was killed in the war. Later, a bomb ______ (have + destroy) their home.
They ______ (suffer) from starvation. Even then, they ______ (do + not + lose) their heart.
They ______(join) the Resistance Movement to fight against the Germans.

24. The two boys met their sister. One ____ (can + identify) her resemblance to her brothers. A vase of
wild flowers ______ (stand) on her table. They also _____(carry) several books for her. She ____
(feel ) happy after meeting her brothers.

25. I waited outside until the boys _______ (rejoin) me and then _____ (bring) them back to the city. I
did not say even a word. I knew that they ____ (will + prefer) to feel that they ____(have + keep)
their secret.

47 | P a g e
Subject – Verb Agreement

36. C. Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject :

1. A man____________(have/has) a little hut at the edge of the forest. An

elephant____________(makes/make) friendship with him. One day during heavy rain, the
elephant____________(request/requests) him to allow to put his trunk inside the hut.

2. The commission of enquiry ____________(give/gives) judgement in favour of Mr. Elephant. Then

the man____________(builds/build) a new hut. But, Mr.
Rhinoceros____________(occupy/occupies) the new hut and drives the man away.

3. The man____________(goes/go) on building new huts one by one. Every time

he____________(lose/loses) his hut to one or the other animals. Finally,
he____________(gathers/gather) all the animals in the bigger hut and burns them to ashes.

4. Mara said, ``the medicinal creeper____________(have/has) been cursed by a sage. The

curse____________(are/is) that when somebody needs it, they shall not find it. So, when
you____________(finds/find) it, you must tie it to a nearby tree’’.

5. The medicinal creeper____________(has/have) small leaves resembling betel leaves.

It____________(bear/bears) fruits in a bunch like grapes. The plant____________(comes/come) up
only in the rainy season.

6. Now, the forest____________(is/are) disappearing and the people who____________(know/knows)

about the medicinal creeper are leaving us one by one. One must realize that if
one____________(disappears/disappear), the other becomes useless.

7. The native doctors____________(believes/believe) that if they tell others about their medicines, the
medicines will____________(lose/loses) their potency. As a result, India`s native medicinal
systems____________(are/is) on the verge of extinction.

8. The narrator____________(stay/stays) in a small, dingy room in the big city. Some migrant
labourers____________(are/is) also staying there. He____________(teach/teaches) English to them
to earn money.

48 | P a g e
9. The narrator said, ``I____________(sleeps/sleep) all day and wake up in the evening.
This____________(is/are) to save the expense of eating the noon meal. So far,
I____________(has/have) saved fourteen rupees’’.

10. The narrator____________(get/gets) ready to go to the restaurant. He____________(puts/put) his

wallet in the coat pocket. He____________(have/has) fourteen rupees in his wallet.

11. Babar Ali____________(start/starts) his day by doing some household chores. Then
he____________(takes/take) an auto rickshaw first and later____________(walk/walks) five
kilometers to his school where he is a class XII student.

12. After the classes, other students____________(goes/go) to the playground. But, Babar
Ali____________(make/makes) his way to an afternoon school where he____________(are/is) the

13. There____________(is/are) 800 students in Anand Shiksha Nikethan. Babar

Ali____________(give/gives) the lessons just the way he has heard them from his teachers. The
students____________(enjoys/enjoy) his way of teaching.

14. It is easier to enroll kids who____________(is/are) not old enough. Class I and
II____________(has/have) over 200 students. They____________(studies/study) 10 subjects.

15. The teaching staff of Anand Shiksha Nikethan____________(are/is) made up of high school student
volunteers. They____________(is/are) helping Babar Ali in making a difference. Among them,
Debarita Bhattacharya____________ (go/goes) to college in Behrampur.

16. Mara____________ (spring/springs) like a buck and _________ (runs/run) up a hill. The village
headman____________(order/orders) his men to catch Mara.

17. Mara said, `` I will____________(sits/sit) in the temple and____________(pray/prays) to God. If the

God in the temple____________(thinks/think) I have work to do, he will take me out’’.

18. The Goddess____________(has/have) come in Mara`s dream. She says Veda____________(are/is)

her plaything. She____________(wants/want) the king to construct a tank to Veda.

19. Mara____________(see/sees) a man fishing in the lake. He____________(warns/warn) him not to

fish in the lake again. He____________(feels/feel) proud in discharging his duties of a watchman.

49 | P a g e
20. Frederick Douglass____________(is/are) born in Maryland. He____________(do/does) not
remember to have ever met a slave who can tell of his birthday. The
slaves____________(remember/remembers) them nearer to spring time or harvest time.

21. Douglass` mother____________(walk/walks) about 12 miles to meet him. She____________(is/are)

hired by Mr. Stewart. She____________(has/have) to return at sunrise to the farm after meeting
her son.

22. I ____________(has/have) had two masters. My first master`s name____________(was/were)

Anthony. He____________(was/were) not considered a rich slave holder.

23. The master____________(is/are) compelled to sell the mulatto children. If

he____________(do/does) not do this, he____________(has/have) to stand and see his white son
whip his brother who is a few shades darker.

24. The two boys____________(was/were) selling wild strawberries. Our driver Luigi said,
``____________(don’t/doesn`t) buy them. You can____________(get/gets) better fruits in Verona’’.

25. The two boys____________(was/were) sitting in a deserted square. A bundle of unsold papers
____________(was/were) at their feet. Jacopo____________(was/were) asleep on his brother`s

26. The two boys____________(was/were) seated at the bedside of a beautiful girl.

She____________(was/were) listening to their chatter. She____________(was/were) wearing a
pretty lace jacket.

27. The two boys____________(has/have) accepted the responsibility with dignity and courage. This
selfless action of the boys____________(give/gives) us a hope that there
still____________(exist/exists) nobility in human society.

28. The nurse____________(take/takes) the narrator through the vestibule into the hospital. The
hospital____________(was/were) a villa. The floors____________(was/were) waxed and polished.

50 | P a g e
V. D. 37-38. Correction of sentences
1. My friend is a honest man.
2. A Ganga is a holy river,
3. He hit upon a idea of enlisting the help of his colleagues.
4. He is elected as a MLA
5. Once upon a time a elephant made a friendship with a man.
6. He asked me for an sum of money.
7. Rohan was an first to arrive.
8. Honesty is a best policy.
9. I met a elderly gentleman on the street.
10. He is an curator of the museum.
11. A more the merrier.
12. The sugar is bad for your teeth.
13. Eggs are sold by an dozen.
14. He plays guitar so well.
15. I know a French.
16. The Delhi is our nation’s capital.
17. He was elected the chairman of the group.
18. This is an least of his concerns.
19. I prefer to travel by the plane.
20. He told me a interesting story.
21. The children like to play.
22. Pride has the fall.
23. I saw the drama in a auditorium.
24. He studies at an University.
25. She asked if I would be there in a hour.
1. I had to reach the station at 10:00 am.
2. I prefer coffee more than tea.
3. He shot for the tiger but missed.
4. He accompanied with his friends.
5. We walked ten kms by foot.
6. I am blessed by good health.
7. Mr Kumar presided in the meeting.
8. Can you think with anyone who can get the job done?
9. The baby was dressed with blue.
10. You must stand with me in times of difficulties.
11. He confessed about the crime.
12. If you do not show it for me, I will shoot you down.
13. The course begins from Ist July.

51 | P a g e
14. Why don’t you write with ink?
15. Do not be rude with people.
16. She is married with her cousin.
17. The man seeing what his friend had done with him startled to grumble.
18. She was cured from typhoid.
19. We may have to put up many inconveniences in our journey towards our destination.
20. The cashier was accused for misappropriation of funds.
21. The management arrived for a decision.
22. The train went on a tunnel.
23. We congratulate you for your success.
24. He is walking on the road to Bangalore.
25. The athletes ran up the hurdles.
26. He goes for college.
27. We regret for the delay caused.
28. He has been waiting since a long time.
29. He is superior than me.
30. The train arrived in time.
31. We need not spend money for trifles.
32. He will be cured from his fever.
33. This is different to that.

1. I am knowing your brother.
2. I am liking it.
3. He has took my books.
4. You resembled your mother.
5. Fortune is favouring the brave.
6. I am forgetting your name.
7. People have the luxury to be saying what they want.
8. When is the train arriving?
9. I am having a sweet tooth.
10. If you would have practiced regularly, you would have won the match.
11. These boxes are weighing thirty tonnes.
12. You are looking gorgeous in this dress.
13. She has ate the apple.
14. Can’t you delay to release the manifesto to the public?
15. He is take a bath.
16. Geetha did not went to college today.
17. He is wanting to return to his motherland
18. Neither he is coming nor is he writing.
19. He did decided to settle down.

52 | P a g e
20. I am thinking he is right.
21. He is owning many houses.
22. Ravi did not went to the opera today.
23. Youngsters are liking spicy food.
24. I am taking a walk after dinner.
25. Scientists are predicting that fossil fuels will be eliminated in the future.

Subject-verb agreement:
1. Every room in this college are neat and clean.
2. A flock of birds are flying overhead.
3. The team have come prepared.
4. Slow and steady win the race.
5. Ten Kilometers are a short distance.
6. The information are helpful.
7. The horse and carriage are at the door.
8. The news are interesting.
9. Bread and butter are his only food.
10. My pair of shoes are missing.
11. My shoes is torn.
12. To err are human.
13. Dieting are bad for health.
14. The committee have submitted it’s report.
15. The jury is divided in their opinion.
16. The furniture were arranged.
17. The doctor and philanthropist have arrived.
18. Half of the oranges is rotten.
19. India and Bangladesh is neighbours.
20. Neither the boy nor his parents has come.
21. The Chief Minister together with his colleagues have arrived.
22. The poor is blessed.
23. Mathematics are an interesting subject.
24. ‘Gullivers Travels’ are an interesting book.
25. The mob were furious.
26. The clergy is in the church.
27. The cattle is grazing.
28. Fifty percent of the work have been completed.
29. Some of the houses is painted green.
30. A great many cases has been uncovered.
31. Too many cooks spoils the broth.
32. The squeaky wheel get the grease.
33. The scissors are sharp.

53 | P a g e
34. The premises of the court are clean.
35. Where are my trousers?
36. He bring glad tidings.
37. His means is ample.
38. Poetry enlighten a wounded heart.
39. The number of cases are on the rise.
40. You, my son, is a good boy.

1. I get up at 5am in the morning.
2. He is the most expert.
3. The companies decided to merge together.
4. We must rise up to the occasion.
5. One can obtain examples from past history.
6. She herself was upset at the outcome.
7. I’ll do it myself.
8. He is my most best friend.
9. The shop remains open on seven days of the week and on Sundays too.
10. Bring both your parents to school and your father.
11. I have managed to obtain the original prototype.
12. There are earlier precedents to the case.
13. He decided to still continue the fight.
14. This is the very best.
15. A dog is a man’s bestest friend.
16. Both his father as well as his mother are respected members of the society.
17. United together we stand, divided we fall.
18. They decided to rise up in revolt.
19. The Indian team returned back from Australia.
20. In my opinion, I think it is wrong.
21. The cash you gave me is sufficient enough.
22. He is a very wonderful friend.
23. He could not cope up with the work.
24. He goes to bed at 11pm in the night.
25. You will be prosecuted if you trespass without permission.
Wrong use of words:
1. My father adviced me.
2. The shop sells wooden furnitures.
3. The outcome did not effect him.
4. I bought the pen in a stationary shop.
5. The chief guest complemented the prize winners.
6. The committee gave its ascent to the draft resolution.

54 | P a g e
7. He gave up his birth to an old lady in the train.
8. Black current is a nutritious food source.
9. He agreed to take up the responsibility in difference to his father’s wishes.
10. I saw beautiful sceneries.
11. They decided to bath the child.
12. He decided to have some desert after dinner.
13. A wide agreement has been reached.
14. When he comes you must wish him.
15. There is no space in this compartment.
16. He is my cousin brother.
17. This is the price of production.
18. He did no fault.
19. Man is the only animal who can talk.
20. He is suffering from a terminal decease.
21. They arrived to pay floral tribute to the diseased.
22. They decided to steal the bank.
23. It was a worthy spectacles.
24. He is very arrogant and puts on air.
25. I sleep at 11 pm.
26. This is between you and I.
27. The price of sea fishes has gone up.
28. He obtained the first price.
29. I saw a joker at the circus.
30. He refuses to hear.
31. We have received no informations.
32. She is my fiancé.
33. He dies every week.
34. He seeks my council.
35. This is no mean feet.
36. Knowing the rode ahead is better than knowing who road ahead.
37. The dress was torn at the seem.
38. He fell fowl of his master.
39. She is the heroin of the film.
40. He pedals his wares.
41. It is nun of your business.
42. He is not good at this as it is not his fort.
43. The accused decided to altar his statement.
44. She has a flare with words.
45. He struck an emotional chord with the audience.
46. The election commission announced the dates for the poles.
47. He was elected as President of the group.
48. He likes hot hot coffee.

55 | P a g e
49. The exams were preponed.
50. He was given a momento.
51. The Manager was dismissed on ground of incompetence.
52. This is his favourite time pass.
53. Mr Rao is an imminent scientist.
54. He immigrated from Cuba to the USA
55. He is suffering from stomach pain.
56. India has achieved self sufficiency of serials in food production.
57. The children created a huge racket.
58. Kindly provide two xerox’s of this document.
59. The shepherd sheers the sheep for wool.
60. This is damn good.
61. He is one of my best friend.
62. One should be careful with his money while travelling.
63. Between you and I, neither of us is appropriate.
64. This is the right way to asses your employees.
65. We must rise to the occassion.
66. He is the cleverest of the two.
67. Please put your sign here.
68. He works hardly.
69. None of the boys had learnt their lesson.
70. The ship drowned.

Word order:
1. Why you are late?
2. When you did come?
3. Why you didn’t come?
4. He went to the village to sell his property along with his wife.
5. She has been waiting for him still.
6. Still he is unable to decide.
7. He only lost his wallet.
8. The two first members of the group are active participants.
9. The boy is my son who spoke first in the competition.
10. You should regularly study if you wish to do well in the exams.
11. Daily you must plan your routine.
12. When you decide to did come?
13. She did in the competition very well held last week.
14. He is late always for class.
15. Shimoga is my hometown.
16. I believed firmly in his innocence.
17. Yet nothing has been decided as.

56 | P a g e
18. Always children like to play.
19. The thieves were arrested by the police carrying the contraband.
20. The Manager after hearing the opinion of his adviser came to a conclusion.
21. Seldom, he takes any chances.
22. You are invited to the party cordially.
23. The meeting is scheduled to be conducted on the 14th of november2017 on Thursday at 3
24. Every man should do some or other work.

57 | P a g e
E. 39 Homophones

1. The Elephant said that he would ___________ (written / return ) his kindness.
2. The lion wanted _________ (piece / peace ) and tranquility in his kingdom.
3. The man was given a ________ (site / sight ) to build a new hut.
4. The medicinal creeper has small _______ (leaves / lives ) resembling betel leaves.
5. The narrator asked Mara how he had come to ________ ( loose / lose ) his teeth on one side.
6. The swelling on the bone of my ___________ ( heel / heal ) disappeared soon after.
7. I ate a________ ( piece / peace ) of root.
8. Learning to _________ (write / right ) an address in English was considered great education.
9. The narrator found that he had lost his _______ (wallet / valet ) in the restaurant.
10. Babar Ali was not an ________ ( idol / idle ) student in his school.
11. Babar Ali must be commended for the audacity _______ ( of / off ) hoping.
12. Mara was locked in a ________ ( seller / cellar ) behind the old temple.
13. Bhima can swing an elephant by its _________ ( tale / tail )
14. I often _______ ( sea / see ) at the dead of night, a tiger comes to the lake to slake its thirst.
15. Mara _________ ( cowered / covered ) at the sight of the goddess.
16. The King was afraid that it was the ________ ( last / lost ) day of the world.
17. Mara’s ______ ( last / lost ) request was to make his son the watchman of the lake.
18. Douglass’ mother was with him in the ________ ( night / knight )
19. Anthony’s _______ ( forms / farms ) were taken care by Mr. Plummer.
20. Verona is a lovely city with ____ ( quite / quiet ) medieval streets and buildings.
21. The two boys were sitting on the pavement beneath the _______ ( pale / pail ) arc lights.
22. Lucia sat propped upon pillows, looked very _______ ( weak / week ).
23. After the war, food was scarce and ______ ( dear / deer ) in Verona.
24.The village headman asked Mara ______(knot / not ) to meet the king.
25.Mara wrapped the _______ ( meet / meat ) in the leaves.

58 | P a g e

Complete the sentence with the right form of the word given in the brackets
1. All the animals in the jungle listened to the heated ______ ( argue ) between the man and his friend.
2. The lion did not want any _______ ( disturb ) in his kingdom.
3. The elephant said that he was having a little _______ ( discuss ) with his friend.
4. The elephant wants to have the _________ ( possess ) of the little hut.
5. The members of the commission were known for their _________ ( impartial ) in justice.
6. The man was given ______ ( permit ) to build a new hut suited to his needs.
7. The man said that there was no _______ ( alternate ).
8. He feared that his _______ ( refuse ) might expose him to the teeth and claws of the members of
the commission.
9. The entire system of Indian medicine suffers from a kind of _______ ( mystify )
10. Every inch of the creeper was _______ ( medicine ).
11. Mara’s explanation of the incidents was the height of his _______ ( invent ) genius.
12. Mara’s wife _______ ( ignorant ) threw the leaves into the fire.
13. The school boy feels that he would forget his _________(youth)spring if he does not enjoy his
14. The people of the city were _________ ( profession ) soldiers.
15. The narrator saw in his _________ ( imagine ) a man standing stark naked in the crowd.
16. Money is the collective _______ ( mad ).
17. Every individual carries his own grain of ________ ( insane ).
18. Babar Ali was a __________ ( study ) boy in Cossim bazar Raj Govinda Sundari Vidya Peeth.
19. The high school student volunteers are helping out Babar in making a _________ ( differ ).
20. The presence of Mara was a ________ ( disturb ) to the road menders.
21. The white masters felt the enquiries on the part of the slave to be improper and an _______
( evident ) of a restless spirit.
22. The _________ ( separate ) of the mother and child hindered the development of child.
23. The mother could meet her child only if she had a special _________ ( permit ) from her master.
24. Luigi disapproved the shabby _________ ( appear ) of the two boys.
25. The two boys had an unremitting _________ ( willing ) to work.
26. Before the war, the boys had a _________ ( comfort ) and cultured life.
27. The selfless action of the boys brought a new _________ ( noble ) to human life.
28.The two boys sat in the ________(desert) square.

59 | P a g e

V. E. 41. Rearrange the segments to form meaningful sentences:

1. your trunk in/please put/gently

2. peace and tranquility/wanted to have/the lion/ in his kingdom
3. a good deed/ and one day /I shall return /you have done me/your kindness
4. with the findings /I am sure / you will be pleased / of the commission of Enquiry
5. regarded it as my duty /I have always /of my friends / to protect the interest.
6. to save his hut / he invited me / by the hurricane /from being blown away .
7. fool people / you can / but not for ever/for a time
8. right side of his mouth / Mara did not have /any teeth / on the
9. ignorantly took the leaves / Mara’s wife / into the fire /and threw them
10. was completely cured / Krishna / in five days
11. was considered / learning to write / great education there /an address in English
12. a fair complexioned man /six foot tall / with a red turban / there stood / and white trousers
13. great deed / done a / you have
14. gave a loud guffaw / startling everyone around /the owner
15. to get a proper education /is the first member / Babar Ali / in his family
16. believes that / education is / Nasiruddin Sheikh / a man’s true religion
17. his own school / Babar Ali / of starting / took the initiative
18. the expense / but is worth / peace is costly
19. as a rikshaw driver / to his job / bid goodbye / Krishna
20. about human beings / I have / some vague notions
21. a full meal / I ate / chapattis and meat curry / consisting of
22. under the / teaches his students / Babar Ali / open sky
23. gives lessons / just the way / from his teachers / he has heard / Babar Ali
24. at the / started his school / Babar Ali / mere age of nine
25. of nine / the teaching staff / high school volunteers / is made up of
26. is a testament / that one person / in his or her world / Babar Ali’s tale / to the difference / can make
27. that we want to see / that we be the change / isn’t it high time / in this world?
28. and ran up the hill / like a buck / he sprang off
29. Harriet Bailey / my mother / was named
30. of my age / no accurate knowledge / I have
31. ever seeing my mother / I do not / by the light of the day / recollect of
32. hardened by / a cruel man / of slave holding / a long life / he was
33. before I go ? / I can do / is there anything / for you
34. you picked fruit / I thought / for a living
35. was steady / Nicola’s smile / and engaging
36. happy family party / I could not / upon this / I felt / bear to intrude
37. in vexation / Nicola / at his younger brother / was glaring

60 | P a g e
38. was their / to work/ what struck one most / unremitting willingness
39. to keep away / have I not / from here / told you / ?
40. before me / the Goddess / stood
41. promised to / back there / she has / wait till / she sees me
42. is my plaything / the Goddess of the lake / I am / and that river Veda
43. darker complexion / than either my / my mother / was of a / grandmother or grandfather
44. to have ever met / I do not remember / a slave / of his birthday / who could tell
45. greeted us / with friendly faces / they
46. must be saving / to America / to emigrate / you
47. every hope / that she will / there is / walk and sing again
48. the people / I looked at / around me
49. of my hut / and shut the door / my son in/ I called
50. have I said / to offend you / what / so much sir?

61 | P a g e
Question Tags
V. E. 42. Add suitable question tags to the following statements:

1. Your skin is harder than mine, _________?

2. I am the king of the jungle, ___________?
3. The man was not happy with the findings of the commission, _________ ?
4. You can’t fool people for forever,___________?
5. The bird cannot sit in a cage and sing, _______?
6. The skylark sings with me, _____________?
7. The creeper has small leaves resembling betel leaves, ______ ?
8. Yours is a cock and bull story, ____________ ?
9. Mara was trying to catch the buck, ____________ ?
10. Krishna knew a Malayali sadhu, ___________ ?
11. You do not know the local language, ___________?
12. My money was there intact, __________ ?
13. I shall have to eat dirt, _____?
14. They will make me eat dirt with it, __________ ?
15. Babar Ali wakes up every day at 7 am, __________?
16. Education is the man’s true religion, ___________?
17. Babar Ali teaches his students under the open sky, _________?
18. I don’t feel for you, ________?
19. We were doing our work, _______?
20. I am not tempted to kick you, _______?
21. I am afraid of Bhima, _________?
22. You have asked for an audience, __________?
23. Her garment was of gold woven with lightning, ___________?
24. Veda is swelling and carrying mud, _________?
25. The Goddess stood before me, _________?
26. You are virtuous, ________?
27. I must embrace life, ___________?
28. My father was a white man, _____________?
29. I never saw my mother, ____________?
30. You have not seen it already, ____________?
31. You want to end the farce, ___________?
32. We are leaving on Monday,_______?
33. It won’t cause any trouble, _____?
34. You did not spend anything on clothes, ______?
35. The Goddess carried a sword in her hand, ____________?
36. Your eyes were everything, _______?

62 | P a g e
I am right, _____________________ ?
Have some more rice,_____________?
Let’s go to college,________________?
There are some boys in your class,_______?
Someone has called,__________________ ?
I have a car, _________________________?

63 | P a g e
‘Do’ Form questions

V. E. 43. Change the following sentences into questions beginning with the right form of ‘do’:

1. An elephant made a friendship with a man.

2. The lion replied in a noble voice.
3. The commission sat to take evidence.
4. The man lives happily forever.
5. Birds sing on every tree.
6. The huntsman winds his horn.
7. Mara took him to the forest.
8. Mara’s wife got ready to cook.
9. Milk becomes hard.
10. Chandru plucked some leaves.
11. The medicinal creeper grows in the wild.
12. The narrator carried on a profession in a big city.
13. He puts it into his pocket.
14. Fear becomes a delirium.
15. Nasiruddin Sheikh supported his son’s venture.
16. The boys help their families by working as mechanics.
17. The girls work as maid servants in the village.
18. Babar Ali wanted to change the situation.
19. He teaches his students under the open sky.
20. Babar Ali lives in West Bengal.
21. They hack the trees into pieces.
22. He sprang like a buck and disappeared.
23. Mara wants to grow fat and strong.
24. Mara built the lake.
25. Mara went to the edge of the lake.
26. It takes a moment to die.
27. They keep looking at the sky.
28. The woman sticks to you like a burr.
29. Nicola answered seriously.
30. We drove to the tiny village.
31. They know Verona very well.
32. Her beauty gave the spring everlasting youth.

64 | P a g e
Framing Questions using ‘Wh’ words.

V. E. 44. Frame ‘Wh’ questions so as to get underlined word/s as answer:

1. An elephant made a friendship with a man.

2. Peace is costly.
3. An elephant made a friendship with a man.
4. The man had a little hut at the edge of the forest.
5. The school boy loves to rise in a summer morn.
6. Tejaswi’s story is about an unusual medicinal creeper.
7. The English man believed Mara.
8. Mara and his wife got ready to cook in their house.
9. Krishna stood before me pale and breathless.
10. The full course of the treatment was ten days.
11. The narrator took off his coat.
12. The narrator had fourteen rupees in his wallet.
13. The people looked at the narrator like hungry wolves.
14. We must have some money.
15. Money is the root of all evil.
16. The boys help their families by working as mechanics.
17. Tulu Rani Hazra has recruited 80 students.
18. The speaker wanted to be purified by burning in the holy fire.
19. Trees are more humane than humans.
20. Mara sprang off like a buck .
21. Bhima can swing an elephant by its tail.
22. Mara hid himself in the tree to meet the king.
23. Lakshmana was wounded in the battle field.
24. Mara was praying for the king’s arrival.
25. Mara had requested the Goddess to save the lake.
26. The goddess stood before Mara.
27. Mara pleaded with the Goddess because he wanted to save the lake.
28. The king built a shrine for Mara.
29. A farmer’s wife was born with a bent head.
30. The farmer’s wife decides to embrace life.
31. Frederick Douglass was born in Tuckahoe.
32. Frederick Douglass escaped from slavery in 1838.
33. Douglass’ mother lived about twelve miles from his home.
34. The old woman demands fifty paise to take the speaker to the shrine.
35. The two boys greet the visitors with friendly faces.
36. The German Elite Guard established headquarters in Verona.
37. The two boys were saving money to go to America.

65 | P a g e
38. The two boys’ father had been singing at La Scala before the city was bombed.
39. Verona is a lovely city.

66 | P a g e

VI. A. 45. Read the following advertisement and answer the questions :


Shopping Festival – 2017

Exhibition and Sale

Date : 13th October to 12th November 2017

Time : 10:00 AM to 9:30 PM

Place : Mallappa Kalyana Mantapa,

Devasandra Main Road,

1. When doesK.the shopping
R. Puram, festival start in Bangalore?
2. What is the timing of the exhibition and sale?
3. OnVisit
Uswebsite can one contact Sahara art and craft?
4. Where does the shopping festival of Sahara art and craft take place?

67 | P a g e
II. Read the following advertisement and answer the questions given below:

RERA Approval Received

No. : PR/KN?170823/00142


Luxury Plots, In the Heart of North Bangalore

Sites available at ` Rs.3500/ per square foot

4 kms from Vidyaranyapuram

For More Details, contact: 7676844444

1. Which project of Taapasi is approved by BDA?
2. What is the cost of the sites per square foot?
3. How far are the sites from Vidyaranyapuram?
4. What is the website to contact TAAPASI PROJECTS?

68 | P a g e
III. Read the following advertisement and answer the questions set on it in one complete sentence:

Tourism Australia from MakeMyTrip

The Great Australian Airfare is Back

a) Indigo - starts from 29,900/-

b) Air Asia - starts from 30,600/-

c) Malaysia Airlines – starts from 45,500/-

d) Air India – starts from 50,000/-

Exclusive MakeMyTrip Offer

Get cash back of Rs.5000/- on a flight to Australia on

Standard Chartered Bank Cards

Offers End on: 21st November 2017

Travel Validity up to November 2018


1. Which is the cheapest flight to Australia?

2. What is the cash back offered on Standard Chartered Bank cards?
3. What is the fare in Air India flight to Australia?
4. The Great Australian Airfare is valid till________ ( fill in the blank).

69 | P a g e
IV. Read the following advertisement and answer the questions set on it :


Flipkart - Launching Nokia 5

3 GB RAM with pure AndroidTM Nougut

@ Rs.13,499/-

No cost EMI from Rs.1500/- per month

1. Name the agency that launches Nokia 5?
2. What is the cost of Nokia 5?
3. What is the EMI for Nokia 5?
4. Nokia has ______ RAM with pure AndroidTM Nougat.

V. Read the following advertisement and answer the questions:

Air Asia

upto 50 % off

Fly from Jaipur to Bangkok

Bookings till 5th November 2017

Travel till 21st November 2018

1. What is the website of Air Asia?
2. When are the bookings to Bangkok closed?
3. Where does the flight to Bangkok leave from?
4. What is the maximum discount available for the flight?

70 | P a g e
VI. Refer the following table and answer the questions
Indian Premier League – 2016
Teams Played Won Lost Points Net Run Rate
Mumbai Indians 5 4 1 8 + 2.110
Royal Challengers 5 4 1 8 + 1.510
Rajasthan Royals 5 3 2 6 + 0.430
Sunrisers Hyderabad 5 3 2 6 – 0.380

1. Which team has the highest run rate?
2. How many matches has Royal Challengers played?
3. How many matches has Rajasthan Royals lost?
4. Name the team that has the lowest run rate.

VII. Refer the following weather report below and answer the questions

Names of cities April November

Min. Temp. Max. Temp. Min. Temp. Max. Temp.
Bangalore 29 34 18 26
Mysore 30 35 17 28
Bidar 35 42 19 28
Raichur 36 44 24 29

Note : Temperature in degree Celsius.

1. Which city records the highest temperature in April?
2. Which is the coolest city in November.
3. What is the maximum temperature in Bidar in April?
4. Which city records the lowest temperature in April?

71 | P a g e
VIII. Read the KSRTC schedule and answer the questions :

Mysore KSRTC Bus Station

Buses from Mysore to Shivamogga
Type of Bus Arrival Departure
Express 8.00 hrs 8.30 hrs
Super Deluxe 9.30 hrs 10.00 hrs
Rajahamsa 13.30 hrs 14.00 hrs
Airavatha 16.30 hrs 17.00 hrs

Questions :
1. When does Rajahamsa leave from Mysore?
2. Which bus departs to Shivamogga at 17.00 hours?
3. When does the Super Deluxe arrive at Mysore?
4. Which bus arrives to Mysore at 8.00 hours?

IX. Refer the following events and answer the questions set on it:

Inter-College Programmes
Event Timings
Registration 8.30 am to 9.30 am
Inaugural Session 9.30 am to 10.30 am
Quiz Programme 12.30 pm to 2.00 pm
Debate Competition 11.00 am to 12.30 pm
Pick and Act 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm
Prize distribution and Valedictory 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm

1. When does the Inaugural session begin?
2. What is the duration of the quiz programme?
3. Which event takes place between 2.30 pm and 3.30pm.
4. How long will the prize distribution and valedictory take place?

72 | P a g e
X. Refer the list of events and answer the questions
Indian Premier League – 2016
Event Time No. of Participants
Inauguration by D. C., Mysore 7.30 am
Half Marathon Race for Women 8.00 am 110
Full Marathon Race for Men 8.15 am 150
Prize distribution 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm

Note : Prize money for Half Marathon is 1.50 lakhs and Full Marathon is 4.00 lakhs.

1. Who inaugurates the Indian Premier League?
2. How many women participate in the half marathon?
3. When will the prize distribution begin?
4. What is the prize money for the winner of the Full Marathon?

XI. Refer to the following list of events and answer the questions set on it: 1x4=4

Cultural Events Time

1. Debate 10:30 - 11:30 am
2. Mad Ads 12:30 – 1:30 pm
3. Essay Writing 2 – 3 pm
4. Prize Distribution 4 – 5 pm

a. What is the event that starts at 10:30 am?

b. What is the duration of Mad Ads?
c. At what time does the Essay Writing end?
d. How long does the prizes distribution take place?

73 | P a g e
XII. Refer the following TV schedule and answer the questions set on it: 1x4=4

Channel 7.30 10.30 12.00 13.00 14-15 20.00 21.3 22.00

Discovery Tigers Birds Giant Mammals Ecology Ocean Life Desert Land
Monster in
s the
Kasturi Yoga News Quiz Cooking Serial Music Quiz Instrument
Programm al Music
NDTV Share Rates Talk on News Discussi Interview New Share
Market Industry on s Bulletin

a. Which channel would you watch to listen to Instrumental music?

b. The channel that broadcasts news about share market is ______
c. When is the quiz programme telecast?
d. Which of the channels shows ‘Life in the Wild’?

XIII. Read the following table and answer the questions set on it: 1x4=4

Name of the Train Departure Name of the City Destination

Hubli Express 9.30 AM Hubli Bengaluru
Goa Express 8 AM Vasco Bengaluru
Chamundi Express 10AM Bengaluru Mysore
Brindavan Express 6.30 AM Mysore Bengaluru

a. Which train leaves for Hubli?

b. When does Brindavan Express leave Mysore?
c. What is the destination of Chamundi Express?
d. At what time does Goa Express leave Vasco?

74 | P a g e
VI. B. 46. Letter Writing :

1. Write a letter to the Principal of your college requesting him/her to grant you a leave of
absence for two days.

2. Write a letter to the Assistant Commissioner requesting him/her to deliver a speech on GST
for the students in your college next month.

3. Write a letter to the BESCOM Officer in charge of your area to reduce the duration of power
cuts to help the students.
Your letter should also include the following points:
a. Inconvenience caused to the students during study time.
b. Irregular power cuts disturb the concentration of students.
c. Request to take remedial measures.

4. Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner of your area requesting him/her to take
remedial measures to overcome the stray dog menace.
Your letter should also include the following points:
a. Increase in the number of stray dogs.
b. Frequent attacks by stray dogs.
c. Adopting measures such as castration, relocation etc.,

5. Write a letter to the Commissioner, City Corporation, Bangalore, complaining about the
irregular water supply and the inconvenience caused to the people.
Your letter should also include the following points:
a. Supply of water at odd hours.
b. Non-availability of water to some families.

6. Write a letter to the Principal of your college requesting him/her to issue Transfer
Certificate, the reason being the transfer of your father.

7. Write a letter to the Co-Ordinator, ‘Institute of Spoken English’ seeking information about
the courses offered in the Institute.
8. Write a letter to the Forest Officer of your area, inviting him/her to preside over the ‘World
Environment Day Function’ organized in your area.
9. Write a letter to the Principal , St. Joseph’s PU College inviting him/her and the staff to
attend the Cultural Programme in your college.
Letter should also contain these essential points:
 Date and time of the programme.
 Venue.
 List of Cultural Activities.

75 | P a g e
47. Match the expressions under column A to its corresponding language functions under column B
Expressions Functions
1. Take a right turn. i. making a request.
2. Hi, how are you? ii. expressing gratitude.
3. It is very kind of you. iii. complimenting.
4. You look great. iv. greeting.
5. Could you please carry this bag . v. giving direction.

Expressions Functions
1. Well done, we are proud of you. i. seeking permission.
2. That is a pity. ii. introducing.
3. Can I have it ? iii. congratulating.
4. Meet my friend, Kavitha. iv. apologizing.
5. I am sorry. v. expressing sympathy.

Expressions Functions
1. See you later, bye. i.asking for information
2. Sorry, I couldn’t follow it. ii. leave taking.
3. Want a hand? iii.complaining.
4. At what time does the train arrive? iv.request for repetition.
5. I am sorry to say this . v. offering help.

Expressions Functions
1. I am sorry, that is not possible. i.leave taking.
2. Indeed, you are right. ii. asking for information.
3. See you again, bye. iii. greeting.
4. How was your trip? iv. refusing permission.
5. Hi, how do you do? v. agreeing.

76 | P a g e
Expressions Functions
1. I am not sure. i. greeting.
2. I regret to bring to your notice… ii. seeking permission.
3. Can I take your pen? iii.expressing preference.
4. Hello, good morning. iv.disagreeing.
5. I would rather have … v.complaining.

Expressions Functions
1. I am extremely sorry for the trouble. i. leave taking.
2. Thank you very much. ii. apologizing.
3. Go straight, turn left. iii. introducing.
4. Sheela, this is my friend Raju. iv. giving direction.
5. Ok, bye. v. expressing gratitude.

Expressions Functions
1. Can I help you? i. complaining.
2. We would be grateful if you… ii. request for repetition.
3. Of course, yes. iii. making a request.
4. I beg your pardon. iv. agreeing.
5. I am sorry to say this… v. offering help.

Expressions Functions
1. Well done. i. giving permission.
2. Would you mind passing… ii. congratulating.
3. Please go ahead. iii. asking preference.
4. You look smart. iv.making a request.
5. Who do you want to go with? v.complimenting.

77 | P a g e
B. 48. Complete the dialogue:

1. Pranav wants to visit Rajasthan. He is collecting information from a travel agent.

Pranav : Hello, Good morning.

Travel agent : ___________, What can I do for you?
Pranav : I’m planning to visit Rajasthan, would you give me some information about the
modes of travelling.
Travel agent : ________________ by car, or train or by air?
Pranav : _______________to go by car.
Travel agent : O.K. Sure, would you prefer to go by an A/C car.
Pranav : No, I _________a non A/C car.
Travel agent : O.K, sir. That can be arranged.
Pranav : Thank you.

2. A parent visits his son’s college and meets the Principal. He enquires about his son’s performance.

Parent : Good Morning sir.

Principal : ______________. Please have a seat. What can I do for you?
Parent : I am Ganesh’s father. __________in first PUC science stream.
Principal : Oh! Is it? Your son is a good athlete. He participates in every athletic event
and has won many prizes.
Parent : Thank you sir. ______________________?
Principal : ______________, he is not as good at studies. You must see to it that he
studies regularly.
Parent : Definitely .Thank you sir. Bye.

3. Meeting of two friends:

Radha : Good Morning, Sheela.

Sheela : ______________, How are you?
Radha : ______________, thank you.
Sheela : ______________?
Radha : I am going to the market.
Sheela : Ok. ______________.

78 | P a g e
4. (A conversation between a teacher and the student who has come late to the class)
Student : May ______________,sir?
Teacher : Why are you late?
Student : I am sorry sir.______________.
Teacher : Why did you miss the bus? You should have left the house early.
Student :_________. Hereafter, I will leave the house 10 minutes early .
Teacher : Ok, come in.
Student : ______________.

5. (Radha’s sister has met with an accident in Hubli. Radha was on a tour and is in Davanagere. She is on her
way to the bus station to go to Hubli. She enquires the way to the bus station with a stranger.)
Radha : ______,Could you please tell me the way to the bus station?
Stranger : You _______and turn left.
Radha : Is there a bus to Hubli now. My sister has met with an accident. I need to reach
there urgently.
Stranger : Oh! _____. A bus leaves for Hubli in 10 minutes. You better hurry up.
Radha : ______________,bye.

6. (A patient calls a receptionist of a clinic and requests for an appointment.)

Patient : Is this Ashwini clinic?
Recep : Yes. ______________
Patient : This is Sushma. Can I get Dr. Dev’s______________?
Recep : I am sorry. You cannot get his appointment for tomorrow. He is not available.
Patient : Then ______________.
Recep : You can come on Thursday at 10 o’clock.
Patient : ______________.

7. (Miss. Babitha wants to buy a new television. She visits a showroom and speaks to the salesperson.)
Salesperson : ______________, what can I do for you, madam?
Babitha : Good morning. ______________.
Salesperson : Do you have any particular brand in mind, madam?
Babitha : ______________go for Sony or LG
Salesperson : Good selection, madam. Both are good. We have the latest models in both of
Babitha : I want to have a look at both of them and _______
Salesperson : Certainly, madam, I’ll show them and give you the price list too.

79 | P a g e
8. (Suresh asks Ramesh to drop him to the college. But Ramesh politely rejects his request.)
Suresh : ______________. Where are you going?
Ramesh : I am going to my office.
Suresh : ______________college?
Ramesh : ______________, it is getting late for me to go to the office. Don’t think
Suresh : It is O.K.______________.

9. (Ashok is travelling in a train. He speaks to the co-passenger who is reading a book.)

Ashok : ______________, would you please close the window?

Co-pas : ______________. I was reading the book. Did you say something?
Ashok : Would you mind closing the window?
Co-pas : Sure, sir. By the bye, where are you from?
Ashok : ______________.
Co-pas : Oh! It is a beautiful city. It is famous for KRS garden, Palace etc.
Ashok : Yes sir. ______________?
Co-pas : I have visited it many times. It is a lovely city.

10. (Suma visits Shobha at her house. Suma apologises for not helping Shobha.)
Suma : Hi, Shobha, are you drawing?
Shobha : Oh! Suma, please come in. I was _____________.
Suma : Shobha, you asked me to drop you to the market yesterday. But I couldn’t , as I
was in a hurry to go to the hospital. I am really ____________.
Shobha : It’s okay. Don’t feel bad about it.
Suma : You were busy. Hope I have not disturbed you.
Shobha : ______________, would you like to have some coffee?
Suma : ________. I had it just a while ago.

80 | P a g e
C. 49. Dialogue Writing:
1. A student goes to a public library. He speaks to the librarian about the timings. Write a dialogue
between them.
2. Ajay is asking permission from his father to go on a college trip. Write a dialogue between Ajay
and his father.
3. Imagine that you are at Taj Mahal in Agra. You are asking the guide for details about Taj Mahal.
Write a dialogue between you and the guide.
4. Latha is going to the birthday party of her friend. She wants to buy a gift for her friend. She is in
a gift shop and speaking to the shopkeeper. Write a dialogue between them.
5. Suresh has got the 1strank in NEET exam. He shares his joy with his friend Nikhil who has got the
2nd rank in CET. Write a dialogue between them.
6. Kumar has lost his purse on his way to college. His friend, Raju, sympathizes with him for the
loss. Write a dialogue between them.
7. Satish has received an appointment order from Infosys. His neighbor, Ram congratulates him.
Write a dialogue between them.
8. Shobha complains about her headache and asks her class teacher to permit her to go home.
Write a dialogue between them.
9. Shrinivas has been admitted to the hospital to get treated for dengue. His friend Anil visits and
consoles him. Write a dialogue between them.
10. You are in ‘Poorvika’ store to buy an i-phone. You are enquiring with the shopkeeper about the
features of the i-phone. Write a dialogue between the shopkeeper and you.

81 | P a g e

Subject: English (Question paper is set for 120 marks with internal choices and the student is required to answer for 100 marks only)Max.Marks : 100

Subject Code:02 Time : 3 hours 15 minutes.

Main Sub Name of the Unit Objectives Total

Knowledge Comprehension Expression Appreciation
Qn. No. Qs. Marks

Marks 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 The Gentlemen of … 1+4 1 1 05
1 2 The School Boy 1+4 1 1 05
I To 3. Around a medi… 1+4 1 1 05
12 4. OruManushyan 1+4 1 1 05
On Course Book

5. Money Madness 1+6 1 1 07

6 Babar Ali 1+4 1 1 05
13 7 If I was a Tree 1 1 01
II To 8. Watchman of…. 1+4+6 1 1 1 11
9. The Farmer’s Wife 4 1 04
10 Fredrick Douglass 1+6 1 1 07
11 An Old Woman 1+4 1 1 05
III 23
12. Two Gentlemen… 1+4+6 1 1 1 11
13. Do not Ask of Me.. 4 1 04
IV 24 to 33 Passage 10 5 5 10
Articles & 4
A. 34 4 4
B. 35 Tense 4 4 4
Subject – Verb 3
C. 36 3 3
D. 37 & 38 Correction of Errors 2 2 2
On Work Book

V E. 39 Homophone 1 1 1
40 Changing Word Class 1 1 1
41 Jumbled Segments 1 1 1
42 to 44 Question Forms 3 3 3
A. 45 Reference Skill 4 4 4
B. 46 Letter Writing 5 1 5
Expressions & 5
A. 47 language 5 5
Complete the 4
B. 48 4 4
C. 49 Dialogue writing 3 1 3
27 04 23 16 4 3 20 05 06 12
120 120
31 39 38 12
82 | P a g e
Model Question Paper - 1
First PU English

Time: 3: 15 hours Max. Marks: 100

a. Follow the prescribed limit while answering the questions.
b. Write the question number as it appears on the question paper.
c. One mark questions attempted more than once will be awarded zero.
d. For multiple choice questions choose the correct answer and rewrite it.

I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each : 12 X 1 = 12

1. What was the elephant’s request to the man in ‘The Gentlemen of the Jungle’?
2. Mention one of the sweet companies for the school boy.
3. Why did Mara once lay a trap in the forest in ‘Around the Medicinal Creeper’?
4. How much did the narrator have in his wallet when he went to the restaurant in ‘OruManushyan’?
5. Mention one of the things that should be provided for free to everyone, according to the speaker of
‘Money Madness’.
6. What is man’s true religion, according to Baber Ali’s father?
7. The speaker of the poem ‘If I Was a Tree’ wants to be a tree because
a. trees are not useful to the people.
b. trees are not treated as objects of defilement.
c. trees live longer than human beings.
8. What was the command of the Goddess to Mara in ‘Watchman of the Lake’?
9. When was Frederick Douglass separated from his mother?
10. What does the old woman demand from the pilgrims to show ‘the horse-shoe shrine’?
11. Why were Nicola and Jacopo saving money, ignoring their comfort?
12. In ‘ Do not Ask of Me, My Love’, ’sorrows’ in the line ‘ there are other sorrows in the world than
love.’ refers to miseries
a. generated by love.
b. caused by charity.
c. caused by poverty and deprivation.

II. Answer any eight of the following in a paragraph of 80-100words each: 8x4=32

13. How did the elephant cheat the man and occupy his hut?
14. Write briefly the speaker’s experience in the school, in “ The School Boy”.
15. What story did Mara narrate about losing the teeth on the right side of his mouth?
16. How did a stranger save the day for the narrator in “ OruManushyan”?
17. How did “ Anand Shiksha Nikethan” come into existence?
18. How does the poem ‘If I was a Tree’ express the pain and plight of a particular community?

83 | P a g e
19. What instructions did Mara give his son, Ganga, about the duties of the watchman of the lake?
20. How does the poem ‘The Farmer’s Wife’ bring out the misery of the farmer’s wife?
21. Narrate the experience of the speaker in ‘An Old Woman’.
22. What did the narrator learn about Lucia from the nurse in‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’?

III. Answer the following in about 200 words: 1X6=6

23. How does the fear of money affect the individual as well as the multitudes of a money mad society
in “Money Madness”?
“The story of Nicola and Jacopo in ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’ redefines the qualities of a
gentleman.” Substantiate.
The details given by Frederick Douglass about the life of slaves depict the painful and harsh
experiences of the slaves. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.

IV. Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it. 10x1=10

It began on the fateful December day that Rosa Parks left her job at the fair Department store in
Montgomery, Alabama. The square on that day was festooned with red and green Christmas lights and
there was a big banner over one of the stores, saying “Peace on Earth, Good will to Men”.

Rosa Parks paid no attention to the lights or the banner. She had been working since early morning and
she was very tired. There was a little pain across her neck and shoulders and her feet ached.

It was Thursday, December 1, 1955. The Black Revolution was about to begin.

In Montgomery as in most southern cities, most of the bus passengers were black. Despite this fact, the
first four seats on all buses were reserved for white people and could not be used, under any
circumstance by blacks. Behind these four seats was a middle section of two or three seats that “if the
front section filled up and one white person came to sit in the middle section, all blacks in the middle
section had to get up and stand in the back.”

There was no need for Rosa Parks to rehearse all this. She was not looking for trouble. What she wanted
was a comfortable seat. Anybody with a keen eye would have seen that this was not the day, nor the
hour to give this mild-mannered woman a hard time.

As she approached the first bus, she noticed that it was crowded and she let it go by for she wanted a
seat; she wanted to be comfortable. Later when she got into the second bus the Negro section was full
and she sank into a seat in the middle section. At the next stop, several whites got in and one of them
was left standing.

84 | P a g e
The driver looked in the rear mirror and told the Blacks in the middle row to get up and give place to the
white man. At this the others in the section vacated their seats. Mrs. Parks remained seated. The driver
this time asked her a little louder to get up. She acted as if she had not heard him at all.

He stopped the bus, got off and called the police. Two policemen came and asked her if she had
understood the driver’s request. She said “yes’.

‘Why didn’t you get up? One officer asked.

“I didn’t think I should have to” she replied and there came from deep inside her the terrible and
unanswerable question, “Why do you push us around?”

There was no answer in the police manual or in any book to that question and the officer mumbled “I
don’t know, but the law is the law and you are under arrest.”

24. Where was Rosa parks employed?

25. Where was the banner "Peace on Earth, Good will to Men”?
26. Why did Rosa Parks not pay attention either to the lights or to the banner that day?
27. Why did Rosa Parks not get into the first bus?
28. Why did Rosa have to take a seat in the middle section?
29. How did the driver know that the Blacks were seated in the middle row?
30. Who did not obey the driver's order?
31. Every human being likes to lead a________ life. (comfortable/comforts).
32. Add an appropriate prefix to the word ‘comfortable’ to get its antonym.
33. Which question of Mrs. Parks could the police not answer?

V. A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions given in brackets. 4x1=4

34. Mara had gone …… the forest to bring some bamboo shoots home. ……… his hands thrust through
the bamboo cane when he was cutting …… shoot, he accidentally cut his hand. The sharp sickle had
apparently cut _______artery.
( with, the, to, an, a)

B. Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of the verbs given in brackets. 4x1=4

35. Mara …… (do) not have any teeth on the right side of his mouth. He ….. (has) to chew everything on
the left side. He …. (be) aged and perhaps they ……. (have+fall) off naturally.

C. Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject: 3x1=3

36. “I …….(have/has) told you the reason twenty times. The king …….. (passes / passed) this way and I
don’t want him to know that our village ……. (has / had) such fools as you,” said the village head-man.

85 | P a g e
D. Correct the following sentences and rewrite them. 2x1=2

37. This is an useful book.

38. Bread and butter are my usual breakfast.

E. Rewrite as directed: 6x1=6

39. Sanna plucked …… (some/sum) medicinal leaves from the creeper.

(Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word given in brackets)

40. I did not ask Mara for any …… (explain) because this was the height of his inventive genius.
(Complete the sentence with the right form of the word given in brackets)

41.could have /asked for /an/you/ audience.

(Rearrange the segments to form a meaningful sentence)

42. I have no influence over him, ………?

(Add a suitable question tag)

43. He stays in a very small, dingy room on a dirty street.

(Change into a question beginning with the right form of ‘do’)

44. Babar Ali has brought a significant change in the field of education.
(Frame a question so as to get the underlined words as answer)

VI. A. 45.Refer to the following list of events and answer the questions set on it. 4x1=4

College Day Celebrations

Event Time
Inauguration 09.00 am to 10.00am
Exhibition 10.00 am to 1.00pm
Lunch break 1 pm to 3 pm
Valedictory Function 3 pm to 5 pm
Cultural Programme 5.30 pm to 08.30 pm

i) How long does the inauguration go on?

ii) When does the Exhibition end?
iii) What time does the valedictory function begin?
iv) When does the cultural programme start?

86 | P a g e
B. 46.Write a letter to Sri Dayanand, Commissioner, Mysuru City Police, Mysuru, thanking him for
visiting your college as the Chief Guest for the ‘Athletic Meet’. 5
Your letter should contain the following points:

 His call to the youth of today to be law abiding citizens.

 His inspirational words about the duties of the citizens.
 His motivational words to join the police force.

VII. A. 47. Match the expression under column A to its corresponding language functions under
column B. 5x1=5


a) Please, give me your notes. Complimenting.

b) Meet my friend Rajesh. Rejecting.
c) You have done a good job. Sympathizing.
d) I will not accept the offer Introducing.
e) What a loss! Requesting.

B. 48) complete the dialogue: 4x1=4

(Ram meets a stranger at the railway station)

Ram: Excuse me. Would you please do me a favour?

Stranger: Certainly, _______________.
Ram: How far is Mysuru Palace from here?
Stranger: _______________.Any way, I am also going there.___________________?
Ram: Yes, Sure _________________.

C. 49) Dialogue Writing: 3x1=3

Krishna has secured a good percentage in his PUC exams. He shares his happiness with his father.
Write a dialogue between the father and the son.


87 | P a g e
Scheme for Model Question Paper-01
Key Answers

Qn No. Expected Answer Marks

I 1 To put his trunk inside the hut 1
2 Sing with Skylark/ Skylark/ hunts man’s horn/ birds song 1
3 To catch rabbits 1
4 14 Rupees 1
5 Bread/Shelter/Fire 1
6 Education 1
7 b. Trees are not treated as objects of defilement 1
8 To build a tank for Veda 1
9 When he was an infant/ before twelfth month 1
10 50 paisa coin 1
11 To pay the hospital charges for their sister’s treatment. 1
12 c. Caused by poverty and deprivation 1
II 13 One day an elephant wanted protection - torrential rain – friendship with 4
man – requested the man to allow him to put his trunk inside the hut. The
man agreed – pushed trunk - finally flung the man out.
14 The boy loves to rise in summer morning – likes company of skylark- 4
huntsman - songs of birds - natural joy suppressed – authoritative school –
uninterested books - cruel eye out worn – drives the joy away.
15 Mara told the narrator – story of losing teeth on right side – Mara kept a trap 4
– catch rabbits – saw trap empty next morning – trekking back – saw a
stream – decided to brush his teeth – sour taste – rinse his mouth – put
water into mouth – spat out – teeth touched by the stick – tumbled out.
16 :Narrator went out one day – crowded restaurant – bill came eleven annas – 4
put hand in pocket – shocked to see wallet missing – owner demanded to
pay the bill – embarrassing situation – no face to help him – owner told to
take off his shirt, trousers – narrator told nothing underneath – owner did
not agree – then a voice of a stranger came to help him – stranger paid the
17 : Babar Ali was a fortunate – father sent him to school – Babar Ali noticed – 4
some children deprived from basic right for education – Babar wanted to
help them.- school started – playing school-school game.
18 The speaker wants to be a tree – more convenient than being a human- tree 4
never ask caste – nature, rain drops, sun rays, mother earth never makes
discrimination. Treat everyone equally – cow scrapes her body- 300,000
Gods touch – become pure by burning in the holy fire - become bier for
sinless body – brings to light the meaningless practice of defilement and

88 | P a g e
19 Mara worried about lake – tells Ganga to look after the lake – not to allow 4
anybody to catch fish or other creatures – protect the sanctity of the lake –
follow Goddess command – nothing should be killed which flies or swims or
walks - not to allow anybody to pollute water – take care of lake.
20 Farmer’s wife laments the death of her husband - complains – angry 4
because her husband left her with four children – worried about future –
born with bent head – endured lot of sufferings, kicks from husband decides
to teach children to face life - survive against all odds.
21 An Old Woman a self appointed guide in Jejuri - she tags along – she is 4
persistent – the narrator irritated by her persistence– decides to end the
farce – turns towards her gets shocked – her eyes – bullet holes – wrinkled
skin- the narrator feels ashamed – reduced to small change.
22 The two boys are orphans – their sister suffering from tuberculosis of the 4
spine- A bomb destroyed their family- Then boys do all types of work –
collect money – pay the medical bill of their sister’s treatment – every
Sunday visit - nurse tells about the recovery of Lucia – Narrator knows hard
working and scarifying attitude of boys.
III 23 Money is a madness - shared by everyone – no one gives a pound note or 10 6
pound note without a tremor – collective money madness makes us afraid –
If one has money, many makes friendship - if no money, no one cares –
have to eat dirt – bread – fire - shelter should be free – should regain sanity
before killing each other – should be free from clutches of money.
Two Gentlemen of Verona is a heart touching story of two boys - do all
types of jobs to treat sister - great sacrifice.
Two boys are orphans – only a sister suffering from tuberculosis of the spine-
A bomb destroyed house – unusual devotion towards their work. – Paid the
bills of their sister – show an uncommon love, sacrifice, emotion, nobility -
Though poor maintain dignity – unselfish, noble character – signifies Two
Slaves are ill-treated – not supposed to know birth dates- the slave holders –
often use their female slaves – Law ensures these mixed race children
become slaves like their mothers- These mixed race slaves suffer a lot than
other slaves. – slave holder’s wife insult such mixed race slaves – she
tortures and take care - that they are sold off - slaves are often whipped - a
horror of slavery.
IV 24 Fair Department store in Montgomery, Alabama. 1
25 On One of the stores. 1
26 She has been working since morning /and she was very tired/Pain in her 1

89 | P a g e
neck and shoulders/feet ached.
27 It was crowded/she wanted a seat. 1
28 Negro section was full. 1
29 Driver came to know that when he looked in the rear mirror. 1
30 Mrs.Parks 1
31 comfortable 1
32 uncomfortable 1
33 “Why do you push us around?” 1
V. A 34 to, with, the, an 1X4=4
B 35 did, had, was, had fallen 1X4=4
C 36 have, passes, has 1X3=3
D 37 This is a useful book. 1
38 Bread and butter is my usual breakfast. 1

E 39 Sanna plucked some medicinal leaves from the creeper. 1

40 I did not ask Mara for any explanation because this was the height of his 1
inventive genius.

41 You could have asked for an audience. 1

42 I have no influence over him, do I ? 1

43 Does he stay in a very small, dingy room on a dirty street? 1

44 In which field has Babar Ali brought a significant change? 1
VI. A 45 I) One hour 1X4=4
II) At 1:00 pm
III) At 3:00 pm
IV) At 5:30 pm
46 Format 2 marks 5
Content 3 marks
(No marks to be awarded for mere format.)
VII. 47 a) Please, give me your notes. Requesting 1X5=5
b) Meet my friend, Rajesh. Introducing
c) You have done a good job. Complimenting
d) I will not accept the offer. Rejecting
e) What a loss! Sympathizing

B 48 Ram : Excuse me. Will you please do me a favour? 1X4=4

90 | P a g e
Stranger : Certainly, what can I do for you?
Ram : How far is Mysore Palace from here?
Stranger : It is 3 kilometers from here. Anyway I am also going there. Would
you like to come with me?
Ram : Yes,Sure Thank you very much.
(Any suitable dialogue can be accepted.)
C 49 Father : Hey Krishna, Did you get your results?
Krishna: I got 96% and I stand first in our college.
Father: Is it so ! Well done ! I am proud of you my boy.
Krishna : Thank you papa. Shall I go to meet my friends? 3

Father : OK, but come back soon.

Krishna : OK papa, bye.

91 | P a g e

Subject: English(Question paper is set for 120 marks with internal choices and the student is required to answer for 100 marks only)

Max.Marks : 100

Subject Code:02 Time : 3 hours 15 minutes.

Main Sub Name of the Unit Objectives Total
Knowledge Comprehension Expression Appreciation
Qn. No. Qs. Marks

Marks 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 The Gentlemen of … 1+4 1 1 05
1 2 The School Boy 1+4 1 1 05
I To 3. Around a medi… 1+4 1 1 05
12 4. OruManushyan 1+4 1 1 05
On Course Book

5. Money Madness 4+6 1 1 10

6 Babar Ali 1+6 1 1 07
13 7 If I was a Tree 1+4 1 1 05
II To 8. Watchman of…. 1+4+6 1 1 1 11
22 9. The Farmer’s Wife 1+4 1 1 05
10 Fredrick Douglass 1+4 1 1 05
11 An Old Woman 1 1 01
III 23
12. Two Gentlemen… 1+4 1 1 05
13. Do not Ask of Me.. 1 01
IV 24 to 33 Passage 10 5 5 10
A. 34 Articles & Prepositions 4 4 4
B. 35 Tense 4 4 4
C. 36 Subject – Verb agreement 3 3 3
D. 37 & 38 Correction of Errors 2 2 2
E. 39 Homophone 1 1 1
On Work Book

V 40 Changing Word Class 1 1 1

41 Jumbled Segments 1 1 1
42 to 44 Question Forms 3 3 3
A. 45 Reference Skill 4 4 4
B. 46 Letter Writing 5 1 5
Expressions & language 5
A. 47 5 5
B. 48 Complete the Dialogue 4 1 4
C. 49 Dialogue writing 3 1 3
28 8 22 20 3 16 5 6 12
120 120
36 42 30 12

92 | P a g e
Model Question Paper-2
Time : 3:15Hrs Max Marks:100

a. Follow the prescribed limit while answering the questions.
b. Write the question number as it appears on the question paper.
c. One mark questions attempted more than once will be awarded zero.
d. For multiple choice questions choose the correct answer and rewrite it.

I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each: 12x1=12

1. Who was the secretary of the commission of Enquiry in ‘The Gentlemen of the Jungle’?
2. What does ‘cage’ refer to, in ‘The School Boy’?
3. According to Mara, how do the mongoose and the cowcal cure themselves of snake bite in
‘Around the Medicinal Creeper’?
4. In ‘OruManushyan’, the people in the city would do anything, even _____ for the sake of money.
a. commit murder. b. rob banks c. beg on streets.
5. Who is the most educated teacher in Babar Ali’s school?
6. ______ wouldn’t flee shouting for a bath in the poem, ‘If I Was a Tree’.
a. Mother Earth b. Rain drops c. Leaves
7. In ‘Watchman of the Lake’, one day a visitor approached Mara to _______
a. Get water to his village
b. Stop fishing in the lake
c. Work as watchman of the lake.
8. What does ‘the harvest of my womb’ refer to, in ‘The Farmer’s Wife’?
9. Write one of the things that sustained Douglass during the darkest hours of slavery.
10. What does the old woman offer to do to get fifty paisa?
11. Name the village where Lucia was getting treatment in ‘The Two Gentlemen of Verona’.
12. What did the speaker ask his beloved not to expect from him, in ‘Do Not Ask of Me, My Love’?

II. Answer any eight of the following in 80 -100 words. 8x4=32

13. How did the elephant justify his act of occupying the hut in “The Gentlemen of the Jungle”?
14. How does the school boy view his experience in school in “The School Boy”?
15. How was Krishna cured when he had piles in “Around a Medicinal Creeper”?
16. Describe the people and the place where the narrator lived in ‘Oru Manushyan’.
17. Why does the poet describe money madness as our ‘vast collective madness’ in “Money
18. Why does the speaker wish to be a tree in “If I was a Tree”?
19. Give an account of Mara’s meeting with the king on the stormy night in ‘The Watchman of the

93 | P a g e
20. How does the poem ‘The Farmer’s Wife’ bring out the plight of the farmer’s wife and her self-
21. Write a note on the cruelty of Mr. Plummer in “Frederick Douglass”.
22. What were the different ways in which Nicola and Jacopo earned money?

III. Answer the following in about 200 words 1x6=6

23. How does the play ‘Watchman of the Lake’ bring out both the protective and destructive
faces of nature?
‘Money is the root of all evils in the society’. Examine this statement with reference to the poem
‘Money Madness’.
Babar Ali’s school took shape out of an individual’s responsibility towards society. Elaborate.

IV. Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it. 10x1=10

Born on March 21, 1916 Bismillah Khan belonged to a family of professional Shehnai players. At
the age of six, he moved to Banaras where his maternal uncle Ali Bux introduced him to the
nuances of playing the simple reed instrument, the Shehnai. For many years the temple of Balaji
and banks of Ganga became the favourite haunt where Bismillah could practice for hours in
solitude. The flowing waters of Ganga inspired him to improvise and invent ‘ragas’ which were
earlier considered to be beyond the range of Shehnai.
His first reward came at the age of 14, as the best performer at the All India Music Conference in
Allahabad in 1930. In 1947 he won three medals at the music conference in Calcutta. On the first
Independence Day, 15th August 1947, he played it at the invitation of the then PM Jawaharlal
Nehru. Awards and recognitions came fast. He participated in the World Exposition in Montreal,
Cannes Art Festival and Osaka Trade Fair. An auditorium was named after him in Tehran called
Tahar Mosiquee’ Ustaad Bismillah Khan. The World Music Institute Celebrated his 80th birthday
in New York.
In spite of having travelled all over the world Khan Saab, as he is fondly called, was fond of
Banaras and Dumaron. Once, one of his students wanted him to head a Shehnai school in the
USA and recreated the atmosphere of Banaras there. But Ustaad asked him if he could take the
Ganga there. Talking about Balaji temple he said, “ I have tears in my eyes when I visit the
place”. About Dumraon he said, “ How can I forget the place of my birth?”. While in Mumbai, I
think of only Varanasi and holy Ganga. And in Varanasi I miss Dumraon. No wonder Khan Saab
never thought of migrating from Banaras unlike some stars like Pandit Ravi Shankar or Ustad
Allaudin Khan.

24. How old was Bismillah Khan when he moved to Banaras?

25. _______ introduced Bismillah Khan to the nuances of playing Shehnai.

94 | P a g e
26. Where was the ‘All India Music Conference’ held?
27. What inspired Bismillah Khan to improvise and invent ragas?
28. ______ played Shehnai for Free India from the ramparts of the Red Fort.
a. Khan Saab. b. Pandit Ravi Shankar. c. Ustad Allaudin.
29. Where is the auditorium named after Bismillah Khan Saab situated?
30. Bismillah Khan’s birth place is _________
a. Banaras. b. Dumraon. c. Tehran.
31. Where was Khan Saab’s 80th birthday celebrated?
32. The Prime Minister offered an_________(invite) to Khan Saab to play at the Red Fort.
33. Add a suitable prefix to the word ‘wanted’ to write its antonym (re, un, de)

V. A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions given in brackets . 4x1=4

34. The narrator slept all day and woke up ____ four _____ the evening. He did so to save ____
expense of drinking tea or eating the noon meal. He came out and entered _____ crowded
(in, a , at , an, the)

B. Fill in the blanks with suitable form of the verbs given in brackets. 4x1=4

35. Captain Anthony was not considered a rich slave holder. He____(own) only thirty slaves and
two or three farms. His farms and slaves ________(be) under the care of an overseer. Mr.
Plummer ______(be) an overseer. He was always ______(arm) with a cowskin and a cudgel.

C. Choose the correct form of verb that agrees with the subject. 3x1=3

36. Nicola and Jacopo struggle hard to save money. One night they _______(are/is) sitting on the
stone pavement. When the narrator ________(speak/speaks) to them, he learns that they
_________(has/have) specific plans.

D. Correct the following sentences and rewrite them. 2x1=2

37. Mara returned back from the jungle, one evening.
38. Why did you brought this?

E. Rewrite as directed. 6x1=6

39. Babar Ali’s students did not get ______. (bored/board)

(Fill in the blank with an appropriate word)

40. Mara stood in ________. (amaze)

(Fill in the blank with the right form of the word given in brackets)

95 | P a g e
41. a miserable/was/ drunkard/ Mr. Plummer.
(Rearrange the segments to a meaningful sentence)

42. Venice is a picturesque city,_____?

(Add a question tag)

43. The narrator thanked the stranger.

(Change into a question beginning with right form of ‘do’)

44. Nicola and Jacopo were sitting under the arc lights.
(Frame a question as to get the underlined word as answer)

VI. A.45. Read the weather report and answer the questions on it. 4x1=4

Names of Cities May December

Min Temp Max Temp Min Temp Max Temp
Mysuru 32 36 15 28
Bengaluru 30 32 12 22
Gulbarga 39 44 22 29
Dharwad 35 40 18 27

Note: Temperature in degree centigrade.

a. Which city records the highest temperature in May?

b. ________ has the minimum temperature in December.
c. What is the minimum temperature of Dharwad in May?
d. What is the maximum temperature of Mysuru in May?

B. 46. Write a letter to the Bank Manager requesting to transfer your account from SBI
Chickmangaluru branch to SBI Hubballi main Branch as you have been transferred to Hubballi.
Your letter should have the following information.
* Type of account
* Account Number. 1x5=5

96 | P a g e
VII. A. 47. Match the expressions under column A with its corresponding language function under
B. 5x1=5

1. Hello! Good Morning. Expressing gratitude.
2. It’s very kind of you. Apologising.
3. Sorry, I won’t allow you inside Introducing.
4. I’m really sorry for the mistake. Greeting.
5. Meet my friend Rashmi. Refusing permission.

B. 48. Complete the dialogue. 4x1=4

Rekha : Hi Adarsh___________?
Adarsh : I’m fine. _________. How are you Rekha?
Rekha : I’m fine too, Thank you.
We have a party at home today _________?
Adarsh : __________. I will definetly come.

C.49. Dialogue writing. 3 marks.

Salim goes to a hospital and enquires with the receptionist about an appointment with the ENT
specialist. Write a dialogue between Salim and the receptionist.

97 | P a g e
Scheme for Model Question Paper-02
Key Answers

Qn No. Expected Answer Marks


I 1 Mr. Leopard 1

2 The school 1

3 Eating the leaves of the medicinal creeper 1

4 a. Commit murder 1

5 Debarita Bhattacharya 1

6 {a} Mother Earth 1

7 a. Get water to his village 1

8 Her children 1

9 Faith / Hope 1

10 To take the visitor to the horse shoe shrine 1

11 Poleta 1

12 The same love as before 1

II 13 The Elephant and man friends ---- elephant occupied hut --- flung man out ---
lion hears grumblings --- commission of enquiry appointed --- only jungle
lords in committee --- elephants says, want to help man --- so occupied
unoccupied space --- used space for better economic use.

14 The school boy loves singing of birds, huntsman’s horn, skylark’s song – in
this sweet company --- school drives away joy --- cruel outworn eye of
teacher --- no freedom --- anxious in school --- no joy in book and school --- 4
dreary school atmosphere --- he feels like ‘a bird in cage’ --- little children
like plants --- cannot grow and blossom --- no happy life in old age.

15 Krishna earlier a farm worker in narrator’s farm --- now auto rickshaw driver
--- passing blood with stools--- breathing problem --- piles, only surgery as 4

remedy --- not able to spend money --- goes to Malayali Sadhu --- cured boils

98 | P a g e
earlier ---now weak --- asks Krishna to collect tuber--- mix with milk and
drink --- cured after five days.

16 The narrator in a city far away from home --- people in city had no mercy ---
professional soldiers --- money is of high values --- watch man in blanks ---
ready to commit murder --- mainly migrant laborers---narrator taught 4
English --- merciless people --- but one pick pocketer saved narrator in

17 Speaker says society is mad about money --- individual also mad --- parting
with a pound quail --- parting with ten pound real terror --- people terrified
of collective madness--- no money --- humiliation--- people will have to 4
change attitude --- bread, shelter, fire has to be free --- or men will kill each

18 The speaker rejects to be a human --- wishes to be tree ---not a object a

defilement --- bird builds not without asking caste --- sun light would
embrace --- shadow will not be polluted --- friendship with cool breeze ---
rain drops not turn back --- mother earth would not run away --- purified
when cow scrapes its body to the tree --- so no longer feel defiled --- wants
to be a bier for sinless body or pieces of wood in holy fire.

19 On stormy night river Veda thundering down --- any moment burst the bank
--- Mara runs to King gasping --- tells River Veda in floods --- Goddess in
mood of destruction --- destroy the lake --- no prayers change her mind --- 4
so Mara requests her to wait till he met the king and return --- Goddess
accepted --- Mara ready to sacrifice his life to save the lake.

20 Farmer and his wife face life differently --- cotton crop failure---unable to
pay debts farmer commits suicide --- wife was abused insulted --- but she
ignored--- now husband gone --- problems remain --- miseries increase ---
cannot leave her children --- she helpless --- show strength and courage to
face hardships of life --- teaches her children to clench fist to face battle of
life --- resolves to embrace life rather than death.

99 | P a g e
21 Mr. Plummer --- overseer --- drunkard ---- profane swearer --- savage
monster --- carried cow skin and cudgel --- cut and slash women’s skin --- 4
tied slaves to a joist and whipped--- shows his barbarity.

22 Nicola and Jacopo --- willingness to work --- narrator new to Verona --- took
them around to places of interest --- got seats for opera --- bought American
cigarettes ---suggested restaurant for ravioli --- polished their shoe ---
showed Juliet’s tomb ---they were of great help.

III 23 Mara---called lunatic by village headman---Goddess appears in his dreams---

wants him to tell the king to construct a lake for river Veda and save her---
Mara was appointed watchman of the lake --- prohibits fishing --- prevents
people from polluting --- allows water for drought hit villagers --- sees Veda
thundering --- rushes to King --- Goddess in terrible mood --- threatens to
destroy lake --- Mara decides not to return ---scarifies his life.

‘Money madness’ --- collective madness --- society mad ---individual mad ---
makes people fearful, cruel---humiliation in society if no money --- We have 6
to change mindset to regain sanity ---or people will kill each other.


Babar Ali’s school Anand Shiskha Niketan --- started when he was 9 years ---
has both formal and non-formal education --- no big building --- runs under
open sky --- people in society help him to run the school --- school
recognised by West Bengal Government --- helps them in pursing education
further in local schools.

iV 24 6 years old 1

25 His uncle Ali Bux 1

26 In Allahabad 1

27 Flowing water of Ganga 1

28 Khan Saab 1

100 | P a g e
29 In Tehran 1

30 Dumraon 1

31 World Music Institute in New York 1

32 Invitation 1

33 Unwanted 1

V.A 34 at, in, the, a. 4

B 35 owned, were , was, armed. 4

C 36 are, speaks, have 3

D 37 Mara returned from the jungle, one evening. 2

38 Why did you bring this?

E 39 Bored 1

40 Amazement 1

41 Mr. Plummer was a miserable drunkard. 1

42 Venice is a picturesque city, isn’t it ? 1

43 Did the narrator thank the stranger? 1

44 Where were Nicola and Jacopo sitting? 1

VI.A 45 a. Gulbarga

b. Bengaluru

d. 360C
B 46 The letter should have format with the content (Body) :

Format – 2 marks
Content – 3 marks

Letter with only format should not be awarded any marks.

101 | P a g e
VII. 47 1. Greeting
2. Expressing gratitude

3. Refusing Permission 5

4. Apologising

5. Introducing
B 48 Rekha : --- How are you ?

Adarsh : Thank you--- ?

Rekha : --- can you please come to my house ?

Adarsh : Oh ! Sure, I will. ---.

C 49 Salim : Good morning excuse me

can you please give me an appointment with the ENT specialist ?

Receptionist: Good Morning, sorry he is not available today.

Can I get you the appointment tomorrow? 3

Salim : Oh Sure, Thank you.

Receptionist: You are most welcome Sir.

102 | P a g e

Subject: English (Question paper is set for 120 marks with internal choices and the student is required to answer for 100 marks only) Max.Marks : 100

Subject Code:02 Time : 3 hours 15 minutes.

Main Sub Name of the Unit Objectives Total
Knowledge Comprehension Expression Appreciation
Qn. No. Qs. Marks

Marks 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 The Gentlemen of … 1+4 1 1 05
1 2 The School Boy 1+4 1 1 05
I To 3. Around a medi… 1+4+6 1 1 1 11
12 4. OruManushyan 1+4 1 1 05
On Course Book

5. Money Madness 1+4 1 1 05

6 Babar Ali 1+4 1 1 05
13 7 If I was a Tree 1+4 1 1 05
II To 8. Watchman of…. 1+4 1 1 05
9. The Farmer’s Wife 4 1 04
10 Fredrick Douglass 1+4 1 1 05
11 An Old Woman 1 1 01
III 23
12. Two Gentlemen… 1+6 1 1 07
13. Do not Ask of Me.. 1+6 1 1 07
IV 24 to 33 Passage 10 5 5 10
A. 34 Articles & Prepositions 4 4 04
B. 35 Tense 4 4 04
C. 36 Subject – Verb agreement 3 3 03
D. 37 & 38 Correction of Errors 2 2 02
E. 39 Homophone 1 1 01
On Work Book

V 40 Changing Word Class 1 1 01

41 Jumbled Segments 1 1 01
42 to 44 Question Forms 3 3 03
A. 45 Reference Skill 4 4 04
B. 46 Letter Writing 5 1 05
Expressions & language 5
A. 47 5 05
B. 48 Complete Dialogue 4 4 04
C. 49 Dialogue writing 3 1 03
27 4 23 16 4 3 20 5 6 12 120
31 39 38 12 120

103 | P a g e
Model Question Paper - 3
Time: 3 Hrs. 15 Min. Max Marks : 100
a. Follow the prescribed limit while answering the questions.
b. Write the correct question number as it appears on the question paper.
c. One mark questions attempted more than once will be awarded zero.
d. For multiple choice questions choose the correct answer and rewrite it.

I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each: 12 X 1 = 12

1. Who was appointed the chairperson of the Commission of Enquiry in ‘The Gentlemen of the
2. In ‘The School Boy’, ‘learning’s bower’ refers to __________ .
a)Tree b)Teacher c)School
3. What surprised the white man when he removed the bandage on Mara’s hand?
4. What did the narrator call the man who paid the bill in the restaurant ‘Oru Manushyan’?
5. What should the people regain about money in “Money Madness”?
6. Which state government has recognized Babar Ali’s school ‘Anand Shiksha Niketan’?
7. The tree wants to become a bier for a __________body in ‘If I was a Tree’. (Fill in the blank)
8. What did Mara offer to do in order to save the lake?
9. How old was Frederick Douglass when his mother died?
10. The old woman sticks to the speaker like a _______.(Fill in the blank)
11. What did Nicola and Jacopo join during the rule of the German Elite Guards in Verona?
12. The speaker says ‘Do not ask of me, my love, that love I once had for you’ because__________ .
a) his beloved is not as beautiful as she was
b) he has realized that there are other sorrows around him demanding his attention
c) he has found a more beautiful lady love

II. Answer any eight of the following in a paragraph of 80-100 words each: 8 X 4=32

13.Why did the man finally set the newly built bigger hut on fire, in ‘The Gentlemen of the Jungle’?
14. Bring out the contrast between the boy’s experience inside and outside the school in
‘The School Boy’.

104 | P a g e
15. How did Mara and the narrator think differently about tying the medicinal creeper to the tree
in’“Around a Medicinal Creeper’?
16. Describe the embarrassing experience of the narrator in the restaurant in ‘Oru Manushyan’?
17. Why does the poet fear the cruel power of money in the people in ‘Money Madness’?
18. What motivated Babar Ali to start his own school?
19. How does the poem ‘If I was a Tree’ illustrate the caste system as one of the basic problems in
our society?
20. Why was the shrine dedicated to Mara by the king in ‘Watchman of the Lake’?
21. How does the farmer’s wife embrace life with dignity?
22. What does Frederick Douglass tell about his mother in ‘Frederick Douglass’?

III. Answer any one of the following in about 200 words:1 X 6 = 6

23. India’s native medicinal systems are on the verge of extinction because of the superstitious beliefs of
the native doctors’. Examine this with reference to ‘Around a Medicinal Creeper’.
The speaker of the poem ‘Do not Ask of Me, My Love’ becomes more realistic when the harsh
realities of life draw his attention. Elaborate.
‘True Gentlemen are made of character, not by their appearance’. Explain with reference to
‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’.

IV. Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it: 10 X 1 = 10

One of the greatest runners of this century, Murray Halberg, winner of the 5000 metre race at the Rome
Olympic Games in 1960, was almost killed in an accident while playing football. He was only16 then. His
left arm was so badly damaged that the arm remained paralysed for the rest of his life.

Halberg was born in New Zealand. After his accident, he gave up football and he took to athletics. In
1951 Arthur Lydiard became his coach. In 1956, Olympics were to be held in Melbourne in Australia and
Halberg prepared seriously for the 1500 metre race. But he finished eleventh out of 12 runners. He was
completely disappointed. In the end, he decided that he would make another attempt. Now 23, Halberg
changed himself from a human being into a running machine.

1960 came and Lydiard took him to Rome for the Olympics. Halberg was now 27, the age of which
Lydiard had said he would reach his peak as a runner. He reached the final of the 5000 metre race
without much effort. As the final began, all the runners were ready. The 60,000 people in the stadium

105 | P a g e
never took notice of him, he was far behind them. Eight laps later, he began to overtake the other
runners one by one. There were three laps for the end of the race, but Halberg was sprinting with
unbelievable strength. The people wondered, “doesn’t he know how many laps are left?” With two laps
left, Halberg had a clear 18 metre lead. One lap to go with Halberg still in the lead. But he was clearly
becoming weak. His head was rolling from side to side and his teeth were bared in pain. Hans Grodotski,
a German was catching up Halberg. Now Halberg was not fighting the others, but only against himself.
His body was crying out for rest. His body said that Grodotski or anyone else, could have the race. But
his mind did not allow the body to win.

He would now see the white tape at the finishing line. Halberg prepared himself for the last effort, in
case Grodotski overtook him. But Grodotski never did. Halberg fell into the tape and rolled to the
ground. Halberg’s friends gathered around the fallen body. Their minds were full of anxiety. But there
was that faint smile on his face.

Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence:

24. Who won the 5000 metre race in the Olympic Games in 1960?
25. Halberg’s arm was injured in _____________.
a) a car accident
b) a football game
c) the 5000m race
26. Which country did Halberg belong to?
27. Who was Halberg’s coach?
28. How old was Halberg when he went to the 1960 Olympics?
29. In which lap of the race did Halberg establish a clear lead?
30. Who was catching up with Halberg?
31. Halberg’s ________ did not allow his body to win. (Fill in the blank.)
32.Add prefix to the word ‘complete’ to make its antonym.
33. Halberg was sprinting with unbelievable ________ . (strong / strength)

V.A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions given in brackets: 1X4=4
34.Mara noticed_____ man fishing in the lake. He told________man that it was a sacred place and
no one was allowed to fish there. He warned him that if he saw him again ____the rod and hook, he
would push him______the water.
(the, with, into, for , a)

106 | P a g e
B. Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of the verbs given in the brackets: 1X4=4
35. The elephant got busy with other ministers to appoint the Commission of Enquiry. They_____
(choose) Mr.Fox as the chairman. But the commission_____(has) no one from the man’s side. So,
the man_____(protest) and____(ask) to include one from his side.

C. Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject: 1X3=3
36. The nurse said, “Nicola and Jacopo _____(brings/bring) their sister to this hospital. For the last
twelve months, she______ (has been/have been) our patient. There______(are /is) every hope that
one day she will walk and sing”.

D. Correct the following sentences and rewrite them: 2X1=2

37. Ganesh waited at the bus stop since two hours.
38. Raju and Ravi shared the work among them.

E. Rewrite as directed: 6X1=6

39. Krishna dug out the tuberous______(route/root) of the medicinal creeper.
(Fill in the blank with the appropriate word given in brackets.)

40. The lion didn’t want any_________(disturb) in his kingdom.

(Complete the sentence with the right form of the word given in brackets.)

41. to teach/ Baber Ali started / poor children/his school

(Rearrange the segments to form a meaningful sentence.)

42. The two boys didn’t expect any help from others,________?(Add a question tag.)

43. The owner asked the narrator to take off his coat.
(Change into a question beginning with the right form of ‘do’.)

44. Hanuman found Sanjeevini on the crest of the mountain.

(Frame a question so as to get the underlined word as the answer.)

107 | P a g e
VI.A.Refer to the following invitation and answer the questions set on it:1 X 4 = 4

‘Academy of Bharatanatyam’ cordially invites you to
Bharatanatyam Rangapravesha
Kumari Aishwarya,
Disciple of Smt. Geeta Chandran.
Chief guest: Smt.Umashree, Minister of Culture.
Date : 21st December 2017 , 6:00 pm.
Venue : Ravindra Kalakshetra , Bengaluru.
Kindly join us for dinner after the programme.

45. i) What is the name of the programme?

ii) Who is making her Rangapravesha?
iii) Who is the chief guest of the programme?
iv) Name the venue of the programme.

B. 46. Write a letter to The Manager, Sharada Book House, Gandhinagar, Bengaluru, requesting him
to send some text books to you. Your letter should include the following points. 1X5=5
 The course you are studying.
 Name of the text books.
 Number of copies.
 Address to be sent.

108 | P a g e
VII. A. 47. Match the expression under column A to its corresponding language function under B:
Expressions Functions

1. It’s very kind of you. Congratulating.

2. Wow! Looking attractive. Agreeing.
3. That’s great! Keep it up. Complaining.
4. Yes, That’s a good idea. Expressing Gratitude
5. Sorry, you are disturbing me. Complimenting.

B. 48. Complete the dialogue: 1X4=4

Ramya :Hai, when are your exams?

Sneha : Hello,I have my exams_________.
Ramya : Fine,_____________ for the exams?
Sneha : ____________, See you after the exams.
Ramya : _____________ , Bye.

C.49. Dialogue writing: 1X3=3

Anand has met the Principal of the college in which his son is studying and enquiring about his
performance. Write a dialogue between Anand and the Principal.

109 | P a g e
Model Question Paper-03

Key Answers

Qn No. Expected Answer Marks

I 1 Mr. Leopard 1
2 c) School 1
3 There was no wound. 1
4 Mercy 1
5 Sanity 1
6 West Bengal State Government 1
7 Sinless body 1
8 To cut off his head / To kill him 1
9 7 Years old 1
10 Burr 1
11 The Resistance Movement 1
12 b) he has realized that there are other sorrows around him demanding his 1
II 13 The Commission of Enquiry -- judgment in favor of Mr.Elephant -- man built 4
another hut – occupied by Mr.Rhinoceros – judgment in favor of
Mr.Rhinoceros – repeated until all the animals occupied man’s huts – man
decided to adopt an effective method – you can fool people for a time, but
not forever – built bigger and better hut – all the animals occupied the
bigger hut – started to quarrel – man set the hut on fire – burnt all the
animals – peace is costly, but it’s worth the expense.

14 The School boy – loves to rise – summer morning – sweet company – birds 4
singing, wind blowing – enjoys natural joys – going to school – drives all joy –
cruel eye outworn – sighing and dismay – drooping – anxious hours – bird –
cage and singing – buds nipped , blossoms blown away, tender plants
stripped – how can the summer’s fruit appear – arguing against the ill-
treatment of the children in the school.

15 Sanna brought – some creepers – Mara found medicinal creeper – asked to 4

show – called it thief – tied it to a tree – said about the curse of the sage –
not available when needed – lying there only – narrator thought differently
– not seen for most of the year – tied to tree so that it can be identified

16 Narrator – noon meal – had 14 Rs in his wallet – entered crowded restaurant 4

– ate full meal – bill was 11 annas – sweating profusely – wallet missing –

110 | P a g e
owner not willing to believe – caught by his lapels – gouge his eyes out –
asked to undress – narrator not ready to take off his trousers – nothing
underneath – forced him – narrator got ready to take off his trousers –
stranger came – paid the bill – saved him – called him Mercy.

17 Money – vast collective madness – powerful than anything else in the 4

society – every individual carries insanity – pang and tremor – money makes
us to quail – fearful – cruel power among men – no money – eat dirt and go
cold – wrong – bread, shelter , fire – free – to all men to maintain sanity.

18 Babar Ali – fortunate son in the village – father sends him to school – 4
observed his friends deprived of education – boys working as mechanics,
day labourers, grass cutters etc – girls as maid servants – wants to change –
make this world a better place – decides to give education to
underprivileged – starts his afternoon school – backyard of his house –
nearly 800 students are getting education.

19 The Speaker wants to be a tree – against social discrimination – no casteism 4

in nature – birds do not ask for the caste – sun will embrace the tree without
asking the caste – no discrimination – breeze and rain drops do not ask caste
– sacred cow – scratches its body on the bark – why in the human beings –
nature has shown a way of living – argues for a casteless society.

20 Mara’s dream – construction of a lake – fulfilled – watchman of the lake – 4

looked after it – stormy night – Veda thundering down – waves to a man’s
height – lake was to smash its bounds – Goddess appeared – Mara’s pray of
no use – requested her to permit him to go to the king – until he returns not
to destruct the lake – Goddess agreed – requested the king to cut off his
head – saved the lake – shrine constructed in his name by the king.

21 The farmer’s wife questions her husband’s death and debt – farmer – 4
virtuous – found relief with poison – poisoned others existence – sinner
remained before creditors – born with bent head – the cotton crop failed –
what about the family crops – debts remained – who would take care of the
harvest of her womb – decided to teach her children to clench a fist –
embrace life not death – embrace life and struggle for life.

22 Frederick Douglass – separated from his mother before twelfth month – 4

before knowing his mother – mother hired far off place – child placed in care
of an old woman – hinder development of child’s affection towards its
mother – four or five times seen his mother – at nights only – death of his

111 | P a g e
mother – seven years old – not allowed to be present during her illness, at
her death and burial – didn’t depress him – no emotion – death of a

III 23 India’s native medicinal systems – purely herbal – forests full of medicinal 6
plants and herbs – now-a-days forest disappearing – people who knows
about these are leaving us – one disappears other becomes useless –
nobody ready to share their knowledge – people like Mara only tell stories –
to what extent they are true – nobody knows – no scientist is interested in
research of these medicines – Malayali sadhu shared his knowledge only
when he was too old – otherwise he himself had gone to the forest – native
doctors believe that if they tell others about their medicine , they will lose
their potency – because of these beliefs India’s native medicinal systems are
on the verge of extinction.
The speaker deeply loves his beloved – her sorrows more than any pains –
her beauty gave everlasting youth – her eyes everything – when she was
with him – the world was his – realised – it was an illusion – there are other
sorrows and pleasures in the world than love – concerned to the society –
people struggling under cruel authorities – bodies bathed in blood –
smeared with dust – bodies risen from the cauldron of disease – pus –
festering sores – cannot devote to his beloved – helpless – all the harsh
realities drawing his attention – from a lover transformed into a humane –
his love for the beloved transformed into love for mankind.
Nicola and Jacopo – never wanted others to know about their sufferings --
never expected sympathy from others – matured enough to face all the
challenges – war might have destroyed their home , but not their heart –
their courage , dignity , selfless action brought nobility to human life – thus
called two gentlemen of Verona.
IV 24 Murray Halberg 1
25 b) football game 1
26 New Zealand 1
27 Arthur Lydiard 1
28 27 years old 1
29 With two laps left 1
30 Hans Grodotski 1
31 Mind 1
32 incomplete 1
33 strength 1
V. A 34 a, the, with, into 1X4=4

112 | P a g e
B 35 chose, had, protested, asked 1X4=4
C 36 bring, has been, is 1X3=3
D 37 Ganesh waited at the bus stop for two hours. 1
38 Raju and Ravi shared the work between them. 1
E 39 Krishna dug out the tuberous root of the medicinal creeper. 1
40 The lion didn’t want any disturbance in his kingdom. 1

41 Baber Ali started his school to teach poor children. 1

42 The two boys didn’t expect any help from others, did they? 1
43 Did the owner ask the narrator to take off his coat? 1
44 What did Hanuman find on the crest of the mountain? 1
VI. A 45 i) Nrithyankura 1X4=4
ii) Kumari Aishwarya
iii) Smt. Umashree
Iv) Ravindra Kalakshetra, Bengaluru
46 Format 2marks 5
Content 3marks
(No marks to be awarded for mere format.)

VII. 47 1. It’s very kind of you. Expressing Gratitude 1X5=5

2. Wow! Looking attractive. Complimenting
3. That’s great! Keep it up. Congratulating
4. Yes, That’s a good idea. Agreeing
5. Sorry, you are disturbing me. Complaining
B 48 Ramya: Hai, when are your exams? 1X4=4
Sneha : Hello, I have my exams in the next month.
Ramya: Fine, How are you preparing for the exams?
Sneha : I am preparing well, See you after the exams.
Ramya: All the best for your exams, Bye.
(Any suitable dialogue can be accepted.)
C 49 Anand : Good morning, sir.
Principal: Good morning. What can I do for you?
Anand : My son Raju is studying in first PUC . I want to know

113 | P a g e
about his performance. 3
Principal : Raju is doing very well in his studies. I am proud of him.
Anand : Thank you very much for your information, Sir.
Principal : You are welcome.
(Any suitable conversation can be accepted.)

114 | P a g e


Department of Pre-university Education 1

Chapter Topic

















Department of Pre-university Education 2




1. Is the collection of all the months of a year beginning with the letter J a set? Justify your answer. (U)

2. Is the collection of ten most talented writers of India a set? Justify your answer. (U)

3. Is the collection of all boys in your class a set? Justify your answer. (U)

4. Is the collection of all natural numbers less than 100 a set? Justify your answer. (U)

5. Is the collection of all even integers a set? Justify your answer. (U)

6. Is the collection of all most dangerous animals of the world a set? Justify your answer. (U)

7. Is the following pairs of sets are equal?Justify your answer.

A = { : ∈ ℤ, ≤ 4} and B ={ : ∈ ℝ − 3 + 2 = 0}. (U)

8. State whether the set of lines which are parallel to the x-axis is finite or infinite. (U)

9. State whether A = B or not, where A = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10} and B = { : ≤ 10}.


10. Are the sets {1, 2, 3, 4}and { : 4≤ ≤ 6} disjoint? (U)

11. State whether the following statement is true or false. Justify your answer.
{ , , , }and{ , , , } are disjoint sets. (U)

12. Write the set { : < 40} in roster form. (U)

13. Write the set A = {1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ∙ ∙ ∙} in the set-builder form. (U)

14. Write the set , , , , , in the set-builder form. (U)

15. Write the set { : + 1 = 1} in roster form. (U)

16. Write the set { : 18 } in roster form. (U)

17. Write the set{ : − 9 = 0} in roster form. (U)

18. Write the set{ : −3< < 7} in roster form. (U)

19. Write the set{ : ℎ 6} in roster form. (U)

20. Write the set{ : ℎ ℎ ℎ 8} in roster form.


21. Write the set { : ℎ ℎ 60} in roster form. (U)

Department of Pre-university Education 3

22. Write the set of all letters in the word TRIGONOMETRY in roster form. (U)

23. Write the set of all letters of the word BETTER in roster form. (U)

24. Write the set{3, 6, 9, 12} in the set-builder form. (U)

25. Write the set{2, 4, 8, 16, 32} in the set-builder form. (U)

26. Write the set{5, 25, 125, 625} in the set-builder form. (U)

27. Write the set {2, 4, 6, ∙ ∙ ∙} in the set-builder form. (U)

28. Write the set{1, 4, 9, ∙ ∙ ∙, 100} in the set-builder form. (U)

29. Write the set ={ : } in roster form. (U)

30. Write the set A = : ,− < < in roster form. (U)

31. Write the set A = { : , ≤ 4 } in roster form. (U)

32. Write the set A = { : ℎ } in roster form. (U)

33. Write the set A = { : ℎ ℎ 31 } in roster form. (U)

34. Write the set A = { : ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ } in roster form. (U)

35. Write the set A = { : 6} in roster form. (U)

36. Write the set A = { : ℎ 10} in roster form. (U)

37. Write the set A = { : 6} in roster form. (U)

38. Write the set A = { : ℎ }in roster form. (U)

39. Define an empty set. (K)

40. Define a finite set. (K)

41. Define equal sets. (K)

42. Define a subset of a set. (K)

43. Define power set of a set. (K)

44. Write down all the subsets of the set { }. (U)

45. Write down all the subsets of the set { , } . (U)

46. Write down all the subsets of the set ∅. (U)

47. How many elements has P(A), if A = ∅ ? (U)

48. Write the set { : ∈ , −4 < ≤ 6 } as an interval. (U)

49. Write the set { : ∈ , −12 < < −10} as an interval. (U)

Department of Pre-university Education 4

50. Write the set{ : ∈ ,0 ≤ < 7} as an interval. (U)

51. Write the set{ : ∈ ,3 ≤ ≤ 4} as an interval. (U)

52. Write the interval (-3, 0) in the set-builder form. (U)

53. Write the interval [6, 12] in the set-builder form. (U)

54. Write the interval(6, 12] in the set-builder form. (U)

55. Write the interval [−23, 5) in the set-builder form. (U)

56. Define union of two sets. (K)

57. Let A = {2, 4, 6, 8} and B = {6, 8, 10, 12}. Find AUB. (U)

58. Let A = { , , , } and B = { , , }. Find AUB. (U)

59. Let X = { , , } be the set of students of class XI, who are in school hockey team. Let Y =
{ , , ℎ } be the set of students from class XI who are in the school football team. Find XUY. (A)

60. Define intersection of two sets. (K)

61. Let A = {2, 4, 6, 8} and B ={6, 8, 10, 12}. Find A∩B. (U)

62. Let X = { , , } be the set of students of class XI, who are in school hockey team. Let Y =
{ , , ℎ } be the set of students from class XI who are in the school football team. Find X∩Y. (A)

63. If A = { : } and B = { : } , find ∩ . (U)

64. If A = { : } and B = { : } , find ∩ . (U)

65. If A = { : } and B = { : } , find ∩ . (U)

66. If A = { : } and B = { : }, find ∩ . (U)

67. If A = { : } and B = { : } , find ∩ . (U)

68. If A = { : } and B = { : }, find ∩ . (U)

69. Find the union of the sets A = { : 3} and

B={ : ℎ 6}. (U)

70. Find the union of the sets A = { : 1< ≤ 6} and

B={ : 6< < 10}. (U)

71. Find the intersection of the sets A = { : 3} and

B={ : ℎ 6}. (U)

72. Find the intersection of the sets A = { : 1< ≤ 6} and

B={ : 6< < 10}. (U)

Department of Pre-university Education 5

73. Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} and B = {2, 3, 5}. Find A∩B. (U)

74. Find the union of the sets X = {1, 3, 5} and Y = {1, 2, 3}. (U)

75. Find the union of the sets A = { , , , } and B = { , , }. (U)

76. Find the union of the sets A = {1, 2, 3} and B = ∅. (U)

77. If A and B are two sets such that A⊂B, then what is AUB? (U)

78. If A = {1, 2, 3, 4}, B = {3, 4, 5, 6} and C = {5, 6, 7, 8}, find AUBUC. (U)

79. If A = {1, 2, 3, 4}, B = {3, 4, 5, 6} and C ={7, 8, 9, 10} find AUBUC. (U)

80. Find the intersection of the sets X = {1, 3, 5} and Y = {1, 2, 3}. (U)

81. Find the intersection of the sets A = { , , , } and B = { , , }. (U)

82. Find the intersection of the sets A = {1, 2, 3} and B = ∅. (U)

83. If R is the set of real numbers and Q is the set of rational umbers, then what is R – Q? (U)

84. Define complement of a set. (K)

85. Let U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} and A = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}. Find A'. (U)

86. Let U be the universal set of all students of class XI of a coeducational school and A be the set of all girls in class
XI. Find A'. (A)

87. Let U = { , , , , , , , ℎ}, find the complement of the set A = { , , }. (U)

88. Let U = { , , , , , , , ℎ}, find the complement of the set A = { , , , }. (U)

89. Let U = { , , , , , , , ℎ}, find the complement of the set A = { , , , }. (U)

90. Let U = { , , , , , , , ℎ}, find the complement of the set A = { , , ℎ, }. (U)

91. Let U be the set of all triangles in a plane. If A is the set of all triangles with at least one angle different from 60o,
what is A'? (A)


1. Write down all the subsets of the set {1, 2, 3}. (U)

2. Write the solution set of the equation + − 20 = 0 in roster form. (U)

3. Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, B = {2, 4, 6, 8}. Find A – B and B – A. (U)

4. Let A = { , } , B = { , , }. Is A ⊂ B? What is AUB? (U)

5. If A = {3, 5, 7, 9, 11}, B = {7, 9, 11, 13} and C = {11, 13, 15}, find ∩ ( ∪ ). (U)

6. If A = {3, 5, 7, 9, 11}, B = {7, 9, 11, 13} and C = {15, 17}, find ∩ ( ∪ ). (U)

7. If A = {3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21} and B = {4, 8, 12, 16, 20}, find A – B and B – A. (U)

Department of Pre-university Education 6

8. If A = {3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21} and B = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16}, find A – B and B – A. (U)

9. If A = {3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21} and B = {5, 10, 15, 20}, find A – B and B – A. (U)

10. If A = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16} and B = {4, 8, 12, 16, 20}, find A – B and B – A. (U)

11. If A = {4, 8, 12, 16, 20} and B = {5, 10, 15, 20}, find A – B and B – A. (U)

12. If A = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16} and B = {5, 10, 15, 20}, find A – B and B – A. (U)

13. If X = { , , , } and Y = { , , , } find X – Y and Y – X. (U)

14. If X = { , , , } and Y = { , , , } find X – Y and X∩Y. (U)

15. Let U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9}, A = {1, 2, 3, 4} and B = {2, 4, 6, 8}, find ( ∪ ) . (U)

16. Let U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9}, A = {1, 2, 3, 4} and B = {3, 4, 5, 6}, find ( ∪ ) . (U)

17. Let U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9}, A = {1, 2, 3, 4} and B = {3, 4, 5, 6}, find ( − ) . (U)

18. If A = {3, 5, 7, 9, 11}, B = {7, 9, 11, 13}, C = {11, 13, 15} and D = {15, 17}, find ( ∩ ) ∪ ( ∪ ).(U)

19. If A = {3, 5, 7, 9, 11}, B = {7, 9, 11, 13}, C = {11, 13, 15} and D = {15, 17}, find ( ∪ ) ∩ ( ∪ ).(U)

20. Taking the set of natural numbers as the universal set, write the complements of the following sets:
i) { : }, ii) { : 3 }. (U)

21. Taking the set of natural numbers as the universal set, write the complements of the following sets:
i) { : } , ii) { : }. (U)

22. Taking the set of natural numbers as the universal set, write the complements of the following sets:
i) { : 3 5}, ii) { : }. (U)

23. Taking the set of natural numbers as the universal set, write the complement of the following sets:
i) { : }, ii) { : + 5 = 8}. (U)

24. Taking the set of natural numbers as the universal set, write the complement of the following sets:
i) { : 2 + 5 = 9}, ii) { : ≥ 7 }. (U)

25. Taking the set of natural numbers as the universal set, write the complement of the following sets:
i) { : ∈ 2 + 1 > 10 }, ii) { : ∈ ≥ 8} (U)

26. Draw the appropriate Venn diagram for ∩ . (U)

27. Draw the appropriate Venn diagram for (A ∩ B) . (U)

28. Draw the appropriate Venn diagram for A ∪ B . (U)

29. Draw the appropriate Venn Diagram for (A ∪ B) . (U)

30. If A and B are finite sets, then prove that ( ∪ ) = ( ) + ( ) − ( ∩ ). (S)

31. If X and Y are sets such that XUY has 50 elements, X has 28 elements and Y has 32 elements, how many elements
does X ∩Y have? (U)

Department of Pre-university Education 7

32. If X and Y are sets such that n(X) = 17, n(Y) = 23 and n(XUY) = 38, find n(X∩Y). (U)

33. If X and Y are sets such that XUY has 18 elements, X has 8 elements and Y has 15 elements, how many elements
does X∩Y have? (U)

34. If S and T are two sets such that S has 21 elements, T has 32 elements and S∩T has 11 elements, how many
elements does S ∪ T have? (U)

35. If X and Y are sets such that X has 40 elements, XUY has 60 elements and X∩Y has 10 elements, how many
elements does Y have? (U)

36. In a school there are 20 teachers who teach mathematics or physics. Of these, 12 teach mathematics

and 4 teach physics and mathematics. How many teach physics? (U)

37. In a class of 35 students, 24 like to play cricket and 16 like to play football. Also, each student likes to

play at least one of the two games. How many students like to play both cricket and football? (U)

38. There are 200 individuals with skin disorder, 120 had been exposed to the chemical C , 50 to chemical C

and 30 to both the chemicals C and C . Find the number of individuals exposed to chemical C but not

chemical C . (A)

39. There are 200 individuals with skin disorder, 120 had been exposed to the chemical C , 50 to chemical C

and 30 to both the chemicals C and C . Find the number of individuals exposed to chemical C but not

chemical C . (A)

40. There are 200 individuals with skin disorder, 120 had been exposed to the chemical C , 50 to chemical

C and 30 to both the chemicals C and C . Find the number of individuals exposed to chemical C or

chemical C . (A)

41. In a group of 400 people, 250 can speak Hindi and 200 can speak English also each person can speak at

least one of the languages. How many people can speak both Hindi and English? (U)

42. In a group of 70 people, 37 like coffee, 52 like tea and each person likes at least one of the two drinks.

How many people like both coffee and tea? (U)

43. In a committee, 50 people speak French, 20 speak Spanish and 10 speak both Spanish and French. How many
speak at least one of these two languages? (U)

44. Show that the set of letters to spell “CATARACT” and the set of letters to spell “TRACT” are equal. (U)

45. List all the subsets of the set {−1, 0, 1}. (U)

46. Show that AUB = ∩ implies A = B. (S)

47. Determine whether the following statement is true or false. If it is true, prove it. If it is false, give an example to
prove that it is false.“If ∈ and ∈ , then ∈ ” (S)

Department of Pre-university Education 8

48. Determine whether the following statement is true or false. If it is true, prove it. If it is false, give an example to
prove that it is false.
“If ⊂ and ∈ , then ∈ " (S)

49. Determine whether the following statement is true or false. If it is true, prove it. If it is false, give an example to
prove that it is false.
“If ⊂ and ⊂ , then ⊂ " (S)

50. Determine whether the following statement is true or false. If it is true, prove it. If it is false, give an example to
prove that it is false.
“If ⊄ and ⊄ , then ⊄ " (S)

51. Determine whether the following statement is true or false. If it is true, prove it. If it is false, give an example to
prove that it is false.
“If ∈ and ⊄ , then ∈ " (S)

52. Determine whether the following statement is true or false. If it is true, prove it. If it is false, give an example to
prove that it is false.
“If ⊂ and ∉ , then ∉ " (S)

53. Using properties of sets, Show that ∪( ∩ )= . (S)

54. Using properties of sets, Show that ∩( ∪ )= . (S)

55. Show that ∩ = ∩ need not imply B = C. (S)


1. Let U ={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, = {2, 3} and B = {3, 4, 5}. Show that (A ∪ B) = ∩ . (U)

2. Let U ={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, = {2, 4, 6, 8} and B = {2, 3, 5, 7}. Show that (A ∪ B) = ∩ .(U)

3. Let U ={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, = {2, 4, 6, 8} and B = {2, 3, 5, 7}. Show that (A ∩ B) = ∪ .(U)

4. If A, B and C are finite sets, then prove that ( ∪ ∪ ) = ( )+ ( )+ ( )− ( ∩ )− ( ∩ )−

( ∩ ) + ( ∩ ∩ ). (S)

5. In a survey of 400 students in a school, 100 were listed as taking apple juice, 150 as taking orange juice and 75
were listed as taking both apple as well as orange juice. Find how many students were taking neither apple juice
nor orange juice. (A)
6. In a group of 65 people, 40 like cricket, 10 like both cricket and tennis also each person likes at least one of the
games. How many like tennis only and not cricket? How many like tennis? (A)

7. For any two sets A and B, show that P(A∩B) = P(A)∩P(B). (S)

8. A market research group conducted a survey of 1000 consumers and reported that 720 consumers like product A
and 450 consumers like product B, what is the least number that must have liked both products? (A)

9. Out of 500 car owners investigated, 400 owned car A and 200 owned car B, 50 owned both A and B cars. Is this
data correct? (A)

Department of Pre-university Education 9

10. A college awarded 38 medals in football, 15 in basketball and 20 in cricket. If these medals went to a total of 58
men and only three men got medals in all the three sports, how many received medals in exactly two of the three
sports? (A)

11. Let A, B and C be the sets such that ∪ = ∪ and ∩ = ∩ . Show that = . (S)

12. Show that the conditions ⊂ and − = ∅ are equivalent. (S)

13. Show that the conditions ⊂ and ∪ = are equivalent. (S)

14. Show that the conditions ⊂ and ∩ = are equivalent. (S)

15. Show that if ⊂ , then ( − ) ⊂ ( − ). (S)

16. Assume that P(A) = P(B). Show that A = B. (S)

17. Is it true that for any two sets A and B, P(A) U P(B) = P(AUB)? Justify your answer. (S)

18. Show that for any two sets A and B, =( ∩ )∪( − ) (S)

19. Show that for any two sets A and B, ∪( − ) = ∪ . (S)

20. Let A and B be sets. If ∩ = ∩ = ∅ and ∪ = ∪ for sum set X, show that A = B. (S)

21. Find sets A, B and C such that ∩ , ∩ and ∩ are non empty sets and ∩ ∩ = ∅. (S)

22. In a survey of 600 students in a school, 150 students were found to be taking tea and 225 taking coffee,

100 were taking both tea and coffee. Find how many students taking neither tea nor coffee? (A)

23. In a group of students, 100 students know Hindi, 50 know English and 25 know both. Each of the students

knows either Hindi or English. How many students are there in the group? (A)

24. In a survey of 60 people, it was found that 25 people read newspaper H, 26 read newspaper T, 26 read
newspaper I, 9 read both H and I, 11 read both H and T, 8 read both T and I, 3 read all three newspapers. Find
number of people who read at least one of the newspapers. (A)

25. In a survey of 60 people, it was found that 25 people read newspaper H, 26 read newspaper T, 26 read
newspaper I, 9 read both H and I, 11 read both H and T, 8 read both T and I, 3 read all three newspapers. Find
number of people who read exactly one newspaper. (A)

26. In a survey it was found that 21 people liked product A, 26 liked product B and 29 liked product C. If 14 people
liked products A and B, 12 people liked products C and A, 14 people liked products B and C and 8 liked all the three
products. Find how many liked product C only. (A)


Department of Pre-university Education 10




1. Define Cartesian product of two nonempty sets. (K)

2. If the set A has 3 elements and the set B = {3, 4, 5}, then find the number of elements in ( × ).(U)

3. Define a relation. (K)

4. Define domain of a relation. (K)

5. Define range of a relation. (K)

6. A = {1, 2, 3, 5} and B = {4, 6, 9}. Define a relation R from A to B by

R = {( , ): ℎ ; ∈ , ∈ }. Write R in roster form. (U)

7. Define a function. (K)

8. The function ‘ ’ which maps temperature indegree Celsius into temperature in degree Fahrenheit is defined by
( )= + 32. Find the value of C, when ( ) = 212. (A)

9. Find the range of the function ( ) = 2 − 3 , ∈ ℝ, > 0. (U)

10. Find the range of the function ( ) = + 2, is a real number. (U)

11. Find the range of the function ( ) = , is a real number. (U)

12. Find the domain of the function ( ) = (U)

13. If (x + 1, y -2) = (3, 1), find the values of x and y. (U)

14. If P = { , } and Q = { , } , form the set P×Q. (U)

15. Find the domain of the function ( ) = (U)


1. If A = {1, 2, 3}, B ={3, 4} and C = {4, 5, 6}. Find × ( ∩ ). (U)

2. If A = {1, 2, 3}, B ={3, 4} and C = {4, 5, 6}. Find ( × ) ∩ ( × ). (U)

3. If A = {1, 2, 3}, B ={3, 4} and C = {4, 5, 6}. Find × ( ∪ ). (U)

4. If A = {1, 2, 3}, B ={3, 4} and C = {4, 5, 6}. Find ( × ) ∪ ( × ). (U)

5. If P = {1, 2}, form the set P × P × P. (U)

6. If × = {( , ), ( , ), ( , ), ( , )}, find A and B. (U)

7. If + 1, − = , , find the values of x and y. (U)

Department of Pre-university Education 11

8. If = {7, 8} and = {5, 4, 2}, find × and × . (U)

9. If A = {−1, 1}, find × × . (U)

10. If A×B = {( , ), ( , ), ( , ), ( , )}. Find A and B. (U)

11. Let A = {1, 2, 3 ,4, 5, 6}. Define a relation R from A to A by R = {( , ): = + 1}. Write down the

domain and range of R. (U)

12. Let A = {1, 2} and B = {3, 4}. Find the number of relations from A to B. (S)

13. Write the relation R = {( , ): ℎ 10} . (U)

14. Let A = { , , } and B = {1, 2}. Find the number of relations from A to B. (S)

15. State whether the relation R = {(2, 2), (2, 4), (3, 3), (4, 4)} is a function or not. Justify your answer. (U)

16. State whether the relation R = {(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7)} is a function or not. Justify your answer.

17. State whether the relation R = {(1, 3), (1, 5), (2, 5)} is a function or not. Justify your answer. (U)

18. Find the domain and range of the function ( ) = −| | (U)

19. Find the domain and range of the function ( ) = √9− (U)

20. Let ℝ be the set of real numbers. Define the real function : ℝ → ℝ by ( ) = + 10. Sketch the graph of this
function. (S)

21. Draw the graph of the function : ℝ → ℝ defiend by ( ) = + 5, where ℝ is the set of real numbers.(S)

, 0≤ ≤3
22. The relation is defined by ( ) =
3 , 3 ≤ ≤ 10

, 0≤ ≤2
The relation is defined by ( ) =
3 , 2 ≤ ≤ 10

Show that is a function and g is not a function. (U)

( . ) ( )
23. If ( ) = , find .

24. Find the domain and range of the function defined by ( ) = √ − 1 (U)

25. Find the domain and range of the function defined by ( ) = | − 1| (U)

26. Let = {(1,1), (2, 3), (0, −1), (−1, −3)} be a function from ℤ to ℤ defined by ( ) = + , for some integers
, . Determine , . (U)

Department of Pre-university Education 12

27. Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4}, B = {1, 5, 9, 11, 15, 16}and = {(1, 5), (2, 9), (3, 1), (4, 5), (2, 11)}. Are the following are

(i) is a relation from A to B (ii) is a function from A to B.

Justify your answer in each case. (U)

28. Let A = {9, 10, 11, 12, 13} and let : → ℕ be defined by ( ) = the highest prime factor of n.

Find the range of . (U)

29. Let A and B be two sets such that n(A) = 3 and n(B) = 2. If (x, 1), (y, 2), (z, 1) are in × , find A and B,

where x, y and z are distinct elements. (S)

30. Let = , : ∈ℝ ℝ ℝ. Determine the range of . (U)

31. Let be the subset of ℤ × ℤ defined by = {( , + ): , ∈ ℤ}. Is a function from ℤto ℤ? Justify your

answer. (U)


1. If P = { , , } and Q = { }, form the sets × and × . Are these two products equal? (U)

2. If A = {1, 2}, B = {1, 2, 3, 4} and C = {5, 6}. Verify that × ( ∩ ) = ( × ) ∩ ( × ). (U)

3. If A = {1, 2}, B = {1, 2, 3, 4}, C = {5, 6} and D = {5, 6, 7, 8}. Verify that × is a subset of × . (U)

4. Let A = {1, 2} and B = {3, 4}. Write × . How many subsets will × have? List them. (U)

5. The Cartesian product × has 9 elements among which are found (-1, 0) and (0, 1). Find the set A and the
remaining elements of × . (S)

6. Let A = {1, 2, ∙ ∙ ∙ , 14}. Define a relation R from A to A by R = {( , ): 3 − = 0, ℎ , ∈ }.

Write down its domain, codomain and range. (U)

7. Define a relation R on the set ℕ of natural numbers by

R = {( , ): = + 5, ℎ 4, , ∈ ℕ}. Depict this relationship using roster

form. Write down the domain and range. (U)

8. Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6}. Let R be the relation on A defined by R = {( , ): , ∈ , }.

Write R in roster form. Find the domain and range of R. (U)

9. Determine the domain and range of the relation R defined by R = ( , + 5): ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} .(U)

10. Let R be the relation on ℤ defined by R = {( , ): , ∈ ℤ, − } .Find the domain and

range of R. (U)

Department of Pre-university Education 13

11. Let ℕ be the set of natural numbers and the relation R be defined on ℕ such that R ={( , ): = 2 , , ∈ ℕ}.
What is the domain and range of R? Is this relation a function? (U)

12. Let ( ) = and ( ) = 2 + 1 be two real functions. Find ( + )( ), ( − )( ), ( )( ) and

( ). (U)

13. Let ( ) = √ and ( ) = be two real functions defined over the set of non-negative real numbers. Find
( + )( ), ( − )( ), ( )( ) and ( ). (U)

14. Is the relation R = {(2, 1), (5, 1), (8, 1), (11, 1), (14, 1), (17, 1)} a function?Give reason. If it is a function
determine its domain and range. (U)

15. Is the relation R = {(2, 1), (4, 2), (6, 3), (8, 4), (10, 5), (12, 6), (14, 7} a function? Give reason. If it is a function
determine its domain and range. (U)

16. A function is defined by ( ) = 2 − 5. Write down the values of (i) (0), (ii) (7), (iii) (3).(U)

17. The function ‘ ’ which maps temperature indegree Celsius into temperature in degree Fahrenheit is defined

by ( ) = + 32. Find (i) (0), (ii) (28), (iii) (−10). (A)

18. Let R be a relation from ℚ to ℚ defined by R = {( , ): , ∈ℚ − ∈ ℤ}. Show that

(i) ( , ) ∈ R for all ∈ℚ

(ii) ( , ) ∈ R implies that ( , ) ∈ R

(iii) ( , ) ∈ R and ( , ) ∈ R implies that ( , ) ∈ R (U)

19. Let = {(1, 1), (2, 3), (0, −1), (−1, −3)} be a linear function from ℤ ℤ . Find ( ). (A)

1− , <0
20. The function defined by ( ) = 1, =0
+ 1, >0

Draw the graph of ( ). (S)

21. Let , : ℝ → ℝ be defined, respectively by ( ) = + 1, ( ) = 2 − 3. Find + , − .(U)

22. Let R be a relation from ℕ to ℕ defined by R = {( , ): , ∈ℕ = }. Are the following true?

(i) ( , ) ∈ , ∈ℕ (ii) ( , ) ∈ , ( , )∈

(iii) ( , ) ∈ ( , )∈ ( , )∈ . (S)


1. Define Identity function. Draw the graph of it. Also write its domain and range. (S)

2. Define Signum function. Draw the graph of it. Also write its domain and range. (S)

3. Define Greatest integer function. Draw the graph of it. Also write its domain and range. (S)

Department of Pre-university Education 14

4. Define Constant function. If the function f: ℝ → ℝ is defined by f(x) = 3 for each x ∈ ℝ, draw the graph of it.

Also write its domain and range. (S)

5. Define Rational function. If the real valued functionf: ℝ − {0} → ℝ defined by f(x) = , draw the graph of it.

Also write its domain and range. (S)

6. Define polynomial function. . If the function f: ℝ → ℝ is defined by f(x) = x , draw the graph of it. Also write its

domain and range. (S)

7. Define Modulus function. Draw the graph of it. Also write its domain and range. (S)

8. Draw the graph of the function ( ) = . Write its domain and range. (S)


Department of Pre-university Education 15


Trigonometric Functions

One mark questions

1. Define radian measure of an angle. (K)

2. Define degree measure of an angle. (K)

3. Define an angle. (K)

4. Define trigonometric functions. (K)

5. Define principal solution of trigonometric functions. (K)

6. Define general solution of trigonometric functions. (K)

7. Write the general solution of the following functions:

(i) sinx  0 (U) (ii) cos x  0 (U) (iii) tanx=0 (U)

(iv) sinx  siny (U) (v) cos x  cos y (U) (vi) tanx  tan y (U)

 3 
(vii) sin2  0 (U) (viii) cos2 3  0 (U) (ix) tan    0 (U)
 4 

8. Write the domain and range of the following function

(i) sinx (U) (ii) cos x (U) (iii) tanx (U)

(iv) cesecx (U) (v) secx (U) (vi) cot x (U)

9. Convert the following in to degrees.

  
(i) (U) (ii) (U) (iii) (U)
3 4 6

 3 5
(iv) (U) (v) (U) (vi) (U)
2 4 4

4 7 2
(vii) (U) (viii) (U) (ix) (U)
3 3 3

5 7 5
(x) (U) (xi) (U) (xii) (U)
6 4 3

(xiii)  U

10. Convert the following in to radians

(i) 450 (U) (ii) 600 (U) (iii) 300 (U)

Department of Pre-university Education 16

(iv) 900 (U) (v) 1350 (U) (vi) 1200 (U)

(vii) 1500 (U) (viii) 1800 (U) (ix) 210 0 (U)

(x) 2250 (U) (xi) 240 0 (U) (xii) 300 0 (U)

(xiii) 330 0 (U)

11. Find the value of cosec13050 (U)

12. If xcos2    2 , find x. (U)

13. If sin   and  is in the second quadrant find tan , cosec , sec  (U)

14. If x  asec 4 , y  a tan4  prove that x  y  a (A)

5 3
15. If tan   and     , find the values of sec  and cos ec (A)
13 2

Two marks questions

1. A wheel makes 360 revolutions in one minute. Through how many radians does it turn in one second. (U)

2. Find the degree measure of the angle subtended at the centre of a circle of radius 100 cm by an arc of length
22cm.(use   ). (U)

3. If in two circles, the arcs of the same length subtendangles 60 0 and 750 at the centre, find the ratio of their radii.

4. A minute hand of watch is 1.5cm long. How for does its tip moves in 40 minutes. (A)

5. Find the angle in radian through which a pendulum swings if its length 75cm and the tip describe an arc of length.

6. Convert 40 0201 into radian. (A)

7. Convert 6radians into degree. (U)

 31  19 15 

8. Find the value of  i sin   (U)  ii tan  
 (U)  iii cot    (U)
 3   3   4 

9. Find the values of the following:

 i sin7650 (A)  ii cosec  1410 0  (A)

 iii sin750 (U)  iv  cos1050 (U)  v  tan150 (U)

Department of Pre-university Education 17

10. Find the principle value of the following:

1 3
 i tanx  (K) ii sinx   (K)  iii sec x  2 (K)
3 2

3 1
 iv  sinx  (K)  v  cos x   (K)  vi cosecx  2 (K)
2 2

 vii cos x  (K)  viii tanx   3 (K)  ix  cotx   3 (K).

11. Prove that cos 4   sin4   cos2 . (A)

12. Prove that 2  2  2cos   2cos  . (S)

13. Prove the following:

i)sin 2x = 2 sin x cos x (U) ii) tan 2x = (U)

ii) cos 2x = cos x − sin x = 1 − 2sin x = 2cos x − 1 (U)

iii) sin 3x = 3 sin x − 4sin x (U) iv) cos 3x = 4cos x − 3 cos x (U)

v) tan 3x = (U)vi)sin 2 = (U)

vii) cos 2 = (U)

viii) cot( + ) = (U)ix) cot( + ) = (U)

Three marks questions.

1. Prove that for any real numbers x and y sinx  siny  x  n   1  y , n  Z

2. Prove that for any real numbers x and y cosx  cos y  x  2n  y , n  Z

3. If x and y are not odd multiple of , then tanx  tany  x  n  y , n Z
2 (U)

4. Find the general solution of the following:

 i cos4x  cos2x (U)  ii 2cos 2 x  3sinx  0 (U)

 iii sin2x  cosx  0 (U)  iv  sec2 2x  1  tan2x (U)

5. Prove the following:

 i cos 4x  1  8sin2 x cos 2 x (A)

Department of Pre-university Education 18

 9 3 5
 ii 2cos cos  cos  cos 0
13 13 13 13 (A)

 iii tan3x tan2x tanx  tan3x  tan2x  tanx (S)

  
 iv  cos   
 x   cos   x   2 cos x
 4   4  (U)

3  3
 v  cos  
 x   cos 

 x    2 sinx
 4   4  (A)

6. Prove the following:

sinx  sin3x sinx  siny  xy 

 i  tan2x (U)  ii  tan   (U)
cosx  cos3x cosx  cos y  2 

sin5x  sin3x cos7x  cos5x

 iii  tan4x (U)  iv   cot x (U)
cos5x  cos3x sin7x  sin5x

cos9x  cos5x sin2x

v  (U)
sin17x  sin3x cos10x

7. If A  B  , prove that  i 1  tanA 1  tanB   2 (A)  ii  cot A  1 cotB  1  2 (A)

3 2
8. Prove that cos 6   sin6   1  sin 2
4 (A)

9. Prove the following:

sinA  sin2A  sin3A

 i  tan2A (A)
cos A  cos2A  cos3A .

 ii sin  A  B  sin  A  B   sin2 A  sin2 B . (A)

 iii cos  A  B  cos  A  B   cos2 A  sin2 B . (A)

10. If  is acute , then prove that sin   cos   1 . (A)

Five marks questions

1. Prove the following:

 i sinx  sin3x  sin5x  sin7x  4cos xcos2xsin4x (A)

x 3x
 ii sin3x  sin2x  sinx  4sinx cos cos (A)
2 2

Department of Pre-university Education 19

sin5x  2sin3x  sinx
 iii  tanx (A)
cos 5x  cosx

sin9x  sin7x  sin5x  sin3x

 iv   tan6x (A)
cos9x  cos7x  cos 5x  cos3x

2. Solve the following:

 i cos3x  cos x  cos2x  0 (A)

 ii sinx  sin3x  sin5x  0 (A)

 iii  sin3x  sinx  sinx  cos3x  cos x  cosx  0 (A)

3. Prove the following:

 i sin20 0 sin40 0 sin600 sin80 0 
16 (A)

 ii cos20 0 cos 40 0 cos60 0 cos80 0 
16 (A)

 iii tan200 tan40 0 tan60 0 tan80 0  3 (A)

 iv  sin100 sin30 0 sin50 0 sin70 0 
16 (S)

sec8  1 tan8
4. Prove that 
sec 4  1 tan4 . (A)

cos8A cos 5A  cos12A cos9A

5. Prove that  tan4A
sin8A cos5A  cos12A sin9A . (A)

6. Prove the following:

2 2   
 i  cos   cos     sin   sin   4 cos 2   (S)
 2 

2 2   
 ii  cos   cos     sin   sin   4sin2   (S)
 2 

7. Prove the following:

A B C
 i sinA  sinB  sinC  4cos   cos   cos   (S)
 2 2 2
A B C
 ii cos A  cosB  cosC  1  4sin 
 sin   sin   (S)
 2  2 2
Department of Pre-university Education 20
 iii sin2 A  sin2 B  sin2 C  2  2cos A cosBcosC (S)

 iv  cos 2 A  cos2 B  cos2 C  1  2cos AcosBcosC (S)

x x x
8. Find sin ,cos and tan for the following
2 2 2

 i tanx   , Where x is in second quadrant (S)

 ii cosx   Where x is in fourth quadrant, (S)
3 ,

 iii sinx  Where x is in second quadrant, (S)

3 3
 iv  tanx  , x  S
4 2

9. Prove geometrically that: cos(x + y) = cos x cos y − sin x sin y and hence ind cos 75° (A)

10. tan 4x = (A)

11. cos 6x = 32cos x − 48cos x + 18cos x − 1 (A)


Department of Pre-university Education 21

5 Marks Questions
Type No-1
Q. Prove the following by using the principle of mathematical induction for all n  N

n( n  1)
1) 1  2  3  ...........  n  (U )
n (n  1)(2n  1)
2) 12  2 2  32  ...........  n 2  (U )
n (n  1)2
3) 13  23  33  ...........  n 3  (U )
2 2 2 2 n (2 n  1)(2n  1)
4) 1  3  5  ...........  (2 n  1)  ( A)
3  1
5) 1  3  32  ...........  3n 1  ( A)
n (n  1)(n  2)(n  3)
6) 1.2.3  2.3.4  ...........  n( n  1)(n  2)  (U )
n (n  1)( n  2)
7) 1.2  2.3  3.4  ...........  n.(n  1)  (U )
n(4n 2  6n  1)
8) 1.3  3.5  5.7  ...........  (2 n  1)(2n  1)  (S )
n 1
(2 n  1)3  3
9) 1.3  2.32  3.33  ........  n.3n  (S )
10) 1.2  2.2  3.2  ...........  n.2  ( n  1)2 n 1  2
2 3 n
( A)
a (r  1)
11) a  ar  ar 2  ......  ar n 1  .( r  1) ( A)
r 1
12) 12  2 2  32  ...........  n 2  ( A)

Type No-2
Q. Prove the following by using the principle of mathematical induction for all n  N

1 1 1 1 n
1)    ...........   (S )
1.2 2.3 3.4 n( n  1) n  1
1 1 1 1 n
2)    ...........   (S )
2.5 5.8 8.11 (3n  1)(3n  2) 6n  4
1 1 1 1 n(n  3)
3)    ...........   (S )
1.2.3 2.3.4 3.4.5 n(n  1)( n  2) 4( n  1)(n  2)
1 1 1 1 1
4)    ...........  n  1  n (S )
2 4 8 2 2

Department of Pre-university Education 22

1 1 1 2n
5) 1    ...........   (S )
1 2 1 2  3 1  2  3  ....  n n  1
1 1 1 1 n
6)    ...........   (S )
1.4 4.7 7.10 (3n  2)(3n  1) 3n  1
1 1 1 1 n
7)    ...........   (S )
3.5 5.7 7.9 (2 n  1)(2n  3) 3(2n  3)

Type No-3
Q. Prove the following by using the principle of mathematical induction for all n  N

1) 7 n  3n is divisible by 4. ( A)
n n
2) 2.7  3.5  5 is divisible by 24. ( A)
3) n( n  1)(n  5) is a multiple of 3. ( A)
2n 2n
5) x  y is divisible by x  y . (S )
2n 2
6) 3  8n  9 is divisible by 8. (S )
n n
7) 41  14 is multiple of 27. ( A)
n n n
8) Pr ove the rule of exp onents (ab)  ( a) (b) . ( A)
9)(2n  7)  (n  3) . ( A)


Department of Pre-university Education 23

Complex numbers and Quadratic Equations
1 Mark Questions
1. Define a complex number. (K)
2. Define Equality of two complex numbers. (K)
3. Define purely real and purely imaginary numbers. (K)
4. Define addition of two complex numbers. (K)
5. Define difference of two complex numbers. (K)
6. Define multiplication of two complex numbers. (K)
7. Define division of two complex numbers. (K)
8. Define modulus of a complex number. (K)
9. Define conjugate of a complex number. (K)
10. What is Polar form of a complex numbers? (K)

Q. Express the following in the form of a + ib

1   1 
1)( 5i)  i  (U ) 2) ( i )(2i )  i  (U )
8   8 
 3 
3) (5i)  i  (U ) 4) i9  i19 (U )
 5 
5) i (U ) 6)3(7  i7)  i(7  i 7) (U )
7)(1  i )  ( 1  i 6) (K ) 8) i (K )

2 Marks Questions

Q. Express the following in the form of a + ib

5  2i
1) (U ) 2) (5  3i)3 (U ) 3) (1  i)4 (U )
1  2i
3 3 25 3
1   1    1 
4)   3i  (U ) 5)  2  i  (U ) 6) i18     ( A)
 3   3    i  
(3  i 5)(3  i 5)
7) ( A) 8) (  3  2)(2 3  i ) (U )
( 3  2i)  ( 3  i 2)

Q. Find the multiplicative inverse of each of the following complex numbers

1). 2  3i (U )
2). 4  3i (U )
3). 5  3i (U )
4).  i (U )

1 i
5). ( A)
1 i

Department of Pre-university Education 24

2  3i
6). ( A)
3  4i

3 Marks Questions
Q. Find the modulus and argument (amplitude) of each of the following complex numbers and express in polar

1). 1  i 3 (U ) 2).  1  i 3 (U )
3).  3  i (U ) 4). 3 i (U )
5). 1  i (U ) 6).  1  i (U )
7).  1  i (U ) 8).  3 (U )
1 i
9). i (U ) 10). (U )
1 i 1
11). (U ) 12). (U )
1 i  
cos  i sin
3 3
1  7i 1  3i
13). (U ) 14). (U )
(2  i) 2 1  2i
1  2i 16
15). (U ) 16). (U )
1  3i 1 i 3

3 Marks Questions

1). If 4x + i(3x – y) = 3 + i(-6), where x and y are real numbers, then find the values of x and y (U)

2). Find the real numbers x and y if (x – iy)(3 + 5i) is the conjugate of -6 – 24i. (U)

1 i 
3). If    1 , then find the least positive integral value of m (S)
1 i 

a  ib 2 a 2  b2
4). If x  iy  , prove that  x 2  y 2   2 (U)
c  id c  d2

a  ib
5). If x  iy  , prove that x 2  y 2  1 (U)
a  ib

( x  i) 2 ( x 2  1) 2
6) If a  ib  2
, prove that a 2  b 2  (S)
2x  1 (2 x 2  1) 2

7) If (x + iy)3 = u + iv then show that u/x + v/y = 4(x2 – y2) (S)

3  2i sin 
8). Find real θ such that , is purely real (S)
1  2i sin 

(3  2i)(2  3i)
9) Find the conjugate of , (S)
(1  2i)(2  i )

Z1  Z 2  1
10) If Z1 = 2 – i, Z2 = 1 + i then find
Z1  Z 2  1

Department of Pre-university Education 25

ZZ   1 
11) Z1 = 2 – i, Z2 = -2 + i find i) Re  1 2  ii ) Im  
 Z 
 1   Z1 Z1  (S)

12) if (a + i b) (c + i d) (e + i f) (g + i h) = A + i B then

Show that (a2 + b2) (c2 + d2) (e2 + f 2 ) (g2 + h2) = A2 + B2 (U)

Quadratic Equations

2 Marks Questions

Q. Solve the following Equations

1). x2  2  0 (U ) 2). x 2  x  1  0 (U )
2 2
3). 5 x  x  5  0 (U ) 4). x  3  0 (U )
5). 2 x2  x  1  0 (U ) 6). x 2  3 x  9  0 (U )
2 2
7).  x  x  2  0 (U ) 8). x  3x  5  0 (U )
2 2
9). x  x  2  0 (U ) 10). 2 x  x  2  0 (U )
2 1
11). 3 x  2 x  3 3  0 (U ) 12). x2  x  0 (U )
x 20
13). x2  1  0 (U ) 14). 3x 2  4 x  0 (U )
2 3
15). x 2  2 x 0 (U ) 16). 27 x 2  10 x  1  0 (U )
17).21x  28 x  10  0 (U )


Department of Pre-university Education 26



Two marks Questions:

I 1) Solve 30 < 200 when

i) is a natural number, ii) is an integer. (k)

2) Solve 24 < 100, when

i) is a natural number. ii) is an integer. (k)

3) Solve−12 > 30, when

i) is a natural number. ii) is an integer. (k)

4) Solve 5 − 3 < 3 + 1 when

i) is an integer, ii) is a real number. (k)

5) Solve 5 − 3 < 7, when

i) is an integer. ii) is a real number. (k)

6) Solve 3 + 8 > 2, when

i) is an integer. ii) is a real number. (k)

II. Solve following inequalities for real number

1) 4 + 3 < 6 + 7 (k)

2) 4 + 3 < 5 + 7 (k)

3) 3 − 7 > 5 − 1 (k)

4) 3( − 1) ≤ 2( − 3) (k)

5) 3(2 − ) ≥ 2(1 − ) (k)

6) ≤ −5 (U)

7) + + < 11 (U)

8) > + 1 (U)

( ) ( )
9) ≤ (U)

10) + 4 ≥ ( − 6) (U)

11) 2(2 + 3) − 10 < 6( − 2) (U)

Department of Pre-university Education 27

12) 37 − (3 + 5) ≥ 9 − 8( − 3) (U)
( ) ( )
13) < − (U)

( ) ( ) ( )
14) ≥ − (U)

15) −8 ≤ 5 = 3 < 7 (A)

16) −5 ≤ ≤8 (A)

17) 2 ≤ 3 − 4 ≤ 5 (A)

18) 6 ≤ 3(2 − 4) < 12 (A)

19) −3 ≤ 4 − ≤ 18 (A)

( )
20) −15 < ≤0 (A)

21) −12 < 4 − ≤2 (A)

( )
22) 7 ≤ ≤ 11 (A)

III) Solve the following inequalities and show the graph of the solution in each case on number line

1) 7 + 3 < 5 + 9 (k)

2) ≥ −1 (U)

3) 3 − 2 < 2 + 1 (k)

4) 5 − 3 ≥ 3 − 5 (k)

5) 3(1 − ) < 2( + 4) (k)

( ) ( )
6) ≥ − (U)

IV. 1) The marks obtained by a student of Class XI in first and second terminal examination are 62 and 48,
respectively. Find the minimum marks he should get in the annual examination to have an average of at least 60
marks. (A)

2) Find all pairs of consecutive odd natural numbers, both of which are larger than 10, such that their sum is less
than 40. (A)

3) Ravi obtained 70 and 75 marks in first two unit test. Find the minimum marks he should get in the third test to
have an average of at least 60 marks. (A)

4) To receive Grade ‘A’ in a course, one must obtain an average of 90 marks of more in five examinations (each of
100 marks). If Sunita’s marks in first four examinations are 87,92,94 and 95, find minimum marks that Sunita must
obtain in fifth examination to get grade ‘A’ in the course. (A)

Department of Pre-university Education 28

5) Find all pairs of consecutive odd positive integers both of which are smaller than 10 such that their sum is

more than 11. (A)

6) Find all pairs of consecutive even positive integers, both of which are larger than 5 such that their sum is

less than 23. (A)

V. Solve the following system of inequalities and represent the solution graphically on the number line.

1) 3 − 7 < 5 + , 11 − 5 ≤ 1 (A)

2) 5 + 1 > −24, 5 − 1 < 24 (A)

3) 2( − 1) < + 5, 3( + 2) > 2 − (A)

4) 3 − 7 > 2( − 6), 6 − > 11 − 2 (A)

5) 5(2 − 7) − 3 (2 + 3) ≤ 0, 2 + 19 ≤ 6 + 47 (A)

VI. Solve the following Inequalities graphically in two-dimensional plane.

1) 3 + 2 > 6 (k)

2) 3 − 6 ≥ 0 (k)

3) <2 (k)

4) + <5 (k)

5) 2 + ≥6 (k)

6) 3 + 4 ≤ 12 (k)

7) +8≥2 (k)

8) − ≤2 (k)

9) 2 − 3 > 6 (k)

10) −3 + 2 ≥ −6 (k)

11) 3 − 5 < 30 (k)

12) < −2 (k)

13) > −3 (k)

Five marks Questions:

I. Solve the following system of linear inequalities graphically.

1) + ≥ 5, − ≤3 (U)

2) 5 + 4 ≤ 40 , ≥ 2 , ≥ 3 (U)

Department of Pre-university Education 29

3) + 2 ≤ 8 , 2 + ≤8, ≥0, ≥ 0 (U)

4) ≥ 3, ≥ 2 (U)

5) 3 + 2 ≤ 12, ≥ 1, ≥ 2 (A)

6) 2 + ≥ 6, 3 + 4 ≤ 12 (A)

7) + ≥ 4, 2 − >0 (A)

8) 2 − > 1, − 2 < −1 (A)

9) + ≤ 6, + ≥4 (A)

10) 2 + ≥ 8, + 2 ≥ 10 (A)

11) + ≤ 9, > , ≥0 (A)

12) 5 + 4 ≤ 20, ≥ 1, ≥ 2 (A)

13) 3 + 4 ≤ 60, + 3 ≤ 30, ≥ 0, ≥ 0 (A)

14) 2 + ≥ 4, + ≤ 3, 2 −3 ≤6 (A)

15) − 2 ≤ 3, 3 + 4 ≥ 12, ≥ 0, ≥ 1 (A)

16) 4 + 3 ≤ 60, ≥2 , ≥ 3, , ≥0 (A)

17) 3 + 2 ≤ 150, + 4 ≤ 80, ≤ 15, ≥ 0, ≥ 0 (A)

18) + 2 ≤ 10, + ≥ 1, − ≤ 0, ≥ 0, ≥ 0(A)

II. Statement Problems:

1) In an experiment, a solution of hydrochloric acid is to be kept between 300 and 350 Celsius. What is the range of
temperature in degree Fahrenhiet if conversion formula is given by C= ( − 32), where C and F represent
temperature in degree Celsius and degree Fahrenhiet , respectively. (S)
2) A manufacturer has 600 litres of a 12% solution of acid. How many litres of a 30% acid solution must be

added to it so that acid content in the resulting mixture will be more than 15% but less than 18%? (S)

3) A solution is to be kept between 680 F and 770 F. What is the range in temperature in degree Celsius (C) if the

Celsius/ Fahrenheit (F) conversion formula is given by = + 32 ? (S)

4) A solution of 8% boric acid is to be diluted by adding a 2% boric acid solution to it. The resulting mixture is to be

more than 4% but less than 6% boric acid. If we have 640 litres of the 8% solution, how many litres of the 2%

solution will have to be added? (S)

5) How many litres of water will have to be added to 1125 litres of the 45% solution of acid so that the resulting

mixture will contain more than 25% but less than 30% acid content? (S)
Department of Pre-university Education 30
5) IQ of a person is given by the formula = × 100, where MA is mental age and CA is chronological age. If
80 ≤ ≤ 140 for a group of 12 years old children, find the range of their mental age. (S)


Department of Pre-university Education 31

One mark questions
1. Find the number of 4 letter words, with or without meaning, which can be formed out of the
letters of the word ROSE, where the repetition of the letters is not allowed. (U)
2. Given 4 flags of different colours, how many different signals can be generated, if a signal requires
the use of 2 flags one below the other? (U)
3. How many 3-digit numbers can be formed from the digits 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 assuming that repetition
of the digits is allowed? (U)
4. How many 3-digit numbers can be formed from the digits 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 assuming that repetition
of the digits is not allowed? (U)
5. How many 4-letter codes can be formed using the first 10 letters of the English alphabet, if no
letter can be repeated? (U)
6. How many 5-digit telephone numbers can be formed using the digits 0 to 9 if each number starts
with 67 and no digit appears more than once? (U)
7. A coin is tossed 3 times and the outcomes are recorded. How many possible outcomes are there? (U)
8. Evaluate 5! (K)
9. Evaluate 7! – 5! (K)
10. Compute (K)
11.Compute ( (K)
!) ( !)
12.Evaluate , when n = 5, r = 2. (K)
! ( )!
13.Evaluate 8! (K)
14.Evaluate 4! – 3! (K
15.Is 3! + 4! = 7! ? (K)
16. Compute ( !) ( !)
. (K)
17.Evaluate , when n = 6, r = 2 (K)
( )!
18.Evaluate , when n =9, r =5. (K)
( )!
19.Find the number of permutations of the letters of the word ALLAHABAD. (U)
20.How many 4-digit numbers can be formed by using the digits 1 to 9 if repetition of digits is not
allowed? (U)
21.In how many ways can 4 red, 3 yellow and 2 green discs be arranged in a row if the discs of the same
colour are indistinguishable? (A)
22.How many 4-digit numbers are there with no digit repeated? (S)
23.How many 3-digit even numbers can be made using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, if no digit is repeated?
24.From a committee of 8 persons, in how many ways can we choose a chairman and a vice chairman
assuming one person cannot hold more than one position? (U)
25.How many words, with or without meaning, can be formed using all the letters of the word
EQUATION, using each letter exactly once? (U)

Department of Pre-university Education 32

26.If = , (K)

27. A committee of 3 persons is to be constituted from a group of 2 men and 3 women. In how many
ways can this be done? (U)
28. If = , . (K)

29. How many chords can be drawn through 21 points on a circle? (A)

30.In how many ways can a team of 3 boys and 3 girls be selected from 5 boys and 4 girls? (A)
31. In how many ways can one select a cricket team of eleven from 17 players in which only 5 players
can bowl if each cricket team of 11 must include exactly 4 bowlers? (A)
32. A bag contains 5 black and 6 red balls. Determine the number of ways in which 2 black and 3 red
balls can be selected. (A)
33. In how many ways can a student choose a programme of 5 courses if 9 courses are available and 2
specific courses are compulsory for every student? (S)

Three marks questions

34. Find the number of different signals that can be generated by arranging at least 2 flags in order
(one below the other) on a vertical staff, if five different flags are available. (A)
35.If !
+ !
= !
, find x. (K)
36.If + = , find x. (K)
! ! !
37.How many numbers lying between 100 and 1000 can be formed with the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 if the
repetition of the digits is not allowed? (U)
38.Find the value of n such that = 42. , n> 4 (K)

39.Find r, if5. = 6. . (K)

40.Find the value of n such that = , n> 4. (K)

41.Find the number of different 8-letter arrangements that can be made from the letters of the word
DAUGHTER so that
(i)all vowels occur together (ii) all vowels do not occur together. (U)
42.Find the number of arrangements of the letters of the word INDEPENDENCE. In how many of these
(i) do the words start with P (ii) do the words begin with I and end in P? (U)
43.Find n, if ∶ = 1: 9. (K)

44.Find r if = 2. . (K)

45.How many words, with or without meaning can be made from the letters of the word MONDAY,
assuming that no letter is repeated, if.
(i) 4 letters are used at a time, (ii) all letters are used at a time,
(iii) all letters are used but first letter is a vowel? (U)

Department of Pre-university Education 33

46. In how many distinct permutations of the letters of the word MISSISSIPPI the four I’s do not come
together? (U)
47. In how many ways can the letters of the word PERMUTATIONS be arranged if the (i) words start
with P and end with S, (ii) all the vowels are together. (S)
48. Determine the number of 5 card combinations out of a deck of 52 cards if each selection of 5 cards
has exactly one king. (A)

Five marks questions:

49. What is the number of ways of choosing 4 cards from a pack of 52 playing cards? In how many of
(i) four cards are of the same suit,
(ii) four cards belong to four different suits. (A)

50. How many words, with or without meaning, each of 3 vowels and 2 consonants can be formed from
the letters of the word INVOLUTE? (A)
51. A group consists of 4 girls and 7 boys. In how many ways can a team of 5 members be selected if the
team has (i) no girl ? (ii) at least one boy and one girl ? (iii) at least 3 girls ?
52. How many numbers greater than 1000000 can be formed by using the digits 1, 2, 0, 2, 4, 2, 4? ( U )
53. A committee of 7 is to be formed from 9 boys and 4 girls. In how many ways can this be done when
the committee consists of:
(i) exactly 3 girls? (ii) at least 3 girls ? (iii) at most 3 girls ? (A)

54. In an examination, a question paper consists of 12 questions divided into two parts i.e., Part I and
Part II, containing 5 and 7 questions, respectively. A student is required to attempt 8 questions in all,
selecting at least 3 from each part. In how many ways can a student select the questions? ( A )
55. Prove that + = and hence If = , . (U)

56. From a class of 25 students, 10 are to be chosen for an excursion party. There are 3 students who
decide that either all of them will join or none of them will join. In how many can the excursion party
be chosen? (A)
57. 4 cards are chosen from a pack of 52 playing cards In how many of these
i) are face cards ii) two are red cards and two are black cards iii) cards are of the same colour?(A)


Department of Pre-university Education 34




1. Using Binomial Theorem evaluate ) (102) ) (99) . (K)
2. Show that 9 − 8 − 9 is divisible by 64, whenever n is a positive integer. (A)
3. Using Binomial theorem, prove that 6 − 5 always leaves remainder 1 when divided by 25. (S)
4. Find ℎ 17 18 ℎ (2 + ) . (U)
5. Find the coefficient of ( −2 ) . (U)
6. Find a positive value of m for which the coefficient of in the expansion 1 + ) is 6. (U)

7. In the expansion of (1 + ) , prove that coefficients of are equal. (A)

8. Prove that the coefficient of in the expansion of (1 + ) is twice the coefficient of in the
expansion of (1 + ) . (U)
9. Which is larger (1.01) or 10,000? (K)
10. Prove that∑ 3 . = 4 . (K)
11. Find the coefficient of ( + 3) . (U)
12. Find the 4 term in the expansion of ( − 2 ) . (U)
13. Find the 13 term in the expansion of 9 − . (U)

14. Find the middle term in the expansion of +9 . (U)

. . ……..( )
15. Show that the middle term in the expansion of(1 + x) is !
2n. x . (A)
th th 34
16. If the coefficients of (r - 5) and (2r - 1) terms of the expansion (1 + x) are equal, find r. (A)
17. Find the rth term from the end in the expansion of (x + a)n . (A)
18. Find the value of +√ −1 + −√ −1 . (A)
n n
19. If a and b are distinct integers, prove that a – b is a factor of a – b , when n is a positive integer. (A)
20. Find the coefficient of x5 in the product (1 + 2x)6(1 - x)7. (A)
21. Expand each of the following and find the sum of the binomial coefficients in each case:
i) − ii) + iii) (2x − 3) . (U)


1. State and prove Binomial Theorem for any positive integer n. (K)
2. Find (a + b) − (a − b) . Hence, evaluate √3 + √2 − √3 − √2 . (S)
3. The second, third and fourth terms in the binomial expansion ( + ) are 24, 720 and 1080
respectively. Find x , a and n. (A)
4. The coefficients of the (r − 1) , r and(r + 1) terms in the expansion of (x + 1) are in the ratio
1 ∶ 3 ∶ 5. Find nandr. (A)
5. Find the middle terms in the expansion of i) 3 − ii) + 9y . (U)

Department of Pre-university Education 35

6. Find the term independent of x in the expansionof i) x − ii) √x + ,x > 0 . (U)

7. The coefficients of three consecutive terms in the expansion of (1 + a)nare in the ratio of 1:7:42. Find n.
8. The sum of the coefficients of the first three terms in the expansion of x − , m ≠ 0, m being
natural number, is 559. Find the term of the expansion containing x3. (A)
9. Show that the coefficient of the middle term in the expansion of
(x + 1) is equal to the sum of the coef icients of two middle terms in the expansion of (x + 1) .
10. Find n, if the ratio of fifth term from the beginning to the fifth term from the end in the expansion of
√2 + is √6: 1. (S)

11. If the coefficients of ar-1, ar, and ar+1 in the expansion of (1 + x )n are in arithmetic progression, prove
that n2 – n(4r+1) + 4r2 – 2 = 0. (A)


Department of Pre-university Education 36



One mark questions

1. Find the 16th term of the sequence an = 4n-3 (K)

2. Find the 5th term of the sequence an = (K)
3. Find the 7 term of the sequence an =(−1) n (K)
th ( )
4. Find the 20 term of the sequence an = (K)
5. If 3,n,8 are the three consecutive terms of the Fibonacci sequence, then find the value of n. (K)
6. Find the 15th term of the A.P. 1,4,7,… (K)
7. If A,B,C are the angles of a triangle which are in A.P, then write the value of B. (A)
8. Find the fifth term of the G.P. 2,6,18,… (K)
9. Find the common difference of the A.P. , , , … (K)
10. Find the common ratio of the G.P. 2, 2√3, 6,... (K)
11. Find the arithmetic mean of the numbers 6 and 10. (K)
12. Find the geometric mean of the numbers 4 and 9. (K)
Three mark questions

13. Find the first three terms of the sequence an =(−1) 5 (K)
( )
14. Find the first three terms of the sequence an = (K)
15. Find the sum of the first three terms of the sequence defined by a1= 3, an=3an-1+2(when n>1). (K)
16. In an A.P. if mth term is n and n th term is m, where m≠n, show that pth term is m+n-p. (S)
17. In an A.P. if pth term is and q th term is , show that the sum of first pq terms is (pq+1), where
p≠q (S)
( )
18. If the sum of n terms of an A.P. is nP+ , where P and Q are constants, find the common
difference. (A)
19. The sum of n terms of two arithmetic progressions are in the ratio (3n+8) : (7n+15). Find the
ratio of their 12th terms. (S)
20. The sum of n terms of two arithmetic progressions are in the ratio (5n+4) : (9n+6). Find the
ratio of their 18th terms. (S)
21. The income of a person is Rs 3,00,000 in the first year and he receives an increment of Rs 10,000
each year for the next 19 years. Find the total amount, he received in 20 years. (A)
22. Find the 6 numbers to be inserted between 3 and 24 such that the resulting sequence is an A.P.(U)
23. Find the 5 numbers to be inserted between 8 and 26 such that the resulting sequence is an A.P. (U)
24. Find the sum of odd integers from 1 to 2001. (U)
25. Find the sum of all natural numbers lying between 100 and 1000, which are multiples of 5. (A)
26. In an A.P., the first term is 2 and the sum of the first five terms is one-fourth of the next five terms.
Show that 20th term is -112. (S)

Department of Pre-university Education 37

27. In the A.P. -6, ,-5,... sum to nth terms is -25.Find the value of n. (U)
28. In the A.P. 25,22,19,... sum to n th terms is 116.Find the nth term. (U)

29. Find the sum to 10 terms of the A.P., whose nth term is 5n+1. (A)
30. Find the sum to n terms of the A.P., whose kth term is 5k+1. (A)

31. If the sum to n terms of an A.P is 3n+5n2, find the common difference. (A)
32. If the sum to n terms of an A.P is pn+qn , where p and q are constants. Show that the common
difference is 2q. (A)
33. If the sum of first p terms of an A.P. is equal to the sum of first q terms and p, q are distinct, then
show that the sum of first (p+q) terms is equal to 0. (S)
2 th
34. If the sum of n terms of an A.P is 3n + 5n and its m term is 164, find the value of m. (A)
35. A man starts repaying a loan as first instalment of Rs 1000. If he increases the instalment by Rs
50 every month, what amount he will pay in the 30thinstalment? (A)
36. The difference between any two consecutive interior angles of a polygon is 5° . If the smallest
angle is120°, find the number of sides of the polygon. (A)
th th
37. In a G.P., the third term is 24 and the 6 term is 192. Find the 10 term. (U)
38. In the G.P. 3, , ,… if Sn= , find the value of n. (U)
2 3
39. In the G.P. 3, 3 , 3 ,… if Sn=120, find the value of n. (U)
40. In the G.P. 2, 2√2, 4... ifan = 128, find the value of n. (U)
41. In the G.P. √3, 3, 3√3... if an = 729, find the value of n. (U)
42. In the G.P. , , , … if a = , find the value of n. (U)
43. Find the values of x, if the numbers , x, are in G.P. Also find the common ratios (U)
44. The sum of first three terms of a G.P. is and their product is -1. Find the common ratios. (A)
45. The sum of first three terms of a G.P. is and their product is 1. Find the common ratios. (A)
46. A person has 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents, and so on. Find the number of his
ancestors during the ten generations preceding his own. (A)
47. Find the 3 numbers to be inserted between 1 and 256 such that the resulting sequence is an G.P.(U)
48. Find the 3 numbers to be inserted between 1 and 243 such that the resulting sequence is an G.P.(U)
49. If A and G respectively represents the Arithmetic mean and Geometric mean of two positive real
numbers ,then show that A≥G. (S)
50. If A.M. and G.M. of two positive numbers ‘a’ and ‘b’ are 10 and 8 , respectively, find the numbers.(A)
51. Find the 12th term of the G.P. whose 8th term is 192 and common ratio is 2. (U)
th th th 2
52. The 5 , 8 and 11 terms of a G.P. are p, q and s respectively. Show that q =ps. (A)
th th
53. The 4 term of a G.P. is square of its second term, and the first term is -3. Determine its 7 term. (U)
54. The sum of first three terms of a G.P. is 16 and the sum of next three terms is 128. Determine the
first term and the common ratio. (A)
55. Given a G.P with a=729 and 7 term is 64, Determine S7. (U)
56. In a G.P. if sum of the first two terms is -4 and the fifth term is 4 times the third term. Find the
first terms of the G.P. (A)
th th th
57. If the 4 , 10 and 16 terms of a G.P. are x, y and z respectively. Prove that x, y, z are in G.P. (A)

Department of Pre-university Education 38

Show that the products of the corresponding terms of the sequence, ar,ar2,...arn-1 and
A, AR, AR2, ... AR n-1form a G.P. and find the common ratio.

58. Find the sum of the products of the corresponding terms of the sequence
2,4,8,16,32 and 128, 32, 8, 2, . (U)
59. Find four numbers forming a G.P. in which the third term is greater than the first term by 9,
and the second term is greater than the fourth by 18. (S)
th th th p-q q-m m-p
60. If m , p and q terms of a G.P are x, y and z respectively. Prove that x y z =1 (S)
61. If the first and n term of a G.P. are a and b, respectively, and if P is the product of first n terms,
Prove that P2 = (ab)n. (S)
62. Show that the ratio of the sum of first n terms of a G.P. to the sum of terms from (n+1) to (2n)th

term is . (S)
63. If a,b,c and d are in G.P. show that (a + b + c )(b + c + d ) =(ab + bc + cd) . (S)
64. The number of bacteria in a certain culture doubles every hour. If there were 30 bacteria present
in the culture originally, how many bacteria will be present at the end of 8th hour? (A)
65. What will Rs 500 amounts to in 10 years after its deposit in a bank which pays annual interest rate
of 10% compounded annually? (A)
66. If A.M. and G.M. of roots of a quadratic equation are 8 and 5, respectively, then obtain the
quadratic equation. (S)
67. If a, b, c are in G.P. and a = b = c ,prove that x, y, z are in A.P. (S)
th th th
68. Show that the sum of (m+n) and (m-n) terms of an equal to twice the m term. (A)
69. If the sum of three numbers in A.P., is 24 and their product is 440, find the numbers. (S)
70. Let the sum of n, 2n, 3n terms of an A.P be S1, S2 and S3 respectively, show that S3=3(S2 – S1). (S)
71. Find the sum of all numbers between 200 and 400 which are divisible by 7. (A)
72. Find the sum of all two digit numbers which when divided by 4, yields 1 as reminder. (A)
73. If f is a function satisfying f(x+y)=f(x).f(y) for all x,y ∈ N such that f(1)=3 and ∑ ( ) = 120,
find the value of n. (S)
74. The sum of some terms of G.P is 315 whose first term and the common ratio are 5 and 2
respectively. Find the last term and the number of terms. (U)
75. The first term of a G.P is 1. The sum of third and fifth term is 90.Find the common ratio of G.P.(U)
76. A G.P. consists of an even number of terms. If the sum of all the terms is 5 times the sum of terms
occupying odd places, then find the common ratio. (S)
77. If = = (x≠ 0), then show that a, b, c, d are in G.P. (S)
78. If a,b,c are in A.P.; b,c,d are in G.P. and , , are in A.P. Prove that a, c, e are in G.P. (S)
79. If S1, S2, S3 are the sum of first n natural numbers, their squares and their cubes, respectively,
show that 9S22 =S3(1+8S1). (A)
80. A person writes a letter to four office friends. He asks each one of them to copy the letter and
mail to four different persons with instruction that they move the chain similarly. Assuming that
the chain is not broken and that it costs 50 paise to mail one letter. Find the amount spent on
postage when 8th set of letteris mailed. (A)

Department of Pre-university Education 39

81. A man deposited Rs 10000 in a bank at the rate of 5% simple interest annually. Find the amount
in 15th yearsince he deposited the amount and also calculate the total amount after 20 years. (A)
82. A manufacturer reckons that the value of a machine, which costs him Rs 15625, will depreciate
each year by 20%. Find the estimated value at the end of 5 years. (A)

Four mark questions

83. Find the sum to n terms of the series : 5+11+19+29+41+.... (S)

84. Find the sum of the first n terms of the series: 3+7+13+21+31+... (S)
85. Find the sum to n terms of the series whose nth term is n(n+3) and hence find S10. (K)
86. Find the sum to n terms of the series: 1x2 + 2x3 + 3x4 + 4x5 + ....and hence find S12. (U)
87. Find the sum to n terms of the series: 1x2x3 + 2x3x4 + 3x4x5 + ... (U)
88. Find the sum to n terms of the series: 3x1 + 5x2 + 7x3 + .... (U)
89. Find the sum to n terms of the series 3x8 + 6x11 + 9x14 + ... and hence find S9. (U)
90. Find the sum to n terms of the series: 1 + (1 + 2 ) + (1 + 2 + 3 )+ .... (U)
91. Find the sum to n terms of the series: + + + ... (S)
92. Find the sum to n terms of the series whose n term is given by n(n+1)(n+4). (U)
93. Find the sum to n terms of the series whose nth term is given by n2+2n.Hence find S4. (U)
94. Find the sum to n terms of the series whose nth term is given by (2n − 1) .Hence find S5. (U)
95. Find the sum of the following series up to n terms: + + +⋯ (A)


Department of Pre-university Education 40



One mark questions

1. Write the slope of the x – axis . (K)

2. If a line makes an inclination of with the positive direction of x–axis , find the slope of the line. (U)
3. Find the slope of the line which makes angle with positive direction of y-axis. (A)
4. Find the slope of the line passing through the points (2, 3) and (-5, 8). (K)
5. Find the slope of the line parallel to the line passing through the points (-2, 5) and (4,9). (K)
6. Find the slope of the line perpendicular to the line passing through the points (6,3) and (4,8). (U)
7. Check whether the point (5,-3) lies on the line 2x+3y+5=0 or not? (U)
8. Check whether the point (1, 7) lies on the line 5x-9y+2=0 or not? (U)
9. Acute angle between two lines is 40° . Find the obtuse angle between the same lines. (U)
10. Find the equation of the horizontal line passing through the point (3,5). (K)
11. Find the equation of the vertical line passing through the point (-4,8). (K)
12. Find the equation of the horizontal line intercepting the y- axis 3 units above the origin. (K)
13. Find the equation of the horizontal line intercepting the y- axis 6 units below the origin. (K)
14. Find the equation of the vertical line intercepting the x- axis 1units right of the origin. (K)
15. Find the equation of the vertical line intercepting the x- axis 5 units left of the origin. (K)
16. Write the equation of x axis. (K)
17. Write the equation of y axis. (K)
18. Find the slope of the line 2x+7y+9 = 0 . (K)
19. Find the x-intercept of the line 5x – 3y = 6. (K)
20. Find the y-intercept of the line 8x-y+6 = 0. (K)
Two mark questions

21. Find the slope of a line, which passes through origin, and the midpoint of the line segment joining
the points (0, -4) and (8, 0). (U)
22. Line through the points (-2, 6) and (4, 8) is perpendicular to the line through the points (8, 12)
and (x, 24).Find the value of x. (U)
23. The line through the points (h, 3) and (4, 1) is perpendicular to the line 7x + 9y + 19 = 0. Find the
value of h. (U)
24. Line through the points (5, -6) and (7,-3) is parallel to the line through the points (x, 8) and (5, 24).
Find the value of x. (U)
25. Find the value of x for which the points (x, -1), (2, 1) and (4, 5) are collinear. (K)
26. Show that the points (1, 5), (3, 1) and (4, -1) are collinear. (K)
27. Find the angle between the x- axis and the line joining the points (3, -1) and (4, -2). (A)
28. Find the angle between the lines x - √3y + 5 = 0 and √3 − + 7 = 0. (K)
29. Find the angle between the lines x – y + 9 = 0 and + + 7 = 0. (K)
30. Find the angle between the lines √3x + y =1 and + √3 =1. (K)
31. Find the tangent of the angle between the lines 2x+3y-8 = 0 and 5x-y+7 = 0. (K)

Department of Pre-university Education 41

32. Find the equation of the line passing through the point (-2, 3) with slope -4. (K)

33. Find the equation of the line passing through the point (-4, 3) with slope . (K)
34. Find the equation of the line passing through the point (0,0) with slope 8. (K)
35. Find the equation of the line passing through the point (-2, -9) and inclined with x axis at an angle 45°.
36. Find the equation of the line passing through the point (2, 2√3) and inclined with x axis at an angle 75°.
37. Find the equation of the line intersecting x axis at distance 3 units to the left of origin with
slope -2. (U)
38. Find the equation of the line intersecting y axis at a distance 2 units above the origin and making an
angle 30° with positive direction of x axis. (U)
39. Find the equation of the line passing through the points (1, -1) and (3, 5). (K)
40. Find the equation of the line passing through the points (-1, 1) and (2, -4). (K)
41. Find the equation of the line with slope 2 and y- intercept 3. (K)
42. Find the equation of the line for which tan = , where is the inclination of the line and
y- intercept . (K)
43. Find the equation of the line with slope and x- intercept -3. (U)
44. Find the equation of the line, which makes intercepts -3 and 2 on the x and y axes respectively. (K)
45. Find the equation of the line whose perpendicular distance from the origin is 5 units and the angle
made by the perpendicular with the positive x axis is 30°. (K)
46. Find the equation of the median of the triangle PQR through the vertex R whose vertices are given by
P(2,1), Q(-2,3), R(4,5). (U)
47. Find the equation of the line passing through (-3, 5) and perpendicular to the line through the points
(2,5) and (-3,6). (U)
48. Find the equation of the line which cuts off equal intercepts on the coordinate axes and passes
through the point (2,3). (U)
49. The perpendicular from the origin to a line meets it at the point (-2, 9), find the equation of the line.
50. Show that the points (3,0), (-2, -2) and (8,2) are collinear. (U)
51. If P(2,4) is the midpoint of line segment between the axes, find the equation of the line. (A)
52. Find the equation of the line parallel to the line 3x-4y+2 = 0 and passing through the point (-2,3) (U)
53. Find the equation of the line perpendicular to the line 6x+5y+2 = 0 and passing through the point (5, 2).
54. Find the equation of the line perpendicular to the line 3x-5y+9 = 0 and passing through the point (-1,8).
55. Find the equation of the line perpendicular to the line x-7y+5 = 0 and having x-intercept 3. (U)
56. Find the equation of the line parallel to the line 5x+3y+1 = 0 and having y-intercept 8.
57. Reduce the equation 6x+3y-5=0 into slope–intercept form and find the slope and y-intercept of
the line. (U)

Department of Pre-university Education 42

58. Reduce the equation 3x-4y-5=0 into slope–intercept form and find the slope and y-intercept of
the line. (U)

59. Reduce the equation x+7y =0 into slope–intercept form and find the slope and y-intercept of the line.
60. Reduce the equation 3x+2y-12=0 into intercept form and find the values of x and y intercepts.(U)
61. Reduce the equations x − √3y + 8 = 0, y − 2 = 0 and x − y = 4 in to normal form .
Find their perpendicular distances from the oigin and angle between perpendicular
and the positive x − axis. (U)
62. Reduce the equation 4x-3y=6 into intercept form and find the values of x and y intercepts. (U)
63. Find the distance of the point (-1,1) from the line 12x-5y+82=0. (K)
64. Find the distance of the point (3, -5) from the line 3x-4y-26=0. (K)
65. Find the distance between the parallel lines 3x-4y+7=0 and 3x-4y+5=0. (K)
66. Find the distance between the parallel lines 15x+8y-34=0 and 15x+8y+30 = 0. (K)
67. Find the equation of right bisector(perpendicular bisector) of the line segment joining the points(3,4)
and (-1,2). (A)
68. In the triangle ABC with vertices A(2,3), B(4,-1) and C(1,2), find the equation of the altitude from the
vertex A. (A)
69. Find the point of intersection of the lines 2x+3y-7 = 0 and x-4y+7 = 0. (U)

Five mark questions

70. Derive an expression for the acute angle between two lines having slopes m1 and m2 and hence
find the acute angle between the lines x+y-6=0 and x-y -5=0. (U)
71. Derive the equation of the line having slope ‘m’ and passing through the point (x0 ,y0) and hence
find the equation of the line having slope 3 and passing through the point (3,-1). (U)
72. Derive the equation of the line passing through the points (x1 ,y1) and (x2 , y2) hence find the
equation of the line passing through the points (4,7) and (-3, 8). (U)
73. Derive the equation of the line having slope ‘m’ and y- intercept ‘c’ and hence find the equation
of the line having slope -2 and y- intercept 4. (U)
74. Derive the equation of the line having x and y- intercept values as ‘a’ and ‘b’ respectively and
hence find the equation of the line having x and y- intercept values as 2 and 6 respectively. (U)
75. Derive the equation of the line in normal form. (U)
76. Derive an expression for the perpendicular distance between a point and a line. (U)


Department of Pre-university Education 43



3 marks questions

Find the centre and radius of the following equation of the circles

1) + + 8 + 10 − 8 = 0. (U)

2) + − 8 + 10 − 12 = 0. (U)

3) + − 4 − 8 − 45 = 0. (U)

4) 2 + 2 − = 0. (U)
5) Find the equation of the circle which passes through (2, -2) and (3, 4) and whose centre lies on the line

x + y=2. (U)

6) Find the equation of the circle which passes through (4, 1) and (6, 5) and whose centre lies on the line

4x+y=16. (U)

7) Find the equation of the circle which passes through (2, 3) and (-1, 1) and whose centre lies on the

line x-3y-11=0. (U)

8) Find the equation of the circle with radius 5 whose centre lies on x-axis and passes through the

point (2, 3). (U)

9) Find the equation of the circle passing through (0, 0) and making intercepts ‘a’ and ‘b’ on the

coordinate axes. (U)

10) Find the coordinates of the focus, axis, and the equation of the directrix of the parabola =8 .

11) Find the coordinates of the focus, axis, and the equation of the directrix of the parabola = 12 .

12) Find the coordinates of the focus, axis, and the equation of the directrix of the parabola = 10 .

13) Find the coordinates of the focus, axis, and the equation of the directrix of the parabola = −8 .

14) Find the coordinates of the focus, axis, and the equation of the directrix of the parabola =6 .

15) Find the coordinates of the focus, axis, and the equation of the directrix of the parabola = −16 .
Department of Pre-university Education 44
16) Find the coordinates of the focus, axis, and the equation of the directrix of the parabola = −9 .

17) Find the coordinates of the focus, the equation of the directrix and latus rectum of the parabola
=8 . (U)

18) Find the coordinates of the focus, the equation of the directrix and latus rectum of the parabola
= 12 . (U)

19) Find the coordinates of the focus, the equation of the directrix and latus rectum of the parabola
= 10 . (U)

20) Find the coordinates of the focus, the equation of the directrix and latus rectum of the parabola
= −8 . (U)

21) Find the coordinates of the focus, , the equation of the directrix and latus rectum of the parabola
=6 . (U)

22) Find the coordinates of the focus, the equation of the directrix and latus rectum of the parabola
= −16 . (U)

23) Find the coordinates of the focus, , the equation of the directrix and latus rectum of the parabola
= −9 . (U)

24) Find the equation of the parabola given that vertex (0, 0), passing through (2, 3) and axis is along x-axis

25) Find the equation of the parabola given that vertex (0, 0), passing through (5, 2) and symmetric with

respect to y-axis. (U)

26) Find the foci, eccentricity and Latus rectum of the ellipse + = 1. (U)

27) Find the foci, eccentricity and Latus rectum of the ellipse + = 1. (U)

28) Find the foci, eccentricity and Latus rectum of the ellipse + = 1. (U)

29) Find the foci, eccentricity and Latus rectum of the ellipse + = 1. (U)

30) Find the foci, eccentricity and Latus rectum of the ellipse + = 1. (U)

31) Find the foci, eccentricity and Latus rectum of the ellipse + = 1. (U)

32) Find the foci, eccentricity and Latus rectum of the ellipse + = 1. (U)

33) Find the foci, eccentricity and Latus rectum of the ellipse9 +4 = 36. (U)
Department of Pre-university Education 45
34) Find the foci, eccentricity and Latus rectum of the ellipse36 +4 = 144. (U)

35) Find the foci, eccentricity and Latus rectum of the ellipse16 + = 16. (U)

36) Find the foci, eccentricity and Latus rectum of the ellipse4 +9 = 36. (U)

37) Find the vertices, length of major axis, minor axis, and eccentricity of the ellipse + = 1.(U)

38) Find the vertices, length of major axis, minor axis, and eccentricity of the ellipse + = 1.(U)

39) Find the vertices, length of major axis, minor axis, and eccentricity of the ellipse + = 1.(U)

40)Find the vertices, length of major axis, minor axis, and eccentricity of the ellipse + = 1 .(U)

41) Find the vertices, length of major axis, minor axis, and eccentricity of the ellipse + = 1.(U)

42) Find the vertices, length of major axis, minor axis, and eccentricity of the ellipse + = 1. (U)

43) Find the vertices, length of major axis, minor axis, and eccentricity of the ellipse + = 1. (U)

44)Find the vertices, length of major axis, minor axis, and eccentricity of the ellipse

9 +4 = 36. (U)

45) Find the vertices, length of major axis, minor axis, and eccentricity of the ellipse

36 +4 = 144. (U)

46) Find the vertices, length of major axis, minor axis, and eccentricity of the ellipse

16 + = 16. (U)

47) Find the vertices, length of major axis, minor axis, and eccentricity of the ellipse

4 +9 = 36. (U)

48) Find the equation of the ellipse given that Vertices(± 5, 0) and foci(±4, 0). (U)

49)Find the equation of the ellipse given that Vertices(± 13, 0) and foci(±5, 0). (U)

50)Find the equation of the ellipse given that Vertices(± 6, 0) and foci(±4, 0). (U)

51)Find the equation of the ellipse given that Vertices(0, ± 13) and foci(0, ±5). (U)

52) Find the equation of the ellipse given that Length of major axis is 26 and foci (±5, 0). (U)

53) Find the equation of the ellipse given that Length of major axis is 20 and foci(0, ±5). (U)

Department of Pre-university Education 46

54) Find the equation of the ellipse given that Length of major axis is 16 and foci(0, ±6). (U)

55)Find the equation of the ellipse given that Foci(±3, 0) and length of semi major axis is 4. (U)

56) Find the equation of the ellipse given that Centre at (0, 0), major axis on the x-axis and passing

through the points (4, 3) and (-1, 4). (U)

57) Find the equation of the ellipse given that Centre at (0, 0) , major axis on the x-axis and passing

through the points (4, 3) and (6,2). (U)

58)Find the equation of the ellipse given that Centre at (0, 0), major axis on the y-axis and passing

through the points (3, 2) and (1, 6). (U)

59) Find the foci , the eccentricity and the length of the latus rectum of the hyperbola − = 1.(U)

60) Find the foci, the eccentricity and the length of the latus rectum of the hyperbola − = 1.(U)

61) Find the foci , the eccentricity and the length of the latus rectum of the hyperbola

16 −9 = 576. (U)

62) Find the foci , the eccentricity and the length of the latus rectum of the hyperbola − = 1.(U)

63) Find the foci , the eccentricity and the length of the latus rectum of the hyperbola

9 −4 = 36. (U)

64) Find the foci , the eccentricity and the length of the latus rectum of the hyperbola

5 −9 = 36. (U)

65) Find the foci, the eccentricity and the length of the latus rectum of the hyperbola

49 − 16 = 784. (U)

66) Find the foci, the eccentricity and the length of the latus rectum of the hyperbola

− 16 = 16. (U)

67) Find the foci, vertices and the length of the latus rectum of the hyperbola − = 1. (U)

68) Find the foci , vertices and the length of the latus rectum of the hyperbola − = 1. (U)

69) Find the foci, vertices and the length of the latus rectum of the hyperbola 16 −9 = 576. (U)

70) Find the foci , vertices and the length of the latus rectum of the hyperbola − = 1. (U)
Department of Pre-university Education 47
71) Find the foci , vertices and the length of the latus rectum of the hyperbola 9 −4 = 36.(U)

72) Find the foci , vertices and the length of the latus rectum of the hyperbola 5 −9 = 36. (U)

73) Find the foci , vertices and the length of the latus rectum of the hyperbola 49 − 16 = 784.(U)

74) Find the foci , vertices and the length of the latus rectum of the hyperbola − 16 = 16.(U)

75) Find the equation of the hyperbola given that Vertices (±2, 0)and foci(±3, 0). (U)

76) Find the equation of the hyperbola given that Vertices (0, ±5)and foci(0, ±8). (U)

77) Find the equation of the hyperbola given that Vertices (0, ±3) and foci (0, ±5). (U)

78) Find the equation of the hyperbola given that Vertices 0, and foci(0, ±3). (U)

79) Find the equation of the hyperbola given that Foci (±5, 0) and the transverse axis is of length 8.(U)

80) Find the equation of the hyperbola given that Foci (0, ±13)and conjugate axis is of length 24.(U)

81) Find the equation of the hyperbola given that Foci ±3√5 , 0 and latus rectum is of length 8.(U)

82) Find the equation of the hyperbola given that Foci (±4 , 0)and the latus rectum is of length 12.(U)

83) Find the equation of the hyperbola given that Foci (0, ±12)and latus rectum is of length 36 (U)

84) Find the equation of the hyperbola given that Vertices(±7, 0), = . (U)

85) Find the equation of the hyperbola given that Foci 0, ±√10 , passing through (2, 3). (U)

86) The focus of a parabolic mirror is at a distance of 5 cm from its vertex. If the mirror is 45 cm deep,

find the diameter of the parabola. (A)

87) An arch is in the form of a parabola with its axis vertical. The arch is 10 m high and 5 m wide at the
base. How wide is it 2 m from the vertex of the parabola? (A)

88) A beam is supported at its ends by supports which are 12metres apart. Since the rod is concentrated

at its centre, there is a deflection of 3 cm at the centre and the deflected beam is in the shape of a

parabola. How far from the centre is the deflection 1 cm? (A)

89) The cable of a uniformly loaded suspension bridge hangs in the form of a parabola. The roadway

which is horizontal and 100 m long is supported by vertical wires attached to the cable, the longest

wire being 30 m and the shortest being 6 m. Find the length of a supporting wire attached to the

roadway 18 m from the middle. (A)

Department of Pre-university Education 48

90) Find the area of the triangle formed by the lines joining the vertex of the parabola = 12 to the
ends of its latus rectum. (A)

91) An equilateral triangle is inscribed in the parabola =4 , where one vertex is at the vertex of the
parabola. Find the length of the side of the triangle. (S)

92) A rod AB of length 15 cm rests in between two coordinate axes in such a way that the end point A lies
on x-axis and end point B lies on y-axis. A point P(x, y) is taken on the rod in such a way that AP=6 cm.
Show that the locus of P is an ellipse. (S)

93) A rod of length 12 cm moves with its ends always touching the coordinate axes. Determine the
equation of the locus of a point P on the rod, which is 3 cm from the end in contact with the
x-axis. (S)
94) A man running a racecourse notes that the sum of the distances from the two flag posts from him is
always 10 m and the distance between the flag posts is 8 m. Find the equation of the posts traced by the
man. (S)

95) An arch is in the form of a semi-ellipse. It is 8m wide and 2 m high at the centre. Find the height of

the arch at a point 1.5 m from one end. (S)

6 marks questions

96)Define the Ellipse as set of points and derive the equation of the ellipse in the form + =1.

( > ). (K)

97) Define the Hyperbola as set of points and derive the equation of the hyperbola in the form

− = 1. (K)

98) Define the Parabola and derive the equation of the parabola in the form =4 . Find the length of

the Latus Rectum. (K)


Department of Pre-university Education 49


Introduction to Three Dimensional Geometry

One mark questions:

1. The three coordinate planes divide the space into how many pats? What are they known as?(K)

2. What are the coordinates of any point on X-axis? (U)

3. What are the coordinates of any point on Y-axis? (U)
4. What are the coordinates of any point on Z-axis? (U)

5. A point is on the X-axis. What are its y and z coordinates? (U)

6. A point is in the XZ plane, what can you say about its y coordinate? (U)

7. Name the plane determined by X and Y axes taken together. (U)

8. What are the coordinates of any point in the XY-plane? (U)

9. What are the coordinates of any point in the YZ-plane? (U)

10. What are the coordinates of any point in the XZ-plane? (U)

11. Name the octant in which the point (2,-4,-7) lie. (K)

12. Find the distance of the point (3, 4, 5) from the origin. (K)

13. If the distance of the point (2, 1, k) from the origin is 3, then find k. (K)

14. Find the coordinates of the mid-point of the line joining the points (1, -2, 1) and (-3, 8, 3). (K)

15. Find the coordinates of the centroid of a triangle whose vertices are (2,-3, 1), (1, 0, -1) and

(3, 6, 0). (K)

Two marks questions:

1. Find the distance between the points P (1,-3,4) and Q (-4,1,2). (K)

2. Find the equation of the set of points P such that its distances from the points A (3, 4,-5) and

B (-2, 1, 4) are equal. (S)

3. Find the equation of the set of points P such that PA2 + PB 2 = 2K2, where A and B are the points

(3, 4, 5) and (-1, 3, -7) respectively. (S)

Three marks questions:

1.Show that the points P (-2, 3, 5), Q (1, 2, 3) and R (7, 0, -1) are collinear. (K)

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2. Are the points A(3,6,9), B(10,20,30) and C(25,-41,5),the vertices of a right angled triangle.(A)

3. Show that the points (-1,2,1),(1,-2,5),(4,-7,8) and (2,-3,4) are the vertices of a parallelogram.(A)

4. Show that the points (0,7,-10),(1,6,-6) and (4,9,-6) are the vertices of an isosceles triangle. (A)

5. Find the equation of the set of points P, the sum of whose distances from A (4, 0, 0) and

B (-4, 0, 0) is equal to 10. (S)

6. The centroid of a triangle ABC is (1, 1, 1).If the coordinates of A and B are (3,-5, 7) and (-1, 7,-6)

respectively, find the coordinates of the point C. (S)

7. Find the coordinates of the point which trisect the line segment joining the points P(4,2,-6) and

Q(10,-16,6). (S)

Five marks questions:

1. Derive the formula to find the coordinates of the point which divides the line segment joining

thepoints (x1, y1, z1) and (x2,y2,z2) in the ratio m:n internally. (K)

2. Find the coordinates of the point which divides the line segment joining the point (1,-2, 3) and

(3,4,-5) in the ratio 2:3 (i) internally and (ii) externally. (K)

3. Using section formula, prove that the three points (-4,6,10),(2,4,6)and (4,0,-2)are collinear. (A)

4. Given that P(3,2,-4),Q(5,4,-6)and R(9,8,-10) are collinear. Find the ratio in which Q divides PR. Also

find the coordinates of Q. (S)

5. Find the ratio in which the line segment joining the points (4, 8, 10) and (6, 10, -8) is divided by the

YZ - plane. (S)


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1. Find lim f ( x ) where f ( x )  3 . (K)

x 2

2. Find lim( x 2  x ) . (U)

x 1

3.Evaluate: lim  x3  x 2  1 . (U)

x 1

4.Evaluate: lim  x( x  1) . (U)


5. Evaluate: lim  x  3 . (U)

x 3

 22 
6. Evaluate: lim  x   . (U)
x 
 7 
7. Evaluate: lim  r 2 . (U)
r 1

4x  3
8. Evaluate: lim . (U)
x 4 x2
x10  x 5  1
9. Evaluate: lim . (U)
x 1 x 1
ax  b
10.Evaluate: lim . (U)
x 0 cx  1

cos x
11. Evaluate: lim . (U)
x  0 (  x )

12. Evaluate: lim x sec x . (U)

x 0


1. Discuss the limit of the function f ( x )  x  10 at x  5 . (K)
2. Discuss the limit of the function f ( x )  x 3 at x  1 . (K)
3. Find lim f ( x ) where f ( x )  3 x . (K)

 x2 1 
4.Evaluate: lim  . (U)
x 1
 x  100 
x15  1
5. Evaluate: lim . (S)
x 1 x10  1
1  x 1
6. Evaluate: lim . (S)
x 2 x
1  cos x
7. Evaluate: lim . (S)
x 0 x

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sin 4 x
8. Evaluate: lim . (U)
x 0 sin 2 x
z 3 1
9. Evaluate: lim 1
. (S)
z 1
z 1
ax 2  bx  c
10.Evaluate: lim 2 ,a b  c  0. (K)
x 1 cx  bx  a

1 1

11. Evaluate: lim x 2. (S)
x 2 x  2

sin ax
12. Evaluate: lim . (U)
x 0 bx
sin ax
13. Evaluate: lim . (S)
x  0 sin bx


 x  2 , x  0
1. Find lim f ( x ) , where f ( x )   0 , x  0 . (K)
 x  2 , x  0
2.Find lim 1  x  x 2  .......  x10  . (U)
x 1

 x3  4 x 2  4 x 
3. Evaluate: lim   . (S)
x 2
 x2  4 
 x2  4 
4. Evaluate: lim  3 2 . (S)
x 2
 x  4 x  4x 
 x3  2 x 2 
5. Evaluate: lim  2  . (S)
x 2
 x  5x  6 
 x2 1 
6. Evaluate: lim  2  3 . (S)
 x  x x  3x  2 x 
x 1 2

xn  an
7. For any positive integer n, prove that, lim  na n 1 . (K)
x a xa
( x  1)5  1
8. Evaluate: lim . (S)
x 0 x
3 x 2  x  10
9. Evaluate: lim . (S)
x2 x2  4
x 4  81
10. Evaluate: lim . (S)
x 3 2 x 2  5 x  3

sin(  x )
11.Evaluate: lim . (U)
x    (  x )

cos 2 x  1
12. Evaluate: lim . (S)
cos x  1
x 0

ax  x cos x
13. Evaluate: lim . (A)
x 0 b sin x
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sin ax  bx
14. Evaluate: lim , a, b and a  b  0 . (S)
x 0 ax  sin bx

15. Evaluate: lim (cosec x  cot x) . (K)

x 0

tan 2 x
16. Evaluate: lim . (U)
 
17. Find lim f ( x) , where f ( x )  x  5 . (K)
x 5


 2 x  3, if x  0
1. Find lim f ( x) where f  x    . (K)
x 0
3( x  1), if x >0
 2 x  3, if x  1
2. Find lim f ( x) , where f  x    . (K)
x 1
3( x  1), if x >1
 x 2  1, if x  1
3. Find lim f ( x) , where f ( x)   2 . (K)
x 1
  x  1, if x  1
 , if x  0
4. Find lim f ( x) , where f ( x)   x . (K)
x 0
 0, if x  0

 , if x  0
5. Find lim f ( x) , where f ( x)   x . (K)
x 0
 0, if x  0

a  bx, x  1

6. Suppose f ( x)   4, x  1 and lim f ( x)  f (1) what are possible values of ‘a’ and ‘b’? (S)
x 1
b  ax, x  1

 x  1, x  0

7. If f ( x)  0, x  0 , for what value(s) of ‘a’ does lim f ( x) exists? (S)
x a
 x  1, x  0

f ( x)  2
8. If the function f ( x ) satisfies lim   , evaluate lim f ( x) . (S)
x 1 x2  1 x 1


sin  tan 
1. Prove geometrically that lim  1,  is in radian and hence deduce that lim  1. (K)
 0    0 


1. Find the derivative at x  2 of the function f ( x)  3x . (K)

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2. Find the derivative of the constant function f ( x)  a for a fixed real number ‘a’.(U)

3. Find the derivative of f ( x )  2 x 
. (K)
4. Find the derivative of the function: f ( x)  sec x . (K)
5. Find the derivative of the function: f ( x)  cosec x . (K)
6. Find the derivative of f ( x)  x  . (U)
7. Find the derivative of f ( x )  sin x  cos x . (U)
8. Find the derivative of y   x . (U)
9. Find the derivative of f ( x)  ( x) . (K)
10. Find the derivative of y  ( x  a) . (K)


1. Find the derivative of sin x at x  0 . (U)
2. Find the derivative of f ( x )  3 at x  0 . (U)
3. Find the derivative of f ( x )  3 at x  3 . (U)
4. Find the derivative of f ( x )  10 x . (K)
5. Find the derivative of f ( x)  x . (K)
6.If f ( x)  10 x , find f ( x ) . (K)
100 55
7. Compute the derivative of 6 x – x  x. (S)
8. Find the derivative of x – 2 at x  10 . (K)
9. Find the derivative of 99 x at x  100 . (K)
10. Find the derivative of x at x  1 . (K)
11. Find the derivative of the function: f ( x)  x  27 . (U)
12. Find the derivative of the function: f ( x)  ( x  1)(x  2) . (U)
13. Find the derivative of the function: f ( x)  sin x cos x . (U)
14. Find the derivative of the function: f ( x)  5sec x  4 cos x , (U)
15. Find the derivative of the function: f ( x)  3cot x  5cosec x . (U)
16. Find the derivative of the function: f ( x)  5sin x  6cos x  7 . (U)
17. Find the derivative of the function: f ( x)  2 tan x  7 sec x . (U)
18. Find the derivative of f ( x )  x sin x . (U)
19. Find the derivative of y  4 x  2 . (U)


1. Find the derivative of f ( x)  . (U)
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2.Prove that derivative of the function f ( x)  x is the constant function 1. (K)
3. Prove that derivative of f ( x)  x n is n x n1 for any positive integer n . (K)
4. Find the derivative of f ( x)  1  x  x 2  x3  ......  x50 at x  1 . (S)
x 1
5. Find the derivative of f ( x)  . (U)
6. Compute the derivative of sin x . (U)
7. Compute the derivative of cos x . (U)
8. Compute the derivative of tan x . (U)
9. Compute the derivative of cot x . (U)
10. Compute the derivative of sec x . (U)
11. Compute the derivative of cosec x . (U)
12. Compute the derivative of sin( x  1) . (S)
 
13. Compute the derivative of cos  x   . (S)
 8
14. Compute the derivative of f ( x)  sin 2 x . (U)
15. For some constant ‘a’ and ‘b’, find the derivative of f ( x )  ( x  a )( x  b ) . (U)
2 2
16. For some constant ‘a’ and ‘b’, find the derivative of f ( x )  ( ax  b) . (U)
17. For some constant ‘a’ and ‘b’, find the derivative of f ( x )  . (U)
x b
xn  a n
18. Find the derivative of for some constant ‘a’. (U)
2 x2
19. Find the derivative of  . (S)
x  1 3x  1
20. Find the derivative of (5 x3  3 x  1)( x  1) . (U)
21. Find the derivative of x 3 (5  3 x) . (U)
22. Find the derivative of x 5  3  6 x 9  . (U)
23. Find the derivative of x 4  3  4 x 5  . (U)
24. Find the derivative of the function: f ( x )  . (U)
x 1
25. Find the derivative of the function: f ( x )  . (U)
x 1
2x  3
26. Find the derivative of f ( x )  . (U)
27. Compute derivative of f ( x)  sin 2 x . (S)
28. Compute derivative of f ( x)  cot x . (U)
r 
29.Find the derivative of y  ( px  q)   s  . (U)
x 
30.Find the derivative of y  (ax  b)  cx  d  . (U)
a b
31. Find the derivative of y    cos x . (U)
x4 x2

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32. Find the derivative of y  sin( x  a) . (S)
33. Find the derivative of y  cosec x cot x . (U)
34. Find the derivative of y  x 4 (5 sin x  3 cos x) . (U)
35. Find the derivative of y  ( x 2  1) cos x . (U)
36. Find the derivative of y  ( ax  sin x)( p  q cos x) . (U)
37. Find the derivative of y  ( x  cos x)( x  tan x) . (U)
38. Find the derivative of y  ( x  sec x)( x  tan x) . (U)


1. Find the derivative of the function f  x   2 x 2  3x – 5 at x  –1 . Also prove
that f   0   3 f   –1  0 . (A)
x100 x 99 x2
2. For the function f ( x )    .........  x  1. prove that f (1)  100 f (0) .(A)
100 99 2
x 5  cos x
3. Find the derivative of f ( x )  . (U)
sin x
x  cos x
4. Find the derivative of f ( x)  . (U)
tan x
x  cos x
5. Find the derivative of f ( x)  . (U)
tan x
ax  b
5. Find the derivative of y  . (U)
cx  d
6. Find the derivative of y  x. (U)
7. Find the derivative of y  2 . (U)
ax  bx  c
ax  b
8. Find the derivative of y  2 . (U)
px  qx  r
px 2  qx  r
9. Find the derivative of y  . (U)
ax  b
cos x
16. Find the derivative of y  . (U)
1  sin x
sin x  cos x
17. Find the derivative of y  . (U)
sin x  cos x
sec x  1
18. Find the derivative of y  . (U)
sec x  1
a  b sin x
20. Find the derivative of y  . (U)
c  d cos x
sin( x  a )
21. Find the derivative of y  . (S)
cos x

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4 x  5 sin x
26. Find the derivative of y  . (U)
3 x  7 cos x
 
x 2 cos  
27. Find the derivative of y  4. (U)
sin x
28. Find the derivative of y  . (U)
1  tan x


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1. Define mathematically acceptable statement. (K)

2. Define negation of a statement. (K)

3. Define a compound statement. (K)

4. Write the negation of “New Delhi is a city”. (U)

5. Write the negation of “Both the diagonals of a rectangle have the same length”. (U)

6. Write the negation of “ 7 is rational”. (U)

7. Write the negation of “There does not exist a quadrilateral which has all its sides are equal”. (U)

8. Write the negation of “Every natural number is greater than zero”. (U)

9. Define converse of the statement. (K)

10. DefineContra positive of the statement. (K)

11. Write the negation of “Everyone in Germany speaks German”. (U)

12. Write the negation of “Chennai is the capital of Tamil Nadu”. (U)

13. Write the negation of “All triangles are not equilateral triangle” (U)

14. Write the negation of “The number 2 is greater than 7”. (U)

15. Write the negation of “Every natural number is an integer”. (U)

16. Define quantifiers. (K)

17. Write the statement “You get a job implies that your credentials are good” in the form ‘If-then’.

18. Write the statement “The Banana trees will bloom if it stays warm for a month” in the form ‘If-then’.

19. Write the statement “A quadrilateral is a parallelogram if its diagonals bisect each other” in the form

‘If-then’. (U)

20. Write the statement “To get an A+ in the class, if it is necessary that you do all the exercise of the book”.

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21. Write the negation of the “For every positive real number x, the number x-1 is also positive” (U)

22. Write the negation of the “All cats scratch”. (U)

23. Write the negation of the “For every real number x, either x>1 or x<1” (U)

24. Write the negation of the“there exists a number x such that 0<x<1” (U)

25. Write the contra positive of the statement: “If a number is divisible by 9, then it is divisible by 3.”

26. Write the contra positive of the statement: “If you are born in India, then you are a citizen of India”.

27. Write the contra positive of the statement:“If a triangle is equilateral, it is isosceles”. (U)

28. Write the converse of thestatement: “If a number n is even, then n2 is even”. (U)

29. Write the converse of the statement: “If you do all the exercises in the book, you get an A grade

in the class”. (U)

30. Write the converse of thestatement: “If two integers a and b are such that a>b, then a-b is always a

positive integer”. (U)

31. Write the negation of the statement: “For every real number x, x2>x”. (U)

32. Write the negation of the statement: “there exists a rational number x such that x2=2”. (U)

33. Write the negation of the statement:“All birds have wings”. (U)

34. Write the negation of the statement: “All students study mathematics at the elementary level”.


1. Write the component statement of the following compound statement and check whether the

compound statement is true or false:”Zero is less than every positive integer and every negative integer”.

2. Write the component statement of the following compound statement and check whether the

compound statement is true or false:”A line is straight and extends indefinitely in both directions”. (U)

3. Write the component statement of the following compound statement and check whether the

compound statement is true or false:”All living things have two legs and two eyes”. (U)

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4.Identifythe type of “or” used in the following statement and check whether the statement is

true or false:” 2 is a rational number or an irrational number”. (U)

5. Find the component statement of the following compound statement and check whether they are

true or false:” A square is a quadrilateral and its four sides equal”. (U)

6. Find the component statement of the following compound statement and check whether the

statement is true or false:”All prime numbers are either even or odd”. (U)

7. Find the component statement of the following compound statement and check whether the

statement is true or false:”A person who has taken Mathematics or Computer Science can go for MCA”.

8. Find the component statement of the following compound statement and check whether the

statement is true or false:”Chandigarh is the capital of Haryana and UP”. (U)

9. Find the component statement of the following compound statement and check whether the

statement is true or false:” 2 is a rational number or an irrational number”. (U)

10. Find the component statement of the following compound statement and check whether the

statement is true or false:” 24 is a multiple of 2, 4, 8”. (U)

11. Find the component statement of the following compound statement and check whether the

statement is true or false:”Number 3 is primeor it is cold”. (U)

12. Find the component statement of the following compound statement and check whether the

statement is true or false:”All integers are positive or negative”. (U)

13. Find the component statement of the following compound statement and check whether the

statement is true or false:” 100 is divisible by 3, 11, 5”. (U)

14. Are the following pairs of statements negations of each other: The number x is not a rational number;

Thenumber x is not an irrational number. (U)

15. Are the following pairs of statements negations of each other: The number x is a rational number;

Department of Pre-university Education 61

the number x is an irrational number. (U)

16. Write the negation of the statement:”Australia is a continent” and check whether the

resulting statement is true or false. (A)

17.Write the negation of the statement:”There does not exist a quadrilateral which has all its sides equal”

and check whether the resulting statement is true or false. (A)

18. Write the negation of the statement:”Every natural number is greater than 0” and check whether

the resulting statement is true or false. (A)

19. Write the negation of the statement:”The sum of 3 and 4 is 9” and check whether the resulting

statement is true or false. (A)

20.State whether ‘or’ used in the statement:”Sun rises or moon sets” is exclusive or inclusive.

Give reason for your answer. (U)

21. State whether ‘Or’ used in the statement:”To enter a country, you need a passport or

a voter registration card” is exclusive or inclusive. Give reason for your answer. (U)

22. State whether ‘Or’ used in the statement:” To apply for a driving license, you should have a

ration card or apassport ” is exclusive or inclusive. Give reason for your answer. (U)

23. State whether ‘or’ used in the statement:”The school is closed if it is a holiday or a Sunday” is

exclusive or inclusive. Give reason for your answer. (U)

24. State whether ‘or’ used in the statement:”All integers are positive or negative” is exclusive or inclusive.

Give reason for your answer. (U)

25. State whether ‘or’ used in the statement:”Two linesintersect at a point or are parallel” is

exclusive or inclusive. Give reason for your answer. (U)

26. State whether ‘or’ used in the statement:”Students can take French or Sanskrit as their third language”

is exclusive or inclusive. Give reason for your answer. (U)

27.Identify the type of “or” used in the following statement and check whether the

Department of Pre-university Education 62

statement is true or false:”To enter into a public library children need an identity card from the school or

a letter from the school authorities”. (U)

28 In the following Compound statement first identify the connecting word and then break

it into component statement:” All rational numbers are real and all real numbers are not complex” (U)

29. In the following Compound statement first identify the connecting word and then break it into

component statement: ” Square of an integer is positive or negative” (U)

30. In the following Compound statement first identify the connecting word and then break

it into component statement:” The sand heats up quickly in the Sun and does not cool down fast at night ”

31. In the following Compound statement first identify the connecting word and then

break it into component statement:”x=2 and x=3 are the roots of the equation 3x2-x-10=0” (U)

32. Identify the quantifier in the given statement and write the negation of the statement:

”There exists a number which is equal to its square”. (U)

33. Identify the quantifier in the given statement and write the negation of the statement:

”For every real number x,x is less than x+1 ”. (U)

34. Identify the quantifier in the given statement and write the negation of the statement:”

There exists a capital for every state in India”. (U)

35. Check whether given pair of statements are negation of each other. Give reasons for your answer.

i) x + y = y + x is true for every real numbers x and y.

ii) “Thereexists real numbers x and y for which x+y=y+x” (A)

36. Write the converse and contra positive of “If x is a prime number, then x is odd” (U)

37. Write the converse and contra positive of “If the two lines are parallel, then they do not intersect

in the same plane.” (U)

38.Write the converse and contra positive of “Something is cold implies that it has low temperature.”

Department of Pre-university Education 63

39. Write the converse and contra positive of “You cannot comprehend geometry if you do not

know how to reason deductively.” (U)

40 .Write the converse and contra positive of “If a number is divisible by 9, then it is divisible by 3.” (U)

41. Write the converse and contra positive of “If you are born in India, then you are a citizen of India.” (U)

42. Write the converse and contra positive of “If triangle is equilateral, then it is isosceles.” (U)

43. Write the converse and contra positive of “If a number n is even, then n2 is even.” (U)

44. Write the converse and contra positive of “If you do all the exercises in the book you get an A grade

in the class.” (U)

45. Write the following statement in the form ‘if-then’:

”you get a job implies that your credentials are good.” (U)

46. Write the following statement in the form ‘if-then’:

”The banana trees will bloom if it stays warm for a month.” (U)

47. Write the following statement in the form ‘if-then’:

”A quadrilateral is a parallelogram if its diagonals bisect each other.” (U)

48. Write the following statement in the form ‘if-then’:” To get an A+ in the class,

it is necessary that you do all the exercise of the book”. (U)

49. Check Whether “Or” used in the following compound statement is exclusive or inclusive?

Write the component statements of the compound statements and use them to check whether

the compound statement is true or not. Justify your answer. “You are wet when it rains or you are in a river.”


1. Verify by the method of contradiction: p: 7 is irrational (S)

2. Check whether the following statement is true or not. Ifx, y  ℤ, are such that x and y are odd, then xy is odd.

Department of Pre-university Education 64

3. Check whether the following statement is true or false by proving its contra positive, If x, y  ℤ,

such that xy is odd, then both x and y are odd. (S)

4. By giving a counter example, show that the following statement is false. If n is an odd integer, then n is prime.

5. Show that the statement: p:If x is a real number such that x3+4x=0 then x is 0” is true by direct method.

6. Show that the statement: p:If x is a real number such that x3+4x=0 then x is 0” is true by

method contradiction. (S)

7. Show that the statement: p:If x is a real number such that x3+4x=0 then x is 0” is true by

method of contra positive. (S)

8. Show that the statement “For any real numbers a and b, a2=b2 , implies that a=b” is not true

by giving a counter example. (S)

9. Show that the following statement is true by method of contra positive “If x is an integer and x2 is even,

then x is also even” (S)

10. By giving a counter example, show that the following statement is not true:”

If all the angles of a triangle are equal, then it is an obtuse angled triangle”. (S)

11.By giving a counter example, show that the following statement is not true

” The equation x2-1=0 does not have a root lying between 0 and 2”. (S)


Department of Pre-university Education 65




1. Write the mean of the given data: 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 4, 8, 12. (U)

2. Write the mean of the given data: 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17. (U)

3. Write the mean of the given data: 38,70,48,40,42,55,63,46,54,44. (U)

4. Compute the variance and Standard deviation of the following observations of marks of 5 students.

Class: marks out of 25: 8, 12, 13, 15, 22. (U)

5. Co-efficient of variation and the standard deviation of certain distribution is 60 and 21 respectively.

Find the arithmetic mean of the arithmetic mean. (A)

6. Find the variance of 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. (U)

7. The standard deviation of certain data is 4. Find the variance. (U)

8. The mean of 200 scores is 48 and their standard deviation n is 3. Find the sum and sum of the squares

of scores. (A)

9. Find the variance and standard deviation of the five observations: 11, 14,15,17,18. (U)

10. Find the mean and variance for the following data: 2, 4,5,6,7,8,17. (U)

11. Find the mean and variance for the following data:6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24. (U)

12. The scores of a batsmen in 10 matches are 38,70,48,34,42,55,63,46,54,44. Find standard deviation

and variance. (A)

13. The mean and variance of heights of XI students are 162.6cm and 127.69cm2 respectively.

Find the coefficient of variation. (A)

14. Two series A and B with equal means have standard deviation 9 and 10 respectively. Which series

is more consistent? (S)

15. Find the mean and variance for the following data: 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 4, 8, 12. (U)

16 .Find the mean deviation about the mean for the following data:6,7,10,12,13,4,8,12. (U)

17. Find the mean deviation about the mean for the following

data:12,3,18,17,4,9,17,19,20,15,8,17,2,3,16,11,3,1,0.5. (U)

18. Find the mean deviation about the mean for the following data:4,7,8,9,10,12,13,17. (U)

Department of Pre-university Education 66

19. Find the mean deviation about the mean for the following data:38,70,48,40,42,55,63,46,54,44.


1. Find the mean deviation about the median for the following data:13,17,16,14,11,13,10,16,11,18,12,17.

2.Find the mean deviation about the median for the following data:36,72,46,60,45,53,46,51,49. (U)

3. Find the mean deviation about the median for the following data:3,9,5,3,12,10,18,4,7,19,21. (U)

4. Find the mean deviation about the mean for the following data: (U)

xi 2 5 6 8 10 12
fi 2 8 10 7 8 5
5. Find the mean deviation about the median for the following data: (A)

xi 3 6 9 12 13 15 21 22
fi 3 4 5 2 4 5 4 3
c.f 3 7 12 14 18 23 27 30
6. Find the mean deviation about the mean for the following data: (A)

Marks obtainined 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80

Number of students 2 3 8 14 8 3 2

7. Calculate the mean deviation about median for the following data: (A)

Class 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60

Frequency 6 7 15 16 4 2

8. Find the mean deviation about the mean for the following data: (A)

xi 5 10 15 20 25
fi 7 4 6 3 5
9. Find the mean deviation about the mean for the following data: (A)

xi 10 30 50 70 90
fi 4 24 28 16 8

10. Find the mean deviation about the median for the following data: (A)

xi 5 7 9 10 12 15
fi 8 6 2 2 2 6

Department of Pre-university Education 67

11. Find the mean deviation about the mean for the following data: (A)

Marks obtainined 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80

Number of students 2 3 8 14 8 3 2

12. Find the mean deviation about the median for the following data: (A)

xi 15 21 27 30 35
fi 3 5 6 7 8
13. Find the mean deviation about the mean for the following data: (A)

Income 0-100 100-200 200-300 300-400 400-500 500-600 600-700 700-800

No.of 4 8 9 10 7 5 4 3

14. Find the mean deviation about the mean for the following data: (A)

Height in 95-105 105-115 115-125 125-135 135-145 145-155

Number of 9 13 26 30 12 10
15. Find the mean deviation about the median for the following data: (A)

Marks 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60

No.of 6 8 14 16 4 2

16. Calculate the mean deviation about median age for the age distribution of 100 persons given be Find the mean
deviation about the mean for the following data: (A)

Age 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55

Number 5 6 12 14 26 12 16 9

17. Find the variance and standard deviation for the following data: (A)

xi 4 8 11 17 20 24 32
fi 3 5 9 5 4 3 1

Department of Pre-university Education 68

18. Calculate the mean, variance and standard deviation for the following distribution: (A)

Class 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100

Frequency 3 7 12 15 8 3 2
19. Find the Variance of the following data: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 (A)

20. Find the standard deviation for the following data: (A)

xi 3 8 13 18 23
fi 7 10 15 10 6
21. Find the mean and variance for First n natural numbers. (S)

22. Find the mean and variance for first 10 multiples of 3. (A)

23. Find the mean and variance for the following data: (A)

xi 6 10 14 18 24 28 30
fi 2 4 7 12 8 4 3
24. Find the mean and variance for the following data: (A)

xi 92 93 97 98 102 104 109

fi 3 2 3 2 6 3 3
25. Find the mean and standard deviation using short-cut method: (A)

xi 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
fi 2 1 12 29 25 12 10 4 5

26. Calculate the mean, variance and standard using short-cut method : (A)

Class 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100

Frequency 3 7 12 15 8 3 2

27. Find the mean, variance for the following frequency distributions : (A)

Class 0-30 30-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210

Frequency 2 3 5 10 3 5 2
28. Find the mean, variance for the following frequency distributions : (A)

Class 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50

Frequency 5 8 15 16 6

Department of Pre-university Education 69

29. Find the mean, Variance and standard deviation using short-cut method: (A)

Height in 70-75 75-80 80-85 85-90 90-95 95-100 100-105 105-110 110-115
Number of 3 4 7 7 15 9 6 6 3

0. The diameters of circles (in mm) drawn in a design are given below: (A)

Diameters 33-36 37-40 41-44 45-48 49-52

No.of circles 15 17 21 22 25
Calculate the standard deviation and mean diameter of the circles.

31. Two plants A and B of a factory show following results about the number of workers and the wages paid to them.


No. of workers 5000 6000

Average monthly wages Rs.2500 Rs.2500
Variance of distribution 81 100
of wages
Which plant, A or B is there greater variability in individual wages? (A)

32. The following values are calculated in respect of heights and weights of the students of a section of class XI:

Height Weight

Mean 162.6cm 52.36kg

Variance 127.69cm2 23.1361kg2

Can we say that the weights show greater variation than the heights? (A)

33. From the data given below state which group is more variable, A or B? (A)

Marks 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80

Group A 9 17 32 33 40 10 9
Group B 10 20 30 25 43 15 7

34. From the prices of shares X and Y below, find out which is more stable in value: (A)

X 35 54 52 53 56 58 52 50 51 49
Y 108 107 105 105 106 107 104 103 104 101

Department of Pre-university Education 70

35. An analysis of monthly wages paid to workers in two firms A and B, belonging to the same industry, gives the
following results: (A)

Firm A Firm B
No.of wages earners 586 648
Mean of monthly wages Rs.5253 Rs.5253
Variance of the distribution of 100 121
(i)Which firm A or B pays larger amount as monthly wages? (ii) Which firm, A or B, shows greater variability in
individual wages?

36. The following is the record of goals scored by team A in football session:

No.of goals scored 0 1 2 3 4

No.of matches 1 9 7 5 3
From the team B, mean number of goals scored per match was 2 with a standard deviation 1.25 goals.

Find which team may be considered more consistent? (A)

37. The sum and sum of squares corresponding to length x (in cm) and weight y (ingm) of 50 plant products

50 50 50 50
are given below:l  xi  212,
i 1
 x 2i  902.8,
i 1
 yi  261,
i 1
i 1
i  1457.6 Which is more varying, the

length or weight? (S)

38. The variance of 20 observations is 5. If each observation is multiplied by 2, find the new variance of the

resulting observations. (A)

39. The mean 5 observations is 4.4 and their variance is 8.24. If three of observations are 1,2 and 6, find the

other two observations. (A)

40. If each of the observation x1 , x2 ,............xn is increased by ‘a’, where a is a negative or positive number,

show that the variance remains unchanged. (S)

41. The mean and standard deviation of 100 observations were calculated as 40 and 5.1, respectively by a

student who took by mistake 50 instead of 40 for one observation. What are the correct mean and standard deviation?

42. The mean and variance of eight observations are 9 and 9.25, respectively. If six of the observations are

6, 7, 10, 12, 12 and 13, find the remaining two observations. (A)

43. The mean and variance of 7 observations are 8 and 16, respectively. If five of the observations are

2, 4, 10, 12, 14. Find the remaining two observations. (A)

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44. The mean and standard deviation of six observations are 8 and 4, respectively. If each observation is

multiplied by 3, find the new mean and new standard deviation of the resulting observations. (S)

45. Given that ̅ is the mean and  2 is the variance of n observations x1 , x2 ,............xn . Prove that

the mean and variance of the observations ax1 , ax2 ,............axn are a ̅ and a2  2 , respectively, ( a  0 ). (S)

46. The mean and standard deviation of 20 observations are found to be 10 and 2, respectively.
On rechecking, it was found that an observation 8 was incorrect. Calculate the correct mean
and standard deviation in each of the following cases. (i) If wrong item is omitted.
(ii) If it is replaced by 12. (S)
47. The mean and standard deviation of marks obtained by 50 students of a class in three subjects,

Mathematics, physics and chemistry are given below:

Subject Mathematics Physics Chemistry

Mean 42 32 40.9
Standard 12 15 20
Which of the three subjects shows the highest variability in marks and which shows the lowest (A)

48. The mean and standard deviation of a group of 100 observations were found to be 20 and 3, respectively.

Later on it was found that three observations were incorrect, which were recorded as 21, 21 and 18.

Find the mean and standard deviation if the incorrect observations are omitted.


Department of Pre-university Education 72



1 Mark questions

1. Define a random experiment. (K)

2. Define sample space of a random experiment. (K)

3. Write the sample space for the random experiment, “tossing a coin twice”. (K)

4. Write the sample space for the random experiment, “tossing a coin three times”. (K)
5. Write the sample space for the random experiment “rolling a pair of dice once”. (K)

6. A coin is tossed and a die is thrown. Write the sample space for this random experiment. (A)

7. Write the sample space for the random experiment “a coin is tossed and then a die is rolled only in case

a head is shown on the coin”. (A)

8. A box contains 1 red and 3 identical white balls. Two balls are drawn at random in succession without

replacement. Write the sample space for this experiment. (U)

9. An experiment consists of recording boy-girl composition of families with two children. What is the sample

space if we record, whether it is a boy or a girl in order of their births? (U)

10. An experiment consists of recording boy-girl composition of families with two children. What is the sample

space if we record, the number of boys in the family? (U)

11. An experiment consists of rolling a die and then tossing a coin once, if the number on the die is a

multiple of 3. Find the sample space for this experiment. (A)

12. Suppose 3 bulbs are selected at random from a lot. Each bulb is tested and classified as defective (D)

or non-defective (N). Write the sample space for this experiment. (U)

13. Write the sample space for the random experiment,” A coin is tossed twice and number of heads is recorded”.

14. A die is thrown repeatedly until a six comes up. What is the sample space for this experiment?

15. Write the sample space for the random experiment,” A coin is tossed repeatedly until a tail comes up”.

16. Write the sample space for the random experiment “selecting a boy and a girl from a group of 3 boys and 2 girls”.

Department of Pre-university Education 73

17. Write the sample space for the random experiment “drawing a die at random from a bag containing one red,

one blue dice and rolling it once”. (U)

18. A coin is tossed ‘n’ times. Find the number of elements in its sample space. (U)

19. What is the number of sample points in the sample space of the experiment,” rolling of a pair of dice once”?

20. A card is selected from a pack of 52 cards. How many sample points are there in the sample space?

21.How many sample points are there in the sample space of the experiment, ”drawing two cards in

succession without replacement from a pack of 52 playing cards”? (U)

22. A bag contains 3 non-identical black balls and 4 non-identical white balls .Two balls are drawn

at random in succession. Then find the number of elements in the sample space of the experiment. (A)

23. Define a simple event. (K)

24. Define a compound event. (K)

25. Three coins are tossed once. State whether the event “three heads show” is a simple event or a

compound event. (U)

26. A die is rolled once. State whether the event “getting a prime number” is a simple event or a

compound event. (U)

27. Consider the random experiment “rolling a die once”. Write the event, “a number less than 5 appears”.

28. A coin is tossed twice. Find the total number of events that can be associated with this experiment.

29. What is the probability of an impossible event? (K)

30. What is the probability of a sure event? (K)

31. If P(AUB)=P(A)+P(B), then what can be said about the events A and B? (U)

32. If E1 and E2 are exhaustive events then find the probability of the event ' E1orE 2 ' (A)

33. If the probabilities of three mutually exclusive and exhaustive events A, B, C are p, 2p, 3p respectively,

then find the value of p. (A)

34. 6 boys and 5 girls participated in a debate competition. How likely is it that the winner of the competition

is a boy? (A)

Department of Pre-university Education 74

35. Events E and F are such that P(not E or not F)=0.75. State whether E and F are mutually exclusive.

36. If P(A)=0.5 , P(B)=0.7 and P(A∩B)=0.6 then check whether P(A) and P(B) are consistently defined.

37.A letter is chosen at random from the word ‘PROBABILITY’. Find the probability that the letter

is a consonant. (S)

38.A letter is chosen at random from the word ‘ASSASSINATION’. Find the probability that the letter

is a vowel. (S)

39. Find the probability that in a random arrangement of the letters of the word ‘QUESTION’,T always comes

at the first place. (S)

40. An integer is chosen at random from 1 to 20. What is the probability that the integer is a multiple of 4.

41. What is the probability that a natural number selected at random from 1 to 10 is a prime number, if each

of the ten numbers is equally likely to be selected? (U)

42. There are four men and six women on the city council. If one council member is selected for a committee

at random, how likely is it that it is a woman? (U)

43. If is the probability of an event A, what is the probability of the event ‘not A’? (S)

44. If S  {w1, w2, w3 , w4 } is the sample space of an experiment, then find the value of Pw1   Pw2   Pw3   Pw4  .

45. If S  {w1, w2, w3 , w4 } is the sample space of an experiment, then check whether the following

1 1 1 1
assignment of probabilities P( w1 )  , P(w2 )  , P(w3 )  , P( w4 )  is valid. (U)
4 3 6 4

46. If S  {w1, w2, w3 , w4 , w5 , w6 } is the sample space of an experiment, then check whether the following

assignment of probabilities P (w1 )  0.2 , P (w2 )  0.3 , P( w3 )  0.1 , P( w4 )  0.15 P( w5 )  2.5 P (w6 )  0.3

is valid. (U)

47. A book contains 60 pages. A page is chosen at random. What is the chance that the number on the page

is a multiple of 10? (U)

48. A card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 playing cards. Find the probability that the card drawn

is an ace of hearts. (S)

Department of Pre-university Education 75

49. A card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 playing cards. Find the probability that the card drawn

is a king of spades. (S)

50. A card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 playing cards. Find the probability that the card drawn is a

red card. (S)

51. A card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 playing cards. Find the probability that the card drawn is a club.

52. A card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 playing cards. Find the probability that the card drawn

is a Jack of diamonds or a king of clubs. (S)

53. A card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 playing cards. Find the probability that the card drawn is

an ace. (S)

54. A card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 playing cards. Find the probability that the card drawn is a

face card. (S)

55. A card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 playing cards. Find the probability that the card drawn is

not a diamond. (S)

56. Two cards are drawn from a well shuffled pack of 52 playing cards without replacement. Find the probability

that both cards drawn are queens. (S)

57. Three unbiased dice are rolled once simultaneously. Find the probability that the same number appears

on all the three dice. (S)

58. In a leap year, find the probability of 53 Sundays and 53 Mondays. (S)

2 Mark Questions

1. A box contains 15 identical cards and numbers 1 to 15 are written on them separately. A card is selected

at random. What is the probability that the number on the card is not a multiple of 5? (S)

2. A letter is chosen at random from the word ‘MATHEMATICS’. Find the probability that letter is a

(i) vowel (ii) consonant (S)

3. Two letters are chosen at random from the word ‘TUESDAY’. What is the probability that both the letters are
vowels? (S)

4. A die is rolled. Let E be the event, “die shows 4” and F be the event ,”die shows even number”. Write the

events E and F. Check whether E and F mutually exclusive. (S)

Department of Pre-university Education 76
5. A die is rolled. Let E be the event, “die shows a prime” and F be the event,”die shows a multiple of 3”.

Write the events E and F. Check whether E and F mutually exclusive. (S)

6. A coin is tossed twice. Write the events, A: “at least one head appears”, B:”at most one tail appears”.

Check whether they are exhaustive events. (S)

7. A coin is tossed thrice. Write the events,A:”no head appears”, B: “at least two head appears”.

Check whether the events are mutually exclusive. (S)

8. Three coins are tossed simultaneously. Write the events

(i) A:”getting 3 heads”(ii)B:”getting a tail on two coins”. Are they mutually exclusive? (S)
9. Three coins are tossed once. Write the events A:”a tail shows on the first coin

” and B:”at least one head shows”. Check whether the events A and B are exhaustive. (S)

10. Three coins are tossed. Write two events which are mutually exclusive. (U)

11. Three coins are tossed. Write three events which are mutually exclusive and exhaustive. (U)

12. Three coins are tossed. Write two events which are not mutually exclusive. (U)

13. Three coins are tossed. Write two events which are mutually exclusive but not exhaustive. (U)

14. Three coins are tossed. Write three events which are mutually exclusive but not exhaustive. (U)

15. Consider the random experiment “rolling a die once”. Write the events, A: “an even number greater

than 4 appears” and B:”a number not less than 3 appears”. Check whether they are mutually exclusive. (S)

16. Consider the random experiment “rolling a die once”. Write the events, A: “a prime number appears”

AndB: ”an even number greater than 2 appears ”. Check whether they are mutually exclusive. (S)

17. A coin is tossed thrice. Find the number of sample points in the sample space. Also find the number of

events that can be associated with this experiment. (S)

18. Consider the random experiment “rolling a die once”. Write the events, A: “a number less than 5 appears”

and B: ”a multiple of 3 appears”. Check whether they are mutually exclusive. (S)

19. A die is rolled once and the number appearing on the uppermost face is noted. Write the events, A:

“a number greater than 1 appears”, B:”a number not more than 3 appears”. Check whether the events

are exhaustive. (S)

Department of Pre-university Education 77

20. A die is thrown. Write the following events:

A:” an even number greater than 4 appears” B: “a number less than 5 appears” .
Also Write the event‘ A or B ‘. (S)
21. A die is thrown. Write the following events:

A: “a number less than 7 appears” B: “a multiple of 3 appears”.

AlsoWritethe event ‘ A and B ’ . (S)
22. A die is thrown. Write the following events: A:” a number not less than 3 appears” B: “a prime number
appears”. Also Write the event’ A but not B ’. (S)

3 1
23. Given P (A) = and P (B) = .Find P (A or B), if A and B are mutually exclusive events. (U)
5 5

2 3
24. Given P (A) = and P (B) = . If A and B are mutually exclusive events, find P(A or B). (U)
7 7

25. A die is thrown.Find the probability of the event: “A prime number will appear”. (U)

26. A die is thrown.Find the probability of the event: “An even number less than 4 will appear”. (U)

27. A die is thrown. Find the probability of the event: “A number not less than 3 will appear”. (U)

28. A coin is tossed twice. What is the probability that at least one tail occurs? (S)

29. A coin is tossed twice. What is the probability that at most one head occurs? (S)

30. Three coins are tossed at once. Find the probability of getting at least two heads? (S)

31. Two dice are thrown .Then Write the event,” the sum of the numbers which come up on the dice is even”.

Also find the probability of the event. (S)

32. Two dice are thrown .Then write the event, ”the sum of the numbers which come up on the dice is greater

than 8”. Also find the probability of the event. (S)

33. Two dice are thrown .Then write the event, ”the sum of the numbers on the dice is less than or equal to 5”.

Also find the probability of the event. (S)

34. On her vacations Veena visits four cities A,B,C and D in random order. What is the probability that she

visits A before B? (S)

35. On official work Sharathvisits four cities A,B,C and D in random order. What is the probability that he

visits A first and B last? (S)

36. A salesman visits four shops P,Q, R,S on a day, in a random order .What is the probability that he visits

P just before Q? (S)

Department of Pre-university Education 78
37. The number lock of a suitcase has 4 wheels, each labelled with ten digits i.e. from 0 to 9. The lock

opens with a sequence of four digits with no repeats. What is the probability of a person getting the

right sequence to open the suitcase? (S)

38. 4 cards are drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. What is the probability of obtaining 3

diamonds and one spade? (U)

39. Find the probability that when a hand of 7 cards is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards,

it contains ‘all Kings’. (S)

40. Find the probability that when a hand of 7 cards is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards,

it contains ‘3 Kings’. (S)

41. Three letters are dictated to three persons and an envelope is addressed to each of them, the letters

are inserted into the envelopes at random so that each envelope contains exactly one letter.

Find the probability that at least one letter is in its proper envelope. (S)

42. A and B are two events such that P(A)=0.42,P(B)=0.48 and P(A and B )=0.16. Determine

(i) P(not A) (ii)P( A or B). (U)

43. A and B are two events such that P(A)=0.54 ,P(B)=0.69 and P(A∩B)=0.35. Find (i) P( A  B ) (ii) P( B  A)

44. If P(E)=0.6 ,P(F)=0.4 and P(E∩F)=0.1 , then find P(neither E nor F). (S)

45. The probabilities that at least one of the events A and B occurs is 0.8. If A and B occur simultaneously

with probability 0.1, then find P( A)  P( B ) . (S)

5 1 4
46. A and B are events such that P A  B   , P A  B   and P A  then find P A  B  .(S)
7 7 7

47. In a lottery, a person chose six different natural numbers at random from 1 to20,and if these six

numbers match with the six numbers already fixed by the lottery committee, he wins the prize.

What is the probability of winning the prize in the game?(Order of the numbers is not important). (S)

48. In class XI of a school 40% of the students study Mathematics and 30% study Biology. 10% of the

class study both Mathematics and Biology. If a student is selected at random from the class, find

the probability that he will be studying Mathematics or Biology. (A)

49. A card is drawn at random from a well shuffled pack of 52 cards. Find the probability that it is

either a queen or a spade. (S)

Department of Pre-university Education 79

50. One card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. If each outcome is equally likely, calculate

the probability that the card will be (i) a diamond (ii) a Jack (U)

51. One card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. If each outcome is equally likely,

calculate the probability that the card will be (i) an ace (ii) a black card. (U)

52. Three numbers are chosen randomly from {1,2,3,4,5,6}. What is the probability that they are

not consecutive? (S)

53. A fair coin is tossed four times, and a person wins Rupee.1 for each head and looses Rupees

1.50 for each tail that turns up. Find the probability that the person wins Rupees.1.50. (A)

54. In an entrance test that is graded on the basis of two examinations, the probability of a randomly

Chosen student passing the first examination is 0.8 and the probability of passing the second

examinatio is 0.7. The probability of passing at least one of them is 0.95. What is the probability

of passing both? (A)

3 Mark Questions
1. Two students Anil and Ashima appeared in an examination. The probability that Anil will qualify the

examination is 0.05 and that Ashima will qualify the examination is 0.10. The probability that both

will qualify the examination is 0.02. Find the probability that both Anil andAshima will not qualify

in the examination. (A)

2. Two friends Ramesh and Arati appeared in a competitive examination. The probability that Ramesh

will qualify the examination is 0.08 and that Arati will qualify the examination is 0.15. The probability

that both will qualify the examination is 0.03. Find the probability that only one of them will

qualify the examination. (A)

3.If A and B are two events such that P( A)  0.54 , P( B)  0.69 and P ( A  B)  0.35 then find

(i) P( A  B) (ii) P( A1  B 1 ) (S)

1 1 1
4. If E and Fare events such that P ( E )  , P( F )  and P ( EandF )  then find (i) P(EorF )
3 6 9

(ii) P(notEandnotF ) . (S)

1 1 1
5. If E and Fare events such that P( E )  , P( F )  and P ( E.and .F )  then find (i) P(EorF )
4 2 8

(ii) P (not.E.and.notF ) . (S)

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6. One card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. If each outcome is equally likely, calculate

the probability that the card will be (i) a spade (ii) a red card (iii) not a King (S)

7. One card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. If each outcome is equally likely, calculate

the probability that the card will be (i) a heart (ii) a queen (iii) not a black card (S)

8. One card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. If each outcome is equally likely,

calculate the probability that the card will be (i) a diamond (ii) not an ace (iii) not a club. (S)

9. Find the probability that when a hand of 7 cards is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards,

it contains ‘at least 3 Kings’. (S)

10. A committee of two persons is to be selected from 2 men and 2 women. What is the probability

that the committee will have (i) no man? (ii) One man? (A)

11. A group of two persons is to be selected from 3 men and 2 women .what is the probability that

the group will have (i) no woman? (ii) at least one woman ? (A)

12. A team of three persons is to be selected from 2 boys and 3 girls. What is the probability that

the team will have (i) three girls (ii)at most one boy? (A)

13. The numbers 1 to 100 are written separately on 100 slips of paper. The slips are put in a box and

mixed thoroughly. A person draws a slip from the box. What is the probability that the number

written on the slip drawn is (i) even (ii) greater than 90(iii) less than or equal to 12. (S)

14. In a class of 60 students, 30 opted for NCC, 32 opted for NSS and 24 opted for both NCC and NSS.

If one of these students is selected at random, find the probability that

(i) the student has opted for NCC or NSS (ii) the student has opted NSS but not NCC (A)

15. The probability that a student will pass the final examination in both English and Hindi is 0.5 and

the probability of passing neither is 0.1. If the probability of passing the English examination is 0.75,

what is the probability of passing the Hindi examination? (A)

16. A bag contains 9 discs of which 4 are red, 3 are blue and 2 are yellow. The discs are similar in

shape and size. A disc is drawn at random from the bag. Calculate the probability that it will be

(i) yellow(ii) not blue (iii) either red or blue. (S)

Department of Pre-university Education 81

17. A box contains 10 red marbles, 20 blue marbles and 30 green marbles. 5 marbles are drawn from

the box, in succession without replacement, what is the probability that (i) all will be blue?

(ii)at least one will be green? (S)

18. A die has two faces each with number ‘1’ , three faces each with number ‘2’ and one face with number ‘3’.

If die is rolled once, determine (i) P(2) (ii)P(1 or 3)(iii) P(not 3) (S)

19. In a certain lottery 10,000 tickets are sold and ten equal prizes are awarded. What is the probability

of not getting a prize if you buy (i) one ticket? (ii) two tickets? (S)

20. If 4-digit numbers greater than 5,000 are randomly formed from the digits 0,1,3,5 and 7, what is the

probability of forming a number divisible by 5, when the repetition of digits is not allowed? (S)

21. In a relay race there are five teams A,B,C,D and E. (a) What is the probability that A, B and C finish first,

second and third, respectively?(b) What is the probability that A, B and C are first three to finish (in any order)?

(Assume that all finishing orders are equally likely). (A)

22. Out of 100 students, two sections of 40 and 60 are formed. If you and your friend are among the

100 students, what is the probability that you both enter the same section? (A)

23. Out of 50 students, two groups of 20 and 30 are formed. If you and your friend are among the

50 students, what is the probability that you and your friend enter different groups? (A)

24. Three coins are tossed once; find the probability of getting (i) 2 heads(ii) at least 2 heads

(iii) at most 2 tails. (S)

25. Three coins are tossed once; find the probability of getting (i) 3 tails (ii) at least 2 tails (iii) one head.

26. A fair coin with 1 marked on one face and 6 on the other and a fair die are both tossed. Find the

probability that the sum of numbers that turn up is ( i ) 3 ( ii ) 12 (S)

27. A fair coin with 3 marked on one face and 5 on the other and a fair die are both tossed. Find the

probability that the sum of numbers that turn up is ( i ) 6 ( ii ) 11 (S)

28. Two dice are thrown. Write the following events.

A: getting an even number on the first die

B: getting the sum of the numbers on the dice ≤ 5.

Also Write the event “Abut not B “. (S)

Department of Pre-university Education 82

29. Two dice are thrown simultaneously and numbers on their uppermost faces are noted. Write the events,

A:”getting a total of more than 5 but less than 10”, B:”getting a total of 12”. Also find the probability of the

event “A or B”. (S)

30. A die is rolled twice. Write the following events. A:”getting the sum of the numbers on the die in

two throws is ≥ 9”. B:”getting an even number on the first throw and a multiple of 3 on the second throw”.

Also find the probability of the event “A and B”. (S)

31. If A, B, C are three events associated with a random experiment, prove that
P ( A  B  C )  P A  P ( B)  PC   P( A  B)  P( B  C )  P( A  C )  P( A  B  C ) (S)


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I. One mark questions (PART – A):

1. What is physics? (K)
2. What is Astro physics? (K)
3. Who gave the wave theory of light? (K)
4. Who discovered neutrons? (K)
5. Who gave the theory of relativity? (K)
6. Name the discovery made by Sir C.V.Raman. (K)
7. Name the discovery made by Maxwell. (K)
8. Name the principle behind aero plane concept. (A)
9. Name the principle behind rocket propulsion. (A)
10. Who discovered the X-rays? (K)
11. Who is the father of unification field theory?(K)
12. What do you mean by scientific method? (K)
13. Who gave the quantum theory? (K)
14. Who gave the theory of expansion of universe? (K)
15. What is technology? (K)
16. Which is the strongest force in nature? (K)
17. Which is the weakest force in nature? (K)
18. What is the range of gravitational force? (K)
19. What is the meaning of word ’fusis’? (K)
20. Name the experiment behind nuclear model of the atom? (K)

Two mark questions (PART – B):

1. Name two fundamental forces in nature. (K)

Chapter 2
Units and Measurements
I. One mark questions (PART – A):
1. What is a physical quantity? (k)
2. What is a unit of physical quantity? (K)
3. What are fundamental or basic units? (K)
4. What are derived units? (K)
5. Give the basic units of length in CGS / MKS / FPS / SI system. (K)
6. Given the base units of mass in CGS / MKS / FPS / SI system. (K)
7. How many base units are there in SI system? (K)
8. Name the SI unit of current / temperature / amount of a substance / luminous
intensity. (K)
9. Name the SI unit of angle in a plane. (K)
10. Name the SI unit of solid angle. (K)
11. Mention some direct method of measuring length.(U)
12. Name the method of measuring long distances. (K)
13. What is parallax? (K)
14. What is meant by parallactic angle? (K)
15. Express A0 unit in meters. (U)
16. Name the larger units of length. (K)
17. What is meant by light year? (K)
18. Define unified atomic unit. (K)
19. Which is the instrument used to measure small masses like atom? (K)
20. Mention the types of errors involved in measurements.(K)
21. What is meant by systematic error? (K)
22. What are random errors? (K)
23. What is least count? (K)
24. What is absolute error? (K)
25. How would you determine the true value of a quantity measured several times ? (U)
26. What is relative error? (K)
27. Write the relation for relative error. (K)
28. Write the expression for percentage error. (K)
29. Define astronomical unit (AU) (K)
30. Define parsec. (K)
31. Express parsec in terms of light years. (U)
32. What are significant figures? (K)
33. Does the number of significant figures depend on the choice of unit? (U)
34. State the number of significant figures in the following (U)
a)0.006 m2 (b) 2.65 x 103 kg (c) 0.2309 m-3 (d) 6.320 J (e) 0.006032 m2
35. Round off the following result to three significant figures(U)
a) 2.746 (b) 2.744 (3) 2.745 (4) 2.735
36. Define dimension of a physical quantity. (K)
37. Write the dimensions of work. (K)
38. Define dimensional formula of physical quantity. (K)
39. Write the dimensional formula of volume. (K)
40. Define dimensional equation of a physical quantity. (K)
41. Name a physical quantity which has no units and no dimensions(U)
42. Name a physical quantity which has units but no dimensions. (U)
43. Name a physical quantity which has neither unit nor dimension. (U)
44. State the principle of homogeneity of dimensions. (K)

II. Two mark questions (PART – B):

1. Mention the fundamental quantities in SI system (K)
2. Name any two derived SI unit with the name of scientist. (K)
3. What are sources of systematic error? (K)
4. Explain the method of reducing systematic error. (K)
5. Give any two methods of reducing least count error. (K)
6. The distance ‘D’ of the sun from the earth is 1.496 x 1011 m. if sun’s angular diameter
is 9.31 x 10-3 rad as measured from earth, find the diameter of the sun. (S)
7. State the rule to find the absolute error when two quantities are added or
Write the expression. (K)
8. State the rule to find the relative error when two quantities are multiplied or
Write an expression. (K)
9. Find the relative error in Z ,if Z = A3 B1/2 / C D3/2 (U)
10. Explain scientific notation method of finding the number of significant figures. (K)
11. Write the dimension of universal gravitational constant. (u)
12. Mention two pairs of physical quantities which have the same dimensions. (U)
13. Mention the physical quantities whose dimensions are (i) [M1 L-1 T-2] (ii) [M1 L2 T-3] (K)
14. What are the dimensions of a and b in the relation F = a1/2+ bt2 where F is force , x is
distance and t is time. (U)
15. Mention any two constants which have dimensions. (U)
16. Mention any two applications of dimensional analysis. (U)

Three mark questions (PART – C)

1. Check the correctness of following equation by dimensional analysis.
x = x0 + v0t + 1/2at2
2. Check the correctness of following equation by dimensional analysis.
F x = ½ mvo2 – ½ mv2 (S)

Five mark questions (PART – D):

1. The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum is T = 2 . the measured value of

L is 20.0 cm known to 1 mm accuracy and time for 100 oscillations of the pendulum
is found to be 90 s using a watch of 1s resolution. Find accuracy in % error. (S)
2. The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum depends on its length (l) , mass of the
bob (m) and acceleration due to gravity (g) . derive the expression for its time period
using method of dimensions. (K)
3. The centripetal force (F) acting on a particle moving uniformly in a circle depends
upon its mass (m), velocity (v) and radius of circle (r). derive the expression for
centripetal force using method of dimensions._ (S)
Motion in a Straight line
I. One mark questions (PART – A):
1. When does an object said to be in motion? (K)
2. What is rectilinear motion? (K)
3. What is meant by path length? (K)
4. Define displacement? (K)
5. What is the position - time graph? (K)
6. Define uniform velocity. (K)
7. Define speed of a body. (K)
8. Define Velocity of a body. (K)
9. Define instantaneous velocity of a body in terms of its average velocity.
10. The average velocity of a body is equal to its instantaneous velocity. What do you
conclude by this? (U)
11. What does the slope of position - time graph represent? (K)
12. What is meant by uniform motion? (K)
13. Define average acceleration. (K)
14. Define instantaneous acceleration of a body in terms of its average acceleration. (U)
15. What does the slope of velocity - time graph represent? (K)
16. What does area under velocity - time graph represent? (K)
17. When does relative velocity of two moving objects zero? (U)
18. What is the acceleration of a body moving with constant velocity? (U)
19. If a car is traveling towards east can its acceleration be west ward? (U)
20. When does an object said to be at rest? (K)
21. A body moving along a circular path with uniform speed. Does it has acceleration.
22. What is position - time graph? (K)
23. What is velocity - time graph? (K)
24. What is acceleration - time graph? (K)
25. Draw the v-t graph of a body thrown vertically upwards. (U)
26. Draw the x-t graph of a body thrown vertically upwards. (U)
27. Draw the v-t graph of a body starting from rest & moving with uniform velocity. (K)
28. What does speedometer of a car measures? (A)
29. Two trains are moving in opposite directions with speeds 20 ms-1& 10 ms-1 . The
relative velocity of the trains is ans (30 ms-1) SWhat is stopping distance? (A)
30. What is reaction time in motion? (K)
31. When will the relative velocity of two moving bodies zero? (U)
32. A car starting from rest has an acceleration of 5 ms-2. How fast will it be after 10s.
( 50 ms-1)S
33. A body is thrown vertically upward from the surface of the earth . What is the
direction of acceleration of the body? (U
34. What is free fall? (K)
Two mark questions (PART – B):
1. Distinguish between distance and displacement. (K)
2. Distinguish between speed and velocity. (K)
3. Draw the position - time graph for an object (i) at rest (ii) with uniform motion. (U)
4. Draw the position - time graph for an object (a) moving with positive velocity and
(b) Negative velocity(U)
5. Draw position - time graph for motion with (a) positive acceleration (b)
negativeacceleration (c) zero acceleration. (U)
6. Draw velocity - time graphs for motion in (a) positive direction with positive
acceleration (b) negative direction with negative acceleration. (U)
7. Find The displacement (in m) of a particle moving along x - axis given by
x = 20t - 10t2 . Calculate the instantaneous velocity at t = 2s. (S) ( 60 ms-1
8. A ball is thrown vertically upward and it reaches a height of 90 m. Find the
velocity with which it was thrown. Ans 42 m/s (S)
9. Define relative velocity with an example. (K)
10. A car travels with a uniform velocity of 20 m-1.The driver applies the brakes and the
car comes to rest in 10 second. Calculate the retardation. (S) (a = - 2 ms-2)
11. A ball is thrown vertically upwards, At highest point of its path what will be its
instantaneous velocity & acceleration. (U)
12. Two ball different masses (one lighter & other heavier) are thrown vertically with the
same speed u from the top a of a tower. Which one will pass through the point of
projection in the downward direction with the greater speed? (U)
13. Can the displacement may be positive negative or zero? Explain. (U)
14. Distinguish between speed and velocity. (K)
15. A body moves along a circular path of radius 2m.What are displacement & distance
traveled by the body for one complete revolution? (S)
Three mark questions (PART – C):
1. a) What is the velocity - time graph? (K)
b) Show that area under velocity - time graph is equal to displacement. (K)
2. a) Define relative velocity of an object w.r.t another. (K)
b) Draw position - time graphs of two objects moving along a straight line when their
relative velocity is (i) zero and (ii) non – zero (K)
3. What is the significance of velocity - time graph? (K)
4. What is the significance of displacement - time graph? (K)
5. Derive the equation of motion v = v0 +at(K)
6. A car is moving along a straight line AB= 360m. It move s from A to B in 18 S &
returns from B to A in 6 s. Find the average velocity & average speed. (S)
Five mark questions (PART – D):
1. Derive the equation of motion v2 = v02 +2ax using v-t graph. (K)
2. Derive the equation of motion x = v0 t + ½ a t2 using v-t graph. (K)
1. A car moving along a straight highway with speed of 126 km / hr brought to stop
within a distance of 200 m. What is the retardation of the car and how long does it
take for the car to stop? (S)
( t = 11.66s)
2. A balloon is ascending with a velocity of 9.8 ms-1, a sand bag is dropped from the
balloon when it is at a height of 39.2m from the ground. Calculate the time taken by
bag to reach the ground. (S)
( t = 4 s.)
3. A car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly at a rate of 2 ms-1 for 20 second.It
then maintains a constant velocity for 10 second. The brakes are then appliedand
the car is uniformly retarded and comes to rest in 5 second. Find the distance
travelled. (S)
Ans 900m
4. A stone is dropped from the top of a tower 400 m high and at the same time another
stone is projected upward vertically from the ground with a velocity of 100 ms-1.
Find where and when the two stones will meet. (a = 10 ms-2). (S)
Ans:x = 320m
5. Two trains are moving in opposite directions. Train A moves east with a speed of 20
ms-1 and train B moves west with a speed of 30 ms-1 . What is the (i) relative velocity
of B w.r.t A and (ii) the relative velocity of ground w.r.t B. (iii) A monkey is running
on the roof of train A against its motion with a velocity of 10 ms-1 w.r.t train A. What
is the velocity of the monkey as observed by a man standing on the ground? (S)
6. Two trains A and B of length 300 m each are moving on two parallel tracks with a
uniform speed of 15 ms-1 in the same direction, with the train A ahead of B. The
driver of train B decides to overtake train A and accelerates by 2 ms-2. If after 25s,
the guard of train B brushes past the driver of train A, what was the original distance
between the two trains? (S)
(x = 25m)
7. A body is thrown vertically up from the top of a building with a velocity of 10 ms-1 It
reaches the ground in 5 s. Find the height of the building and the velocity with which
the body reaches the ground. (g = 10 ms-2).(S)
(h = 75 m).
8. A ball is thrown with a velocity 30 ms-1 from the ground . How high it will rise.
Calculate the time taken to reach the ground. (g = 10 ms-2). (S)
(Total time = 6 s)
Motion in a plane
I. One mark questions (PART – A):
1. What is a scalar quantity? (K)
2. Give an example for scalar quantity. (U)
3. Give an example to show that scalar addition obey ordinary addition rules (U).
4. What is a vector quantity? (K)
5. Give an example for vector quantity. (U)
6. How does vector quantity is different from scalar quantity. (U)
7. Graphically represent a vector. (S)
8. What is a position vector? (K)
9. What is a displacement vector? (K)
10. What are equal vectors? (K)
11. is multiplied by-1.5, graphically represent the resultant vector. (S)
12. Give an example for vector multiplied by a scalar. (U)
13. What is a negative vector? (K)
14. State triangle law of vector addition. (K)
15. Does the vector addition obey the commutative law? (K)
16. Does the vector addition obey the associative law? (K)
17. Define a null vector. (K)
18. What do you mean by resolution of a vector? (K)
19. Define a unit vector. (K)
20. Graphically represent the unit vectors along X, Y, Z axes of a rectangular co-ordinate system. (S)
21. What are components of a vector? (K)
22. What should be the angle between two vectors for their resultant to be maxi mum? (A)
23. What should be the angle between two vectors for their resultant to be minimum? (A)
24. What is the magnitude of resultant of two equal vectors acting right angles to each other? (A)
25. Mention the expression for position vector in X-Y plane. (K)
26. What is a projectile? (K)
27. Give an example for projectile. (U)
28. What is the trajectory of a projectile motion? (K)
29. Define time of flight of a projectile motion. (K)
30. Define maximum height of a projectile motion. (K)
31. Define horizontal range of a projectile motion. (K)
32. If velocity of projection is doubled what happens to the maximum height of projectile? (U)
33. Which component of velocity of a projectile is constant? (U)
34. Which component of velocity of a projectile is zero at the maximum height? (U)
35. Which component of acceleration of a projectile is zero? (U)
36. Mention the expression for time of flight of a projectile =90°. (U)
37. What is the horizontal range of a projectile if =90°. (U)
38. What is the angle between direction of velocity and acceleration at the maximum height of a
projectile? (U)
39. For what angle of projection, horizontal range is maxi mum? (A)
40. For what angle of projection, height is maxi mum? (A)
41. Mention the expression for maximum horizontal range of a projectile. (U)
42. For a given velocity of projection, height and horizontal range are maxi mum. Mention the
relation between range and height of projectile. (A)
43. If Velocity of projection is same, then for which two angles of projection horizontal range is
same? (A)
44. How does air resistance affects the maximum height of a projectile? (A)
45. What happens to range, if velocity of projection is doubled keeping the same angle of
projection? (A)
46. Which physical quantity remains the constant for a particle in uniform circular motion? (K)
47. At what point of trajectory of projectile, speed is minimum. (U)
48. What is the angle between direction of velocity and acceleration of a particle in uniform circular
motion? (A)
49. Define centripetal acceleration (K).
50. Mention the expression for centripetal acceleration. (U)

Two mark questions (PART – B):

1. Give two differences between scalar and vector quantity. (U)
2. Classify the following into scalar and vector quantity.
Mass, speed, velocity, displacement, weight, acceleration, time. (U)
3. Write two properties of vector addition. (K)
4. What is two dimensional motion? Give one example. (K)
51. Write the expression for X and Y component of when makes an angle with the X axis. (U)
52. Given = 2 ̂ +4 ̂ and = 3 ̂ - ̂ determine (a) + (b) − 2 . (S)
53. Graphically show the subtraction of from . (S)
54. Explain triangular law of vector addition. (U)
55. Explain parallelogram law of vector addition. (U)
56. What is the unit vector of = 2 +̂ 3 ̂ . (S)
57. Graphically represent the displacement vector in X-Y plane. (S)
58. A boy moves from point P (1, 2) to point P 1(3, 4) in X-Y plane in t seconds. Find the magnitude
of the displacement vector of the boy in t seconds. (S)
59. Write the expression for magnitude of the resultant of two vectors making an angle between
them. Explain the terms. (U)
60. Write the expression for direction of the resultant of two vectors making an angle between
them. . Explain the terms. (U)
61. Draw the graph showing the variation of component of velocity with time during the motion of a
projectile. (S)
62. Write the expression for trajectory of projectile. Explain the symbols used. (U)
63. Define time of flight of a projectile motion .Write the expression for it. (U)
64. Define horizontal range of a projectile motion. Write the expression for it. (U)
65. Define maximum height of a projectile motion. Write the expression for it. (U)
66. What is the direction of velocity and acceleration of a particle in uniform circular motion? (U)
67. For a particle in uniform circular motion speed is uniform, but its velocity is non uniform, explain.
68. Define centripetal acceleration. Write the expression for it. (U)
Three mark questions (PART – C):
1. Given = 4 +̂ 4 . Find the magnitude and direction of velocity vector. (S)
2. Explain resolution of a vector in a plane. (U)
3. A vector having a magnitude of 15unit makes an angle 60°with the X axis. Find the horizontal and
vertical component? (S)
4. Derive the expression for time of flight of a projectile. (U)
5. Derive the expression for horizontal range of a projectile. (U)
6. Derive the expression for maximum height of a projectile. (U)
7. Find the angle of projection at which maximum height and range are equal? (A) (1200)
8. Two vectors both equal in magnitude have their resultant equal to magnitude of either vector. Find
the angle between the two vectors. (S)
9. Find the angle between two vectors of magnitude 4 unit and 6unit, so that their resultant is 8unit.
(S) (14°021)
10. Stone of mass 0.5 kg tied to a string of length 2m is rotated in horizontal plane with a speed of
5ms-1.Calculate centripetal acceleration and centripetal force. (S) (12.5 ms-1, 6.25N)
11. A ball is projected with a velocity of 20ms-1.After two seconds its vertical displacement is
10m.Calculate the angle of projection. g=10ms-2(S) (480351)
12. From the top a building of height 200m, a projectile is fired horizontally with a velocity of 6ms-1.
Find the time taken to reach the ground. g=10ms-2 (S) (6.32S)

Five mark questions (PART – D):

1. Obtain the expression for magnitude and direction for the resultant of two vectors making an angle
between them. (U)
2. What is a projectile? Derive the equation for path of a projectile. (U).
3. Show that the trajectory of projectile is parabola. (U)
4. Define centripetal acceleration .Derive the expression for it. (U)

1. The position of a particle is given by = (4t ̂ +2t2 ̂ +2 ) m. Where ’t’ is in second.
(a) What is the velocity and acceleration of the particle?
(b)Calculate the magnitude and direction of velocity at t=2s. (S)
(8.94ms-1, 630261 with the X axis)
2. The position vector of the particle is (2 ̂ +3 ̂) m at t=0. Velocity of the particle becomes (3 ̂ +6 ̂) ms-1
at t=2s. Then find the position vector of the particle at t=2s.What is the X and Y co ordinate? (S) (
= 8 ̂ + 15 )̂ , (8, 15)
3. The greatest and least resultant of two forces acting at a point are20N and 4N respectively. If each
force is increased by 4N, the new forces are perpendicular to each other. Find the resultant of new
forces. (S) (20N)
4. On a rainy day rain is falling vertically with a speed of 10ms-1.Wind starts blowing with a speed of
5ms-1 in east to west. What is the magnitude of the resultant velocity? At what angle should a girl
waiting at a bus stop hold her umbrella? (S) (5√5 , 260331)
5. A bullet is fired with a speed of 40ms-1at an angle 30° with horizontal .Calculate the maximum
height, time of flight, horizontal range of the bullet. g=10ms-2(S) (20m, 4s, 138.5m)
6. A body is projected with a velocity of 40ms-1 at an angle 30° with the vertical. Calculate the
maximum height, time of flight, horizontal range of the bullet. g=10ms-2(S)
(60m, 6.9s, 138.5m)
7. A ball is thrown with velocity 45ms-1.The horizontal distance reached by the ball is 30m.Calculate
(1) Angle of projection (2) Maximum height reached by the ball. g=10ms-2(S) (320581)
8. A projectile has a horizontal range of 52m and maximum height of 12m. Calculate the angle at
which the projectile is fired? g=10ms-2(S) (120591)
9. From the top a building of height 450m, a projectile is fired horizontally with a velocity of 25ms-1.
(a) Find the velocity with which projectile hits the ground.
(b)Find the time taken to reach the ground.
(c) Find the horizontal distance between base of the building and point where it hits the ground. (S)
(98.10ms-1, 9.48s, 237N)
10. A cricketer can throw a ball to maximum horizontal distance of 125m, calculate maximum height
moved by ball. g=10ms-2 (S) (31.25m)
Laws of motion
One mark questions (PART – A):

1. What is inertia? (K)

2. What is the measure of inertia? (K)
3. Give an example for inertia of rest. (U)
4. State Newton’s first law of motion. (K)
5. Passengers standing in a stationary bus fall backward, when the bus suddenly starts moving
forward. Give reason. (A)
6. Give an example for inertia of motion. (U)
7. Define linear momentum of a body. (K)
8. Write the S.I. unit of linear momentum. (K)
9. State Newton’s second law of motion. (K)
10. Why athletes run a few steps before taking a jump? (A)
11. Bullet fired from a gun makes more damages than the bullet of same mass if thrown .Why? (A)
12. Why a cricketer draws his hands while catching a ball? (A)
13. Write the S.I. unit of force. (K)
14. Define S.I .unit of force. (U)
15. What is the force acting on a body of mass 1 g producing an acceleration of 1 cms-2? (U)
16. What is the force acting on a body, where rate of change of momentum is 3kgms-1? (A)
17. Write the dimensional formula of force. (U)
18. Define impulse of a force. (K)
19. What is the net force acting on a body moving with uniform velocity? (U)
20. What happens to the acceleration of the body if net force acting on the body is doubled? (U)
21. Give one example for impulsive force. (U)
22. Mention the expression for impulse. (U)
23. Write the S.I. unit of impulse. (U)
24. Write the dimensional formula of impulse. (U)
25. State Newton’s third law of motion. (K)
26. Give one example for Newton’s third law of motion. (U)
27. State the law of conservation of linear momentum. (K)
28. Give one example that illustrates the law of conservation of linear momentum. (U)
29. What are concurrent forces? (K)
30. What is the condition for equilibrium of two forces acting on a body? (U)
31. Name one contact force in mechanics. (K)
32. Name one non contact force in mechanics. (K)
33. What is frictional force? (K)
34. What is meant by normal reaction force? (K)
35. Define static friction. (K)
36. What is meant by the limiting friction? (U)
37. Define kinetic friction. (K)
38. Define rolling friction. (K)
39. Why ball bearings are placed between moving parts of a machine? (A)
40. Which is greater, µk or µs? (U)
41. What is the angle between frictional force and instantaneous velocity of motion over a rough
surface? (A)
42. Give one example to show that friction is critically needed. (U)
Two mark questions (PART – B):
1. Write the mathematical form of Newton’s second law of motion. Explain the terms. (U)
2. Why a force is necessary to whirl the stone tied to a string with uniform speed in a horizontal
plane? Explain. (A)
3. No force is needed to move a body with constant velocity. Explain. (U)
4. Explain any one illustration that uses Newton’s third law of motion in our daily life. (A)
5. Explain why forces of action and reaction cannot cancel even though they are equal and opposite?
6. Force of 9N acting on a body for 0.03s. Calculate the impulse. (A)
7. Explain any one example that uses law of conservation of linear momentum (U)
8. Write the expression for coefficient of static friction. Explain the terms used. (U)
9. Write the expression for coefficient of kinetic friction. Explain the terms used. (U)
10. Mention two methods of reducing the friction. (U)
11. Mention two disadvantages of friction. (U)
12. Mention two advantages of friction. (U)
13. An object of mass 15 kg is moved on a horizontal surface by a force of 75N .Calculate the
coefficient of friction. g=10ms-2. (S)
14. Write the expression for maximum speed of circular motion of the car on a rough level road.
Explain the terms used. (U)
15. Write the expression for maximum speed of circular motion of the car on a rough banked road
.Explain the terms used. (U)
16. What is the need for banking the circular road? Explain. (U)
17. On the banked circular road, name the forces which provide the necessary centripetal force? (U)

Three mark questions (PART – C):

1. State Newton’s laws of motion. (K)
2. State Newton’s first law of motion and hence define force and inertia of a body. (U)
3. Mention the three types of friction. (K)
4. State the laws of friction (U).
5. What is the condition for equilibrium of three concurrent forces acting on a body. Explain with
vector diagram. (S)
6. A force of 2N is acting on a body of mass 1kg.Starting from rest how much distance the body moves
in 5s? (S) (12.5N)
7. A body of mass 5kg is moving with a velocity of 10ms-1.How long does the body take to come to
rest when a force of 8N acts on body? (S)(6.25s)
8. A block of 30N weight rests on a rough surface. A horizontal force of 10N required to start the
motion of the block on the surface and a force of 7N will keep the block in uniform motion on the
surface. Find µk and µs. (S) (0.233, 0.333)

Five mark questions (PART – D):

1. State Newton’s second law of motion and hence derive F=ma. (U)
2. State and prove the law of conservation of linear momentum from Newton’s third law of motion.
3. Derive an expression for maximum speed of circular motion of the car on a rough banked road. (U)

1. Two perpendicular forces of 3N and 4N are acting on a body of mass 2kg. Calculate the magnitude
and direction of acceleration of the body. (S)(2.5ms-2, 530071 with3N )
2. Stone of mass 3kg is dropped from the top of a building 25m high on a heap of sand. Stone
penetrates 0.5m deep in sand. Calculate the retarding force exerted by the sand on stone.
g=10ms-2(S) (-1500N)
3. Bus of mass 4000kg is moving with a speed of 54km/h on a level road. Calculate the force required
to stop the bus in a distance of 40m. (S)(-11,250N)
4. A body of mass 0.5kg moving with a velocity 10ms-1 is stopped by a force of 2N. Calculate the
impulse of the force. (S)(5Ns)
5. A body of mass 1kg moving with a velocity 15ms-1 is stopped in 2s.Calculate the impulse and
opposing force. (S)(15Ns,-7.5N)
6. A bullet of mass 100g is moving with a speed of 50ms-1 enters a heavy wooden block and is stopped
after a distance of 50m.What is the resistive force exerted by the block on the bullet? (S)(-0.225N)
7. Two balls each of mass 45g moving in opposite direction with a speed of 15ms-1 are collide and
rebounds with same velocity. Calculate the impulse imparted to each other. (S)
8. Bullet of mass 30g is fired from a gun of mass 10kg with a velocity 300ms-1.What is the recoil
velocity of the gun?(S) (-0.9ms-1)
9. A body of mass 14kg moving with a velocity 4ms-1 along the X axis explodes into two parts of
masses 8kg and 6kg. The heavier mass part moves along X axis with 10ms-1.Find the velocity of the
smaller part. What is the direction of velocity of smaller part? (S) (-4ms-1,-Xaxis)
10. A man of mass70kg stands on a weighing machine lift which is moving,
What should be the reading on the scale if (a) Lift moves upwards with a uniform speed 10ms-1.
(b) Downwards with a uniform acceleration of 5ms-2. (c) Upward s with a uniform acceleration of
5ms-2. Given g=10ms-2. (S) (0,350N, 1050N)
11. Two bodies of masses 10kg and 20kg respectively kept on a smooth horizontal surface are tied to
the ends of a light string. A horizontal force600N is applied to (1) 10kg mass (2) 20kg mass along
direction of the string. What is the tension in the string in each case? (S) (400N, 200N)
I. One mark questions (PART – A):

1. Define Scalar or dot product of two vectors. (K)

2. If A.B = 0 , then what is the angle between A and B ? (S)
3. If A.B = AB , then what is the angle between A and B ? (S)
4. Mention expression for work done by a force in vector form (U)
5. Define work done by the force (K)
6. When does the work done by a force is zero ? (S)
7. Define work-energy theorem (K)
8. Mention the dimensions of the work done (S)
9. Is work a scalar or vector? (S)
10. Express joule in calorie. (K)
11. What is the nature of the work done by frictional force? (A)
12. What does the area under ‘force – displacement’ curve represent? (S)
13. Define potential energy ? (K)
14. Can potential energy of on object be negative? (S)
15. Write expression for the potential energy stored in a spring (K)
16. What is elastic collision? (K)
17. What is the value of one-horse-power in watt? (S)
18. What is kinetic energy? (U)
19. What is spring force? (K)
20. Write the S.I unit of spring constant. (U)
21. Whether the spring force is conservative or non-conservative ? (U)
22. What is the energy associated with 1 kg of mass. (S)
23. Define power (K)
24. What does area under the graph of force against displacement graph represent (K)
25. State principle of Conservation of energy. (K)
26. Define Power.(K)
27. Write the SI unit of power. (U)
28. Write the dimension of power.(U)
29. Express joule in kilowatt hour (S)
30. Give an example for zero work (U)

Two mark questions (PART – B):

1. Find the cosine of the angle between the vectors A = 2iˆ − 4 ˆj − 5kˆ and B = 2iˆ + 2 ˆj − 4kˆ .(S)
2. Define work done by the force. What is value of work done by the centripetal force? Explain. (K)
3. State any two conditions under which a force does no work.(U)
4. How do you represent graphically work done by a variable force and by a constant force? (S)
5. What is non conservative force ? Give an example. (U)
6. What is conservative force? Give an example. (U)
7. Mention the expression for the work done by a spring force. (K)
8. Mention the two types of Mechanical energies. (U)
9. What is power? Show that power is equal to the product of force and velocity. (K)
10. Distinguish between elastic and inelastic collision (U)
11. What is elastic collision? Give an example. (U)
12. What is inelastic collision? Give an example (K&U)
13. What is perfectly inelastic collision? Give an example.

14. Find the magnitude of a vector A = 0iˆ + 3 ˆj + 4 kˆ (S)

Three mark questions (PART – C):

1. Prove work –energy theorem for a constant force. (K)

2. What is meant by collision? Distinguish between elastic and inelastic collision.(U)
3. Derive expression for kinetic energy (K)
4. Calculate the work done by a man in carrying a load of 100 kg over his head through a distance
of 10m in a vertically upward direction. (S)
5. When does work done is i) + ve ii) –ve iii) zero (A)
6. Distinguish between conservative force and non-conservative force. (U)
7. Convert one kilowatt hour into joules (S)
8. Explain graphically the work done by a variable force.(K&S)
9. Draw a graph showing the variation of kinetic energy and potential energy with displacement of
a loaded spring.(S)

Five mark questions (PART – D):

1. State law of conservation of mechanical energy and illustrate the same in case of a freely falling
2. Derive an expression for potential energy of stretched spring.(K)
3. State Work- energy theorem .Prove it in case of a variable force.(S)
4. Obtain the expression for loss in K.E. during an inelastic collision.(K)
5. Obtain the expression for final velocities of two bodies in one dimensional elastic collision.(K)

Five mark questions-numericals. (PART – D):

1. A pump on the ground floor of a building can pump up water to fill a tank of volume 30m3 in 15
min. If the tank is 40m above the ground, and the efficiency of the pump is 30%, how much
electric power is (Ans: 43.557kW)

2. A bullet of mass 50gm moving with a velocity of 400m/s strickes a wall and goes out from the
other side with a velocity of 100m/s. Calculate the work done in passing through the wall.
(Ans3750 J)
3. A pump on the ground floor of a building can pump up water to fill a tank of volume 40m3 in 20
minutes. If the tank 30m above the ground and the efficiency of the pump is 60%, How much
electric power is consumed by the pump? Given density of water =1000 kg/m3 and acceleration
due to gravity =9.8m/s2.( Ans 16.33kwatt)
4. A pilot of an aero plane fires a shot weighing 0.1kg with a vertical of 300ms-1. Calculate the total
energy of the shot when it is at a height of 500m above the ground.(Ans 4990 J)

5. A pump is required to lift 600kg of water per minute from 920m deep well and ejects it with a
speed of 10ms-1. What will be the power of pump required ? (Ans 92.5 kJ.)
6. A constant force of 3.5 N accelerates a stationary body of mass 20 kg through a displacement of
3.5 m. Find the work done. (Ans :12.25 J)
7. A bob of a simple pendulum is released from a horizontal position. What is the speed with when
the bob crosses the mean position if 20% of its initial energy lost in air resistance (g=9.8m/s2)
(Ans :4.85 m/s)
8. A person pushes a trunk on railway platform. He applies a force of 150N over a distance of 10m.
Thereafter he gets progressively tired and his applied Force reduces linearly with distance to
100N. The total distance through which truck has moved is 20m. Plot F-S graph and also
calculate work done by that person. (Ans : 4000J )
9. A man weighing 48kg carries a bag of 2kg. He climbs to the top of building 100m all in 5 minute.
Calculate the work done by the man and his power in watts and in horse power.
( Ans : 163.3 W& 0.218 H P )
10. A variable force given by F=x +8 acts on a particle. Calculate the work done by the force during
the displacement of the particle from x=1m to x=3m.(Ans : 20 J)
11. From what height should a body of mass 40kg fall in order to have same kinetic energy as a
body of mass 1.96kg travelling at 12ms-1. (Ans: h= 0.36m)

12. A rain drop of mass 1kg falling from a height 1km hits the ground at a speed 50ms-1.Calculate the
work done by the gravitational force and (ii) work done by the unknown resistive force.
(Ans : 9.8 J & 8.55 J )

13. A railway engine of mass 60.3 tones is running at a speed of 12ms-1 . What is the additional
power must is develop in order to increase its speed to 18ms-1 in 5 secs? (Ans= 434.13 103 W)


Chapter 7. System of particles & rotational motion
I. One mark questions (PART – A):
1. What is translational motion? (K)
2. What is rotational motion? (K)
3. Give an example for particle having both translational and rotational motion. (U)
4. What is precession motion? (U)
5. What is the center of mass of a system of particles? (K)
6. Give the location of centre of mass of a sphere of uniform mass density? (S)
7. Give the location of centre of mass of cylinder of uniform mass density. (S)
8. Give the location of centre of mass of ring of uniform mass density? (S)
9. Give the location of centre mass of a cube of uniform mass density? (S)
10. Does the centre of mass of a body necessarily lie inside the body? (A)
11. Define average angular velocity. (K)
12. Define angular acceleration (U)
13. Is moment of force a vector or a scalar? (K)
14. What is the mechanical advantage of a lever. (K)
15. What is meant by a mechanical advantage of a lever? (K)
16. Write the expression for the torque in terms of position vector and force. (U)
17. Write the expression for the torque in terms of moment of inertia and angular acceleration. (U)
18. What is the S.I. unit of Torque? (S)
19. Write the dimensions of torque
20. Write the expression for the angular momentum in terms of linear momentum and position
vector. (U)
21. Write the expression for angular momentum in terms of moment of inertia and angular velocity
22. Define angular momentum (K)
23. Define a couple. (K)
24. Define moment of a couple. (U)
25. The mechanical advantage of a lever is greater than one what does it mean? (K)
26. Is moment inertia a vector or a scalar? (K)
27. Write the SI unit of moment of inertia.(U)
28. Define the term Radius of gyration (K)
29. How is Torque related to the angular momentum.( A)
30. What is the direction of angular velocity? (S)
31. Define moment of a couple.(K)
32. Name the physical quantity which is equal to the time rate of change of angular momentum.(U)
33. Give the expression for moment of Inertia of a thin rod about an axis perpendicular to the rod
and passing through its mid point.(U)
34. Write the expression for the moment of inertia of a circular disc of radius R about an axis
perpendicular to it and passing through its centre. (U)
35. Write the expression for the moment of inertia of a circular disc of radius R about its
36. Give the expression for moment inertia of a hollow cylinder of radius R about its axis. (K)
37. Give the expression for moment of inertia of a solid cylinder of radius R about its axis. (K)
38. Give and expression for the moment of inertia of a solid sphere of radius R about its diameter.(K)

Two mark questions (PART – B):

1. Write the expression for the position vector of the centre of mass of a system consisting of two
objects in terms of their masses and position vectors. (K)
2. Write an expression for position vector of centre of mass of a rigid body. (K)
Write expression for Linear momentum of system of particles (k)
4. Write a formula for instantaneous angular velocity. (K)
5. What is the relation between angular velocity and linear velocity? (U)
6. Define angular momentum. Write the expression for it.
7. Define angular acceleration. Write an expression for it.
8. Define torque. Write an expression for it. (S)
9. What is couple? Give an example for couple. (U)
10. Give the general conditions of equilibrium of a rigid body. (A)
11. Write an expression for rotational kinetic energy.. (K)
12. Write the expression for the total kinetic energy of a rolling body. (K)
13. Write one practical use of moment of inertia OR Why a fly wheel is used in an engine of a
vehicle? OR What is a flywheel? (A)

Three mark questions (PART – C):

1. Find moment of inertia of rigid massless rod of length with a pair of small masses rotating about
an axis through the centre of mass perpendicular to the rod.(S)
2. Explain the principle of moments for a lever. (U
3. Obtain an expression for the kinetic energy of a rotating body.(U)
4. Compare the linear motion and rotational motion(A)
5. Write the kinematic equations of a body rotating with uniform angular acceleration.(K)
6. Write the expression for the total kinetic energy of a rolling body.(K)
7. Find the torque of a force F = 7iˆ + 3 ˆj − 5kˆ about the origin. The force acts on a particle whose

position vector is r = iˆ − ˆj + kˆ Ans : τ = 2iˆ + 12 ˆj + 10 kˆ (S)

Five mark questions (PART – D):
1. State and explain theorem of perpendicular axis and of parallel axis (U)
2. Using perpendicular axis theorem obtain the expression for the moment of inertia of a disc
about its diameter. (K)
3. Show that τ =Iα. Symbols have usual meaning.(k)
4. Derive an expression for the kinetic energy of a rolling body.(k)
Five mark questions( numericals) (PART – D):
1. A flywheel of mass 12.5 kg and diameter 0.36m rotating at 90rpm has its speed increased to
720 rpm in 8s. Find the torque applied ( Ans 1.669Nm)(S)
2. A meter stick is balanced on a knife edge at its centre. When two coins, each of mass 5g are put
on the top of the other at 12.0cm mark, the stick is found to be balanced at 45cm. What is the
mass of the meter stick ? ( Ans 66 x 10-3Kg)(S)
3. A disc of mass 200kg and radius 50cm is rotating at the rate of 480rpm. Find the work done to
bring the disc to rest. If the disc is stopped in 11 rotations, calculate retarding torque acting on
the disc. (Ans : 457 Nm)
4. The angular speed of a motar wheel is increased from 1200rpm to 3120 rpm in 16 seconds.
What is its angular acceleration, assuming the acceleration to be uniform ? (Ans : 4π rad/s2)
5. The speed of a heat engine increases from 420rpm to 6360 rpm in 18 s. Calculate a) angular
acceleration b) angular displacement and c) number of revolutions does it make in this period
of time. (Ans : α = 34.54 rad/s2, θ= 2034 πrad and n= 1017)
6. Find the centre of mass of three particles at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. The masses
of the particles are 100g, 150g, and 200g respectively. Each side of the equilateral triangle is
0.5m long.
7. A uniform rod of length 1m and mass 20kg is supported horizontally on 2 knife edges at the
ends. Two masses of 6kg and 10kg are suspended at 0.3m and 0.7m from one end of the rod.
Find the reactions on the knife edges.
8. Five bodies 1kg wt., 2kg wt., 3kg wt., 4kg wt. and 5kg wt. are suspended at a distance of 1m,
2m, 3m, 4m, and 5m from one end of a uniform rod of mass 4kg and 6 metres length. Find the
point about which the rod will balance about the knife edge placed at a distance of ‘x’ from the
end A.
9. A ladder of mass 10kg and length of 4 metres rests with one end against a smooth vertical wall
and the other end against a smooth floor. The ladder is inclined at 600 to the horizontal.
Calculate the horizontal force to be applied to the lower end to prevent from sliding down. 10
seconds, calculate the angular and linear acceleration.
10. A uniform rod of mass 8kg and length 4m rotates at the rate of 60 rotations per minute about
an axis passing through the centre and perpendicular to its plane. If the speed of rotation
changes to 80 rpm in 10 seconds. Calculate the torque applied.
11. A cord of negligible mass is wound round the rim of a fly wheel of mass
20 kg and radius 20 cm. A steady pull of 25 N is applied on the cord as
shown in Fig. The flywheel is mounted on a horizontal axle with frictionless
(a) Compute the angular acceleration of the wheel.
(b) Find the work done by the pull, when 2m of the cord is unwound.
(c) Find also the kinetic energy of the wheel at this point. Assume that the
wheel starts from rest.
(d) Compare answers to parts (b) and (c).
I. One mark questions (PART – A):
1. State Kepler’s law of orbits.(K)
2. State Kepler’s law of areas. (K)
3. State Kepler’s law of periods. (K)
4. Which physical quantity is conserved in the case of law of areas? (U)
5. State universal law of gravitation. (K)
6. Express universal law of gravitation in mathematical form. (S)
7. Express universal law of gravitation in vector form. (S)
8. Write the relation between g and G. (K)
9. Write the expression for acceleration due to gravity at a point above the surface of the earth. (K)
10. Write the expression for acceleration due to gravity at a point below the surface of the earth. (K)
11. Write the expression for gravitational potential energy of a particle at a point which is at a
distance of r from the center of the earth. (K)
12. Write the expression for gravitational potential energy between two masses separated by a
distance. (K)
13. What is escape speed? (K)
14. What is a satellite? (K)
15. What is the value of period of moon? (K)
16. What are geostationary satellites? (K)
17. What are polar satellites? (K)
18. Give the period of geostationary satellites? (K)
21. Name the group of the geostationary satellites sent up by India? (K)
22. Give an important use of geostationary satellites. (U)
23. Write the dimensional formula for gravitational constant.(S)
24. Define orbital speed of a satellite around the earth. (K)
25. Name the force that provides the necessary centripetal force for the earth around the sun in an
approximately circular orbit. (U)
26. How does the escape velocity of a body varies with the mass of the earth? (A)
27. How does speed of the earth changes when it is nearer to the sun? (A)
28. What are central forces? (U)
29. Give the value of escape speed for moon. (K)
30. Give the relation between escape speed and orbital speed for satellites close to earth. (S)
31. Write the dimensional formula of “G’. (S)

II. Two mark questions (PART – B):

1. State and explain Kepler’s law of orbits. (U)
2. State and explain Kepler’s law of areas. (U)
3. State and explain Kepler’s law of periods. (U)
4. State universal law of gravitation. Express it in mathematical form. (U)
5. Moon has no atmosphere. Why? (A)
6. An object weighs more on the surface than at the centre of the earth. Why? (A)
7. A body weighs more at pole than at equator of the earth. Explain why? (A)
8. Define gravitational potential energy of a body. Give an expression for it. (U)
9. State and explain Newton’s law of gravitation. (U)
10. Give two uses of polar satellites. (K)

Three mark questions (PART – C):

1. Derive the relation between gravitational constant and acceleration due to gravity. (S)
2. Write the expression for escape speed on the earth. Give its value in the case of earth. (K)
3. Explain the state of weightlessness of a body. (U)
4. The radius and mass of a planet are two times that of the earth’s values. Calculate the
acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the planet. (S)
5. Distinguish between ‘Geostationary’ and ‘polar’ satellites. (U)
6. Give any three applications of artificial satellites. (K)

Five mark questions (PART – D):I

1. State Kepler’s laws of planetary motion and explain law of areas. (U)
2. Derive the expression for acceleration due to gravity at a point above the surface of the earth. (S)
3. Derive the expression for acceleration due to gravity at a point below the surface of the earth. (S)
4. Derive the expression for gravitational potential energy of a particle at a point due to the earth.
5. Obtain the expression for escape speed. (S)
6. Derive the expression for orbital speed of a satellite/ period of a satellite around the earth. (S)
7. Obtain the expression for energy of an orbiting satellite. (S)


1. A rocket is fired from the earth towards the sun. At what distance from the earth’s centre is the
gravitational force on the rocket zero ? Mass of the sun = 21 x 030 kg, mass of the earth = 6 x 1024 kg.
Neglect the effect of other planets etc. (orbital radius= 1.5 x 1011 m). (A)
2. How will you ‘weigh the sun’, that is estimate its mass? The mean orbital radius of the earth around
the sun is 1.5 x108 km. (A)
3. A Saturn year is 29.5 times the earth year. How far is the Saturn from the sun if the earth is 1.50 x108
km away from the sun? (A)
4. A body weighs 63 N on the surface of the earth. What is the gravitational force on it due to the earth
at a height equal to half the radius of the earth? (A)
5. Assuming the earth to be a sphere of uniform mass density, how much would a body weigh half way
down to the centre of the earth if it weighed 250 N on the surface? (A)
6. A rocket is fired vertically with a speed of 5 km s-1 from the earth’s surface. How far from the earth
does the rocket go before returning to the earth ? Mass of the earth= 6.0x1024 kg; mean radius of the
earth = 6.4x106 m; G = 6.67x10–11 N m2 kg–2. (A)
I. One mark questions (PART – A):

1. What is elasticity of a body?(U)

2. What is plasticity? (K)
3. Give one example for plastic substance. (K)
4. Define stress. (U)
5. Write the S.I unit of the stress. (K)
6. Define strain. (K)
7. Define longitudinal strain. (U)
8. Define volume strain. (U)
9. Define shearing strain. (U)
10. Define elastic limit. (yield strength.) (U)
11. Define ultimate tensile strength. (U)
12. What are elastomers? (U)
13. Give one example for elastomers. (K)
14. Define modulus of elasticity. (U)
15. Define Young`s modulus. (U)
16. Write the expression for magnitude of the Young`s modulus. (K)
17. What is the S.I unit of the Young`s modulus? (K)
18. Write the dimensional formula of the Young`s modulus. (K)
19. Why steel is preferred in heavy duty machines and in structural design? (U)
20. Why springs are manufactured in steel instead of copper? (U)
21. Define shear modulus or modulus of rigidity. (U)
22. Define bulk modulus. (U)
23. What is compressibility? (K)
24. Why steel is more elastic than that of rubber? (A)
25. What is the buckling of the material of the road? (U)
26. Why pillars or columns of the bridges and buildings have distributed shape at their ends? (A)
27. Why liquid and gas do not posses modulus of rigidity? (A)
28. Write the S.I for the compressibility. (K)
II. Two mark questions (PART – B):
1. State and explain Hooke’s law. (U)
2. Write the expression for Young`s modulus of the material of the wire under stretching. Explain
the terms. (U)
3. Write the expression for rigidity modulus of the material. Explain the terms. (U)
4. Write the expression for bulk modulus of the material. Explain the terms. (U)
5. A square lead slab of side 50cm and thickness 10cm subjected to shearing force of
9X104N.Calculate the shearing stress acting on the slab. (A)
6. Write two application of elastic behavior of the material. (K)
7. A steel rod of area of cross section 3.14x10-4m2 is stretched by a force of 100kN. Calculate
the stress acting on the rod(A)
8. Compute the fractional change in the volume of glass sphere when subjected to a hydraulic
pressure of 1.013x106Nm-2. Given bulk modulus of glass is 3.7x1010 Nm-2(U)
III. Three mark questions (PART – C):

1. Draw typical stress – strain graph for a material and represent Yield point, elastic limit and
fracture point. (S)
Five mark questions (PART – D):

1. A steel rod of radius 10mm and length 2m is stretched by a force of 100kN along its length.
The elongation in the wire is 3.2mm. Find the stress and Young’s modulus of the
material of the rod.
2. The upper face of a cube of edge 1m moves through a distance of 1mm relative to the
lower fixed surface under action of a tangential force 1.5x108N. Calculate tangential
stress and rigidity modulus.
3. When a rubber ball is taken in deep of 100m in sea its volume is decrease by 0.1% due to
hydraulic stress. If the density of sea water is 1000kgm-3, calculate the bulk modulus and
compressibility of the rubber

4. A steel wire of length 5m and cross section 3x10-5m2 stretched by the same amount as
copper of length 3.7m and cross section 4x10-5m2 under given load. Find the ratio of
Young’s modulus of steel to that of copper

5. Two wires of area of cross section 5x10-6m2, one made of steel and the other made of brass
are loaded as shown. The unloaded steel wire of length 1.5m that of brass wire is 1m. Find
the elongations in each wires. Y for steel is2x1011 Nm-2 and for brass is0.91x1011Nm-2

6. Find the force required to stretch a wire of area of cross section 2x10-4 m2 so that its
length becomes 1.5 times original length . Young’s modulus=3.6x1011Nm-2.
Chapter – 10
I. One mark questions (PART – A):
1. Mention the property which distinguishes liquids and gases from solids.(U)
2. Why liquids and gases are called as fluids?(K)
3. What is pressure?(K)
4. Define average pressure. (K).
5. Write the dimensions of pressure.
6. What is the SI unit of pressure?
7. Mention the common unit of pressure.
8. What is density of fluid?
9. Write the dimensional formula for density.
10. What is the SI unit of density?
11. State the Pascal’s law.
12. What is gauge pressure?
13. Define atmospheric pressure.
14. What is the value of atmospheric pressure at sea level?
15. Mention the device used to measure atmospheric pressure.

16. Mention the common unit of pressure used in meteorology field.

17. How many pascal’s equal to one bar pressure?
18. State the Pascal’s law for transmission of fluid pressure.
19. Mention the principle on which the Hydraulic breaks work.
20. What is steady flow of fluid?
21. What is streamline flow of fluid.
22. Write the equation of continuity for streamline flow of fluid.
23. What is the critical speed with respect to flow of fluids?
24. What is turbulent flow of fluids?
25. Give an example where turbulence plays important role.
26. What is laminar flow of fluids?
27. Write Bernoulli’s equation.
28. State the Bernoulli’s principle.
29. Define viscosity of fluid.
30. Write the Bernoulli’s equation for the fluid at rest.
31. What is meant by efflux?
32. Who discovered the speed of efflux?
33. What is Venturi-meter?
34. What is dynamic lift?
35. Define co-efficient of viscosity.
36. Write the dimensions of viscosity.
37. How the viscosity of the liquids varies with temperature?
38. How the viscosity of the gases varies with temperature?
39. What is terminal velocity?
40. Mention the cause for twinkling of stars.
41. What is Reynolds number?
42. Why the Reynolds number remains same in any system of unit?
43. Define surface energy.
44. Define surface tension.
45. How does the surface tension of liquid varies with temperature?
46. When does fluid will stick to a solid surface?
47. Define angle of contact.
48. When does a liquid wet the solid surface?
49. What is the angle of contact forms between mercury and solid surface.
50. Write the equation, which gives the relation between surface tensions of liquid-
air, solid-air and solid-liquid.
51. Mention the kind of angle of contact forms if Ssl˃ Sla. (i.e., Surface tension of
solid-liquid is greater than the liquid-air)
52. . What is the cause for capillary action?
53. Why water does not wet grease or dirt?
54. How terminal velocity of the bob in a viscous medium is related to radius of the
II. Two mark questions (PART – B):
1. Write the equation for gauge pressure and explain the terms.(U)
2. Write the expression for absolute pressure and explain the terms.(U)
3. Mention the two fields in which ‘mm of Hg’ and ‘torr’ units are used to measure pressure.(A)
4. Mention any two applications of Pascal’s law.(A)
5. Write the Bernoulli’s general expression and explain the terms.(U)
6. Write the Stokes’ law expression and explain the terms.(U)
7. Mention the factors on which viscous drag force ‘F’ depends.(U)
8. Write the expression for terminal velocity and explain the terms.(U)
9. Mention the factors on which terminal velocity depends.(U)
10. Write the expression for coefficient of viscosity and explain the terms.(U)
11. Write the expression of Reynolds number and explain the terms.(U)
12. Write the equation for surface tension and explain the terms.(U)
13. Why are drops and bubbles spherical?(U)
14. Write the expression for terminal velocity of the spherical body inside fluid. Explain the terms.(U)
15. Write the expression for capillary rise and explain the terms.(U)
16. Write the expression for pressure difference in liquid drops.(U)
17. Write the expression for pressure difference in air bubble.(U)
18. Three mark questions (PART – C):
1. Mention the factors on which gauge pressure at a point inside the fluid depends.(U)
2. What is the average pressure on human two thigh bones, each of cross-sectional area 10cm2
support the upper part of human body of mass 50kg? (Taking ‘g’ = 10 ms-2) (Ans: 2.5 x 105Nm-2)(A)
3. Differentiate the streamline motion, turbulent motion and unsteady motion on the basis of
Reynolds number.(A)
4. Derive the expression for pressure difference in liquid drops.(U)
5. Mention three application of surface tension.(U)
Five mark questions (PART – D):
1. State and prove the Pascal’s law.
2. Deduce the expression for variation of pressure with depth in fluid which is at rest in a container. (
U & A & S)
3. Derive an expression for co-efficient of viscosity. ( U & A & S)
4. Derive the expression for capillary rise by drawing a relevant diagram.( U & A & S)
1. At a depth of 1000m in an ocean (a) What is the absolute pressure? (b) What is the gauge
pressure? (c) Find force acting on the window of area 20 cm x 20 cm of a submarine at this depth,
the interior of which is maintained at sea level atmospheric pressure. (Given: The Density of sea
water is 1.03 x103 kgm-3 and g = 10 ms-2) [Ans: (a) 104.01 x 105 Pa, (b) 103 x 105 Pa and (c) 4.12 x
105 N]
Chapter 11. Thermal Properties of Matter
I. One mark questions (PART – A):

1. What is heat? (K)

2. Mention the SI unit of heat. (K)
3. Give the dimensional formula for heat. (A)
4. Mention the SI unit of temperature. (K)
5. What is the principle behind working of liquid thermometers? (A)
6. Name a liquid used in liquid-glass thermometers. (K)
7. What is the value of ice point in Fahrenheit scale? (K)
8. What is the value of steam point in Fahrenheit scale? (K)
9. Write the relationship between Fahrenheit scale and Celsius scale. (K)
10. State Boyle's law. (K)
11. Write the mathematical statement of Boyle's law. (A)
12. If the pressure of a gas is halved keeping its temperature constant, what happens to its volume? (A)
13. State Charles' law. (K)
14. Write the mathematical statement of Charles' law. (A)
15. The volume of a gas is V. If the temperature of the gas is doubled without changing the pressure, what is
the new volume of the gas?(A)
16. Graphically represent the variation of pressure with temperature at constant volume for a dilute gas. (S)
17. What is the value of 100 0C in absolute scale temperature? (A)
18. When an object is heated, its temperature increases by 40 0C. Express the change in temperature in
Kelvins. (U)
19. What is thermal expansion? (K)
20. What is linear expansion of a material? (K)
21. What is area expansion of a material? (K)
22. What is volume expansion of a material? (K)
23. Give the SI unit of linear expansion coefficient. (K)
24. Define linear expansion coefficient. (K)
25. Define area expansion coefficient. (K)
26. Define volume expansion coefficient. (K)
27. Give the relationship between αl and αa. (U)
28. Write the relationship between αl and αv. (U)
29. If the area expansion coefficient of a solid is a, what is the value of the volume expansion coefficient? (U)
30. How does fractional change in a dimension of a solid vary with change in its temperature? (U)
31. A copper sphere has a spherical cavity at its centre. If the sphere is heated, what happens to the volume
of the cavity? (A)
32. What is thermal stress? (K)
33. At what temperature the density of water is maximum? (K)
34. Give an example for a substance which contracts on heating. (U)
35. How does the volume expansion for gases vary with temperature? (K)
36. Which among solids, liquids and gases have low coefficient of expansion? (K)
37. Write the relation connecting coefficient of volume expansion and the coefficient of area expansion. (U)
38. Define heat capacity of a substance. (K)
39. Give the SI unit of heat capacity. (K)
40. Define specific heat capacity of a substance. (K)
41. Write the SI unit of specific heat capacity. (K)
42. Define molar specific heat capacity of a substance. (K)
43. Mention the SI unit of molar specific heat capacity. (K)
44. How does the specific heat capacity of a substance vary with the mass of the substance? (A)
45. Mention a factor on which specific heat capacity of a substance depends. (A)
46. Write the value of specific heat capacity of water. (K)
47. A certain amount of heat Q will warm 1 g of material A by 3 oC and 1 g of material B by 4 oC. Which
material has the greater specific heat? (S)
48. Define molar specific heat capacity at constant volume. (K)
49. Define molar specific heat capacity at constant pressure. (K)
50. Why is water used as a coolant in automobile radiators? (A)
51. What is calorimetry? (K)
52. Name the device which is used for measurement of heat exchange? (U)
53. Write the principle of calorimetry. (A)
54. Define melting point of a substance. (K)
55. What is regelation? (K)
56. While skating over ice, water acts as a lubricant. Mention the principle behind this. (A)
57. Define boiling point of a liquid.(K)
58. What do you call the temperature at which liquid and vapour states of a substance coexist? (U)
59. What is sublimation? (K)
60. Which states of a substance coexist during its sublimation? (K)
61. Define latent heat of a substance. (K)
62. Mention the SI unit of latent heat. (K)
63. Give the dimensional formula of latent heat. (A)
64. Define latent heat of fusion. (K)
65. Define latent heat of vaporization. (K)
66. 100 oC steam burn is more damaging than burn with 100 oC water. Give reason. (A)
67. How does melting point of ice change with increase in pressure? (U)
68. How does boiling point of water change with increase in pressure? (U)
69. Why cooking is difficult at high altitudes? (A)
70. What is the principle of pressure cooker? (K)
71. If we plot a graph of temperature of a substance versus the heat supplied to the substance, what is the
slope of the graph during change of state? (A)
72. Why does food cook faster in a pressure cooker? (A)
73. What is conduction? (K)
74. What is convection? (K)
75. Which is the most significant mode of heat transfer in solids? (K)
76. Which kind of heat transfer dominates in fluids? (K)
77. Which kind of heat transfer involves actual motion of matter? (K)
78. Mention the SI unit of thermal conductivity. (K)
79. How does thermal conductivity of a solid depends on its area of cross section? (K)
80. Why cooking pots have copper coating on the bottom? (A)
81. An iron chair feels colder than a wooden chair on a cold day. Why? (A)
82. Which type of heat transfer does not require a transport medium? (U)
83. Which kind of heat transfer does a room hater use? (U)
84. Name the mode of heat transfer from sun to earth. (U)
85. Which is the fastest mode of heat transfer? (U)
86. Which type of heat transfer is common to all bodies? (U)
87. State Newton's law of cooling. (K)
88. Draw characteristic cooling curve for a hot liquid. (S)
89. Give an example for a greenhouse gas. (U)
90. State Kirchhoff's law of radiation. (K)
91. Define absorptivity of a substance. (K)
92. Define emissivity of a substance. (K)
93. What is the value of absorptivity of a perfect blackbody? (A)
94. State Stefan’s law of radiation. (K)
95. State Wein’s law. (K)
II. Two mark questions (PART – B):
1. Convert 37 0C into 0F. (S)
2. Write a note on absolute scale of temperature. (U)
3. State and explain Boyle's law. (U)
4. State and explain Charles' law. (U)
5. Differentiate between heat and temperature. (U)
6. Write ideal gas equation and explain the terms. (K)
7. Define heat capacity of a substance. Mention its SI unit. (K)
8. Define specific heat of a substance. Mention its SI unit. (K)
9. Define molar specific heat of a substance. Mention its SI unit. (K)
10. What is calorimetry? Give the principle of calorimetry.
11. Explain why ‘two bodies at different temperatures T1 and T2 if brought in thermal contact do not
necessarily settle to the mean temperature’. (A)
12. Define latent heat of a substance. Mention its SI unit. (K)
13. Mention any two kinds of heat transfer. (K)
14. Write any two properties of radiation. (K)
15. Give any two factors on which the rate of heat flow through a solid depends. (U)
16. What is sea breeze? Explain. (U)
17. What is land breeze? Explain. (U)
18. Why are the vessels of a thermos flask are silvered and the gap between them is evacuated? (A)
19. Why are two thin blankets are warmer than one thick blanket? (A)
20. Which coloured clothes are comfortable in winter? Why? (A)
21. Which coloured clothes are comfortable during summer? Why? (A)
22. State and explain Wien's displacement law. (K)
23. A star's emission spectrum peaks at a wavelength of 500 nm. Calculate the surface temperature of the
star assuming the star to be a blackbody. (S)
24. Write a note on Greenhouse effect. (U)
25. State and explain Stefan's law. (K)
26. State Newton’s law of cooling. Draw cooling curve.(K+S)
III. Three mark questions (PART – C):

1. Find the temperature of a substance at which Celsius scale and the Fahrenheit scale have the same
value. (S)
2. Write a note on the anomalousthermal expansion of water. How does it help aquatic animals to survive
in polar regions? (U)
3. Show that the volume expansion coefficientat constant pressure for gases is equal to reciprocal of the
absolute temperature. (U)
4. Derive the relation connecting coefficient of linear expansion and the coefficient of volume expansion
for small change in temperature. (U)
5. Arrive at a relation connecting the coefficient of linear expansion and coefficient of area expansion. (U)
6. Mention three types of heat transfer. (K)
7. Mention three properties of thermal radiation. (K)
IV. Five marks questions (PART – D):

1. State the laws of thermal conductivity. Define thermal conductivity of a solid. Mention its SI unit. (K)
2. Derive the relation connecting (a) linear expansion coefficient and area expansioncoefficient for solid(b)
linear expansion coefficient and volume expansion coefficient for a solid. (U)
3. Mention any five properties of thermal radiation. (K)
V. Five mark numerical problems(All S):

1. A steel tape 1 m long is correctly calibrated for a temperature of 27.0 oC. The length of a steel rod is
measured by this tape is found to be 63.0 cm on a hot day when the temperature is 45.0 oC. What is the
actual length of the rod on that day? What is the length of the same steel rod on a day when the
temperature is 27 oC? (Coefficient of linear expansion of steel = 1.20 x 10-5 K-1)
(Ans: 63.016 cm; 63.0 cm)
2. A large steel wheel is to be fitted on to a shaft of the same material. At 27 oC, the outer diameter of the
shaft is 8.70 cm and the diameter of the central hole in the wheel is 8.69 cm. The shaft is cooled using
dry ice. At what temperature of the shaft does the wheel slip on the shaft? Assume coefficient of linear
expansion of the steel to be constant over the required temperature range. (Coefficient of linear
expansion of steel = 1.20 x 10-5 K-1)
(Ans: – 69 oC)
3. A hole is drilled in a copper sheet. The diameter of the hole is 4.24 cm at 27 oC. What is the change in
diameter of the hole when the sheet is heated to 227oC? (Coefficient of linear expansion of copper is
1.70 x 10-5 K-1)
(Ans: 1.44 x 10-4 m)
4. A brass wire 1.8 m long at 27 oC is held taut with little tension between two rigid supports. If the wire is
cooled to a temperature of – 39 oC, what is the tension developed in the wire, if its diameter is 2.0 mm?
(For brass, linear expansion coefficient = 2 x 10-5 K-1 and Young's modulus = 91 GPa)
(Ans: 3.8 x 102 N)
5. A brass rod of length 50 cm and diameter 3 mm is joined to a steel rod of the same length and diameter.
What is the combined change in length of the combined rod at 250 oC, if the original lengths are at 40
C? Is there a thermal stress developed across the junction? The ends of the rod are free to expand.
(Linear expansion coefficient = 2 x 10-5 K-1 and that for steel = 1.20 x 10-5 K-1)
(Ans: 0.34 cm, No thermal stress)
6. The coefficient of volume expansion of glycerine is 49 x 10-5 K-1. If the temperature of 50 cm3 of glycerine
is raised by 30oC, what is the new volume of the liquid? Also calculate the fractional change in density
of the liquidfor this 30oC rise in temperature.
(Ans: 50.735 cm3; 1.5 x 10-2)
7. In an experiment on the specific heat of a metal, a 0.20 kg block of a metal at 150 oC is dropped in a
copper calorimeter containing 150 cm3 of water at 27 oC. The final temperature is 40 oC. Compute the
specific heat of the metal. (Given: Specific heat capacities of copper and water are 386 J kg-1 K-1 and
4180 J kg-1 K-1)
(Ans: 430 J kg-1 K-1)
8. When 0.15 kg of ice of 0 oC mixed with 0.30 kg of water at 50 oC in an insulated container, the resulting
temperature is 6.7 oC.Calculate the heat lost by the hot water in the process and calculate the heat of
fusion of ice. (swater = 4186 J kg-1 K-1)
(Ans: 5.44 x 104 J;3.34 x 105 J kg-1
9. A copper block of mass 2.5 kg is heated in a furnace to a temperature of 500 oC and then placed on a
large ice block. What is the maximum amount of ice that can melt? (Specific heat of copper = 0.39 J g-1
K-1, heat of fusion of water = 335 J g-1)
(Ans: 1.5 kg)
10. An iron bar of length 0.1 m and area of cross section 0.02 m2 and a brass bar of length 0.2 m and area of
cross section 0.02 m2 are soldered together end to end. The free ends of the iron bar and brass bar are
maintained at 100 oC and 0 oC respectively. The thermal conductivities of iron and brass are 79 W m-1 K-1
and 109 W m-1 K-1 respectively. Calculate the temperature of the iron – brass junction. Also find the
heat current through the compound bar.
(Ans: 59.2 oC;645 W)
11. A cubical thermacolbox of side 30 cm has a thickness of 5.0 cm. If 4.0 kg of ice is put in the box,
estimate the amount of ice remaining after 6 hours. The outside temperature is 45 oC, and coefficient of
thermal conductivity of thermacol is 0.01 W m-1 K-1. (Heat of fusion of water = 3.35 x 105 J kg-1).
(Ans: 3.7 kg)
12. The temperatures of equal masses of three different liquids A, B and C are 12 0C, 19 0C and 27 0C
respectively. If A and B are mixed, the temperature of the mixture is 16 0C. If B and C are mixed, the
temperature of the mixture is 23 0C. What is the temperature of the mixture if A and C mixed?
(Ans: 20.6 oC)
13. A brass boiler has a base area of 0.15 m2 and thickness 1.0 cm. It boils water at the rate of 6.0
kg/minute when placed on a gas stove. Estimate the temperature of the part of the flame in contact
with the boiler. Thermal conductivity of brass = 109 W m-1 K-1; Heat of vaporization of water = 2.256 x
106 J kg-1)
(Ans: 238 oC)
14. A body cools from 80 oC to 50 oC in 5 minutes. Calculate the time it takes to cool from 60 oC to 30 oC.
The temperature of the surrounding is 20 oC.
(Ans: 9 minutes)
15. A 10 kW drilling machine is used to drill a bore in a small aluminium block of mass 8.0 kg. How much is
the rise in temperature of the block in 2.5 minutes assuming 50 % of power is used up in heating the
machine itself or lost to the surroundings. Specific heat of aluminium = 0.91 J g-1 K-1.
(Ans: 103 oC)
Chapter 12. Thermodynamics
I. One mark questions (PART – A):

1. What is thermodynamics? (K)

2. Give an example for a thermodynamic variable. (U)
3. What is thermal equilibrium? (K)
4. What is an adiabatic wall? (K)
5. What is diathermal wall?(K)
6. State Zeroth law of thermodynamics. (K)
7. What is the significance of zeroth law of thermodynamics? (U)
8. Define internal energy. (K)
9. What is a state variable?(K)
10. Give an example for a state variable. (U)
11. State first law of thermodynamics. (K)
12. What is the value of change in internal energy for an isothermal process? (U)
13. First law of thermodynamics is a version of which general principle of physics? (U)
14. What is an isothermal process? (K)
15. Give an example for isothermal process. (U)
16. What is an adiabatic process? (K)
17. Give an example for adiabatic process. (U)
18. Define isobaric process. (K)
19. The volume of a gas changes from a volume V1 to a volume V2 at a constant pressure P. Write the
formula for the work-done in the process. (U)
20. What is isochoric process? (K)
21. What is the value work-done in an isochoric process? (A)
22. Draw a graph showing the variation of specific heat of water with its temperature. (S)
23. What is the value of the difference between specific heat capacity at constant pressure and specific heat
at constant volume for a gas? (K)
24. What is an equation of state? (K)
25. Write the equation of state for an ideal gas. (K)
26. What is an isotherm? (K)
27. What is an intensive variable? (K)
28. What is an extensive variable? (K)
29. Give an example for extensive variable. (U)
30. Give an example for intensive variable. (U)
31. Which kind of thermodynamic process obeys Boyle's law? (U)
32. Draw P – V diagram for isothermal process. (S)
33. Draw P – V diagram for adiabatic process. (S)
34. Draw P – V diagram for isobaric process. (S)
35. Draw isothrem for isochoric process. (S)
36. What does the area under P – V diagram for a thermodynamic process indicate? (K)
37. What is a cyclic process? (K)
38. What is the change in internal energy for a cyclic process? (U)
39. What is a heat engine? (K)
40. Define efficiency of a heat engine. (K)
41. Give the expression for the efficiency of a heat engine. (K)
42. Which law forbids an engine from having unit efficiency? (U)
43. What is a refrigerator? (K)
44. Define coefficient of performance of a refrigerator. (K)
45. Write Kelvin – Planck statement of second law of thermodynamics. (K)
46. Write Clausius statement of second law of thermodynamics. (K)
47. Give two examples for irreversible process. (U)
48. What is a Carnot's engine? (K)
49. How does the efficiency of a Carnot's engine depend on the nature of the working substance? (U)
50. What is the efficiency of a heat engine for which temperature of the hot reservoir is equal to the
temperature of the cold reservoir? (A)
51. At what temperature of the cold reservoir the efficiency of the Carnot's engine is 100%? (A)

II. Two mark questions (Part – B):

1. State and explain zeroth law of thermodynamics. (K)

2. What is a state variable? Give an example. (U)
3. Mention the factors on which internal energy of a system depends. (K)
4. Mention the ways of changing internal energy of a system? (U)
5. Is the statement “A gas in a given state has a certain amount of heat” correct? Justify your answer. (U)
6. State and explain first law of thermodynamics. (K)
7. Write the first law of thermodynamics in mathematical form and explain the terms. (K)
8. An electric heater supplies heat to a system at a rate of 100 W. If system performs work at a rate of 75 J s-
, at what rate is the internal energy increasing? (Ans: 25 W) (S)
9. Explain why air pressure in a car tyre increases during driving. (A)
10. Show that the molar specific heat for a solid equals 3R. (A)
11. What is an isothermal process? Give an example. (K)
12. What is an adiabatic process? Give an example. (K)
13. Differentiate between isothermal and adiabatic process. (U)
14. Calculate the work done by a gas when its volume of a gas increases by 20 cm3 at 1 atm pressure.
(Ans: 2.02 J) (S)
15. In an isobaric process, the temperature of 8 g of helium changes from 27 0C to 127 0C. Calculate the work
done in the process. (Ans: ∆W = 1.66 kJ) (S)
16. Draw a schematic representation of a heat engine. (S)
17. An ideal heat engine with 40% efficiency has hot reservoir temperature of 600 K. What is the
temperature its cold reservoir? (Ans: T2= 360 K) (S)
18. Find the efficiency of a heat engine which absorbs an energy of 1 kJ and does 650 J work.
(Ans: η = 0.65 = 65%) (S)
19. Draw a schematic representation of a heat pump. (S)
20. A refrigerator has a coefficient of performance of 6. If the work done on the refrigerant is 15 J, what is
amount of heat that can be extracted from the freezer? (Ans: 90 J)(S)
21. A refrigerator is to maintain eatables kept inside at 9oC. If room temperature is 36 oC, calculate the
coefficient of performance. (Ans: 10.4) (S)
22. Second law of thermodynamics gives a fundamental limitation to the efficiency of a heat engine and the
coefficient of performance of a refrigerator. Explain. (A)
23. What limits does the Second law of thermodynamics put on the efficiency of a heat engine and the
coefficient of performance of a refrigerator? (A)
24. What is a reversible process? Give an example. (K)
25. What is an irreversible process? Give an example. (K)
26. Differentiate between reversible and irreversible processes. (U)
27. Mention any two causes of irreversibility of a thermodynamic process. (A)

III. Three mark questions (Part – C):

1. What is an isobaric process? Derive the expression for work done in an isobaric process in terms of
initial and final temperatures of the system. (U)
2. With a schematic diagram, explain the working of a refrigerator. (U)
3. Differentiate between isothermal process and adiabatic process. Give one example for each. (U)
4. Differentiate between reversible process and irreversible process. Give one example for each. (U)

IV. Five mark questions (Part – D):

1. Derive the relation − = for an ideal gas. (U)

2. What is an isothermal process? Derive an expression for work done in an isothermal process. (U)
3. What is an adiabatic process? Derive an expression for work done in an adiabatic process. (U)
4. With a schematic diagram, explain the working of a heat engine. (U)
5. Explain the working of a Carnot's engine. Write the expression for its efficiency. (U)
6. Derive an expression for the efficiency of a Carnot's heat engine. (U)

V. Five mark problems (All S):

1. 12 g of helium at 127 oC undergoes isothermal expansion until its volume is four times the initial
volume. Calculate the amount of the work done by the gas. Also calculate the amount of heat supplied
to the gas. (Given: ln 2 = 0.693)
(Ans: ∆W = 13.83 kJ; ∆Q = 13.83 kJ)
2. In an adiabatic compressionof a gas, the volume of the gas changes from 3 litres to 1.5 litres. If the
initial pressure of the gas is 0.25 MPa, calculate the final pressure of the gas and the work done by the
gas in the process. Given: γ for the gas = 1.5
(Ans: P2 = 7.07 x 105 Pa; ∆W = - 621 J)
3. In a sudden expansion of 96 g of oxygen, the temperature of the gas changes from 125oC to 50oC.
Calculate the workdone by the gas in the process. Also calculate the change in internal energy of the
gas. (Given: Molecular mass of O2 = 32 g)
(Ans: ∆W = 4.68 kJ; ∆U = - 4.68 kJ)
4. Two moles of an ideal gas at 27 oC and pressure P is adiabatically compressed till its pressure becomes
8P. If the value γ for the gas is 1.5, calculate the final temperature and change ininternal energy of the
(Ans: T = 600 K, ∆U = 9.98 kJ)
5. A Carnot's engine absorbs 1 kJ of heat from a reservoir at 277 oC and rejects 500 J of heat in each cycle.
Calculate (a) the efficiency of the engine (b) the temperature of the cold reservoir and (c) the amount of
useful workdone in each cycle.
(Ans: η = 0.5 = 50%; T2 = 275 K; ∆W = 500 J)
6. A 60% efficient reversible engine rejects 600 J of heat to the cold reservoir at a temperature of 50 oC.
Calculate (i) the temperature of the hot reservoir (ii) the work done per cycle?
(Ans: T1 = 807.5 K, ∆W = 1500 J)
7. A Carnot's engine converts one – third the heat absorbed by the hot reservoir into work. If the
temperature of the hot reservoir is increased by 450 K, the efficiency of the engine is doubled. Calculate
the initial temperatures of the hot reservoir and the cold reservoir.
(Ans: T1 = 450 K; T2 = 300 K)
8. A Carnot's engine has an efficiency of 50%. If the temperature of the source is increased by 150 oC and
temperature of the sink is decreased by 50 oC, the efficiency of the engine increases by 25%. Calculate
temperatures of the source and the sink.
(Ans: T1 = 350 K; T2 = 175 K)
9. A thermodynamic system undergoes a cyclic process as shown in the figure. The processes DE, EF and
FD are linear. Calculate total work done by the gas per cycle. Also calculate change in internal energy
and heat supplied to the system per cycle.

(Ans: ∆W = 450 J; ∆U = 0; ∆Q = 450 J)

10. What amount of heat must be supplied to 0.02 kg of nitrogen at room temperature to raise its
temperature by 45 oC at constant pressure? What is the work done in the process?(Given: Molecular
mass of N2 = 28 g)
(Ans: ∆Q = 933.4 J; ∆W = 267.1 J)

11. In changing the state of a gas adiabatically from an equilibrium state A to another equilibrium state B,
an amount of work equal to 22.3 J is done on the system. If the gas is taken from state A to B via a
process in which the net heat absorbed by the system is 9.35 cal, how much is the net work done by the
system in the later case?
(Ans: 16.9 J)
12. A steam engine delivers 5.4 x 108 J of work per minute and services 3.6 x 109 J of heat per minute from
its boiler. What is the efficiency of the engine? How much heat is wasted per second?
(Ans: η = 0.15 = 15%; 5.1 x 107 Js-1)
Chapter – 13
One mark questions (PART – A):

1. Define mean free path.(K)

2. Mention the important property of the interatomic force.(U)
3. What is Avogadro number?(U)
4. What is an ideal gas.(K)
5. Mention the condition at which gas behaves like an ideal one.(A)
6. State Boyle’s law.(K)
7. State Charles’s law.(K)
8. Write the ideal gas equation for a mixture of ‘n’ number of non-interacting ideal gases.(K)
9. State the Dalton’s law of partial pressure.(K)
10. Mention the factor on which average kinetic energy of molecules depends.(U)
11. Write the expression for pressure of an ideal gas in terms of rms speed of gaseous
12. Mention the factor on which internal energy of an ideal gas depends.(U)
13. How many translational degree of freedom a monatomic gas has?(A)
14. How many translational degree of freedom O2 or N2 has?(A)
15. State the law of equipartition of energy.(K)
16. Write the equation for molar specific heat of monatomic gas at constant volume.(U)
17. Write the equation for molar specific heat of monatomic gas at constant pressure.(U)
18. What is the ratio of specific heats of monatomic gas at constant pressure and volume?(U)
19. Write the equation for molar specific heat of rigid diatomic gas at constant volume.(U)
20. Write the equation for molar specific heat of rigid diatomic gas at constant pressure.(U)
21. What is the ratio of specific heats of rigid diatomic gas at constant pressure and volume?(U)
22. Write the equation for molar specific heat of non-rigid diatomic gas at constant volume.(U)
23. Write the equation for molar specific heat of non-rigid diatomic gas at constant pressure.(U)
24. What is the ratio of specific heats of non-rigid diatomic gas at constant pressure and
25. Write the equation for molar specific heat of non-rigid polyatomic gas at constant volume.(U)
26. Write the equation for molar specific heat of non-rigid polyatomic gas at constant pressure.(U)
27. Write the expression for degrees of freedom of a molecule in terms of degrees of freedom.(U)
Two mark questions (PART – B):
1. Write the perfect gas equation and explain the terms.(U)
2. Mention the expression for average kinetic energy of molecules in terms of absolute
temperature and explain the terms.(U)
3. Mention the two factors on which internal energy of an ideal gas do not depend.(A)
4. Write the expression for internal energy of an ideal gas in terms of absolute temperature and
explain the terms.(U)
5. Write the expression of average energy of a monatomic molecule and explain the terms.(U)
6. Write the expression of total internal energy of a mole of monatomic gas and explain the
7. Write the expression of total internal energy of a mole of rigid diatomic gas and explain the
8. Write the expression of total internal energy of a mole of non-rigid diatomic gas and explain
the terms.(U)
9. Write the expression of total internal energy of a mole of non-rigid polyatomic gas and explain
the terms.(U)
10. Write the expression of total internal energy of a mole of solid and explain the terms.(U)
11. Write the expression of total internal energy of a mole of water gas and explain the terms.(U)
12. Mention the expression of mean free path of gas molecules in a gas and explain the terms.(U)
13. Mention two factors on which mean free path of a gas molecule in a gas depend.(A)

Three mark questions (PART – C):

1. Deduce the equation for pressure for a mixture of ‘n’ number of non-interacting ideal gas at
constant volume and temperature.(U)
2. Deduce the expression for specific heat capacity of solid in terms of universal gas constant.(U)
3. Derive the expression for specific heat of water in terms of universal gas constant.(U)
Five mark questions (PART – D):

1. Derive the relation P = (1/3)mnv2̅ using kinetic theory of gases.(U & S)

2. Derive the expression for mean free path of gas molecules in a gas.(U & S)
Chapter 14.
I One mark questions (PART – A):

1. What is an oscillatory (vibratory) motion? (K)

2. Give an example for oscillatory motion.(U)
3. What is periodic motion? (K)
4. Give an example for periodic motion.(U)
5. Is all oscillatory motions are periodic? (K)
6. Define period of periodic motion. (K)
7. Mention the unit of period.(U)
8. Define frequency of periodic motion.(K)
9. Write the unit of frequency.(U)
10. Give the relation between period and frequency. OR How is frequency related to period ?(U)
11. What is angular frequency ?(K)
12. Define amplitude.(K)
13. Mention the unit of amplitude.(U)
14. Define simple harmonic motion(SHM).(K)
15. Give an example for SHM.(U)
16. Give an example for a non simple harmonic periodic motion.(U)
17. What is mean by phase of a particle executing SHM ?(K)
18. What is restoring force ?(K)
19. State force law of simple harmonic motion.(K)
20. What is the relation between simple harmonic motion and uniform circular motion?(U)
21. In which position the particle possess maximum potential energy in SHM ? (S)
22. In which position the particle possess maximum kinetic energy in SHM ?(S)
23. Draw a graph of displacement versus time for a particle executing SHM.(S)
24. What happens to the time period of a simple pendulum, if its length is quadrupled ?(S)
25. What happens to the period of simple pendulum when it is taken to Mt. Everest?(S)
26. What is the period of second’s pendulum ?(U)
27. What is mean by damped oscillation ?(K)
28. What is mean by free oscillation ?(K)
29. What is resonance ?(K)

Two mark questions (PART – B):

1. Write the expression for displacement of a particle executing SHM , and explain the terms
2. Mention the characteristics of SHM.(U)
3. State and explain force law of simple harmonic motion.(U)
4. Mention the expression for velocity of a particle executing SHM. Explain the terms involved.(U)
5. Mention the expression for acceleration of a particle executing SHM. Explain the terms
6. Mention the expression for magnitude of maximum velocity and maximum acceleration of a
particle executing SHM.(U)
7. Write the expression for kinetic energy of a particle executing SHM, and explain the terms.(U)
8. Write the expression for potential energy of a particle executing SHM, and explain the terms.(U)
9. Write the expression for total energy of a particle executing SHM, and explain the terms.(U)
10. Mention the expression for time period of oscillation of a mass attached to a horizontal spring.
Explain the terms involved.(U)
11. Mention the expression for time period of oscillation of a simple pendulum. Explain the terms
12. Draw a graph of energy versus time in the case of a particle executing SHM.(S)
13. Draw a graph of energy versus displacement in the case of a particle executing SHM.(S)

Three mark questions (PART – C):

1. Derive an equation for simple harmonic motion.(U)
2. Write the expression for magnitude of maximum velocity of a particle executing SHM. At which
position it possesses; a) maximum value of velocity? b) zero velocity ?(U)
3. Mention the expression for magnitude of maximum acceleration of a particle executing SHM. At
which position it possess; a) maximum value of acceleration ? b) zero acceleration ? (U)
4. Derive the expression for kinetic energy and potential energy of a particle executing SHM.(U)
5. Write the expressions for kinetic energy, potential energy and total energy of a particle
executing SHM.(U)
Three marks problems…
1. Calculate the magnitude of maximum velocity of a particle executing SHM with a period of 8 s
and amplitude 3 cm. (S) ( Ans- 0.024 ms-1)
2. A body executes SHM along x- axis. Its displacement varies with time according to the equation,
x = 1.2cos 50 . Where x is in metre, t is in second. Find the amplitude and time period of the
particle. (S) ( Ans- 1.2 m, 0.04 s )

Five mark questions (PART – D):

1. Derive the expression for time period of oscillations of a simple pendulum executing SHM.(U)
2. Derive the expression for kinetic energy, potential energy and total energy of the particle
executing SHM.(U)
Five marks problems….
1. A body oscillates with SHM according to the equation, x = 2 cos 2 + . Where x is in metre
and t is in second. Calculate, a) displacement b) velocity c) acceleration of the body at t = s. (S)
[ Ans- a) 0, b) 4 ms-1, c) 0 ]
2. A body describes a simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 4 cm and a period of 0.1 s. Find
the magnitude of velocity and acceleration of the body when the displacement is 3 cm from the
mean position. (S) ( Ans- 1.663 ms-1, 118.47 ms-2)
3. A particle of mass 0.02 kg is executing SHM along x- axis with a period of 2 s. If the amplitude of
the particle is 8 cm, calculate the kinetic energy, potential energy and total energy of the particle
at t = s. (S) ( Ans- 0.000316 J, 0.000316 J, 0.000632 J.)
4. A particle of mass 0.02 kg is executing SHM along y- axis with a period of 2 s. If the amplitude of
the particle is 8 cm, calculate the kinetic energy, potential energy and total energy of the particle
at t = s. (S) ( Ans- 0, 0.000632 J, 0.000632 J.)
5. A block is attached to a spring. The spring has a spring constant of 20 Nm-1. If the block oscillates
simple harmonically with amplitude of 6 cm, estimate the kinetic energy, potential energy and
total energy of the block when it is 2 cm away from the mean position. (S)
( Ans- 0.032 J, 0.004 J , 0.036 J)
6. A simple pendulum oscillates with a frequency equal to 0.6 Hz. Calculate the length of the simple
pendulum. If length of the pendulum is doubled, what will be the time period of the
pendulum?(S) ( Ans- 0.689 m, 2.357 s )
7. Particle executing SHM is represented by y = 4sin 10 . Where y is in centimetre and t is in
second. Calculate the amplitude, magnitude of maximum velocity and maximum acceleration.(S)
( Ans- 0.04 m, 1.257 ms-1, 39.489 ms-2 )
I. One mark questions (PART – A):

1. What is wave?(K)
2. What are mechanical waves?(K)
3. Give an example for mechanical wave.(U)
4. What are electromagnetic waves?(K)
5. Give an example for non mechanical waves.(U)
6. What are transverse waves?(K)
7. Give an example for transverse wave.(U)
8. How does speed of a transverse wave on a stretched string vary with its tension ?(U)
9. What are longitudinal waves?(K)
10. Give an example for longitudinal wave.(U)
11. How does speed of sound in air changes with temperature?(U)
12. Why a transverse mechanical wave cannot travel in gases?(S)
13. What is a progressive wave?(K)
14. Define amplitude of a wave.(K)
15. Define wavelength of a wave.(K)
16. Define period of a wave.(K)
17. Define frequency of a wave.(K)
18. Define wave velocity.(K)
19. What do you mean by phase of a wave?(K)
20. Write the expression for propagation constant ( angular wave number).(U)
21. Write the expression for angular frequency in terms of frequency.(U)
22. Give the relation between frequency and time period.(U)
23. Write the relation between velocity, frequency and wavelength.(U)
24. State the principle of superposition of waves.(K)
25. Give an example for principle of superposition of waves.(U)
26. How much phase change occur during the reflection of a progressive wave at the rigid
27. How much phase change occur during the reflection of a progressive wave at the open
28. What are standing (stationary) waves?(K)
29. What are nodes in a stationary wave?(K)
30. What are antinodes in a stationary wave?(K)
31. What is the distance between node and consecutive antinode? (K)
32. What is the length of a segment/loop in a stationary wave?(K)
33. What are normal modes of vibrations?(K)
34. What is mean by fundamental mode of vibration?(K)
35. What are harmonic frequencies of vibration?(K)
36. What are overtones?(K)
37. What is a closed pipe?(K)
38. What is an open pipe?(K)
39. What harmonics are present in a stretched string?(K)
40. What harmonics are present in a closed pipe?(K)
41. What harmonics are present in an open pipe?(K)
42. What are beats?(K)
43. Define beat frequency.(K)
44. Define beat period.(K)
45. Write relation between beat frequency and frequency of individual waves.(U)
46. What is Doppler effect?(K)

Two mark questions (PART – B):

1. Which properties of the medium are necessary for the propagation of mechanical wave?(U)
2. Write the expression for displacement of a particle in a progressive wave. Explain the terms
3. Give the relation between phase difference and path difference. Explain the terms involved. (U)
4. Write the expression for speed of transverse wave in the stretched string. Explain the terms
5. Write the expression for speed of longitudinal wave in the elastic medium. Explain the terms
6. Write the expression for speed of longitudinal wave in a solid bar (OR stretched sting). Explain
the terms involved.(U)
7. Write Newton’s formula for speed of sound in air. Explain the terms involved.(U)
8. Write Newton’s-Laplace formula for speed of sound in air. Explain the terms involved.(U)
9. How does speed of sound in air vary with pressure and humidity?(U)
10. State and explain principle of superposition of waves.(K)
11. Write the equation for fundamental frequency of a stretched string, and explain the terms.(U)
12. Write the expression for fundamental frequency of a closed pipe, and explain the terms.(U)
13. Write the expression for fundamental frequency of an open pipe. Explain the terms involved.(U)
14. Give two applications of beats.(A)
15. Write the expression for apparent frequency of sound, when source is moving away from a
stationary observer. Does the apparent frequency increase or decrease?(U)
16. Give the expression for apparent frequency of sound, when source is moving towards a
stationary observer. Explain the terms involved.(U)
17. Write the expression for apparent frequency of sound, when both source and observer moving
in the same direction. Explain the terms.(U)
18. Give two applications of Doppler effect.(A)

Three mark questions (PART – C):

1. Explain different types of waves based on modes of vibration of the particles of the medium with
2. Distinguish between longitudinal and transverse wave.(U)
3. Derive the relation between wave velocity, wave frequency and wavelength.(U)
4. Explain Laplace’s correction for Newton’s formula.(U)
5. Distinguish between progressive and stationary waves.(U)
6. Derive the expression for apparent frequency of sound, when an observer is moving towards a
stationary source.(U)

Five mark questions (PART – D):

1. Deduce Newton’s formula for speed of sound in air. Why it requires correction? (U)
2. Write Newton’s formula for speed of sound in air. Explain Laplace’s correction for it.(U)
3. Give the theory of standing wave.(U)
4. Show that all harmonics are present in vibrating stretched string. OR Discuss the modes of
vibration in a stretched string.(U)
5. What is closed pipe? Prove that the overtones in a closed pipe are odd harmonics.(U)
6. What is open pipe? Prove that the all harmonics are present in an open pipe.(U)
7. Give the theory of beats.(U)
8. Derive the expression for apparent frequency of sound in the case of moving source and
stationary observer.(U)
9. Derive the expression for apparent frequency of sound in the case of both source and observer

Five marks problems…

1. A wave travelling along a string is described by, y = 0.002sin( 75 − 5 ). Where x and y are in
metre and t is in second. Calculate a) amplitude b) wavelength c) period d) frequency
e) wave velocity. (S) [ Ans- a) 0.002 m b) 0.084 m c) 1.257 s d) 0.796 Hz e) 0.067 ms-1 ]
2. A transverse harmonic wave on a string is described by y = 5sin( 26 + 0.02 + ). Where x
and y are in centimetre and t is in second. Calculate; amplitude, wave velocity and initial phase
at the origin. Find the displacement of the particle at t = s and x = 0. (S)
( Ans- 0.05 m, 1300 ms-1, , - 0.05 m )
3. A string of mass 3 kg is under a tension of 150 N. The length of the stretched string is 27 m. If the
transverse jerk is struck at one end of the string, calculate the speed of the wave and the time
taken by the wave to reach the other end of the string. (S)
( Ans- 36.742 ms-1, 0.735 s )
4. Calculate the speed of sound in air at STP. The mass of 1 mole of air is 29 x 10-3 kg, and ratio of
specific heats of air is 1.4. (S) ( Ans- 330.93 ms-1 )
5. A stretched string emits a note of fundamental frequency of 256 Hz. When the tension is
increased by 2 kgwt, the frequency of the fundamental rises to 312 Hz. Find the initial tension
and the length of the wire. ( Linear density of the string is 1.5 x 10-3 kgm-1 ) (S)
( Ans- 4.12 kgwt, 0.32 m )
6. Two strings A and B are slightly out of tune and produce beats of frequency 8 Hz. The tension in
the string A is slightly increased and beat frequency is found to reduced to 2 Hz. If the original
frequency of A is 445 Hz, what is the frequency of B ?. Also calculate the frequency of A after
the change of tension. (S)
( Ans- 453 Hz, 451 Hz )
7. A pipe of 24.5 cm long is closed at one end. Which harmonic mode of the pipe resonates with a
source of frequency 345 Hz ?. Will the same source be in resonance with the pipe if both ends
are open? ( speed of sound in air is 340 ms-1 ) (S)
( Ans- First harmonic of the pipe resonates with the source, Pipe cannot resonate with the
source. )
8. Two organ pipes one open at both ends and the other closed at one end give their fundamental
notes of frequencies which differ by 27 Hz. The length of the closed pipe is 0.76 m. Calculate the
length of the open pipe, if the velocity of sound in air is 340 ms-1. (S) ( Ans- 1.224 m )
9. A source of sound is moving at a speed of 20 ms-1 towards a wall. While moving, it emits a wave
of frequency 600 Hz. Some of the sound reaching the wall gets reflected back to the source as an
echo. If the speed of sound in air is 340 ms-1, calculate ; a) the frequency of sound as detected
by the observer near the wall. b) the frequency of the echo as detected by the observer at the
source. (S) ( Ans- 637.5 Hz , 675 Hz )
10. A train , standing at the outer signal of a railway station blows a whistle oa frequency 550 Hz in
still air. If the speed of sound in air is 340 ms-1, estimate the frequency of the whistle as heard by
an observer on the platform as train, a) approaches the platform with a speed of 15 ms-1 b)
recedes from the platform with a speed of 15 ms-1 c) What will be the speed of the sound in
each case ? (S) ( Ans- 575.4 Hz , 526.76 Hz , 340 ms-1 )
11. A car with a velocity 20 ms-1 approaches a train which is sounding a whistle of frequency 800 Hz.
If velocity of sound is 335 ms-1, calculate the frequency of the note heard by a person in the car
when the train is a) stationary b) moving with a velocity 10 ms-1 in the direction of the car.(S)
( Ans- 847.76 Hz, 823.19 Hz )








1 Physical world 2 2
2 Units and measurement 4 3

3 Motion in a straight line 8 8

4 Motion in a plane 12 11

III 5 Laws of motion 11 10

IV 6 Work, energy and power 11 9

System of particles and

V 7 12 11
rotational motion

VI 8 Gravitation 9 8

Mechanical properties of
9 5 4

Mechanical properties of
VII 10 5 4

Thermal properties of
11 10 8

VIII 12 Thermodynamics 8 7

IX 13 Kinetic theory 5 4

14 Oscillations 8 7
15 Waves 10 9

TOTAL 120 105 10 16 24 30 25



Time: 3 hours 15 minutes Max. Marks:70

General instructions:

a) All parts are compulsory.

b) Answers without relevant diagram/ figures wherever necessary will not carry any marks.
c) Numerical problems solved without writing the relevant formulae carry no marks.


I. Answer all the following questions: (10 X1 =10)

1. Define velocity.
2. What is a null vector?
3. What is the unit of measurement of energy used in our electricity bills?
4. Where is the centre of mass of a meter stick?
5. Name the natural satellite of earth.
6. What is hydraulic stress?
7. Why is the tip of the nib of a pen split?
8. Why some cooking pots have copper coating on the bottom?
9. State the law of equipartition of energy.
10. Define amplitude of a wave.
II. Answer any five of the following questions: (5 X2 =10)
11. Name a fundamental force which has long range and a fundamental force which has short
range of operation.
12. Distinguish between path length and displacement.
∧ ∧ ∧
13. The position of a particle is given by r = 3.0t i + 2.0t 2 j + 5.0 k where t is in seconds and
the coefficients have the proper units for r to be in metres. Find v(t) of the particle.
14. What is impulse and impulsive force?
15. State and explain Boyle’s law.
16. What is reversible process? Give an example.
17. A planet has same mass as that of earth, but its radius is half that of earth. If the acceleration
due to gravity on earth is ‘g’, what is the acceleration due to gravity on that planet.
18. Mention the expression for kinetic energy of a particle executing simple harmonic motion.
Explain the terms.

III. Answer any five of the following questions: (5 X3 =15)

19. Consider an equation v=v0+ at, where vo is the initial velocity, v is the final velocity, a is the
acceleration and t is the time taken. Check whether this equation is dimensionally correct.
20. Derive an expression for centripetal acceleration.
21. Write any one disadvantage of friction. What are the different methods of reducing friction?
22. Differentiate between conservative force and non-conservative force with one example for
23. Find the force required to stretch a wire of area of cross section 2 X 10-4m2 so that its length
becomes 1.5 times original length. Young’s modulus=3.6 X 1011Nm-2.
24. State Pascal’s law. Give two applications of Pascal’s law.
25. Determine the molar specific heat at constant volume for a mono atomic gas molecule.
26. Give the theory of beats.
IV. Answer any two of the following questions: (2 X5 =10)
27. What is a projectile? Derive the equation of path of a projectile.
28. Illustrate the law of conservation of mechanical energy in case of a ball dropped from a cliff
of height H.
29. Define moment of inertia of a body. State and explain perpendicular axis theorem and
parallel axis theorem of moment of inertia.

V. Answer any two of the following questions: (2 X5 =10)

30. Derive the expression for acceleration due to gravity at a point below the surface of earth.
What is the value of acceleration due to gravity at the centre of the earth?
31. What is thermal radiation? Mention any four properties of thermal radiation.
32. Arrive at an expression for the time period of a simple pendulum.

VI. Answer any three of the following questions: (3 X5 =15)

33. On a two –lane road, Car A is travelling with a speed of 36kmph. Two cars B and C approach
car A in opposite directions with a speed of 54 kmph each. At a certain instant, when the
distance AB is equal to AC, both being 1km, B decides to overtake A before C does. What
minimum acceleration of car B is required to avoid an accident?
34. A batsman deflects a ball by an angle of 45° without changing its initial speed which is equal
to 54 kmph. What is the impulse imparted to the ball? If the time of contact between the
ball and the bat is 0.01s, what is the average force exerted by the bat on the ball? (Mass of
the ball is 0.15 kg.)
35. A rope of negligible mass is wound round a hollow cylinder of mass 3 kg and radius 40 cm.
What is the angular acceleration of the cylinder if the rope is pulled with a force of 30 N?
What is the linear acceleration of the rope? Assume that there is no slipping.
36. A steam engine delivers 5.4×108J of work per minute and services 3.6 × 109J of heat per
minute from its boiler. What is the efficiency of the engine? How much heat is wasted per
37. A train, standing at the outer signal of a railway station blows a whistle of frequency 400 Hz
in still air. (i) What is the frequency of the whistle for a platform observer when the train (a)
approaches the platform with a speed of 10 m s–1, (b) recedes from the platform with a
speed of 10 m s–1? (ii) What is the speed of sound in each case? The speed of sound in still
air can be taken as 340 m s–1.








1 Physical world 2 1
2 Units and measurement 4 3

3 Motion in a straight line 8 7

4 Motion in a plane 12 11

III 5 Laws of motion 11 10

IV 6 Work, energy and power 11 10

System of particles and

V 7 12 11
rotational motion

VI 8 Gravitation 9 8

Mechanical properties of
9 5 4

Mechanical properties of
VII 10 5 4

Thermal properties of
11 10 9

VIII 12 Thermodynamics 8 7

IX 13 Kinetic theory 5 4

14 Oscillations 8 7
15 Waves 10 9

TOTAL 120 105 10 16 24 30 25



Time: 3 hours 15 minutes Max. Marks:70

General instructions:

a) All parts are compulsory.

b) Answers without relevant diagram/ figures wherever necessary will not carry any marks.
c) Numerical problems solved without writing the relevant formulae carry no marks.


I. Answer all the following questions: (10 X1 =10)

1. What is physics?
2. Give the number of significant figures in 5.300 X 103.
3. What is the angle between velocity and acceleration at the peak point of a projectile
projected for maximum range?
4. What is the use of mechanical advantage of a lever?
5. Name the experiment to measure the value of gravitational constant.
6. Which property of a body is responsible for regaining its shape and size when deforming
force acting on it is removed?
7. Name the instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure.
8. What is absolute zero temperature?
9. Define mean free path.
10. What is the basis of the phenomenon of interference?

II. Answer any five of the following questions: (5 X2 =10)
11. What is parallax? Mention its use.
12. A car is traveling with a uniform velocity of 30ms-1. The driver applies the breaks and the car
comes to rest in 10seconds. Calculate the retardation.
13. Distinguish between scalars and vectors.
14. When is the work done negative? Give an example.
15. State the law of conservation of angular momentum. Illustrate with an example.
16. Mention the uses of polar satellites?
17. State and explain zeroth law of thermodynamics.
18. On an average a human heart is found to beat 75 times in a minute. Calculate its frequency
and time period.
III. Answer any five of the following questions: (5 X3 =15)
19. State and explain triangle law of vector addition.
20. Prove that for a particle in rectilinear motion under constant acceleration, the change in
kinetic energy of the particle is equal to the work done on it by the net force?
21. Draw the stress verses strain graph for a metallic wire stretched up to fracture point. Define
the terms proportional limit and fracture point.
∧ ∧ ∧
22. Find the torque of a force 7 i + 3 j − 5 k about the origin. The force acts on a particle whose
∧ ∧ ∧
position vector is i − j + k .
23. What is capillary rise? Write an expression for it. Explain the terms.
24. Write any three assumptions of kinetic theory of gases.
25. State and explain the law of thermal conduction.
26. Mention any three differences between standing waves and progressive waves.
IV. Answer any two of the following questions: (2 X5 =10)
27. What is velocity – time graph. Derive the equation of motion: v 2 − v 02 = 2ax .
28. Derive the expression for maximum safe speed of a vehicle on a banked road in circular
29. What is elastic collision? Obtain the expression for final velocities of two bodies undergoing
elastic collision in one dimension.

V. Answer any two of the following questions: (2 X5 =10)

30. What is escape speed? Obtain the expression for escape speed. What is the value of escape
speed for earth?
31. What is isothermal process? Obtain the expression for work done in an isothermal process.
32. What is simple harmonic motion? Derive an expression for velocity and acceleration in
simple harmonic motion.

VI. Answer any three of the following questions: (3X5 =15)

33. A cricketer can throw a ball to a maximum horizontal distance of 100 m. How much high
above the ground can the cricketer throw the same ball? And for how long the ball remains
in the air in this case?
34. A stone of mass 0.25 kg tied to the end of a string is whirled round in a circle of radius 1.5 m
with a speed of 40 rev./min in a horizontal plane. What is the tension in the string? What is
the maximum speed with which the stone can be whirled around if the string can withstand
a maximum tension of 200 N?
35. A solid cylinder of mass 20 kg rotates about its axis with angular speed 100 rad s-1. The
radius of the cylinder is 0.25 m. What is the kinetic energy associated with the rotation of
the cylinder? Calculate the magnitude of angular momentum of the cylinder about its axis.
36. A brass rod of length 50 cm and diameter 3.0 mm is joined to a steel rod of the same length
and diameter. What is the change in length of the combined rod at 250° C if the original
lengths are at 40.0° C? Is there a ‘thermal stress’ developed at the junction? The ends of the
rod are free to expand. (Co-efficient of linear expansion of brass = 2.0 x 10-5 K-1, steel =
1.2x10-5 K-1).
37. A wave travelling along a string is described by, y (x, t) = 0.005 sin (80.0 x – 3.0 t), in which
the numerical constants are in SI units (0.005 m, 80.0 rad m–1, and 3.0 rad s–1). Calculate (a)
the amplitude, (b) the wavelength, and (c) the frequency of the wave. Also, calculate the
displacement y of the wave at a distance x = 30.0 cm and time t = 20 s?








1 Physical world 2 2
2 Units and measurement 4 3

3 Motion in a straight line 8 7

4 Motion in a plane 12 11

III 5 Laws of motion 11 9

IV 6 Work, energy and power 11 9

System of particles and

V 7 12 11
rotational motion

VI 8 Gravitation 9 9

Mechanical properties of
9 5 4

Mechanical properties of
VII 10 5 5

Thermal properties of
11 10 8

VIII 12 Thermodynamics 8 7

IX 13 Kinetic theory 5 5

14 Oscillations 8 7
15 Waves 10 9

TOTAL 120 105 10 16 24 30 25



Time: 3 hours 15 minutes Max. Marks:70

General instructions:

a) All parts are compulsory.

b) Answers without relevant diagram/ figures wherever necessary will not carry any marks.
c) Numerical problems solved without writing the relevant formulae carry no marks.


I. Answer all the following questions: (10 X1 =10)

1. Name the experiment which established the nuclear model of atom.
2. What is S.I. unit of luminous intensity?
3. Give an example for two dimensional motion.
4. Why don’t action and reaction forces cancel each other?
5. A light body and a heavy body have the same momentum. Which one will have greater
kinetic energy?
6. Give the expression for moment of inertia of a circular disc of radius R about its diameter.
7. What are geostationary satellites?
8. What is shear deformation?
9. How does melting point of ice changes with increase of pressure?
10. Give an example for a wave which can travel through vacuum.

II. Answer any fiveof the following questions: (5 X2 =10)

11. Given the relative error in the measurement of the radius of a circle is 0.02, what is the
percentage error in the measurement of its area?
12. What are the significance of velocity – time graph?
13. What is resolution of a vector? What is the x-component of a vector A , that makes an
angle 300 with x-axis.
14. Give the general conditions of equilibrium of a rigid body.
15. Write Stoke’s formula for viscous drag force. Explain the terms.
16. What is meant by anomalous behaviour of water. What is its significance?
17. State and explain first law of thermodynamics.
18. What is periodic motion. Give an example

III. Answer any fiveof the following questions: (5 X3 =15)

19. Derive the expression for time of flight of a projectile.
20. Arrive at the statement of principle of conservation of linear momentum from Newton’s
laws of motion.
21. Prove that potential energy stored in a spring is 1 kx2 , where k is the force constant of the
spring and x is the change in length of the spring.
22. State Kepler’s laws of planetary motion.
23. Prove that the centre of mass of a system moves with constant velocity in the absence of
external force on the system.
24. State and explain Hooke’s law. Define modulus of elasticity.
25. State Bernoulli’s theorem. What are its applications?
26. What is Doppler effect. Write any two applications of Doppler’s effect.

IV. Answer any twoof the following questions: (2 X5 =10)

27. Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant of two vectors A and B in terms of their
magnitudes and angle θ between them.
28. State Newton’s second law of motion and hence derive F = ma .
29. Define torque. Show that torque on a particle is equal to rate of change of its angular

V. Answer any twoof the following questions: (2 X5 =10)

30. Using kinetic theory of gases derive an expression for finding the pressure of an ideal gas in
terms of mean squared speeds of the molecules.
31. Describe Carnot’s cycle and write the expression for its efficiency.
32. Derive the Newton’s formula to find the speed of a longitudinal wave in an ideal gas. What is
the Laplace correction to obtainthe speed of sound in air?

VI. Answer any threeof the following questions: (3 X5 =15)

33. Two towns A and B are connected by a regular bus service with a bus leaving in either
direction every T minutes. A man cycling with a speed of 20 km h–1 in the direction A to B
notices that a bus goes past him every 18 min in the direction of his motion, and every 6 min
in the opposite direction. What is the period T of the bus service and with what speed
(assumed constant) do the buses ply on the road?
34. A person trying to lose weight(dieter) lifts a 10 kg mass, one thousand times, to a height of
0.5 m each time. Assume that the potential energy lost each time she lowers the mass is
dissipated. (a) How much work does she do against the gravitational force? (b) Fat supplies
3.8 x 107 J of energy per kilogram which is converted to mechanical energy with a 20%
efficiency rate. How much fat will the dieter use up?
35. Phobos is a satellite of the planet mars. Phobos has a period 7 hours, 39 minutes and an
orbital radius of 9.4 X103km. calculate the mass of mars. Assume that earth and mars move
in circular orbits around the sun, with martian orbit being 1.52 times the orbital radius of
earth. What I the length of the martian year in days?
36. ‘Thermacole’ icebox is a cheap and efficient method for storing small quantities of cooked
food in summer in particular. A cubical icebox of side 30 cm has a thickness of 5.0 cm. If 4.0
kg of ice is put in the box, estimate the amount of ice remaining after 6 h. The outside
temperature is 45° C, and co-efficient of thermal conductivity of thermacole is 0.01 J s-1 m-1
K-1. [ Heat of fusion of water = 335 x 103 J kg-1].
37. A spring balance has a scale that reads from 0 to 50 kg. The length of the scale is 20 cm. A
body suspended from this balance, when displaced and released, oscillates with a period of
0.6 s. What is the weight of the body?

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