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Lady Ciane L.

Bachelor of Science in
Psychology 2-Y1-1
Reading is one of the best human ability ever discovered. From the moment that
people have learned to read, it has opened doors of opportunity and of wisdom to
mankind. It is considered as one of the four macro skills of communication together with
listening, writing, and speaking to which a person is expected to perform effectively so to
achieve a goal or purpose.

Critical reading for me means engaging in what you read as it involves analysis,
discernment, and evaluation. Critical reading is absolutely important as we live in a modern
world. It is useful not only in learning institutions but also in the business world and in our
everyday lives. Reading critically is not a fast process and not all students possess the
ability to critical read. As a student, being a critical reader helped me improve my literacy
skills and helped me acquire information that is beneficial to my future. Critical reading
helped me identify what is wrong and what is right and examine what are the facts and
misconceptions. It helped me understand the real meaning of an article, a piece or an
essay. It helped me to become aware of my opinions and assumptions and helped me
evaluate things honestly.

As a psychology student, critical reading is applicable to everything as we are going

to conduct studies, research and other academic papers. It will be easier for me to gather,
understand, and evaluate information. Practicing critical reading at an early age is
beneficial as we will use it in our everyday lives in the future and develop our own ideas.

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