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I E L T S 8

Unit 2

Adverbial Clause

:Adverbial Clause ‫أنواع الـ‬

Time clauses Reason clauses Concession clauses

Conditional clauses Purpose clause Place clauses

Time clauses

expressing time

Before While

• He arrived before I did. • While I am studying, I usually listen to

the radio.

After When

• After I have finished studying, I intend • Rates of obesity increase when too
to work abroad. much junk food is eaten.

As Since

• As the climate gets hotter, sea levels • Since I started going to fitness, I have
will rise. lost 5 kilos.

As long as Until

• I will keep learning English for as long • I will keep learning English until I am
as it is necessary. upper intermediate.

I E L T S 8
Unit 2

Conditional clauses

Expressing a hypothesis or condition, real or imagined

If Unless = if not

• If we clone humans, it may have • Our food will not be safe unless GM
terrible consequences. crops are banned.
• What would you buy if you won the

Reason clauses

to explain why

Because Since

• My English is not improving because I • Since the government cut spending,

am not studying enough. poverty has increased.

Purpose clause

to show the purpose of doing something

In order to So that

• I am studying IELTS in order to attend • He went to the gym so that he could

university abroad. lose weight.

I E L T S 8
Unit 2

Concession clauses

to show contrast between statements or surprise

Although While

• Although e-readers are popular, most • Internet usage increased, while phone
people still prefer books. usage decreased.

Though Whereas

• The Minister wants to incease taxes • Whereas you have a lot of time to
though his party disagrees. study, I do not.

Even though

• Even though I studied every day,

I didn’t get the score I needed

Place clauses

to talk about location of position

Wherever Where

• Wherever he goes, I will go. • Iam not sure where I put my pen.

‫‪I E L T S‬‬ ‫‪8‬‬
‫‪Unit 2‬‬

‫‪Keep in Mind‬‬

‫ ‪ complex sentence1.‬يتكون من ‪ dependent clause‬و ‪.independent clause‬‬

‫ ‪ dependent clause2.‬ال يمكن أن يأتي بدون الـ ‪ Independent clause‬لشرح وتوضيح معني الجملة‪.‬‬

‫ ‪3.‬إذا بدأنا الجملة بـ ‪ dependent clause‬نضع ‪.comma‬‬

‫‪• After I have finished studying, I intend to work abroad.‬‬

‫ ‪4.‬إذا بدأنا الجملة بـ ‪ independent clause‬ال نضع ‪.comma‬‬

‫‪• I intend to work abroad after I have finished studying.‬‬

‫ ‪ while5.‬و ‪ whereas‬استثناء من القاعدة السابقة ألنهم يسبقهم ‪ commas‬حتى إذا جاءوا في منتصف‬

‫ ‪6.‬ليــس شــرط ان بعــض األحــوال الذيــن فــي نفــس الجــروب ان لديهــم نفــس المعنــى أو القــدرة الســتخدامهم‬
‫بــدال مــن بعــض‪ ،‬فبعــض األحــوال التــي تكــون فــي نفــس الجــروب قــد يختلــف معناهــم وال يمكــن تبديلهــم‬
‫ـدل مــن كلمــة أخــرى‪ ،‬فمثــا‪ because / as / since :‬لهــم نفــس المعنــى ويمكــن ان‬ ‫او اســتخدام كلمــة بـ ً‬
‫وأيضا ‪ though / although / even though‬يمكن أن نبدل بينهم‪ ،‬ولكن‬ ‫ً‬ ‫نبدل بينهم في االستخدام‪،‬‬
‫أنظــر إلــى المثــال التالــي‪:‬‬
‫‪• I will go if you go.‬‬
‫‪• I will go unless you go.‬‬
‫يجب نفي الجملة الثانية لجعلها مثل األولى‪:‬‬
‫‪• I won’t go unless you go.‬‬
‫إذا الجملة األولى والثالثة لهم نفس المعنى‪.‬‬

I E L T S 8
Unit 2

.‫كال منهما جيدً ا وأن تفهم معناهم‬ ً

ً ‫أحيانا ال يمكن تبديلهما ويجب أن تعرف استخدام‬ while / whereas7.

:‫ بهذا الشكل‬complex sentence ‫يوجد خطأ شائع وهو أن الكثير من الناس يكتبون الـ‬8.
• My English is not improving. Because I am not studying enough.

‫ ال‬dependent clause ‫ الجملــة الثانيــة هــي ال ـ‬،‫ فصلــت الجملتيــن عــن بعضهمــا‬full stop ‫الحــظ ان ال ـ‬
‫ ويجــب أن تكــون مربطــة بالجملــة الثانيــة ألنهــا ليــس لهــا معنــى إال بوجــود‬،‫تأتــي منفصلــة عــن الجملــة األولــى‬
:‫ والكتابــة األصــح هــي‬،independent clasue ‫الجملــة األولــى ال ـ‬
• My English is not improving because I am not studying enough.

.‫ أي جمل غير كاملة وليس لها معنى‬fragments ‫ ليس بها‬complex sentences ‫تأكد أن الـ‬9.

Choose the correct answer

1- Much of the food we eat would not actually last that long it were not
for the chemicals they contain.
a) Unless
b) If
c) Though

2- have robust evaluation procedures in the future, both formal exams and
continual assessment should be used to assess students during their education.
a) In order to
b) Since
c) Whereas

3- chatting online can be beneficial, it is certainly not the same as real

interaction with human beings.
a) Where
b) Because
c) Although

I E L T S 8
Unit 2

4- Long prison sentences should remain for assault or murder justice for
the victim and their family should take priority.
a) While
b) Even though
c) As

5- It is important that the government financially assists theatres they can

continue to provide entertainment to the public.
a) Inorder to
b) So that
c) Until

6- I will keep studying hard I pass the exam.

a) Because
b) Until
c) Wherever

7- I will continue to use my bike petrol prices remain high.

a) As long as
b) Unless
c) Even Though

8- he practiced the guitar every day, he was still not very good.
a) While
b) Whereas
c) Even though

9- Global warming will not slow down governments take serious action
a) Unless
b) Until
c) As long as

10- I used to live _________ you can now see that office block. They knocked my house
down to build it.
a) Since
b) Where
c) Until

I E L T S 8
Unit 2

The Answer

1- If 6- Until
2- In order to 7- As long as
3- Although 8- Even though
4- As 9- Unless
5- So that 10- Where


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