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A computer has 6 key parts to function.

To start off knowing how each part connects with each other we
must look at the CPU

The CPU also known as the central processing unit is the part that is responsible for providing instructions
and processing power to other components of the computer. It is often called the brain as it is
responsible for controlling the rest of the body.

The CPU has two stats to determine how fast it is. The number of cores it contains and the clock speed.
Back in the day CPUs had only one core which leads to the computer only able to perform one task at a
time, however nowadays, CPU’s contain multiple cores making them able to perform multiple tasks at
once. It is essential for CPUs to have multiple cores as programs have become reliant on computers
running multiple processes at the same time. Clock speed is the speed that the CPU can retrieve and
interpret instructions. Clock speed is measured in gigahertz (GHz). A higher number means a faster clock
speed which leads to task being finished faster.

The next most important past of a pc is the motherboard. If the CPU is the brain of the computer, the
motherboard is most likely the heart. The motherboard is the main circuit board that makes sure
everything works. It is sort of like the main hub that makes sure all the components can talk to each other
and work together. Things connected to the motherboard include Optical drives, such as DVD Video cards
and GPUs, Sound cards, Hard drives (SSD or HDD), Processors (CPU)Memory sticks (RAM).

Now most people interested in building a computer for the first time are doing it because they want to
play games. For games, the graphics card is probably the most important component for you. The
graphics card main job is rendering images to your monitor. The more powerful the graphics card, the
more capable it is to render more detailed images which leads you to be able to play games at higher

When you download and play games you obviously need a space to store the game in. This is where a
Hard drive or SSD come into play. Nowadays most people prefer you to buy an SSD rather than a Hard
Drive as SSD’s are newer, and faster types of storage devices. You can clearly see the difference between
an SSD and a Hard Drive when you are waiting in loading screens such as when you first start up windows
or when you are waiting for your game to start. They however do the same thing which is hold all the
storage of your pc.

The Ram however is also another storage system but not the same as the SSD. The ram is responsible for
holding short term storage items. While the SSD holds the long-term storage items. You can think about
this like how a library would work. When you open a task or app on your computer, it is like if the Ram
asked the SSD for a specific book in the library, the SSD would go through the library system and when
they find it, they will lend it to the RAM. Now when you are done using the task or app on your computer
and decide to close it. It would be like the RAM returning the book back to the SSD and the SSD placing
the book back in the shelves.
To power up your computer, you of course need a power supply. You may check the recommended
minimum power supply unit needed by your pc by going on PCPARTPICKER and adding all your parts to
their system builder. After adding all the parts, you will see the estimated wattage your pc will need
which should give you an idea of how big of a power supply to get.

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