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summary of Modifier and Module actions

Action Type Skill Check Use?
Assist Other Modifier As assistee 8 -
Brace Modifier - Automatic -
Overwatch Modifier - Automatic -
Peek Modifier - - -
Pop Modifier - - -
Prepare Modifier - Automatic -
Fire blast/laser cannon Module (Cannon) Combat Distance+Speed Y
Fire multi-cannon Module (Cannon) Combat Distance+Speed N
Pump Engine Module (Engine) Engineer 8 Y
Transfer Power Module (Engine) Engineer 8 N
Change Speed Module (Helm) Pilot Size+Speed N
Dock Ship Module (Helm) Pilot Size + Speed N
Dodge Missile Module (Helm) Pilot Size+Speed+Special N
Enter Orbit Module (Helm) Pilot Size + 1 N
Ram/Dodge Ship Module (Helm) Pilot Special N
Spin the wheel Module (Helm) Pilot Size+Speed N
Steady Ship Module (Helm) Pilot Size+Speed N
Turn Ship Module (Helm) Pilot Size+Speed N
Program Hyperdrive Module (Hyperdrive) Science 8 Y
Warp in Module (Hyperdrive) Science 30 Y
Warp out Module (Hyperdrive) Science 8 Y
Fire Missiles Module (Missile Bay) Combat 11 Y
Acquire targeting lock Module (Science Bay) Science Distance Y
Activate ECM Module (Science Bay) Science 12+Distance Y
Collect data Module (Science Bay) Science Distance Y
Teleport Module (Teleporter) Science Distance+Shields Y
Tractor (docking) Module (Tractor) Engineer Size + Target OOC N
Tractor (missile) Module (Tractor) Engineer Distance +12 N
Tractor (object) Module (Tractor) Engineer Distance +11 N
Tractor (ship) Module (Tractor) Engineer Size+Distance+Shields N
Use? Refers to whether or not a module acquires a "used" token after the stated action. All subsequent actions in a used module are at -3/marker
Max +1 bonus to person being assisted
Reroll internal damage until next action
Set contingent to act when trigger occurs
Opponents -1 to hit you
Free action. -1 to action, +1 to defense, move 1 space
Gain +1 on next task
1 shot/round. Damage = Cannon power
1 shot/phase. Damage = 1d6
+3/additional energy. Can only pump 1/round
+3/additional energy
+3/additional step. 1 OOC per level
Dock with ship in same space, must be at same speed
Special = Amount missile hits.
Must be traveling at speed 1
See p. 45 for details
Generate OOC by successes
Reduce OOC by successes
+3/additional facing. 1 OOC per level
Cannot program within 12 spaces of celestial body
Determines entry point
Program time required = ship size
1 shot/round. Launches 1 missile
Requires 1 Shield power

Requires 1 Shield power

Requires 1 Guns power, but does not drain power
Same hex/speed, ships locked for boarding
DC Increases per held item, drains gun power
DC Increases per held item, drains gun power
As above + cannot use 2 spaces from celestial body
n. All subsequent actions in a used module are at -3/marker
summary of Personal and Special actions
Action Type Skill Check Use?
Attack (grenade) Personal Combat Distance x2 -
Attack (melee/range) Personal Combat Target To Hit -
Attack (target weapon) Personal Combat 11 -
Attack (two weapons) Personal Combat Target To Hit +6 -
Breech load drug Personal Science 8 -
Carry the Fallen Personal - Automatic -
Deflect grenade Personal Athletics 8 -
Draw item Personal - Automatic -
Drop item Personal - Automatic -
Hack Battlestation Personal Science 11 -
Heal (Damage) Personal Science 8 -
Heal (Needler Toxin) Personal Science 11 -
Movement Personal - Automatic -
Pick up item Personal - Automatic -
Quickdraw Personal Athletics 8 -
Reconfigure Cannon Personal Engineer 11 -
Remote Detonoation Personal Science Varies -
Repair Bot Personal Special 11 -
Repair Module Personal Engineer 11 -
Reset Ion Bore Personal Science 11 -
Sling item Personal - Automatic -
Use Jetpack Personal Pilot 8 -
Hold onto attacked item Reaction Athletics Damage Inflicted -
Intercept grenade Reaction Athletics 11 -
Resist (Disintegration) Reaction Athletics 8 -
Resist (Stun) Reaction Athletics 11 -
Extinguish Fires Special Science 11 -
Recovery Special - Automatic -
Upgrade (Bot) Special Special 11 -
Upgrade (Module/Gear) Special Science 11 -
Explodes following phase. Failure falls short.

Damage roll 6 breaks item. 2 breaks = destroyed

Both attacks must be versus same target
Load drug into needler weapon for remote administration
-1 Move, -3 to Actions, max of 1 person to carry
Deflect grenade in direction "success" spaces
Transfers item to hand
Free action
Allows use of any battlestation, even on other ships
Heal target by successes

1 free. May also move instead of standard action

Free action. Draw item, -3 to next action

Cannot be remote. Blast, Laster or Multi cannon
See p. 29 for details
Can use Engineering or Science
Cannot be remote. Reduce damage to interior modules
Resets Ion Bore damage to 1d6
Transfers item from hand
Failure = damage. Vs DC 11 for all moves via jetpack
Failure drops item
Deflect grenade in direction "success" spaces
Failure obliterates target
Failure gains 2 stun counters
Mission details may provide additional info
Waking from KO uses this as first action
Can use Engineering or Science. Failure = damage.
Failure = damage. Success is permanent upgrade.

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