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 ADH; antidiuretic hormone also called vasopressin is produced in the hypothalamus and is then

transported to and released by the pituitary gland

 Albuminuria; the presence of the protein albumin in the urine
 Aldosterone; a corticosteroid that regulates the sodium and water levels in the body by
increasing sodium reabsorption and potassium excretion by the kidneys
 Angiotensin; a peptide hormone that causes vasoconstrictive action, a synthetic amide
derivative of the physiologically active form used to treat some forms of hypotension
 Anuria; the absence of urine formation by the kidneys
 Bowman’s Capsule; a cupped shaped membrane that surrounds the glomerulus
 Cystitis; inflammation of the bladder
 Cystogram; the resulting film from a cystography
 Dialysis; procedure to remove waste products such as urea, creatinine and excess water from
the blood of a patient whose kidneys no longer function
 Diuretic; stimulates the kidneys to increase the secretion of urine to rid the body of excess
sodium and water, treats hypertension and heart failure by reducing the amount of fluid
circulating in the blood
 Dysuria; difficult or painful urination frequently associated with UTIs
 Epispadias; congenital abnormality of the urethral opening, in males the urethral opening is
located on the upper surface, in female the urethral opening is in in the region of the clitoris
 Erythropoietin; stimulates red blood cell synthesis in the bone marrow
 Glomerulus; a cluster of capillaries surrounded on a nephron
 Glycosuria; presence of glucose in the urine, most commonly caused by untreated diabetes
 Hematuria; presence of blood in the urine, condition can be caused by kidney stones, infection,
kidney damage or bladder cancer
 Hypospadias; congenital abnormality of the urethral opening, in male the urethral opening in
on the underside, in female the urethra opens into the vagina
 IVP; a radiographic study of the kidneys and ureters, intravenous pyelography
 Incontinence; the inability to control the excretion of urine and or feces
 KUB; a radiographic study without the use of a contrast medium, also referred to as a flate-
plate of the abdomen
 Nephrectomy; surgical removal of the kidney
 Nephron; the microscopic functional units of each kidney, urine is produced through the
process of filtration, reabsorption and secretion
 Nephrosis; group of conditions in which excessive amounts of protein are lost through the
urine, usually cause by damage to the glomeruli, results in abnormally low levels of protein in
the blood
 Nitrites; consist of one nitrogen atom and two oxygen atoms, a salt or ester of nitrous acid
 Nocturia; frequent and excessive urination during the night
 Nocturnal Enuresis; also known as bed wetting, urinary incontinence during sleep
 Oliguria; scanty urination, caused by dehydration, renal failure or UT obstruction
 Polyuria; excessive urination common symptom of diabetes
 Proteinuria; presence of an abnormal amount of protein in the urine, usually a sign of kidney
 Pyuria; presence of pus in the urine, urine is turbid in appearance
 Renal Calculi; kidney stones can vary in size
 Renal Cortex; outer region of the kidney, contains more than 1 mill microscopic units called
 Renal Medulla; inner region of the kidney, contains most of the urine collecting tubules
 Renin; a proteolytic enzyme of the kidney that plays a major role in the release of angiotensin
 Uremia; toxic condition in which urea and other waste products normally excreted in the urine
are retained in the blood

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