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Science Intermediate 2

“Seeking my place”
Plan N: 2

Generative Topic: What is everything made of?

Topic: Matter
Concept: Interaction

Unit-long Understanding Goals

Students will discover chemical and physical properties.
Students will analyze substances.
Students will classify chemical and physical properties.
Students will analyze how matter changes either physically and chemically.
Students will discover relationships among elements.
Essential questions
Is everything made of “matter”?
Do you think there is a relationship between the science and matter?

Guided Performance Sc1 Plan 2 Matter – Personal Work


Look around you and answer: What things in the room or outdoors take up
Anything that takes up space is called matter.

 Use different tools to measure mass and volume.

Complete the chart with the information gathered.

Mass or Volume? Tool Amount Unit

Volume Measuring cup 250 mL

 Read pages 362-367 or watch the following video:

 Answer the following questions using the graphic organizer you like the most:
1. Define matter.
2. Define mass.
3. Define volume.
4. Compare and contrast mass and volume.
5. Specify the units of each.
Guided Performance Sc2 Plan 2 Matter


 Watch the following video:

 Write some ideas, thoughts, questions that come to your mind.

 Draw your own mind map with conclusions.

 Complete the table with differences between mass and weight:

Mass Weight
REMEMBER that force is not the same as mass. Mass is quantity of matter, while
weight is a force.
As any other force, we can calculate it by using this simple math formula:

Weight = mass x gravity

And don´t forget the units!
Weight (Newtons) = mass (kg) x gravity (m/s ) 2

As it depends on the gravity, and the gravity is not the same around the Universe,
you must pay attention to WHERE you are calculating the weight (Earth, Moon,
mars, etc.)
You must remember these 2 cases:
 Gravity on Earth = 9.8 m/s 2

 Gravity on Space = 0 m/s 2

Any other number of gravities will be given to you in the exercise.

Here is a worked example done by Mica:

 Question: Calculate the weight of an object of 30 kg on Earth.
 Answer:
1 step: write down all the data that you have.

Mass= 30kg
Gravity on Earth= 9.8 m/s 2

2 step: write down the math formula needed.


Weight = mass x gravity

3 step: replace the math formula with the numbers you have got in this case.

Weight = 30 kg x 9.8 m/s 2

4 step: solve it (you can use calculator), and don’t forget the units!

Weight = 294 Newtons = 294 N

Here is another example. In this case the mass is not given in kg. It is given in
grams. So you will need an extra step: pass grams to kilograms.
 Question: Calculate the weight of an object of 30000 g on Earth.
 Answer:
1 step: write down all the data that you have.

Mass= 30000g
Gravity on Earth= 9.8 m/s 2

Here comes the extra step: pass grams to kilograms

In 1 kg we have 1000 grams. So we can apply “la regla de 3 simple”:
So, a shorter way to pass grams to kilograms, is dividing by 1000.
2 step: write down the math formula needed.

Weight = mass x gravity

3 step: replace the math formula with the numbers you have got in this case.

Weight = 30 kg x 9.8 m/s 2

4 step: solve it (you can use calculator), and don’t forget the units!

Weight = 294 Newtons = 294 N

Now it’s your time to work out the following exercises:

1. Calculate the weight of an object of 30 kg on Earth.

2. Calculate the weight of an object of 30000 g on Earth.

3. Calculate the weight of an object of 2 kg on Earth.

4. Calculate the weight of an object of 2000 g on Earth.

5. Calculate the weight of an object of 0.5 kg on Earth.

6. Calculate the weight of an object of 500 g on Earth.

7. Calculate the weight of an object of 50 kg on the Moon (gravity of 1.6 m/s )


8. Calculate the weight of an object of 50 kg on Mars (gravity of 3.7 m/s )

Sc 3 Plan 2 Matter


 Watch the following videos:

 Answer the following questions:

1. Draw a mindmap with information from the videos.

2. What is density?
3. Which two measures do you have to take to calculate the density of a given material?
4. Which is the math formula of density?

 Complete the table to identify common materials by their density (you can use the table from
the book or google them).

Material Density
Water 1 g/mL

 You can use pages 368 and 369 from the science book.

Sc 4 Plan 2 Matter

 Watch the following video:

 Or Read pages 372 and 373 from the Science Book.

 The following 3 jars contain the different states of matter. Complete below each image using
the following descriptions (you can repeat them):

Gas – Solid – Liquid - Rigid – Not rigid – Fixed volume – No fixed volume – Fixed shape –
No fixed shape – Strong attractive forces – Weak Attractive forces

________ ________ ________

________ ________ ________
________ ________ ________
________ ________ ________
________ ________ ________

 Answer: Which is the 4° state of matter? What is the difference between it and the gas state?
Sc5 Plan 2 Matter


 Read pages 370 and 371 from the Science Book OR Watch the following videos:

 Answer the following questions:

1. Define a physical property.

2. Give an example of a physical property.
3. Define a chemical property.
4. Give an example of a chemical property.

 Choose 1 material from your surroundings (gold, silver, plastic, wood, etc) and describe it
using physical and chemical properties. Underline with one color the physical, and with other
color the chemical ones.

 “Guess who game” (Pair Activity):

Get in pair groups.
Choose 1 material per person. Don’t show or tell which material is it.
Your classmate will have to guess your material (just as in the Guess Who game).
Your classmate can ask questions to try to guess which material is it.
They must be YES or NO questions (questions that can be answered only with yes or no).
Who guesses with less questions wins!
Sc6 Plan 3 Matter


 Watch the following video: (UNTIL MINUTE 2:20)

 Answer: Which 2 things do you have to change to change the state of matter of a material?

 Draw the changes of state triangle diagram (triangle).

 Complete the following chart:

Name From … to … Do you have to add or remove energy for it to happen?

Solid to liquid
Liquid to solid
Gas to liquid
Liquid to gas
Solid to gas
Gas to solid

 Compare and contrast EVAPORATION and BOILING.

You can find information in the following link:

 Useful pages: 374 and 375 from the Science book.

 Useful link:

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