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ID Code of Conduct Supplement

Cardno’s Code of Conduct, The Cardno Way, guides how we behave in accordance with our values
> Safety – safety comes first
> Integrity – we do the right thing
> People – we care about our people and communities
> Excellence – we deliver high quality services.

Our vision is to be leaders in improving the physical and social environment for people around the
world. We all have a vital role to play in achieving this goal. It is equally important that as we work
toward our vision, we do so within a safe, ethical and non-discriminatory environment.
The Cardno Way explains the standards of professional conduct we expect and will hold you to as a
member of the Cardno team. It applies to all Cardno employees, to our consultants, contractors,
suppliers and our directors and executives, regardless of which business you work for, your
background or where you are located. The Cardno Way provides avenues to discuss and report
concerns about actions or behaviours, through access to direct management or the confidential
whistle blower hotline.
This Cardno International Development Code of Conduct Supplement should be read in conjunction
with, and as an addition to, The Cardno Way. It applies to any person or organisation involved in our
international development operations in the Asia Pacific and Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA)
Areas1. This Code of Conduct Supplement is consistent with the Ten Principles of the UN Global
Compact, of which Cardno is a signatory.
In all our work we will build trusting relationships with our partners that:
> give priority to the needs and interests of the people they assist
> respect and protect the human rights of all stakeholders
> encourage self-help and self-reliance among beneficiaries and avoid creating dependency
> involve all stakeholders to the maximum extent possible in the design, implementation and
evaluation of projects and programs
> are based on an understanding of the history and culture of the people we work alongside.

Cardno supports an ethical approach to engagement with partners and beneficiaries. We will:
> respect the laws, culture and traditions of partner countries and adhere to the their laws. Where the
principles of The Cardno Way are more stringent, these principles apply
> ensure that an individual’s behavior does not negatively reflect on the good reputation of our client,
donor or Cardno
> refrain from involvement in the political affairs and interference in the religious affairs of the
countries in which they are not a citizen
> use information gained through our work only with approval of partner country governments,
respecting privacy, confidentiality and security requirements
> adopt a partnership approach with clients and civil society to enhance the effectiveness of their
development initiatives
> promote inclusive growth and distribute program benefits equitably
> seek to build community support for client programs
> seek to enhance the environmental and social sustainability of initiatives
> undertake fair and accountable procurement
> apply value for money principles
> provide accurate information in reports, certifications, invoices or statements
> undertake due diligence processes across our activities

This includes Cardno employees, advisers, consultants, sub-contractors, suppliers, associates, volunteers, interns, grant

International Development, Asia Pacific | Europe, Middle East and Africa 1

Version 2; Issue Date: 30 August 2018
> ensure our activities do not directly, nor indirectly, support individuals or organisations associated
with terrorism
> assess supply chains to manage and mitigate risks associated with modern slavery
> promote zero tolerance for the offering of bribes or other inducements to any person
> address all instances of suspected, detected or alleged fraud or corrupt practices and other
inappropriate behaviours as soon as they emerge
> avoid and declare any real or perceived conflicts of interest
> actively seek feedback and share lessons learned with a view to continually improving the
sustainability of outcomes
> foster a culture of continuous learning
> ensure that program or corporate offices, facilities or resources are not used for the purpose of
arranging or facilitating access to sex workers by any persons, including visitors
> require personal conduct towards a person’s domestic or locally-engaged staff, service provider or
member of the public is not exploitative (including sexually exploitative), nor be such as to lead to
reasonable perceptions of exploitation.

The protection of children is of upmost importance at all times. We will:

> protect the rights of children
> safeguard the welfare of children
> adopt a zero tolerance approach to child exploitation or abuse.

We will comply with all Cardno policies, including (but not limited to) Cardno code of conduct, fraud,
anti-bribery, child protection, modern slavery and workplace behaviours.

I confirm that I have read and understood the above.


Name (Print)
Habibi Zamuli

08th December 2021

International Development, Asia Pacific | Europe, Middle East and Africa 2

Version 2; Issue Date: 30 August 2018

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