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Counseling is a wonderful twentieth-century invention we live in a complex, busy, life changing world.
Most of the time we find ways of dealing with such problem in life. Counseling is a really useful option
at these moments. So, counseling is the relationship between two persons in which, one of them attempt
to assist the other in organizing himself to attain a form of happiness, adjustment to a life situation i.e.
self actualization.

 Counseling is a purposeful reciprocal relationship between two people in which one a trained
person helps the other to change himself or his environment.
- Shostorm & Brammer
 Counseling is a one to one relationship between an individual troubled by problems with
which cannot cope alone and a professional worker those training and experience qualified
him to help others reach solution to various type of personal difficulties.
- Halm & Mcheall

 Counseling is a process. It is necessary for a counselor to understand that counseling is
process and a slow process. Failure to understand this will result in annoyance and
 Counseling is for all. Especially in the school situation counseling is meant for all the students
and not only for those who are facing problems or other exceptional students.
 Counselor does not deprive the right of self choice but simply facilitates choice.
 Counseling is not advice giving.
 Counseling is not thinking for the client, but thinking with the client. Counseling is for
enabling the client to do judicious thinking.
 Counseling is not problem solving. The counselor simply assists the person to find solution on
his/her own.
 Counseling is not interviewing but conversing with the client in order to develop him/her self-
 The counselor should determined individual differences and provide for them.
 The counselor has to prepare the client to open the criticism including self criticism.

 To help in the total development of student.
 To help in the proper choice of course.
 To help in the proper choice of career.
 To help in the student in vocational development.
 To develop readiness for choices and changes to face new challenge.
 To motivate the youth for self employment.

 To identify and motivate the student in weaker section of society.
 To help in checking waste and stagnation.
 To identify and help student in need of special help.
 To help the student in the period of turmoil and confusion.
 To ensure proper utilization of time spent outside the classroom.

 Insight
 Relating with others
 Self awareness
 Self-acceptance
 Self-actualization
 Enlightenment
 Problem solving
 Psychological education
 Acquisition of social skills
 Cognitive change
 Behavior change
 Systemic change
 Empowerment
 Restitution
 General activity and social action

 Achievement of positive and mental health
 Problem resolution
 Counseling for decision making
 Improving personal effectiveness
 Help change
 Behavior modification



This model follows the teachings of Sigmund Freud. The emphasis is on the client’s childhood
experiences and relationship with the parents, and on the client’s psychosexual development.
Psychoanalysts attempt to develop relationship of transference with their clients, in which the clients
relate to analyst just as they did to their parents in childhood. During these clients defense mechanism is
identified and replaced with healthy behavior patterns.


This does not follow Freuds’s idea of psychosexual development. However, stages of social development
over the life span still important in this model. Lifetime experiences are examined and defense
mechanisms are identified. The client is helped in learning appropriate decision making skill and
behaviors. Psychodynamic therapy often involves long term therapy.


Carl Rogers believed that reality for the individual is the sum total of one’s experiences and perceptions
over a lifetime. According to Rogers, a goal of achieving one’s potentials can be attained in counseling
provided that the therapist provides an atmosphere of genuineness, unconditional acceptance, and
empathy. This is also the long term therapy.


This model is very scientific in nature in that the counselor and client only work on what can we observed
and measured. A problem behavior is observed; a plan for changing it is implemented; progress is
measured and reported.

This model views problems as belonging to the family rather than to any one individual. Each family
member both influences and is influenced by the other members of the immediate family and the
extended family. Sub-systems are identified within the family. Family of origin issues is studied.


1. The directive approach

 B. G. Williamson is the chief exponent.
 The counselor assumes the major responsibility of solving the problem.
 Counselor identifies, defines, diagnoses and provides a solution to the problem.
 Counselor directs thinking by informing explaining, interpreting and advicing.
 Counselor-oriented.
 Emphasis is on the problem.
2. Non-directive approach
 Chief exponent - Carl Rogers
 Counselee is allowed free expression.
 Counselor only directs and guide.
 Counselor asks a few questions, so as to think about the solution of the problem.
 Counselor’s role is passive.
 Goal is independent and integration of the client rather than the solution.
 Emotional aspects rather than the intellectual aspects is stressed.
3. Elective approach
 Chief exponent is Bordin.
 Counseling may be evaluated along a continuum from directive to non-directive to directive.
 Elective is a continuation and synthesis of directive counseling.
 Both counselor and counselee are active and cooperative.
 Both do the taking in turn.
 The problem is solved jointly.


1. INITIAL STAGE: Client self exploration

Here, the client is encouraged in self exploration and their concerned are clarified. General counseling
goals are set and the working alliance is established. To help these decisions assessment devices like
psychological tests, questionnaires, inventories etc. are widely used.

2. MIDDLE STAGE: Deeper exploration and analysis

This stage is marked by a shift of counselor attention from client’s external problem to these internal
problems from primarily cognitive level to emotional level.

3. FINAL STAGE: Implementation of goal through action

By this stage, clients would have started acting upon reality. They became more self aware, assertive and
genuine and start to generalizing these to everyday life. This is a working through phase in which
understanding is put into constructive action.


If the goal as set in the beginning are met termination follows. If the counselor beliefs the problem has
been solved, he may raise the issue directly. Or if client is sure to have recovered he may bring up the
idea. If the counselor agrees, termination proceeds.

Counseling is a wonderful twentieth-century invention we live in a complex, busy, life changing world.
Most of the time we find ways of dealing with such problem in life. Counseling is a really useful option
at these moments. So, counseling is the relationship between two persons in which, one of them attempts
to assist the other in organizing himself to attain a form of happiness, adjustment to a life situation i.e.
self actualization.

1. K.P.Neeraja, “Text Book of Nursing Education”, 1st Edition 2003, Published by Jaypee
2. Sankaranarayana, “Learning & Teaching Nursing”, Published by Jaypee Brothers.
3. B.T.Basavanthappa, “Nursing Education”, 1st Edition 2003, Published by Jaypee Brothers.
4. Doaba, B.Ed., Guide, Revised and Enlarged Edition, 1995, Published Doaba House.
5. Dr.K.K.Bhatia.M.Ed., Guide, Ist Edition 1992, Published by Surjeet Publication.
6. B.N.Dash, “A New Approach to Teacher & Education in the Engineering”, Indian Society, 1 st
Edition, Neelkamal Publications Private Limited.
7. http://www Wikipedia .com

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