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Audio Level

TESTER - .' """\

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LF Adj.


''dio 1Response @ester

With it, you' LL never again have to guess about the

frequency response of an audio device.

M any off-the-shelf audio pro-

cessors. such as equalizers.
enhancers, and pre-ampli-
arithmic waveform. and has an am-
plitude that remains constant.
By connecting the DUT between the
and vertical amplifiers provide rea-
sonable accuracy. A frequency coun-
ter is also recommended. at least for
fiers, alter audio signals even when in sine-wave sweep output and your the initial setup.
their so-called "pass-through" modes. scope's vertical input. the DUT's re-
The resulting frequency-spectrum sponse to the entire frequency spec- Circuit Description. The schematic
losses often cause unwanted distor- trum can be easily viewed. The for the Frequency-Response Tester is
tion, which can be very difficult to iso- logarithmic nature of the frequency shown in Fig. 1. The two quad op-amp
late if there are several components sweep assures that the entire audio sections. U3-c and U3-d, are config-
in an audio system. Therefore, a de- range appears as an ordered display. ured as a linear-ramp generator. With
vice that measures the frequency re- in which each YJ of your scope's hori- switch S2 in the SWEEP position as
sponse of audio components should zontal range depicts one decade of shown, the output of U3-d is low. Zener
be a welcome addition to the toolbox. frequency span. In other words. the diodes D2 and D3 limit that output to
of any audio-electronics enthusiast. ranges are: 20 to 200 Hz. 200 to 2.000 about - 7 volts, which is the 6.2-volt
With the Frequency-Response Test- Hz, and finally 2,000 to 20.000 Hz. from reverse drop across D3. plus the for-
er described in this article, you can left to right. Because the unit also gen- ward drop of D2. The internal short-
directly view the frequency response erates your scope's horizontal sweep, circuit protection of the op-amp limits
of almost any audio gadget right on the scaling remains stable and re- the Zener current to several milliam-
your oscilloscope screen, with a mini- peatable no matter how you vary the peres.
mum of fuss. If any lumps and bumps sweep rate. Because the output of U3-d is nega-
appear In the signal of a device un- Frequency-sweep generators are tive. integrator U3-c generates a lin-
der test (DUl), the mystery of your not a new or unique idea. but unfor- ear ramp in a positive direction. at a
sound troubles will be solved. Further- tunately their cost can be somewhat rate determined by the resistance of
more, the Tester will allow you to take prohibitive for the average hobbyist. R4 and R29, and the capacitance of
corrective action, and quickly view However, you can build the Frequen- CS. A portion of that output is fed bock
the results. cy-Response Tester for under $50. de- to the noninverting input of U3-d via
The Tester works by generating two pending on your Junk-box supplies. the voltage-divider network consist-
signals. The first is a linear-sawtooth Even though this project will save you ing of R2 and R3. Because U3-d is
sweep waveform that drives the hori- some money. keep the following in basically operating as a comparator
zontal input of your scope. Internally, mind: The circuit requires an initial set- with its inverting input grounded, its
that signal is transformed into a log- up and occasional calibration; also. output will switch positive as soon as its
arithmic waveform that spons three accuracy beyond two digits is im- noninverting input crosses zero volts.
decades of voltage differential. That practical unless your scope uses so- That will occur when the positive-go-
signal is applied to a function-gener- phisticated on-screen digital read- ing ramp reaches about + 5.8 volts.
ator IC to produce the second output. outs for frequency and voltage levels. Once U3-d switches to a high-out-
a sine-wave signal. The sine wave has A plain, vanilla scope will work fine put state. the operation Is repeated
a frequency that follows the log- with the Tester, as long as its time base with the opposite polarity except that
: - - , BR1
I 1.5A
+ 1100PIV
I- U1 0
I MC7815CT
I I C1 + C3 +
t,__ ~--J 330 G 1

ll2 0
R1 R3 MC7915CT
t---------u -15V
100K 10K C2 +
330 G


J1 R15

01 +V 2.21< R16
1N914 3K
02 I R6 R27 CAL
1N4735 I 4.7K 100K
1N4'735 1-15V~1--11No-----4-• +15V
I - R14
I R30 C.W. LED1
I 3.3K , 1MEG
I ~
R19 TP1
+15V.__ _.__ ____.l\lll\~-,._--------. C6
.0047 R17
J2 10K 12 11 10 10K
OUTPUT 7 100K 2 4
r;_________.;...c AUDIO LEVEL

100K - 15V 6

Fig. 1. As this schematic for the Frequency-Response Tester shows, there are five trimmer potentiometers, R22-R26, that are used for
calibration. But don't worry, the process is not as hard as it might seem.

diode 01. now forward biased. allows That means that when properly ad- generator. U5. is inversely propor-
an additional current path to U3-c via justed. the output at the collector of tional to its input voltage. In addition.
R5. Because the resistance of R5 is Q2 will be logarithmic with respect to U3-d's offset voltage is nominally set at
much less than the combined values the input. yielding a one-decade volt- about - 7.5 volts by the combination
of R4 and R29, the negative-going age differential for every few volts of of resistors R15 and R16. and can be
ramp time is almost negligible com- input. To be more specific. if you di- trimmed precisely by the 15-turn trim-
pared to the positive ramp, and the vide the peak-to-peak voltage of the mer potentiometer. R24. That shifts the
overall effect is to produce a initial linear sweep by 3. the anti-log- logarithmic-sweep waveform to suit
sawtooth waveform with an ampli- generator output increases by a mul- U5. which in our circuit receives its sup-
tude of over 10-volts peak-to-peak. tiple of 10 each time the input voltage ply voltage from the ground and
That is more than sufficient for just crosses another Y3 milestone. That will -15-volt source. Recall that our log-
about any scope's horizontal input. all become much clearer when you arithmic sweep must span three de-
Next. the linear ramp undergoes a see the logarithmic curve on your cades of voltage differential, which
series of level and offset adjustments scope during the calibration phase means that if its final voltage were - 5
via resistors R7. R8. R9. R22. and R23, discussed later in this article. volts. its initial voltage would be Y1000 of
and is then applied to the base of Q1. Next, U4-a inverts the polarity of the that. or - .005 volts. Tiny voltages like
The emitter-coupled transistors. Q1 signal. so that it starts high and ends that have to be carefully controlled.
and Q2, in combination with U3-b. low. That is necessary because the which is why R24 is used for that criticol
produce an anti-log transfer function. output frequency of the 8038 function adjustment.
Finally, we come to the heart of the single-point grounding scheme is al- On the more critical side. Q1 and
circuit, US. That relatively Inexpensive ways recommended in circuits involv- Q2 must be a reasonably matched
ICL8038 function generator produces ing op-amps. In any case, a metal pair in order for the anti-log circuit to
constant-amplitude sine waves, as enclosure is recommended to re- work properly. The 2N2907S specified
well as triangle- and square-wave duce noise and provide stable sup- are cheap, widely available, and
outputs, from 20 Hz through 20 KHz. port for output connectors. One have a lot of uses, so buy a few extra
Also. its output frequency is nearly a important layout consideration is to so you can look for a reasonable
perfect Inverse proportional to Its in- place R24 near the edge of the match. Using a DVM in diode-test
putvoltage, so drMng Its input with our board, so that an access hole drilled mode. check the nominal voltage
custom logarithmic-sweep circuit will in the enclosure will allow occasional drop across the transistor's emitter-
produce the balanced, three-de- calibration. base junction. Two transistors that
cade frequency sweep we desire. Most of the components in the Test- match up within or close to 3-digit
The sine-wave output from US is fed er are of easy-to-obtain values. with a accuracy are more than sufficient for
to the voltage divider made up of R18 few exceptions; for that reason some the project. If your DVM does not have
and R19, which restores the DC offset reasonable parts substiMions can be a diode-test function, make a tempo-
to zero. That eliminates the need for made. For example, power-trans- rary test jig with a 9-volt battery, a 10K
any coupling capacitors In the output former T1 does not have to be a single resistor. and the base-emitter junction
stage, which makes It possible for out- 36-volt. 300mA center-tapped type of the transistor. When the junction is
put level to remain Independent of as shown. Two smaller single-output forward biased (positive at the emitter
frequency. The voltage-divider output transformers may be wired with their for PNP devices). you can compare
is then applied to potentiometer R28 outputs in series to yield the same re- the voltage drops across the junctions
for output-level control, and Is subse- sult, as long as each output is at least of several transistors with an ordinary
quently routed to U4-b for a boost In 18 volts at 200 mA. DVM set on Its 0- to 1-volt range.
both amplitude- and current-drive
capablllty. Output can range from O-
to over 10-votts peak to peak, which is
enough for testing almost any audio
The DPDT switch, S2. has another
position called "CAL." In that position,
potentiometer R27 controls the fre-
quency of the sine-wave output for
setup and calibration purposes. How-
ever, because the output of R27 is
buffered by U3-a and routed through
the anti-log circuit. the Tester can also
serve as a simple stand-alone signal
generator. Potentiometer R27 is also
Indispensable for "homing in" on a
troublesome frequency during actual
response testing.

Construction. The method chosen

to build the Frequency-Response Test-
er is not critical; however. the easiest
method Is to use the single-sided PC-
board layout provided in Fig. 2. If
you're looking for a good PC-board
project to try, the Tester PCB is an ex-
cellent choice because it Is both sin-
gle-sided and reasonably low In
component density. When cut to the
size shown. the board fits comfortably
within the widely available metal en-
closure noted In the Parts List.
If you choose to use a PC board, a
parts-placement diagram is pro-
vided in Fig, 3. If you choose notto use
a PC board, a perf-board approach
with point-to-point wiring will work
fine. Just remember that an oversized
zero-volt ground bus. or the use of a
3. For best results. you might want to
use coaxial cable for the connection
to R28; if you do so. ground the coble
and the off-b oard g round point s
shown in Fig. 3 to the metal chassis to
provide shielding. Jocks J1 and J2.
switches S1 a nd S2. resistor R20. LED1.
and power-transformer T1 all mount
off-board as well. Within the con-
straints of the enclosure, mount T1 as
far from the board as possible.
SOider a small piece of stiff wire to
the board at test point TP1. Make the
wire just long e nough to access later
with your scope probe. Finally, when
attaching the power cord to S1. use
some kind of strain relief o r g rommet
where the cord enters the case.
Check and re-check your connec-
tio ns before testing the project. The

board itself can be mounted with
<>-i some insulated sta nd-offs, but you
... might wont to save that final mount-
8 ing step until ofter initial checkout. In
any case. p lan to mount the board in
such a way that a hole can b e drilled
to access R24 without opening the
case. That is the only trim adjustment
! WuJ that you will occasionally need to

touch up ofter initial calibration.

R29 Calibration and Set-up. With an the

trimmer potentiometers on the Tester's
I SH:> c ircuit board you might think that cal-
L-------------- -- ----~---------- -------- J ibration is going to be a real nuisance.
Fig . 3 . U.w tlti" 11111·t.t·placc-111c•11f di<1J(1Y1111 <1.t<11:11iclc wltt'11111aki11g the 1urim1s <m· a11J
but that's not the case. The process is
off-board <'01111ec1ions. Note 1ha1 tht're i.~ w 1'!tf·lll1'1•"<1 Rrlllllld /Jc•Mc'<'ll'u· <!{ //11·
<"ompmw111.f ; co111u•c1those11<1i111s am/ /.!1'1111111' tht•m to t//C' 111c1al cl1C1.uis.
g reatly simplified because you can
use an oscilloscope to make almost
r;;:;::;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;;:;=;;;;_;:;;;_r;_;; _ :;;:r-'91- .oe
_.;;;.:;::;r._;::;_=:p ogram in Fig . 3: Be care ful when inser- all the adjustmentsvisually. A separate
I=··= -·:.:i· · ·:.:..·.i;.;·:.:..
i.:.: · -1-·-·-1-·-- 1-·- · -1-·-·-1·-·-!·'-
1-·-·~ 1· -.8 ting Q1 and Q2. because the physical frequency counter is a lso useful. but is
pinout of the transistors you obta in not absolutely ne c e ssary. Another
might not match the case style shown suggested tool to have on hand is a
in Fig. 3. There. the emitter pad is clos- pair of walkman-type headphones.
est to the edge of the board. a nd the Hearing the frequency of the audio
base is the center pad. Also note that output isa good way of roughly gaug-
all pads that connect to off-board ing whether or not you're covering the
components such as potentiometers. entire audio range.
switches, and outputs are slig htly over- Start by centering all the trim pots.
Fit. . 4. Once calihrn1ed. wlflr Ti!ster sized for easy connection a nd identifi- including R24. Before connecting any
slwuld tli.~play u thrt'c-clerndt' cation. some pads might not seem to exte rna l equipment. power up the
/ogarirhmic 1m1"<f<wm rhm re.tem/>IC's rhi.,· be logically placed. which is a neces- unit by itself to check that correct
i//1wra1i1111 . sary sacrifice in maintaining a single- power-supply voltag es ore present in
Another c ritical item is R24. which sided layout. Extra pads o re provided all the right p laces. Once you're con-
must be a 15- o r 20- turn trimmer po- for the center position o f all trim pots fident that the circuit powers up cor-
tentiometer. It should also be obvious except R24. to a ccomm odate a rectly. you con proceed. Note that it is
that even though normal component wider physical variety of those parts. normal for the TL084 (U3) to run a little
to lerances are not a pro blem, arbi- Socketing of all but the voltage-reg- warm, and for both positive a nd
tra ry substitution of seemingly "close" ulator IC's is recomm ended. negative regulators to become rather
resisto r values is unwise in the Tester Potentiometers R27. R28. a nd R29 hot to the touch. If overheating be-
c ircuit. mount on the faceplate of the project comes o concern, small heatsinks con
He re o re a few things to watch fo r ca se. Use Insula ted wires to connect be mounted o n the regulators.
when using the parts-placement d i- them to the PC-board. as shown in Fig . For your initial setup, connect the
horizontal output to the horizontal in-
put on your scope, and the audio out-
put to your headphones. If the
headphones are stereo, it is possible
to hear through both right and left
with an appropriate adapter. In the
absence of headphones, a stereo- I
system auxiliary input will do, but be
careful to keep the volume level
down to avoid speaker damage.
Connect a probe to your scope's
vertical input. Power up the scope, set
the horizontal time base for external,
and set both the vertical and horizon-
tal amplifiers for DC measurement. i
With S2 in the SWEEP position and both
R28 and R29 set to minimum resis-
tance, power up the Frequency-Re-
sponse Tester. The scope should
display a horizontal sweep, the speed
of which you can adjust using R29. For
calibration purposes, use the horizon- 20Hz 50 0.1KHz .3 .5 .7 1 2 3 5 7 10 20K
tal-gain and horizontal-position con- FREC)UENC'Y"
trols to produce a nine-division sweep Fig. 5. By copving this scale to transparent film, rou cw1 create o c11.1to111 reference
deflection that is lined up with the left- graticule .fiir .vow· scope and great Ir i111pro1'<' the 1·isual aCC'tmt(\' ol thl' displa1'.
most, vertical graticule line. Because
nine divisions can easily be divided by at this time to a point just past the 4 as much as possible.
three, setting up the three-decade highest frequency you can hear. Re- The curve in Fig. 4 assumes that your
logarithmic response we discussed peat the process of "low" and "high" scope graticule has eight major ver-
earlier will be easy. adjustment of R24 and R22 at least tical divisions. Using the top line as a
The next step is a bit tricky because it one more time, and then flip S2 back reference, note that the total deflec-
involves several coinciding adjust- into the SWEEP position. tion is eight divisions down at the right
ments. Connect the vertical input of With the SWEEP RATE control, R29, set to edge of the trace. Because the width
your scope to the short wire you at- maximum speed, you should be able of the trace has been set at nine divi-
tached to TP1 earlier. If you turn up the to adjust your scope's vertical sen- sions, you can easily divide the display
AUDIO LEVEL control, R28, slightly, you sitivity and position until you can see a into three sections. If you start at the
should hear some kind of audio curve starting high on the left, and right and move left, you'll see that the
sweep that appears to follow the rate sloping downward on the right. Con- deflection from the top line is Y10 less
of the horizontal sweep (don't panic ii tinue to adjust the position and ver- each time we cross Y3 of the total
that is notthe case; the trim pots might tical sensitivity, abandoning the "cali- width. So, the total deflection is 8, .8,
just be too far out of adjustment). Flip brated" setting on your scope as and .08 vertical divisions at 9, 6, and 3
S2 to the CAL position: the horizontal needed, so that the vertical deflec- horizontal divisions respectively. Ob-
display will revert to a dot. Because tion exactly fills the screen, from the viously, - .08 divisions is not really visi-
the horizontal position of the dot is highest vertical division available, to ble, and in fact, the start point of the
related to the audio-output frequen- the lowest. That resulting curve is a curve should really be - .008 divisions,
cy, refer to the screen display while logarithmic progression. which is certainly not visible. Because
using MANUAL FREQUENCY control R27 for The next step is to contour the curve the anti-log network defines the
calibration. Set R27 so that the dot so that every three horizontal divisions curve, we can assume that once one
once again lines up with the left-most, correspond to a Y10 difference in ver- decade is correctly "tuned," the
vertical graticule line on your scope tical deflection. That is accomplished others will all fall into place. By con-
Then, adjust R24 to bring the audio- mainly with R23, which serves as a tinuing to adjust the decades-per-volt
output frequency as low as possible. "decades/volt" adjustment for the trim pot, R23, along with the high log-
You will have to calibrate that more anti-log network. Unfortunately, ad- level trim pot, R22, you should be able
exactly later, but, for now, the lowest justing R23 is likely to affect the total to approximate that curve.
"bass note" you can hear without the vertical amplitude, so you might have The two remaining trim pots, R25
audio dropping out is close enough. to "see-saw" between R22 and R23 and R26, adjust the purity of the sine-
Once the tone is established and until the desired curve is obtained. wave output, and should be set as
set to the lowest frequency you can Trim pot R24, which mainly affects the necessary before final calibration. Po-
detect, re-adjust R27 so that the dot "top" portion of the vertical deflec- tentiometer R25 adjusts the duty cycle
moves exactly nine divisions to the tion, will probably not make much of a so that the top portions of the ~ine
right on your scope screen. The fre- difference. In the end, your curve wave equal the bottom half, while
quency should audibly rise. Adjust R22 should resemble the one shown in Fig. R26 is used to trim out distortion. TMse
controls do not treat all frequencies you can use the scope as a frequency
equally, so waveform purity must be counter by switching it back to inter-
optimized at a specific frequency. The nal sweep. connecting the audio out-
author recommends a mid frequency put to the vertical input. and making
of about 1000 Hz Using your scope in calculations based on time/division.
its normal internal-sweep mode, set That is a bit of a hassle because it
the tester to CAc, and observe the au- means doing a lot of switching. and
dio-output waveform while making you must remember to restore the
the above adjustments. In the end. horizontal gain to the original nine-
both controls should be somewhere division setup in between each mea-
near their initial center position, or the surement If you have a dual-trace
frequency span might suffer. scope. you can set up one channel to
The final step in calibration is simply represent the nine-division span of
to repeat the setups of R24. R23. and the Tester's horizontal output. and the
R22. this time with a frequency coun- other to monitor the audio output. You
ter added to the audio output. In- will still have to go back to the original
stead of using your ears for the low- setup at least once more to touch up
ana high-frequency ad1ustments. use the log curve with R23. Remember. As this intanul riew .1-Jwws, tht•
the frequency counter to obtain val- you've already set up the unit to span trumj(irma 1n the Frt'C[U<'ncv-Resp1msC'
ues of 20 Hz ana 20.000 Hz For tho! from the lowest to the highest fre- fr.wa should ht' mounted us fur from the
final calibration, make sure the unit quency you can hear. which is all that bourd us tht' projeo rn.1e ullmn.
has been on for a few minutes to al- really matters. The good news is that
low it to stabilize once the Tester is set up. only the low
If no frequency counter is available, adjustment. R24. will need an occa- s1onal touch up.
If you wish. use a photocopier that
PARTS LIST FOR THE FREQUENCY-RESPONSE TESTER has a scaling capability to make a
copy of the log scale in Fig. 5. By mak-
SEMICONDUCTORS R'.!7-100.000-ohm, linear
Ul-MC7815CT 15-volt, positivc- potentiometer ing the copy on a transparent sheet.
voltage regulator, integrated circuit R28-I00,000-ohm, logarithmic such as the ones used for overhead
U2-MC7915CT 15-volt. negative- potentiometer projectors, you can make a custom
voltage regulator, integrated cin;uit R29-5-megohm. linear reference graticule for your scope
U3-TL084 quad op-amp, integrateJ potentiometer C~cc text) and greatly aid the visual accuracy of
circuit R3U-33UO-ohm, V~-watt the display.
U4-LF353 dual op-amp. integrated
circuit CAPACITORS Using the Tester. For accuracy at
U5-ICL8038 function generator. Cl. C2-330-µF, 50-WVDC. radial- the low-frequency range. always al-
integrated circuit lcad electrolvtic low the Frequency-Response Tester to
QI, Q2-2N2907, PNP transistor C3. C4--l-µF.- 25-WVDC, radial-
BRl-1.5-amp. 100-PIV, full-wave remain powered-up for a few minutes
lead electrolytic prior to running response tests. As
bridge rectifier CS-11.22-µE polyester
Dl-IN914 general-purpose silicon we've seen. the Tester's entire first de-
cn-o.oo.n-µF. ceramic-disc
diode cade from 20 to 200 Hz depends on
02, D3-JN4735. 6.2-volt. Zener the stability of a very small control volt-
diode age. which usually takes a little time to
LEDi-Red light-emitting dicxk settle. To test the response of an audio
SI. S2-DPDT toggle switch
RESISTORS Tl-AC power transformer. 115-VAC device.simply connect the Tester's au-
lAll fixed resistors are V•-watt, 5% primary to 36- VAC scrnndary, dio output to the DUT's input, and the
unit~. unle~s othl·rwise imlicated., 300-mA center-tapped (Stancor DUT's output to the vertical input of
RI, Rl8. R21-100,()ll0-ohm P-8612 or c4uivalcnt. see text) your scope.
R2-12.000-ohm Jl-BNC jack (A note of caution is in order here:
R3. R8. RI!. Rl2, Rl5, R17. R20--- J2-Phone jack Some power amplifiers have outputs
10.000-ohm PLl-2-conductor power cord and that cannot be ground referenced. In
R4---470,000-ohm plug
such cases. a dual-channel scope
R5-IOOO-ohm PrinteJ-circuit matcriab. metal
R6. R7-4700-ohm chas,is (Radio Shack 270-253 or used in differential mode via both in-
R9--470-ohm c4uivalcnt), insulated wire, solder. puts 1s the only safe way to monitor the
R 10-2200-ohm hardware. etc. amplifier. Also note that power ampli-
Rl3. Rl4-l-megohm fiers usually require output loading for
Rl6-3000-ohm Note: A drilled and etched PC board proper operation.]
R19-200. 000-oh 111 i' available poMpaid from the 'Nhen your test set-up is complete.
R'.!2. RD. R25, R26-I0.000-ohm. author for S20. Contact him on switch 52 to CAL mode. and select a
trimmer potentiometer, PC mount GEnic at the E-mail address: middle frequency using the MMUAl FRE-
R24-1000-ohm, 15-turn. trimmer R.CONSTAN for ordering aurNO control. R27. Then. adjust the
potentiometer. PC mount infom1ation.
{Continued from page 83)

AU010 LEVEL control using your scope as

a waveform monitor with internal
sweep, to make sure no clipping oc-
curs. Switch S2 into SWEEP mode, and
set your scope to external sweep as
you did during calibration. If you
made your own log scale using Fig. 5.
set your horizontal gain to match its
width. By adjusting the vertical gain,
you should be able to see the ours
response over the entire frequency
Here ore a few hints: Although the
response display seems most easily
viewed with SWEEP RATE control R29 set to
maximum. the low-frequency portion
of the display (the left side) will not be
very accurate with that setting. The
Tester's lowest output frequency is
about 20 Hz. Because that frequency
is constantly being modulated. if the
frequency increases significantly be-
fore a single 20 Hz-cycle is com-
pleted. then your test at 20 Hz is
lnvalld. For that reason, the slowest
sweep rate should be selected when
seriously examining low-end re-
sponse. A storage scope is of course
ideal for that.
Note that the vertical display of your
scope simply reads peak-to-peak
voltage, which is very different from
the decibel scale normally used for
audio. To put things in perspective, a
50 percent dip in vertical deflection
corresponds to a - 3-dB drop when
monitoring power amplifiers, and a
- 6-dB drop when testing almost any
other audio device.
Finally. you might wish to occasion-
ally touch up the low-frequency cal-
ibration via the access hole you
drilled for R24. As before, leave the
Tester powered-up for a few minutes
before proceeding, and then per-
form the calibration procedure as
previously described. •

"That explains the microchips."

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