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Stomach bloating
Gastritis is a condition where the
protective lining of the stomach
Nausea Signs and Symptoms becomes inflamed, irritated or eroded.
Gastritis comes in two forms:
acute (which occurs suddenly) and
Appetite loss
chronic (which develops over time) gastritis.
A third, and less common, form is erosive gastritis.
Black stool
Erosive gastritis Gastritis is commonly caused by

Vomiting 🤮 blood symptoms may include: bacterial infections (H pylori),

but can also be transmitted via
other people, or contaminated
food and water.

People more vulnerable to

bacterial infections include smokers and drinkers, Bacterial infections
as well as those with poor dietary habits Occurs suddenly due to an infection, but symptoms last a couple of
days to weeks.

The stomach lining will thin with age, Acute gastritis

making older individuals more Old age
vulnerable to gastritis Gastritis Types Only simple treatment is
Risk factors required to cure acute gastritis

Excessive alcohol consumption will

lead to the irritation and eroding of
Alcoholism Long-term damage to
one’s stomach lining, which increases
Chronic gastritis the stomach lining, often from Hpylori,
the risk of gastritis.
will lead to chronic gastritis.

Especially from injury, surgery,

or severe infections.
These block the cells
that create stomach acid.

Antacids and proton pump inhibitors

Exercise caution when using these
- high doses may lead to side effects
A long tube with a camera lens Treatmnet
which include an increased risk
at one end is inserted into your
of bone fractures.
mouth and down into your stomach.
The doctor will examine your stomach
lining for any inflammation or irritation.
Upper endoscopy Antibiotics and heartburn This is used to combat
medicine (famotidine) gastritis caused by H pylori.
A biopsy (where a tissue sample is
removed and examined in a laboratory)
Gastritis diagnosis
may be performed for a more accurate diagnosis.

These are used to identify

the presence of bacteria (H pylori),
Blood and fecal test
or anemia (the lack of red blood cells),
both of which are possible indicators of gastritis.

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