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Only a part of developer portal can be customized - @false

Developer portal is mainly designed for - @app dev

Developer portal helps in exposing APIs. @True

Apigee offers ___ type of developer portal.@two

You can generate ____ in developer portal. @both

Developer portal can be accessed using a ____@app

Drupal based portal can be accessed from Apigee Edge @false

A _____ represents a version of the OpenAPI Specification at a particular point in

time. @snapshot

You can find Portal option under ____ menu in navigation. @publish

Apigee is capable of converting swagger in json format to yaml. @true

To launch the developer portal from edge click on ______.@live

Both input parameter and output can be found in developer portal . @true

Swagger documentation is available in Developer portal.@true

Swagger documentation helps in understanding the functionality of ____ @devlopment


In Apigee swagger documentation can be in -- @both

Which of the following is not an option that is shown after clicking +spec in spec
page. @json

____ is a document that describes everything about your API. all @swegger

Apigee�s spec gen tool generates swagger in ____ format.@json

Developers can subscribe for both API product and APIs in Developer portal -

The logo of the developer portal should be in ____ format. @png

What is the name of the logo file in Apigee developer portal. @logo.png

APIs can be made available only as a product in developer portal.@true

To change the content of a particular page in _____ content @page

In developer portal developers are allowed to register their ___. both# @app

You can access developer portal�s CSS using the option ____ @theme

While creating an API from spec, the options available are - @all

Apigee provides ____ services. @all

Apps registered in developer portal are visible in edge portal.@true

To reflect the changes made in the portal click on ____.@publish

Drupal portal can be a ____ @both


apigee allows you to add ____ header while creating proxy

@ALL 9---@Content_type

while creating an api from spec the options available are


Apigee aoffers___ types of developer portal


You can restrict the audience to your developer portal

@True 9---@True

Swagger documentation helps in understanding the functionality of ____


You can genereate ____ in developer portal

@Both 9---@both
An API product is a colection of proxies with ____
@Both 9---@key

Apps registered in developer portal are visible in edge portal

@True 9---@True

each api product subscribed by an app requires separate key

@False 9---@False

Drupal portal can be a ____


Apigee's API platform allows you to ____ your APIs


In Apigee swagger documentation can be in


Both input parameter and output can be in developer portal


To reflect the changes made in the portal click on ____.


What is the name off the logo file Apigee deeloper portal
@logo.png 9---@logo.png

Apigee provides ____ services.


You can access developer portal�s CSS using the option ____

Developer portal helps in exposing APIs.


After signing up, you can directly login to the developer portal

To decline access to a particular API key click on ___ in app manu


Developer portal provides an enviroment for ____ your APIS's


Apigee�s spec gen tool generates swagger in ____ format.


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