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Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and


Viscoelastic Properties of Magneto- and Electro-Rheological Fluids

Keith D. Weiss, J. David Carlson and Donald A. Nixon
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 1994 5: 772
DOI: 10.1177/1045389X9400500607

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Viscoelastic Properties of Magneto- and
Electro-Rheological Fluids
Lord Corporation, Thomas Lord R&D Center, Cary, NC 27511

ABSTRACT: This paper examines the transition area between elastic and viscous behavior for a
conventional electro-rheological (ER) fluid and a state-of-the-art magneto-rheological (MR) fluid
through the use of oscillatory rheometry techniques. A comparison between the yield behavior
(strain and stress) measured for these two different types of controllable fluids is presented. The data
obtained for MR fluids represents the initial characterization of the pre-yield properties exhibited by
this type of material. Finally, a recommendation as to a key area for future R&D is highlighted.

INTRODUCTION This paper examines the transition area between these

&dquo;Pre-Yield&dquo; and &dquo;Post-Yield&dquo; regimes for a conventional
definition, viscoelasticity is the ability of a electro-rheological (ER) fluid through the use of oscillatory
material respond to an applied force by exhibiting
to rheometry techniques. This investigation is extended to in-
both elastic and viscous properties depending upon the time clude the measurement of the properties exhibited by MR
scale of the measurement. Thus under constant deformation fluids in this transition area. A comparison between the
a viscoelastic material is capable of storing part of the input yield behavior (strain and stress) measured for these two
energy and dissipating the rest of this energy as heat. Upon different types of controllable fluids is presented. The data
removal of the applied force, the deformed material will at- presented for MR fluids represents the initial characteriza-
tempt to recover a portion of its original shape (Ferry, 1970; tion of the pre-yield properties exhibited by this type of
Darby, 1976). Since magneto-rheological (MR) and electro- material. Finally, a recommendation as to a key area for
rheological (ER) fluids are multiphase materials consisting future R&D is highlighted.
of a dispersion of polarizable particles in a carrier oil, they
exhibit properties typical of a viscoelastic material.
In the &dquo;Post-Yield&dquo; regime, ER and MR fluids typically
exhibit viscous properties. In general, the flow properties EXPERIMENTAL
exhibited by ER and MR fluids are modeled after a Bingham
plastic (Weiss, Coulter and Carlson, 1993; Weiss et al.,
1993). This model recognizes that the property of an ER or The ER and MR fluids utilized in this investigation are
MR fluid that changes upon the application of an electric or described as ERX-III and MRX-I, respectively. These fluids
magnetic field, respectively, is the yield stress defining the are experimental formulations under development by Lord
onset of flow. While the dynamic yield stress and plastic vis-
Corporation. Limited pre-yield data for ERX-III have previ-
cosity reflects the flow characteristics of these materials, the ously been published (Coulter, Duclos and Acker, 1989).
static yield stress corresponds to the actual force necessary This ER fluid exhibits an ER effect upon the application of
to initiate flow within the material. Thus the static yield a D.C. electric field. Naturally, the MR fluid is activated by
stress is one of the material properties that defines the tran- the application of a magnetic field.
sition between viscous and elastic behavior for ER and MR
In the &dquo;Pre-Yield&dquo; regime, ER and MR fluids typically ex- Procedure
hibit elastic properties. The properties exhibited by ER and
All pre-yield data were obtained using oscillatory or
MR fluids in this regime are described by the classical rela-
tionships that exist between the storage modulus and loss dynamic measurement techniques on a strain controlled
rheometer. The frequency range of this instrument was
modulus (Weiss, Coulter and Carlson, 1993). In addition to
limited to approximately 1-16 Hertz. All measurements
the previously described static yield stress, the transition
were obtained using a couette cell test geometry. The work-
from elastic to viscous behavior also is defined by a yield or
ci ; iical strain. ing gap of the ER fluid and MR fluid test cells were 1.0 mm
and 1.5 mm, respectively. All strain sweeps were performed
author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Present address: Graco Inc., at a frequency of 1.5 Hertz. All frequency sweeps were per-
P.O. Box 1441, Minneapolis, MN 55440-1441. formed at a strain level of 0.5 %.


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Critical or Yield Strain (~y~~~ar)

In conventional dynamic mechanical testing a material is
subjected to a small sinusoidally varying strain wave. The
resulting material response is a small sinusoidally varying
stress wave having the same frequency as the input strain
wave. When in the elastic region, viscoelastic materials will
exhibit an input strain wave and a resulting stress wave that
are in phase with each other. On the other hand, when a
material exhibits entirely viscous behavior the strain and
stress waves are 90 degrees out of phase. In the transition
area between elastic and viscous regions, the amount of
Figure 2. Storage modulus for MRX-I fluid (measured at a fre-
elastic and viscous behavior exhibited by a material is
quency of 1.5 Hz) plotted as a function of strain.
measured by the degree to which the strain and stress waves
are out of phase, i.e., tan 6.
The strain level where a material begins to transition from state, stabilization of the particles against flow is provided
elastic to viscous behavior is typically defined as the yield by the presence of both Van der Waal and electrostatic in-
or critical strain. Since the shear modulus of a material teractions. Upon the application of an electric field, dipole
measured in the elastic region is only a function of tempera- forces caused by particle polarization interplay with the vis-
ture and frequency, the critical strain represents the strain cous forces attempting to disrupt the stability of the par-

level at which the shear modulus deviates from linear be- ticles’ structure.
havior. Magneto-rheological materials also exhibit a relatively
The transition of an ER material from elastic behavior to low yield strain level. The yield strain observed for the
viscous behavior has been reported to occur at strain levels MRX-I fluid is on the order of 0.8 % as shown in Figure 2.
of less than 10% (Weiss, Coulter and Carlson, 1993). More Similar to the behavior exhibited by ER fluids, the yield
strain observed for this MR fluid does not vary upon going
recently the limit of the linear elastic range for ER fluids has
been suggested to be less than 1% (Goodwin, 1993). Con- from the off-state to an on-state.
firmation of this limit is provided by the observation that The yielding of both MR and ER fluids at relatively low
ERX-III yields at a strain of approximately 0.5 % as shown levels of strain « 1 %) may hinder their utilization in ap-
in Figure 1. Validation of this yield strain for ERX-III is pro- plications, such as adaptive structures, that require stability
vided in an independent investigation using an annular in pre-yield properties. If the strain level in these applica-
tions at any time surpasses the yield strain of the MR or ER
pumping technique (Don, 1993).
One should note from Figure 1 that the yield strain of the fluid, the particle structure will be disrupted. Continual dis-
ERX-III fluid remains constant upon going from a situation ruptment of this particle structure will cause excessive parti-
where no electric field is present to one in which an electric cle sedimentation and a corresponding degradation in prop-
field is applied. This observation is significant because dif- erties. A 20-30% decrease in the storage modulus for the
ferent mechanisms dominate the particle-particle interac- ERX-III fluid is observed in successive or repetitive testing
tions in the off-state and on-state of the material. In the off- of the same fluid sample over the strain range of 1-10%.
Only after redispersing the particles in the carrier medium
at a high strain rate could the original storage modulus value
be returned to the original value. The development of MR
and ER fluids that yield at a higher level of strain will en-
hance the performance of these materials in applications
where particle redispersion is impossible.

Storage Modulus (G’)

The storage modulus of an ER fluid has previously been
demonstrated to increase with an elevation in the applied
electric field strength or frequency (Weiss, Coulter and
Carlson, 1993). In fact, the storage modulus for the ER-III
fluid has been shown to vary by several orders of magnitude
upon increasing the applied electric field from 0 to 4 kV/mm
Figure 1. Storage modulus for ERX-III (measured at a frequency of (Weiss, Coulter and Carlson, 1993; Coulter, Duclos and
1.5 Hz) plotted as a function of strain. Acker, 1989). A variation in frequency has been observed to

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have a much smaller effect on the magnitude of the storage The loss factor measured for ERX-III fluid rapidly rises to
modulus. The storage modulus measured at 3.0 kV/mm for a value of 3.0 after reaching the critical strain level. This
the ERX-III fluid increases from I x 104 Pascals at a fre- loss factor corresponds to a phase difference in the strain
quency of 1.5 Hz (see Figure 1) to approximately 2.5 x 10° and stress waves of 71.5 degrees. The loss factor continues
Pascals at a frequency of 200 Hertz (Weiss, Coulter and to increase, although more gradually, with the input of
Carlson, 1993; Coulter, Duclos and Acker, 1989). The high- larger levels of strain.
est value of the storage modulus measured for this ER fluid The loss factor measured for a MR fluid is observed to as-
of 8.0 x 104 Pa (4.0 kV/mm, 200 Hz) is still several orders cend more gradually than the loss factor exhibited by an ER
of magnitude less than common viscoelastic solids (Weiss, fluid. The loss factor measured for the MRX-I fluid ap-
Coulter and Carlson, 1993; Coulter, Duclos and Acker, proaches a value of approximately 1.0 around the strain level
1989) . of 7.0 % . This loss factor corresponds to a phase difference
MR fluids offer a dramatic improvement over ER fluids in between the strain and stress waves of approximately 45
the magnitude of the storage modulus. The storage modulus degrees. A phase difference of 45 degrees represents a
for the MRX-I fluid at low frequency (1.5 Hz) and field material that exhibits approximately an equal amount of
strength (2000 Oersted) is on the order of 2.5 x 106 Pascals elastic and viscous behavior. The loss factor continues to in-
(see Figure 2). An additional increase in the storage modu- crease for this MR fluid with the input of larger levels of
lus can be obtained for this MR fluid by increasing the ap- strain.
plied field strength or the frequency as shown in Figure 3. We note that a change in phase angle preceeds any devia-
The highest measured value of the storage modulus (4.2 x tion from linear behavior observed in the storage modulus
106 Pascals at 2000 Oersted, 16 Hz) is well within the range measured for the ERX-III and MRX-I fluids. In fact, a phase
exhibited by common viscoelastic solids. Thus MR fluids difference between the strain and stress waves of approx-
are capable of performing better than ER fluids in damping imately 20 to 25 degrees occurs prior to the suggested criti-
applications that require the controllability of stiffness. A cal strain level for each fluid. This occurrence raises the
concise summary of these applications and related R&D ef- question as to whether the critical strain should be deter-
forts has previously been published (Coulter, Weiss and mined from the onset of nonlinear behavior in the storage
Carlson, 1993). modulus or a phase difference in the strain and stress waves.
We suggest that the critical strain is more accurately
Loss Factor (Tan 6) reflected by the observation of nonlinear behavior in the
The loss factor of an ER and MR fluid is defined as the storage modulus of the material. Measurement of the static
ratio of the loss modulus to the storage modulus. Thus the yield stress exhibited by both ERX-III and MRX-I provides
loss factor provides a measure of the relative viscous and additional support for this conclusion.
elastic behavior exhibited by ER and MR fluids. A material
Yield Stress (Tstatic)
in the elastic region will exhibit a very small loss factor, typ-
ically less than 0.1, which represents a phase difference be- The static yield stress for an ER or MR fluid has previ-
tween the input strain wave and the resulting stress wave of ously been defined as the force necessary to initiate flow
less than about 6 degrees. Pure viscous behavior having a within the material. In other words the static yield stress ex-
phase difference between the strain and stress waves of 90 hibited by a material reflects the yield point of the material.
degrees will exhibit an extremely large loss factor. In a conventional stress versus strain plot this yield point is
represented by coordinates that reflect the static yield stress
and the critical strain. As shown in Figure 4, the critical
strain of the ERX-III and MRX-I fluids is 0.5 % and 0.8 % ,
respectively. For both these fluids the critical strain as deter-
mined from Figure 4 also corresponds to the point where
nonlinear behavior in the storage modulus is first observed
(see Figures 1 and 2).
The static yield stress exhibited by ER-III (Figure 4) is ap-
proximately 120 Pascals at an electric field of 3.0 kV/mm.
This value is considerably lower than the 1270 Pascals value
reported for the static yield stress obtained using a con-
tinuous measurement system (Weiss, Coulter and Carlson,
1993). The discrepancy in the static yield stress values ob-
tained for ERX-III by these two very different methods is at-
tributed to a phenomenon known as &dquo;stiction&dquo;.By definition,
&dquo;stiction&dquo; is a particle jamming or a mechanical restriction
Figure 3. Storage modulus of MIX-1 fluid (measured at various to flow that is highly dependent upon both particle size and
magnetic field strengths and a strain of 0.5%) plotted as a function
of frequency. shape, as well as the prior electric field and flow history of

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age modulus exhibited by a MR fluid is well within the

range exhibited by common viscoelastic solids. Thus a MR
fluid will exhibit a significant improvement in structural
damping over the effect currently obtained with a conven-
tional ER fluid.
Both ER and MR fluids were observed to yield at a strain
level of less than 1 % . A phase difference between the input
strain and measured stress waves was detected prior to any
deviation of the storage modulus from linear behavior.
However, we suggest that the most accurate description of
the critical strain is represented by the response of the stor-
age modulus exhibited by the controllable fluid. This
recommendation is supported in that the maximum stress
applied to the test samples occurs at the same strain level at
which nonlinearity in the storage modulus is observed. The
yielding of these controllable fluids at a low critical strain
may hinder their utilization in applications, such as adaptive
structures, that require stability in pre-yield properties.
Therefore, one area in which R&D efforts should be focused
is the development of ER and MR fluids that yield at a
higher level of strain.


Figure 4. Stress measured for ERX-III (3. 0 kV/mm) and MRX-I (2000 Coulter, J. , T. Duclos and D. Acker. 1989. "The Usage of Electrorheolog-
Oersted) plotted as a function of strain. ical Materials in Viscoelastic Layer Damping Applications", presented
at Damping ’89, Palm Beach, FL (*ER-III fluid is described as
Coulter, J. , K. Weiss and D. Carlson. 1993. Journal of Intelligent Material
the material. The ERX-III fluid is known to exhibit this type
Systems and Structures, 4(2):248-259.
of behavior (Weiss, Coulter and Carlson, 1993). Don, D. 1993. "Investigation of ER Material Adaptive Structures", Masters
Thesis, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA.
Darby, R. 1976. Viscoelastic Fluids: An Introduction to Their Properties
CONCLUSION and Behavior. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.
Ferry, J. D. 1970. Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers, 2nd Edition. New
York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The transition area between elastic and viscous behavior
Goodwin, J. 1993. Electrorheological (ER) Fluids: A Research Needs
was examined for a conventional electro-rheological (ER)
Assessment, I. Kreiger and E. Collins, eds., Washington, D.C.: U.S.
fluid and a state-of-the-art magneto=rheological (MR) fluid. Department of Energy DOE/ER/30172, pp. 5.6-1-5.6-19.
The &dquo;Pre-Yield&dquo; properties exhibited by MR fluids offer a Weiss, K., J. Coulter and D. Carlson. 1993. Journal of Intelligent Material
key advantage over those observed for ER fluids. The stor- Systems and Structures, 4(1):13-34 (*ER-III fluid is described as
ERF/03-145 and ERF/6533-30B).
age modulus exhibited by a MR fluid ( = 106) Pascals at
Weiss, K., T. Duclos, D. Carlson, M. Chrzan and A. Margida. 1993. SAE
2000 Oersted and 16 Hz) is several orders of magnitude Technical Paper #932451. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive En-
greater than that observed for an ER fluid. In fact, the stor- gineers.

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