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Descriptive text



Descriptive text


COVER ............................................................................................................................ 1
TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................................2
PREFACE ...................................................................................................................... ..3
DESCRIPTIVE TEXT ........................................................................ ………………….4
Short Description ……………………………………………………………………4
Relevance ……………………………………………………………………………4
Learning guide ………………………………………………………………………4
MAIN SECTION………………………………………………………………………5
Learning Outcomes …………………………………………………………………5
Learning material……………………………………………………………………5
Definition of descriptive text………………………………………………………..9
Social function……………………………………………………………………...9
Generic structure ……………………………………………………………………9
Language feature ………………………………………………………………….10
Examples of descriptive text……………………………………………………….13
Formative Test ............................................................................................... …….15
CLOSING SECTION…………………………………………………………………..23
Summary ………………………………………………………………………….23
Reflection ............................................................................................... ………….23
Answer Key...............................................................................................................23
REFERENCES................................................... ……………………………………….27

Descriptive text


Thank to Almighty God who has given His bless to the writer for finishing the English paper
assignment entitled “Reading Games for Kids”.

The writer also wish to express his deep and sincere gratitude for those who have guided in
completing this module. This English module contains the material for helping the student in
learning English. Facilitate the students to comprehend the material.

My sincere appreciation and gratitude are addressed to my beloved husband Saepul Muhid,
my beloved kids Naura Auliya and Fayyad. They are an inspiration of my whole life.

Finally, there is nothing perfect in this world and I realize that this module has many
weaknesses. Hopefully this module will be beneficial and useful for the students of seventh

Cirebon, 27th - July - 2021


Descriptive text

DESCRIPTIVE TEXT (Things & Persons)

In foreign language learning, specifically English, there are so many text types that should be
mastered not only by elementary level but also advance level learners who love studying
English. One of the text types is description. The texts, in this case, describe the particular
objects in relation to things and places. You will be exposed to some examples of descriptive
texts about things and places. A tourism site or a well-known historical building can be
famous for domestic visitors or foreign visitors when there is promotion of the objects
through the description of the place or building as interestingly as possible. Because after all,
descriptive material is very necessary for increasing of learners’ English proficiency such as
in social communication. This part of the module is designed to provide learning activities for
all of you to promote your comprehension skills in spoken and written texts. The activities
shall focus on the knowledge and skills required to comprehend and express explicit and
implicit meanings in the following descriptive texts.
1. Short Description
What is short description of a descriptive text? The purpose of the text to give a visual picture
of a thing, such as my favorite books that describe specific books, or a picture of a tourism
place, such as Komodo National Park by explaining its features, forms, types, location, or
anything related to what the writer describes. The purpose of the descriptive text is clear, that
is to describe, represent or reveal an object, either abstract or concrete.
2. Relevance
The objective of this learning is to assist you in understanding deeply the definition of genre
text, that is descriptive text, specifically in describing things and places.
3. Learning Guide
This module is organized as follows: in the first part (Introduction), we provide a brief of
description, objectives, and guide about this module. In the second part (Main Section), it is
essentially about learning outcomes, learning material, and learning activities. It is designed
with clear explanation about descriptive text such as its definition, social function, and
language features. The learning activities in this module are designed to help you in
understanding written and spoken form of descriptive text. It also followed by formative
assessment to check your comprehension about descriptive text related to things and places.

Descriptive text

In the final section, reflective, summary is provided where you can reflect the result of your
learning process using this module.

1. Learning Outcomes
To internalize, uphold, and put into action religious, moral, and ethical values, integrity,
accountability, independence, tolerance, care, mutual respect, peace, collaboration, and
To analyze differences and similarities between a number of descriptive texts in regard to
the social function, by showing the evidence from the material (expressions, sentences,
paragraphs, etc.), in fluent and language feature accurate spoken as well as written English.

a. To get detailed information of written or spoken descriptive texts with contextually

different social function, text structures, and language features.
b. To make inferences of written or spoken descriptive texts with contextually different
social function, text structure, and also language features.
c. To evaluate the written or spoken descriptive texts with contextually different social
function, text structure, and also language features.
d. To produce or construct the written or spoken descriptive texts with contextually different
social function, text structure, and also language features.

2. Learning Material
Kompetensi Inti
KI 1: Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya
KI 2: Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi,
gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan
lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya
KI 3: Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin
tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan
kejadian tampak mata

Descriptive text

KI 4: Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai,

merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,
menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah
dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori

Kompetensi Dasar Pengetahuan

3.6 mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait dengan tingkah aku/tindakan/ fungsi orang, binatang, benda,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan kalimat
declarative,interrogative, simple present tense)

Kompetensi Dasar Ketrampilan

4.6 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait tingkah
laku/tindakan/fungsi orang, binatang, dan benda, dengan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dansesuai konteks

Indicator Pencapaian Kompetensi


3.6.1 Mengidentifikasi (C1)fungsi sosial, 4.6.1 Menyusun(C6) teks interaksi
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek
interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
informasi terkait dengan tingkah tingkah laku/tindakan/fungsi orang,
aku/tindakan/ fungsi orang, binatang, benda, binatang, dan benda, dengan fungsi sosial,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang
(Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan kalimat benar dansesuai konteks
3.6.2 Membandingkan (C5) fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait dengan tingkah
aku/tindakan/ fungsi orang, binatang, benda,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
(Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan kalimat

Tujuan Pembelajaran

Descriptive text

Melalui kegiatan pembelajaran menggunakan problem based learning (PBL) peserta didik
dapat :

1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan tulis
2. Membandingkan (C5) fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan tulis
3. Menyusun (C6) teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan
sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait tingkah
laku/tindakan/fungsi orang, binatang, dan benda,

Mind Mapping

generic structure

descriptive text
about things and social function

language feature

Descriptive text



Descriptive text

Is it your favorite thing?

What brand of cell phone do you have?

what do you use your cell phone for?

What is your favorite thing?

The Definition of Descriptive Text

A descriptive text is a text which a writer tries to picture what he is describing. Description is used to

describe a particular thing/object, place, or person. The descriptive text is really different from the

other kinds of text. Descriptive text is the text that describes something. Wyrick (1987:227) states,

“The writer of description creates a word - picture of persons, places, objects, and emotions using a

careful selection of detail to make an impression on the reader.”

Generic structure

Gerot and Peter (1994:208) mention that “there are two components in the descriptive text: first,
identification; identifies phenomenon to be described, and description; describes parts, qualities, and

Descriptive text

characteristics”. The identification usually occurs in the first paragraph and the description stated
in the continuing paragraph. The description consists of three parts: the parts of the place, the quality
of the place and the characteristic of the place.
Sudarwati and Eudia (2005:27) mention that “there are two components of the generic structure of
descriptive text. They are identification; identify phenomenon to be described and description;
describes parts, qualities, and characteristics”. They add that “the language features for descriptive
text are focus on specific participants, use of attributive and identifying process, frequently use
classifiers in nominal groups, and use of Simple present tense”.

Social Function
 To give information about a particular entity by describing its features, history, and special
 To give information about things by describing physical attributes, behaviors, uses, etc.

Language Feature
These characteristics are important for you to take into account when writing the descriptive
text is not wrong. So make sure you use the following features when using the genre will write
descriptive text:
1. Using the Simple Present Tense.
Why use the simple present tense? this is because we will describe a fact or truth that is
attached to something or someone. Simple present is tense which relates to the daily
activity and general truth (Murphy, 1994: p.4). Swan (2000: p.457) also claims that simple
present tense is used for talking about permanent situation, or about things that happen
all the day.
There are several kinds of tenses. One of them is simple present tense. Generally, simple
present tense shows events or situations that always, usually, habitually; they can be now,
can be in the past, and probably can be in the future” (Azar, 1999: p.2). Based on that
definition, simple present tense is important to be mastered because simple present tense
is used to express habitual. Coghill and Magedanz (2003: p.85) states that simple present
tense has two meaning: a) it indicates action occurring in the present, e.g. The cat sees
the birds, she knows the answers; b) it also indicates habitual, customary, repeated, or
permanent situation, e.g. My Karate class meets on Thursday, Dave smokes to many
cigarettes, I drink a cup of coffee before I go to work, Horned toads live in the desert. In
other hand, Murphy (1994: p.4) also states that simple present tense has some meaning:
a) it is to talks something in general, e.g. The earth goes around the sun, I usually go away

Descriptive text

at weekend; b) it indicates how often people do things, e.g. I get up at 8 o’clock every
morning, Ann doesn’t drink very often; c) it indicates when people do thing by saying
something (promise/apologize, etc.), e.g. I promise I won’t be late.
Forms of Simple Present Simple present tense has a characteristic. The characteristic
simple present tense can be known from the forms and the use of simple present tense
itself. Swan (2000: p.458) said that the forms of simple present tense is as follows:
Forms of Simple Present Tense
Affirmative Question Negative
I work Do I work? I do not work
You work Do you work? You do not work
He/she/it works Does he/she/it work? He/she/it does not work
They work Do they work? They do not work
We work Do we work? We do not work

Spelling of third singular person forms

Most verb: add –s to infinitive Work  works
Sit  sits
Stay  stays

Verbs ending in consonants + y: change y to i Cry  cries

and add –es Hurry  hurries
Reply  replies

Verbs ending in -s, -z, -ch, -sh, or -x: add -esto Miss  misses
infinitive Buzz  buzzes
Watch  watches
Fix  fixes
Exceptions Have has
Do  does
Go  goes

From the table above we can know that the form of simple present is marked by changing or
adding the letter “s” or letter “es” in the end of the infinitive but most of the verbs are added
by “s”.

Descriptive text

The addition and change the letter “s/es” is depended of the final latter of the
infinitive. If the verb ending in “consonant + y”, it must be changed the letter “y” to “i” and
add – “es”. If the verbs ending in “s, z, ch, sh, or x”, it must be added the letter “es”. The change
of final latter of infinitive also depends on the subject of the verb itself. When the subject
comes from the singular third subject, the final verb must be changed by “s/es”.
Remember that the addition and change the letter “s/es” in final infinitive only
applicable in affirmative (see table 1-Affirmative) with the singular third subject. For question
sentence, it must be given the auxiliaries “do/does” before the subject. For negative sentence,
it must be given the auxiliaries “do/does + not” 16 after the subject. The auxiliaries “do” only
for plural subject like I, you, we, and they. The auxiliaries does is for singular third subject like
he, she, and it.
Pemakaian keterangan waktu atau tanda waktu (time signal) yang bisa
dipergunakan dalam bentuk simple present tense termasuk habitual action ialah always,
usually, every day, every morning, every week, often, on Friday, at night, sometimes,
never, dan sebagainya.
2. Because of its function is to describe something by explaining its properties, then the text
will be found many descriptive adjectives (adjective), as handsome, beautiful, tall, small,
big, or if the adjective is derived from the verb, then you will find additional -ve, -ing, -nt
in tow,
3. In the descriptive text we will often find Relating verb (copula) which is (as in
characteristic number 1). In Indonesian is often interpreted as "is". Because the purpose or
function descriptive text is to describe, then definitely we will often find the word was (is).
Relating verb involve states of being and having. They are used to identify something
(identifying) or to assign a quality to something (attributive).
His name is Andy (his name was Andy), his height is 160 cm (height is 160 cm). .
List of relating verb
be = adalah, contohnya: It is a wild animal
have = memiliki, contohnya:
seem = tampak, contohnya: The problem seems difficult
appear = muncul, contohnya: The girl appears amazing
feel = terasa, contohnya: The coffe feels hot
look (like) = kelihatan, contohnya: The man looks like my brther
sound = berbunyi, contohnya: Thunder sounds frighting
smell = berbau, contohnya: The cook smells good
taste = terasa, contohnya: The meatball tastes delicious
become = menjadi, contohnya: We become older
fall = turun, contohnya: The root falls deep
get = mendapat, contohnya: The man humorous

Descriptive text

go = pergi, contohnya: The plants go high

grow = tumbuh, contohnya: The girl grows beautiful
remain =tetap, contohnya: The school remains excellent
stay = tinggal, contohnya: The problem stays confusing
turn = berubah, contohnya: The street turns bad

Examples of Descriptive Text

Text 1
Read and analyze each paragraph of the text!
My Handphone
My favorite thing is my handphone. It was actually my Dad’s handphone. After he bought a
new one, he gave it to me. The brand is realme. The display size is 6.5 inches. The color of
my handphone is black. I use it for connecting with my friends, listening to music and also
learning new languages. I have installed some language learning applications in my
handphone. I also love taking pictures with it. The result is very sharp and bright. This thing is
very useful for me.
Task 1
1. what is the title of the text? My Handphone
2. What does the text describe? Person or thing? thing
3. what is the handphone like? The display size is 6.5 inches. The color of my handphone is
4. What does the last paragraph describe and what is it called? Descriptions of handphone.

Task 2
What is being described in Text 1? discuss with your friend then Identify the paragraph(s)
that belong to identification and description!
Identification ……………………………………………………..
Descriptions ……………………………………………………………
Descriptive text

Text 2
Read and analyze each paragraph of the text!
I have a special friend. She is my classmate and sits besides me. Her identification

name is Rohma. Rohma is a quite girl and very simple on the look.

However, I really adore her. She is not only kind but also tough.
Rohma comes from a very simple family. Her father is a pedicab driver and
her mother has passed away. She has a younger brother. His name is
Rahmat. In order to help their father, Rohma and her brother work part-time to
earn some money. Rohma sells food during our class break, while her brother
sells newpapers and magazines after school.
One thing that I always admire about her is that she can manage her time
well, and she always looks cheerful.

Task 3

Read text 2 again, discuss with your friends then identify the language features used either in
text 1 or text 2 as listed in the table with some examples from the text!

Language feature Example from the text

Simple present tense
descriptive adjectives
Relating verb

Task 4
Make positive, negative and interrogative sentences based on the picture. Number one is
done for you

1. (+) Doni usually sleeps at 9 o’clock every night

(-) Doni usually doesn’t sleep at 9 o”clock every night
2. (+) …………………………………………..
3. (+)…………………………………………...
4. (+)…………………………………………...
(?) ……………………………………………

Descriptive text

2 3

True or False? Do it in your workbook.

Picture True/
No Statement Evidence

It is the chair. The

colour is black

He is Edo. He has
curly hair

Descriptive text

I love cycling. It’s

my pen. It can run
3. fast. I love the
colour. It is my
favourite colour

She is my best
friend. She wears
orange dress. She
4. has short hair.
She looks
beautiful with the
red shoes.

Task 6

Work in pairs. Make a dialogue about your

daily activities by using simple present
tense. Practice it in front of the class

Formative test
Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) A, B, C, or D
The following text is for questions number 1 to 3.
Mr. Targo is my math teacher at school. He teaches us at class IX. He is a smart
teacher. He can teach us very well. He is a strict teacher. He doesn’t like his students came
late at class. He will be very angry. Besides that he doesn’t like us cheating in the test. He
always tells us to be honest. His students must pay attention to his explanation.
Besides that Mr. Targo always does the same things everyday. Entering the classroom, he will
wash his hands in the basin in the corner the class. After that he will walk over to his desk.

Descriptive text

Sitting in her desk, he will look at and greet us formally. Then he will put on her glasses, open
his textbook and ask us what lesson we discussed the previous meeting. And then he starts
teaching. I was really amazed by his habit.

1. What is the writer’s purpose to write the text?

A. To show his dislike of his teacher.
B. To get attention of his teacher.
C. To make the readers know the character of his teacher.
D. To make the readers impressed by his teacher.
2. The writer can tell Mr. Targo habit precisely because …
A. He always come to school early
B. He admires Mr. Targo character
C. He sees Mr. Targo does the same thing everyday
D. He pays attention to Mr. Targo’s explanation.
3 “I was really amazed by his habit.” The word “amazed” is closest in meaning to …
A. Scared
B. Surprised
C. Ashamed
D. Nervous

Read the text and answer questions 4 to 7

When I just hang out in a mall one day, I saw a very beautiful bag. I love this bag at
the first sight. This was the first time I've spent much money on a bag and I don't regret it. The
bag is wonderful. It is made of thin but strong leather. The weight is light and the size keeps it
from getting stuffed with junk. It has a long shoulder strap that I like because it keeps the bag
hands-free. Its neutral color is fun and sporty. The design is simple and well-made.
The bag is very functional. It is the perfect size to carry a cell phone, a pocket sized
wallet, a small book, a pack of gum, and pens. It also fits well into my laptop backpack for
bike commuting to school. This bag also has more pockets inside so my small items don't all
fall to the bottom. In overall I really satisfy with bag

Descriptive text

4. Where does the writer usually put her small items?

a. In her pockets.
b. In her laptop backpack.
c. In her pocket size wallet.
d. In the pockets of her leather bag.
5. What makes the small items of the writer not falling down in the bag?
a. The satisfying bag
b. Her laptop backpack
c. A pocket-sized wallet
d. The pockets inside the bag
6 What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
a. The writer has a new bag.
b. The bag is very functional.
c. The bag has many pockets.
d. The writer is satisfied with the bag
7. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To retell the past event
b. To entertain the readers
c. To describe the writer’s new bag
d. To give instruction how to buy a bag
complete the text to answer questions 8 to 10
It was my birthday yesterday. got a special (8) . . . from my mother. It was an electric guitar.
The body of the guitar is red, while the handle is light brown.
The guitar is a bit heavy, but that's okay. The guitar is (9)... wood. The (10)... is so smooth
and shiny. The strings are also very nice and strong. I'm so proud of my new guitar.

8 ...
A. presentation
B. present
C. reward
D. word
9. ...
A. looked

Descriptive text

B. fond of
C. made of
D. the same as
10. ...
A. price
B. sound
C. surface
D. problem
11. She _____ her dog everyday

a. To feed

b. Feed

c. Feeds

d. Feeding

12. I ____ always ____ to the dentist

a. Do not, go

b. Does not, go

c. Do not, went

d. Does not, went

13. When __ you ____ a shower?

a. Do, took

b. Do, take

c. Do, taken

d. Do, taking

14. Q: Do you like to sing?

A: …

Descriptive text

a. Yes, I likes to sing

b. Yes, I like to sing

c. Yes, I am liking to sing

d. Yes, I liked to sing

15. Tom and I ____ ____ together.

a. Do surfing

b. Don’t surfing

c. Do surfs

d. Don’t surf

16. I ___ breakfast every day at 7 AM

a. Eat

b. To eat

c. Ate

d. Eaten

17. Q: How do you go to school?

A: We ___ the bus to school

a. Rode

b. Ridden

c. Ride

d. Riding

18. Q: When do you do your homework?

A: …

Descriptive text

a. I have did my homework at 6 PM

b. I did my homework at 6 PM

c. I do my homework at 6 PM

d. I am doing my homework at 6 PM

19. Q: Do you enjoy playing in the park?

A: …

a. No, I doesn’t enjoy playing in the park

b. No, I no enjoy playing in the park

c. No, I don’t enjoy playing in the park

d. No, I don’t enjoys playing in the park

20. Q: Does he love his mother?

A: …

a. He love his mother

b. He loves his mother

c. He to love his mother

d. He is loving his mother

State T for true statements and F for false statements based on the text below
Mr. Targo is my math teacher at school. He teaches us at class IX. He is a smart teacher.
He can teach us very well. He is a strict teacher. He doesn’t like his students came late at
class. He will be very angry. Besides that, he doesn’t like us cheating in the test. He always
tells us to be honest. His students must pay attention to his explanation.
Besides that Mr. Targo always does the same things every day. Entering the classroom, he
will wash his hands in the basin in the corner the class. After that he will walk over to his
desk. Sitting in her desk, he will look at and greet us formally. Then he will put on her

Descriptive text

glasses, open his textbook and ask us what lesson we discussed the previous meeting. And
then he starts teaching. I was really amazed by his habit
No Statements True False
1 Mr. Targo is a student
2 He is not a strict teacher
3 He will be very angry if his students came late
4 He always put on his glasses when teaching
5 He is a bad teacher


Use the words in the brackets to complete the questions (Gunakan kata-kata yang terdapat
di dalam kurung untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah )

1.I never… beer (drink)

2.Farikha .. English very well. (speak)

3.The moon …. Around the earth. (go)

4.This food is very delicious, I …. It. (like)

5.What …. She do every morning?, (Do)

6.He ,,,, them a money every month (give)

7.What ,,, in your store ? (she, buy)

8.How …. Every morning? (You, feel)

9.The river Mahakam … into Java Sea ? (flow)

10.They usually … football in the building (Play)

Descriptive text


SCHOOL : ………………………………………..
CLASS : ………………………………………..
Semester : ………………………………………..
YEAR : ………………………………………..




…………, ………………………………………..
Guru Mata Pelajaran,


NIP ………………………………………

Descriptive text

1. Summary
Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to
describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. The generic structure of
Descriptive text are identification and description. Identification; --identifying the
phenomenon to be described. Description; describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities,
or/and characteristics. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or
thing. The Language Feature of Descriptive Text;
 Using attributive and identifying process.

 Using adjective and classifiers in nominal group.

 Using simple present tense

2. Reflection
Please write your reflective summary below!
a) In this learning activities, I have learned ............................................................................... .
b) The key features of descriptive text (describing things and persons) are.................................
c) What is the difficult material for you .......................................................................................
d) it is difficult because ............................................................................................................
e) What I need to improve or learn more is/are ...........................................................................

3. Answer key

Task 1

1. My Handphone
2. thing
3. The display size is 6.5 inches. The color of my handphone is black
4. Descriptions of handphone. description
Task 2

Identification My favorite thing is my handphone

Description The brand is realme. The display size is 6.5

inches. The color of my handphone is black.
I use it for connecting with my friends,

Descriptive text

listening to music and also learning new

languages. I have installed some language
learning applications in my handphone. I
also love taking pictures with it. The result
is very sharp and bright. This thing is very
useful for me.

Task 3

Language feature Example from the text

Simple present tense I have a special friend
descriptive adjectives Rohma is a quite girl and very simple on the look
Relating verb She is not only kind

Task 4
1. (+) Doni usually sleeps at 9 o’clock every night
(-) Doni usually doesn’t sleep at 9 o”clock every night
(?) Does Doni usually slepp at 9 o’clock every night?
2. (+) Doni always brushes his teeth every morning
(-).Doni doesn’t always brush his teeth every morning
(?).Does Doni always brush his teeth every morning?
3. (+) Doni always eats at 7 o’clock in the morning
(-) Doni doesn’t always eat at 7 o’clock in the morning
(?).Does Doni always eat at 7 o’clock in the morning?
4. (+) Doni always plays Badminton every weekend
(-) Doni doesn’t always play Badminton every weekend.
(?) Does Doni always play Badminton every weekend?

Task 5

Picture True/Fa
No Statement Evidence

It is the chair. The colour is It is the chair. The

1. False
black colour is orange

Descriptive text

2. He is Edo. He has curly hair True -

I love cycling. It’s

I love cycling. It’s my pen.
my pen. It can run
It can run fast. I love the
3. False fast. I love the
colour. It is my favourite
colour. It is my
favourite colour

She is my best
friend. She wears
She is my best friend. She
black dress. She
wears orange dress. She has
4. short hair. She looks
False has long hair. She
looks beautiful
beautiful with the red shoes.
with the orange

Task 6
Sinta : do you always go to school everyday?
Doni : yes, I do. I always go to school everyday
Formative test

1. C 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. D 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. C

11.c, 12.a, 13.b, 14.b, 15.d, 16.a, 17.c, 18.c, 19.c, 20.b


1. F

2. F

3. T

4. T

5. F

Descriptive text






7.does she buy you feel


Descriptive text



Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia.2016. When English Rings a


Aprilliasari, P. (2020) The Effectiveness of English Song in Teaching Grammar (Simple Present Tense) For
The Seventh Grade.


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