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Disusun Guna Memenuhi Tugas

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris
Dosen Pengampu : RONA MERITA, M.Pd

Kelompok : 1






By mentioning the name of God Almighty and Most Merciful, we do not forget to praise
and praise His presence who bestows His grace, His life on us, so that we can complete the
paper on "Report Text". So we thank you Rona Merita., M.Pd. As an English lecturer at the
Holy Land Islamic Institute, who has given usthis task. As for this Simple Past Tense paper, we
try our best and of course with the help of various book references and internet references, so
that we can improve writing. For that we do not forget to say many thanks to those who have
helped us in the preparation of this paper.
We hope that it can be useful in order to increase our insight and knowledge about the
Simple Past Tense in understanding both speaking and reading English sentences. We are also
fully aware that in this paper there are shortcomings and it is far from perfect. Therefore, we
expect constructive criticism, suggestions and suggestions for our paper, because nothing is
perfect without constructive suggestions. Hopefully this simple paper can be understood by
anyone who reads it.

Nganjuk, 10 April 2023



In the structure of English writing, we recognize the existence of some kind of writing
that narrative, descriptive, recount, discussion and more. Then the paper we know the type of
report writing, report text term is often also known as informational report. Report is a text the
which present information about something, as it is. It is as a result of systematic observation
and analyzes. In this occasion our group will explain about how to create or write text report is
good and right in making a piece of writing.

Formulation of the problem

What is the meaning of Report Text?

What are the social functions of the Report Text?
What is the structure of the Report Text?
What are the linguistic features of the Report Text?
What is the difference between Report Text and Descriptive Text?
What is an example of a Report Text?


To be able to know the meaning of the Report Text.

To be able to know and understand the social function of the Report Text.
To be able to understand the structure of the Report Text.
To be able to know and understand the linguistic characteristics of theReport Text.
To be able to know the difference between Report Text and DescriptiveText.
To be able to know and understand examples of Report Text.


Definition of a Report Text

Report text is a type of text that describes the details of an object. The explanation in the report
text is the result of observations, research, observations and studies on various things.

Social Function of a Report Text

The function of a report text is to present information about something generally. It generally
describes the way things are with reference to arrange of natural, manmade and social
phenomenon in our environment, such as: mammals, the planets, rocks, plants, countries of
region, cultures, transportations, and etc.
Structure of a Report Text

Title of a report text indicates the topic of the text and it is a very generalthing.

General Classification
General classification contains various general information based on observations made by the
author, the results of these observations can be in the form of animals, natural phenomena,
plants and other topics in detail.

Description consists of a description of the phenomenon/object being discussed from section to
section, habits or behavior for living things, or their use for objects in detail.

Linguistic Features of a Report Text

General nouns, use words that refer to things in general. Like 'Reptiles in Comodo Insland',
'Platypus', 'Bees', The northern hemisphere, The beaches.
Using relating verbs and action verbs. Like a is, am, are, look, see, taste, and others. Example

relating verb : Reptiles are scalyanimal.
Action verbs : Birds see a river there.
Using the Simple Present Tense timestamp. For example usually, often, always and etc. For
example, Komodo dragons usually weigh more than 160 kg.
Technical terms, using technical or scientific terms related to the topic or text of the discussion
report. For example, when making a report text about animals, the report text must include
technical or scientific terms or mention of animals.

Difference Between Report Text and Descriptive Text

The difference between report text and descriptive text is in the scope of the object or object
writing. For example, talking about bicycles, in the report text we will talk about bicycles in
general, their parts, strength, and functions of bicycles in general. While in descriptive texts,
bicycles refer to certain types such as mountain bikes, racing bicycles, etc. of course with
specific characteristics; color, wheel type, bicycle length. etc. In short, Report Text is something
that usually refers to natural phenomena, animals, and scientific objects. Report Text is written
after getting careful observation.
Example of a Report Text

The Pelican Report

General Classification
The white pelican is one of the most successful fish-eating birds.

The success is largely due to its command hunting behaviour. A group, perhaps two dozen
birds, will gather in a curved arc some distance offshore. The birds then begin to move forward
towards the shore, beating the waterfuriously with their wings, driving the fish before them.
When the water is shallow enough for the birds to reach the fish, the formation breaks up as
each bird dips its bill into the water to scoop up its meal. As the bird lifts its head, the water
drains from its bill leaving the fish which are then swallowed. Pelicans are among the oldest
group of birds, Fossils of this genus have been found dating back 40 million years.


The Understanding of Vocabulary

To master a language is not easy, because some aspects of language are not easy to learn. It is
impossible to learn a language without mastering vocabulary though within a limited area.
A word is a smallest segment of speech that can be used alone. Word is defined as a sound or
group of sound that expresses a meaning and forms an independent unit of language. 6 So, word
is smallest unit that possesses individual meaning and can be used by itself.
Hari Murti Krida Laksana points out, “Vocabulary is a component of a language that maintains
all of information about meaning and using word in language”.7
According to Webster’s New World College Dictionary, fourth edition,
vocabulary is:
A list of words and, often, phrases, abbreviations, inflectional forms, etc.
All the words of a language
All the words used by a particular person, socio economic group,profession, etc.

All the words recognized and understand, although not necessarily used byparticular person.
From those definitions, we can say that vocabulary is a smallest segment of speech that can be
used alone and maintains all informations used by person.

Type of Vocabulary

According to Finocchiaro and Bonomo in their book, “vocabulary is divided in two, namely;
Function words and contents words. The function words are closed class; which be added on
the prepositions or auxiliaries or modals or any other structure words of the language. The
content words; on the other hand, can be added to any time at any scientific advances make new
words and communication about new invention necessary, for example; a word of quantity or
measure is usually preceded by “a” and followed by “of” in English. (a piece of bread, a head of
lettuce, a pound of bananas).

Function words mean this vocabulary can be added with preposition or auxiliaries or modals
or structure. Content words in the other hand can be added to any time as a scientific
advances make a new word e. g words that mean a quality or size will add “a” and follow with
“of” a piece of bread, a cup of tea, a spoon of sugar.
John Hay Craft in his book points out that vocabulary is classified into active and passive
vocabulary. Active vocabulary-words that the students understand can pronounce correctly and
uses constructively in speaking and writing. Passive vocabulary-words that the students
recognize and understand when they occur in a context, but which cannot produce correctly

Active Vocabulary

Active Vocabulary refers to put items that the learner can use appropriately in speaking or
writing. Although in fact it is more difficult to put into practice. It means that to use the active
vocabulary, the student must know how to pronounce it well, they must know and able to use
grammar of the target language, they also must be familiar with collocation and understand the
connotation meaning of the words. Those types are often used in speaking andwriting skills

Passive Vocabulary

Passive vocabulary refers to language item that can be recognize and understood in context of
reading or listening.
From the explaining above, we know that every expert in every book is different in classifying
the kinds of vocabulary, because every person has different way in showing and telling his
opinions and ideas.

Word Card

Word card is a part of vocabulary learning technique. Many techniques are used to train student
vocabulary. In Scott Thurnbury’s book mentioned; like using mnemonic, word card, guessing
from context, coping strategies for production, using dictionary, spelling rules, and keeping

The step of word card technique

learners write a word to be learned on one side of a small card (about the size of a bussiness
card) and its mother tounge translation on the other.
Depending on the difficulty of the words, a full set at any one time should consist of between
20 – 50 cards.
Words do not have to belong to lexical sets.
Learners test them selves on the words by first recalling the meaning ofthe new word.
They can reverse the process, using the translation to trigger the form ofthe new word.
Words that cause difficulty should be moved to the top of the pile.
The sequence of learning and review should become increasingly spaced.
As words are learned they should be discarded, and new word cards madeand added to the set.
Some Activities in Using Word Cards in Class

Peer teaching and testing: At the beginning of the lesson, pair students off, and ask them to
compare their current word card sets. Encourage them toteach each other the words in their
sets that they do not share, and to test each other.
Association games: for example, each learner lays down one card at the same time, with the L2
word face up. The first to make a coherent sentence incorporating both words gets a point.
Guess my word: When learners are already familiar with each other’s word cards, each takes a
word at random, and the other has to guess which word it is by asking yes/no question, such
as Is it a noun/verb/adjective
…? Does it begin with ….? Has it got one/two/three syllable …? Etc.

De-vowelled words: Each of a pair selects a word from their word cards and writes it down
without its vowels – their partner has to work out what the word is.
Ghost writing: Each of a pair takes turns to write the word in their air, or
on the their partner’s back. Their partner has to work out what the word is.

Categories: In pairs or small groups, learners organize their words into categories, e.g.
according to whether the words have hot or cold, or masculine or feminine, or good or bad, or
sweet or sour, association.
From some activities of word cards above to train students’ vocabulary, we can use vocabulary

cards or word cards as instructional media in teaching-learning vocabulary items in the class,
also can train students’ vocabulary mastery with fun.

The Meaning of Picture

Picture is a kind of visual instruction materials might be used more effectively to develop and
sustain motivation in producing positive attitude toward English and to teach language skills.
Some experts gave the explanation of pictures, as follow:
In Webster New World dictionary of American English, it can be seen that: “picture is an image
or likeliness of an object, person, or scene procedure on a flat surface, especially by painting,
drawing or photography”.
Vernon S. Gerlacha stated:
“ Pictures are a two dimension visual representation of person, place, or things. Photograph
prints are most common, but sketches, cartoons, murals, cut outs, charts, graphs, and maps are
widely used…” A picture may not only be worth a thousand words it may also be worth a
thousand years or a thousand miles. Through pictures, learner can see people, places, and
things from areas for out side their own picture can also represent images from ancient
times or portray the future.”11

Andrew Wright pointed out that pictures are the most suitable for the revision of known
language and for recombination or manipulation word, the picture or acting as a cue for
substitution the size and shape of the pictures are excellent for speedy and stimulating words.12

The Type of Picture

According to Betty Morgan Bowen, there are some types of pictures as theirshapes:
Wall Charts

Wall pictures

Wall pictures is simply a large illustration of scene or event a set scenes or events. It is
usually to be used with the whole class.
Sequence Picture

Sequence picture is a series of pictures of a single subject. Its function is to tell a story or a
sequence of events.
Flash Cards
Word flashcard, card with printed words on it can help up rapidly; the cards can be used to
demonstrate exactly what the teacher wishes.
Picture flashcard, useful for the representation of a single concept, such as an object or an
Work Cards
Include visual as well as text magazine pictures, drawing, maps and diagrams can be important
part or work card at all levels, used for variety of purposes.
Teaching Vocabulary by Using Word Cards
Teaching vocabulary by using word cards is one of the alternative ways to teach vocabulary in
elementary school. Teachers can use various ways activities using word cards like peer teaching
and testing, association games, guess my word, de-vowelled words, ghost writing, and
In this case, the teacher uses guessing my word activity; first, each student has 10 untill 15 word
that they made before, second, pair students off, and ask them to compare their current words
sets. Then when learners are already familiar with each other’s word cards, each takes a word at
random, and other has to guess which word it is by asking yes/no wuestions, such as Is it a
noun/verb/adjective…? Does it begin with …?

Teaching Vocabulary by Using Picture

Picture for vocabulary teaching come from many sources. In addition to those drawn by the
students or by the teacher, there are attractive sets, which are intended for schools. Pictures
which have been cut out of magazines and newspapers are also useful; many inexpensive books
for children have attractive picture, which show meaning of basic words.
Often a picture will show a situation or a scene in which there are several different thing and
person. It is good for students to see the total scene or picture to see how its parts are related to
the whole. It is also helpful (especially for beginner in English).
For example, we have some pictures like a church, a bus, a taxi, traffic light, a policeman, and
mailbox. Suppose each of all pictures is large enough to be seen by all in the class. The students
have seen and heard the English word for each one, and copied the word into their notebooks.
Here is one way in teaching vocabulary by using picture:

The teacher arranges the pictures along ledge of the black board, saying something like this.
“We’ll put the we’ll put the taxi here. That is the first picture. Then the bus… then the traffic
light…then the policeman…”
The teacher ask a member of the class to come to the blackboard.

Teacher: a member class is going to move one of the picture of us. We are going to tell him
which picture to move. “Please move the policeman”. Put the policeman first. (a member
class moves the picture of the policeman, placing it first in the row in the ledge of the
The teacher indicates that various members or the class should request a member in front of
class to make other changes in the order of the picture using English. For example:
A student: Move the taxi. Put the taxi first (a member in front of class doesso)
A student: Move the traffic light, etc.
After each rearrangement of the pictures, the teacher (and then various

students) says: “Now the is first; the is second; the is third.”

Instructional Media

The Understanding of Instructional Media

Media is called as instructional media when it conveys messages which are related to the
instructional objectives, for example to facilitate communication14.
To Heinich, Molenda, and Russel state that media is a means of communication. It can refer to
anything that carries information between source and a receiver. 15 In terms of media used in
From the statements above, we can say that instructional media are means which are used to
support teaching learning process. Media play an important role in improving student’s ability.
The use of media creatively will make the students improve their performance in study the
teaching learning process.

The Function of Instructional Media

Teaching aids (instructional media) are useful in the teaching learning process. Finnochiaro
points out that the class could be more active if the media can attract student’s attention.
...16 Therefore, the student will give a response to anattractive thing.
Moreover, Latuheru states that visual media can also prevent misunderstanding since they can
see and touch, it will be easier for them to understand and remember the lesson.17
There is an old proverb saying that “I hear I’ll forget, I see I’ll remember, I get involved I’ll
learn”. It means that if the teachers always give the material or the information orally, it is
rather difficult for the students to remember and understand the information. Although, in the
learning process materials are given by using interesting visual media, such as pictures,
miniatures, maps, cards, charts, and real objects, it will be easier if the students are given
chances to do or touch the things.
The student can get their learning result better when the media can be integrated in learning
process, and improve student’s interest, understanding and memory.


Tesla cars are one of the official electric cars operating in the world today. Electric cars are one of
the solutions to protect the environment from the exhaust fumes of conventional cars. In addition,
electric power is believed to be more efficient than fuel consumption. Electric cars are also believed
to be the future cars that the world needs.
The Tesla car, a product of Elon Musk’s company, has been in operation for 15 years. The first
Tesla Mobi was the Roadster which was the first generation. However, the car’s main success
began when it launched the Model S Sedan in 2012.
Until now, Tesla cars have continued to grow. The Tesla company is currently designing new
batteries to store more electricity and increasingly sophisticated automobile systems.

Sun Bear

The Sun Bear (Helarctos Malayanus) is a small bear and even the smallest of the eight types of
bears in the world. The sun bear is a typical animal of Bengkulu Province.

In addition to its relatively small size, the sun bear’s fur tends to be short, smooth but shiny and
black. In general, his eyes are black or blue with a relatively wider nose but not as muzzle as other
The dwelling of this animal is in a primary forest or secondary forest that is commonly used as an
agricultural area. Sun bears are common in trees with a height of 2-7 meters.

Volcanic Eruptions

Volcanic eruptions are a process of the magma exiting from within the magma chamber located
inside the volcano. This happens because there is magma activity as well as tectonic plate
Volcanic eruptions are natural disasters because they carry magma, hot and cold lava, dense ash,
and others. As a result, the land around the volcano will be damaged, disrupting the farming
activities of the surrounding residents. Residents will also lose livestock, homes, and other
Nevertheless, volcanic eruptions will bring benefits in the long term. Because the volcanic ash that
comes out will make the surrounding agricultural land fertile.
Materials from volcanic eruptions such as sand and stone can be used for new housing
developments and others. In addition, new jobs such as sand mining will be opened so that people
who lose their property can continue to work to obtain their daily needs.


This report will provide an overview of drones, their history, types, uses, and future prospects.


The history of drones can be traced back to the early 1900s, when they were used for military purposes.
However, it was only in the 1990s that the technology became widely available for commercial use.


Drones can be classified into various categories based on their size, shape, and function. Some of the most
common types include fixed-wing drones, multi-rotor drones, and hybrid drones.


Drones are used in a variety of industries, including agriculture, construction, cinematography, and search
and rescue operations. They are also used for package delivery, monitoring wildlife, and inspecting

Future prospects:

The future of drones looks bright, with the market expected to grow significantly in the coming years.
Drones are likely to be used in more industries, and their capabilities will continue to improve with
advancements in technology.


In conclusion, drones are an important technology that has revolutionized many industries. They offer
numerous benefits, including cost savings, increased efficiency, and improved safety. As the technology
continues to advance, the potential uses of drones are limitless.


This report provides an overview of the internet, its history, uses, impact on society, and future prospects.


The history of the internet can be traced back to the 1960s, when the first packet-switching networks were
developed. However, it wasn’t until the 1990s that the internet became widely accessible to the public.


The internet is used for a wide range of purposes, including communication, research, entertainment, and
commerce. It has transformed the way we live, work, and interact with each other.

Impact on society:

The internet has had a significant impact on society, enabling people to connect and communicate across
the globe. It has also transformed the way we access information, shop, and do business. However, it has
also raised concerns about privacy, security, and the spread of misinformation.

Future prospects:

The future of the internet looks promising, with advancements in technology and connectivity. We can
expect faster speeds, more widespread access, and increased innovation in areas such as virtual and
augmented reality.


In conclusion, the internet is a transformative technology that has changed the way we live our lives. While
it has brought numerous benefits, it has also raised important issues that need to be addressed. As we move
forward, we can expect the internet to continue to evolve and shape our world in new and exciting ways.

CCTV or Closed Circuit Television is a surveillance or monitoring system that uses cameras and
video recorders to record activities that occur in a certain place. CCTV is usually installed in public places
such as shopping centers, office buildings, or highways for security and surveillance purposes.

The working principle of CCTV is to record video and audio from the CCTV installed environment and
store it into a recording device or server. The video and audio can then be viewed and analyzed by
operators or users who have access to the CCTV system.

CCTV has many uses in various fields, such as security, environmental monitoring, and criminal
investigation. In the security field, CCTV can help identify criminals, prevent criminal acts, and provide
recorded evidence for investigative purposes.

However, the use of CCTV can also raise privacy and data security concerns. Therefore, the use of CCTV
must be done wisely and responsibly, following applicable rules, and paying attention to the environmental
and social impacts of its use.

In its development, CCTV continues to experience technological improvements, so that it can be used for
more sophisticated purposes such as video analysis and facial identification. They can also be connected to
the internet, so they can be accessed online remotely, increasing their effectiveness and security.

A mobile phone (also known as a wireless phone, cell phone, or cellular telephone) is a very small portable
radio telephone.The first mobile phone networks were created in the late 1970s in Japan. A cell phone
combines technologies, mainly telephone, radio, and computer. Cell phones work as two-way radios. They
send electromagnetic microwaves from base station to base station. The waves are sent through antennas.
This is called wireless communication.

There are different kinds of phones. A flip phone flips open, and is best for calling. A bar phone is shaped
like a candy bar, and the keys and screen are on one face. A slate phone is a phone that has almost no
buttons, and uses a touchscreen. Most smartphones are slates. A slider phone slides on rails. It can slide
out number keys or a mini keyboard, but some do both. A swivel spins on an axle.

Many 21st century mobile phones are smartphones. These phones can be used for email, browsing the
internet, playing music and games, and many other functions that computers can perform. This is because
mobile phones basically are small computers. Older phones also used computer technology, but lacked
many of the parts of a computer that were too big to fit into a phone. Modern phone makers have been able
to use smaller parts. Most smartphones are also GPS receivers and digital cameras.



Report Text is a text in English grammar that describes an investigation or announces general
information. The function of the report text is to provide various kinds of information to the
reader about an object from the text. There are 3 structure of report text, namely title, general
classification, and description.
The linguistic features of the report text use nouns, related verbs and action verbs, use Simple
Present Tense time markers, use technical or scientific terms. The difference between report
text and descriptive text is the scope of the object.


From the studies that have been carried out, it is hoped that we can understand more about the
Report Text. Realizing that the author is still far from perfect, therefore, if there are suggestions
or criticisms of our paper, hopefully they are constructive and serve as guidelines for us to be
even better so that in the future the authors will be more focused and detailed in explaining the
paper above,with more and more reliable sources.



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