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KD 3.9 – 4.

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4.9 Teks Information Report
4.9.1 Menangkap makna secara
kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial,
3.9 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
struktur teks, dan unsur teks information report lisan dan tulis,
kebahasaan beberapa teks sangat pendek dan sederhana, terkait
information report lisan dan tulis topik yang tercakup dalam mata
dengan memberi dan meminta pelajaran lain di Kelas IX
informasi terkait mata pelajaran 4.9.2 Menyusun teks information report
lain di Kelas IX, pendek dan lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan
sederhana, sesuai dengan sederhana, terkait topik yang tercakup
konteks penggunaannya dalam mata pelajaran lain di Kelas IX,
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan,
secara benar dan sesuai konteks

Activity 1.
Read the texts below

Text 1

Fish live in saltwater and freshwater all over the world. They come in many
different shapes and sizes, but most are covered in scales and have strong fins for
swimming. A fish’s scales all lie in the same direction to help the fish slip through
Like us, fish need oxygen to live. But instead of breathing air, they absorb the
oxygen in water. Water enters the mouth and is swept over the gills. The oxygen
passes from the water into tiny blood vessels in the gills.
Fish often swim in groups called shoals. One reason they do this is for
protection. Many fish together can confuse a predator. This makes it hard for the
predator to single out a fish.

Text 2


A school is a place where students go to learn. Today children in most

countries must go to school for a number of years and the teachers help them to
A school is headed by a principal or a headmaster. At school students can
learn skills and knowledge that are useful for the life now and in the future. In most
countries students learn basic subjects—science, music, geography, history, and
languages. They also learn extracurricular activities. In Indonesia, religion is a
compulsory subject with their teachers and their friends. Students also learn to be
good people who can differentiate between right and wrong and between acceptable
and unacceptable behavior
KD 3.9 – 4.9 2


 Definition of Report text

Report is a text which presents information about something, as it is. It is as a result
of systematic observation and analyses.
“Report adalah sebuah teks yang menghadirkan informasi tentang suatu hal secara
apa adanya. Teks ini adalah sebagai hasil dari observasi dan analisa secara

 Purpose of Report text

 To describe something in general
 To presents information about something, as it is

 Generic Structure of Report text

 General Classification: Stating classification of general aspect of thing; animal,
public place, plant, etc. which will be discussed in general

“Menyatakan klasifikasi aspek umum hal; hewan, tempat umum, tanaman, dll
yang akan dibahas secara umum”
 Description: tells what the phenomenon under discussion; in terms of parts,
qualities, habits or behaviors.
“Pada bagian ini biasanya memberikan gambaran fenomena-fenomena yang
terjadi; baik bagian-bagiannya, sifat-sifatnya, kebiasaannya, ataupun tingkah
lakunya. Intinya adalah penjabaran dari klasifikasi yang disajikan dengan ilmiah”

 The Characteristics / Language Feature of Report text:

 Most reports are written in the present tense.
 Some reports use technical or scientific terms.
 Linking verbs are used, e.g. is, are, has, have, belong to, to give coherence.
 Uses some action verbs (climb, eat).
 Descriptive language is used that is factual rather than imaginative e.g. color,
shape, size, body parts, habits, behaviors, functions, uses.


 Report text adalah salah jenis genre of text yang masuk kategori descriptive.
Definisi report text itu sendiri adalah sebuah genre atau jenis teks yang berusaha
menggambarkan sesuatu seperti benda, manusia, tumbuhan, hewan dan lain
sebagainya yang masih sangat umum.
 Cara membedakan report text dan descriptive text yang paling mudah adalah
dengan melihat apakah sesuatu yang digambarkan tersebut umum atau khusus.
Jika sesuatu tersebut adalah umum, maka jenis textnya adalah report. Tetapi
jika khusus, maka jenis textnya adalah descriptive.
KD 3.9 – 4.9 3

The example of Generic structure:

School Generic Structure of Report text

A school is a place where students go to
learn. Today children in most countries must go to
General Classification
school for a number of years and the teachers help
them to learn
A school is headed by a principal or a
headmaster. At school students can learn skills and
knowledge that are useful for the life now and in the
future. In most countries students learn basic
subjects—science, music, geography, history, and
languages. They also learn extracurricular activities. Description
In Indonesia, religion is a compulsory subject with
their teachers and their friends. Students also learn
to be good people who can differentiate between
right and wrong and between acceptable and
unacceptable behavior
Activity 2.
Read the text and pay attention to the table analysis below

Bats have big ears, furry bodies a wings like leather. They are nocturnal
mammals. This means they sleep in caves during the day and fly out to feed at
Bats are the only mammals that can fly. They are very fast and
acrobatic. When they chase after insects, they twist and turn in mid-air. Bats
use sound to catch insects in the darkness. They send out high-pitched
squeals that humans cannot hear. The echoes that bounce back tell the bats
exactly where they will find their prey.
Flying foxes, or fruit bats, are large bats that live in tropical Africa and
Asia. They mainly eat fruit. Flying foxes are important because they help to
spread the pollen and seeds of many plants.
1. They are nocturnal mammals.
2. Bats are the only mammals that can fly.
3. Flying foxes, or fruit bats, are large bats that live in tropical
Africa and Asia.
Habitat This means they sleep in caves during the day.
1. This means they sleep in caves during the day
2. and fly out to feed at night-time.
3. When they chase after insects,
4. they twist and turn in mid-air.
Habits 5. Bats use sound to catch insects in the darkness.
6. They send out high-pitched squeals that humans cannot hear.
The echoes that bounce back tell the bats exactly where they
7. will find their prey.
8. They [lying foxes] mainly eat fruit.
Physical 1. Bats have big ears, furry bodies and wings like leather.
characteristics 2. They are very fast and acrobatic.
Flying foxes are important because they help to spread the pollen
and seeds of many plants.
KD 3.9 – 4.9 4

 Analyze the generic structure of the text 1 and make the table analysis after that
KD 3.9 – 4.9 5
Activity 3.
Read the texts and answer the questions

Rock Music

Rock music is part of popular music today. It is played and listened in almost every
countries in the world. Rock and roll was the name given to the music that developed in
the early 1950’s. It is believed that the term rock and roll was first used by a disk jockey,
Alan Freed.
In 1955, records of a young singer from Tennessee, Elvis Presley, were heard
across the US. After he appeared on nation-wide television, Elvis Presley’s singing and his
performing style came to mean rock and roll all over the world. Then came Bill Haley and
The Comets. Rock mainly became the music of the young. They understood its beat and
sound, and its lyrics.
The 1970’s were the time of big developments in the rock industry. Rock became a
very big business, earned more money annually than any other form of entertainment
including the film industry.

1. What was the name given to the music developed in the early 1950’s?
2. Who was Elvis Presley?
3. What happened after he appeared on nation-wide television?
4. Who emerged after Elvis?
5. What happened in the 1970’s?

Elephants: The Amazing Animals

Elephants are the largest land animals on earth. They have the largest brains of any
mammal. Elephants talk to each other. Researchers have discovered more than 50
different types of calls that they use to communicate with each other. Their trunks are
strong enough to pick up trees but sensitive enough to pick up a flower. They use them
as tools to sweep paths, to scratch themselves, to swat flies, and to draw in the dirt. They
are good swimmers and use their trunks like snorkels. They live together in family
groups. They help each other when in trouble. They join together to care for and rescue
their young.
1. What kind of animal is reported in the text?
2. What is its brain like?
3. Mention its parts of the body as described in the text
4. How do they sweep paths?
5. Do elephants like to isolate themselves from other elephants? Why or why

Activity 4.

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