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CONTEMPORARY FEMINISTIC ECHOES IN Woman. Rousseau’s cry “Man was born free but he is in chains
ANAND’S NOVELS everywhere” fed and watered the undernourished feminist
– Bishun Kumar* movement. Mary Wollstonecraft was followed by J.S Mill’s On
the Subjection of Women (1869)’ which was followed by Virginia
Abstract : Resistance, revolt, education, frankness, economic Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own, Kate Millet’s Sexual Politics,
independency and exposure of body are the hallmarks of con- Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex, Elaine Showalter’s
temporary women. This paper aims at searching for the contem- Towards Feminist Poetics and many others.
porary women in Mulk Raj Anand's novels in the light of the Mulk Raj Anand is not a feminist rather a ruthless social
progressive nature of feminism. Women's journey of progress critic and humanist as he himself asserts in his article “ In Search of
began with the publication of Mary Wollstonecraft's work A Faith” ‘I believe in man’ (151-86). But women constitute
Vindication of the Rights of Woman and has attained shifting complementary part of men in society. Therefore, a social critic
characters in modern time like 'modern woman’, 'new woman'
cannot ignore them from social and cultural history. Anand’s novels
and finally 'newly born woman'. In Anand's novels, features of
are reflections of contemporary Indian culture and culture is always
modernity begin with Sohini's 'resistance' against her physical
exploitation in Untouchable and proceeds to Leila's 'revolt' dynamic and in state of flux. In Michael Foucault’s view that; “all
against her sexual harassment in Two Leaves and a Bud. Maya's discourses of an era are both production and propagator, determines
breakthrough of the conventional system of arranged marriages what is ‘true’ and ‘normal’ during the period in relation to these all
and coming back to her lover Lal Singh in The Village. Janki's other forms of behavior or either seen to have criminal, insane or
avoidance of cultural stereotypes and hatred against the pre- sexually deviant.”
scribed rules for the widows and her frankness, modernity, and Dynamics of Feminism brought women out of the prison
open love for Ananta after the death of her unmatched hus- of patriarchy. It brought fourth women from passive tolerance of
band in The Big Heart, Gauri's economic independence and their own exploitation to resistance and revolt, from forced marriage
education in The Old Woman and the Cow and Ganga Dasi's to the marriage of their own choice, from arranged marriage to
winning back her body and using it as her unfailing weapon to
runaway marriage, from chastity syndrome to live in relationship,
crush even the powerful corrupt men in The Private Life of an
from Victorian prudery to renaissance humanism, from shyness
Indian Prince.
to frankness and openness, from suppression of their desire to
Keywords :Cultture, Modern Women, Newly Born Woman, embrace physical pleasure, from illiteracy and savagery to education
Subjection, Vindication, Feminism, Poetics, Dalit,Subaltern, and talent, from weakness to power, from irrational to rational,
Untouchables, Sexual Politics, phallocentric, izzat, from male dependence to self dependence, from fear to self-reliance,
from familial to individual, from social conventions to the need of
Feminism is one of the hot topics of contemporary literary life what G. B. Shaw calls ‘life force’ after all she attains ‘so many
studies. After Betty Friedan’s formation of ‘National Organization freedoms.’
of Women (NOW)’ in America in 1966, it evolved as a revolutionary In Post-World War II period momentum attained by voice
movement but seeds of feminism were sown centuries ago when and resistance of the suppressed and marginalized class like Dalit,
in 1792 Mary Wollstonecraft wrote A Vindication of Rights of subalterns and more especially of women has affected the literature

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of the time. More or less, all writers have realized its inescapable Maya’s turning into revolutionary ‘in flickering of an eyelid’
force. Anand’s inclination towards feministic concerns is evidenced is not convincing enough. Yet we see in her character, women’s
in his work “The Bride: An Essay on the Status of Women in India” change in the role of the modern world. She contracts runaway
lines written to an Indian Air, where he criticizes marriage of a girl. marriage with Lal Singh even after being married and widowed.
Says, Anand, ‘marriage is the destiny usually offered to women by Maya is under impression that she retains womanly qualities of
society where she is forced to obey all through her life “the whims virginal purity and vitality even after her previous marriage. Her
of a man chosen for her by others”’(17). In the past two and a half widowhood could not diminish her complete enthusiasm in life.
decades, literature in general and fiction in particular has reflected Her love for life makes her powerful. She believes that the diverse
the rejection of certain milestones, traditions and stereotypes. possibilities that life offers need not be ignored by the individual. It
Richardson Diane and Robinson in their revolutionary work is this theory of active involvement in life in the right spirit that makes
Introducing Women’s Studies summarize the change in woman’s Maya ‘a new woman’. A new woman is not victim of foolish,
attitude. foppish, stupid, sexual modesty. She resists and revolts for the
The influence of feminism has meant that women sake of the vitality of her life.
no longer have to see motherhood, Concept of ‘new woman’ is a Post-modern and Post-
heterosexuality and marriage as the only World War II phenomenon in feminism. Contemporary woman is
possible life style and myths portraying women’s worried about her individual self. She wishes to live life on her own
happiness as being confirmed within these
accord rather than becoming a puppet in the hands of domineering
parameters now exploded (223).
man. She demands for her rights and her own status no less than a
Anand’s novels keep pace with the dynamics of feminism.
man. She does not want to sub-ordinate man but to stand on equal
He fuses gradual up-gradation and maturity in his female characters
footings. Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own and ‘Judith
with the maturity of feminism phase by phase. Echoes of feminism
Shakespeare’ Kate Millet’s Sexual Politics and Elaine Showalter’s
can be traced from his very first novel Untouchable. Sohini, Bakha’s
Towards Feminist Poetics all evidence the change in women’s
vivacious sister resists against her physical exploitation by Pandit
attitude for their own individuality and identity of independent of
Kalinath. However, she fails to counter strike for having been
conditioned in age long conventional Indian culture. Leila in Two
In Maya, Anand has projected ‘a new woman’ whom one
Leaves and a Bud goes one step ahead by revolting against her
can compare with Renaissance humanism who believes in the
physical exploitation by the tea planter Reggie Hunt. Unfortunately
fullness of life. It is her belief in the fullness of life which puts her in
she loses her father. In The Village, Maya the beloved of Lalu is
a state of disharmony with society. Maya feels that life should be
married to an unmatched man. She suffers from unhappy loveless
lived in a meaningful manner and she knows that it is only the
married life and soon becomes widow. Widowhood in India is a
individual who has to create meaning and live in harmony. The
curse on women. A widow is prescribed by very rigid rules and
boldness with which she sets aside her previous marriage and
social ostracism to the punishment meted out to her for
widowhood is secured from her belief in life.
noncompliance. It ceases life to an insensate thing. In third part of
Gone are the days when woman entered into the
the Trilogy The Sword and the Sickle Maya breaks through
unbreakable bond of marriages availed by parents and bore the
meaningless tradition and reaches to Lalu and demands love.

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seven oaths taken during her matrimony. Today, she does not want life that they find in listening to their inner self and the craving for
to live life bound by terms and conditions. She longs to be centered her life force is thousand times better than obedience to conventions.
on the vitality of life. She wants all her desires to be fulfilled whether Janki goes one step ahead Maya. Maya forces Lalu to marry her
social or unsocial, whether traditional or anti-traditional. She has to get social and legal recognition while Janki needs no social or
librated herself from marital confinement. Now she is in state of legal recognition. She not only lives happily with Ananta but gains
ecstasy. confidence and empowers herself to fight against the passivity of
The need for ‘live in relationship’ has already been realized her feminity. After Ananta’s death she holds the responsibility to
and experimented by Anand in his novel The Big Heart which lead his mission of social reform. Anand has portrayed that a widow
after 65 years even The Honorable Supreme Court has also needed craves for the demand of her body which society wishes her to
to implement. Janki, a leading female character is married to an crush down.
elderly man who dies soon after her marriage with him. In the By making Janki live with Ananta as his mistress, Anand
beginning of the novel she was exposed as a T.B patient rooted to wants to point out the factor which paved the way for the rise of
the Nawari bed, was almost on the verge of death. Her emancipated new woman. The right of the individual to determine his own destiny
body was withering away day by day. But this illness could not the act of glorifying the freedom of chance, the tendency to keep
destroy her spirit in her heart any way. Premila Paul points out the aside any norm which diverts one from the stream of life, the value
complex conditions in which Janki finds herself: of appreciating all pleasures of life, the attempt at resisting traditions
After the death of her elderly husband the society which block the growth of human life, the call for strengthening
expects her to be dead to all impulses and live only humanism of things are largely different factors which pave the path
to worship the memory of him, her lord and master. for humanness of things or the rise of a new woman like Janki.
It is said “ her life would have been remained a Janki’s desire is to live even after the death of her husband.
series of insults if she had been condemned to mourn She feels that a woman can live only when she breaks away from
the death of an elderly husband to whom she had the cobwebs of tradition. Without the freedom of living, human life
been married by arrangement” (1945: 115). cannot express itself. The value system created by society is what
Janki disapproves the truth of the traditional axiom of the posses a threat to life and human dignity. Janki is an ailing woman
Hindu religion that there is no life after the death of the husband. suffering from dreadful tuberculosis yet her joy of living is not fully
Anand has seen the danger of widowhood which means denial of suppressed. But the problem with Janki is that her life with Ananta
life and denial of life means denial of existence. It is Ananta, the is not recognized by society. Society, rather than helping her, acts
protagonist who recognizes Janki’s vitality even after her widowhood as a greatest monster that determines to crush her life. But she
and lying as a T.B. patient. He brings her life back by caring during recognizes the call of her life force and embraces the call, hitting
her illness. Janki after recovering her health lives openly with Ananta the society aside. The life of Janki proves that marriage by
revolting against society and religious norms and emerges as a New arrangement has no relation to human temperament. Its success is
Woman. a matter of accident and its failure to be a matter of principle which
Janki’s relationship with Ananta is a slap on the traditional shows that the individual’s concerned havenot exercised their
marriages. Maya in The Village and Janki in The Big Heart both option. Janki’s attempt for the option to find her purpose in life and
find themselves entrapped in traditional marriages. The pleasure of
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her desire to vitalize her life in living with Ananta makes her an consumption to get physical luxury but Anand’s Ganga Dasi entraps
emancipated woman. Maya’s avoidance of widowhood and Janki’s the powerful men even princes and kings like Maharaja Victor
acceptance of the unofficial husband Ananta make them new women. also. Moreover, Anand hits hard the ‘virginity syndrome’ what is
Maya and Janki are the forerunners of widow re-marriage and called chastity or izzat of women. His Ganga Dasi is forerunner of
emancipate from marital confinement. Widow re-marriage is telling promiscuity and polyandry. Anand counter attacks polygamy.
example of the liberation of women in contemporary world. Mahashweta Debi has also made an attempt at introducing
French feminists have been deeply influenced by polyandry to overcome feminine weakness but her character
psychoanalysis especially by Jacques Lacan’s reworking of Freud. Dopadi in true sense is not projection of polyandry but forced
According to Freud women suffer from the ‘penis complex’. She gang rape by police but she refuses to be clothed by men again.
defines herself negatively and assumes herself a woman, inferior to She is an image of resistance and invincible spirit. In Draupadi
man because she lacks the penis. She lives under the pressure of what to be represented is an erotic object transformed into an
penis envy and finds the world phallocentric. The woman herself is object of torture and revenge where the line between (hetero)
responsible for her ‘castration complex’ which results in her sexuality and gender violence are to blur.
regarding herself as ‘hommes masques’ rather than a positive sex But Anand’s Ganga Dasi is against men’s perception of
in their own right. women. According to feminist theories women are silenced by rape.
Anand’s character Ganga Dasi in Private life of an Indian Ganga like Mahashweta’s Dopadi emboldens her voice after her
Prince rejects Freud’s theory of women’s weakness due to penis rape. Generally women are prisoner of their body but for Ganga
complex. Ganga Dasi creates the myth of female-penis complex. her body (youth) brings her power. When common women feel
She is a leading female character in the novel. She is daughter of weak due to the fluid in their womb, Ganga rates her fluid (sexual
state priest Pandit Piyare Lal and appears as mistress to Maharaja energy). When common women feel themselves unchaste and suffer
Ashok Kumar better known as Prince Victor or called by distorted from shame if they happen to enter into polyandry. Ganga in other-
name Vicky. hand is proud of taking lover after lover. When common women
Anand’s novels deal with variety of women in various are dwarfed by exercise of men’s physical love Ganga dwarfs giant
moods. He produces his female characters as the counter response men by exercise of her physical love with them. Prince Vicky himself
to all traditional concepts that act to weaken women. According to admits, “I am trapped, I tell you, I am like a rat in a hole”
general conventions, ‘rape’ of a girl weakens her and crushes her The concepts of monoandry and devotion for her husband
life into pieces. But in Anand’s novel Private Life of an Indian and suppressing of her own desire of physical pleasure for the
Prince, rape empowers Ganga Dasi. As Mahashweta Devi’s sake of family prestige (izzat) have now eroded. Ganga Dasi changes
Dopadi (Droupadi) could not be brokenentirely even after the gang lovers as a fashionable girl changes her garments. She shows the
rape. Anand’s Ganga is comparatively more powerful and brave valley of her ever changing moods. She is married to Shivram, a
to that of Mahasheweta’s Dopadi Mejhen. She wins back her body. poor drunkard brahmin. Finding her lust unquenched she runs away
She attains more and more power in the same female organs for with professional wrestler and gambler named Motilal. When Motilal
which she was weak and in miserable condition. According to becomes bankrupt she chases an accountant of the Imperial Bank
conventional theories women are entrapped by men for the named Kishan Chand. The voyage of her sex expedition goes on

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with a lawyer Balmukund, Professor Advani, export import to go back her (parents’) home. She has no home to take her in.
merchant Mulk Raj, the cloth merchant Munni Lal and confectioner Ultimately she comes in the contact of colonel Mahindra who
Homi Mehta who gives his entire property to her, expecting she awaken her how to identify her even intrinsic worth. The benign
would settle with him. Anand’s Ganga Dasi is counter response of spell of Mahendra, the modern god for Gauri, teaches her how to
Reggie Hunt in the Novel Two Leaves and a Bud. Reggie Hunt identify herself as an individual and makes her strong to face crises.
keeps hunting big game (the women) to satisfy his sexual lust. Ganga He trains her in nursing profession and makes her stand on her
Dasi, a leading female figure in Private Life of an Indian Prince, own feet.
in turn, hunts men and makes them prey of her sex. After Homi Like Sarita (Saru) in Shashi Deshpande’s The Dark Holds
Mehta she captures Vicky through her professions of physical love No Terror Gauri too appears as the prototype of modern woman.
while communicating with Hari Shankar he himself admits: Her education and self-dependence transforms her from a cow to
But I felt that someone had come into my life, an individual personality. She becomes bold and confident. Her
someone who knew the life of a town like Lahore boldness and confidence is obvious when banker Seth Jai Ram
amidst all these yokels, someone to cling in the midst Das tries to seduce Gauri. She warns him, “I am guarded by the
of all the artificiality of the state where I was a kind goddess so do not come near me or you will burn.” Further when
of a tin god. To have private life with someone
she comes back to her (husband’s) home, stands on equal footings
devoted to you after all Ballyhoo of pomp and
with her husband. When Panchi hits her, she retorts,“if you strike
splendor and she was a lovely companion and gave
me such assurance that I could work ten times me again, I will hit you back——” (1960: 283). Her brief
harder because I had satisfactory personal life (955). experience as a self reliant nurse gave her the necessary self
Ganga Dasi, thus, is an image of Helene Cixous’ ‘newly confidence and courage.
born woman’ who introduces power play of her body and
convention of divorce after divorce and re-marriage after re- REFERENCES
marriage, without feeling guilty of loss of chastity. Ganga breaks Anand, Mulk Raj. 1935. Untouchable. New Delhi: Arnold
the myth of chastity or purity syndrome. Mulk Raj Anand creates Heinemann, 1984.
this character ‘tit for tat’ rather than lamenting on the suppression - - - 1937. Two Leaves and a Bud. New Delhi: Arnold Heinemann,
of women. The Old Woman and the Cow is only novel of Anand 1983.
written on gynocentric angle. Gauri, the daughter of Laxmi, is a - - - 1953. The Private Life of an Indian Prince. New Delhi:
major female character in the novel. She is married to an orthodox Arnold Heinemann, 1984.
uneducated man Panchi who muses over the prospects of a prize - - - 1939. The Village. New Delhi: Arnold Heinemann, 1984.
of “a girl whom he could fold in his arms at night, and kick during
the day who would adorn his house and help him with the work on - - - 1945. The Big Heart. New Revised. New Delhi: Arnold
the land”(1960: 5). Heinemann, 1980.
However, in the beginning of her married life, she is forced - - - 1960. The Old Woman and the Cow. Reprinted as Gauri.
to tolerate all the torture. Her husband panchi “fights in the day and New Delhi: Arnold Heinemann, 1984.
during the night he is full of thick talks” (1960: 93). She is compelled

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Cixous, Helene. 1985. The Newly Born Woman. London.I B Tauris
Cowasjee, Saros. 1947. So Many Freedoms: A Study of Mulk
Raj Anand. Delhi: OUP.
de Beauvoir, Simone. 1949. The Second Sex. London: Four Squire
Books, 1961.
Debi, Mahashweta. 2002.Dopadi.trans by Gayatri Chakraborti
Spivak. Breast Stories. Kolkata: Seagull.
Deshpande, Shashi. 1980. The Dark Holds No Terror. New Delhi:
Vikas Publishing House.
Narayan, R.K. 2005. The Dark Room. Chennai: Indian Thoughts
Showalter, Elane. 1979. Towards Feminist Poetics. M. Jacob’s
Women Writing About Women pp.25-33; 34-6.

*Assistant Professor, Dept. of English, BBDNITM, BBD University,


Vol.-III 5-6 Jan-Dec,2011

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