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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Sciences

Vol:4, No:1, 2010

Applications of Trigonometic Measures of

Fuzzy Entropy to Geometry
Om Parkash, C.P.Gandhi

fuzzy entropy corresponding to Renyi’s [15] probabilistic

Abstract—In the literature of fuzzy measures, there exist many entropy:
well known parametric and non-parametric measures, each with its 1 n
own merits and limitations. But our main emphasis is on Hα(A) = ∑ log[µAα(xi ) + (1− µA(xi ))α] ;α ≠1, α > 0
1−α i =1
applications of these measures to a variety of disciplines. To extend
the scope of applications of these fuzzy measures to geometry, we Parkash [9] introduced a new generalized measure of fuzzy
need some special fuzzy measures. In this communication, we have
entropy involving two real parameters, given by:
introduced two new fuzzy measures involving trigonometric
functions and simultaneously provided their applications to obtain H α β ( A) =
the basic results already existing in the literature of geometry.
[(1 − α ) β ]−1 ∑ { µ Aα ( xi ) + (1 − µ A ( xi ))α } − 1
n β (4)
Open Science Index, Mathematical and Computational Sciences Vol:4, No:1, 2010

i =1

 
Keywords—Entropy, Uncertainty, Fuzzy Entropy, Concavity,
Symmetry. ; α > 0, α ≠1, α≠1
And called it (α–β) fuzzy entropy which includes some
well known fuzzy entropies.
I. INTRODUCTION Rudas [16] discussed elementary entropy function based
fuzzy entropy construction and fuzzy operations. The author
I N real life situation, uncertainty arises in decision-making
problem either due to lack of knowledge or due to inherent
vagueness. Such types of problems can be solved using
defined new generalized operations as minimum and
maximum entropy operations. Guo and Xin [2] studied some
probability theory and fuzzy set theory respectively. new generalized entropy formulas for fuzzy sets and proposed
Fuzziness, a feature of imperfect information, results from the new idea for further development of fuzzy information.
lack of crisp distinction between the elements belonging and Parkash and Sharma [12] provided the applications of fuzzy
not belonging to a set. A measure of fuzziness which is often measures to prove some noiseless coding theorems. Parkash
used and citied in the literature of fuzzy information is an and Gandhi [11] used fuzzy divergence measures to generate
entropy first mentioned by Zadeh [17]. However, the two some new measures of fuzzy entropy. Parkash, Sharma and
functions measure fundamentally different types of Mahajan [12, 13] delivered the applications of weighted
uncertainty. Basically, the Shannon’s [15] entropy measures measures of fuzzy entropy for the study of maximum entropy
the average uncertainty in bits associated with the prediction principles.
of outcomes in a random experiment. Some other interesting findings related with theoretical
De Luca and Termini [2] introduced some requirements measures of fuzzy entropy and their applications have been
which capture our intuitive comprehension of the degree of investigated by Zadeh [17], Kapur [6], Gurdial, Petry and
fuzziness and consequently developed a measure of fuzzy Beaubouef [3], Pal and Bezdek [8], Hu and Yu [5] etc. In
entropy which corresponds to Shannon’s [17] probabilistic section 2, we have introduced two new trigonometric
entropy, given by: measures of fuzzy entropy and provided their applications to
(1) the field of geometry.
H ( A) = −∑  µ A ( xi ) log µ A ( xi ) + (1 − µ A ( xi ) ) log (1 − µ A ( xi ) ) 

i =1

Kapur [7] took the following measure of fuzzy entropy

corresponding to Havrada and Charvat’s [5] probabilistic II. TWO NEW TRIGONOMETRIC FUZZY MEASURES AND
Since this paper deals with applications of fuzzy measures
(2) to geometry, we need some special fuzzy measures to extend
H α ( A) = (1 − α ) −1 ∑ {µ Aα ( xi ) + (1 − µ A ( xi ))α } − 1 ; α ≠ 1, α > 0

i =1 the scope of their applications towards geometry. To provide

the applications of these fuzzy measures, we introduce two
Bhandari and Pal [1] developed the following measure of new measures involving trigonometric functions and
simultaneously provide their applications to obtain the basic
results already existing in the literature of geometry.

Om Prakash is in Department of Mathematics, Guru Nanak Dev I. We, first propose a new measure of fuzzy entropy,
University, Amritsar- 143005 (India). ( given by
C. P. Gandhi, is in Department of Mathematics, Guru Nanak Dev
University, Amritsar- 143005 (India). (

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 4(1) 2010 61 ISNI:0000000091950263
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Sciences
 π π π (5)No:1,subtended by n sides of a convex polygon at the centre of
H1 ( A) = −∑ sin + sin − n sin 2 Vol:4, 2010
i =1  2nµA ( xi ) 2n(1 − µA ( xi )) 2n  circle so t
; n >3 B1 + B2 + B3 + ... + Bn = 2π (6)
The lengths of the sides of the polygon are given by
Differentiating equation (5) w.r.t. µ A ( xi ) , we get B1 B B
∂H1 ( A) π  1 π 1 π 
2a sin , 2a sin 2 ,...., 2a sin n
=  cos − cos  2 2 2
∂µ A ( xi ) 2n  µ A2 ( xi ) 2nµ A ( xi ) (1 − µ A ( xi ))2 2n(1 − µ A ( xi )) 
Let us define the fuzzy distribution given by
Also µ A ( xi ) = (7)
∂ H1 ( A)
= Thus, the perimeter of the polygon is given by
∂µ A2 ( xi )
 π π π  (8)
P = 2a sin + sin + ... + sin 
 n µ A ( x1 ) n µ A ( x2 ) n µ A ( x )
n 
 1 π 1 π 
 4 sin + sin  Since, is a measure of fuzzy entropy, its maximum value
 µ ( x ) 2 n µ ( x ) (1 − µ ( x )) 4
2 n (1 − µ ( x )) 
π2 
A i A i A i A i
 arises when the distribution is most fuzzy, that is, when
4n 

2n  1 π
1 π  µ A ( x1 ) = 1- µ A ( x1 ) = 1/2 ∀ i
  cos cos 
 π  µ A3 ( xi ) 2nµ A ( xi ) (1 − µ A ( xi ))3 2n(1 − µ A ( xi )) 
Open Science Index, Mathematical and Computational Sciences Vol:4, No:1, 2010

Thus, we have
Using the relation, µ A ( xi ) = 1 − µ A ( xi ) we get:
∂ 2 H1 ( A) 1 
= H1 ( A) ≤ H1  
∂µ A2 ( xi ) 2
 2n π 1 π   π π π  π π π
− 4
n n

π  3 2 cos sin  −∑ sin + sin − n2 sin  ≤ −∑ sin + sin − n2 sin 

− 2 πµ A ( xi ) 2nµ A ( xi ) µ A ( xi ) 2nµ A ( xi ) i =1  2nµ ( x ) 2n(1 − µ ( x )) 2n  i =1  n n 2n 
2n  
A i A i

  Using the fact that µ A ( xi ) = 1- µ A ( xi ) , the above

equation reduces to
< 0 n>3
H1 ( A) is a concave function of µ A ( xi )
π n
π π
This shows that
∑ sin ≥ ∑ sin = n sin
2nµ A ( xi ) i =1
and its maximum value arises when µ A ( xi ) = 1/2 ∀ i . i =1 n n
Thus, we see that H1 ( A) satisfies the following The equality sign in equation (9) holds only if
(i) H1 ( A) is a concave function of µ A ( xi ) . 2π
B1 = B2 = B3 = ... = Bn =
(ii) H1 ( A) is an increasing function of µ A ( xi ) when n
From equations (8) and (9), we conclude that minimum
0 ≤ µ A ( xi ) ≤ perimeter of a polygon of n sides is and this arises when the
2 polygon is regular. Thus, out of all convex polygons of n sides
(iii) H1 ( A) is a decreasing function of µ A ( xi ) when inscribed in a circle of radius a, the minimum perimeter is that
of a regular polygon and the minimum perimeter is
≤ µ A ( xi ) ≤ 1 π
2 [ P ]min = 2a n sin
(iv) H1 ( A) does not change when is changed to
µ A ( xi ) 1- µ A ( xi ) . and as n → ∞ , this value reduces to 2 a π , the
circumference of the circle.
(v) H1 ( A) = 0 when µ A ( xi ) = 0 or 1.
Under the above five conditions, the measure proposed in II. Next, we propose another measure of fuzzy
equation (5) is a valid trigonometric measure of fuzzy entropy, given by
entropy. n
 π π π 
Next, we apply the trigonometric measure introduced in H 2 ( A) = −∑  tan + tan − n 2 tan 
i =1  2 n µ A ( xi ) 2 n (1 − µ A ( xi )) 2 n
equation (5) to the field of geometry.
n>3 (10)
Let A1 A2 A3 ... An be n sided convex polygon inscribed
in a circle of radius a and let B1 , B2 , B3 ,..., Bn be angles Thus, we have

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 4(1) 2010 62 ISNI:0000000091950263
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Sciences
∂H 2 ( A) π π π π Vol:4, No:1, 2010n
= sec 2 − sec 2  π π 
∂µ A ( xi ) 2nµ A2 ( xi ) 2nµ A ( xi ) 2n(1 − µ A ( xi )) 2 2n(1 − µ A ( xi ))
∑ tan +
2nµ A ( xi )
tan 
2n(1 − µ A ( xi )) 
i =1 
Using the fact that µ A ( xi ) = 1- µ A ( xi ) , we have
 2 π π π 
sec π sec2 tan
∂ 2 H 2 ( A) 2π  2nµ A ( xi ) 2nµ A ( xi ) 2nµ A ( xi ) 
=− +
∂µ A2 ( xi )

µ A3 ( xi ) nµ A4 ( xi )
 n
π π
∑ tan 2nµ
n  
  ≥ n tan (13)
i =1 A ( xi ) n
< 0 ∀n > 3 Multiplying both sides equation (13) by 2a and using (11),
Hence, H 2 ( A) is a concave function of µ A ( xi ) and its we get
µ A ( xi ) = 1/2 ∀ i π
maximum value arises when P ≥ 2an tan (14)
Thus, H 2 ( A) introduced above satisfies the following n
properties: Similarly, multiplying both sides equation (13) by a 2 and
using (14), we get
(i) H 2 ( A) is a concave function of µ A ( xi ) .
(ii) H 2 ( A) is an increasing function of µ A ( xi ) when π
A ≥ a 2 n tan (15)
1 n
0 ≤ µ A ( xi ) ≤
Open Science Index, Mathematical and Computational Sciences Vol:4, No:1, 2010

(iii) H 2 ( A) is a decreasing function of µ A ( xi ) when
≤ µ A ( xi ) ≤ 1 From equation (14), we conclude that the minimum
2 π
perimeter of the polygon of n sides is 2an tan and this
(iv) H 2 ( A) does not change when µ A ( xi ) is changed n
to 1- µ A ( xi ) . arises when the polygon is regular. Also
(v) H 2 ( A) = 0 when µ A ( xi ) = 0 or 1 [ P ]min = 2a n tan → 2aπ as n → ∞ which is also
Under the above five conditions, the measure proposed in
the circumference of the circle of radius .
equation (10) is a valid trigonometric measure of fuzzy
Also, from equation (15), we conclude that the minimum
area of the polygon of n sides is given by
Next, we apply the trigonometric measure introduced in
equation (10) to the field of geometry. [ A]min = a 2 n tan → a 2π as n → ∞ which is also the
Now, if we take a polygon circumscribing a circle of radius n
a, we get P, the perimeter of polygon as area of circle of radius a .

t a n 1 + t a n 2 + . . . + t a n n 
 2 2 2 
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