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hat is rnenstrual cycle?

i. Fetl%lle reproductive system underg
sonle changes (that prepare the utel
for pregnancy) at puberty and
changes repeat at an interval of ev€
28-30 days. Such repetitive changes
called menstrual cycle.
Menstrual cycle is controlled by four
hormones: follicle stimulating hormone
(FSH), luteinizing hormone (Lll),
estrogen and progesterone.
ovum is not fettiliejcd,the corpus
iii, If the
degenerates and transforms into
comus albicans. Due to this, secretion of
estrogen and progesterone stops
cotnpletely. In the absence of these two
hortnones, endometrium starts
ive The tissues of degenerating
endometriunl along with unfertilized
ovum and blood are discarded out
through vagina. This bleeding continues
approximately for 4-5 days. This is
known as menstruation.
After the period of menstruation, i.e., on
5th day of menstrual cycle the
endometrium starts to regenerate and
one of the several follicles present in the
ovary, starts developing along with the
oocyte present in it, under the effect of
follicle stimulating hormone.
vi. This developing follicle secretes
estrogen, under the effect of which
endometrium of the uterus starts to
develop (during first cycle) or
regenerate (during subsequent cycles).
vii. After completing its development, follicle
ruptures under the effect of luteinizing
hormone and oocyte is released. This is
called as ovulation. It occurs usually on
day of menstrual cycle.
viii. Remaining tissue of the ruptured follicle
forms corpus luteum and starts secreting
Under the effect of progesterone and
estrogen, endometrial glands are
activated and become ready for
implantationof the embryo.
Unless the oocyte is fertilized and
embryo is implanted, menstrual cycle is
repeated every month.
hat is rnenopause?
UIs:i. The natural cessation of menstruation
that occurs between the age of 45-50
years is known as menopause.
ii. Menopause occurs as the secretion of
hormones controlling the functions of
the female reproductive system either
stops or becomes irregular.

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