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PDQRAP - Prioritized Distributed Queueing Random Access Protocol

Ham-Jier Lin Graham Campbell

thsshjl@iitmax.iit .edu

Computer Science Dept.

Illinois Institute of Technology
Chicago IL,60616

Abstract [l] and the presentation of PDQRAP in this paper effec-

tively provides details of how DQRAP operates. However
A new UAC hyer protocol, DQRAP (Distributed Queue- we provide a short narrative of how and why DQRAP
ing Random Access Protocol),provides performance with re- works.
spect to throughput and &@ that approaches that of an DQRAP utilizes three control minislots and two
ideal protocoL l3is paper introduces PDQRAP, a prioritized global queues: a transmission queue VQ,and a collision
version of DQRAi? TWOformats, the W a - b i t and the resolution queue (RQ). The states of these queues, which
Extra-sbt, each a variation of the basic DQRAP are dc- are actually counters maintained by each station, provide
scribed Simulation results are presented that show that un- the basis for a four-state machine that governs the opera-
der a total trmload of 90% a high priority segment of 20% tion of D Q W . There are three sets of rules governing
- 30% in eitherforma hrrs &hy chatucterbtia rangingfrom -
the operation of DQRAP: DTR data transmission rules,
one-third to one-hay of the &hy characterirtiCS of the nor-
mal priority traflc The relative advantages and &advan-
RTR request transmission rules, and, QDR - queueing
tages of each format are &cussed It b suggested that discipline rules. The equivalent rules in PDQRAP are
PDQRAP could be the mechanism that allowed a shared me- presented later.
dium to economically transport trqtlc rrrsociated with multi- When a station has a frame ready for transmission it
media services utilizing LANs, W s , and W m s . transmits what is effectively a reservation request in a
minislot. The feedback from each minislot can represent
(a) an empty minislot, (b) a success ( a single transmis-
I Introduction sion), or (c) a collision meaning more than one station
transmitted in that minislot. The TQ at each station is in-
cremented once for each minislot containing a success.
DQRAP, developed by Xu and Campbell at the Illi- The TQ is decremented each slot time since the station at
nois Institute of Technology, is an extended model multi- the front of the queue transmits a frame. Thus the TQ at
ple access protocol that utilizes control minislots and two any instant in time represents the number of frames
global queues to provide performance superior to other awaiting transmission.
protocols with respect to throughput and delay. DQRAP The scenario described so far has, with minor varia-
provides immediate access at light offered loads but tions, been in use for years. What makes DQRAP so spe-
moves seamlessly to a reservation system at heavier traf- cial? It is the second queue, RQ. The feedback from each
fic. DQRAP is effective in networks regardless of the set of three minislots could indicate collisions in one or
value of "a", the ratio of propagation delay to frame trans- more of the minislotS. All previous systems attempted to
mission time. reduce the probability of collisions by increasing the
All previous protocols based upon the extended chan- number of minislots (see previous comment). When col-
nel model, i.e., use of control minislots, provided a lisions did occur the stations simply tried again till suc-
throughput of one only by use of an infinite number of cessful. The RQ in DQRAP represents a queue, again
minislots [ 6 ] .DQRAP provides a throughput of one with actually a count, of the number of collisions that have oc-
use of three control minislots and thus can be considered curred in the minislots. The group of stations represent-
a practical protocol. DQRAP is amenable to a variety of ing the collision at the head of the queue are now given
network topologies and is scaleable to any speed and dis- exclusive use of the minislots to resolve that collision,
tance. DQRAP is described in detail by Xu and Campbell new anivals are blocked till the RQ = 0. But meanwhile

0-8186-6680-3/94 $04.00@ 1994 IEEE
the stations already in the TQ continue to transmit when similar to operating systems, high and low priority queues
they reach the head of TQ. The second queue along with wherein a packet in the high priority queue always trans-
the three sets of rules ensure that with three minislots an mit before a packet in the low priority queue. This im-
arrival of multiplicity N is resolved in less than N data plies pre-emption since in the situation where there are
slots thus ensuring a throughput of one. One other fea- no packets in the high priority queue but one or more
ture when the TQ and RQ are both empty then newly packets in the normal priority queue a newly arrived high
ready stations transmit in both a data slot and a minislot. priority packet will transmit in the next slot.
If only one station was ready then the transmission is suc- Section I1 describes a variation of priority DQRAP
cessful, if more than one station is ready then there is a first simulated by Dixon [2] and presents simulation re-
collision in the data slot but the reservation process has sults. The Dixon format employs an extra minislot. Sec-
already started in the minislots. This is the immediate tion I11 introduces the Extra-bit format as developed by
access feature of DQRAP. Lin [3]. The Lin format employs an extra bit in each
Now back to priorities. Many multiple access proto- minislot to indicate the priority level. Section IV provides
cols support priority transmission mechanisms that pro- discussion and conclusions.
vide high priority traffic with reduced delay and/or extra
capacity. In the general class of multiple access protocols
only the deterministic Token Ring and Token Bus proto- II Extra-slot (Dixon) Format PDQRAP
cols support practical priority mechanisms [7]. Those
multiple access protocols based upon Aloha, CSMA, or
The Extra-slot format utilizes one or more extra
the tree algorithm are not amenable to implementation of
minislots to provide exclusive access to the channel for
priority classes that will guarantee access to the channel
the high priority packets. Our discussion is restricted to
in some finite time. In the nondeterministic world only
two classes of priority such that a single extra minislot
p-persistent CSMA provides a semblance of a priority ca-
suffices. The Extra-slot format is shown in Figure 1.
pability by dynamically providing a high priority station a
High priority packets have exclusive use of minislot 1.
greater probability of transmitting [7]. The performance
Minislots 2 to 4 are utilized by h g h and/or normal prior-
of DQRAP is such that there is not the same degree of ne-
ity packets following the rules of the protocol. For exam-
cessity for a priority class as with other protocols. How-
ple, when H-RQ > 0 the high priority packets at the head
ever, a practical priority mechanism would be an asset
of the queue H-RQ use minislots 2-4 to resolve a colli-
even to DQRAP to support timedependent traffic, situa-
sion. In such a case normal packets are blocked from ac-
tions where servers make extreme demands upon system
cessing minislots 2-4. When H-RQ = 0, i.e., there are no
capacity, and to support priority mechanisms of higher
high priority packet collisions to resolve, and N-RQ > 0,
the normal priority packets at the head of N-RQ use
Xu first described the general mechanism for provid-
minislots 2-4 to resolve a collision. These are just two of
ing for priorities in DQRAP [8]. PDQRAP uses a scheme
the cases using the Extra-slot format. Following the spirit
/ \

Slot Format (Dixon)



Figure 1. PDQRAP Extra-slot (Dixon) Format

of the original DQRAP rules there are four queues main- QDR: Each station decreases H-TQ by one.
tained thus Extra-slot PDQRAP has 2' = 16 states. Fortu- Each station increases H-TQ by 1 if minislot 1 is
nately there are several "don't care" states that reduce the suu%ssful.
16 states to 9 Unique states. For example, when the case Each station increases N-TQ by n which is the
H-TQ > 0, H-RQ > 0 occurs there is no difference in ac- number of successes in minislots 2-4.
tion regardless of the state of N-TQ. This is because the Each station increases H-RQ by 1 if minislot 1 is
high priority queues control all access to both the minis- collided.
lots and the data-slot. Thus N-TQ becomes a DC (don't Each station increases N-RQ by n where n is the
care) condition. Six more states are eliminated in the number of collisions in minislots 2-4.
same manner. The Extra-slot PDQRAP rules are listed
below. case 4: IH-TQI = 0, IN-TQI > 0, IH-RQI > 0,IN-RQI-
Case 1: IH-TQI > 0, IH-RQI > 0,IN-TQI &, IN-RQI - DC DTR: Station that has the first entry in N-TQ trans-
DTR: Station that has the first entry in H-TQ, the mits normal priority packet.
high priority data transmission queue, transmits RTR: Stations that have the first entry in H-RQ re-
a high priority packet. solve the collision using mini-slots 2-4. New
RTR: Stations that have the first entry in H-RQ, the high priority arrivals make requests in minislot
high priority contention resolution queue, try to 1.
resolve a collision using minislots 2-4. New high QDR: Each station decreases N-TQ by one.
priority arrivals make requests in minislot 1. Each station increases H-TQ by n which is the
QDR: Each station decreases H-TQ by one. number of successes in minislots 1-4.
Each station increases H-TQ by n which is the Each station decreases H-RQ by one.
number of successes in minislots 1-4. Each station increases H-RQ by n which is the
Each station decreases H-RQ by one. number of collisions in minislots 1-4.
Each station increases H-RQ by n where n is the
number of collisions in minislots 1-4. = 0, IN-TQI > 0, IH-RQI = 0, (N-RQI> 0
Case 5 : IH-TQI
DTR: Station that has the first entry in N-TQ trans-
Case 2: IH-TQI > 0, IH-RQI = 0, IN-RQI > 0, IN-TQI - mits normal priority packet.
DC. RTR: Stations that have the first entry in N-RQ re-
DTR: Station that has the first entry in H-TQ trans- solve the collision using mini-slots 2-4. New
mits high priority packet. high priority anivals make requests in minislot
RTR: Stations that have the first entry in N-RQ re- 1.
solve their collision using minislots 2-4. New QDR: Each station decreases N-TQ by one.
high priority arrivals make requests in minislot Each station increases H-TQ by 1 ifminislot 1 is
1. successful.
QDR: Each station decreases H-TQ by one. Each station increases N-TQ by n which is the
Each station increases H-TQ by 1 if minislot 1 is number of successes in minislots 2-4.
SUCCessll. Each station decreases N-RQ by one.
Each station increases N-TQ by n which is the Each station increases H-RQ by 1 if minislot 1 is
number of successes in minislots 2-4. collided.
Each station decreases N-RQ by one. Each station increases N-RQ by n where n is
Each station increases H-RQ by 1 if minislot 1 is the number of collisions in minislots 2-4.
Each station increases N-RQ by n where n is = 0, (N-TQI > 0, IH-RQI = 0, (N-RQI = 0
Case 6: (H-TQI
the number of collisions in minislots 2-4. DTR: Station that has the first entry in N-TQ trans-
mits normal priority packet.
Case 3: (H-TQI > 0, JH-RQJ = 0,JN-RQJ = 0,IN-TQJ- RTR: New normal priority arrivals make requests in
DC minislots 2-4. New high priority arrivals make
DTR: Station that h the first entry in H-TQ trans- requests in minislot 1.
mits high priority packet. QDR: Each station decreases N-TQ by one.
RTR: New normal priority arrivals make requests in Each station increases H-TQ by 1 if minislot 1 is
minislots 2-4. New high priority arrivals make successful.
requests in minislot 1.

Each station increases N-TQ by n which is the simulations were run using Werent sets of H i g h / N o d
number of successes in minislots 2-4. priority trafiic combination while the total offered traflic
Each station increases H-RQ by 1 if minislot 1 is was maintained at 0.9. Table 1 shows the high, normal,
collided and average packet delay performance.
Each station increases N-RQ by n where n is the Table 1 shows that the overall delay reaches a mini-
number of collisions in minislots 2-4. mum when the range of high priority load is .30 to 30
and the range of n o d load is .60 to .40. This is to be
Case 7: IH-TQI = 0, IN-TQJ = 0, IH-RQI > 0, IN-RQI- expected since all high priority traffic enters the system
DC through one minislot and the probability of collision on
DTR: New high priority arrivals transmit in the data the first attempt rises dramatically when we pass the slot-
slot. ted Aloha maximum of 0.368. However the high priority
RTR: Stations that have the first entry in H-RQ re- packets utilize all four minislots to resolve a collision
solve collision using minislots 2-4. New high thus there is not too much increase in delay. Convention-
priority anivals make requests in minislot 1. ally the proportion of high priority M c , relative to nor-
QDR: Each station increases H-TQ by n which is the mal trafiic, is small thus a single minislot suffices. Lin
number of successes in minislots 2-4. considers the delay performance of the situation where
Each station increases H-RQ by n where n is the the two loads (high and normal) are more balanced. In
number of collisions in minislots 1-4. this case two minislots are assigned to each of high and
normal trafiic [3].
Case 8: IH-TQI = 0, IN-TQI = 0, IH-RQI = 0, IN-RQI> 0 The low delay of a high priority packet is impressive
DTR: New high priority arrivals transmit in the data considering the total offered trafiic is 90%. Xu and
slot. Campbell [l] employing three and four minislots under
RTR: Stations that have the first entry in N-RQ re- single priority load of 90% report delays of 8.2555 and
solve collision using minislots 2-4. New high 7.5451 slot times respectively. We use these values as a
priority arrivals make requests in minislot 1. reference point. Figure 3 shows packet delay performance
QDR: Each station increases N-TQ by n which is the of the Extra-slot format for high priority and normal
number of successes in minislots 2-4. packets under a variety of high/normal load combina-
Each station increases H-RQ by 1 if minislot 1 is tions. This figure shows graphically the low absolute de-
collided. lay of high priority packets under the various
Each station decreases N-RQ by one. combinationsof high and normal priority tragic.
Each station increases N-RQ by n where n is the Some qualitative properties of the Extra-slot format:
number of collisions in minislots 2-4. 1) This approach does not guarantee firstame first-
serve transmission at an individual station. For example,
Case 9: IH-TQI = 0, IN-TQI = 0, (H-RQI = 0, IN-RQ(= 0 a station might have a series of high priority packets to
DTR: New high priority arrivals transmit in the data send. It is possible that the first packet collides and joins
slot. New normal priority arrivals transmit in the the H-RQ. However, the second packet could use the ex-
data dot. clusive minislot to reserve a spot in H-TQ prior to the
RTR: New normal priority arrivals make requests us- first packet leaving H-RQ. The property of FIFO may or
ing minislots 2-4. New high priority anivals may not be important in some applications.
make requests in minislot 1. 2) The Extra-slot format has an exponential growth
QDR: IF more than one minislot used do the follow- of the number of states with increasing number of priority
ing else do nothing. levels. This section has shown that two level priority re-
Each station increasesH-TQ by 1 if minislot 1 is quires nine states to treat all possible situations. This is
successfid. probably not too serious since in a practical world two
Each station increases N-TQ by n which is the levels of priority often suf€ice.
number of successes in minislots 2-4.
Each station increases H-RQ by 1 if minislot 1 is
III Extra-bit (Lin) Format PDQRAP
Each station increases N-RQ by n where n is the
number of collisions in minislots 2-4. The Extra-bit format utilizes a single type bit in each
minislot to indicate priority class. Just as the Extra-slot
Figure 2 shows the usage of the data slot and the format can be extended to multiple priority classes with
minislots for cases in the Extra-slot format. Several extra slots the Extra-bit format accommodates multiple

Table 1 Delay performance of Extra-slot PDQRAP RTR: Stations that have the first position in RQ
resolve their collision.
- QDR: Sameascase 1.
Offered Load Delay
Case 4: When IH-TQI = 0, IN-TQI = 0, lRQl> 0
DTR: No high priority or normal packet is waiting
2.63201 18.44779 17.80159 therefore the slot is left empty
RTR: Packets that have the first position in RQ re-
2.85083 1 8.94663 I 7.59203 solve their collision.
30% I 60% 3.08984 I 9.66986 I 7.47652 QDR: Sameascase 1.
40% I 50% 3.36167 I 10.8472 I 7.52031
1 50% I 40% 3.68157 I 12.5768 I 7.635 Case 5: When /H-TQ( = 0, IN-TQJ > 0, /RQI = 0
DTR: The station that has the first position in N-TQ
transmits a normal packet.
RTR: Stations that have high priority or normal
packets ready to transmit make their request us-
ing minislots.
QDR: Same as case 1.
priority classes with extra bits. As with the Extra-slot
format, this discussion is restricted to two priority classes.
Case 6: When IH-TQI = 0, IN-TQI = 0, lRQl= 0
For discussion purposes a 0 in the type bit means the
packet is high priority, a 1 indntes normal priority. In DTR: Stations that have high priority or normal
packets transmit in the data slot.
an implementation the complement of these values could
RTR: Stations that have high priority or normal
be used.
packets transmit in minislots.
The packet and system organization is shown in Fig-
QDR: If no collision in the data slot, no action . 0th-
ure 4. In this configuration, H-TQ is used as a queue for
erwise, same as case 1
transmitting High Priority packets and N-TQ is used for
transmitting Normal packets. RQ is used, as usual, to re-
This priority scheme is preemptive in that packets in
solve collisions for both High Priority and Normal
H-TQ are always transmitted. For cases 3 and 4, the state
of N-TQ does not matter since IN-TQI > 0 will result in
Some of the original DQRAP rules are changed to
successful transmission in the data slot. However, if
achieve prioritized transnussion. These rules are summa-
rized as follows: IN-TQI = 0 the data slot remains empty. Figure 5 shows
the usage of the data slot and minislots for cases using the
Extra-bit format.
Case 1: When IH-TQ( > 0, lRQl> 0, IN-TQI - DC
DTR: The station that has the top position of H-TQ Table 3 shows the delay of the Extra-bit PDQRAP for-
mat as measured by simulation.
transmits a high priority packet.
RTR: Stations whch have the first position of RQ re- In Extra-slot PDQRAP a minimum average delay oc-
solve their collision through minislots. curs in the 0.3-0.5/0.6-0.4 highhormal load configura-
QDR: Table 2 shows the possible outcome and action tion. In the Extra-bit format a maximum occurs in the
for each minislot feedback state. same region. Overall though there is little to choose be-
tween the two approaches with respect to delay perform-
Case 2: When IH-TQI > 0 , IRQ = 01, IN-TQI - DC. ance. When the high and normal priority loads are
DTR: The station that has the top position of H-TQ approximately equal one would expect the overall delay to
transmits a hlgh priority packet. be close to the delay of conventional DQRAF'. Table 3
RTR: Stations with high priority or normal packets shows this to be so. The overall delay is slightly higher
ready to transmit make their request through than with the Extra-slot format because the latter utilizes
minislots. four minislots into which traffic funnels instead of three
QDR: Same as case 1 in the Extra-bit format. Indirectly this confirms results
shown by Xu and Campbell [ 11 and Zhang and Campbell
Case 3: When IH-TQI = 0, IN-TQI > 0, lRQl> 0 [4]that increasing the number of minislots beyond three
DTR: The station that has the top position in N-TQ does improve performance, but not appreciably. Lin [31
transmits a normal packet. does show results with four minislots in the Extra-bit for-
mat to provide a comparison with the four minislot Extra-

Case 1. IH-TQl>O.lH-RQl>O.lN_TQ~,~N-RQI- Don't Care High H H H H

Case 2. /H-TQ~>o,~H-RQ/=o,(N-TQ~-DC.JN-RBI>O I High I N ~ N ~ N ~ H

Case 3. I}r-TQl>o.lH-RQl=O./N-TQI-DC,~N-RQI=O

Case 4. I H - T Q~ = O.IH_RQI>O.IN-TQI>O./N-RQ~ -DC Normal

Case 5. I Y-TQJ = 1.0 H-RQ/ = O.IN-TQI JN-RQ~ - DC Normal N N N H

Case 6. IH-TQ/= O.IH-RQl=O,IN-TQI>O,~NAlQ~=O Normal N N N H

Case 7. ILTQI = O,~H-RQ/>o.~N-TQ~= O.IN-RQI-DC High H H H H

Case 8 1 H-TQl= 0 ,IH-RQl=O, IN-TQI = 0.IN-RQI > 0 High N N N H

Case 9 H-TQ/ O./H-RQI = 0,IN-TQl= O.IN-RQI =0 High/Normal [ N IN[N[H

Figure 2. Extra-slot PDQRAP Priority Rules

slot format. Figure 6 shows packet delay performance of 1) The delay of the high priority packets using the
the Extra-bit format for both h g h priority and normal Extra-slot format is lower than the delay of high priority
packets under different highhormal load combinations. packets using the Extra-bit format at all offered loads.
The qualitative properties of the Extra-bit format are: The Extra-slot format utilizes an extra single minislot
1) The delay performance is stable under a variety thus in effect the comparison is being made between a
of load configurations. four minislot system and a three minislot system. Xu and
2) The logic complexity is simpler than using an Campbell [l] show that four minislots provides superior
extra exclusive minislot in terms of states needed. This performance over three minislots in DQRAP and this is
approach uses six states to represent the system status in- replicated with PDQRAP. The overhead of the extra
stead of the nine states in the Extra-slot format. minislot could adversely impact the overall performance
3) FFO, with respect to a single station, is of the protocol in some environments.
guaranteed. 2) The average delay of all packets using the Extra-
bit format is more stable than the average delay of all
IV Discussion packets using the Extra-slot format. The average delay
using Extra-slot format is lower than when using Extra-
The delay performance of both the Extra-slot and the bit format. However, the average delay of all packets and
Extra-bit formats are very close. Below we summarize the the delay encountered by normal priority packets at all
characteristics of the two formats. loads is lower than that available with currently available
3) The Extra-bit format guarantees FIFO at an indi- the two approaches. In actual implementations the minis-
vidual station. lots utilized in PDQRAP are individual transmissions.
4) The minislots are individual transmissions. In They may or may not cany recognizable "bits". A station
the Extra-slot format, the usage of minislots depends on when writing to a minislot need only transmit some form
the state of the protocol. For example, when IH-TQI = 0, of signal such that at the receiver(s) ternaty feedback is
IN-RQI > 0, the minislots 2-4 are used by normal packets available, i.e., no signal, a single signal, or a presence of
while minislot 1 is used by new high priority arrivals. two or more signals (a collision). In a baseband digital
Successes or collisions in minislots 2-4 will change environment with adequate synchronization DQRAP can
N-TQ or N-RQ respectively while a success or collision be supported by using a minislot consisting of a two-bit
in minislot 1 will only change H-TQ or H-RQ respec- pattern. Single high priority PDQRAP can be imple-
tively. In the Extra-bit format, all minislots can carry mented in such an environment by either adding a single
both high priority and normal requests. When successful bit to each minislot for a total of three extra bits or by
there is no problem distinguishing between the two pri- adding an extra minislot at a cost of two bits. Neither
orities. However in some environments it could be diffi- method would have an adverse impact on overhead.
cult to identlfy the type of entries in a minislot after a PDQRAP in an RF broadband environment, e.g., on cable
collision., i.e., two or more high priorities, two or more TV, could require a transmission time equivalent to 20,
normal priorities, or a mix of each. Thus, the Extra-slot or even more, bit times for a minislot. This is required to
format utilizes two RQs while the Extra-bit format re- overcome the problems in electromagnetic transmission
quires only one RQ. of multilevel coding, ramp-up time, capture effect and the
5 ) The Extra-bit format can be expanded to a multi- possibility of two transmissions being 180 degrees out of
ple level priority protocol by adding one or more type bits phase and actually canceling out. The solution to these
in each minislot, an action that normally has minimal af- problems is addressed by Campbell [ 5 ] . Thus the choice
fect on the overhead. The Extra-slot format must add one of which priority mechanism to use could very much de-
or more minislots to add priority levels, something that pend upon the medium.
could have an adverse impact on the overhead, especially PDQRAP is a nondeterministic protocol and as such
in an RF environment. no guarantees can be made about maximum delay. How-
6 ) Using a single minislot for high priority traf3ic ever, as a matter of interest we logged the maximum de-
in the Extra-slot format suggests that if the proportion of lays encountered in simulation runs of 250,000 packets at
high priority traf€ic approached the equivalent of 35% - 90% total offered load with 20% high priority packets.
40% of available capacity the well-known slotted Aloha For the Dixon format the maximum delay was 13.9 slots
limit of 36.8% would kick in. This doesn't occur since and with the Lin format it was 46.1 slots. A similar
the other three minislots are utilized to resolve collisions length run of n o d DQRAP at 90% load produced a
occurring in the high priority minislot. Note in Table 1 maximum delay of 70.2 slots.
that even when high priority trafiic represents 80% of the
total the delay is still 5.6 slots. V Conclusion
The overall performance of the Extra-slot format is
slightly better than the Extra-bit performance. As stated We have presented P D Q W , a priority version of
previously the main reason for the difference is that the D Q W . Many M A C priority mechanisms simply pro-
Extra-slot format does utilize four minislots in total as vide greater opportunity or probability for high priority
compared to three for the Extra-bit format. However, the packets to transmit. PDQRAP supports a true priority
most important factor to be considered is the overhead of mechanism in that if a high priority packet arrives and

Table 2. Outcomes and actions for each minislot in Extra-slot PDQRAP

PattemBlot I Collision
I Action I NO Collision Action
1 HighNorma1 RQ=RQ+ 1 Single High H-TQ =

Collision H-TQ+ 1
? HighNorma1 RQ = RQ + 1 Empty Minislot
-- Collision

Normal Packet Delay


Total Offered Load

Figure 3. Delay characteristics for Extra-slot (Dixon) PDQRAP

Slot Format (Lin)

Table 3. Delay performance of Extra-bit
PDQRAP (three minislots)

Load Delay Average

High lNormal High Normal I
I 10% I 80% I 4.29317 I 9.18598 I 8.64233 I
I 20% I 70% I 4.35957 I 9.73857 I 8.54323 I
30% 60% 4.40486 10.59016 8.52839
40% 50% 4.51828 11.771 8.54756
I 50% I 40% I 4.66318 I 13.2835 I 8.49443 I


Figure 4. PDQRAP Extra-bit format (Lin)

of a 90% offered load. The sigmficance of this is that an
one or more nonnal priority packets have already been ideal protocol has an average delay of 6 slots at 90% of-
scheduled to transmit, the high priority packet preempts fered load.
and is transmitted at the next slot time. Two variations of There is a possibility that in the long run switched cell
PDQRAP: Extra-slot (Dixon) format and Extra-bit @in) technology, i.e., ATM, might not prove adequate to the
format, have been described. Simulation results show that task of transporting real-time traffic associated with mul-
the average delay of high priority traffic in both the timedia, i.e., voice and video packets. The results pre-
Dixon and Lin formats is less than five slots when the sented in this paper suggest that a shared medium
high priority tra&c constitutes up to 50% of total traffic approach using PDQRAP at the MAC layer could prove


Case 6. ILTQl=O,lN-TQl=O,lRQl=O I High/Normal IH / N ~H/NIH/N I

Figure 5 PDQRAP Extra-bit format priority rules

to be a viable solution to transporting this type of traffic

in LANs, MANS,and WANs. Zhang, X. and Campbell, G.: "Performance Analysis
of Distributed Queueing Random Access Protocol -
DQRAF'," Unpublished.
References Campbell, G.: "Acquiring Ternary Feedback in a
Broadcast Channel," Unpublished.
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[2] Dixon, 0.: "A Proposal for a Two-Level Priority Stallings, W.: Data and Computer Communications
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Master's Project, Illinois Institute of Technology, De-
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[3] Lin, H. J.: "Multiple Access Protocols in a Digital Ra- Institute of Technology, Dec. 1990.
dio Environment," Ph.D. Thesis, Illinois Institute of
Technology, August 1993.

Normal packet &lay

High Riority packet Delay

10 .oad 0.7

Total Offered Load


Figure 6. Delay Characteristicsfor Extra-bit (Lin) PDQRAP


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