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to English Linguistics NSYSU

Morphology November 2021


Activity 1 [check slide 5 of our power point]

Indicate the category of each word in the following sentences. Write the
corresponding abbreviation in the space above the words.

Dem. N Adv. V

ê ê ê ê

That glass suddenly broke

a) A jogger ran toward the end of the lane.

b) These dead trees are blocking the road.

c) The detective had looked through the records.

d) Jeremy will play the trumpet and the drums in the orchestra.

e) That Victorian house might have been destroyed during the flood.

Activity 2

For each of the following words, identify: a) the number of morphemes (# of M);
b) the root and the c) grammatical category (GC) of the root; and d) the
grammatical category (GC) of the whole word.

# of M Root Root GC Word GC
1. Allowances
2. Dishonestly
3. Unhappiness
4. Salubrious
5. Mother’s

Introduction to English Linguistics NSYSU
Morphology November 2021
Activity 3

For each of the following words, state whether it is simple or complex. If it is
complex, identify whether the affix is inflectional or derivational. If there are
more than one affixes, identify them all.

# Word Simple/Complex Type of Affix
1. Stringy
2. Voluptuously
3. Delight
4. Unannounced
5. Loveliest
6. Rehearsal
7. Immortality
8. Hiking
9. Reallocations

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