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Republic of the Philippines


Alaminos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
A.Y. 2021-2022


Subject: Prof Ed 5: Facilitating Learning with Guidance and Counseling


Reflection in Report of Ms. Rose Mae Fernandez

“Children’s Development”

“Child development”, or “child and adolescent development” refer to the process of

growth and maturation of the human individual from conception to adulthood. The term
“adolescence” has particular connotations in particular cultural and social contexts. In this
resource pack, it is used to describe young people who are in the stage of development that
occurs between the beginning of puberty until adulthood, without any implication that this period
is characterized by any particular behavior or attitudes. However, a distinction between children
and adolescents is sometimes necessary in order to highlight the particular issues facing older
young people, whose needs can be, and are frequently, overlooked in programming.

Human growth and development is an incredibly complex process, influenced by both genetic
and environmental factors. At certain times and for certain developments, genetic influences
dominate, whereas at other times, environmental influences are more powerful which
emphasizes the fact that genetic and environmental forces are always working together. In fact,
children’s genetic makeup is determined in many ways by their own experiences in their
environment. The burgeoning field of epigenetics studies the effect of children’s early
experiences on the chemical marks that accumulate in DNA and determine how much of a
specific gene will be expressed, as the child development site First Five Years explains. All of
these marks combined make up the epigenome; epigenetics is the study of these marks and their
impact on children and adults.

My personality affects my choices in life because each one of our personality traits makes us
different, unique, and special. But when these same traits work as setbacks to acquire a job, keep
a relationship going, or make friend they propose a challenge. We must try to modify our
personality traits, so they can begin to work in our favor. One of the best tools we have in order
to make changes to our personality is self-knowledge. By being aware of our limitations and
strengths, it’s easier to manage good results in our personal and professional lives. Thus, we can
work on the skills we have difficulties with more exhaustively. Also, we can boost others, which
will give us with an advantage.

How to Act and React when I have problems or moral dilemmas? Depending on the situation, I
may be a victim of unethical behavior, such as discrimination, sexual harassment or bullying in a
toxic workplace culture. I may be the witness to your manager’s or coworker’s unethical
behavior, or you may be asked by a manager or client to do something unethical. I immediate
reaction may be to blow the whistle on the behavior. However, whistleblowing may encourage
retaliation, but inaction makes you complicit or continues to victimize you. It’s an ethical
dilemma! I will overcome them by asking questions: If simply stating the request aloud does not
work, probing your supervisor with questions regarding the reason and motivation behind the
request can also help deter them.

It is important to develop my personal development skills because they allow me to create

strategic and tactical plans for personal and professional growth towards my goals. It can be
helpful to hone my personal development skills so that I can naturally work them into my daily
routines and use them to: Achieve my personal and career goals, Advance in your career,
Improve my strengths and talents, and better to myself.

In conclusion, the lesson what I learn in report of Miss. Fernandez is that children perceive
objects and events in the environment and they respond to a variety of visual dimensions. In
some cases, they engage in intermodal perception in which they integrate information from two
or more modalities. Children learn through their perception as it becomes an important tool in
learning. We know that children learn to think as they grow, but we do not know exactly what
constitutes their thinking, we do not know where and how their perceptual processes cease and
cognitive processes may help us understand their differences.

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