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Strategic applications of classical conditioning

What are the strategic applications of classical conditioning theory? 

1) Repetition ad for dallas company in Jordan repeated in radio all the time
all Jordanian people memorize it
‫ إعالن داالس‬- YouTube

2) Stimulus

Hintz imitating Nutella’s packaging with the same shape, logo,

placement of hazelnuts and colour to attract customers who want
Nutella, but might not want to pay the price.
. Instead of having Rice ‘Bubbles’ they sell Rice ‘Pops’, with a
similar look and feel to the category leader. It has the same kind of
packaging, colour and so consumers will respond similarly and
have the same associations to their pack design.

3) Stimulus Voss water that made a bottles of water but with a different packaging
Ferroro Rocher have a distinguish packaging that atracrt consumers.Also
this differnent shape (its golden warraping and packed inside box)give a
consumer a thought that it is expensive and luxury .

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