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c o m p u t e r m e t h o d s a n d p r o g r a m s i n b i o m e d i c i n e 1 1 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 40–49

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A heterogeneous coupled oscillator model for

simulation of ECG signals

E. Ryzhii, M. Ryzhii ∗
Complex Systems Modeling Laboratory, University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu 965-8580, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We present a novel model of cardiac conduction system including main pacemakers and
Received 27 January 2014 heart muscles. Sinoatrial node, atrioventricular node and His–Purkinje system are repre-
Received in revised form sented by modified van der Pol-type oscillators connected with time-delay velocity coupling.
25 March 2014 For description of atrial and ventricular muscles, where depolarization and repolarization
Accepted 16 April 2014 processes are considered as separate waves, we use modified FitzHugh–Nagumo model.
In this work, we obtained synthetic ECG as a combined signal of atrial and ventricular
Keywords: muscles and reproduced several normal and pathological rhythms. Inclusion of cardiac mus-
Delay differential equations cle response allows to investigate interactions between pacemakers and resulting global
MATLAB heartbeat dynamics by means of clinically comparable realistic ECG signals. This feature
ECG distinguishes our model from existing cardiac oscillator models. To solve the system of
Heart model differential equations describing the proposed heterogeneous coupled oscillator model we
van der Pol developed a software in MATLAB environment utilizing special DDE23 function.
FitzHugh–Nagumo © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

have been proposed and utilized. The majority of the models

1. Introduction describe functioning of the heart on the cellular level, obtain-
ing propagation of action potentials among cardiomyocytes.
Nowadays, computer modeling of cardiac electrophysiology Simulations on 2D or 3D tissue slabs produce pseudo elec-
became very important in understanding real processes tak- trograms [4,5], while 3D biventricular, atrial or whole-heart
ing place in healthy and diseased hearts. The most well known models coupled with torso model can yield more realistic ECG
and widely used in clinical and theoretical research set of signals. These models are based on either rule-based (cellular
physiological signals produced by electrical activity of the automaton) or reaction–diffusion (see, for example, [6,7] and
heart is electrocardiogram (ECG). The ECG is a record of electric references wherein) approaches for simulation of excitation
potentials generated by the heart on the body surface because waves propagation. The latter approach usually requires a lot
of propagation of activation and recovery waves through car- of computational resources to solve huge number of differen-
diac muscle tissue. The nonlinear analysis of ECG signals is tial equations for ionic currents in cell membranes with many
commonly used in studies of cardiac and cardiovascular dis- parameters.
eases [1–3]. There is a different class of models, which describe of
For the modeling of the electrical processes in the heart, heartbeat dynamics in general with a set of ordinary differ-
various modeling approaches with different levels of details ential equations. Some of the models generate synthetic ECG

Corresponding author. Tel.: +81 242372566.
E-mail addresses: (E. Ryzhii),, (M. Ryzhii).
0169-2607/© 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
c o m p u t e r m e t h o d s a n d p r o g r a m s i n b i o m e d i c i n e 1 1 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 40–49 41

signals using a dynamical system on a circle [8–11] without

taking into account structure of the cardiac conduction sys-
tem. In other models the heart is compartmentalized into
separate elements such as natural cardiac pacemakers only
[12–25] or pacemakers and muscles [26–28] using different
modifications of the coupled van der Pol (VDP) type nonlin-
ear relaxation oscillators [29]. Utilization of the modified VDP
oscillators allows adoption of their intrinsic frequencies to the
driving signal without significantly changing the amplitude,
which corresponds to the real interactions between natural
cardiac pacemakers. Most of the above-mentioned oscilla-
tor models are focused on the generation of transmembrane
action potentials and the study of their synchronization, bifur-
cation and chaos, but only a few are intended for calculation
of realistic ECG.
The model proposed by Gois et al. [22] allows generating
electrical response of main cardiac pacemakers and obtain-
ing the ECG as a composition these signals. The disadvantage
of the model is that in reality the pacemakers signals are
rather weak in comparison with the cardiac muscle ones, Fig. 1 – Cardiac conduction system.
and do not significantly contribute to the aggregated ECG
signal. On the other hand, the responses of atrial and ventri-
cular muscles, which actually produce the main input, were
not included in this model. To eliminate this drawback, we heart at the intrinsic rate of about 40–60 bpm. Further, if no
recently proposed to incorporate into the system quiescent excitation signal is delivered from the both SA and AV pace-
excitable FitzHugh–Nagumo-type (FHN) oscillators for accu- makers, the HP cells can fire at its own rate of about 20–40 bpm
rate description on the cardiac muscle electrical responses [32].
[30]. During every heart beat the electrical impulse prop-
In the present work, we further developed our model and agates from one muscle cell to the next adjacent cell
pertinent software with inclusion of a description for depo- until the whole atria and ventricles are depolarized. After
larization and repolarization waves in the atria and ventricles each heart muscle region has excited, a process of repo-
utilizing separate modified FHN systems for each of the pro- larization (recovery) is initiated, permitting cardiac cells
cesses, which allows generating physiologically correct ECG to depolarize again at the arrival of the next stimulation
signals. impulse.
The general behavior of atrial and ventricular electri-
cal activity is recorded as body surface ECG waveforms.
2. Cardiac conduction system Atrial depolarization and repolarization are recorded on
the ECG as P and Ta (atrial T) waves, respectively [31].
The cardiac conduction system is a group of specialized cells The depolarization of ventricles is reflected on the ECG
in the walls of the heart that send signals to the cardiac mus- by the QRS complex. Since atrial repolarization generally
cles causing them to contract (Fig. 1). The electrical impulse occurs at the same time as ventricular depolarization and
originates in the sinoatrial (SA) node situated in the right is much smaller in amplitude, normally the Ta wave is
atrium and stimulated by autonomous nervous system [31]. merged with QRS complex, and thus not recorded as a sep-
The impulse first initiates a depolarization (activation) wave- arate wave. Nevertheless, it can become visible in some
front that propagates through atrial (AT) muscle resulting in pathological situations, for example, complete AV block.
its contraction. The T wave corresponds to ventricular repolarization, and
The electrical signal is subsequently delayed in the atrio- generally takes more time to complete than the QRS com-
ventricular (AV) node, located in the boundary between plex.
atria and ventricles (VN), to allow the atrial muscles to The macroscopic structure of the cardiac conduction sys-
complete the contraction and to fill the ventricular cham- tem described above formed the basis of our proposed
bers with blood. The AV node at its turn fires the impulse heterogeneous oscillator model for calculation of ECG signals.
which travels rapidly through the fibers of His–Purkinje General scheme of the model is shown in Fig. 2. In addi-
(HP) system to the ventricles. The impulse triggers a depo- tion to three coupled oscillator system based on modified
larization wavefront in the ventricles, which results in VDP equations, we consider the depolarization and repo-
their efficient contraction, pumping blood throughout the larization wavefronts in the atrial and ventricular muscles
body. as separate processes, each individually presented by an
Under normal conditions, the SA node generates electri- excitable FHN system. The detailed mathematical descrip-
cal impulses with a rate of 60–80 beats per minute (bpm) at tion of the oscillating pacemaker (SA–AV–HP) and quiescent
rest. If the SA node fails to create an impulse, then the AV excitable muscle (AT and VN) systems follows separately
node can take over as the main pacemaker and stimulate the below.
42 c o m p u t e r m e t h o d s a n d p r o g r a m s i n b i o m e d i c i n e 1 1 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 40–49

Fig. 2 – General scheme of the heart model.

the position control of hyperbolic saddle and stable node,

3. Mathematical model respectively:

3.1. Modified VDP model for natural cardiac

F(x) = ˛(x − u1 )(x − u2 ), G(x) = ω2 x(x + d)(x + e), (3)
where the product u1 u2 should be negative to keep the self-
The VDP model [29] has been widely used in theoretical studies
oscillatory property of the system. The utilization of Eq. (3)
of the heart electrical activity. The standard VDP relaxation
allows modeling of general behavior of cardiac pacemakers
oscillator equation is given by the following Liénard planar
and reproduction of some cardiac phenomena [17,27].
One of the most universal features describing the behav-
ior of interacting oscillator systems is synchronization. It
ẋ = y manifests as an adjustment of rhythms (phase-locking with
ẏ = −F(x)y − G(x), nonzero constant phase shift) due to an interaction between
two or more oscillators, and does not necessarily require
where complete temporal coincidence of signals. To provide the
interaction in the systems, proper coupling should be set up
F(x) = ˛(x2 − u), G(x) = ω2 x, (2) between the oscillators or pacemaker nodes. A diffusive cou-
pling (nearest-neighbor local coupling) is the most common
type of coupling present in physical and biological systems.
˛ > 0 and u = 1 are the factors representing nonlinear damping
In the diffusively coupled system, generally coupling terms
force, ω is the intrinsic natural frequency of the oscillator, and
should include both differences: (xi − xi−1 ) for position cou-
x(t) corresponds to the amplitude of the heart electrical signal,
pling and (yi − yi−1 ) for velocity coupling, which, in application
which is related to the cardiac action potential.
to the heart system, correspond to the coupling by potential
Considering the features of neuronal oscillator models,
and current, respectively. As a result, an element i > 1 in the
such as Morris–Lecar model [33], Postnov et al. [34] proposed
unidirectionally coupled oscillator array may look as follows
a simple oscillator model that is easily controllable and that
still reproduces the behavior of the neuronal oscillators. Mod-
ifying the standard VDP equation, the authors replaced the
ẋi = yi + Kx i (xi − xi−1 )
linear harmonic force G(x) to cubic Duffing nonlinear term (4)
x(x + d)(x + 2d)/d2 to maintain the features of the oscillator ẏi = −Fi (x)yi − Gi (x) + Ky i (yi − yi−1 ),
phase space similar to neuronal one, which includes three
equilibrium points – the focus, the saddle, and the stable where Ki are the coupling coefficients. However, a number
node. of diffusive coupling method variations can be found in the
The model was further improved by Grudzinski and literature (see, for example, [16,19,20,23,35]). The asymmetric
Zebrowski [17], who investigated its adaptation for simula- position-only coupling added to the first equation of (4) was
tion of cardiac pacemaker behavior. To enhance the potential used in the spatially dimensional SA–AV model [17], while in
of the model, they changed the dumping term F(x) to asym- the work [22] this coupling term with time delays was added
metric form with respect to the variable x and introduced to the second equation. Performing a number of simulations
independent parameters d and e in the force term G(x) for on a system with position-variable coupling added to the
c o m p u t e r m e t h o d s a n d p r o g r a m s i n b i o m e d i c i n e 1 1 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 40–49 43


x2 1 AV

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (s)

Fig. 3 – Calculated action potentials of uncoupled pacemakes at their intrinsic firing rates.

right-hand side of the second equation of (4) similar to the e2 = 5, and e3 = 12. The resulting action potentials of the uncou-
three cardiac oscillator system (SA–AV–HP) described in Ref. pled pacemakers firing at their intrinsic rates are shown in
[22], we found that synchronization level is not enough in wide Fig. 3. We found that to maintain stable synchronization
range of beat rates (30–200 bpm). In particular, the synchro- between the oscillators with change of the SA rate, the cou-
nization problem occurred at very high sinus rates (>140 bpm) pling coefficients should be proportional to ω12 ∼f1 , thus for
in the HP oscillator node, which has the lowest intrinsic simplicity we set KSA−AV = KAV−HP = f1 .
rate (35 bpm). The application of the velocity coupling to the
right-hand side of the second equation significantly improved 3.2. Modified FHN model for cardiac muscles
in-phase synchronization at such high rates [35]. Moreover, it
is also known that the synchronization level depends on the In contrast to the properties of the pacemaker cells, cardiac
coupling coefficients K as well [18]. muscle cells does not demonstrate self-oscillatory behavior.
Taking into account the above-mentioned considerations, They have to be stimulated by an electrical signal from a pace-
in our proposed mathematical model we describe all three maker to produce a single response, i.e depolarization, which
natural pacemakers by a system of modified asymmetric VDP leads to their contraction. For simulation of atrial and ven-
equations with unidirectional time-delay velocity coupling tricular muscles an equation for quiescent excitable element,
only: such as modified FHN model or VDP model with positive prod-
uct u1 u2 [26], is necessary to adequately describe electrical

ẋ1 = y1 response. These models have a low level stable oscillatory
SN (5) state for small values of applied stimulating current.
ẏ1 = −a1 y1 (x1 − u11 )(x1 − u12 ) − f1 x1 (x1 + d1 )(x1 + e1 ),
In our proposed model of cardiac conduction system, the
⎧ description of electrical responses of cardiac muscles on a

⎨ ẋ2 = y2 stimulation by pacemakers in both atria and ventricles is
AV (6) based on FHN class model [39,40] for excitable media:
⎪ ẏ2 = −a2 y2 (x2 − u21 )(x2 − u22 ) − f2 x2 (x2 + d2 )(x2 + e2 )
⎩ +K 
(y SA−AV − y ),
SA−AV 1 2
ż = −cz(z − w1 )(z − w2 ) − bv + I
⎧ v̇ = h(z − gv).

⎨ ẋ3 = y3
HP ẏ3 = −a3 y3 (x3 − u31 )(x3 − u32 ) (7)

⎩ − f x (x + d )(x + e ) + K AV−HP
Here z is the excitation variable corresponding to the net
3 3 3 3 3 3 AV−HP (y2 − y3 ). transmembrane potential of all cells of the muscle, and v is
the recovery variable (quantity of refractoriness). The cubic
Here indexes SA–AV and AV–HP of the coupling coefficients term in the first equation controls the activation, parameter
represent unidirectional coupling between the pacemakers, c defines the amplitude of the pulse, and parameters w1 < w2
yi  n ≡ yi (t −  n ) are the velocity coupling components of the represent excitation threshold and excited state, respectively.
time-delay signal, and  n are the corresponding time delays. Parameters b and g change the rest state and dynamics, h rep-
The parameters ai , di , ei , fi , and ui for (5)–(7) were selected resents excitability and controls the abruptness of activation
to obtain intrinsic oscillation rates of 70 bpm, 50 bpm, and and the duration of the action potential, and I is the magnitude
35 bpm for uncoupled SA, AV, and HP oscillators, respec- of stimulation current.
tively, and with shapes close to experimental data on action Different variations of these equations can be found in lit-
potentials of real pacemakers [36–38]: a1 = 40, a2 = a3 = 50, erature and sometimes also called as Bonhoeffer–van der Pol
u11 = u21 = u31 = 0.83, u12 = u22 = u32 = −0.83, f1 = 22 for normal model. The model is commonly used to describe different bio-
sinus rhythm of 70 bpm, f2 = 8.4, f3 = 1.5, d1 = d2 = d3 = 3, e1 = 3.5, logical mechanisms and is able to reproduce many qualitative
44 c o m p u t e r m e t h o d s a n d p r o g r a m s i n b i o m e d i c i n e 1 1 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 40–49

(a) (b) (c) x1 |y1|
z, v

P Ta

-0.2 |y3|

x, z, y
0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
Time (s)

Fig. 4 – Response of the unmodified (a) and modified (b and

c) FitzHugh–Nagumo systems on instantaneous stimulating
current pulse. Solid and dashed curves correspond to the
potential z and the recovery variable v, respectively.

z3+z4 Q S T
characteristics of excitable media such as excitation thresh-
old, relative and absolute refractory periods. 17.2 17.4 17.6 17.8 18.0
The standard FHN system produces hyperpolarization of z Time (s)
– its value becomes negative at the beginning of the refractory
period (see Fig. 4(a)), which is undesirable for many applica- Fig. 5 – Coupling between pacemakers and muscles.
tions of the model. Rogers et al. [41] proposed to eliminate the Calculated action potentials (xi ), absolute value of their
hyperpolarization by replacing the term bv in the first equation derivatives (yi ), and muscle response (zi ) for sinoatrial
to bvz (thus, adding the nullcline z = 0 to the phase plane) as pacemaker and atrium muscle (top panel), and His–Purkinje
shown in Fig. 4(c). However, in our case an undershoot of z can pacemaker and ventricular muscle (bottom panel).
be useful for representation of the S wave in the QRS complex.
To control the negative excursion of z we use both original and
modified terms in the right side of the first equation of (8):

for AT muscles and

ż = −cz(z − w1 )(z − w2 ) − bv − dvz + I
(9) ⎧
v̇ = h(z − gv). ⎪
⎨ ż3 = k3 (−c3 z3 (z3 − w31 )(z3 − w32 )
QRS − b3 v3 − d3 v3 z3 + IVNDe ) (12)
The examples of the resulting waveforms for three sets ⎪
⎩ v̇ = k h (z − g v ),
3 3 3 3 3 3
of parameters are shown in Fig. 4. Curve (a) corresponds to
unmodified FHN system – b = 174, d = 0, curve (b) – to the mod-

ified system with b = 105, d = 45, and curve (c) – to the modified ⎪
⎨ ż4 = k4 (−c4 z4 (z4 − w41 )(z4 − w42 )
system with b = 0 and d = 105. The latter corresponds to the − b4 v4 − d4 v4 z4 + IVNRe )
T wave (13)
modification proposed in [41]. Other parameters for Fig. 4 are ⎪
⎩ v̇ = k h (z − g v ),
as follows: c = 300, w1 = 0.12, w2 = 0.8, h = 24, g = 1, and the 4 4 4 4 4 4

amplitude of the instantaneous current pulse I(t) = I0 ı(t) was

I0 = 15. for VN muscles, respectively, where ki are the scaling
Using the proposed quiescent excitable FHN model (9) we coefficients. The values of the parameters for Eqs. (10)–(13)
describe the depolarization and repolarization processes in are the following: k1 = 2 ×103 , k2 = 4 ×102 , k3 = 104 , k4 = 2 ×103 ,
cardiac muscles as a system of four sets of ordinary differential c1 = c2 = 0.26, c3 = 0.12, c4 = 0.1, b1 = b2 = b4 = 0, b3 = 0.015,
equations: d1 = d2 = 0.4, d3 = 0.09, d4 = 0.1, h1 = h2 = 0.004, h3 = h4 = 0.008,
⎧ g1 = g2 = g3 = g4 = 1, w11 = 0.13, w12 = w22 = 1.0, w21 = 0.19,

⎨ ż1 = k1 (−c1 z1 (z1 − w11 )(z1 − w12 ) w31 = 0.12, w32 = 1.1, w41 = 0.22, w42 = 0.8. We selected the
P wave − b1 v1 − d1 v1 z1 + IATDe ) (10) parameter values in such a way to obtain pronounced differ-

⎩ v̇ = k h (z − g v ), ence between relatively fast depolarization (high and narrow
1 1 1 1 1 1
P and R waves) and slow repolarization (low and wide Ta and
T waves) processes.

⎨ ż2 = k2 (−c2 z2 (z2 − w21 )(z2 − w22 ) The stimulation impulses of the transmembrane ionic
Ta wave − b2 v2 − d2 v2 z2 + IATRe ) (11)
currents I represent the couplings between the SA and HP

⎩ v̇ = k h (z − g v ), pacemakers and AT and VN muscles, respectively, provided
2 2 2 2 2 2 by corresponding current pulses (Fig. 2). For the latter we use
c o m p u t e r m e t h o d s a n d p r o g r a m s i n b i o m e d i c i n e 1 1 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 40–49 45

Potential (a.u.)

0.4 T
Q Ta S
19.0 19.2 19.4 19.6 19.8
Time (s)

Fig. 6 – Atrial (dotted line), ventricular (dashed line), and net

ECG (solid line) waveforms for normal case (see also Fig. 7).

Fig. 7 – Calculated action potentials, muscle response and

ECG at 70 bpm (normal case) and real patient’s ECG [45].
absolute values of y1 and y3 (see Fig. 5), and calculate ampli-
tudes of the stimulation current pulses as follows:
 Since standard DDE23 function does not allow direct uti-
0, for y1 ≤ 0
IATDe = lization of time-delay derivatives, we obtain them for Eqs.
KATDe y1 , for y1 > 0 (6)–(7) in the following way:

 xa − xb x(t − a ) − x(t − b )

y = = , (15)
−KATRe y1 , for y1 ≤ 0 b − a b − a
0, for y1 > 0 where  = ( a +  b )/2 is the desirable delay and  b −  a = 0.05 s.
We approximated the dependence of the total delay
 between coupled SA and HP nodes on the parameter f1 as
0, for y3 ≤ 0
KVNDe y3 , for y3 > 0 SA−HP = SA−AV + AV−HP = 2.29/f1 + 0.08. (16)

 Such dependence allows keeping the ratio of P–R and R–T

−KVNRe y3 , for y3 ≤ 0 intervals in physiologically correct range [31]. For simplicity,
0, for y3 > 0 in all simulations performed in this work we set up equal
delays of  SA−HP /2 in both SA–AV and AV–HP conduction path-
Here the coefficients were selected as follows: KATDe = 4 × ways without any effect to the resulting ECG. Thus, for normal
10−5 , KATRe = 4 × 10−5 , KVNDe = 9 × 10−5 , and KVNRe = 6 × 10−5 . rhythm of 70 bpm we have  SA−AV =  AV−HP = 0.092 s.

3.3. Calculation of the combined ECG signal 4. Results and discussion

The total synthetic ECG waveform is calculated as a composi- To validate the proposed model, we performed a number of
tion of the signals from AT and VN muscles (see Figs. 5 and 6): numerical simulations with different normal and patholog-
ical rhythms, shown in Figs. 7–11. The figures demonstrate
ECG = z0 + z1 − z2 + z3 + z4 . (14) calculated action potentials of SA, AV, and HP pacemakers, cor-
responding responses from AT and VN muscles, and resulting
Here, we adjusted the parameter z0 = 0.2 to provide zero base- total ECG waveforms. The latter are presented in comparison
line of the ECG signal. The value of z2 which corresponds to with real patient’s ECG (standard Einthoven lead II) [45,46].
atrial Ta wave is added with negative sign due to the fact that For the normal case (see Fig. 7), all pacemakers are domi-
it is known to be opposite to P wave [31]. nated by SA node and follow its rhythm of 70 bpm (f1 = 22). The
Numerical simulations with the proposed model were per- atrial and ventricular muscles are operating consequentially,
formed in MATLAB environment employing DDE23 function so the positive P wave precedes the QRS complex, followed by
[42,43] for calculation of the delay differential equations. The the positive T wave, while the Ta wave is merged with the QRS
DDE23 solver makes the solution of wide range of delay differ- complex.
ential equations as easy as possible in many research areas, After getting normal ECG as a reference, we tested our
for example, in computational pharmacokinetics [44]. model by reproducing several well-known rhythm disorders.
46 c o m p u t e r m e t h o d s a n d p r o g r a m s i n b i o m e d i c i n e 1 1 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 40–49

Fig. 8 – Calculated action potentials, muscle response and

ECG at 160 bpm (tachycardia) and real patient’s ECG [46].
Fig. 10 – Calculated action potentials, muscle response and
ECG at complete SA–AV block and real patient’s ECG [46].

We started with sinus tachycardia, the fast rhythm when SA

node generates impulses greater than 100 bpm (in our case
160 bpm with f1 = 87) with other pacemakers synchronously parasympathetic or vagal tone. Fig. 9 demonstrates the simu-
following this rate (Fig. 8). The rhythm is regular, but action lation results obtained at 43 bpm (f1 = 13). The regular rhythm
potentials of all pacemakers became shorter with the rate is also translated with same shape and rate from SA to AV
increase, and correspondingly P–Ta and R–T intervals became and HP. It is seen on the obtained ECG that the P–Ta and R–T
shorter as well. At such very fast rates the distance between intervals are increased.
the T and P waves of subsequent beats gets smaller, and these Though with decreasing rate pacemaker’s action potential
waves may even merge with each other. Many factors may duration increases, the ratio between it and diastolic interval
cause the sinus tachycardia, it occurs most often as a phys- becomes smaller, as it seen from Figs. 7–9.
iological response to physical exercises, stress, fever, or may In the next computer experiments, we studied interactions
also result from congestive heart failure. among different parts of the heart, completely broken cou-
Sinus bradycardia is slow sinus rhythm less than 60 bpm, pling between pacemakers.
and occurs naturally during sleep. It is normal in chil-
dren and athletes or may be a consequence of increased

Fig. 9 – Calculated action potentials, muscle response and Fig. 11 – Calculated action potentials, muscle response and
ECG at 43 bpm (bradycardia) and real patient’s ECG [45]. ECG at complete AV–HP block and real patient’s ECG [46].
c o m p u t e r m e t h o d s a n d p r o g r a m s i n b i o m e d i c i n e 1 1 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 40–49 47

180 Two additional intervals R–T and P–Ta shown in Fig. 12 were
1.4 measured between corresponding peaks on the calculated
R-R ECG and represent the correlation between the depolariza-
tion and repolarization processes in atria and ventricles at
different heart rates. All the calculated intervals are inversely

Sinus rhythm (bpm)

proportional to the parameter f1 in accordance with exper-
imental findings. The calculated nonlinear dependence of
Time (s)

sinus rhythm on f1 is added for easy calculation of the former.

0.8 We mentioned in the introduction that there is a limited
100 number of similar models generating artificial ECG signals
0.6 Q-T with sets of ordinary differential equations [8,9,22,24]. In con-
80 trast to these models, we took into account macroscopic
0.4 structure of cardiac conduction system and atrial and ven-
60 tricular muscles. This allowed us to observe the interaction
R-T of the system elements such as different conduction blocks
P-Ta 40 on the ECG (see Figs. 10 and 11). Using the proposed model
0 with separate FHN systems for the description of depolariza-
20 40 60 80 100 tion and repolarization processes one can study appearance
f1 of the Ta wave and its input to the net ECG signal in different
Fig. 12 – Dependences of R–R, Q–T, R–T, and P–Ta intervals Implementation of the signal voltage derivative (trans-
(solid lines) and sinus rhythm (dashed line) on the membrane current) coupling between the SA and HP
parameter f1 . pacemakers and AT and VN muscles described by FHN type
equations, respectively, allowed obtaining of realistic P–Ta and
R–T intervals in the wide range of sinus rhythms (Fig. 12).
Fig. 10 presents the result of simulation of complete SA–AV Inclusion of additional factors affecting the regular sinus
block at SA regular rhythm of 70 bpm. The SA action poten- rhythm, such as heart rate variability phenomena (respiratory
tial shapes and durations are normal, and P and Ta waves arrhythmia) and low-frequency oscillations associated with
are normal accordingly. The AV node fires at its own rate Mayer waves, similar to the work by McSharry et al. [8] can
of 50 bpm and the HP node synchronously follows the AV further improve feasibility of our model.
action potentials. In this case, atrial muscle operates at the
rate of 70 bpm, while ventricles beat at slower rate of 50 bpm.
The obtained ECG reflects this disturbance as atrial P and
Ta waves and QRS complexes and T waves are unrelated in 5. Conclusion
Complete block between AV and HP pacemakers (Fig. 11) We proposed a novel mathematical model of cardiac electrical
leads to independent operation of HP node at its own rate system consisting of a network of heterogeneous oscilla-
of 30 bpm with expanded action potentials, while normally tors described by nonlinear differential equations. We used
coupled SA and AV nodes are beating at 70 bpm and their modified van der Pol equations for the most important
action potentials correspond to the normal case. Thus, we get natural cardiac pacemakers (sinoatrial and atrioventricular
independent normal action of atria and slow rate of ventri- nodes, and His–Purkinje system) connected with time-delay
cles. velocity coupling. To describe each of depolarization and
In Figs. 10 and 11 one can observe the asynchrony of atrial repolarization processes individually in atrial and ventri-
and ventricular depolarization/repolarization processes rep- cular muscles, we utilized modified FitzHugh–Nagumo-type
resented by independent appearance of P and unmasked Ta model, with stimulation current pulses produced by the
waves on the one hand, and QRS complex and T wave on the related pacemakers. For solution of the system of delay dif-
other hand [31]. In all cases demonstrated in Figs. 7–11 we ferential equations describing the proposed oscillator model
observe good conformity of simulated synthetic ECG with the we developed a software in MATLAB environment utiliz-
presented clinical data. ing special DDE23 function. Synthetic ECG waveforms are
Fig. 12 shows dependence of the obtained major ECG inter- obtained as a combination of atrial and ventricular muscle
vals on parameter f1 which controls intrinsic frequency of the signals.
main oscillator. The R–R interval is the time between peaks of Our model is capable to accurately reproduce realistic
the neighboring R waves and related to the ventricular cycle. ECG characteristic to well known normal and pathological
The Q–T interval is measured from the beginning of QRS com- rhythms. The obtained results demonstrate that the proposed
plex to the end of T wave and represents the total duration of model is suitable to study global cardiac electrical activity. It
ventricular depolarization. For the rate of 70 bpm (f1 = 22) we allows investigation of the interactions between main parts of
obtained the value of 0.41 s, which lays in the normal physi- the heart, with possibility to utilize various models for pace-
ological range (0.3–0.45 s). Both the R–R and the Q–T intervals makers with different coupling types, as well as evaluation
are usually being used in clinical practice to analyze patient’s and comparison of underlying cardiac dynamics with widely
ECG. used in clinical practice ECG patterns.
48 c o m p u t e r m e t h o d s a n d p r o g r a m s i n b i o m e d i c i n e 1 1 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 40–49

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