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PROJECT CLAID (Contextualized and Localized Activities Intended for Distance Learning)

Name : ___________________________________ Date: ___________ Score:____


Quarter 2 – Week 3
Competency: Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary
texts applying a research approach (ENG12Lit-IIa-22)

Lesson: Reading a poem (Abandoned House, Ted Kooser)

1. Identify representative texts and authors from Asia, North America, Europe,
Latin America, and Africa
2. Write a close reading analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts
applying a reading approach
3. Create/ perform a creative adaptation of the studied literary texts using ICT

A poem is an exacting and tricky work of literature to read; for, usually, it can have
layers of meanings or interpretations. It is because poets usually use language uniquely.
Sometimes they may defamiliarize ( present unfamiliarly)simple situations or objects. In
Craig Raine’s A Martian Sends Home a Postcard, he described books as “mechanical birds
with many wings.” In the literary work to be studied later, you will discover that a mere
description of an abandoned farmhouse tells a lot more than the described farmhouse
through the use of imagery. Moreover, you will also feel a sense of identification; that is, as
you read, you will sympathize with the family for their fate. Afterward, as your written
output, you will perform different activities showing your understanding and appreciation
of the work.

Q2 Week No.3 Competency Code: ENG12Lit-IIa-22

Competency: Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts applying a research

Getting Started
A. Directions: Choose the answer from the box. Write the letter of the
correct answer on the space provided.

A. mood D. rhetoric
B. imagery E. tone
C. symbol F. meter

__________1. In literature, it refers to the descriptive or figures of speech used by

the writer.
__________2. It is the feeling created in the reader by a literary work or a passage.
__________3. It is the attitude of the author or speaker in a literary work about the
subject and audience.
__________4. It is an object or person or idea in a literary work.
__________5. It is the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the
use of figurative language and other compositional techniques.
B. Direction: Write T before the number if the statement is TRUE and write F
if the statement is false.
_________1.A close reading analysis is a detailed study of passage of prose or poetry.
_________2. After analyzing the text/passage, crafting a thesis description is
necessary in writing the close reading analysis.
_________3. Detailed examination of rhetorical and literary devices of the work is
not a concern in close reading.
_________4.The focus of close reading is the language itself; what it says and how
the language is used.
_________5.The observation a reader has made about the work is used to construct
an argument about the passage. This can be developed around the central theme of
the literary analysis.

To interpret poetry is difficult because poets pack in a lot of information making use
of carefully chosen words expressing any human experience or ideas. So when reading, you
have to be attentive to the details of the text.

Q2 Week No.3 Competency Code: ENG12Lit-IIa-22

Competency: Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts applying a research
Writing a literary study of a poem requires knowledge of its form, elements, poetic
devices, and a lot more. For this reason, take your time to understand the following steps and
things to consider in analyzing a poem.

1. Read first the poem to familiarize yourself with the language and literal meaning.
2. Reread the poem to clarify unfamiliar words to get your first impression of it.
3. While reading, figure out the speaker, who tells the story, and who is the addressee.
4. Clarify the tone and mood of the poem. What is the author's attitude about the subject
of the poem? Is he nostalgic, brooding, regretful? Also, what feeling does the poem
create in you?
5. Paraphrase the poem, especially the figurative languages you don’t understand. Be
able to translate the poem into a much understandable language.
6. Last, you focus on the central idea conveyed by the poem and identify the
theme. Ask yourself: What does the poem try to tell you about the subject and its
significance to human life?

Directions: Read the following passage inside the box and answer the following
questions on separate sheets of paper.

Abandoned Farmhouse
He was a big man, says the size of his shoes
on a pile of broken dishes by the house;
a tall man too, says the length of the bed
in an upstairs room; and a good, God-fearing man,
says the Bible with a broken back
on the floor below the window, dusty with sun;
but not a man for farming, say the fields
cluttered with boulders and the leaky barn.

A woman lived with him, says the bedroom wall

papered with lilacs and the kitchen shelves
covered with oilcloth, and they had a child,
says the sandbox made from a tractor tire.
Money was scarce, say the jars of plum preserves
and canned tomatoes sealed in the cellar hole.
And the winters cold, say the rags in the window
It was lonely here, says the narrow country road.

Something went wrong, says the empty house

in the weed-choked yard. Stones in the fields
say he was not a farmer; the still-sealed jars
in the cellar say she left in a nervous haste.
And the child? Its toys are strewn in the yard
like branches after a storm—a rubber cow,
a rusty tractor with a broken plow,
a doll in overalls. Something went wrong, they say.

Ted Kooser

Q2 Week No.3 Competency Code: ENG12Lit-IIa-22

Competency: Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts applying a research
A. DIRECTIONS: Let’s see how much you have understood the poems by
answering the following questions.

1. In the first stanza, what inference can you make about the man and his
physical characteristics and skills as a farmer?
2. What description of the man and his family are given by the speaker? From what
is his conclusion based?
3. In the last stanza, to what does the speaker based his inference on why the
family left the house?
4. Do you know of anyone who had no choice but “to leave”?
What do you think this abandonment can represent in life? Explain.
5. Were you able to relate to the poem? Do you think it is wise to just leave and give
up when you know that it’s useless to struggle? Explain.
6. What do you think is the message of the poem? What did you realize about life
based on the message of the poem?

Getting it Right
B. Directions: Read and answer the statements carefully. Write the letter of the
correct answer on the space provided.

1. He was a big man, says the size of his shoes

on a pile of broken dishes by the house;
a tall man too, says the length of the bed
in an upstairs room; and a good, God-fearing man,
5.says the Bible with a broken back
on the floor below the window, dusty with sun;
but not a man for farming, say the fields
cluttered with boulders and the leaky barn.
_______1. The speaker of the poem guessed that the man is tall through
A. His shoes
B. His bed
C. His dishes
D. His trousers
_______2.What detail in the poem says that the man could not be a good farmer?
A. Lines 1-2
B Lines 3-4
C lines 5-6
D Lines 7-8

_______3.Though not directly stated, it can be guessed that the man is

religious. What detail in the poem tells this?
A. Lines 1-2
Q2 Week No.3 Competency Code: ENG12Lit-IIa-22

Competency: Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts applying a research
B. Lines 3-4
C. Lines 5-6
D. Lines 7-8
_______4.What description in the poem suggests that the man fairly read the Bible?
A. Broken
B. Cluttered
C. Dusty
D. God-fearing

_______5.In line 5, what sound device is used?

A. Alliteration
B. Assonance
C. Consonance
D. Onomatopoeia

1. Something went wrong, says the empty house

in the weed-choked yard. Stones in the fields
say he was not a farmer; the still-sealed jars
in the cellar say she left in a nervous haste.
5 And the child? Its toys are strewn in the yard
like branches after a storm—a rubber cow,
a rusty tractor with a broken plow,
a doll in overalls. Something went wrong, they say.

_______6. What figure of speech is used in the last 4 lines?

A. Apostrophe
B. Metaphor
C. Personification
D. Simile
_______7. To what is the child’s toy compared?
A. Scattered branches after a storm
B. a cow
C. a neglected child
D. Failure in life
_______8. What does the storm symbolize?
A. The hardships and failures of the family
B. Lost opportunities
C. Loneliness
D. Abandonment

_______9.What figure of speech is used in line1?

` A. Apostrophe
B. Hyperbole
C. Metaphor
D. Simile

_______10.In This line, ‘money was scarce, says the jars of plum preserves’
what sound device used is used?
Q2 Week No.3 Competency Code: ENG12Lit-IIa-22

Competency: Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts applying a research
A. Alliteration
B. Assonance
C. Consonance
D. Rhyme


A. Directions: Re-read the poem critically then paraphrase it below using
the provided writing prompts.

In Ted Kooser’s poem Abandoned Farmhouse, the persona has keenly

observed the life of a family through________________________________________



He inferred that the head of the family____________________________________



From the belongings that they have left, the speaker added that____________



What I like about this poem is______________________________________



Although I feel for the father for his fate, I think that in the same



Q2 Week No.3 Competency Code: ENG12Lit-IIa-22

Competency: Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts applying a research
I learned that we should/must_________________________________________________


B. Directions: Think of the things that your parents can not just let go of
although it is old and no longer useful. Speculate on how they
acquired, how they worked, and sacrificed just to have it. Take a
picture of it and write a few paragraphs/essays explaining its
importance to them. (Option: Make a show-and-tell video and
upload it in our Messenger classroom)

ACTIVITY NO.3: My Perspective

C.Directions: Visualize what could have happened to the family that made
them abandon their home, then write an ad blurb for the poem focusing on
the assumed conflict and implicit message or theme of the poem. You could
also create a digital image complementing your blurb.
Your output will be graded based on the criteria of the rubric below.

CRITERIA 1 – Needs 2- Good 3- Very Good

Content The learner has not The learner has The learner has
Accuracy sufficiently exhibited sufficiently incorporated new
knowledge of the exhibited insights into the
selection in the knowledge of the blurb aside from
blurb selection in the the knowledge
blurb provided by the
Graphic The graphic is not The graphic is The graphic is
Relevance related to the topic. related to the related to the topic
topic and is creatively

Attractiveness The drawing is The drawing is The drawing is

distractingly messy acceptably exceptionally
or has a very poor attractive attractive

Q2 Week No.3 Competency Code: ENG12Lit-IIa-22

Competency: Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts applying a research
Frondoza R I., De Guia L G, and Bautista R R (2017).21st Century
Philippine Literature from the Philippines and the World. Quezon City:
Trinitas Publishing Inc.

Prepared by:

Mataas na Paaralang Neptali A. Gonzales
SDO Mandaluyong



Master Teacher II, MHS Master Teacher II, ABIS Master Teacher II, MPNAG
Content Language Layout



Education Program Supervisor, English

Q2 Week No.3 Competency Code: ENG12Lit-IIa-22

Competency: Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts applying a research

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