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I am Vulcan. You can trust me - or rather my information - for your work.

Just make sure I get


- The Docks/Before the Auction: In 3 days, the airship will arrive at the Traume docks
with an escort from a private security company. The exact details of this escort are
unknown. After spending a few hours in the public docks for inspection, the airship will
be escorted to a private docking area where it will remain under watch until the time of
the auction.

- The Auction House: In 1 week, the airship will be auctioned off at the Ralheim Auction
House. Here, security will be tight in the auction house, but the security escort for the
ship will mostly hang back except for a few of the most presentable units.

- Entry:
[The Public Route] The Auction House will have heavy security in regulating
who gets in; the auction is meant to be a prestigious event for only the most
affluent merchants and nobles. The exact nature of this security is unknown, but
we can assume a few things. First of all, there’ll likely be both a guest list to
check who’s allowed in, and invitations will be sent to those invited. You’d need to
be on the list and have an invitation to head in. Additionally, mages with Detect
Magic will be scanning each and every guest during inspection, making it
exceptionally difficult to smuggle anything magical in or use illusion magic.

[Breaking In] If one was to try getting in through a less public route, they’d have
to face traps, alarms, and constant guard patrols. Again, the nobles and
merchants behind this auction are rather well off, so they can afford a relatively
high number of mages to patrol. Going by other security protocols, patrols will
likely have at least one person with them that can use magic while static guards
would be less likely to have a caster with them, unless they’re guarding a more
important spot. Small holes are likely threaded throughout the walls and
ventilation of the manor, allowing casters to cast Message on a predetermined
basis with a central security command unit located somewhere near or in the
manor, making it difficult to incapacitate these guards. See Invisibility is also a
spell to expect. Entries through windows and vents are also almost guaranteed to
be warded with an Alarm and/or non-magical traps, with a few Snares probably
scattered around for good measure. Again, remember that our intel is incomplete
and that they likely have other defenses in place.

[The Staff] The staff arrive in the morning or afternoon, several hours before the
auction in the evening. Each staff member is checked by the guards and have
their identities verified with a staff list, and have their belongings inspected
physically and with Detect Magic. They usually aren’t allowed to bring anything
other than a few select items, as most of their equipment will have been provided
by and checked/approved by the security staff a few days prior.

- The Auction:
[Transitioning to the Auction] After a small party held throughout the manor for
socialization and networking, the auction itself will occur in a large, central
chamber in the center-back of the auction house, with large windows to display
the items that don’t fit indoors (like the airship). Here, guests will have their
identity verified once more (though no baggage inspection will occur), and guards
will check the manor to see if any other guests haven’t made it inside yet. Once
all guests are accounted for, the doors and other entries into the auction chamber
will be sealed and have Alarm cast on them, likely along with other security
measures kept private, ensuring that no one enters - or leaves - the rooms
available: The auction chamber, the bathrooms, the kitchen, and a few guard
rooms. To tide over the guests while this casting occurs, finger foods will be
brought in through the kitchen and they will be given time to settle down for the

[The Auction Itself] Guards will be on standby while mages watch the room to
check for any shenanigans. The guard teams outside the manor will move to
raise security for the auction items too large for the manor, like the airship. In
order to make sure that people don’t bid for auction items with money they don’t
have, the budgets/net worth of the guests will be recorded in the central
security’s “master list” which also contains info on the guest list. Mages in the
auction will update central security on the bidders, and, if needed, central security
will message the host with necessary information.

The auction will take about an hour or two, during which the airship will be
auctioned off near the end. Once the airship is about to be auctioned, the security
teams at the docks will mobilize, and, under a watchful eye and in public,
transport the airship to the manor. Once it has been auctioned off, the airship will
be transported back to the private dock, where, once the paperwork has been
completed, it will be moved to the private dock of whoever purchased it.

[Ending the Auction] The auction will end with more food being brought out
from the kitchen while the chamber is unsealed. There’s a short after-party for
about an hour, throughout which guests will slowly leave. Security will likely be a
bit lowered as some of the valuables will have been transported out of the manor.
When leaving, guests will once again have their invitations examined, their
names checked with the guest list, and their items inspected. Once the guests
leave with their entourages, guards will inspect each room of the manor to make
sure that no one is left inside, and staff members will remain for a few more hours
to clean everything up. Staff members will be inspected upon by security.

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