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Renewable Energy Sources

Scientist and Engineers both are challenges in the development of renewable Technology as like the cost
of Energy production, Reliability, efficiency, Maintenance and other time to market . At April 2009 the
renewable energy are adopted codecision of (Directive 2009/28/EC) repealing directive (2001/77/EC)
and (2003/30/EC) are established by a Mandatory 20% share of EU energy source in 2020. The People of
the nation are obtain 20% of fuel transport is required from renewable sources.

Until, The renewable energy are targeting of each county in to the Different sources.

Here is some types some types of renewable sources of energy.

 Solar energy
 Wind energy
 Ocean energy
 Hot springs (geothermal energy)
 Biomass (biofuels)

Solar Energy
The solar energy is that the sun produces energy is called solar energy. This source of energy
required lot of heat so that the sun is the very hot ball of gas so that the surface Celsius at 6000
degrees when you forward it in center the sun get more warmer then further so that is why the
sun is an great idea to place it. Solar Energy gets 2000 kilowatt hours over the years of time in to
the located areas of sunny. The solar energy system are free of Pollution, it is nonpolluted system
as Compared to heavy generators which increase so much pollution in to the environment. Solar
energy is the most powerful energy resources which saves your money and also beneficial for
environment. On the other hand the panel of solar energy are not efficient individually, they
convert 10% to 18% energy of the sun into the electricity and the medium size of Home are
required to generate 15% to 20% panel of power energy. It is totally depending on the size of
house that how much sunlight its Covering.

Wind Energy
Wind energy is also the source of renewable Power of energy and it is one of the type of solar
energy it is also use to generate electricity with their wind turbine. The wind turbine convert the
kinetic energy into mechanical power and the kinetic energy are created by air in motion. After
that the generate can helps to convert the mechanical power in to the electricity. From 1997 the
wind-generation are capable to generate 7.5 gigawatt (GW) to 2018 are 564 gigawatt(GW) .
Wind energy are generate 16% of electricity by renewable. The wind-turbine is going work in to
the high of height in to the tower at the 30 meters (100 feet) or more above into the ground. It’s
have three blades which like an airplane wind when the air pressure are low the blades pull
toward it, cause the rotor to turn which is called lift. The forse of the lift air is much stronger
than the wind force against the front side of the blade that is called drag. Wind energy is
beneficial for environment unlike coal, natural gas and Oil also its have a downside that is noise
and visual population.
Ocean Energy
The ocean energy produced thermal energy form the mechanical energy and heat of sun from
the tides and Waves. It is refer all form of renewable energy can produce from the sea. Ocean
waves can generate to covering the waves energy. There are many different wave of technology
to develop and convert wave energy in to the electricity. Ocean thermal Energy can generate by
converting temperature between deeper water and ocean surface water in to energy .

Hot Springs

Hot springs is a geothermal energy. Its some boiling point the Chemical of thermometry of the
reservoir to be Low in order to 140°C. It has no Immediate plan for development.


The biomass is so clean renewable source of energy, in this use animal and plants material as
like Fuel to produce electricity. Biomass are used for fuels, power, production and product
which made from fossil fuel. Renewable Biomass fuel convert into heat and electricity by
biopower technology. The use of biomass can make free from the dependency of other foreign
oil because biofuel is the only renewable liquid transportation fuel available.

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