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Practical no.

a)Study awareness of Indian Ethos in Local Industries.

Indian ethos has always focussed on lok kalyan or the good of society. The simple meaning of
‘Ethos’, is the guiding principles of a person, group or of an organization. Indian ethos refers to
the principles of self-management and governance of society, entity or a system by wisdom as
revealed and brought-forth by great scriptures like Veda, Upanishads, Gita, Mahabharata, Bible
and Quran.

The guiding principles thus is a good pathway for:

 Self-purification and Self-development.

 Individual growth and welfare.
 Collective growth and welfare.
 Team spirit and Teamwork.
 Autonomous management, minimum control and supervision.
 Manager acts as a Mentor.
 Self-motivation.
 Perfection.
 All round happiness and prosperity.
 Skills and values united.
 Conflicts resolved by integration.

Indian ethos basically are based on our social structure, culture and religions. Moreover, our
Vedas, Upanishads, Shrutis, Purans, Bhagvat Gita and Ramayan were also contributed to create
and develop the holistic and value added aspects in ethos. As such, there were various concepts,
thoughts, views, traditions and attitudes developed by human being, were labelled as
ethos.‘Bhagwad Gita’ focuses on doing your provided duty. We should use our judgment and
conduct with highest attention. Gita tell us that, we should do the job without expecting, what is
going to the outcome. That mean, perform your work and responsibility just for the sake of your
company or organization and result will follow instantly. Even in the holistic approach, we stress
the co-operation integration, synthesis and team-spirit for extraordinary performance, for
enduring harmony and peace.

Peaceful mind

There are five levels of mental life, which are as follows:

1. Nirudha (mind free from mental impurities);

2. Ekagra (concentrated mind);
3. Viksipta (distracted mind);
4. Mudha (torpid mind);
5. Ksipta (restless mind).
There are four ways of Meditation for Concentrated Mind which are as:-

 Savitarka:- Concentrating mind on gross objects like the tip of the nose or the mid-point
of the eyebrows or the image of the deity.
 Savichara:- Concentrating mind on a subtler object of meditation like the sound.
 Santana:- Concentrating mind on a still subtler object of meditation like senses which
produces joy.
 Sasmita:- Concentrating on the ego-substance with which the self is generally identified.
Here we have conscious ecstasy where individuality persists.

The three step process for mindfulness is prescribed here on the basis of Indian ethos:

1. Meditation:- (Calmness through Cessation of Mental Modifiprosperit

2. Preparedness of Mind:- (living in the present moment free from judgmental approach
to past and future thoughts);
3. Right Knowledge and Living:- Knowledge of Do’s and Don’ts of Life and following

To analyze and study the role of Indian ethos to make a spiritual and holistic approaches to meet
responsibilities which are as:-

 To make self purification by means of truth and calmness,

 To develop full joyful feelings with highest material and spiritual streams,
 To develop mutual trust and cooperation, fellow feelings and respect within our social
 To make spiritual opportunities and ways of life within human beings,
 To analyze and learn the holistic views, concepts and approaches for human beings,
 To develop set of beliefs, ideas and perceptions in society.
 to develop spiritual divinity and unselfish work,
 To strengthen inspirational motives to perform the excellences in human life,
 To develop the ethical norms and standards for the well being of an individual and group
in society at large,
To move towards eternal truth and enlightenment for positivism in our life.

The valuable and pioneering aspects of Indian ethos are as follows:-

1.Know Oneself . 2. Purification of Mind. 3. Humanity.

4. Mutual Trust. 5. Self Introspection. 6. Intuition. 7.
Value Oriented Services. 8. Spirit of Sacrifice. 9.
Unity of Diversity. 10. Peace. 11. Team Spirit.
12. Self Realisation. 13. Cooperation. 14. Self Management. 15.
Wish-less Work. 16. Dynamic Meditation. 17. Happiness. 18. Means
are Equally Important.


Indian ethos contributed basic ideas and thoughts to formulate the vision of spirituality and
proper amicable way for the well-being of society. In fact we the people give due honor to truth,
honesty and humanity which are the essence of our ethos. The ideologies, concepts, thoughts and
approaches as laid down by Indian ethos, are the combination of our religion, culture and social

Features of Indian Ethos for awareness:-

1. Divinity of Human Being: Indian ethos focuses on the existence of human being as

truth. There is nothing more perfect than the supreme soul.
2. Balance or Equilibrium: Balance or equilibrium is a stable state of Indian thought,
i.e., balance between desire and desire-less position, spiritual and secular values,
subjective and materialistic world.
3. Balance of Personal and Work Life: Indian ethos focuses on the concept, that if you
are good then the world is also good for you. So, every individual should have an
effective management and balance of personal and work life in the organization.
4. Cosmic or Pure Consciousness:  The divine element, which is an inner part of an
individual, is a part of cosmic or pure consciousness. It gives a base for mutual trust,
cooperative, teamwork and common good.
5. Importance to Character: The Indian ethos gives much importance to character not
to the knowledge. It is the character, which is the real power and wealth.
6. Wholeness Approach: Indian thought provides the wholeness approach through
knowledge of creation, cosmos and internal relation between spiritual and materialistic
7. Work is Worship: Indian ethos works with the fact that all work is worthy and
honorable. ‘Work is worship’ is the guiding principle for all efforts as advocated in the
Indian ethos.
8. Duty and Responsibility: Indian ethos rarely talks about rights, it always emphasizes
only on the duties and responsibilities of human beings.
9. Knowledge: Indian ethos deals with two types of knowledge:- (i) Knowledge of
creation; (ii) Knowledge of creator.
10. Excellence at Work: According to Indian ethos, total quality management can be
assured through excellence at work, through self-motivation and self-development.
Achieving the level of excellence is very difficult.

B)Study the success story of family business.

What defines success is an unwavering belief in the entrepreneurial spirit, perseverance and
resilience. If there is one story that encapsulates these lofty-sounding words, it’s of Pravesh
Kocheta’s. The story is made more interesting given the fact that he went where very few
businessmen would venture.

Mr. Pravesh Kocheta joined Shri Paras Group in mid-2012 as the Director of the Rajdhani
Universal Fabrics Pvt Ltd. intending to bring Rajdhani Universal Fabrics Pvt Ltd in the league of
top companies in India’s Technical Textile Sector in the next 5 years, Pravesh Kocheta joined his
family business while pursuing his professional courses and Bachelors in Commerce and
Business Management from Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai. The
experience sparked his interest in the managerial side of things while developing his leadership
skills, something that’ll go on to define his career dream. While the dream was incepted, it took
him a few more years to give wings to his entrepreneurship. As the Director of Rajdhani
Universal Fabrics Pvt Ltd, Pravesh Kocheta is actively involved in the key decision-making
process in the company. The success of Mr. Pravesh Kocheta’s endeavors is testimony to his
relentless passion, insurmountable capacity, building up capabilities and positive Attitude. The
pandemic triggered a surge in demand for personal protective equipment (PPE) from the
manufacturing sector in India. Rajdhani Universal Fabrics Pvt. Ltd is the first company in
Maharashtra to start production of PPE kits, N-95 masks in association with the government on
25th March 2020. Amid such a grave situation of countrywide lockdown, they manufactured Ten
Thousand kits per day and raised the capacity to Twenty Thousand per day till April 10, 2020.

Rajdhani Universal Fabrics Pvt. Ltd has achieved many landmarks in a very short span
of time. Mr Pravesh Kocheta has always worked in the lines of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s
call for an ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ that helped the country tackle the Covid-19 economic shock.
Aatmanirbhar Bharat has always been the centrepiece of Rajdhani textiles.

Mr. Pravesh kocheta has also been Exporting PPE kits to several countries for various
other diseases. Rajdhani universal fabrics export Customised PPE kits and medical coveralls to
Myanmar for H1N1, South Africa for ebola and covid 19 PPE kits to Thailand USA and UK.
Rajdhani textiles delivers the best quality medical textiles with reliable quality fabric. Under
Pravesh Kocheta’s dynamic leadership Rajdhani Universal Fabrics Pvt. Ltd has achieved many
landmarks in a short span. Mr. Pravesh kocheta’s has been pivotal in streamlining operations in
the manufacturing and expansion of its production capacity. With this, Rajdhani Universal
Fabrics Pvt. Ltd. today is one of the largest producers of Technical Textile in India.
With many more ambitious plans laid for the company in the coming years, Pravesh
Kocheta is all set to take Rajdhani Universal Fabrics Pvt. Ltd. to new heights. The plans vary
from the manufacturing of Canvas, Special Purpose Fabrics, Technical Fabrics to Medical
Textiles. Mr. Pravesh kocheta’s actions have always had a larger societal purpose. Mr. Pravesh
kocheta believes in giving back to the Universe, no wonder he has remained active in the
philanthropic space through several social causes. During covid 19 pandemic times he has helped
several people. Providing kits to our front- liners including police departments, poor sections of
the society were part of distribution drives carried out by the company. Besides this Mr. Pravesh
Kocheta has also contributed to several social initiatives like building the blind school in Miraj,
Eye bank operation hall at Lion nab eye hospital and surgery camps.Mr. Pravesh kocheta ,
believes the road to entrepreneurship is rarely smooth , Perseverance is what gets you through
the obstacles and keeps you going when the going gets tough. Mr. Pravesh Kocheta says ”We
faced a major challenge where there was price fight due to competitive market but we never gave
up and abided by our quality and price in the global market which in turn has enabled us to Mark
our presence throughout the globe and remarks our impeccable success in this Industry”

“Entrepreneurship and creativity are key qualities that help inspire the independence,
innovation and success of young people like Mr. Pravesh kocheta , entrepreneurs like Mr.
Kocheta are the future generation of business leaders”.Undoubtedly, Mr. Pravesh kocheta is the
most phenomenal talented entrepreneurs in our country. It is the confidence and enthusiasm of
Mr. Pravesh Kocheta which has enabled him to carve his niche in the textile industry and
become an inspiration to young aspiring entrepreneurs.

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