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Submitted by: Aliza Arif - 211597

Submitted to: Dr. Sohaib Sultan

Subject: Curriculum Development
Assignment Topic: Components of Curriculum

Department of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Air University, Islamabad
Introduction of curriculum

Curriculum is an important tool in educational process. It is based on educational aims

and objectives. In other words curriculum is shaped according to the need of education
and society.

Etymological meaning of curriculum

Etymologically curriculum is derived from Latin word “curree” which means run or run-
way. So that a course and way to be run for achieving the targets.

Broader meaning of Curriculum

In broader sense Curriculum consists of all skills, techniques, experiences that a student
learn in his educational period of life. Whether in classroom or out of classroom

Concept of Curriculum:

As a dynamic active, strong and good Curriculum. It should be based on modern changes
that occur in society day by day. There are two main Concept of Curriculum:

Traditional Concept:

This type of Curriculum is subject- Centered a related to classroom activities with lecture
method of teaching

Modern concept of curriculum:

Modern Concept of Curriculum is child and life Centered. Modern Curriculum based on
Combination of two needs. The one is individual development and the other is
Socialization (adjustment with the social environment).

Definition of Curriculum
Cunningham "The curriculum is a tool in the hands of the teacher to shape his student
according to his goals and objectives in the school".
Morroe “The curriculum includes all activities used by the school to achieve educational
Crow and Crow “The curriculum encompasses all of the student's experiences in or out of
school, included in a program designed to help them develop emotionally, socially,
spiritually, and morally.”
Ralph Tyler (1957): The curriculum is all of the learning of students which is planned by
and directed by the school to attain its educational goals

Components of Curriculum
These are four components of curriculum:

Curriculum Curriculum
Aims, Goals Content or
and Objectives Subject Matter

Curriculum Curriculum
Methods Evaluation
1. Curriculum Aims, Goals and Objectives:
The purpose of the curriculum is related to the aims and objectives related to the
achievement of something. The aims and objectives of the curriculum are based on grade
level. The aims and objectives of the curriculum consist of philosophical, psychological,
and sociological foundations. The Objectives of Curriculum are all about improving
skills, ability, knowledge, etc. The Objectives can be general or specific. The general
objectives of your study indicate what you hope to achieve in general. Specific goals
break down the overall goal into smaller ones. When curriculum developer develops the
curriculum objectives, they mainly focus on three domains. These domains are Cognitive,
affective and psychomotor. Goals are usually developed to be achieved by students after
a longer period such as a school year or a series of courses in a discipline.
The objectives and aims of the elementary curriculum is to provide basic knowledge of
subjects, skills and prepare students for the future. According to my understanding, the
main purpose of this level is to focus on developing the personality of the students and
making them people who contribute to the world and help others. Provide learning
activities that improve children's abilities. The aims and objective of secondary education
is to promote the elementary aims and objective. The main purpose of this level is to
prepare the students for higher education. The purpose of higher education is to provide
general education programs that will promote national identity, cultural awareness, moral
integrity and spiritual strength. Train the national workforce in the skills needed for
national development. Develop the professions that will ensure the leadership of the
nation; and advancing knowledge through research and applying new knowledge to
improve the quality of human life and respond effectively to changes in society.
2. Curriculum Content or Subject Matter
Once aims, objectives and goals are designed. The second component is the curriculum
subject matter or content, which mostly focuses on the content. The content of any
subject is generally broad. Content is to help the organization of the material. Content
consists of presenting basic material for a general understanding of a course. The content
of the topic is to provide a valuable source of information. Content focuses on student
needs. It includes both cognitive skills and affective elements.
The content is used by the teachers and students. The content is practical and achievable.
Content is a fundamental fact in the structure of cognitive material. Content is to
elaborate the process of conceptual understanding which means teaching and learning.
The subject-centered vision of the curriculum is that the human knowledge fund is a
repository of inventions and discoveries that humans have accumulated over the
centuries, thanks to human exploration of the world. The learner-centered view of the
curriculum relates knowledge to the individual's personal and social world and how he or
she defines reality.
3. Curriculum Methods
The curriculum method indicates which teaching strategies, resources and activities will
be used in teaching and learning. The specific teaching objectives are achieved with the
help of appropriate teaching strategies. These teaching strategies and methods will apply
the objectives and use of content to produce results. This will turn the written curriculum
into education. Goals provide awareness and understanding of specific learning
conditions. This strategy is used to provide a learning experience and bring about the
desired behavior change.
Strategies and methods of teaching will be linked to the curriculum. Teaching strategies
and methods will apply the objectives and use of content to produce results. Teaching
strategies turn the written curriculum into instruction. These include proven methods,
inquiry approaches, constructivist strategies, and other emerging strategies that integrate
new theories into teaching and learning. Educational activities such as field trips,
conducting experiments, interacting with computer programs and other experiential
learning will also form part of the teaching repertoire.

4. Curriculum Evaluation
The evaluation of curriculum is an effective components of curriculum. Curriculum
evaluation means what methods and tools will be used to evaluate curriculum outcomes.
Evaluation of the curriculum is important to assess whether the goals and objectives have
been achieved or, if not, other strategies can be used which will work. The Stufflebeam’s
CIPP Model used for evaluation. This model process is continuous. It is necessary for
managers of curriculum.


Context Input Process Product

In the CIPP model, context means the curriculum environment. In Input, what materials
are used in the curriculum? The third is Process, implementation of the curriculum.
Lastly is the product, the achievement of goals is included in this model.

Pink, V. (2015, March 10). Curriculum its meaning, nature and scope. Slideshare.
Kumari, B. (n.d.). Components of curriculum. Patnauniversity. Retrieved October 3,
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Esperida, P. (n.d.). Components of curriculum. Slideshare. Retrieved October 3, 2021,
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What are AIMS goals and objectives of curriculum? (n.d.). FINDANYANSWER. Retrieved
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Cabiles, J. (n.d.). Curriculum content.ppt. Slideshare. Retrieved October 8, 2021, from

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