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Lesson Objectives
Subject observable objective

● The subject will be reading and writing. The objective would be to promote
understanding of unique cultural and ethnic heritage and to facilitate acquisition
of the skills and knowledge to function in various cultures.

Multicultural goal: (Chapter 1 Study guide)

● The multicultural goal that I have for this activity will be for my students to build
social relationships to promote interest in differences and include others in school
and social activities. Also to develop a positive attitude toward our own cultural

2. All Lesson Materials

Include all materials with the lesson activity assignment.
● Construction paper
● Pencil
● Colors
● Printer
● Books to get information from
● Computers to do research

3. Instruction- learning Process: Create a detailed outline of the multicultural

activity following the teaching design below:
Do First: (5 minutes.)
● During the first 5 minutes I will be explaining to the class what we are going to do
Mini-lesson: (15 minutes)
● In the mini lesson I will be showing them some videos of different cultures just so they can
get an idea of the cultures they will be doing. I will also be letting them choose their partner
at this point and have them pick their culture with the online spin wheel.
Guided Practice:(10 minutes) what they doing
● During this time they will be doing research online on the culture they got and also
reading books to get information from there as well. I will be walking around the class to assist
any student or group that needs it.
Independent Practice:(15 min.) what they doing
● During independent work they will be putting their book together, printing out anything
that they need to print pictures and anything they type up if they decided to type
or write it with a pencil.
Exit Slip:(5 minutes)
● For the exit slip they will turn in the book that they made and just tell the class
one important fact about the culture they got while the rest of the class takes notes.
They will also take a 2 question mini quiz at the end.

4. All Resources:
List all resources used in the multicultural lesson plan in APA format.
● Internet for research and books for more information.

5. Reflection:
Evaluate your multicultural lesson activity.
What specific subject concepts, skills were taught.?
● In this activity they will be doing reading and writing. They will learn how to work
in a group of two. They will gain some collaboration skills and to hold one another accountable.
What specific multicultural knowledge, skills were achieved?
● They will learn to value others world view, that every culture is somewhat similar but
different. Students will translate, comprehend or interpret information based on prior learning.
Evaluate the level of student engagement in the teaching-learning process.
● Students will participate in their groups.
List the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson plan
● Lesson plans helps us organize our time frame and it helps create the interest
of students towards the lesson. One weakness is that we can have everything planned
out a certain way and sometimes it doesn't happen that way.

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