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Lesson Synopsis

Theme: Translation of internationalisms. Pseudo-international words.

The aim: To teach the students the translation of internationalisms and what pseudo
international words are and to develop their translation skills.
Aids: cards, blackboard
Lesson Body
I. Introductory moment.
1. Greeting. Good morning! How are you?
2. Conversation with the student on duty.
Who is on duty today? Who is absent?
II. Warm up:
a. current political news
b. asking the questions:
What do you know about pseudo international words?
How are they translated?
III. Asking the home assignments.
What were your home tasks for today?

IV. Introducing the new theme. Teacher's information.

What are Internationalisms or international words? In linguistics a loanword that occurs
in several languages with the same or at least similar meaning and etymology. They play an
especially prominent part in various terminological systems including the vocabulary of
science, industry and art. Many of them are of Greek and Latin origin. Most names of
sciences are international: philosophy, physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, lexicology.
There are also a number of arts of the same origin: music, opera, drama, comedy, artist,
philharmonics, prima-donna.
What are pseudo international words? pseudo- (in nouns, adjectives and adverbs) not
genuine; false or pretended; simply “translator’s false friends”. Misleading words are mostly
international, or it is better to say that they are pseudointernational. They are loan words
that can be borrowed from the source text but have developed their own meanings in the
target texts. For example, exemplary – экземпляр. The Russian word denotes ‘a copy’,
whereas the English indicates ‘a representative of a group as a whole; a case serving as a
model or precedent for another that is the same or similar’.Or they can have the same origin
of the third language (mainly Greek and Latin) and be borrowed both into the source and
target languages: Sometimes the form similarity can be accidental: herb = ‘an aromatic plant
used in medicine or as seasoning’; gerb = ‘an object or representation that functions as a
Exercise 1. Translate the given sentences paying a special attention to the
1. Häzirki ýaşlar internet ulgamynda işjeň peýdalanýarlar. 2. Gözeliň jigisi Türkmen
döwlet ykdysadyýet we dolandyryş institutynyň Marketing fakultetiniň 2-nji ýyl talyby.
3. Fakultetimiziň täze bellenen dekany mugallymlar bilen maslahat geçirdi. 4. Hormatly
Prezidentimiziň ýolbaşçylygynda gurlup ulanylmaga berilen Türkmen döwlet
uniwersitetiniň täze binasy multimedia, lingafon we kompýuter enjamlary bilen
enjamlaşdyrylan. 5. Türkmen döwlet gurluşyk we binagärlik institutynyň dizaýn
hünäriniň talyplarynyň okuwlary 6 ýyl dowam edýär. 6. Ýurdumyzyň ykdysadyýeti
diwersifikasiýa ýoly bilen täze ösüşlere eýe bolýar. 7. Oraz planşetine dürli sözlükleri
ýükledi. 8. Maý aýynyň 8-10-y aralygynda Türkmenistanda Hindistanyň medeniýet
günleri mynasybetli “Türkmenistan” kinoteatrynda birnäçe hindi kinolarynyň görkezilişi
boljak. 9. Aşgabatda gurlan Olimpiýa şäherçesi Orta Aziýada iň iri sport desgalarynyň
biri hasaplanylýar. 10. Olimpiýa şäherçesiniň çäginde gurlan monorels türgenleriň,
hyzmat ediş işgärleriniň we tomaşaçylaryň rahatlygyny üpjün edýär. 11. Durmuşa mazaly
ornaşan telewizory, telefony, kumpýuteri we internedi asylly maksatlar bilen ulanmaly.

Exercise 2. Exercise 1. Analyse and translate the international lexemes below. Define the
possible ways of translating which help equivalently render the lexical meaning of the
following genuine international words:
Club, corona, diagnose, doctorate, examination, film, golf, pension, pulse, angina, microscope,
rector, poet, electron, stadium, drama, theatre, macaroni, pizza, concerto, duet, solo, tango,
bulldog, club, mister, shilling, festival, franc, diktat cobra, robot, kimono, algebra, atlas, banana,
basin, class, diet, boom, box, knock-out, leader, round, ambition, electro-biology, motor-cyclist,
radio-active, six-footer, athletics, diagram, phase, fashion, base.
V. Giving home assignments.
• Exercise 2.
VI. Evaluation of students' knowledge.
Comment on students' marks.

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