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Submitted as A Partial Requirements

for Writing the Thesis

Oktaviany Putri Aulia
SRN 183221207




A Background of the Study

The pandemic of corona virus hit Indonesia in 2020 which was

confirmed that 10 infected people were found on 16 th of march 2020. This
caused the government to made a policy that froze most of public facilities
including but not limited to school which is called as lockdown policy
(Sari, D. P., 2020). This policy is implemented in order to minimalize the
transmission rate of corona virus (Yunus, N. R., & Rezki, A. 2020).
Corona virus is an organism classified in virus kingdom that causes several
diseases from the harmless symptoms (cough, ill, flu, and cold) to harmful
ones (respiratory failure) (Pakpahan, R., & Fitriani, Y. 2020). Lockdown
policy is where the government intends to press the number of infected
citizens by implementing several protocols and restrictions (Yunus, N. R.,
& Rezki, A. 2020).

According to the development of technology, teaching nowadays

can be done by conducting a digital classroom using various platforms
such as google meet, zoom, google classroom and so on and so forth. The
use of such technologies is still far from generating systemic change,
rather promoting the notion “islands of innovation”, referring to the
product of innovative teachers who invent various online teaching designs
in their teaching practices using Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) (Albion PR, Tondeur, Peeraer et al., 2015). Along
with the advance the technology, most Language teachers have been
applying technologies in order to improve the learning quality in formal
education institution starting from middle schools to universities in form of
virtual applications (Gheytasi, Azizifar, & Gowhary, 2015). One of other
technologies that is mostly use in learning process is internet (Gheytasi et
al., 2015). Shahab (2000) stated that the Internet is a very large computer
network, consisting of millions of user's computer devices that are
connected through a certain protocol in exchanging information between
computers. All computers are connected on the internet exchange
information via the same protocol, namely TCP / IP (Transmission)
(Control Protocol / Internet Protocol). The usage of this technology makes
the student and teacher stay connected wherever and whenever teaching
process along with the learning style is conducted.

It has been 2 years since the pandemic hit Indonesia. According to

Suni Astini (2020:242) who also conducted research similar to the setting
of a place in Bali, Indonesia, it is found that with the subject of student
research Google Classroom and WhatsApp. Various problems are found in
the implementation of learning from the difficulties of supporting facilities
such as laptops and internet connections. As a result, many subjects stated
that online learning was ineffective. Huang et al. (2020:2) also explains
three major challenges in online learning in the near future during
pandemic. First, teachers have very limited time in preparing and/ or adjust
offline learning materials to online. Second, lack or limited opportunity.
teachers and students interact directly and freely during online learning
Resulting in disruption of the learning process. Third, the use of
pedagogical approaches. Effective effort requires more effort in motivating
and activating students in learning Online. Byun & Slavin (2020:665) also
found that although the school facilities were adequate and the national
curriculum facilitates online learning very well, imbalances The education
obtained by each student is also due to the influence of the family and
Financial problems that interfere with the learning process.

Perception is the whole process conscious human mind in drawing

on the surrounding environment (Konent, 2011). It is also the process of
experience to achieve awareness or understanding of cencory information
(Qiong, 2017). Responding to the issues regarding the English Learning
that is conducted online, teachers must have several responses towards
them in form of perception. Teachers’ perceptions upon anything
regarding learning process is impactful in order to identify the main issue
as well as finding the solution for it. This is possible due to the fact the
teachers are required to work: the school, the region, the state.
Specifically, it comprises knowledge of the students and their family
background, as well as the entire local community, education system, the
organisation and management of the school unit (Liakopoulou, 2011).
Thus, it is essential and impactful to know the teachers’ perceptions in
order to make further steps in improving the education system especially
for the current time where the pandemic hit Indonesia.

From the background above, we learned that the pandemic Covid-

19 has caused a lot of casualties affecting the English learning process.
Thanks to the advance of technology, the education system is struggling to
survive by using the online learning method where the students and
teachers are connected through various platforms in the internet network.
This style of learning has been implemented and conducted for 2 years in
Indonesia. In order to understand the efficiency of the online learning, it is
essential to identify the teachers’ perceptions since they are the key of the
formal education themselves. Thus, researcher is interested to conduct a
research under the title “An Analysis of Teachers’ Perceptions on
English Learning Difficulties Using Online Platforms during
Pandemic Covid-19 for Almost 2 Years at Junior Highschool of 1
B. Identification of the Problems
According to the background mentioned above, researcher found
several problems regarding the topic which are as follows:
1. Covid-19 pandemic has forced the education system to utilize online
platform for learning English.
2. Teachers’ perceptions are required for further evaluation in online
English Teaching and Learning using online platform.
C. Limitation of the Problems
1. The use of online platform in Online English Learning that will be
studied is focused in Junior High School of 1 Teras.
2. The teachers chosen for the study are English teachers in Junior High
School of 1 Teras.
D. Formulation of the Problems
Based on the problems found above, the formulation of the problems is
shown as follows:
How are the teachers’ perceptions on the difficulties in implementing
online English Learning using online platform in Junior High School of 1 Teras
during Covid-19 pandemic for almost 2 years?
E. Objectives of the Study
The objective of this study is to understand teachers’ perceptions on
English learning difficulties using online platforms during Covid-19 pandemic
for almost two years at Junior High School of 1 Teras.
F. Benefits of the Study
The researcher expect that this study can contribute for the English
education in the near future regarding the use of online platforms in teaching
English. Moreover, the researcher expect that this study can fulfil several
significances as follows:
1. The result of this research is expected to be used theoretically and practically
by the authority to determine further educational strategy especially in English
learning using online platforms.
2. The result of this research is expected to be read and understood by fellow
teachers for further references regarding the difficulties of using online
platforms during Covid-19 pandemic.
G. Definition of Key Terms
Online learning can be defined as a learning done in digital platform by
implementing electronic-based media supported with network connection.
Online learning is also known as e-learning that stands for electronic learning,
internet-enabled learning, virtual learning, web-based learning depending on the
platform used (Indriastuti, 2019). Meanwhile English learning means
applying practices as memorizing vocabulary and reading aloud,
translation discussion of theories, and filling in the item question. So,
students will be bored, lazy, the learning atmosphere is not fun, and create
a paradigm that English is a difficult subject (Damar et al. 2013). Thus,
learning English online means applying English learning by taking advantage of
advance technology such as internet and online platforms such as zoom, social
media, as well as other online meeting application. This learning was required in
order to solve the problem of Covid-19 pandemic due to the inability of the
students and teachers to meet face to face.
Perception is the act of compiling, recognizing and interpreting
sensory information to provide an understanding and description of an
environment. In compiling, recognizing and interpreting, you can use
sight, hearing, touch, smell, appreciation and feeling which will later
produce a meaningful picture of the world. Thus, teachers’ perception means
that every interpretation that teachers experienced regarding the activity done
both physically and mentally responding to the current learning they conduct.
A. Theoretical Review
1. The Concept of Teaching English
English is an international language so that it becomes the most widely
spoken language in the world. We can see the position of English as an
international language with the presence of anglophone speakers (English
speakers) scattered throughout the world five continents. English is not only
used by speakers anglophone, but is used by the world community in particular
modern society. This is also due to There are various advantages in English,
including: namely in the richness of its idioms (special expressions), which are
more varied and always evolving than other European languages (Rayner
Hardjono, Everyday English Phrases: Ungkapan Bahasa Inggris Sehari-hari
Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta 2000)

For Indonesian people who don’t speak English, English is the context of
a foreign language. Most school teacher may not be prepared enough to teach
English (Kusuma, Deepublish 2020 Yogyakarta). So, teacher and student
should be prepared to adapt to various changes. Guskey argues that high quality
professional development serves to develop educators' knowledge, attitudes,
skills, aspirations, and behavior of educators, so that gradually they can apply
what they have learned and the end of the day it will improve the hope of
student learning (Guskey,T.R. (2003). How Classroom Assessment Improve
Learning Educational Leadership, 60(5), hlm.6-11).

In Indonesia, the concept of learning tends to apply practices as

memorizing vocabulary and reading aloud, translation discussion of theories,
and filling in the item question. So, students will be bored, lazy, the learning
atmosphere is not fun, and create a paradigm that English is a difficult subject
(Damar et al. 2013), a variety of English learning techniques are needed to
attract students, and that is a challenge for English teachers. If the educators
can find a new innovation, it will make the students can be actively engaged in
the learning process.

The first power of communication is the internet, then the language.

The power of the internet allows us to communicate real time and gives us
many choices as to how we communicate. Now, Internet also can write, speak,
or make a video conference with anyone around the world. Internet as an
amazing medium of information has been a positive development for the
educational world. Sadiman et al (2009) concludes that media is everything
which can be used to transmit messages from sender to receiver and thus can
stimulate thoughts, feelings, concern, and interest of students in the field of

Based on the government appeals for distance and reduce social

interaction as a preventive measure against the spread of the corona virus or
covid-19, several schools in Indonesia have closed teaching and learning
activities and introduced online learning. In addition, Putri (2020) states that it
is expected that this condition should not discourage students from learning,
since teaching them remains a top priority for us to consider together. With
technological advances backing, we can use them by studying online through
several programs, such as Google Classroom, Zoom Meeting, Group
WhatsApp, etc. Technology support is a solution that allows students to study
at home, but it remains effective and fun. Moreover, with the rapid
development of technology, the emergence of multimedia technology and its
applications for teaching, displaying audio, visuals and animation effects brings
a distinctive colour to English teaching and establishes a favourable platform
for reform and exploration of the English teaching model in the new era.

2. Using Technology in Teaching English

In the digital world, where everything is under internet control, we can't

refuse the existence and contribution of technology to English teaching. Media
such as videos, podcast, work sheets, e-learning, apps and websites, and other
technology tools are very helpful for teaching English in digital world.
Gilakjani (2014) said that learning English is the second most difficult in the
process of language teaching, various factors contribute to each other and
combine together to achieve a common goal success. To achieve good results,
teachers must sacrifice much time and effort to determining the most
rewarding, appropriate, and effective teaching methods.
According to Eady & Locker (2013), a key role in eliminating
monotonous activities from the class is occupied by the video, which promotes
vocabulary expansions and listening skills. Many children like to watch
cartoons or animated stories, older students are more likely to watch a
documentary on a trip or Anime that can improve proficiency in English and
can learn about new vocabulary. As a result of the activity, students can have
language learning experiences not only audio but also visually. Can't be denied
that the internet has become an important part of the world. So, teacher must be
able to adapt the changes and make an innovation for the education.
According to Parvin:2015:81, Multimedia has its own features like
visibility and liveliness, during the process of teaching English, sounds and
pictures can be combined, this can increase the initiative of the teacher and
students. While Sabzian & Sodouri is of the opinion that during this process,
the role of the teacher as a facilitator is very prominent. Using multimedia in
context creation creates a good platform for interaction between teachers and
students, while at the same time providing a language environment that
enhances traditional classroom teaching models.
From the explanation above, we can conclude that internet is very
important for our education. Not just for teachers, students also can use the
internet for learning, such as downloading apps or games on their cell phone or
computer that can improve their skills in learning and speaking English and can
learn many new vocabularies.
3. Online English Learning

Learning can improve student learning outcomes. while (Naserly, 2020)

argues that the work together to use the online platforms so that learning
continues to occur and is not monotonous.

4. The Dynamics of Online Learning

According to Rosenberg (2001; 28), e-Learning is the only use of

internet technology in the application of learning in a broad range based on
three criteria, namely:

a) E-learning is a network with the ability to update, store, distribute and share
teaching materials or information.

b) Delivery to the final user via a computer using standard internet technology.

c) Focuses on the broadest view of learning behind traditional learning


The use of online learning using zoom cloud meetings have the
advantage of being able to interact directly between students and students'
lecturers and teaching materials but have the weakness of wasteful internet
balance and less effective if more than 20 students.

According to Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata (2007: 206-207), the letter e

in e-learning is not only an abbreviation of electronic but also an abbreviation
of experience, extension), and expansion. While (Rusman 2012) argues that e-
learning is all learning activities that use the help of electronic technology.
Through e-learning, students' understanding of a material does not depend on
the teacher/instructor but can be obtained from electronic media. Electronic
technologies that are widely used include the internet, video or audio tapes,
broadcasting via satellite, interactive television and CD-ROMs. So, we can still
connect even if we can't meet face to face. There are many choices that we can
choose to stay connected online.
There are many online platforms that we can use to do an online
learning, such as: Whatsapp Group, Google Form, Google Drive, YouTube,
Telegram, etc. One application that is often used in the learning English
process is Google Classroom. Afrianti (2018: 11) quoting from the official
Google website explains that the Google Classroom application is a
productivity tool created to simplify and save an educator or teacher's time in
managing classes and improving communication with students. With the
Google Classroom application, it can make it easier for students and educators
to connect with each other both inside and outside school. While Noordin
Asnawi (2018: 17), calls the Google classroom application a mixed learning
platform intended for every scope of education as a way out of difficulties in
creating, sharing and grouping each paperless assignment. This app is one of
the best platforms to improve teacher workflow.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that there is no reason

for us to stop learning because there are obstacles like whatever. With many
choices in online learning, we can always stay creating many creativities in
learning progress, especially in English Learning. Teachers and students can
work together to use the online platforms so that learning continues to occur
and is not monotonous.

5. Perception

Perception in general is a process of acquiring, interpreting, selection,

and arrangement of sensory information. According to Telford (2008),
perception is an activity of perceiving other people and what makes a person
recognizable. Through this perception, Individuals seek to find out about other
people. Perception can also interpreted as learning how individuals form
impressions and draw conclusions about other people. while sarwono (2011) is
of the opinion that, in psychology, perception can also be interpreted as a
process of acquiring, interpreting, and arrangement of sensory information
about other people. What is obtained, interpreted, selected, and organized is a
sensory information from the environment social and the focus is on other

Konent (2011), stated that perception is the whole process conscious

human mind in drawing on the surrounding environment. Moreover, Qiong
(2017) said that perception is a process experienced to achieve awareness or
understanding of sensory information. According to Sunaryo (2004)
perceptions are divided into two types, namely: External Perception and Self-

1. External Perception, namely the perception that occurs because of the stimuli
from outside the individual.

2. Self-perception, namely the perception that occurs because of the arrival of

stimuli from within the individual. In this case, the object is self.

According to Walgito (2010), perception is a process that preceded by

the sensing process, which is the process of receiving stimulus by the individual
through the senses or also called the process of sensory. Perception is also an
integrated activity within the individual. Slameto (2010:102) also argues that
perception is a process that involves the entry of a message or information into
the human brain. Through perception, humans are constantly in touch with their
environment. This relationship is done through the senses, namely the senses of
sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.

From the explanation above, we can conclude that perception is the act
of compiling, recognizing and interpreting sensory information to provide an
understanding and description of an environment. In compiling, recognizing and
interpreting, you can use sight, hearing, touch, smell, appreciation and feeling
which will later produce a meaningful picture of the world.
B. Previous Related Studies

In order to clarify the answer for the problems of the study, researcher did
some grinding on several previous related studies that will be reviewed
objectively and rationally. The researcher found several studies related as follows:

1. A study conducted by Retno Puji et al. (2020) with the title “Teachers’
Perception of Online Learning during Pandemic Covid-19” analyzed EFL
teachers’ perception of online English learning. The analysis consists of three
aspects which are perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and the attitude
of the teachers toward online English learning. The method used in this study
is using survey questionnaire and interview of 102 Junior High School English
teachers in Bandung. The finding of the study showed that the participants
have positive perception of the usefulness and ease of online learning systems
during pandemic Covid-19. Even so, more than half of the teachers didn’t
agree on the effectiveness. The attitude shown according to the study revealed
that the teachers were still able to show right attitude toward using technology
to teach online.

2. A study conducted by Agung et al. (2020) with the title “Students’ Perception
of Online Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study on the English
Students of STKIP Pamane Talino” uses collective case study strategy
consisting of analysis survey on students’ perceptions. The research’s subjects
were sixty six students of English Education Study Program at Pamane Talino
College of Education. The data of this research was collected through survey.
The terms used for identifying the students’ perceptions are participation,
accessibility, material and assignment delivery as well as the use of e-learning
platforms. The result found in this study is the fact that students demand more
friendly platforms so that they can participate more in the learning process.
This is especially issued by the students who live in rural areas with limited
internet connections and other support systems.

A. Place and Time of the Research

The research was conducted at Junior Highschool (JHS) of 1 Teras which is

located on Jl. Raya Solo-Semarang, Teras, Boyolali, Indonesia. The research was
conducted online due to the Covid-19 pandemic phenomenon that made it hard for
the researcher to do a direct contact with the subjects on the field. The subject of this
research is English Teachers in JHS of 1 Teras. The method chosen by researcher for
collecting data is in the form of online questionnaire using Google Forms as the
platform distributed to the students via Whatsapp groups on January 24-29, 2022.

B. Design of the Research

This research used descriptive qualitative method. According to Sugiyono

(2016:9) descriptive qualitative method is a research method that focuses on post-
positivism philosophy used for observing and analyzing subject’s condition naturally
(contradicting to experiment) where the researcher as the key instrument of data
collecting technique conducted in a triangulation (combination), data analysis
based on meaning rather than generalization. This research’s objective is to
describe, explain, elaborate and answer in detail regarding the topic that is
concerned in the research that will be observed by optimally learning an
individual, group or a phenomenon. In qualitative research, human is the
main research instrument and the product of the research is formed into
words or statements following the real condition that’s happening.

C. Operational Definition

It is essential to define every variable in order to avoid misunderstanding by

the readers. Thus, the researcher intends to explain two terms related to this research.

1. Online Learning

This research focuses on teaching and learning process utilizing online

networks, applications, platforms, as well as other digital medias in transferring
knowledge of every learning material. Due to the covid-19 phenomenon, the
researcher has a very limited space in observing and conducting the teaching and
learning process in the classroom. Even so, researcher believes that preserving the
education is essential. Thus, the teaching and learning process is conducted by
utilizing digital media connected to the internet network online. It is expected that
by doing so, students as well as teachers can still conduct learning and teaching
process without a direct contact face to face but through online media instead.

2. Media Used in Online Learning

The development of technology has been improved rapidly that makes it

possible to study at home effectively and efficiently by utilizing online media
platforms as communication medium. The platforms meant are including but not
limited to WhatsApp, Telegram, Zoom Meeting, Google Meet, Google Classroom,
and so on and so forth. The researcher focuses on the use of platforms used in JHS
of 1 Teras which are ______, _________ and ________ .

E. Variable of The Research

Research variables are attributes or characteristics or values of an object or

activity that contains several variants that have been determined by the researcher to
be studied and concluded (Sugiyono, 2015). The variables in this research were
perceptions of the teachers in JHS of 1 Teras towards English online learning during
the Covid-19 which were views and behavior of the teachers towards object and
situations that were fixed to learning. Thus, it is expected for the teachers to be able to
cooperate by making certain responses or behaviors in a certain way and finally it is
stated in the questionnaire to achieve data in form of scores.

F. Technique of Collecting Data

The data collecting technique used in this research is provided by an interview in

order to get information regarding the topic chosen. This method is used due to the
main design of this research which is descriptive qualitative research where a
meaningful data is more required than generalization of a finding. The interviewees
were considered as on of essential factors that will be used in the analysis of this
research. There are three fundamental types of research interviews: structured, semi-
structured and unstructured. The interview type that this research uses is the structured
interview in which a list of predetermined questions asked by the researchers with
little or no variation or with no scope for follow-up questions to responses that warrant
further elaboration (Gill K. et al, 2008). Based on that definition, the researcher w ould
give several questions that had been chosen by following the guidelines. The
informants (in this case: teachers) were required to answer according to their
The list of questions in the instrument contained issues related to the topic
chosen which is difficulties in online English learning in the teachers’ point of
view. The researcher categorized every answer from the informant to finally get
the result of the analysis. Furthermore, the researcher used an audio recorder to
ensure the data validity. The steps of the data collecting is shown as follows:
1. Preparation Step
a. The informants chosen in this research is basically all of the English
teachers in Junior Highschool of 1 Teras since the population is not too
many and doesn’t need any selection in order to get an optimal result.

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