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Video: Audio:

A STUDENT is seen standing in MUSIC: peppy and promotional

the broadcast lab hallway FADE IN, UP AND UNDER
while talking directly into
the camera. STUDENT: Are you a
Communication major looking
for a fun club to help enhance
your broadcasting skills?

The Student starts to backup STUDENT: Then you’ve come to

down the hallway while the right place. Let me tell
continuing to talk directly you about SAB. SAB stands for
into the camera. Student Association of

The Student is now talking STUDENT: We’re a club that

directly into the camera as promotes lifelong friendships.
the FUN STUDENT walks into the
shot energetically, and they
participate in an odd, super
secret handshake.
The Student is seen in the STUDENT: Bettering your skill
CAPS 13 news studio pointing set within the broadcast
out equipment and things on department with various
the studio floor while talking workshops and tours,
directly into the camera.
TWO STUDENTS are shown at the STUDENT: And helping other
editing bays, one is working students by giving feedback
on the computer while the and assistance on projects
other is giving advice and when needed.
Student is talking directly STUDENT: Oh, and you can’t
into the camera while forget about all the inside
PROFESSOR and Fun Student are jokes you’ll have to learn.
shown laughing together about
an inside joke while the MUSIC: FADE UP AND OUT
Student acts confused as to
what is going on.
SHELBY and TY shown, on either STUDENT: If this sounds like
side of Student, smiling and the club for you, contact Ty
waving goodbye at the camera. Goss or Shelby White.
Abbey Schwab
October 25, 2018
“Student Association of Broadcasters”
PSA 0:30

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