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I’m Bored. Teacher I’m ELEMENTARY: How to ELEMENTARY: How to
Lost - Teaching Multi- Teach Word Order: Help Teach Shapes
Level Classes Them Remember the
Patterns 25 BEGINNERS &
5 BEGINNERS & Teach Time: Telling Time
ELEMENTARY: From 16 BEGINNERS & Activities And Games
How to Teach Absolute Opposites Attract:
Beginners Having Fun with 26 PRE-INTERMEDIATE
I Don’t Know What
6 BEGINNERS & They Don’t Know: 7
ELEMENTARY: 17 BEGINNERS & Steps for Teaching
Beginning at the ELEMENTARY: The 3 the Intermediate ESL
Beginning: What Little Wolves and the Student
You Need to Know if Big Bad Pig: Teaching
You Teach Absolute Opposites
18 BEGINNERS & Past the Plateau: How to
7 BEGINNERS & ELEMENTARY: Realia: 9 Assist Your Intermediate
ELEMENTARY: How Ways To Bring Real Life Students on Their Way
To Teach Days Of The Into The Classroom to Fluency


ELEMENTARY: How to Does She Look Like Avoid Sensitive Issues
Teach Descriptions vs. What is She Like? When Teaching ESL
Distinguishing Between
Teach Directions 20 BEGINNERS & Teach Current Events to
10 BEGINNERS & Time Do You Have?
ELEMENTARY: How to Telling Time Activities
Teach Giving Advice 30 PRE-INTERMEDIATE
ELEMENTARY: How ELEMENTARY: What to Grading Student
to Teach Nationality Would You Do? Advice Essays
Adjectives and on Teaching Giving
Nationality Nouns Advice 31 PRE-INTERMEDIATE &
and Receiving Advice
Teach Polite Phrases: 3 Easy as OneTwoThree: 32 PRE-INTERMEDIATE &
Secret Ingredients 10 Ways to Practice INTERMEDIATE: Extra!
Numbers in the ESL Extra! Putting Together
Classroom a Class Newspaper is
13-14 BEGINNERS & Easy, No Extra Work
ELEMENTARY: How Required!
To Teach Sentence 23 BEGINNERS &
Structure: Easy Object ELEMENTARY: How
Lesson With Zero Do You Feel Today?
Preparation Teaching Emotions in
Car was Unreliable: “Yo, Dude”: Teaching
33 UPPER INTERMEDIATE A Car was Ugly, Too. Register
& ADVANCED: Is Global Teaching Devices
Warming a Reality? for Coherence and 56-57 UPPER
Presenting Complex Cohesion INTERMEDIATE &
Topics for Advanced ADVANCED: Where To
Learners 46 UPPER INTERMEDIATE From Here? Teaching
& ADVANCED: the Advanced ESL
34 UPPER INTERMEDIATE Practical Suggestions Student
& ADVANCED: Every for Scaffolding in the
Teacher Should Know: Content Classroom
Reaching Advanced
Learners 47-48 UPPER
& ADVANCED: Expert What’s a Yankee?
Sharing: Making the Well, It Depends.
Most of Your Students’ Contextualizing
Knowledge Language Learning

& ADVANCED: In the U.S. Academic Values in
Eye of the Beholder: the Classroom (Yes, You
What Will Your Students Must Come to Class, but
Say about the Media’s that is Not Enough)

37-38 UPPER & ADVANCED: Where’s
INTERMEDIATE & the Focus? Integrating
ADVANCED: Pro et the Skills in an
Contra: 20 Stages of Integrated Skills Class
Teaching Controversial
& ADVANCED: Why Tell
39-40 UPPER a Story? The Academic
INTERMEDIATE Value of the Narrative
& ADVANCED: All Form
Americans are Fat and
Lazy: Teaching the
Fallacy 52-53 UPPER
41-42 UPPER was the Class Empty?
INTERMEDIATE & Cultural Practices Your
ADVANCED: How Do Students Should Be
We Know He Killed Taught
His Wife? Teaching
43 UPPER INTERMEDIATE Never Knew it Could Be
& ADVANCED: My So Good: The College
Brother is Very Success: Application Process and
Teaching Morphology Your ESL Students


Teacher, I’m Bored; Teacher I’m
Lost - Teaching Multi-Level Class
Choose themes. Find out what
write critiques and engage in discus-
sions after about the movies, lower level
students can focus more on short oral
and written summaries.
And all ESL classes are multi-level, themes students are interested in
even those not officially designated as by polling them and showing visuals:
such: for example, one student may be
strong in speaking skills while another
strong in reading.
sciences, education, art, and so forth.
Build your class around these themes,
with easier materials for the lower levels
Include also a variety of activi-
and harder for the higher levels. Usually ties for different language skills within a
one week of focus on a theme is suf- class. This is a way to meet the needs of
A concern with teaching the multi-level
ficient. all students, from the student who needs
class is holding everyone’s interest and
work on basic literacy to the student
meeting everyone’s needs, no matter
their level. A variety of students study
in a multi-level class: students who are
just learning to speak English, students
Plan carefully for the multilevel
who wants to work on more advanced
pronunciation and accent reduction.

Referring back to your themes list, you

class. This is crucial, to have enough
who are fluent but want to work on their
activities for each of the levels, or may start out with an activity such as a
pronunciation, as well as students who
flexible activities, with different materi- visual that all students will benefit
have conversational English but need to
al for students at different levels of Eng- from: a provocative picture from a re-
work on academic skills.
lish acquisition. So while a beginning cent news magazine, for example, or
student could be working on vocabulary a picture of an abstract painting. Have
HOW TO MEET THE related to college life, for example, a students first discuss the visual as a
VARIED STUDENT more advanced student could be writ- whole class, and then the higher level
NEEDS OF A ing a paragraph or essay on the same students may write their interpretation
MULTILEVEL CLASS topic. of the visual while the instructor can
help the lower level students with vo-

Start with a needs assessment. 5 PROPER APPROACH
Use the whole-class-to-leveled
cabulary and grammar.

Language experience, in which stu-

Find out what students want to learn
groups approach. In larger classes, dents dictate a story related to the
and are interested in. If most in a class
you may group students by level or in theme, and the teacher or another stu-
are career-oriented, for example, focus
heterogeneous groups while in smaller dent writes it on the board, is also a use-
on the vocabulary needed for career
classes you can split your time effec- ful approach involving a variety of skills
tively between individual students. Start and levels. Again, move from a broad-
an activity by discussing it in general er topic and break it down by pronun-
For example, academic English vocab-
with the class as a whole: the topic of ciation, grammar, and vocabulary. This
ulary is full of Latin root words such as
family, for example. Allow students to also presents an opportunity for teach-
“obese” that are different from the more
offer comments as they wish at the be- ers to mix up groupings, from heteroge-
Anglo-Saxon roots of conversational
ginning then break into leveled groups neous to level based to skilled based.
English, such as “fat.” It is this vocabu-
lary students need to succeed in college for learning vocabulary words related
classes for later professional success. to family, for example, for lower levels,
while higher levels can do a more ad-
vanced reading on the topic.
Projects are a great way for all stu-

2 SKILLS ASSESSMENT dents to be able to participate at a level

In addition, do a skills assessment
the first day and find out what students’
levels are by an informal interview, ask-
Include a variety of modalities and
that is comfortable yet also challenges

For example, in the project of setting up

ing students about their background strategies: use visuals, stories, and
movies. These are amazing tools in a a class website, the student with excel-
and then taping it. Also do a writing as-
multi-level class because a variety of lent literacy and computer skills may find
sessment on a simple topic like “A Life
students at different levels will relate to himself in a leadership role that chal-
Lesson.” Then make decisions about
and gain something from them. lenges him to use his speaking skills
grouping from this assessment. Some-
more, skills he is not so sure of. The stu-
times it makes sense to group students
Showing a movie, for example, provides dents who are just learning English may
of similar ability levels, such as when
opportunity for a variety of activities. If also participate by posting their profiles
doing a listening comprehension task,
the movie can be shown with closed to the site. Projects are a good way
while other times, however, such as
caption, in English, this helps students’ for everyone to participate, develop
when engaged in discussion, students
reading skills. Higher level students can English skills, and make friends.
can be grouped across levels.
From ESL Zero to Hero:
How to Teach Absolute Beginners
expressions. Don’t assume a student
will be able to answer you if you ask,
“How are you?” Absolute beginners
THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, USUALLY won’t know how to reply, unless you’ve It is essential for absolute beginners
THROUGH THE INTERNET, MOVIES OR specifically taught them. to review what they’ve previously
TV. learned, and it’s a great idea to start
They have most likely studied English
at some point in their lives and aban-
doned their studies – they are often
each lesson with a brief review. But
you can also re-use previously taught
language points and introduce them
referred to as false beginners. But ev- Absolute beginners will tell you they into a new context. Say you are now
ery now and then, we come across an don’t speak English – till the very end teaching your students how to ask for
absolute beginner, someone who has of the course. What they’re thinking is directions. Student A is walking down
had so little exposure to English, they that they don’t speak English fluently, the street with a friend, Student B, when
can’t even handle the most basic greet- or like you, for example. But make sure they run into Student C. A introduces
ings, verbs or vocabulary. Whether you they’re aware of what they can do. If on B to C (they review how to introduce
are teaching a complete group of abso- the first day of class they’ve learned to someone), and then C asks A for direc-
lute beginners, or a few within a group greet each in English, end your lesson tions.
of false beginners, here are some tips by celebrating this, “Congratulations!
You can now introduce yourself and
that will help your students go from ESL KEEP IT REAL
zeroes to heroes! greet each other in English”. Take
the focus away from what they can’t Just because students are ab-
HOW TO Teach Absolute do and focus on what they can do in- solute beginners, it doesn’t mean they
Beginners stead. This proves to be tremendously can’t handle real life situations. You
encouraging! should still teach in context, and pro-

vide as many examples of real life
situations and real props as you can.
Even though real maps, brochures or
Absolute beginners have had so Absolute beginners may not catalogues are filled with vocabulary
little exposure to the English lan- have enough knowledge to under- they won’t understand, it is important to
guage, they have absolutely nothing stand explanations, synonyms, defi- help your absolute beginners deal with,
to build on. Naturally, you’ll start with nitions, i.e. anything you describe precisely, these types of things. Show
the basics, but consider what they’ll with words. Instead, use their senses them how to pinpoint the information
need to know first. Does it make sense to maximize learning. The easiest to they may need like a phone number,
to start with a list of foods in English? Or use with beginners are visual aids like address or website. Make sure they un-
colors or numbers? Probably not. What flashcards, but don’t’ forget to include derstand that it doesn’t matter that they
they need to know first is how to intro- plenty of gestures, as well as real life can’t read the entire brochure, the im-
duce themselves and greet others. The objects. The use of realia will allow you portant thing is that they learn to obtain
natural progression from there is the to utilize several senses at the same what they need from it.
use of the verb “to be” (I am from... He time, and it’s often more engaging than
is from..., etc.). Then you’ll progress on two-dimensional pictures. Don’t forget
to possessives (my country, your name, to use things they can smell and taste, BY THE TIME YOUR ABSOLUTE BEGIN-
his family) and so on... Give priority to too! NERS FINISH THEIR COURSE, THEY
the language they will need first and WILL PROBABLY STILL NOT FEEL
Because they haven’t been ex-
Don’t make assumptions about
posed to the English language enough,
try to minimize their reading of dia-
logues and conversations, and act
Try providing them with some specific
examples of what they can do now: go
what your students know. Assume
they know nothing. For example, to out the situations, instead. Consider shopping by themselves, ask for assis-
practice the verb to be, you ask them this: when you teach students to reply tance, order food in a restaurant, etc.
what nationalities they are, only to find to a “How are you?” do you have them Ask them to remember what it was like
out they don’t know how to say national- read this short exchange first or just act when they knew none of this. Tell them
ities in English. Countries and nation- it out directly? Of course, it’s a lot bet- they are your heroes for learning so
alities should be taught first, and then ter to simply show them how to reply. much and overcoming their language
practiced with the verb “to be”. And this This goes for most of the expressions barriers. They will feel like heroes, too!
goes for a multitude of vocabulary and and functions they will have to learn.

What You Need to Know
if You Teach Absolute Beginners
Almost without exception, when I tell appropriate physical responses to the am walking to the door. I am picking
people that I teach English as a Sec- statements of their teacher, learning up my pencil. You are standing up.
ond Language, they ask, “Oh, what comes easily and quickly. You are picking up your pencil. She is
languages do you speak?” standing up. He is standing up. Be flex-

Though I would like to answer with

polylingual authority, the truth is I am
It may be difficult to believe that
ible when you teach with this method.
Look for signs of comprehension in
your students, and do not pressure
only fluent in English. “Well, don’t you students can have such a positive re- them to produce language until they
need to speak their language before sponse to language instruction that are ready to volunteer it. Keep remind-
you can teach them English?” is the needs no books and little preparation ing yourself that they are learning even
most common retort. The answer, as on the part of the teacher, but they do. if they are not producing English, and
most ESL teachers have discovered, is I remember the first time I experienced they will use that language to commu-
NO. You do NOT have to speak a sec- the Total Physical Response technique nicate when they are ready.
ond language to teach English to those from the other side of the desk. I was
who know none whatsoever. Teaching
English to absolute beginners, though,
is not a simple task. Where does the
attending a lecture in graduate school
when my teacher walked into the room
on the first day and started speaking
Many benefits come with instruc-
teacher start when he or she has no to the class in Hebrew. The class was tion through TPR. Students feel less
common ground with the students confused initially: after all, we were pressure to produce perfect language.
waiting for instruction? there for a lecture on syllabus design. You can use TPR with a mixed level
Our professor said several sentences class or with students with learning
to the class, pointing to herself (teach- disabilities. TPR takes little prepara-
WHAT YOU NEED TO er) and pointing to us (students). She tion on your part. Kinesthetic learners,
KNOW ABOUT TPR showed us the difference between two often the last that teachers think of
(TOTAL PHYSICAL students in the front row (male and fe- when making lesson plans, are in their
RESPONSE) male form of the word), and wrote the learning style glory! TPR is an effec-
corresponding words on the board. tive language learning method for both

Dr. James A. Asher developed an
She sat down and stood up. Then she
told us to do the same. Through that
instruction and those movements, we
children and adults, large and small
classes. Most of all, your students will
have fun moving around the classroom
answer to that question with his sec-
ond language learning method called learned the word for sit and the appro- and engaging in their own learning pro-
Total Physical Response. He based priate verb endings for first person sin- cess.
this method on the idea that a person gular, second person plural and sec-
ond person singular. At each point, she
learning any language, particularly a TEACHERS OF ENGLISH AS A SECOND
wrote the vocabulary words and verb
first language, has a period of time in LANGUAGE WILL FIND, IF THEY
conjugations on the board. This exer-
which he receives linguistic input with- TEACH ANY LENGTH OF TIME, THAT
cise was the first ten minutes of class,
out producing linguistic output. In other THEIR STUDENTS COME WITH ALL
and to my own astonishment, to this
words, language learners take in infor- LEVELS OF LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY,
day I remember the Hebrew I learned
mation about a language before using AND SOMETIMES THOSE STUDENTS
in those few minutes, fifteen years lat-
that language for speech. In the early ALL SHOW UP FOR THE SAME CLASS.
stages of Total Physical Response in- er, though I have done no further study
But when you are teaching a class of
struction, the teacher does the talking, of the language!
beginners or have beginners in your
and the students take it in. Later, after mixed level class, TPR may be the way
students have become comfortable
and understand what they hear, do
they speak the second language.
I can personally attest to the suc-
to connect with all of your students. This
method of instruction will have long
term positive effects for your students.
cess of Total Physical Response as
Not only that, their language learn-
a student and as a teacher, and I be-


lieve that any ESL teacher with a class
of absolute beginners will find TPR
the best method of language instruc-
ing process may be more in line with
how languages are naturally acquired
by first language speakers. All this will
The key component of this language come together to make your students
tion. To use TPR in class, talk to your
method, as one might guess from the more engaged in class and give them
students. Use repetition. Write down
title, is the physical response that the longer lasting language knowledge.
words on the board. Above all, get your
learners use while taking in the linguis- Whether you teach in the east or west,
students moving.
tic information. Students who mindless- north or south, or have students from
ly listen to a teacher they cannot under- every corner of the globe, TPR is a way
Start with imperative statements. Sit
stand are more likely to fall asleep than to bring them together and help them
down. Stand up. Pick up your pencil.
become fluent, but when they make achieve a common goal!
Then, tell your students narratives. I

How To Teach
Days Of The Week
filled in for each day and number)
do the following. Teach students this
Do an activity that gives students lots
of practice with the days of the week.
STUDIED MATERIAL INTO YOUR - A: Do you study subject ordi-
A card game such as Go Fish with
LESSONS WITHOUT OVERWHELM- nal number period on day of the
days of the week cards would be ap-
propriate to play in groups of three to
For this example, it is assumed that - B: Yes, I do! or No, I don’t.
four. If using the game Go Fish simpli-
students have studied ordinal num- Have two worksheets prepared with
fy the dialogue so that a student only
bers (1st-10th), subjects (math, sci- different school schedules where only
has to look at the person he is ask-
ence, art, music, etc), and the simple ten or fifteen classes during the week
ing for a card and say the day of the
present tense. are the same. Ask students to work to-
week while the student being asking
gether (by taking turns using the mod-
for a card has to say only the day of
HOW TO PROCEED the week as they hand over the card
el dialogue) to determine which ten or
fifteen classes they have together.
or “Go Fish.”


Use the start of class as a re-
view of the previous lesson. Students
will feel more confident in a class if
In order to get students warmed
Do a final class activity at the
end of class to recheck comprehen-
up for the next step where they com-
you start out with material they have sion. Ask your students true or false
bine their new vocabulary with pre-
already covered and it will also pre- questions about their school sched-
viously learned material, conduct a
pare them to use that same material ule. For instance if the class studies
review activity. A good game to prac-
later on in the lesson. English on Mondays and Wednes-
tice listening, reading, and pronuncia-
days, say “You study English on
tion requires only a set of flashcards

for each group of students. Ideally
groups should be three to five stu-
dents. Since there are only seven
Tuesday. True or False?” or “You go
to school on Sunday. True or False?”

Write the words Sunday through days of the week, perhaps combine
Saturday on the board one at a time days of the week with a review of or-
demonstrating pronunciation and drill- dinal numbers, for example 1st-10th,
ing as you go. Practice the days of the and a list of subjects they study at
week in order using choral repetition school. Once each group has a set of
and then challenge your students by cards, ask them to spread the cards,
pointing to words out of order to test face up, on their desks. Explain the
their pronunciation as a class and in- Days of the week will come up time
activity and begin. You will say a word
dividually. and time again during their English
aloud and the first person to repeat
studies. When your students begin
the word correctly and slap the corre-

sponding card gets to keep that card.
Repeat until all the cards have been
gathered. Whoever has the most
studying other tenses questions using
days of the week as a time reference
is common. “What did you do on Sun-
day?” or “What will you do on Friday?”
cards in the class should read aloud
Tell students “Today is ~” using what- type questions will continually review
all the cards he collected. Repeat one
ever the day of the week is. Tell them their day of the week vocabulary.
or two more times depending on your
that they go to school on Monday, students’ enthusiasm.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday or that they study English on
Monday and Wednesday. Use several
very basic examples to give students
an idea of what these words might
At this point have the students
do a pair activity. For example if you
mean. Ask students for the meaning create a worksheet with a school
and translation of each word. It should schedule (a grid that has Monday to
be easy once they get started. Friday along the top, the numbers one
to seven or eight depending on your
school along the left, and subjects

How to Teach Descriptions
Generally when introducing descrip- This will help reinforce the flashcard eliminated and the first student to cor-
tions for the first time, textbooks and image, word, and meaning. rectly guess his partner’s chosen im-
instructors focus primarily on describ- age wins. It may even be possible to
ing people. The simplest way to teach
descriptions is to use the structures
“He/She is ~.” and “He/She has ~.”
play this game multiple times within a
single class period.

With these two simple structures, you

can introduce and practice your new
vocabulary quite extensively. Since
When describing people, there is
some additional vocabulary that
should be introduced. Words such as
You can ask students compre-
learning how to describe someone freckles, glasses, a mustache, and a hension questions to review the new
is a lesson for beginners, more com- beard, for instance, may be appropri- vocabulary words at the end of the
plex sentence structures such as “The ate however your textbook will help lesson or ask for sentences that de-
tall girl with curly brown hair is in my determine which words should be scribe some of the images you used
class.” should not be used at this time. used in this lesson. Use choral repeti- earlier in class. Whatever activity you
tion to practice pronunciation. Check use can be used as the warm up for
comprehension by asking questions the following lesson too.
HOW TO PROCEED such as “Who has glasses?” and
have volunteers answer using people

Use a warm up activity to re-
at your school, famous people, or car-
toon characters.
view the basic sentence structures IMPORTANT BECAUSE MOST OF
you plan to use in this lesson. You can
ask for volunteers to answer ques-
tions which require them to use these
A short practice activity that
combines both sets of vocabulary
particular structures. Another idea is
would be appropriate at this point in
to conduct a short activity. Have the Since this vocabulary will resurface
the lesson especially if only a few
first student in each column of desks during the course of their studies, it
words were introduced in the second
stand up, and explain that only these will be important to review it frequent-
set. You could show students images
students can volunteer to answer your ly. If students enjoyed a particular ac-
and ask for volunteers to say one sen-
question. The first student to volunteer tivity more than others, make a note
tence about the person in the picture
and answer the question correctly can of it and reuse that activity when it
or have a worksheet that required stu-
sit down and the person behind him comes time for a review.
dents to write a few sentences about
must stand. This becomes a race to
some images. Matching exercises
see what column of students can fin-
may also be appropriate and be sure
ish answering questions first. In order
to check the answers aloud as a class
to play this game, the columns should
for further speaking practice before
be even but you can adapt it to work
continuing to the production activity.
in most classes.

Students should now be able to
accurately describe someone so give
Using flashcards or drawings, intro- them the opportunity to produce ma-
duce a new set of vocabulary. Adjec- terial of their own. You can ask stu-
tives like tall, short, long, short (write dents to write a description of them-
it on the board twice because these selves or a partner and have students
words are usually practiced in pairs), volunteer to read their descriptions
straight, curly, thin, fat, old, and young aloud near the end of the lesson.
would be a good place to start. Drill You could also have students work
these using your flashcards or draw- in pairs and play a version of Guess
ings. Who? Obviously having enough of
these games for your entire class is

Have students complete some
not feasible but you can adapt it for
use in the classroom. Simply make up
a worksheet with twenty to twenty-five
matching or fill in the blank exercis- images. Tell students to choose one
es. The images used on these work- image and then take turns answering
sheets should clearly demonstrate yes/no questions based on the image
what you are trying to convey to your they have chosen. Students can then
students and should even match the put Xs next to images that have been
images on the flashcards if possible.

How To Teach Directions
to side by occasionally instructing A: Thank you!
DIRECTIONS CAN BE CHALLENGING them to “Turn left, turn left” or “Turn
TO TEACH HOWEVER ITS PRACTICAL right, turn right” which should end up B: You’re welcome.
USES ARE READILY UNDERSTOOD with everyone facing the back of the
BY STUDENTS AND THERE ARE classroom. Anyone who isn’t facing Ask for volunteers to demonstrate
MANY FUN ACTIVITIES YOU CAN the correct direction needs to focus their conversations to the class. Over-
INCORPORATE INTO YOUR LESSONS on the words more closely. acting is always encouraged. Any dif-
TO MAKE THEM MORE ENJOYABLE. ficulties during a demonstration can
Typically the first directions lesson
would follow lessons introducing vo-
cabulary such as post office, police
indicate which areas may need further
review. See if classmates can correct
errors if they occur.
station, school, bank, playground, Introduce the following phrases:
park, library, etc. since these will be
used extensively in directions les-
-Turn right/left (at the 1st/2nd/3rd cor-
For further practice, if appropriate
HOW TO PROCEED -Go straight. for your students and school, create
a maze of desks in your classroom

Get your students interested in
-You’ll see it on the right/left.

-It’s across from (the school, the park,

and have students give directions to a
blindfolded classmate. Having teams
race is generally discouraged in this
learning how to give directions. On the post office) situation as it may lead to injuries.
the board draw a rough map of the Generally having friends guide each
neighborhood, just a few streets and -It’s next to (the police station, the other through the maze has the most
the school will do. Ask “Where is the playground, the library) successful results. As an alternative,
school?” Have a student come to direction themed board games or
the board and point it out. Then ask Explain the meaning of each phrase worksheets will also provide the nec-
where a few other landmarks are and and lead some pronunciation practice essary practice and would be more
have students draw and label them on exercises. appropriate for larger classes.
your map.

Mark your imaginary present
Ask for translations or demon-
location on a rough map like the one strations of all associated vocabulary
Introduce the words ‘right’ and ‘left’. from Step 1 and ask your students and phrases as well as directions from
Try to elicit the meaning or translation “How do I get to the ~?” Call on one one place to another. Encourage stu-
of these words from the students and student to give just the first section of dents to ask questions if something is
write them on the board with arrows directions, then another student for unclear. Start the next few classes off
demonstrating each direction. Once the second section, and then another with direction related warm up activi-
their meanings have been made clear until you’ve reached your destination. ties to help students retain all this new
to the class, demonstrate proper pro- Repeat until your students feel com- vocabulary.
nunciation. It may be fun to teach your fortable enough with the new phrases
students this little trick to remember to give a whole set of directions on
right and left: if you hold your arms their own. Next, mark a beginning po-
out in front of you, flex your wrists up sition on the map and give a set of di-
and extend just your thumb and index rections. Ask students “Where am I?” WHEN TEACHING DIRECTIONS,
fingers on both hands, the left hand to see if they were able to follow along IT IS INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT TO
with have a capital L for left. with you and repeat. If necessary, go CHOOSE ONE STRUCTURE AND
back to review anything that seems STICK TO IT SO THAT YOUR STU-
3 PRACTICE difficult for the students.

Ask students to do some choral PRACTICE – DIRECTIONS The examples above use the struc-
repetition. Call on students to model ture ‘Turn right/left at the 1st/2nd/3rd
pronunciation in order to check their After demonstrating the dia- corner’ but you may choose to teach
progress on the individual level and logue, ask the students to work in ‘Turn right/left onto Smith Street.’ or
do some quick comprehension tests. pairs to practice giving directions. The ‘Go three blocks and turn right/left.’
Ask a student to “Turn right” or “Turn model dialogue should resemble this: or ‘Take the 1st/2nd/3rd right/left after
left” with a demonstration and after a the school.’
few individual checks feel free to have A: Excuse me. How do I get to the ~?
the whole class join in making sure
they are listening to the words right B: Turn left. Turn right at the 3rd cor-
and left and not just turning from side ner. You’ll see it on your left.

How to Teach Giving Advice
worksheet can make this task easier mistakes when necessary.
GIVING ADVICE MAY NOT BE AN while leaving them off will make it
more challenging. Using simple sen-
tences and vocabulary your students
know well, will ensure that the whole
Ask students to volunteer to give
If this is the case, introduce only the class can complete this activity with you advice about problems. If there is
very simple “you should ~.” or “You confidence. plenty of time, you can turn this into a
shouldn’t ~.” structures. If you want group activity where the first group to
to devote more time to this topic, you While reviewing the answers, be sure volunteer the answer and answer cor-
can introduce other advice related to check students’ comprehension of rectly, gets a point and when the bell
structures and vocabulary such as all the sentences on the worksheet rings, the group with the most points
“You ought to ~.” and “If I were you, and any vocabulary they have difficul- wins.
I would ~.” ties with.
Make a worksheet with several

Start out by having students give
problem sentences and have students
write advice sentences for each prob-
lem. If you chose to introduce more
examples of when and who people than one structure for giving advice, THE CLASSROOM.
ask for advice. Elicit from students the encourage or require students to use
types of problems people face espe- different ones in their answers.
cially ones they may face as students
such as having too much homework To make this activity more challeng-
or not getting enough sleep at night. ing, have students write two advice
Write the problems on the board to re- sentences, one using the positive
fer to later and add in any you would structure and the other using the neg-
particularly like to discuss. Be sure ative structure. If students are strug-
to include problems such as “head- gling to work independently at this
ache” or “stomachache” because this stage, have students work in pairs or
is definitely a real life situation where groups for this activity so that they can
students would give advice. brainstorm and come up with more
creative sentences.


Introduce the structures “You should In section two you created a
~.” and “You shouldn’t ~.” Have stu- model dialogue of a problem sentence
dents repeat these two phrases after and an advice sentence. At this stage,
you several times for pronunciation if you want to expand the dialogue,
practice. Use one of the problems you can include sentences such as “I
written on the board as an example. agree/disagree with you.” or “You’re
First turn the problem into a sentence right. Thank you!” Whatever dialogue
to make half of your model dialogue. you choose, be sure to write it out on
the board and clearly mark who says
For example, “headache” would be- each line by writing an A or B before
come “I have a headache.” Then show each sentence. Have students work
how to use these new structures to in pairs. Student A should make a
give advice. Using several examples, sentence using a problem written on
practice both the problem and advice the board such as “I am so tired all
sentences as a class until students the time.” and Student B should give
are familiar with the structures and advice such as “You should go to bed
confident enough to perform individu- earlier.” and complete the model dia-
ally as well. logue.


Have a worksheet ready where
Students should take turns being Stu-
dent A and B and practice this dia-
logue for five to ten minutes. Have
students volunteer to demonstrate
students work in pairs or groups to
match problem sentences with ad- their conversation to the class and
vice sentences. Using images on your correct grammar and pronunciation

How to Teach Nationality
Adjectives and Nationality Nouns
hear the names of different countries and
3 The teacher asks the learners to
land. He is Polish. He is a Pole. It will take
a minute to explain that we should use
an indefinite article with a noun. You can
also mention that nationality adjectives
nationality adjectives and nouns in the use the nationality adjectives in a sen-
news all the time. Without proper practice tence. They may make any sentences are also used to describe foreign prod-
students will make mistakes as they face they like or you can choose a certain topic ucts, culture and history while the nouns
problems with spelling, pronunciation, and or grammar to review. describe the people of that country. It is
memorizing different forms. That is why it is T: I like Italian pizza and Swiss also important to draw their attention to
so essential to help them to put the words chocolate. What kind of food do you capital letters of these words.
to work at your lessons. The first words are like?
learnt at the beginners level but even upper-
intermediate students need to expand
their nationality vocabulary when they
S1: I like Chinese food.
S2: I like English muffins. 2 Divide your students into 2 groups.
talk about emigration or Olympic Games. T: Which language is more difficult Give them the handout with national-
As a teacher you need to choose which Russian or Chinese? ity adjectives and nouns. For example:
words you want your students to learn. You S: I think Chinese is more difficult Spanish – a Spaniard, Swiss – a Swiss,
can use your course book as a framework than Russian. Greek – a Greek, Swedish – a Swede,
but you can use your own materials too. etc. Ask them to put the words into two
T: Are Japanese cars more popular different categories. It is not that difficult
STAGE 1: PRESENTATION than German cars? to see that some adjectives and nouns
OF THE VOCABULARY S: Japanese cars are more popular are the same but some are different. Ask
WITH THE HELP OF than German cars. the representative of each group to come
VISUAL AIDS to the blackboard and write the words
from one of the categories.
The teacher can use the world map or
flashcards with people in national cos-
tumes to introduce new vocabulary.
4 Ask learners to create a little story 3 Ask one of the students to choose
Example 1: “Look at the map. This is using new words. Tell them your own sto-
a nationality noun. Other students should
Italy. Italians live in Italy. They speak ry to provide a good model.
Italian”. try to guess the word. For example:
I am a teacher. I teach English. I like
Example 2: “Look at this picture. This is to read English and American litera- S2: Are you a Pole?
Pedro. He is from Spain. He is Span- ture. I enjoy listening to French songs. S1: No, I am not. I am not a Pole. (I
ish. He speaks Spanish”. I drive a German car. I love Italian piz- am not Polish.)
You can stick your flashcard on to the za and pasta. I’d like to go to Spain S3: Are you a Frenchman?
board and write key words underneath. In and study Spanish. S1: Yes, I am.
this way you introduce both the spoken
and the written form of the vocabulary.
STAGE 2: ELICITATION 5 Ask your students to listen to world To round up your lesson you can use the

1 The teacher points to different flash-

news and jot down all nationality words
they hear. Then compare the notes.
photos of celebrities and ask the students
to identify their nationalities. If they have
no idea about someone’s background
cards and asks the students to answer
the questions. For example:
T: Where is this man from?
6 Find a funny joke with an interest-
they can ask questions and then come up
with the answer.
T: Millions of immigrants have moved
S: He is from China. ing plot and ethnical stereotypes. Stereo- to the USA. Some of them became
T: What is his nationality? types are different from racial prejudices very famous. Look at this picture.
S: He is Chinese. and are not offensive. Ask the students to Who is this man?
T: What language does he speak? read the jokes and discuss the way peo- S1: His name is Arnold Schwarzeneg-
S: He speaks Chinese. ple see people of different nationalities. ger. He is the governor of California.
He is Austrian – American.
2 The teacher asks the students to
T: Do you know this actress?
S2: Her name is Nicole Kidman.
Where was she born?
complete the sentences. For example:
He lives in Madrid. He is ...
She is from China. She is ...
1 You need to show the difference
T: She was born in Hawaii but lived in
S2: She is Australian – American.
They are from Tokyo. They are ... between the nationality adjectives and T: That’s right.
My friend lives in Russia. He is ... nouns. Write on the board: He is from Po-
How To Teach Polite Phrases:
3 Secret Ingredients
long before students automatically
POLITE PHRASES ARE IMPORTANT Half the dialogue is simple polite lan- say please when making a request.
WHEN LEARNING A LANGUAGE. guage which frames the target struc-
For anyone who has traveled, it is
obvious that please and thank you
are some of the most useful things to
learn in any language. In the class-
ture. This is much more beneficial for
your students to study than the very
simple two line target structure be-
Your language in the classroom
cause it gives the question some con- will affect your students as well. Say
room, you will probably be the only text and enables students to see the please when giving directions, thank
one appreciative of polite language purpose of such a question. If a math you when students hand in worksheets
however if your students ever have teacher explains that her classes will and you’re welcome in response to
the opportunity to speak English out- help students balance a checkbook, students. The more you model polite
side the classroom, this will be the they may be more eager to pay atten- language in your daily interactions
most important thing you can teach tion or at the very least understand the with students, the more familiar they
them. purpose of learning such skills. In the will be with when certain phrases are
same way, understanding the reason used and they will feel more comfort-
HOW TO PROCEED for studying English topics and struc- able using them when interacting with
tures can motivate your students. If you and other students.

When introducing questions for
your students practice dialogues like
the one above throughout their stud-
ies, they should have extensive prac- POLITE PHRASES ARE NOT COVERED
the first time, it is important to put tice using polite phrases and will be EXTENSIVELY IN MOST TEXTBOOKS
them in context. After the introduction more comfortable using English out- HOWEVER IT IS IMPORTANT THAT
of vocabulary, phrases and meaning, side the classroom too. YOU GIVE YOUR STUDENTS MANY
drill the target language and then ask OPPORTUNITIES TO PRACTICE
your students to think about when POLITE LANGUAGE AND MAKE
they would use the new structure.
For instance, you would not randomly
walk up to someone on the street and
Classroom English is another
Polite classroom English can be a
short section on every exam and po-
chance to have students practice po-
say “Where is the bookstore?” When lite phrases. If possible, make a set of lite phrases can be included in many
demonstrated, your students will see flashcards for these words and phras- practice activities. The more practice
that in a real life situation, it would be es to post throughout the classroom. and exposure your students have to
best to add some polite words and This will help students remember polite language, the better they will be
phrases around the edges of the re- them and make prompting them much at using it.
quest. Once they understand the easier. Here are some examples of
need for this and you have paired po- phrases for students to use in class:
lite phrases with your target structure,
they should always be practiced to-
gether in the same way that you teach - May I have another handout?
a cat instead of simply cat. Starting to - Can you please repeat the ques-
use polite language in the introduction tion?
phase will ensure that your students - Excuse me.
associate the two from the very begin- - Please.
ning. - Thank you.
- You’re welcome.
Practicing model dialogues is always
an excellent opportunity to use polite You can create your own set and add
phrases. For example, when teaching to it as necessary throughout the year.
students the structure “How much is When working with very young chil-
this ~?” have them practice a model dren, it may be enough to have them
dialogue or role-play based on the say “Paper please.” instead of just
one below: “Paper.” when they would like a piece
of paper or a handout from you. It is
A: Excuse me. How much is this a very simple thing but important to
book? reinforce as much as possible. When-
B: It’s $20. ever students ask you for something,
A: Oh, thank you! you can wait for them to say please
B: You’re welcome. before giving it to them. It will not be

How To Teach Sentence Structure:
Object Lesson With No Preparation
guess, is the most straightforward and paper and write the seven coordinating
COMPOUND? COMPLEX? COMPOUND uncomplicated of the sentence patterns conjunctions on the paper. They are and,
COMPLEX? ANY SENTENCE CAN SEEM in English. A simple sentence is one in- but, for, or, nor, yet and so.
COMPLICATED WITHOUT KNOWING dependent clause. The only necessary
THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AN INDE- pieces are a subject and a predicate. • Have each of the standing students
PENDENT AND A DEPENDENT CLAUSE. take hold of one end of the paper
Use this simple object lesson with your • Return to your first student and point so that paper links them. These two
class no matter what their age to teach out again that he is an independent students now represent a compound
or review sentence structure in English. clause with no other clauses at- sentence. (The boy played, and the
tached. He is therefore a simple sen- dog ran.) Each clause could stand
HOW TO PROCEED tence. independently just as each of these
students can, but together with the

As you know, a clause is any group
A simple sentence may have a singular
subject (the boy ran) a compound sub-
ject (the boy and his dog ran) or plural
coordinating conjunction they are
a compound sentence. (The boy
played, and the dog ran.) Your stu-
of words with a subject and a predi- subject (the boys ran). It may have a di- dents should understand through
cate. Clauses may be independent of rect object (the boy threw a stick) and or this illustration that both pieces of
other clauses achieving sentence status an indirect object (the boy threw his dog the compound sentence are of equal
all on their own, or they may rely on a a stick). There may be adverbs, adjec- importance and function. Neither is
main clause to earn that same status. tives and prepositional phrases attached. subordinate to the other just as each
Either way, this simple object lesson will It may even have a compound verb (the of the students is independent on his
give your students a visual for sentence boy ran and played). Any of these embel- or her own feet. At this point, include
structure and the difference between in- lishments can be paired with an indepen- a punctuation point and stress that
dependent and dependent clauses. dent or a dependent clause. In this case, students should include a comma
though, as long as there is one subject before the coordinating conjunction
• Start by asking one student to vol- and one predicate and the clause can in any structure of this type.
unteer to stand in front of the class. stand on its own, it is a simple sentence.
Tell your class that this person is a
clause. He has a subject and a pred-
icate. He is standing on his own feet,
so he is free, independent. He does 3 COMPOUND SENTENCES 4 COMPLEX SENTENCES
Ask the third student to sit down
A compound sentence is two or and the second student (the one who
not need anyone else. He is an inde- more independent clauses joined to- was kneeling) to return to the front of
pendent clause. gether usually by a coordinating conjunc- the class. Explain to your students that
tion. Each of the independent clauses a complex sentence contains one inde-
• Now ask another student to come in will have its own subject and predicate. pendent clause (the boy ran) and one or
front of the class. Have this student These subjects and predicates follow more dependent clauses (when he was
kneel next to the first student. She the same patterns given above. On their at the park). There are several types of
is a person, and she still represents own, each of these clauses would be a dependent clauses, but they will all have
a clause. She has a subject and a simple sentence. one thing in common. They are not able
predicate. However, the difference to stand alone without the main clause
with her is she is not standing on • At this point, you can ask the sec- with which they are paired. At this point,
her own feet. She needs help. She ond student to return to her seat and you can have the kneeling student grasp
is dependent upon someone else. bring another student up in front of one hand of the standing student. They
In this case, another clause. She the class. She should stand alone as now represent a complex sentence
is therefore a dependent clause. did the first student. She also repre- structure – one independent clause and
Stress to your students that she can- sents an independent clause. (For one dependent clause. As for punctua-
not stand alone and must be joined example, the first student might rep- tion, stress the order of the clauses for
with an independent clause to make resent the clause, the boy played. your students. If the dependent clause
a grammatical sentence. Once your The second standing student may comes at the beginning of the sentence,
students understand these building represent the clause the dog ran.) a comma should follow it. (When he was
blocks, reviewing the four sentence at the park, the boy played.) If the depen-
structures in English should be sim- There are seven coordinating conjunc- dent clause comes after the independent
ple. tions in English. A coordinating con- clause, no comma is necessary. (The
junction is used to join two independent boy played when he was at the park.)

A simple sentence, as anyone can
clauses into a compound sentence. At
this point, you can take a large piece of

The final type of sentence structure
in English is the compound-complex
sentence. As one can guess from its
name, a compound-complex sen-
tence is the combination of each of
the previous two sentence types. This
means that this type of sentence will
contain a two or more independent
clauses joined by a coordinating con-
junction (the boy played and the dog
ran) as well as a dependent clause
(when they were at the park).

• To illustrate this, have the third

student return to the front of the
class and take hold of one side
of the coordinating conjunction
with the first student on the other
side of it. (This is the same ar-
rangement they had earlier when
explaining the compound sen-
tence.) Then have the second
student (the one kneeling repre-
senting the dependent clause)
take the remaining hand of the
last student to come up front.
Your three students (two standing
and one kneeling) now represent
this compound-complex sentence
structure. The boy played, and
the dog ran when they were at
the park. The order of the clauses
does not matter in this sentence,
but the punctuation will change if
the dependent clause comes at
the beginning of the sentence.
When they were at the park, the
boy played and the dog ran. Also
make clear to your students that a
sentence can have more than one
dependent clause, but it will still
be either a complex sentence or
a compound-complex sentence.


Your students will remember seeing
their classmates represent the differ-
ent types of clauses in the different
sentence structures in English. It will
be a memorable object lesson and
one that may make a potentially con-
fusing subject easy to grasp, no props

How to Teach Word Order: Help
Them Remember the Patterns
When moving on to more complex structures, students
may find word order confusing and struggle to remember Fill in the blank exercises are good practice. To make them
all the various patterns. There are many ways you can easier, list the words or phrases students need to put in the
help them. blanks. Songs can be a useful teaching and learning tool
in ESL. If you find a song that reinforces the structure you
HOW TO PROCEED are teaching, create some worksheets to go along with it
and perhaps that will help your students remember word


It is best to teach word order when introducing new

structures. For example, when teaching the simple past
tense of make, it is important to emphasize “Mary made
a cake.” as opposed to “Mary a made cake.” The second
Word order lessons can also be useful before tests
because it is possible to combine many different gram-
sentence of course is incorrect. Breaking structures into matical points in a word order review lesson. While it is
sections will help your students immensely. For this ex- tempting to give students worksheets with both correct
ample, teach them Subject + Verb + Object or SVO to help and incorrect sentences, it is best not to expose them to in-
them remember. How the board is organized will also aid tentionally incorrect material but to simply reinforce proper
your students. For this lesson, be sure to use three col- sentence structures. Any activity where students write or
umns where column one has subjects, column two has say complete sentences can be used to review word order
made, and column three has a list of objects. If students as can a variety of worksheets such as those explained
are having difficulty arranging phrases during a particular above.
lesson, for example a lesson about giving directions, then
a lesson specifically designed to teach word order when
giving directions may be necessary. In such a case, try
to focus the first lesson or two on the pronunciation and
meaning of new words with the following lessons on sen-
There are many activities which you can use to help
your students practice word order when producing sen-
tence structure, word order, and dialogue. tences on their own as opposed to working from material
you have given them. In small classes an exercise such as


After introducing new material, move onto drilling it.
Story Time can be used. The idea of this exercise is to build
a story one sentence at a time: each student adds a sen-
tence to what his classmates have already said. This can
Have students repeat each section of the new structure be a lot of fun and since students have no limitations, they
after you. “Mary made a cake.” is really simple but say it in can really draw on all their combined knowledge of Eng-
three parts anyway to start off with. If using columns on the lish. Often, Story Time is based around a theme so you can
board, assign part of the class to each column so that each choose to start a love story on Valentine’s Day or a scary
group contributes one part of the structure. story on Halloween. Fruit Basket is a great way to get the
class moving and is good for larger classes too. To play


Students must also have the opportunity to practice
Fruit Basket, arrange chairs in a circle so that there is one
less chair than the number of students participating. The
person in the middle of the circle has to make a sentence,
word order on their own or in pairs. Worksheets can pro- for instance “I like apples.” if you are teaching the structure
vide your students the necessary practice. Activities such I like ~ and all the students who like apples have to stand
as Maze are fun. Break sentences into grids like the ones up and find a different chair. This exercise works well with
below. The idea is to connect the words in the correct or- lessons on telling time too: the model sentence would be “I
der with a line. Only words that share a side may be con- get up at 7:30.” or something similar. If sentences are get-
nected. For simple sentences six boxes is enough but for ting too specific and certain students haven’t changed plac-
more complex sentences add another row or two and see es in a while, sentences such as “I like ice cream.” or “I go
what your students can do. To make the exercise easier, to school at 8:30.” will get the whole class switching seats.
capitalize the first word and add a period to the last word

Opposites Attract:
Having Fun with Antonyms
at a time will draw a leaf from the stack. your vocabulary bank.
AFTER ALL THESE YEARS, PAULA His group must determine whether it is
ABDUL HAD IT RIGHT. OPPOSITES DO a synonym or an antonym of intelligent In a similar manner, you can make word
ATTRACT, BUT WE ARE NOT TALKING and then use it correctly in a sentence. searches or crossword puzzles using
ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS HERE. If the group can do both, the person who antonyms as the clues for the words your
Antonyms are a fun and lively way to drew the leaf should pin it to the correct students must either find in the puzzle or
teach your students new vocabulary and tree. Then a person from the other team fit into the boxes.
improve their English language skills, so takes a turn. Once you have made your
now there is no need to look high and
low for vocabulary development strate-
way through all the leaves, whichever
team was able to put more leaves on the
trees is the winner.
If your students are at the age
where they can appreciate Dr. Seuss,
FUN ESL ACTIVITIES You can repeat this activity several times read to them his book One Fish, Two
WITH ANTONYMS throughout the year using a new set of Fish which contains several antonym
vocabulary. You may choose words that pairs. Read the book again and ask your

Start your antonym lesson by re-
will enhance vocabulary you are teach-
ing for another unit, or you may choose
new vocabulary at random. Either way,
students to listen for these antonyms as
you read. Ask students to share any ant-
onyms they heard as you read. Then give
viewing the words synonym and ant- the leaves will remain on the trees to each student a copy of the book’s text so
onym, pointing out that they are ant- remind your students of the new words he or she can read the antonyms on his
onyms. Make sure that your students they have learned. You should also own. Using fish shaped die cuts that you
understand that synonyms are similar make blank leaves available to your make or purchase at a craft store, show
and antonyms are opposites. Give your class to add words to each tree as they your students how to write each word on
class a little warm up by encouraging learn new synonyms and antonyms of one cut out to make a deck of cards. En-
them to brainstorm as many synonyms the word you have chosen to post at that courage students to add their own ant-
of “big” as they can. Then brainstorm a time. onym pairs to those Dr. Seuss offers so
list of antonyms for that same word. Ask each person has a unique set of fifteen

your students to share why they think ANTONYM BINGO antonym pairs, thirty cards total. Then
it would be beneficial to add synonyms teach your class how to play “Go Fish” if
and antonyms to their vocabularies. Bingo is a useful way to review vo- they do not already know how. Let them
What might they gain through a more cabulary with your students for just about use their own decks of cards to play the
extensive vocabulary? any vocabulary unit you are teaching. To game in class and then take home to
play antonym bingo, you will need a list play with friends or family.
To give your students an engaging meth- of words and their antonyms with which
od to practice using synonyms and ant- your students are already familiar. Ide- For another activity with the same cards,
onyms, you can play the game of trees. ally, you should have twenty-five pairs to your students can use the antonym
You will need to do some preparation draw from. Print out blank bingo boards deck of cards in a Memory style match-
ahead of time, but the set up could be for your class, one per person, and give ing game. On a large, flat space, have
used many times throughout the year for each person a list of the antonym pairs. one student lay out all of his shuffled
reviewing and learning new vocabulary. Ask each student to fill their bingo board cards face down. He and his partner
Start by choosing one specific word you with random words from the list using must then take turns flipping over two
want your students to learn, and then some words from both sides of the paper. cards. If the two cards make an antonym
make a list of eight synonyms and eight You should have already written each pair, he may keep the cards and take
antonyms for that word. For example, word on an index card and shuffled the an additional turn. If he does not find
you may choose intelligent as your main deck. To play the game, you draw a card an antonym pair, his opponent gets a
word. Your synonyms could include and read the word on it. Your students turn. Players continue until there are no
clever, bright, smart, gifted, intellectual, may then mark a box on their board if cards left. The one with the most cards
sharp and able. Your antonym list could it contains the opposite of the word you at the end of the game is the winner.
include stupid, dim, unintelligent, thick, have read. Remind your students as you
slow, dull, brainless and dim-witted. You play that they should not mark the word WHEN YOUR STUDENTS EXPAND
will need to write “intelligent” on a full that they hear but they should mark its THEIR VOCABULARY WITH SYN-
sheet of paper and then write each of opposite. When someone calls bingo, ONYMS AND ANTONYMS, THEY IN-
the synonyms and antonyms on a small- review the words you called and the ap- CREASE THEIR COMPREHENSION OF
er piece of paper cut in the shape of a propriate antonyms to make sure the win ENGLISH AND LEARN TO EXPRESS
leaf. Post the intelligent paper in the mid- is true. This will also be another oppor- THEMSELVES WITH GREATER CLAR-
dle of a bulletin board and then cut out tunity to review the antonym pairs with ITY. Though these games may seem like
the shapes for two large trees to fill the your students. Play as many rounds as more fun than learning, in fact your stu-
space on either side of the word. When you like. You can repeat this vocabulary dents will accomplish both while they ad-
it is time to play the game, divide your review game as often as you like pro- vance their English language skills and
class into two groups and one student vided you have enough antonym pairs in develop their vocabularies!
The 3 Little Wolves and the Big
Bad Pig: Teaching Opposites
end, one big and one little. Show your for the descriptive words within the
WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF A BIG, BAD students that antonyms are words at text, ask them to think of word that
PIG TRIED TO BLOW DOWN YOUR opposite ends of a spectrum. Draw would be the opposite to the ones that
LITTLE BRICK HOUSE? several of the same symbol along the were used.
Run away as the bricks tumbled, spectrum getting increasingly big or
just like the three little wolves did in
Eugene Trivizas’ story The Three
Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig.
As strange and as entertaining as it
little. Point out to your students that
the antonyms are the words farthest
from one another. As a class, brain-
Now that your students have
storm as many antonym pairs as you seen and worked with the opposite
sounds, this book might be just what can think of. When you are finished, version of the three little pigs, chal-
you need to liven class up the next you may want to have your students lenge your students to write their own
time you teach opposites! Here’s how illustrate one or more of the other ant- fractured fairytales! Supply groups
you can use it in your ESL class. onym pairs you listed on their own of three to five students with some
spectrums. traditional children’s tales. Ask each
HOW TO TEACH group to choose one traditional tale
4 THE BIG, BAD PIG and to plan a skit that tells an oppo-
site story. They should write their skit


Do your students know the story
Now that your students know the
traditional tale and are familiar with
antonyms, it is time for the fractured
as they prepare. Reassure them that
not every element in their skits will be
opposite of the original, just as Trivi-
of the three little pigs? As a class, al- version. Read Trivizas’ The Three Lit- zas’ version of the three little pigs was
low students to share anything they tle Wolves and the Big Bad Pig to your not a complete opposite. Each skit
already know about the story and re- class. Ask them to listen for two things should, however, have at least one
tell it if they already know it. If no one as you read. First, challenge them major opposite from its original ver-
knows the story already, ask them to note any differences between this sion. After the groups have planned
what they think might happen based story and the original version. Sec- their skits, have them perform for the
on the title. Once your students have ond, ask them to note any descriptive rest of the class.
offered some ideas, read the story to words used for the wolves and the pig.
them. Ask your students to notice any
words that describe the pigs and the
wolf as you read. After you finish the
story, work with your class to make a
list of these descriptive words on the
Explain to your students that a PLAY DAY MAY BE A GOOD OCCA-
Venn diagram is a way to look at the
board. similarities and differences between YOUR CLASS AND CELEBRATE THE
two things. Show your students how IDEA OF ANTONYMS.

To make sure your students
to create a Venn diagram by drawing
two overlapping circles on the board.
Label one circle “3 little pigs” and the
Do your classes in reverse order! Face
your desks to the opposite wall! Read
a book from the last page forward or
have the story clearly in their minds, other “3 little wolves”. Ask your stu- do any of a number of opposite things!
ask your students to retell the story dents to write the similarities between Your kids will have fun and they will
in their own words. If your students the two stories in the overlapping sec- really understand the concept of op-
would like, allow them to illustrate tion. Then ask them to write the parts posites!
their stories. You might want to let stu- unique to each story in its circle.
dents type up their retellings and illus-
trate them on the computer. You can
print them out and display them on a
wall of your classroom. 6 WHAT OPPOSITES
Looking at the lists of descriptive

Next, explain to your class that
words, can your students find any
opposite pairs among them? Give
groups of two to three students some
you are going to talk about antonyms
time to work together to find opposites
or opposites. Give them several ex-
in and between the two stories. You
amples of antonym pairs. Take one
will want to have copies of each text
pair, big and little for example, and
for each group of students. If students
write them on opposite ends of the
are unable to find a pair of opposites
board. Now draw a symbol at each

Realia: 9 Ways To Bring Real Life
Into The Classroom or under desks, and around the class- interviews using real life interview ques-
WHAT DO WE USUALLY DO WHEN WE room. Then have students simply tell tions. This type of practice will not only
HAVE TO TEACH FRUITS AND VEGE- you where each item is, or take turns teach them the vocabulary they should
TABLES IN ENGLISH? WE USE FLASH- asking each other where their own per- know, it will give students the boost of
CARDS AND ILLUSTRATIONS, RIGHT? sonal items are. This also works great confidence they need.
But what if we were to bring a basket
for teaching “this”, “that”, “these”, and
full of fruits and not only have students
name them, but also take part in a sur-
prise indoor picnic? Students will be both
surprised and thrilled, and even though
“those”, as the perspective of having
items near and far from you clearly illus-
trates the differences between the de-
monstrative pronouns. It’s as easy as starting each class by
they may not be in the mood for a fruit
salad, one thing is certain: this is one having students comment on what it’s
lesson they’ll never forget. This is what
the use of realia in the classroom is all
about: the use of real life objects that
Get some real city maps from the
like outside. You can get as basic or as
complex as you like, from simply saying
it’s “raining”, to it’s “drizzling”, “pouring”
local tourist office and give one to each or even “raining cats and dogs”!
students can touch, feel, and even smell pair of students. Have them take turns
to effectively teach ESL components. asking and giving directions to popular
This is by far the best way to teach
table manners, requests, or expressions CASES. IS IT REALLY WORTH YOU TIME?
related to ordering or serving tea, coffee, THE ANSWER IS, YES. ABSOLUTELY!
Real family photos are great for not only
or any meal in a home setting. For the AND YOUR STUDENT’S FACES WILL BE
learning about relationships but also
following dialogue: LIVING PROOF.
physical descriptions. Have students
- Would you like some tea? Here are the reasons realia should be
bring one family photo each and describe
- No, thank you. included in the classroom:
family members. Students may also take
- What would you like? • Kinesthetic learning is the type of
turns asking classmates questions.
- I’d like some coffee, please. learning that students will most ef-
- With milk and sugar? fectively acquire, mostly because
- Just black coffee.
Simply bring a children’s tea set (it’s a
lot easier to bring to class) complete
they will have hands-on experience.
• The use of realia brings a welcome
change in the class, a break from
with tea cups, saucers, spoons, teapot Children love to play dress up, and what
typical class activities like reading
and/or coffee pot, sugar bowl, creamer, a better way for them to learn items of
and writing.
etc... and have students practice offer- clothing and colors than put them on and
strut around the classroom to show off • The unexpectedness of having to
ing and serving each other coffee or tea. suddenly interact with real objects
You may also choose to add cakes, pies, their unique style? Adult learners can
also model the clothing they’re wearing. will keep students on their toes, it will
cookies, or anything that will make your create excitement, and they’ll have
5 o’clock tea truly unforgettable. fun.


Learning English is not only about
• Students have the chance to prac-
tice real life situations like using
maps and asking for directions in a
Design and print out a simple menu learning to speak in a foreign language.
Students should learn about cultural ele- foreign language, but with the guid-
with the food you’d like to teach including
ments as well. Special holidays like Hal- ance of someone who speaks flu-
starters, main courses, and desserts. In
loween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas ently and will help them get it right.
small groups, have one student play the
offer unique learning opportunities. To Once they hit the street, they will feel
role of waiter and take orders, while the
teach students about Halloween, plan a more confident in speaking the lan-
other students order their meals. Then
celebration complete with pumpkin carv- guage with the locals.
have students switch roles. You may
also include as many props as you’d like, ing, costume contest, and typical games • Students will clearly understand the
like a full table setting to teach tableware like bobbing for apples. Give your stu- reason they’re learning a particular
vocabulary. Students may ask the waiter dents the chance to experience the holi- ESL component. Inste ad of won-
for a missing item like a spoon, fork, or days and not just read about them. dering when and where they might
napkin. have use for a particular language


Do you have students who will be
element, they’ll know the reason.

When it comes to using realia in the

To teach prepositions of place take applying for jobs in English? Try to get classroom the sky’s the limit! The best
common classroom objects like pens, your hands on some real job applications part is that your students will learn, have
pencils, books, etc. and place them on and have students practice filling them fun, but you’ll also enjoy your classes all
out in class. You may also conduct job the more.
Between Descriptions Shapes: circular, round, square, rectan- to begin practicing, utilizing the same
ERS REALLY ENJOY IS DESCRIBING gular, oval, big, small subject-verb agreement example from
PEOPLE. IT IS A UNIVERSAL NEED above. Some ideas for practicing de-
AND WANT TO BE ABLE TO TALK Also some opposites to include: scribing personalities are:
adore teaching this topic because stu- Handsome / beautiful / attractive / • Have students answer questions
dents are especially creative: it’s a great lovely — ugly / unattractive about their best friends or fam-
opportunity to get to know them better. Pretty / cute — plain ily members (Does your friend work
Young / old hard?).
DISTINGUISHING Heavy-set (a better option than fat) • Give them a list of several of the new
BETWEEN — thin / slim / slender adjectives and have them describe
DESCRIPTIONS You can continue to add to this list and how someone they know shows that
split it up into different lessons if need characteristic or more simply, come
You’ll want to start out with the easier of be. Once they have some of the ba- up with a list of (famous) people that
the two questions in order to build upon sic vocabulary they can begin practic- has each particular trait, create some
it. Begin with physical description and let ing usage in any number of ways. You worksheets or matching activities.
them practice and arrive comfortably at could have them do question and an- • Have the students describe a fa-
natural usage before moving on to the swer in rounds about family members mous person and have everyone
more complex issue of describing per- or people in the class. You could also guess who it is. There are numerous
sonality. have them play guessing games like ways in which you can practice this
20 questions or I spy. You may also point that can really get students in-

1 WHAT DOES SHE LOOK LIKE? want to review the basic grammar of
subject-verb agreement using the usual
teracting and sharing.

To us native speakers it feels quite

obvious what this question is asking, but
for ESL students it may be easily con-
example for “to be” which is as follows:

I am They are
fused with the more idiomatic question You are We are The last step in solidifying the use of
of What is she like? What does he or He/she/it is these two types of descriptions is to dis-
she look like is a question that is a per- She is tall They are bald. tinguish between the two of them. Do
fect jumping off point for some combined Is she tall? Are they bald? some activities that combine the two
grammar practice. At once, you will teach points together in order to compare and
and practice new vocabulary, subject- contrast. Give them opportunities to de-
verb agreement, adjective placement,
and question and sentence formats. 2 WHAT IS SHE LIKE?
This question sounds similar to
scribe people they know both by how
they look and how they behave. You can
do more surveys here to reinforce the
the one above but has a totally differ-
You can break this all down if you would language and to add to the ever-growing
ent meaning. Explain to students that
like or try a more combined method. I find list of new vocabulary. One of my favor-
we are no longer focusing on physical
it easiest to start out by discussing the ite activities to practice the two together
appearance, but character. Ask the stu-
meaning of the question and providing is by providing the students with a blind
dents for examples of personality traits
some concrete examples weaved in with date scenario. Put them in pairs and tell
they already know. Some of their exam-
explanations. Keep excess language to them that they are going to match up one
ples may resemble states of being (sad,
a minimum and describe the concept of of their friends or classmates with their
happy, tired), so be sure to point out that
appearance and describing people and partner. The partner can ask questions
while describing someone as happy is
objects. You can use students in the about the friend/classmate and can then
not incorrect, it means that the person is
class as examples and begin with basic decide if they would like to have a blind
generally happy all the time, not just at
appearance subjects such as: hair color, date. You can take it one step further and
that moment. Here are some good ad-
eye color, height and weight, and then do a dating role play or get into discus-
jectives to start with and add to.
move into the more general subjects that sions regarding meeting new people and
describe overall appearance with oppo- Confident relationships.
sites. You’ll want to draw out from the Smart/intelligent/clever
class what they know and then build on Silly/funny
it with more information. Here are some Nice/lovely/cute DISTINGUISHING BETWEEN PHYSICAL
examples of what you’ll want to include: Sweet APPEARANCE DESCRIPTIONS AND
Mustache/beard/goatee Friendly LESSONS FOR EVERYONE INVOLVED.
Wears glasses Shy/quiet It’s also a topic that can be re-visited of-
Bald/balding Outgoing ten and offers innumerable opportunities
Long/short hair Polite/rude for practice and discussion.
Straight — curly After comprehension checks, you’ll want
What Time Do You Have?
Telling Time Activities
One of the best ways to practice
the clock and not show anyone. The
group then has to ask questions to de-
duct what time is on the clock. Or you
could have them do races — shout
telling time is to associate time with
FOR BEGINNERS WHO MAY JUST BE things you do at that time of day. You out a time and see who can put the
LEARNING NUMBERS AND LEARN- can do it with worksheets, cards, or accurate time on the clock the fastest.
ING HOW TO NAVIGATE BASIC CON- even on the board. Explain morning, Really your options are endless when
CEPTS IN ENGLISH. afternoon, and evening and what the you have a few old wall clocks at your
I find that the more hands-on you can cutoffs are for each. Here are some disposal.
be with telling time, the faster the stu- points to explain:
dents will master it. These activities
will give you a collection of tools to
approach telling time for adults and
• 7a.m. until 11:55 am is morning
• 12:00 or noon (also lunchtime)
until 5:30p.m. is the afternoon. There are lots of variable ways to ask
• After 5:30 p.m. (or when it be- and answer questions regarding time.
TELLING TIME Give them lots of options and provide
ACTIVITIES comes dark) until 12:00 midnight
lots of examples. Some of those are:
is the evening or night time.
• Midnight until 6a.m. is early morn-
A fun way to introduce telling

These provide good guidelines to

What time do you have?
What time does ------- start / fin-
time is to simply ask students, “What ish/?
time is it?” You’ll be amazed at all the then lead into the questions What time is it?
glazed looks you may get and the What time do you _________? Do you know the time?
unique attempts to answer correctly! and When do you ___________ ? Do you know what time it is?
It is good to let them try and some of What time do you... (do some-
them may already know the basics. thing — wake up, go to sleep,
You can then tell them what time it is Assigning activities to times of day as etc.)
and then jump right in. There are a lot well as a specific time will ensure that When is the movie / class / con-
of details and variables to telling time they understand the entire concept of cert / etc.?
correctly. You need to teach vocabu- time. There are lots of ways to prac-
lary which include: o’clock, a.m., p.m., tice this like simple question and an-
quarter after, quarter till compared to swer. For example: What time do you MAKE TELLING TIME STIMULATING
:45, 6:30 compared to half past 6. brush your teeth/wake up/eat dinner/ AND MEMORABLE AND STUDENTS
have English class? Have students WILL WALK AWAY FEELING REALLY
To practice all of the above the best come up with their own ideas and take ACCOMPLISHED. THIS LESSON IS
way to start out is with a blank clock the opportunity to teach and use new ALSO ONE WHICH ENABLES THEM
drawn on the board with no numbers. vocabulary. TO THEN GO OUT INTO THE WORLD
Have the students help you fill it in. Go AND USE A NEW SKILL.
through which numbers are after the
hour and which are before, and how
those are expressed.
Being able to use real clocks
It’s good to encourage them to prac-
tice it with their friends or even ask
strangers what time it is. It is em-
that the students can manipulate will powering for the students and you
Then draw the two hands and ex- make for hours of enjoyment and can generate many different ways to
plain that one hand is for hours and good solid review. It’s a good idea to reuse these activities time and time
one is for minutes. You can do a lot have at least three to four wall clocks again.
of practice just with drawing different for this purpose. You can make good
times on the board. What could be a use of them in several ways. Young
drill can be made a lot more amusing learners especially love manipulating
by getting students up to the board to the clocks, playing teacher and doing
draw in the hands for different times. Q and A with the clocks. Adults also
You can also create handouts that enjoy the hands-on activities using
they can then use for pair activities or the clocks and it really does make
homework. the lessons very memorable. You can
have students play a variety of games
and adapt them for difficulty. You
could have a student mark a time on

What Would You Do? Advice
on Teaching Giving Advice

want her to take the job. What
should Mary do?
Your best friend met the man
Along with the above modal explana-
THE TEACHING OF MODAL VERBS of her dreams. The problem is
tion you’ll need to provide concrete
WITH VALUABLE DISCUSSION-GEN- that he is moving to another
examples for each. Give the students
ERATING SUBJECT MATTER. country for a year in just a few
a sample scenario and apply it to each
There aren’t many ways to go about weeks. What should she do?
of the modal verbs to make your point.
teaching giving advice other than
For example: John has a problem. He
to practice doing just that. Here you
can get your own advice about how
to broach giving advice in the class-
saw his best friend’s girlfriend with an-
other boy, holding hands at the mall.
He wants to tell his friend, but he is
Giving advice is a great topic
room. for discussion as well as for debrief-
afraid. What would your advice be to
ing. You can discuss what happened
John? What would you do? Use a stu-
ADVICE ON TEACHING dent in the class so that they can give
in the groups’ role plays, the difficul-
GIVING ADVICE advice directly to John. At this point
ties of giving good advice and the
reactions of the students. Discuss-
you can go through each modal and


let students give you some examples
like: You have to tell him. You must
call him right now. You shouldn’t get
ing problems is not easy and trying
to find solutions is complex and often
there are no simple black and white
Throughout a students’ career they answers. Often after a few activities,
involved. You can do a few rounds of
are exposed to modal verbs for differ- students are ready to share some of
this with various problems, until your
ent uses and purposes. Giving advice their own experiences of problems,
comprehension check is completed.
enables them to provide opinions and advice they have received or past
to analyze problem situations. The experiences. It is effective to make
first thing to do when teaching giving
advice is to focus on the modal verbs
themselves and their strength or in-
Role plays are an excellent way
these lessons as real to life as pos-
sible, and using the students’ own ex-
periences is a very constructive tool.
to create an even more personal ex-
tensity. When giving advice there are Be careful not to get too personal and
perience for the students. It is similar
levels of intensity that are inferred. It is if a student volunteers a problem that
to the above in which you either pro-
necessary to explain this to students they would like advice about, be sure
vide a scenario, or you have the stu-
first. You’ll want to explain levels of to be a good mediator and offer some
dents come up with one. Then choose
intensity as well as provide a lot of ex- guidelines regarding the advice that
two or three students to have a spon-
ample for how we use each modal in can be given. This could also lead
taneous conversation. They should
particular. Here is an explanation: into other discussion topics, such as
take on the different roles, acting as
different types of problems. You could
if they are the one with the problem,
Most Intense: focus on problems related to the poor
and the ones giving advice. Stress to
• Have to / Don’t Have to: You have economy, health, teenagers or other
the students that before they begin
to do something — means you socially relevant topics. Let your stu-
giving advice, they should ask clarifi-
have no choice. dents have a say in these discus-
cation questions and get as many de-
• Must/Must not: You must do sions, and you’ll find that they will get
tails on the problem as they can. After
something — similar to have to a lot of natural practice giving advice
that they can begin to counsel and
and is fairly strong. and analyzing problems.
give advice. You want to start out with
• Had Better: You had better do problems that aren’t too complex, and
something — less intense, it is a then increase the difficulty as you see
good idea to... your students’ engagement. You can
• Should/Shouldn’t: You should/not adapt these to students’ level, inter-
est, age and maturity. A few example
do it — implies a choice -- not in-
role plays could be:
• Would/Wouldn’t: If I were you, I STUDENT. This is one of those topics
would/not — different structure — • Mary has a job offer at a great that is more than a grammar point, it
not forceful. new company that she is excit- is a life lesson. Give students good
ed about. The pay is good, but guidelines and you’ll find that your
Least Intense: the hours will be long and she advice-giving lessons bring the class
• Might /Might Not: You might want won’t get to see her family very closer together.
to — very timid, least intense. much. Her husband doesn’t

As Easy as OneTwoThree:
10 Ways to Practice Numbers
USING NUMBERS IN A FOREIGN key to the game is bluffing and knowing to make the items hypothetical, but you
LANGUAGE IS DIFFICULT FOR MOST when others are doing the same. At any may choose to have your students create
SECOND LANGUAGE SPEAKERS. point during play, any player may call actual items from art supplies you have
“Bologna!” if she thinks or knows another in the classroom. Then, make copies of
TRY THESE 10 WAYS TO student is lying. If the player was lying special classroom dollars and give each
PRACTICE NUMBERS IN and did not put down the cards she an- student ten dollars to spend in the mar-
YOUR ESL CLASSROOM nounced, she must take all the cards in ket. Let your students haggle (explain
the center. If that player was telling the this concept before opening the market

“Do you have any fours?” You may
truth, the player who called bologna must
take the entire pile. Play continues until
someone is out of cards and wins the
and do not allow anyone to purchase
anything without haggling) and then see
what everyone ends up by the end of the
hear this question frequently if you allow game. activity.
your students to play Go Fish as part of
their number practice. To make the game
more challenging and give your students
more numbers practice, use two decks of
Review with your students all the
New math is not as new as it used
cards for around eight students for one personal information that contains num- to be, but challenging your students to do
game. Require that a player must have bers. Address, phone number, birthday mental math problems will get them using
all eight matching cards before he can and even email address often contain numbers in English. Give your students a
claim them for his own. Your students numbers. Have students work in groups chance to do some simple mental math
will laugh at how confusing the game can of four or five to create a map of where problems, and then let the real challenge
become with sets of cards passing back their classmates live. Give your students begin. Using a spelling bee format, ask
and forth between all the players! some time to interact and collect the your students to do increasingly difficult
addresses of each of their classmates. mathematical equations without using

A deck of cards can entertain your
Then, have groups of students make a
map of the town and nearby area to show
where each person lives.
paper. If a student gets one wrong, he
sits down. The last one standing is the
Mental Math champion!
students with more than Go Fish. Play
the game Twenty-Four in groups be-
tween two and four players. Each round
of a four-player game, each player lays
To challenge your students with lon-
Class surveys are another way your
one card down. (Two players lay two ger numbers, have them create a time- ESL students can practice using num-
cards each. Three players rotate who line of the significant events of their lives. bers in English. As a class, make a list
lays down the extra card.) Each card has If you can, get a long roll of paper and en- of demographic or statistical categories
the number value on the card, with aces courage students to include photographs that might apply to your students. For ex-
counting as one and face cards counting or illustrations of their significant events. ample, how many students have dogs,
as ten. The players race to make a math- To make sure your class is practicing how many have more than one sibling,
ematical equation using the four num- numbers in English, have them write out how many have grandparents still living,
bers so the answer is twenty-four. When the years rather than using numerals on etc. Brainstorm a large list, and then ask
someone has an answer, he taps the their timelines. each student to choose five questions
table and shares it with his opponents. he will ask each of his classmates. Give

Whether you realize it or not, track-
your students time to interview one an-
other, and then have each person write a
sentence for each of his categories. For
Another card game that gives your ing the weather is a great way for ESL each question, the student must write a
students a chance to practice numbers students to use numbers. Take some statement using words and not numerals
in English is Bologna. To play, groups of time each day to access basic weather to represent the answers.
four to six students divide a deck of cards information – temperature, dew point,
between them. Starting with the first per-
son, he places one or more cards into the
center of the table and announces the
humidity and barometric pressure – and
talk about it at the start of the school day.
You may want your students to keep a
Many proverbs and idioms
quantity of two’s that he is placing there, record of the weather patterns. contain numbers. Alex Case compiled
face down. The second player must an- this list, which you can use in your ESL
nounce how many three’s she is putting
in the center of the table, face down. Play
continues around the circle with each
With a classroom market place,
class. Challenge students to guess which
number completes each phrase and then
match that phrase to the correct definition.
player announcing a quantity of cards your students can practice buying, sell- THOUGH YOUR STUDENTS MAY NOT
ordered from three to ace and then start- ing and bargaining with numbers in Eng- ENJOY MATH CLASS, THESE ACTIVI-
ing back at two. In reality, players may lish. Start by having each person imag- TIES WILL BE A FUN WAY TO REVIEW
or may not lay down the quantity or de- ine a product they might want to sell at NUMBERS IN YOUR ESL CLASS.
nomination of cards they announce. The the classroom marketplace. It is easier
How Do You Feel Today?
Teaching Emotions
use to old magazines by cutting out thereby increasing your students’ vo-
EVERYBODY FEELS. TODAY I FEEL pictures of faces displaying different cabulary.
HAPPY. TODAY I FEEL SAD. TODAY emotions. The bigger the face, the
easier it will be for your students to
see the emotion. Show one picture
at a time during circle time or dur-
Remember those pictures of
ing a class discussion, and ask your faces you used in your class discus-
Bring emotions to a tactile level for students how they think that person sion? Now it’s time to use them for
your students with these concrete ac- is feeling. Ask them why they think a little writing practice. You will want
tivities, and you’ll all feel better at the the person is feeling that way. What to choose your writing activity based
end of the day. are the clues they take from the per- on the ages of your students. For
son’s facial expression? Then have younger students, give them one of
HOW TO TEACH a little fun and ask your students to the pictures you discussed earlier.
EMOTIONS IN YOUR mimic the face from the picture to Have them spend some time think-
ESL CLASSROOM show that same emotion. Even bet- ing about the emotion that person is
ter than magazine photos, take some feeling. Then ask them about a time

candid pictures of your students prior
to teaching on this topic and use the
faces they make for the same activ-
they felt that same emotion. You can
allow some time for class sharing or
break your class into smaller groups
The first step in teaching about emo- ity. Kids will love seeing themselves so everyone can share their personal
tions is to engage your students. If you larger than life in front of the class and story. Then get in your writing prac-
have younger students, picture books will feel a deep connection to the les- tice by having students write about
are a great way to do this. Some good son when you involve their personal that time they had that particular
ones to try are Today I Feel Silly: and photos. emotions. This is especially good for
Other Moods That Make My Day by younger children since it is easiest for
Jamie Lee Curtis or I Feel Orange Today I feel board. That’s not to say I them to share from their personal ex-
Today by Patricia Godwin. After read- feel bored. Maybe I feel happy, con- periences. If your students are more
ing these or other books that your fused, concerned, elated, hysteri- mature, you can make the writing
class likes, encourage your students cal, nervous or loved. Our emotions practice a little more challenging and
to share how they are feeling today. change from day to day, so give your a little more creative. Have them think
Make sure they know that any answer students a venue through which to beyond what the person in the picture
is a good one: the key is to be honest. share their emotions. Choose a selec- is feeling and challenge them to think
Also, remember that younger children tion of simple cartoon faces and print why the person feels that way. What
may not be as attuned to their feelings them out on full sheets of paper. (If could that person’s story be? When
as more mature students can be, so you are nice to the art teacher at your your students write, have them do
keep from forcing an answer if all they school, he or she may draw you some some creative writing telling the story
can say is that they feel fine. original ones.) You can then post them of the person in the picture. Encour-
on a bulletin board with a label under age them to use detailed descriptions
Another way to engage your students the picture naming that emotion. Then and strong verbs in their creative writ-
at the beginning of an emotional les- give each of your students a name ing.
son is to sing some songs about feel- tag with a push pin and ask them to
ings. “If You’re Happy and You Know place their name next to or under the
It Clap Your Hands” is a great way to emotion they are feeling today. (Be EMOTIONS ARE SOMETHING
engage young children. The rhythm of careful not to hang the faces too high PEOPLE EXPERIENCE EVERY DAY.
the verses also helps with sentence for your students to reach.) This will THESE ACTIVITIES ARE ONLY THE
intonation and pacing for students give them some reading practice, but BEGINNING OF WHAT YOU CAN DO
who struggle with their fluency. You an even more beneficial activity is to WITH YOUR CLASS WHEN TEACH-
could also sing “Who’s Afraid of the ask your students to share why they ING EMOTIONS.
Big Bad Wolf” or any other songs they feel a particular way on the day of the Either way, when you teach about
might know and love that mention any discussion. This promotes discussion emotions, your students are sure to
kind of emotion. and also gives your students an ap- feel excited, eager, thrilled, animated,
propriate place and time to share spe- energized, full of life, absorbed...


Now that your class is thinking
cial news. You can keep this bulletin
board up all year if you choose to do
so, and you can add more descrip-
about emotions, it’s time to start some tive emotions as the year progresses
more structured work. Give a second

How to Teach Shapes
STUDENTS MAY NOT OFTEN USE as they practice the words. This will ate the shape you call out. For ex-
SHAPES IN THEIR EVERYDAY CON- help reinforce what the new words ample, if you say “Triangle.” students
VERSATION OR ENGLISH LESSONS mean. should try to organize themselves into
BUT IT IS STILL WORTH TEACHING a triangle. It may be a bit of a chal-
After practicing the vocabulary
lenge but depending on the class,
may be quite enjoyable as well. It is
good to conduct activities, such as
THE CORRECT ANSWER.” ON THEIR as a class, have students practice this one, which require cooperation
WORKSHEETS OR EXAMS. writing the words by labeling images among your students.
on a worksheet or making sentences
Knowing basic shapes can also be for each image. For example, if there
useful when students try to explain is a picture of a circular clock, stu-
objects that they do not know the dents can write “It’s a circle.” while if Shapes may not be the most impor-
word for because if they can describe there is an image of a photograph, tant section of material that students
something accurately enough, you students can write “It’s a rectangle.” study and this vocabulary is unlikely
will be able to give them the correct You can also continue practicing as to come up repeatedly in the course
vocabulary word. This article provides a class by naming familiar objects or but teaching basic shapes is still
some ideas and activities on teaching objects in the classroom and having necessary. Later on when students
shapes to preschool and kindergarten students tell you what shape they are. are taught the adjective form of these
kids and teenagers. Students should be encouraged to words, such as circular and triangu-
use full sentences when responding lar, at least they will be building upon
HOW TO PROCEED to these questions. previously learned material.

Shapes are another topic for
At this stage in the lesson stu-
very beginners so it is worth spending dents should be able to produce their
time reviewing the previous lesson. If own material. You could have them
you choose to do the production activ- write as many objects as they can
ity suggested in this lesson, you may think of for each shape, for instance.
want to devote some time to reviewing You could also conduct an activ-
numbers, description words and body ity which combines students’ knowl-
parts as well. You can simply ask stu- edge of shapes, numbers, descrip-
dents to name the body part or num- tions and body parts. Assuming you
ber you are pointing to as a class or have covered all of these topics, you
by volunteering. You can also review can do this activity called Monsters.
all this vocabulary using flashcards or Have students work in pairs sitting
by eliciting vocabulary from your stu- back to back. First give students time
dents to see what they can remem- to draw a monster on the top half of
ber. Warm up activities for beginning their worksheets. Student A will then
students may take up to ten minutes describe his monster to his partner
of your class time depending on how while Student B listens to the descrip-
much material you feel the need to in- tion and draws a monster based on
clude. When it comes to vocabulary, the description he is given. Students
repetition is the key. will say sentences such as “He/She/
It has one small nose. It’s a circle.”
When Student A is finished describing
Drawings on the board or flash-
his monster, students should switch
roles. When both partners have de-
scribed and drawn a monster, have
cards will be the easiest way to intro-
duce shapes. You may choose to only students compare their drawings. It is
teach square, rectangle, circle, and amusing to see how different they are
triangle but feel free to include other even if students were listening care-
vocabulary such as star and diamond fully.
if appropriate. Use choral repetition
for pronunciation practice and drill by
pointing to the drawings on the board
or using flashcards. If you are only
If possible, it may be fun to get
using basic shapes and working with the class moving and working togeth-
young learners, have them make the er. In the last minutes of class have
shapes using specific hand gestures students position themselves to cre-

How To Teach Time: Telling Time
Activities And Games
Telling time can be tricky for some stu- is it?” after drawing new clock faces on with clock faces or even with images.
dents so it is important that they have the board. Ask a student “What time is For example “It’s 9:30 AM” might match
a very strong grasp on numbers before it?” while pointing to the clock in your up with an image of a student at school
trying to proceed with this lesson. De- classroom. See if there are any volun- while “It’s midnight” would go with an
pending on the age of your students, teers to draw clock faces on the board image of a person sleeping.
they may struggle because they have and ask the class what time it is. Make
not learned to tell time in their native
language so teaching general refer-
ences to time such as ‘in the morning’
sure your students understand that “It’s
8:10 o’clock.” is incorrect. 7 PRODUCTION – TIME
Teach your students the model
and ‘at night’ would be more beneficial.

Have a worksheet prepared with
dialogue below:
- A: Excuse me. What time is it?
- B: It’s 9:30.
a section containing clocks show- - A: Thank you.
ing various times. Ask the students to
- B. Your welcome.
Get your students in a numbers
complete this section independently
and check the answers as a class. If
students are struggling, more practice
Have students practice this dialogue in
pairs using clock faces drawn on the
frame of mind by doing some pronun- may be necessary. In the second sec-
ciation practice. Only the numbers one board or printed on their worksheets.
tion ask students to draw in the hands
through fifty-nine are going to be used Students should take turns being A and
of the clock and then ask their partners
but review zero through one hundred B. After five to ten minutes of practice
“What time is it?”
anyway. A game or two of bingo would ask for students to demonstrate the
be good practice. Give students a five conversation to the class in order to
by five grid with the center square filled
in. Ask them to write any numbers zero
through one hundred in the remaining
ensure that students are correctly say-
ing the time that corresponds with each
Once your students have a basic grasp
squares, say random numbers (starting
on numbers and telling time, introduce
with the one already filled in) and play
until a few students have gotten bingo.
time related vocabulary such as those
listed below:
- a quarter past
To end the class use another
short activity to review what has been
Draw a clock face on the board
- It’s a quarter past 4.
- half past
- It’s half past 9.
covered in class. Ask students to tell
you the time shown on the board,
translate phrases, and ask for the time
to demonstrate. Start by showing times
such as 7:00 and 11:00 and writing - a quarter to to ensure that students are comfortable
them on the board next to clock faces. - It’s a quarter to 12. using all the new material and review
Check to ensure that your students un- anything that gives them difficulty both
- AM
derstand that the short hand indicates before the class ends and at the begin-
- It’s 7:50 AM. ning of the next lesson. To build upon
the hour and should be both said and
- PM this lesson, the following lessons may
written first. Have students repeat “One
o’clock, two o’clock...” after you. Ask - It’s 11:20 PM. be based around the structures “What
students to come to the board to both - noon time do you ~?” and “I ~ at 7:30” which
write and draw times you give them. For - midnight practices both time and the simple
example, say “Rachel, it is 9 o’clock.” present quite extensively.
The student should write 9:00 and draw Your textbook will determine what exact
a clock face indicating that time. vocabulary you need to cover. Practice General references to time such as at
pronunciation of all the new words and night, in the morning, and on Sunday

3 INTRODUCE – TIME: ask students to tell you the time shown come up quite often in ESL classes
on the board in two different ways. For while specific times such as 9:35 do
example “It’s 7:15. It’s a quarter past 7.”
Move on to minutes. Show that there Extensive drilling and practice activities STUDENTS WILL NEED PRACTICE
are sixty minutes in an hour and that are necessary at this stage. TELLING TIME THROUGHOUT THE
the long hand indicates minutes which COURSE OF THEIR STUDIES SO DUR-
should be said and written after the hour.
Now demonstrate times such as 8:10
and 3:42 just as you did for hours in the
Continuing the worksheet used
previous step. Ask students “What time above, students can match sentences

7 Steps for Teaching
the Intermediate ESL Student
So you’ve been assigned an inter-
mediate ESL this term after a num-
ber of terms teaching beginning ESL
dents at this level can be asked what
they need to work on and what their
goals are, both short and long term. If
most of your students are job-oriented,
As the semester progresses, you
may note common problems in para-
students. This should be a breeze!
for example, it might make more sense graphing, for example or in stress and in-
The students understand everything you
to work on conversational and pronun- tonation. Give lessons in these areas as
say, can follow directions, and can carry
ciation skills than on academic reading you note the problems. Give frequent
on a conversation. After a week or so,
and writing. However, if more students assessment, both formal assessments
however, you realize it is NOT a breeze.
have ambitions of obtaining a university of quizzes and tests to the more informal
In fact, it’s much more challenging than
degree, then additional emphasis can homework checks as well as just walk-
any class you’ve taught yet! A small
be placed on developing their academic ing around and noting student interac-
contingent of students complains of be-
vocabularies. tions in English during discussion.
ing bored while other students say they
can’t understand any of the material.
You seem to spend more time on les-
son planning than ever before, with only
student boredom and confusion to show
Textbooks often cannot meet
Ask the students periodically how
the varied needs of an intermediate the class is going for them - they can
as a result. What’s going on?
class because of the range of abilities give their feedback anonymously. Do
and interests, and instructors may find several of these checks throughout the
Well, the first problem is to paraphrase
themselves relying on supplementary semester, starting several weeks in, per-
a scholar on the topic of assessment,
materials such as newspaper and mag- haps after the first test. Ask students to
“there are many rooms in the house
azine articles and websites for teachers write on a piece of paper the answer to
of ‘intermediate.’” Many different stu-
dents with different levels of English
or chapters from select textbooks that the questions “How is the class going
skill can be legitimately called “interme-
allow duplication of class sets. If you for you?” and “Are there any changes
diate”: for example, those with strong
notice a problem with present perfect you’d like to see?” They then fold the
tense, for example, you can just select paper and hand it in - no need to give
conversational and life skills in English
a chapter from a grammar text to focus a name. Most students just write things
but almost no academic or literacy skills
as well as those with strong reading and
on that specific point rather than going like “It’s great,” or “So far so good,” but
through the whole text. sometimes they have valuable feedback
writing skills who have trouble carrying
on a conversation. This creates a prob- like “I’d like more reading,” or “The
lem for curriculum and instruction:
This variety of different materials in- teacher speaks too quickly” — some-
creases the probability of reaching more times painful but important information!
what exactly do you focus on and teach
students and holding student interest. You’d better know about concerns near
in such a class? How may these prob-
lems be addressed? the beginning of class when they can be

HOW TO Teach Intermediate

Just as the materials should be
addressed than in the course evaluation
at the end.

varied, so should the instruction. In-

structors find themselves sometimes THE TERM “INTERMEDIATE” ENCOM-

Give a short diagnostic at the
locked into a favorite mode of instruc-
tion, such as giving dictation, or play-
ing vocabulary games, or student read-
beginning of the term. For example,
ing followed by class discussion. Using BUT STRONG READING SKILLS, OR
a small dictation followed by a reading
a variety of instruction rather than one THOSE WHO HAVE GOOD CON-
with short answer questions is a versa-
type increases the probability of meeting VERSATIONAL FLUENCY BUT POOR
tile tool. This doesn’t take a long time
all students’ needs. GRAMMAR AND WRITING SKILLS,
to administer, and it reveals some im- THOSE WITH DEFINED VOCATIONAL
portant information on each student’s GOALS, AND THOSE WHO WANT TO
reading, writing, and listening skills. In
addition, the instructor can get some in-
formation about the class, collectively:
And just as the materials and in-
Serving all of these different students
struction should be varied in an inter-
if it is trending toward the low or high with different skills and needs is not
mediate class, so should the group-
end of intermediate, or if the class as a easy. In fact, the intermediate level may
ing strategies. Many ESL teachers
whole seems to have better reading and be the most difficult of the ESL levels to
have been trained in the value of group
writing skills than listening. This informa- teach. However, by gathering informa-
instruction, but not all students learn
tion can inform future lesson planning. tion on the students and the class, vary-
best this way. Some students learn best
while working individually. The instruc- ing materials and instruction, and gath-

Unlike beginning students, stu-
tion should be varied from individual, to
small group, to large group instruction
throughout the course of a lesson.
ering student feedback, the ESL teacher
can meet student needs and set up a
strong class.
How to Assist Your Intermediate
Students on Their Way to Fluency
discussing his or her future plans and Have them go on fieldtrips, if possible, to
SOMETIME AFTER THE HIGH BEGIN- what he or she wants to get out of the important local sites.
NING LEVEL OR A YEAR OF STUDY, course. If it’s not possible to interview
SOMETHING HAPPENS TO MANY ESL each student, have them make tapes of For example, my city of Sacramento,
STUDENTS. Formerly attentive eyes glaze themselves addressing their plans and California is the seat of government of
over, always before enthusiastic students goals. In this way, can the teacher can the largest and one of the most influential
now are lethargic, absences go up, and find some common goals to focus on: states in the nation, so taking students
sometimes students stop coming to class perhaps a majority of students want to go to the State Capitol and learning about
all together. “I’m so bored,” and “We’ve into the health care industry, for example, what the government does and jobs that
done this before” are frequent refrains suggesting a focus for vocabulary instruc- are generated by it is valuable learning
about the class and instruction. What is tion. In addition, some common areas for for students. In addition, Sacramento is
going on? Instead of giving in to frustra- pronunciation instruction, such as stress located in the Central Valley of California,
tion, you might consider facing your stu- and intonation, can also be identified. one of the richest sources of agriculture
dents are dealing with the dreaded plateau. in the world. A trip south to Lodi, Califor-


nia, for example, will give students ex-
posure to the powerful wine industry. In
addition, right in our city is a branch of C
This is a basically intermediate level Many institutions are not prepared for ad- and H, the sugar company, again giving
where students have acquired a certain dressing the needs of the intermediate students exposure to the agricultural in-
amount of fluency. They can understand student. I remember teaching a group of dustry. These field trips can be tied back
and be understood in most routine social high beginners/intermediates the distinc- the classroom with related readings, as
situations in English. They are still mark- tion between the simple and progressive the history of wine and sugar production
edly nonnative speakers, however, with present tense—over and over. The school are long, multicultural, and rich in human
distinct differences between their gram- had a “grammar –centric curriculum” and interest. In addition to the readings, study
mar and pronunciation than that of native most of the materials seem to focus on of individual industries usually is replete
speakers. Getting past this plateau and this particular verb tense distinction. If with new vocabulary: for example, the
on the way to true advanced, fluent, and the same material is repeated, of course word for the study of wine is “oenology,”
correct English speech is difficult, and it’s students will complain of boredom. Look something I learned not long ago.
not coincidental that most second lan- into instead some of their more advanced
guage learners worldwide don’t get past needs: grammar such as the passive Besides field trips to places off campus,
the intermediate level. So how do we help voice and stress and intonation patterns students can stay on campus and sit in
our students avoid getting stuck at eter- for pronunciation, for example, are issues on lectures of classes related to their in-
nal intermediate speakers and beat the that can begin to be addressed at an in- terest by prior arrangement - usually the
odds in making it to the advanced level? termediate level. professors of these classes are happy to
have them there. Finally, guest speakers
4 RELEVANT CURRICULUM in the fields of medicine, law, and tech-
GETTING PAST nology can visit the class and talk about
THE DREADED Most students at this level have fields related to the students’ interests -
INTERMEDIATE identified specific goals, and may find other teachers might be good resources
PLATEAU some curriculum too elementary or irrele- for these speakers as these are fields
vant to their needs, hence the complaints their spouses and friends could be in!


Do a diagnostic at the beginning
of boredom. While the short stories of
O’Henry and poetry of Robert Frost, for
example, might be charming, especially
of class, such as having students write to students of literature, ESL students SATISFYING THE NEEDS OF INTERME-
a “phone message” dictated by you and might have limited patience for this as DIATE STUDENTS IS NOT EASY. IT CAN
then do a simple writing assignment, their needs are more immediately related BE ALL TOO EASY TO FALL INTO THE
such as a “life lesson” students learned. to developing job or academic—usually TRAP OF REPEATING THE SAME CUR-
In this way, teachers can begin to get an non-arts and literature related—skills to RICULUM OF PRESENTING THE VERB
idea of students’ varied skills and can be- survive in the work or academic world. Tie TENSES OVER AND OVER AGAIN UNTIL
gin to plan the activities around common these goals to the curriculum by having STUDENTS “MASTER” THEM.
needs—if most students need to work on students read and write relevant work-
past tense verbs, for example, or sen- place and academic documents such as However, given that it might take several
tence fragments, then that is where the memos, reports, and essays. years for such mastery and that students
focus should be, no matter what the class at this level have other needs, it is impor-

text might suggest. TIE THE CLASS tant for the growth of the intermediate
student to expand the curriculum into more
If possible, interview each student,
Because they will shortly be entering
this outside world, connect students to it!
academic and work-related curriculum and
materials to truly meet their needs.

How To Avoid Sensitive Issues
When Teaching ESL
and those are politics and religion. In Galician, Catalonian and much more.
DEPENDING ON WHERE YOU ARE general, the same can be applied to Therefore one needs to keep these
TEACHING, IT IS IMPORTANT TO a class. Of course, sometimes topics facts in mind when teaching the class
REMEMBER THAT CERTAIN ISSUES of religion come up so it is important to ensure that certain issues might be
MIGHT BE TABOO. to be aware of the students’ reactions avoided. An example being that the
Of course, this is going to vary from to it. Keep the debate civilized, and Basque people have been aiming for
culture to culture. A lot of teachers will above all, try to avoid your own per- independence from Spain. Keeping
find that they are going to be going sonal opinion. At the end of the day, this out of the conversation will allow
abroad for work. Popular destinations you’re trying to teach a language. A for a much more peaceful lesson.
at the moment include South Korea, culture class is something else, there-
Vietnam and China. China in particu- fore it is no sin to change the topic at
lar is currently experiencing a boom. hand.
As a result, more English teachers
are required than are actually avail- IN COUNTRIES WHERE DISCUSSING
able. Whether you are teaching as an
online job, or are actually physically in
the country, do a little bit of research
Another way of avoiding certain issues
before going over. Take a look at what which might be deemed sensitive AS HOUSING, COST OF LIVING ETC.
the main culture finds acceptable, (such as women’s status in Islamic If there is an economic recession go-
and what it doesn’t. There have even countries, if you happen to be teach- ing on, be careful when discussing
been certain cases where people ing there) is to be aware of the differ- things like unemployment. Religion,
have been jailed due to certain per- ence from the beginning. Depending for the most part, is a no-go area in
ceived insults, although there was ac- on how strict a Muslim country is, if countries such as China. If you have
tually no harm intended by them! Usu- you are female you will probably have any doubts, then speak with the head
ally, within a lot of Western countries, to cover up to a certain extent. Re- of the school and see what is accept-
these won’t be very big problems. It specting a country’s ways is key here. able and what isn’t. It is always best to
is still a good idea to take a look over be safe than sorry!
how they differ from your own culture
anyway. Germany, France and many
other countries in Western Europe
tend to have only a few cultural differ-
Even teaching abroad, you
might find that you have a classroom
ences, due to a common history. This filled with people from all over the
won’t necessarily be the case if you world. This is particularly true in coun-
are intending to go and teach some- tries like Germany. A lot of the time,
where like Saudi Arabia or Shanghai. they will be businesspeople as this
Avoiding certain issues will there- is probably the most in-demand form
fore be something that every teacher of English teaching available. The
needs to watch out for. teacher must also keep in mind that
just because students share a simi-
HOW TO AVOID lar language, it does not mean they
SENSITIVE ISSUES have a similar culture. For example,
English speakers can be found all


Sometimes students might want
over the world. They come from many
different backgrounds: South Africa,
Britain, Ireland, the United States,
to discuss something which may not
etc.. Whilst there are similarities, Irish
necessarily be appropriate for the
culture can be seen as being vastly
class, and might even be offensive
different from American culture right
to certain members. If this happens,
down to the difference in slang. Like-
then it is a good idea to quickly direct
wise, those students who are Span-
the conversation away. Perhaps intro-
ish speaking might not necessary be
duce a new part of the topic. Another
from the same part of Spain, or even
good idea is probably to suggest that
country. There are often huge differ-
everyone play a game in order to prac-
ences between Spanish and Latin
tice their language skills. As the old
American culture. Within Spain, one
saying goes, two things should nev-
can find people of Basque origin,
er be discussed at the dinner table,

How to Teach Current Events
to ESL Students
Natural disasters, catastrophes, and tasks are: Use these steps and create engag-
current events, in general, are great ing lessons out of any current event
sources for speaking or reading tasks, • True or False – Students may you think your students might find
and connect students with situations not know what is true and what is interesting. But, if you’re short on
that are real, that may be affecting false - ask them to guess! time, we’ve got great news for you!
thousands of lives somewhere in the There are websites that provide news
globe. Current events lessons also • Synonym matching – Students stories that have been tailored specifi-
raise awareness of environmental is- guess and try to match the syn- cally to the needs of English learners.
sues, for example, or inform and edu- onyms in two columns.
cate students in a broader sense. •
• Sentence matching – Provide provides news stories based on
Needless to say, unless you’re teach- sentences that have been cut in themes, in HTML format or PDF,
ing highly-advanced students, you will half. Students try to match the which means they are ready to
not be able to simply cut out a news- beginning to the end of the sen- download and print. The website
paper article and read it to the class. tence. also provides MP3 audio for lis-
News stories must be adjusted tening tasks, which you may eas-
and adapted to your group’s English
reading or comprehension level. Still,
taking the time to summarize a news
ily download to your computer.
Talk about taking the guesswork
out of teaching current events!
article in fewer, easier words won’t You may choose to either read the
take you too long, plus you’ll have the news piece out loud, or print copies • also has great news
added benefit of using the vocabu- for everyone to read. No matter what stories that have been adapted
lary and structures you yourself have you choose, be sure to give them a for adult learners, but most are a
taught your students. task to complete. Some examples bit outdated. Still, there are plenty
may be: that may still be of use in the ESL
So, let’s get started, and let’s see how • Gap-filling (with options) classroom. They also come with
you should proceed once you have • Gap-filling (without options) audio and a file for download.
achieved a news piece that is suitable
• Multiple-choice questions
for your students’ level. • The New York Times’ Learning
• Sentence matching Network offers up-to-date news
stories targeted towards children
HOW TO Teach Current And many others, but make sure tasks in grades 3 to 12, which means
Events are more targeted towards reading/ that most can be used for ESL
listening comprehension and not en- students as well.

1 START WITH A WARM UP tirely open-ended.

• CBS Broadcasting offers Litera-
You must set the mood for the
topic - you can’t just dive into the
news piece, right? For example, if the
cyNet with full, abridged, or out-
lined news stories.
news piece is about a natural disaster, Some great activities or tasks for post-
such as a tsunami, earthquake, hurri- reading or listening are:
cane, or mud slide, introduce the topic • Open-ended questions: why,
and asks students to tell you what it is, what, where, who, how, etc... SO, NOW YOU HAVE NO MORE
where it takes place, what the conse- • Discussion questions EXCUSES. WE’VE PROVIDED YOU
quences are, what causes it, etc...
• Arts or crafts project
You may also ask for predictions. Give AND INFORMED ON WHAT’S GOING
them the headline and ask them to • Games to practice vocabulary or ON IN THE WORLD THEY’RE LIVING
predict what the article is about. If the grammar IN.
headline mentions the “Benefits of a And to remain informed on what’s go-
Healthy Diet”, ask them what they Whereas during the reading students ing on in the ESL world, be sure to
think these benefits are. were tested on their reading com- check out on a daily
prehension skills, in the post-reading basis for your dose of teaching re-
they must somehow put everything

they learned together, and hopefully
produce something out of what they
sources, tips, and advice.

Some great pre-reading or listening

HOWTO: 3 Easy Steps
to Grading Student Essays
In a world where number two pencils and bubbles on an answer
sheet often determine a student’s grade, what criteria does the
writing teacher use to evaluate the work of his or her students?
After all, with essay writing you cannot simply mark some an-
swers correct and others incorrect and figure out a percentage.
The good news is that grading an essay can be just as easy and
straightforward as grading multiple-choice tests with the use of
a rubric!

The next step is to take each of the other criteria and define
WHAT IS A RUBRIC? success for each of those, assigning a value to A, B, C and D
papers. Those definitions then go into the rubric in the appropri-
A rubric is a chart used in grading essays, special projects and
ate locations to complete the chart.
other more items which can be more subjective. It lists each of
the grading criteria separately and defines the different perfor-
mance levels within those criteria. Standardized tests like the
SAT’s use rubrics to score writing samples, and designing one
for your own use is easy if you take it step by step. Keep in mind
that when you are using a rubric to grade essays, you can de-
sign one rubric for use throughout the semester or modify your
rubric as the expectations you have for your students increase.



When students write essays, ESL teachers generally
look for some common elements. The essay should have good
grammar and show the right level of vocabulary. It should be Each of the criteria will score points for the essay. The descrip-
organized, and the content should be appropriate and effec- tions in the first column are each worth 4 points, the second
tive. Teachers also look at the overall effectiveness of the piece. column 3 points, the third 2 points and the fourth 1 point.
When evaluating specific writing samples, you may also want to
include other criteria for the essay based on material you have
covered in class. You may choose to grade on the type of essay
they have written and whether your students have followed the
specific direction you gave. You may want to evaluate their use
Now that your criteria are defined, grading the essay is
easy. When grading a student essay with a rubric, it is best
of information and whether they correctly presented the content to read through the essay once before evaluating for grades.
material you taught. When you write your own rubric, you can Then reading through the piece a second time, determine
evaluate anything you think is important when it comes to your where on the scale the writing sample falls for each of the cri-
students’ writing abilities. For our example, we will use gram- teria. If the student shows excellent grammar, good organiza-
mar, organization and overall effect to create a rubric. tion and a good overall effect, he would score a total of ten
points. Divide that by the total criteria, three in this case, and

Using the criteria we selected (grammar, organization and
he finishes with a 3.33. which on a four-point scale is a B+.
If you use five criteria to evaluate your essays, divide the to-
tal points scored by five to determine the student’s grade.
overall effect) we will write a rubric to evaluate students’ essays.
The most straightforward evaluation uses a four-point scale for ONCE YOU HAVE WRITTEN YOUR GRADING RUBRIC, YOU
each of the criteria. Taking the criteria one at a time, articulate MAY DECIDE TO SHARE YOUR CRITERIA WITH YOUR STU-
what your expectations are for an A paper, a B paper and so on. DENTS. If you do, they will know exactly what your expectations
Taking grammar as an example, an A paper would be free of are and what they need to accomplish to get the grade they de-
most grammatical errors appropriate for the student’s language sire. You may even choose to make a copy of the rubric for each
learning level. A B paper would have some mistakes but use paper and circle where the student lands for each criterion. That
generally good grammar. A C paper would show frequent gram- way, each person knows where he needs to focus his attention
matical errors. A D paper would show that the student did not to improve his grade. The clearer your expectations are and
have the grammatical knowledge appropriate for his language the more feedback you give your students, the more successful
learning level. Taking these definitions, we now put them into your students will be. If you use a rubric in your essay grading,
the rubric. you can communicate those standards as well as make your
grading more objective with more practical suggestions for your
students. In addition, once you write your rubric you can use it
for all future evaluations.
Giving and Receiving Advice

be the wisest decision.
Would suggests a definite course of
action. I would call a doctor.
After looking at the advice col-
YOU ASK FOR THAT ADVICE? DID YOU umns from one or more newspapers,
FOLLOW THE ADVICE THAT YOU GOT? When giving advice, would must be ask your students if they have ever lis-
WHAT HAPPENED? used with I rather than you: If I were tened to a radio program that gives ad-
If you want to give your students in your situation, my definite course vice to its listeners. Discuss with your
some practice giving and follow- of action would be to call the doctor. class whether that would be a good way
ing advice as they learn to speak flu- to get advice for a problem. They will
ent English, try some of the follow- Encourage your students to use all likely say it depends on what the pro-
ing activities which exercise listening, three of these verbs when they give gram is as well as what the problem is.
speaking, reading and writing skills. advice, and to choose the best one If you have difficulty locating an actual
according to the certainty they have radio advice program, you can use por-
HOW TO TEACH GIVING for each solution. If they are more ex- tions from the movie Sleepless in Se-
AND RECEIVING ADVICE perienced in a situation, they will prob- attle and The Truth About Cats and
ably use should. If they are uncertain, Dogs. A great television source would


Before you can give advice, you
they would probably use could to give
be portions of episodes from Frasier
in which Kelsey Grammar plays a radio
psychiatrist on an advice program. Use
have to know what the problem is. In
small groups or as a class, take some
time to brainstorm some problems
One of the most popular sources
portions of these movies and programs
to exercise your students’ listening skills.
Play the audio and visual for them, and
that your students face. They might be for advice over the last fifty years has stop the scene after the caller explains
problems that they encounter every day, been Dear Abby ( his or her problem. Then ask your stu-
like how to get your homework done or Dear_Abby). The popular column was dents what the problem is. Play that por-
how to wake up in the morning, but they syndicated in 1956 and continues today. tion again now that they know what the
can also be problems that are unusual Just one year earlier, the Ask Ann Land- speaker’s problems is. Before listening
like what to do after you have a house ers ( to the advice that the host gives, ask
fire or how to get out of a bad relation- Landers) column was begun written by your students to volunteer advice to
ship. Once you have compiled the list, Abby’s twin sister. This family had a lot to the caller. What would they suggest the
you may want to keep it for the following say then and has a lot to say now about troubled person do? Then listen for the
activities. lots of problems. Either of these columns advice that the expert gives to the caller
is a great written resource for your stu- and determine if you would agree or dis-
Once your students have a list of some dents when you are talking about giving agree with it. You can then set up your
problems, ask them what they would do advice. own radio advice show by asking for
if they had any of those problems. Would a volunteer from the class. This person
they talk to a friend or family member? Give your students several examples should sit in front of the class and act
Would they ask a professional? Make a from either of these columns or use a as the radio host. Then another student
second list with strategies for deal- local advice column. Point out to your acts out the part of the troubled caller.
ing with a problem. They should not students how the readers first explain The first student must then give advice
be specific solutions, like get a tutor to their problems and then how the for the problem. As a class, discuss
help with homework, but generalized writer answers them. Make sure they whether the person gave good advice,
solutions that could be applied to any notice the grammar that is used in the and ask your students if they would fol-
problem like talk to your parents. response. low the advice. Now the student with the
problem becomes the expert advice giv-

If your students are not familiar
With the examples in front of them for
a model, ask your students to write
their own letter requesting advice.
er and takes a call from another student.


with the use of the modal verbs should, It could be on one of the problems you STUDENTS BECOME COMFORTABLE
would and could, you will want to review listed in the first activity, or it could be a WITH THE IDEA OF GIVING ADVICE TO
them in more detail. For most students problem that was not listed earlier. Your THEIR PEERS. IF YOU WANT TO TAKE
though, a quick review will be enough. students should write about their prob- IT A STEP FURTHER, ASK IF THERE
Remind your students that these modals lems using the form of a personal letter. ARE SITUATIONS IN WHICH IT IS NOT
are used as helping verbs to communi- Once the letter seeking advice is written, APPROPRIATE TO GIVE ADVICE TO A
cate the certainty of the verb. collect and redistribute the letters. Now FRIEND WHO HAS A PROBLEM. YOU
• Could suggests a possibility. You each student should write advice in CAN ALSO DISCUSS WHAT YOUR STU-
could call a doctor or take any of response to the original letter. These DENTS CAN DO OR SAY WHEN THEY
many other actions. responses can be serious or silly. The DO NOT HAVE ANY GOOD ADVICE FOR
• Should serves as a recommendation only thing that really matters is that your A FRIEND’S PROBLEM. If you ask us,
and is therefore a stronger modal students are using the correct grammar advice is a great way to get your stu-
verb than could. You should call a for giving advice. dents speaking and even writing and
doctor. You could do other things improve their overall English skills. You
as well, but calling a doctor will should try it.
Putting Together a Class Newspa-
per is Easy, No Extra Work Required!
Having your class write a newspaper for print in this media are concise and work or give your students time in class.
through combined effort is a great way focused. They answer the six question You will need class time later to work on
for them to practice their language learn- words (who, what, where, when, why, the layout of the paper, so homework may
ing and work with a unit theme you are how) clearly without a lot of extra infor- be a better option for the actual writing of
already teaching. It may even fulfill some mation or creative language. When your the article. Give your editors the authority
objectives you might be struggling to students practice their writing by creat- to suggest revisions to the articles, and
meet. So call a staff meeting and get go- ing their own articles, they should adopt then give him or her the responsibility for
ing. There are deadlines to meet, after all. this style. Encourage them to review what the publication of the paper. A publish-
they have written to make sure it answers ing program like Microsoft Publisher will
HOW TO PUT TOGETHER all the necessary questions and does not be the easiest way to lay out your paper.
A CLASS NEWSPAPER have a lot of extra wording or unneces- These types of programs often have tem-
sary examples. This style will likely be plates for newspapers, so your editor is

Having your class write a newspa-
quite different from most things they have
written, especially if they have primarily
composed essays or creative writing.
not burdened with a lot of extra work once
the articles start coming in. In fact, you
may want to think about giving extra credit
per is a great extention activity no mat- to your editor depending upon how much
ter what subject area you are currently
teaching your ESL students. For exam-
4 ASSIGN AN EDITOR work he or she must do for the paper.

ple, if you are doing a unit on sports, have

your students write a sports paper. If you
are currently studying business, then a
business paper it is. Your class paper can
You do not have to be the editor of
your class paper. In fact, it will help your
students even more if you assign some-
Once your students have submitted
one in the class to be editor. As with any their articles and your editor has complet-
be focused on any theme that you are paper, each student will have to pitch an ed the publication of the paper, it is time
already studying from outer space to cul- idea to the editor. This gives your stu- to go to press. You should make as many
tural holidays. dents authority over the content of the copies as you will need for your students,
paper and gives them speaking and lis- other classes you may want to give the

When you introduce the newspaper
tening practice in the process. Your class
will already know the theme of the issue,
so they should think of possible articles
paper to, your records and an additional
copy for a class book. If you keep a class
book of all the papers you do with your
project to your class, you will want to have that relate to the theme. They will then class, either throughout the year or from
a variety of newspapers available for need to pitch their idea to the editor. They one year to the next, it will be a helpful re-
them to examine. This way they can see should present the topic and how they will source for your future classes when plan-
what a typical layout might look like as approach and support it. The editor then ning their papers.
well as get a feeling for the style of news- has the authority to accept or reject the
paper writing. It is worth taking some time idea. For this reason, it is important to se- YOUR CLASS PAPER IS FINISHED, AND
to review the specific vocabulary used for lect one of your top students to be editor IT IS SURELY A SUCCESS. YOUR STU-
the pieces of the paper and other news- of the class paper. He or she will have to DENTS HAVE GOTTEN PRACTICE WITH
paper-oriented vocabulary. You should in- be organized and make sure two students THE THEME YOU ARE TEACHING AS
clude words like headline, by-line, feature are not writing on the same topic. If you WELL AS DONE READING, WRITING,
(article), editorial, column, section (of the have a very large class, you may want LISTENING AND SPEAKING ACTIVITIES.
paper), caption (for a photo), layout and to break the paper into sections (sports, ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS GIVE THEM A
editor in your vocabulary review. entertainment, etc.) and select an editor LITTLE CLASS TIME AND EXPLAIN SOME
for each section. You will then need to VOCABULARY. NOW THAT YOUR CLASS
You can also use the example papers to have an editor in chief in authority over HAS COMPLETED ONE PAPER, YOU MAY
fulfill your reading requirement for the day. all of the section editors. In addition to the WANT TO MAKE A PAPER THE GOAL OF
A newspaper is a great source for review- feature articles, each editor should write EVERY UNIT YOU STUDY THROUGH-
ing the three types of reading with your an editorial piece. This should be opinion OUT THE YEAR. You may decide to rotate
students. Have them skim articles and based rather than fact based. You may editors or keep the same editor through-
share with the class the main points that want to discuss the editorial with your edi- out the year, but a collection of papers at
the writer makes. Then practice scanning tor or editors before they are written just the end of the school year will be a nice
by looking for specific information like to make sure they will be appropriate for resource for your students to study for
movie times or weather conditions that the paper. Tell them to model their editori- their final as well as give them a sense
the paper reports. Finally, have them read als after those they read in the example of accomplishment for the year. If you do
for detail an article of your choice and an- papers. make a series of papers, make sure each
swer comprehension questions. class has a unique volume number for its

After your students have read some
Once each student knows what he
papers and each issue contains an issue
number. Your students will be proud of their
accomplishments and you will have an
or she will write about, it is time to let him impressive summary of what you studied
examples of newspaper articles, point out or her write. You can assign this as home- this year come summer vacation.
the style that these writers use. Pieces
Presenting Complex Topics
for Advanced Learners
• Cancer cures: health to divide the class up and have days
TEACHING ADVANCED LEARNERS CAN • Information age: technology where you have three to four stations set
REALLY BE A LOT FUN AND A TERRIFIC • Elections, scandals, terrorism, war: up. At each station a different discussion
LEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR THE STU- politics is taking place, and students can join in
DENTS AND THE TEACHER. and move around as they choose. This
There is no better time in a student’s ca- This list will be long and you can ask is a more light-hearted activity that could
reer to expose them to complex topics students to add as much detail as you be done for parts of a class and then
that can be utilized in a number of dif- would like. Just having this discussion students come back together as a group
ferent ways. Follow these tips to get stu- with them about the issues that are cen- and debrief about what they gained from
dents thinking about the bigger issues in tral to their lives, is a discussion about the discussions.
life and a larger world. considerable issues. Ask the students

to choose five topics from their long list
that they, as a group, would like to dis-
cuss, learn more about and base proj-
One last strategy for bringing com-
ADVANCED LEARNERS ects upon. plex topics to light is to bring in a read-
ing. It could be an article, a story, or even

The biggest issue with approaching 2 ACTIVITIES
From there you can devise some
a book of your choosing. If students
have shown interest in certain types of
readings before, include readings which
meaty topics in an ESL class is choosing activities based upon the issues your have strong morals, interesting out-
what topics will offer your class the most students have chosen. Some of what comes, and plenty of space for analyz-
mileage and learning possibilities. You you can do will be determined by the top- ing and dissecting. Students might be
have a lot of options, and a lot of your ics they chose. If they chose many con- a little leery at first, so you may want to
choices will be based on what will mo- troversial issues that could easily be ar- start small, especially if you are going
tivate your students. Think about what gued, you can set up debates or projects to focus on a work of fiction. There are
kinds of things will prompt them to get in which they research a particular view- guided readers that are available for ESL
really passionate and involved. Here are point of an issue. Debates are a wonder- learners that you can tap into, and often
some considerations to make with some ful way to get students talking, but they those have built in discussion questions
of the various topical choices. do take a significant amount of prep work and activities. You can always come up
and lead up time if they are really going with your own ways of how you want to
Social issues can be defined as prob- to be successful. If the students chose generate discussion of larger topics with
lems or matters, which affect a group of a political topic an elaborate way to in- readings. You can have students answer
people or the whole society in general, corporate that into the class, is to have questions at home and then do small
either directly or indirectly. Social issues an election situation or debate between group discussion. You could also have
also have a very wide scope. There are candidates. This also takes some prep students pick an excerpt that they par-
many different types of social issues, work ahead of time, and students will ticularly like or that resonated with them
some of them very broad-based and oth- each need to have a very specific role. and use that as your discussion starting
ers very specific. Social issues should Divide the class into small groups and point. One other thing you might like to
pertain intimately to your class. So if you then assign the groups a political par- try is to have students do predictions at
are overseas, you’ll want to consider ty—could be Democrats, Independents, a certain point in the story, or even write
what localized social issues you can Republicans, or whatever is relevant to their own alternate endings. When read-
think of to bring into play that students their country. Have each group decide ings have an underlying social issue
will have knowledge and opinions about. what their three main topics are going to like the book The Help, your possibili-
be (jobs, healthcare, immigration, etc.) ties for discussion and dissection of text,
A good starting point may be to have a that they will discuss and target. You meanings, and language is unlimited.
discussion with your students about so- can then either have a debate or elec-
cial issues. Then you could do a brain- tion where each party has to take ques- UTILIZING COMPLEX SOCIAL ISSUES
storming activity in which they come up tions from a mediator and/or the public. AS LAUNCH PADS FOR DISCUSSION
with social issues that are relevant to This is a great lesson if it happens to be AND DIALOGUE IS A BENEFICIAL
them, and then categorize them. an election year. You can adapt it to be WAY FOR STUDENTS TO LEARN NEW
as involved or as simplistic as you want. WAYS OF EXPRESSING THEMSELVES.
Here are some examples: Students will need time to research and Students will respond best when the
• Homelessness, immigration, pov- put together their talking points. subject matter hits home for them. By
erty: human rights. bringing in these topics, and allowing
If they chose issues that aren’t so heated, your students to voice opinions, argue,
• Global warming, pollution, recycling: but that are better-suited to discussion, and challenge one another you are facili-
environmental. you can formulate discussion topics or tating in a very constructive and mean-
• Unemployment: economic questions. Then formulate different ways ingful way.

Every Teacher Should Know:
Reaching Advanced Learners
learners need to be challenged is in learners have very distinct priorities
TEACHING ADVANCED LANGUAGE developing their vocabulary and more and many of them may have sizable
LEARNERS IS VERY DIFFERENT natural ways of speaking. This is goals they are working toward with
FROM TEACHING ANY OTHER LEVEL. where learning a lot of phrasal verbs their language skills. This takes get-
Every teacher should have exposure and expressions comes into play, and ting to know your students by creating
to all different levels, but just like be- can be quite advantageous. You’ll ways for them to share their interests
ginners, advanced students require a want to find new ways of incorporating and goals through classroom activi-
distinct kind of effort. We’ve devised new vocabulary and seeing language ties and interactions. Advanced stu-
some tips that every teacher should in action. Notable ways to do this are dents may be studying for any number
know about reaching (and keeping) by reading or watching movies. You of tests like the TOEFL or Citizenship
advanced learners. can find lots of great resources, and tests. They may also have aims like
may even want to consider giving getting into a college program or get-
REACHING them some good young adult fiction ting a better job. These are abundant
ADVANCED LEARNERS to read and decipher or have them topics that you can incorporate into
watch animated kids’ movies. De- your lessons. Their personal interests

bates and in-depth guided classroom
discussions can also be wonderfully
adventurous and challenging.
will vary, but it is a must to keep those
at the center of your mind when cre-
ating activities and generating ideas.
Because students are approaching It will garner greater involvement and
fluency in English, they have several
years under their belts of studying the
motivation from the students.

language. This is a great resource for

the teacher because you can tap into
what they already know and expand
upon it. For example, higher level
You can dive into more in-depth gram-
mar and tense practice, and induce
The language learning plateau
a truly interested and heartened re- can happen at different stages and
learners generally have a good grasp sponse. As the teacher, you need to levels for students, but it is very com-
of difficult tenses and grammar points. have an extremely firm grasp of any- mon among advanced learners. It is
You can tap into this by challenging thing that you review or introduce, a stretch of time where they feel their
their expertise. Offer them opportu- because the students will have very language acquisition has come to a
nities to show off their knowledge by complex questions. Reviewing or in- standstill and that there is little pro-
involving them in activities that offer a troducing topics like passive voice, re- gression being made. By challenging
well-rounded, all four skills approach. ported speech, or higher level tenses learners, maintaining an open dia-
One way is to require them do inter- can sometimes be intimidating to na- logue and constantly engaging them
views of people outside of the class tive speakers. Be sure that you are with fresh practice you will aid learners
on a particular topic and then present secure in your grammar knowledge in avoiding the plateau. Some ways to
that to the class. Another idea is hav- when you go into an advanced level do this are encouraging them to take
ing each of them be the teacher for class. They will come up with amaz- risks, creating ways for them to get
a day, and allowing them to choose ing questions, and though it may not out of their safety zone and showing
what and how they would like to intro- sound like fun, you may find yourself them that there is always more they
duce or review. Also, don’t be afraid to in some fascinating discussions about can learn and improve.
ask your class for ideas on how they language usage and origin. Engaging
would like to learn. Get their input and advanced learners on that kind of lev-
then run with your creativity. Think el is really important to keep up their TEACHING ADVANCED LEARNERS
of ways that you can draw out skills interest level and motivation. It is also IS AN ADVENTUROUS LEARNING
they already have and then focus on a perfect time to dissect the language EXPERIENCE FOR ALL TEACHERS.
strengthening the skill. they have been so intimately involved Every teacher can employ these tac-
with for so long. Take them on those tics to hook advanced learners and

grammatical rides, and dig in deep. keep them coming back for more!
Taking part in influencing advanced
learners’ fluency is definitely an amaz-
Advanced learners know their gram-
mar and often are hungry for a deeper
understanding of the nuances of the
ing and enriching experience.

This philosophy applies to each and

language. There are lots of ways that every class that you teach. You have
you can challenge your advanced to teach to the students’ interests as
classes. One area where advanced well as to their needs. Advanced level

Expert Sharing: Making the Most of
Your Students’ Knowledge
their areas of expertise, they can begin on the subject of dinosaurs. Encourage
to share what they know with the rest of your students to be creative and make
the class. the presentation interesting. You may
For some people, expertise comes with
want to give them an assigned amount
a particular job. It could be a computer-
programming expert, a teaching expert
or a driving expert. For others, expertise
comes from a passion. A person could
Now that your students have deter-
of time for the presentation.

The second way students can share their

mined their areas of expertise, tell them expertise with the class is through nug-
be a self-proclaimed ice-cream expert, a
that they will be sharing their expertise gets of wisdom. A nugget of wisdom
Justin Beiber expert or a skateboarding
with their classmates. You can choose can be like a piece of gold under the right
expert. You can use the expertise each
either a written or an oral project circumstances. Ask your students how
of your students has to offer to help them
though doing both would be ideal. Give expert knowledge might be very valu-
practice their English in real and effec-
your students some class time to think able in a particular situation. Can they
tive ways.
about their area of expertise and make think of any times they needed specific
some notes to themselves. They can
HOW TO Make the Most of Your
think about the questions they discussed
knowledge? Then allow your students to
share their nuggets of wisdom with the
Students’ Knowledge
with their partners, but they can also class though this activity. If you can get a
make a list of what someone else should burlap sack, use that. If you cannot sim-


know about that area of expertise.
Is there a certain process someone
ply draw one on a large piece of paper
and post it on a bulletin board. Label it
“Golden Nuggets” and give each student
Start your expert unit with a class discus- might have to follow when baking
three or four small pieces of yellow pa-
sion. Ask your students what it means the perfect muffin?
per. Students should then tear the edged
to be an expert. Help them understand Are there particular qualities a per-
of the paper unevenly so each piece
that an expert is someone who is very son should look for when making
is shaped like a gold nugget. On each
skilled at something or who holds a the perfect match?
paper, your students should share one
great deal of knowledge about a par- Is there essential information a per-
piece of important knowledge from their
ticular thing. Take some time at this son needs to know if her car breaks
area of expertise. Make sure you do this,
point to review vocabulary words associ- down?
too: your students want to know about
ated with being an expert: advice, ex- Students should then focus on the infor-
you as well. Then post the nuggets on or
perience, expertise, familiar, knowl- mation they will share by listing bullet
around the sack you already put up on
edge, wisdom. They should understand points for four different areas of their
the wall. Give students time to read each
that a person can be an expert on any- expertise:
other’s bits of wisdom.
thing, and that people become experts in
different ways. He may have read a lot - what they are an expert on,
Finally, allow some time for question
of information on a topic. She may have - how they became an expert on the
and answer to round out the sharing
handled the same situation many times topic,
experience. Ideally, each student should
to become an expert. He may have taken - how they have used their expertise,
have some time in front of the class to
lessons to become an expert. She may - what others need to know about it.
answer questions from his classmates.
have learned to be an expert by having a
Make sure each student has at least one
job or other responsibility. Anything with From this point, students can begin
question to answer by asking it yourself
which they have extensive experience is writing a rough draft of either a pa-
if necessary. Also, make sure your stu-
their area of expertise. Pair students and per or a presentation answering these
dents know it is okay to say they do not
have them discuss with each other what questions with one paragraph focusing
know the answer to a question. Most
their area of expertise might be. You can on each question.
likely, though, they will be able to an-
give them some discussion questions to
swer the questions that their peers ask.

What are your hobbies?

What do you do in your spare time?
After students have compiled their EVERYONE HAS VALUABLE KNOWL-
ideas and written a rough draft, now it
Do you have a job or chores that is time for them to share their expertise DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THE ONLY
you do often? with the class. First, students should ONE WHO PRESENTS IT TO THE
What are you good at? write a final draft of their four para- CLASS. Take advantage of all your stu-
What do you know that other people graphs. Then, have each student plan dents have to offer by giving them an
don’t? opportunity to share their expertise. Not
What do you like to read about? to give a presentation to the class on
his or her area of expertise. This may only does it inform your other students, it
What kind of television shows do builds each child’s sense of self-esteem
you watch? mean that they play an instrument in
front of the class, that they demonstrate and self worth. Try it and you may be-
how to cook a particular item, or that come an expert, too.
Once your students have determined
they give a power point presentation
What Will Your Students Say about
the Media’s Message
Not many people enjoy controversies or
the tension that comes along with them,
but controversies can be the ESL teach-
er’s best friend for a very significant rea-
portrayed as beautiful or not beautiful.
Challenge your students to also notice
phrases and words the advertisers use
to communicate the idea of beauty. Let
Depending on the ages and per-
sonalities of your students, you may or
son. They get students talking. When small groups of students work together may not want to break your class into
you introduce your students to an issue to compile a list of what they find, and two groups, male and female. (This is
that brings out their emotions, they will challenge each group to write their own particularly beneficial for adolescents,
be motivated to speak. Not only that, but definition of beauty as it is represented in but younger children may do best to skip
because they are invested in their own the media images. this activity.) Once you have your male
opinions, your students will have more and female groups and a moderator of
natural language production. For anyone
who gets emotional when he speaks, his
natural accent, grammar and vocabu-
Is the way magazines portray
the same gender for each, ask your stu-
dents if they ever feel unhappy with the
way their bodies look. Allow any willing
lary come out stronger and are easier to beauty an accurate representation of student to share, and make sure indi-
observe. When your students are talk- true beauty? For women? For men? viduals do not feel pressured to share if
ing this way, you, their teacher, can get Answers may fall anywhere on a wide they are not comfortable doing so. For
a good read on how much English they spectrum, but encourage your students those who do share, ask if they can ex-
have really acquired. Following is a unit to share their own opinions with their plain why they feel the way that they do.
that examines how the media commu- small discussion groups. If you like, have Challenge your students to think about
nicates a message about beauty that is each person write a reaction which an- how their self assessments could lead to
sure to get your students talking. swers the same questions. Make sure negative behavior.
your students know as they discuss that
disagreements are bound to come out.
The key is continuing to be respectful to
the others in the group, listening, offer-
ing contrary opinions in a normal tone
Your students may be feeling a lot
of different emotions at this point in the
of voice, and agreeing to disagree when discussion on beauty. Some may feel an
The media has an enormous
necessary. Then take the discussion a
step further by asking your students how
much of this message ties into the finan-
improvement in their self esteem. Some
may feel frustrated at how the media
has such an influence in their lives. Give
amount of influence on young people to-
day, and those who look can find plenty cial benefits for product designers and your students a chance to send the right
of hot topics to discuss in the classroom. advertisers. Should it? How can every- message by creating their own adver-
One of the issues that may not come day people take measures to improve tisement which communicates a healthy
to mind as quickly as others is the idea the media’s message as well as their body message. Ask each student to
of what it means to be beautiful. Young own reception of that message? choose an ad you used in the first activ-
people are inundated with images that ity and create an original advertisement
speak to physical beauty – through tele-
vision, advertisements and celebrity cul-
ture. This constant message plays into
In English, some adjectives de-
for the same product or service. Because
not everyone will have advanced artistic
abilities, allow your students to formulate
each of our self images. However, most scribing beauty are traditionally reserved their advertisement as a collage or origi-
of the time we accept the message the for solely men or solely women. Fewer nal piece of art work, tracing and stick
media supplies and fail to question the may be used to describe both genders. figures accepted. When the ads are fin-
truth of that message. Getting your stu- Such words include attractive or cute. ished, post them on a bulletin board next
dents to think about what defines beauty Men specific adjectives include hand- to the original advertisement. Extend the
will have benefits on multiple levels. They some and dapper. Women have their activity and ask your students to choose
will get talking about a personal and im- own, too, including pretty and volup- a pair of advertisements and write a com-
portant topic, they will gain perspective tuous. Challenge your class to see how pare/contrast composition about them.
on the message the media is sending many words used to describe beauty
their way, and they may end up having a they can list. Start with one general WHEN IT COMES TO BEAUTY, YOUR
better body image when they take a criti- list and then challenge pairs or groups STUDENTS MAY HAVE MORE TO SAY
cal look at the media and themselves. of students to determine which are re- THAN EVEN THEY KNOW.
served primarily for describing men,
which for women and which can be used

2 MAGAZINE SEARCH Open up the channels of communication

for either. Allow your students to use a in your classroom and get your students
Give your students some time to thesaurus and offer some suggestions of talking about this issue on which they
look through magazines and online for your own. Once everyone has classified might not agree. As long as everyone is
advertisements that speak to or of per- the adjectives, take some time to share using the language they know to express
sonal beauty. They may point out men your classification with the class and see their ideas, everyone in your class will
and women, young people and old being if everyone agrees. have one.
Pro et Contra: 20 Stages
of Teaching Controversial Topics
4 Discuss ground rules for discus-
sial topic and together come up with
the various perspectives on it: a reli-
gious perspective, an economic per-
spective, etc. What would people from
sion of ethical/controversial topics,
FOR ESL STUDENTS IN THE DEVEL- such as listening and not interrupting. these various perspectives likely think
OPMENT OF SPEAKING, CRITICAL Teach the language of polite disagree- about the topic?
THINKING, AND WRITING SKILLS. IT ing: “I understand what you’re saying,
but I think—“
Teaching controversial topics helps
5 To further the understanding of
Divide students into groups of
about three or four students. Have
students discuss the list of topics
on the board that they came up and
expectations for participation in dis-
students in this task of analyzing a cussion, the teacher can develop a ru- their various perspectives. Have them
topic like same-sex marriage and the bric that rates students by how much choose one topic for their group to dis-
various perspectives on it and taking they participated and the quality of cuss.
a position. However, teaching con- that participation. Go over the rubric

troversial topics can be difficult and with students so that the expectation
should be handled with care. Fol- is clear and frequently update them on
lowing are some activities that move their progress. On the board, write the
students from beginning discussion terms:
on issues to more advanced debate Strongly Disagree
and are designed to take place over at EXTENDING THE Disagree
least several class sessions. CONVERSATION Agree
Strongly Agree
Not all activities need be completed,
and the instructor may choose to end
the unit before progressing to the
6 After this basic introduction to
Have students explain in their groups
which position they take on the topic
and why.
ending big debate, depending on the discussing issues, the teacher is now
students’ level, interest, and time con- ready to introduce more controversial
straints. topics. Start by explaining what a con- MOVING INTO THE
troversial topic is: a topic that reason- DEBATE
BEGINNING THE able people may disagree on, such as
DISCUSSION whether the government should pro-
vide health care to its people. There
1 Begin by presenting some ev-
are a number of different perspectives
on this issue: economic, human rights,
etc. However, whether the people
Come together again as
a class. Review the groups’ discus-
sions. Select one topic as a class.
eryday ethical issues and dilemmas, should have clean drinking water is
such as a list of “What Should You Do
If--?” (a stranger drops his wallet on
the bus, etc). Have students discuss
not a controversial topic as no reason-
able person would disagree with the
12 Tell students they are go-
their responses in groups. ing to debate the issue. Go over the

2 7 As a class, brainstorm some

format of a debate, or modified de-
bate—with each side taking a position
on the issue, supporting it, and coun-
Teach some of the language controversial topics and put them on tering the other side’s claims. Also
related to ethical dilemmas, such as the board. Students may have a hard discuss types of support and reliable
the use of the second conditional: “If time coming up with suggestions, so sources for support.
I were you, I would—“ or “If it were up the teacher should have some topics
to me—.“ prepared: same-sex marriage, capital
punishment, and mandatory school 13
3 uniforms are all popular topics. Explain the terms “Pro”
and “Con.” Work together to list rea-
Also teach some formulas relat-
ed to stating opinions: “As far as I’m
concerned—“ and “In my opinion—“
8 Choose one sample controver-
sons “pro” and “con” for a sample top-
ic, not the topic students have chosen.

14 Teach the etiquette of de-
bate—waiting your turn to speak,
waiting to be recognized, listening to
the other side and taking notes, and
politely disagreeing.

15 Also teach some of the

specialized language related to the
particular topic: if the debate is on
same-sex marriage, then “civil union,”
for example, is likely to come up.

16 First do a mini-debate.
Have the students divide into pairs,
and each member within a pair select
a side, pro or con, and proceed to de-
bate with their partner for two minutes
on the issue.

17 For the larger debate,

have the class divide into two sides to
prepare. Students may want to adopt
roles within their group as researcher,
leader, etc. They may wish to do out-
side research on their topic to support
their position.

18 On the day of the debate,

the two sides, pro and con, should
face each other. The teams should
take turns introducing themselves,
their position, and their major support.
Then each side can provide a major
counterargument. Finally, each side
provides some additional comments,
summarizes, and closes.

19 The teacher may wish to

follow up with an essay after the de-
bate. Students are now prepared to
write a persuasive paper, which is
much like the written form of the de-
bate, in that it involves taking a posi-
tion on a topic and supporting it.

20 The remaining topics that

were not used in the debate can be
listed on index cards to be pulled out
for future discussion or debate.


All Americans are Fat and Lazy:
Teaching the Fallacy
laugh from students - apparently they all night caused the need for coffee?”
AT SOME POINT MID-SEMESTER, IN have been exposed to that particular This also models questioning claims
MY INTERMEDIATE AND ADVANCED stereotype, and I avoid potentially of- based on poor reasoning.
CLASSES IN ESL WRITING, IT OCCURS fending a student. I point out because
This is after listening to them in dis-
of its sweeping nature, a stereotype
can be defeated by pointing out one
exception: I’m American and neither
The bandwagon fallacy is the
fat nor lazy, - therefore, the stereotype “everyone’s doing it,- therefore it must
cussion making statements like does not hold. I also offer students a be good” falsehood. An example the
“Women are weaker than men,” with “cure” for fallacies: in this case of ste- teacher could offer is that at one time
other students often accepting that reotypes, modifying language to be not very long ago almost “everyone”
without further questioning: “Weaker less all-inclusive: e.g., it is fair, less in the U.S. smoked — a majority of
how? All women? Which men?” Or fallacious to say “Many Americans adults, that is. “Everyone” could be
they will write something about The struggle with weight control due to wrong. This could be applied to stu-
Occupy Movement and how it must mostly cultural factors, like lack of ex- dent life today in the Occupy move-
be valid because “so many people are ercise and fast food.” ment: if students choose to do it, fine
involved in it.” Clearly, some introduc- — they should, however, know why
tion to the logical fallacy is warranted.
Not only will students learn about
2 AD HOMINEM ATTACK beyond “everyone” doing it.

these basic errors in thinking, but they “Ad Hominem” literally means SLIPPERY SLOPE
also will develop analytical and critical “to the person,” when the argument
thinking skills and improve discussion focuses not on the opponent but on This fallacy predicts far-reach-
and writing skills. the opponent’s personal life or ap- ing, disastrous results from one event:
pearance. I might offer an example e.g., “If the professor doesn’t give us
WHAT IS A FALLACY from student life: e.g., “Professor extra time for studying for the exam,
AND WHICH Johnson is such a bad teacher. He’s we’ll fail the test and then fail out of
FALLACIES SHOULD so fat and sloppy, and his shoes are school. We won’t get jobs, and we’ll
WE TEACH? unpolished,” is an ad hominem attack wind up homeless. And the terror-
because it focuses mostly on the poor ists will have won!” This usually gets
A fallacy is a logical error: something guy’s physical appearance. It would laughs from students because of its
went wrong, or is missing from, a be more fair and valid to discuss his obvious extremeness—it would be
chain of reasoning. It’s important for ability to lecture or his grading poli- more reasonable to simply say “The
student to learn these to recognize cies, which go to the argument on teacher should give us extra time to
these in one’s own and other’s argu- his abilities as a professor being dis- study so that we have a chance to do
ments. To be able to write and debate cussed. well on the exam.”
effectively, students need to know

what a fallacy is. Critical thinking skills
are also improved in the ability to take
apart an argument and look for the fal-
A favorite example I offer for this
is drawn from my own life: on receiv-
This can be a difficult one to approach
because even skilled critical thinkers ing a parking citation from the local
I like to begin by introducing the con- make the rather easy mistake of think- university campus police in the mail,
cept and then using examples drawn ing that because two things occurred I responded in writing with two claims:
from student experience if possible. together that they must be caus-
ally related. An example I offer from “This is not my car, and I wasn’t on
COMMON FALLACIES campus life is “I stayed up all night, campus on the day in question.” I for-
drinking coffee while I studied, and I got about it, considering the matter

got an ‘A’ on my test. Therefore, caf-
feine improves grades.” I work with
students to examine this by asking
resolved, until receiving a return letter
from the campus police: “Parking laws
are enforced every day at Cal State.”
Both of these involve applying to “What else might be going on here? This leaves students either laughing
the individual the traits of the whole Can we really say it was coffee that or scratching their heads because
group: a stereotype applies specifi- caused the good grade? Maybe it was it’s a classic non sequitur, “it doesn’t
cally to people, an overgeneraliza- the studying, and coffee had nothing follow”, - in this case, the campus
tion to things. I like to use stereotypes to do with it? Or the causation was police’s rebuttal about the laws be-
about my own group, “All Americans the other way, perhaps: the studying ing enforced everyday did not follow
are fat and lazy,” which usually gets a or address the claims I made about

not being on campus and not owning is lying about his religious faith, what
that car but seemed rather to address of it? What would suggest a Muslim
some claim I didn’t make, like “It was cannot be President?”or “Do success
only a Sunday.” It is likely the campus in marriage and in political leader-
police didn’t even read my letter but ship really draw on the same skills?
was offering a standard response. In Aren’t being successful in marriage
discussing this event, I am also able and in politics really different things?
to review some key vocabulary for ar- If I have a successful marriage, does
guments, like “claim” and “rebuttal.” that mean I can lead the country? If
we limit our presidency to only those
who have successful marriages, are
HOW TO TEACH THE we really limiting our base of candi-
FALLACY? dates?” From this dialogue, students
will be more informed and thoughtful

1 First introduce an academic ar-

than much of the American public,
and they will learn the habit of ques-
tioning the statements that often rest
gument (as opposed to the everyday
use of the term): a claim that is sup- on unfounded assumptions that really
ported. permeate the public dialogue. The
teacher should, of course, in this ex-
ercise remain focused on the exercise

2 Introduce the concept of “fal-

of critical analysis of the candidates
and beliefs of them—for example, in
this exercise, Giuliani and Obama are
lacy” and draw on examples from
campus life, as above. Often students of opposing parties, and I am only of
are eager to share fallacies they’ve one of them—but I did not, I hope, fa-
encountered. vor one over the other in analysis of
the criticism leveled at them, - they
were equally unfair attacks.

3 Start with an example of poor

reasoning and fallacies. Just looking
through the newspaper’s section of
5 It’s time for students to exam-
letters to the editor will reveal fallacies ine fallacies in their own writing. Have
from ad hominem to non sequitur. students write a paragraph arguing
from a particular perspective—for or
against gun control, for example, and

4 It’s a campaign year in the U.S.:

give reasons for their position They
should then examine their writing for
fallacies, then trade with a peer and
plenty in the papers, in support of a
candidate or against one. “She’s a do the same.
good businesswoman, - therefore
she’d make a good governor” was a
fallacy in a recent California election.
Or ad hominem attacks (to the per- IT TAKES TIME TO TEACH THE
son): “Obama has suspected Muslim FALLACY, TIME OUT OF THE
background, - therefore, he wouldn’t REGULAR CURRICULUM, PERHAPS,
make a good president.” Often a AND TIME TO PREPARE EXAMPLES.
candidate’s personal life comes un- However, the results in helping stu-
der examination: “Former New York dents improve critical thinking skills
Mayor Giuliani went through a di- and the habit of critical examination
vorce. He can’t handle his marriage, of arguments are invaluable and will
how he can be a good president?” serve students the rest of their college
These kind of ad hominem attacks careers and beyond.
are rampant in the public dialogue.
Have students question these falla-
cies by asking critical questions that
go to the premises that the fallacies
are based on through modeling ques-
tioning such as the following: “Do you
then believe Obama is lying about his
religious faith? A lot of evidence, such
as long-term church membership and
his own testimony, suggests he is
Christian, not Muslim. Even if Obama

How Do We Know He Killed
His Wife? Teaching Inference
2 Context Counts. I once asked a
inference is a best guess, based on
the situation and what is known at the
time. The man knows he has snitched
on the mob, and he jumps to certain
student, who was hobbling into class
ASSUME NOTHING, AND MANY on crutches: “Sports injury?” This was conclusions about a dead rat left in
PEOPLE, INCLUDING STUDENTS, a fair inference in the context of a uni- his desk. But he could be wrong—it
PRIDE THEMSELVES ON ASSUM- versity and young students, and in may be just a rat. My student coming
ING NOTHING. fact, I turned out to be right. It would in on crutches could have simply fall-
However, in reality, much of every day not be such a fair inference with an en down the stairs at her home. Get-
life is made up of shared assumptions. older man coming out of Denny’s res- ting students to accept this - that they
When I stop at a traffic light, I am as- taurant on crutches. As another ex- don’t always have to be right in their
suming other drivers will also obey the ample, a man doing some landscap- inferences, and probably won’t be
rules — I would not venture out on the ing work on a neighbor’s house one - can take many hours of class time
streets otherwise. Rarely are my as- afternoon called out to me, “Do you and practice.
sumptions violated in this case, and know where a subway is?” I couldn’t
it is notable when they are, with law-
suits and trips to the emergency room
fathom why he would be asking about
a subway in a suburban California
neighborhood, a place notorious for
5 Inference has a lot to with the
its dearth of public transportation, un- assumed audience and how much
Assumptions, and cultural assump- til I realized he meant Subway — a the reader can expect that audience
tions, hit home with me recently sandwich chain. In midtown Manhat- to understand. I will assume a lot less
when, at the end of a story, a student tan, a subway is a train, while in Cali- from an American vs. non-American
asked me, “How do we know he killed fornia, it’s probably a restaurant. audience, for example, in discuss-
his wife?” I answered that we didn’t, ing my family’s celebration of Ameri-
exactly. Still, he was heard threaten-
ing her, he bought a large insurance
policy on her life, and he was found
standing over her body with a loaded
3 Inference is often based on the
can Thanksgiving. “Yeah, the turkey
was dry, and the game was boring,”
might be the way I dismiss this year’s
Thanksgiving to another American.
assumption of shared knowledge. I
gun — I’m going with the inference he gave students the example of a movie I’m not going to go on at length about
killed her. The student was persistent I had recently seen in which an FBI the history and common practices of
in that we should assume nothing, informant on the Mafia, on returning to the holiday and risk boring him—he
and, if I were on the character’s jury his office and opening his desk, found knows, probably, what I mean about
for murder, there would be some va- a dead rat. His reaction was one of ex- dry turkey and “the game.” However,
lidity to this, to assume nothing. But I treme fear — he took this as a threat I understand I’ll probably have to ex-
am merely a reader and need only go on his life, based on his cultural un- plain a little more at length to some-
with the best evidence available. derstanding of “rat” as one who goes one new to the culture.
to the authorities. Someone from
IMPORTANT POINTS another culture or situation wouldn’t
OF TEACHING have the same reaction: someone METHODS FOR
INFERENCE from China, for example, who didn’t TEACHING
have that cultural understanding of INFERENCES
1 Best evidence. Go with what all
“rat,” or who is not involved with or-
ganized crime, as in my case—I do
understand the idioms “rat” and “rat 1
the signs suggest. This is especially someone out,” but since I have never Real life concepts. Begin by
true in higher level reading, when informed on the Mafia, to me a dead pointing out things in the room or
readers are expected to make those rat in my desk would just be a dead around campus: “Tom’s jacket and
connections because the writing is rat, and I would not draw the same in- hair are wet. What can we infer?” He’s
so information-dense the author can’t ferences the man in the film did. This just come from across campus, it’s
make all of them for you. When do- seems to go with the “Best Guess” el- started raining since I came to class,
ing a reading, pause frequently to ask ement—what is the best guess on the and so on. Continue with applying the
students why they think a character meaning of “rat,” given the situation? inference to ourselves: “I’m probably
did a certain thing or why they believe going to want to put on my jacket be-
something happened. fore going out,” and so on, to show

4 Inferences aren’t infallible. An

that we actually do use inferences ev-
ery day.

2 Go through a few lines of your
latest reading and ask students what
they understand about the piece:
With planned instruction, the teacher
“How do you know it’s his own house
can show students how to use this
he woke up in and not someone
skill for college reading and writing.
else’s? How do you know he lives in a
city? How do you know it’s an Ameri-
can city? Can you tell what part of the
country?” to show we infer all the time.

3 Show the difference between

a reasonable and unreasonable in-
ference, perhaps drawing on a past
example. For me to infer my student
on crutches had a sports injury was a
reasonable inference. It would be less
reasonable to think she had fallen
from her dorm roof—though this could
conceivably be true. It just wouldn’t
be a reasonable/best evidence infer-

4 Academic texts for college stu-

dents assume a lot—perhaps wrong-
ly—about students’ knowledge base.
Going through a difficult reading and
discussing what the reader seems to
assume students know can be insight-
ful –highlighting what they believe the
author thinks they know (and what
they probably don’t).

5 Students are also notorious for

writing writer-based prose: that is,
writing that is more “writer” than “read-
er” friendly in that it relies too much
on inference and supposed shared
assumptions, as if the reader in some
way were an extension of the writer:
for example, writing about a family
celebration and its own specific, indi-
vidualistic traditions and then assum-
ing the reader will understand that.
Audience awareness can be taught
with inference: in giving the assign-
ment, ask the students to think about
the possible audience and how much
can be expected for about readers to
know about the topic and how much
needs to be explained. Tell students
to imagine themselves in dialogue
with that imagined audience and think
about how they would modify their
language and how much they would
explain. This develops in writers a
sense of audience.

My Brother is Very Success: Teach-
ing Morphology
Sometime during the semester, having
read too many sentences in ESL student
compositions like “My brother is very
success,” it occurs to the ESL instructor
4 Teach when to use the gerund (e.g.
form. Once students have had some
exposure to the concept and some ex-
amples, it’s time for them to practice
on their own. Give out a paragraph you
writing stories) and the infinitive (to write
that banging her head against the wall stories). Discuss when to use each —for wrote yourself, or take a paragraph from
over issues of verb tense and sentence example, the gerund is used as the sub- a well-known work, and create errors
structure may be of limited value com- ject of a sentence: “Writing stories is my in word form—the ones you see most
pared to other writing problems. ESL hobby.” This gets students focused on in your students’ papers: “success” for
writing, particularly at lower levels, tends the issue of word form. In the same way, “successful,” “freedom” for “free.”
to be permeated with errors of word form you can teach when to use the present
(or parts of speech or morphology). This
is something unique to ESL writing: na-
tive speaker writers, even weak ones,
and past participles: “Her stories are in-
teresting, I am interested in them.” 4 Practice the habit of reading aloud.
generally don’t write sentences like “My
brother is very success” because their
native speaker “intuition” “hears” the
wrongness of that sentence. So if word
5 For more advanced learners, do
Do native speakers of English think
about the parts of speech of the words
they choose as they are writing? Of
course not — they wouldn’t be able to
some further study of morphology and
form is such a big issue, why then do we typical root words as well as prefixes write fluently if they did. They have “na-
spend so little time on it? The problem and suffixes and their meaning in Eng- tive speaker intuition” of what “sounds
is multifaceted. One concern is tradi- lish. For example, just taking the word right.” Students can draw on what they
tion: in a grammar class, we focus on “morphology” and understanding that have of this already and further develop
verb tense and sentence structure and “morph” means “form” and “ology” is it by reading aloud.
articles. Another issue is that the kinds “study of” helps expand vocabulary and
of word form errors and their causes are
multi-faceted and difficult to address: for
example, dropping off the ending, and
to learn words like “metamorphosis”
(change form) and “psychology” (study
of the mind).
5 Introduce common parts of words
using the noun instead of the adjective, and their meanings: prefixes such as
as in “My brother is very success,” is just “trans-” (between), suffixes, such as
one type of problem in word form, while
THE METHODS FOR “-able” for adjectives and “-ed” for past
verb tense errors tend to be much more
TEACHING WORD tense verbs, and roots, “-port-” (to car-
uniform and easily identifiable. A final
FORMS ry). See if students can then determine
part of the problem is there is no real es- the meaning of words from these parts:
tablished methodology for teaching word
forms, as there is with teaching correct
verb tense. So what are some things that
1 It’s a good start for many students
e.g., “transported” carried between (in
the past). Finally have students see
how many other words they can come
to learn there is such a thing as word
teachers can teach with word forms? form and that they can’t take a familiar up with, using the word parts: portable,
word like “freedom” and use it wholesale transferred, etc.

1 Introduce the concept. Teach parts

anywhere in a sentence, as the many
ESL teachers who have read the sen-
tence “America is a freedom country” 6 At this point, students are ready
of speech and places in a sentence: thousands of times over the years can
nouns function as subjects and objects, testify. to apply word forms and write their own
verbs generally follow subjects in state- paragraphs on such topics such as fa-
ments, adjectives typically precede vorite hobbies, - this is likely to call on
2 Introduce words with various
a variety of word forms of the same
base word: reading, to read, have

2 Teach common word endings and

forms. After students have some under-
standing of the concept, take a word with
a number of permeations such as “suc-
read, etc. Have them read their papers
aloud to check the word forms. Trade
papers with a peer. and edit each oth-
er’s work, focusing on the word forms.
relationship to parts of speech: for exam- ceed” and show how it can change form
ple, words that end in “-ment” are gener- according to function in the sentence:
ally nouns, “-ly” adverbs, “-ful” or “-full” “My brother succeeds at most at what WORD FORM/PARTS OF SPEECH IS
adjectives. he does”, “I have a successful brother”, OFTEN NEGLECTED BECAUSE IT’S AN
“I think my brother’s efforts at his new AREA OF LANGUAGE LEARNING THAT
3 Also teach the common beginnings
job will be a success.” When introducing
new vocabulary, introduce other forms of
the word.
It is, however, an area where students
often make the most mistakes. Teaching
of words: learning prefixes like “pre-,” word parts can help develop students’
“un-,” and “non-,” for example, helps stu- fluency, editing skills, as well as expand
dents expand their vocabulary.
3 Edit a piece with mistakes in word

Teaching Devices
for Coherence and Cohesion
graph, the writer picks up both topics forth. Instead of constantly repeat-
SOMETIMES WHEN READING A again, again jumping from topic to ing Joe’s name but rather varying it
STACK OF STUDENT COMPOSITIONS, topic. There should be some internal with pronouns, a sense of connection
I’LL RUN ACROSS A SECTION OF organization of the paragraph, with across sentences is created.
WRITING THAT GOES SOMETHING all the sentences on the car’s unreli-
ability grouped together and then its
ugliness, perhaps also ordering the
ideas by importance, addressing the
In “My first car was unreliable: a
appearance first then building to the car was ugly, too,” the article “a” was
I confess I have been known to put more important unreliability. misused - the article should be “the,”
my head on my desk and drift off, only because this is the second mention of
to be waken hours later by a family
member. Not that the writing was so
bad, but the lack of idea organization,
coherence, and connection between
Linking words, or transitions, do
the car, and the reader is left wonder-
ing if this is a different car the writer is
introducing. Misusing articles this way
have their place, in this case signaling is typical of ESL students as articles
those ideas, cohesion, is very tiring the reader when moving from point do not exist in a number of languages.
on the reader, who has to work to to point and the importance of those Teaching students the correct use of
make sense of the passage. And the points: “First, the car was ugly....The articles, especially the use of “the”
reader, after all, should be doing mini- most important problem, however, for the second mention of something,
mal work: it is the writer’s job to work was the car’s unreliability.” Providing will help them create cohesion in their
to make the connections as clear as such linking words guides the read- writing.
possible. er through the paragraph, signaling
when the topic or subtopic is changing So these are some elements to create
Some attention is paid to coherence and in what direction it is going. coherence and cohesion in student
and cohesion in student composition work: organization, linking words,

textbooks, which typically give lists of LACK OF SYNONYMS synonyms, pronouns, and articles.
words and phrases like “however” and What are some methods to teach
“in addition to” and their functions. Another “tiring” element in the these devices? They follow:
However, the problem with coherence sample paragraph beginning is the
and cohesion in student writing usu- repetition of “car... car...” instead
ally goes beyond the lack of these of varying with the vocabulary with METHODS TO
simple words and phrases which are “car... automobile... vehicle... Ford.” ADDRESS LACK OF
relatively easy to teach and learn—it Using different terms like this actually COHERENCE AND
is not very difficult, that is, to remem- creates more connections in the text COHESION
ber to put such a connecting device because it emphasizes the theme, the
at the beginning of each paragraph,
which is usually how composition text-
books address them. However, it is
main point, of the car, and tying sen-
tences together in a way that continu-
al repetition of the word “car” doesn’t.
Look at the writing of someone
not the lack of these terms that wears Suggest students use their word pro- like William F. Buckley in the classic
on the reader. No, the lack of connec- cessing program’s thesaurus to check essay “Why Don’t We Complain?” and
tions is deeper and more intrinsic to for synonyms, and this will expand note the progression from a hot train
the writing. their vocabularies as well create more coach, where no one complained, to
cohesion to their writing. a movie theater and bad projector
PROBLEMS WITH where no one complained, to com-
COHERENCE AND plaining in general. The reader sees
Pronouns can be misused or not
the connections and is not confused.
Discuss how the effect was achieved.
used enough even by professional,

experienced writers, who might make
the mistake of writing something like
“Joe stopped the car. Joe got out and
Read aloud a paragraph with
popped the hood. Joe saw steam com- coherence/cohesion problems, per-
ing out. Joe closed the hood...” etc. haps one you created. With students
In the paragraph quoted from above,
This reads as choppy and disconnect- note its lack of organization, of transi-
the writer jumps from the car’s unre-
ed. Much more fluid is “Joe stopped tions, of synonyms and so forth. Have
liability to its ugliness from one sen-
the car. He got out and popped the students revise it for better cohesion
tence to the next. Later in the para-
hood. Then he saw steam...” and so and coherence.

Have students read each oth-
er’s work, perhaps aloud. When it is
not your own work, it is much easier
to note the lack of connections as it
won’t make sense to you: you will
have to work to understand. This is
not the case with your own writing, of
course, which you are very familiar
with, and you can “see” the connec-
tions between the ideas even when
they’re not actually on the paper.


After having revised sample
paragraphs and peers’ work, students
can now go back to their own papers
and see them more critically, look-
ing for the elements they have noted
in their classmates’ work: have they
grouped ideas? Used transitions and
synonyms? Proofread their pronouns
and articles? Give students a check-
list of items they should look for in re-
vising for coherence and cohesion.


However, when readers compli-
ment writing, they often say “It flows
well,” by which they probably mean it
has good coherence and cohesion.
Teaching our students the elements
of coherence and cohesion will help
them connect their ideas better and
make it “flow.”

Practical Suggestions for Scaffold-
ing in the Content Classroom
Students cannot learn what they cannot questions about the topic on which you the internet that illustrate what you are
understand. For ESL students, there is will teach can be enough to get your describing? If you can, your students
a greater challenge when content mate- students’ minds in the right place. By are sure to appreciate it. Try to write key
rial is the target knowledge. For native giving your students some discussion words and new vocabulary on the board
speakers, learning the content itself may questions about your topic, you not only to give your students a visual connection
be a challenge, but ESL students also activate their prior knowledge about with the words themselves.
have their language ability factoring into the subject (also known as schemata)
what they learn. Even if a student is ca-
pable of understanding the content his
or her teacher is presenting, if that stu-
but you also give them an opportunity
to practice their listening and speaking
skills. Discussion questions take mini-
You can assist your students in their
dent cannot understand the language in mal preparation and are a perfect warm content as well as language learning by
which the content is presented, she can- up activity for your ESL students! asking them to produce the information
not learn the content. One approach to in different forms after the lesson. You
assisting your students in this situation is
to use scaffolding in the ESL classroom.
Scaffolding, when done correctly, can
For some students, you can help
may want to have students answer ques-
tions orally as an initial response. Then
give each person some time to complete
bridge the gap between the language a them in content learning situations by a graphic or chart with the information
student may struggle with and the con- stating the goals prior to the lesson. that they learned. When students are
tent he is more than capable of learning. Even better, write the goals of the activ- giving answers, you can provide a word
ity on the board. When students know bank or choices of answers to further as-
SCAFFOLDING IN THE the objectives of the lesson, they are sist them. Finally, ask your students to
CONTENT CLASSROOM able to focus on the most important el- produce the information that they were
ements of the material. For example, if given through written answers. In any

In construction terms, scaffold-
the ultimate purpose is to compare and
contrast two types of cars, tell your stu-
dents that they will be doing that activity
case, allowing your students to work in
groups will also decrease their anxiety
and help the answers come more freely.
ing is the additional structure built onto before you give them the information on
another to make some improvement or
repair possible. Imagine the planks and
pipes attached to a house that is being
either of the cars. If you want your stu-
dents to remember the main plot points
of a story, tell them before they read the
For anyone who has taught ESL
repainted. Without the scaffolding, the piece. By informing your students of the for any length of time, simplifying your
painters would not be able to perform goal before starting the activity, they will language with your students will come
the necessary work on the building. be able to focus on the important infor- naturally. Speaking more slowly and ar-
mation and filter out the less important ticulating words, not allowing one word
In learning, scaffolding serves a simi- points in the material. to blend into the next will help your stu-
lar purpose. Scaffolding is additional dents understand the material you are
information or assistance that aids the
learner in internalizing information, and
like physical scaffolding, that assistance
A third way to use scaffolding ef-
presenting. In addition, using simple
tenses and refraining from difficult vo-
cabulary or slang and idioms will also be
is removed once the learner has ac- fectively with ESL students is to provide a way of assisting your students as they
quired the target material. With ESL stu- pictures or visual assistance with the learn content in their second language.
dents, scaffolding is of great use since content you are teaching. For example, After a time, you will learn what vocabu-
the language barrier can hinder learning if you are reading a text in class, take lary your students do not understand or
content material that the student might a few minutes for your students to look what is unfamiliar to them.
easily learn in his first language. If you at the pictures included with the article
are teaching ESL students, there is no or story and try to predict what informa- LEARNING A SECOND LANGUAGE IS
need to be intimidated by the term. You tion may be included in the piece. If you NOT EASY, AND LEARNING CONTENT
can still assist your students through the are reading a longer piece like a novel, MATERIAL IN THAT SECOND LAN-
learning process with these suggestions. there is nothing wrong with watching GUAGE CAN BE EVEN MORE DIFFICULT.
the movie version before your students The more you can do to help your stu-

One of the easiest ways to use
have read the book. The visual informa-
tion will assist them as they read the
novel increasing their comprehension.
dents as they learn, they more success
they will see throughout the process.
Though the term ‘scaffolding’ may seem
scaffolding in a content area is to get If you are presenting new information like something complicated or foreign,
your students thinking about what they to your students, try to include a visual you are probably already using these
already know about a given topic. When representation of that information. Can techniques with your students. Keep do-
a student has previous knowledge in you use a bar graph, pie chart or other ing what good teachers do and your stu-
mind, it is easier for him or her to build graphic display of the knowledge? Can dents will certainly see success in both
on that knowledge. Simply asking some you bring in photos or print pictures from language and content learning!
Teacher, What’s a Yankee? Con-
textualizing Language Learning
and how it is based on situation. of the word as well as teach students
FOR A LONG TIME, AS A CHILD, I multiple meanings of a word when in-
DIDN’T KNOW WHAT A “YANKEE” troducing or explaining it. Now I would
WAS. Sometimes, as in the phrase WHAT MATERIAL never introduce the word “Yankee,”
“Damn Yankees!” it seemed to refer SHOULD BE TAUGHT for example, without discussing some
to the people from the Northern states IN TEACHING of the different meanings nor offer an
during the American Civil War. Other LANGUAGE AND explanation of a word without knowing
times, as in “Yankee thrift” or “Yankee CONTEXT? something about context.
ingenuity,” it seemed to refer to indi-
viduals from only New England states,
and then still other times seemed to
be directed at Americans in general.
If I tried to ask an adult what “Yankee” Meaning shifts according to the setting LANGUAGE
meant, she would usually respond and situation. For example, a number
with another question, “Who said
it?”, which just further confused me,
leaving me with the impression that
of years ago I passed a young woman
sitting on quad of the university where
I teach, talking on her cell phone. I
“Yankee” was something pejorative, heard the phrase “breaking up,” and
something one shouldn’t say. But of I thought at first she was ending a re- Teach students that words have mul-
course the adults were right in this lationship with someone—the almost tiple meaning for different contexts.
case: who a “Yankee” is depends on exclusive meaning of the term “break
who says it. If the speaker is from up” when I was in college. Then I real- One method to this is to write a single
within the United States, she proba- ized she probably just meant she was word like “green” on the board. The
bly means someone from the north, having difficulty with her cell phone first definition students are likely to
probably New England, while outside signal—a new meaning to the term come up with is the color, of course.
of the United States, and he’s probably “break up” in the electronic age. Then ask students what else it can
referring to Americans in general. To mean. It can also mean young and in-
further complicate matters, at one time
in history “Yankee” was actually how
the American soldiers referred to the
British troops, as in the song, “Yankee
experienced—as in “a little green for
the job”—and environmentally aware,
as in “go green”, but it can also mean
As can be seen above, words gen- money, as in “I need some green.” Dis-
Doodle Dandy,” which mocked their erally have more than one meaning, cuss where each of these meanings,
effeteness. But the context of that par- sometimes multiple meanings. Even under what circumstances, might be
ticular cultural reference, the American words we think of as being simple, used—a neighborhood improvement
Revolution, has long disappeared. concrete, and with one meaning, like meeting, for example, is likely to use
“ball,” for example, have actually mul- the meaning associated with the envi-
MUCH OF LANGUAGE tiple meanings: besides the toy that ronment, not money. Write all of these
IS CONTEXT SPECIFIC bounces, a ball is also a formal dance, meanings on the board.
or a good time in general, as in “have
The question “Where are you a ball!” It can also mean “aware” or Then give out cards with different sim-
from?”also demonstrates the contex- “clever,” as in “on the ball.” I became ple, concrete words on them—“home,”
tualized nature of language in that the aware of this fact when teaching my “hot,” “dog”—and ask students to go
answer to this depends on where I am developmental reading class, and through the same process, of coming
now. If I’m on campus, I’ll reply, “The while reading a Mark Twain piece, up with as many meanings as pos-
ESL Department.” If I’m in my home- a young man, a native speaker of sible, and share what they come up
town, I’ll answer, “The Greenhaven English, asked me, “What’s a lark?” with their peers.
neighborhood.” If I’m in New York, I’ll Assuming he would know the literal
respond, “California,” and if in Paris,
I’ll say, “The U.S.” Mixing the answers
up would seem strange, perhaps bi-
zarre (Imagine responding to the copy
meaning of “a kind of bird,” I launched
into the explanation of “In Twain’s day,
a ‘lark’ was a good time, on the spur of
the moment, like ‘they went to Paris on
clerk on campus that you’re from the a lark.’” The student then asked, “So
United States when he asks where Going back to the beginning of the
what does Twain mean when he says article, start with the question “Where
you’re from because he needs to ‘Get up with the lark?’” Many words
know where to direct the copies.) Stu- are you from?” and have students se-
have multiple definitions. That’s why lect from possible answers—China,
dents should for this reason be taught it’s important to consider the context
the contextualized nature of language Stockton, Grace Covell Hall. Add in

variable of the situation (you’re at the
airport, you’re at the student union),
and the answer changes, depending
on the situation given them.


If asked politely, Americans almost
never mind answering questions
about their language, which we tend
to be proud of, and will take time to
explain a word or term to a nonnative

Give students their roles and
situation, and give out a question:
e.g., “You’re at a student party, and
Alerberto, you ask Daniella where she
is from.” See if they can choose the
correct response.


So given that it is problematic to na-
tive speakers, it is almost expected
that nonnative speakers should have
questions. Teaching students to ask
questions about our language, as well
as teaching them the multiple mean-
ing of words, will actually help them
function more independently in the

Teaching U.S. Academic Values
in the Classroom
In every institution of learning, there is
the explicit, stated curriculum: it may
even be part of the institution’s mission
statement of student handbook: for ex-
portant or non personal topics, like the
weather or sports. This kind of discus-
sion is used with people you don’t know
well but must still, for politeness’s sake,
1 Some should go in the course syl-
labus, such as the value of doing one’s
ample, “to teach the English necessary talk to. This applies to new classmates. own work and the attendance/tardiness
to succeed in the workplace and institu- policy. They can be explicitly taught by
tions of higher learning.” However, there
is also what is sometimes called the “hid-
den curriculum”: what gets taught with-
As apparent by the omnipresence
going over them and possibly giving a
test on them.

out being included in the formal, written

curriculum. Sometimes this curriculum
is so “hidden” that instructors don’t even
think about it until a student questions
of clocks and watches in our society, time
is highly important in the U.S. People
lose jobs and relationships over repeated
tardiness. It can also lower your course
2 Hold a discussion of “unwritten
rules,” those rules that are understood
it. It is hidden because it is implicit, as- grade. within a culture but not written down any-
sumed, and ultimately reflecting cultural where. Bob Greene wrote a well-known
values. For example, last semester I had
in class two Israeli students whom I liked
a lot but who nevertheless irritated me. In
essay on this topic, “Unwritten Rules
Circumscribe our Lives,” in which he
discusses some of these unwritten rules
analyzing why, I realized it was because This is a surprise to some students, who and assumptions of American life and
they would rush in and interrupt me while come from societies that still place a lot how powerful they are: obey traffic signs,
I was speaking –a violation of cultural of importance on the final exam, and don’t take tips left for wait staff, don’t
norms in the U.S., where conversation is whether students come to class or not yell at others in public places, etc. Have
linear and sequential, with only one per- is seen almost as a matter of personal students read the essay if possible and
son allowed to speak at once. Indeed, in choice or a private matter. In the United have a discussion about unwritten rules
a formal situation, one must receive rec- States, often poor test scores can be, if in their home country, the U.S., and their
ognition to speak. In some cultures, it’s not cancelled out, at least mitigated by college.
perfectly acceptable for more than one good attendance and participation.
person to talk at once, and “interrupting,”
seen as highly rude in the U.S., isn’t con-
sidered that big a deal in other parts of
3 Most values should be modeled.
the world. The matter is not “natural” and The teacher herself should model the
should be taught so students can avoid The American writer, actor, and director values of attendance and promptness. If
violating the unwritten rule and offending Woody Allen said “Ninety percent of life the teacher remains unfailing polite and
others. is just showing up,” but this is only partly respectful to every student—even if his
correct. So while actually showing up for or her own behavior hasn’t earned it—
class is important, and the teacher does that sends a powerful message to other
SOME U.S. RULES AND take attendance in most cases, it’s not students on how to act toward others.
VALUES STUDENTS enough. Students are expected to par-
SHOULD KNOW ticipate by contributing (productively) to
the conversation. 4
Structured, and reciprocal. We
Some values, such as small talk,
are more gradually learned, with practice
over the course of the semester. Again,
take turns. This may be more or less for- the teacher can engage in this almost
mal, depending on the situation. People ARE TWO IMPORTANT VALUES every class session, at the beginning,
are expected to wait for a pause in the while students drift in a settle in. At first,
conversation and then contribute a com- It is for this reason that it’s important to students may rarely participate or re-
ment. While interrupting someone—tak- write your own papers and complete your spond to the teacher’s comments on the
ing his or her “turn” from him or her—is own tests—this work should reflect your weather, but by the end of the term, they
seen as rude, it’s also rude not to say individual effort. It’s also why it’s impor- may be getting into more heated discus-
anything, to not take a turn. I’ve been in tant to give equal respect to everyone— sions over their favorite sports teams!
social situations with recent immigrants that student in worn jeans and sandals
to the U.S. who sat at dinner and said might just be the CEO who interviews CULTURAL VALUES ARE DEEPLY EM-
nothing unless addressed directly and you someday! BEDDED IN OUR EDUCATION SYSTEM
then only briefly. It was excruciating. You BECAUSE THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM
are expected to talk to people you’ve just TEACHING CULTURAL IS PART OF THE LARGER CULTURE.
met, even if you don’t know them well. It VALUES These values can be difficult to discern
is for this situation we have “small talk.” because they are so deeply embedded.
So there are some important American But with consciousness raising, discus-

Small talk is discussion on unim-
values embedded in our educational
system. How does the instructor teach
sion, modeling, and practice, students
can learn the values of their new school
system. 49
Integrating the Skills
in an Integrated Skills Class
Many ESL classes for adults are des- of the class on speaking and listening. satisfied with the lesson and left feeling
ignated “integrated skills”, - that is, stu- they had understood the concept. And
dents are to work on all four language
skills in the class: listening, speaking,
reading, and writing.
In addition to need for a focus, the
no one complained they were “bored,”
as they might have, if we had rushed
through activities on a topic they did not
speed of most integrated skills is a con- thoroughly understand in order to keep
A number of commercial textbooks, es- cern. While it seems paradoxical, when to an arbitrary schedule.
pecially those designed in a series, are students are complaining of boredom, to
specifically written for this kind of class,
often with each chapter based on a spe-
cific topic, like transportation, and with
say “slow down,” most of the time the
boredom is related to shallow treatment
of the course content. So slow down
accompanying activities related to the and take the time to explore the mate-
four skills. The class often develops rial in depth, get a full understanding of There is often the belief that the class
a scattered feeling, as students cycle it, and discuss its cultural implications. needs to complete so many activities
through the various activities targeted For example, my high intermediate inte- per day or chapters per week. I’m as
at different skills each lesson, and the grated skills class just read about EQ, guilty of this as any teacher, and the re-
teacher runs around with supplementary or Emotional Quotient, a concept made sult is a rushed and frantic class flying
handouts and makes sure students are popular by Daniel Goleman, the notion through the textbook. The focus should
transitioning from each activity and stay that some of us have higher “EQ” than be however, not on how many activities
on task. So with all of this hyperkinetic others, or the ability to understand our or chapters are being covered but rather
activity, why do students so often com- emotions and regulate them as well as whether or not student skills are devel-
plain of feeling bored in class? It seems relate to other’s. If I just skimmed over oping. If students have understood the
paradoxical, but it is possible to be busy this topic, rushing the students through main concept of the reading material, for
and bored at the same time! Both prob- it, it probably would be “boring” because example, then it’s fine to move ahead to
lems in this case stem from the lack of they wouldn’t fully understand it. Full un- a related listening activity. If not, then
focus: students are jumping from activ- derstanding requires time. some additional time is well spent on an-
ity to activity enough to keep busy, but alyzing the reading and its main points
they are not staying with any one activ-
ity long enough to really fully understand
it in depth or develop an interest in it,
and supporting details.

hence the boredom. What can be done

about this?
Limiting supplementary material is relat-
ed to slowing down. Because students
have been complaining of boredom,
Ultimately, the focus of any class should
often teachers respond by dragging in
DEVELOP FOCUS IN AN myriad supplementary materials: news-
be the students, not the course materi-
INTEGRATED SKILLS paper clippings, movies, and so forth.
als. We often lose sight of this, however,
CLASS? This, however, contributes to the feeling
with a rigidly standards-based syllabus,
which often ignores the needs of the
of being rushed as the instructor strug-


Plan to spend the first week of class
gles to cover everything. Break the cycle
by limiting the supplementary materials,
focusing on the course content, and giv-
individual student. However, if adminis-
tering a diagnostic and spending some
time with your students, you determine
getting to know your students. Give a di- your students have little problem with
agnostic to determine their skills. I find ing it the in-depth treatment it deserves. conversational English but need work
dictating a short news story and having on their writing and academic gram-
students write it in a paragraph taps into
a number of skills: listening, writing, and
grammar. I also, time allowing, have stu-
Again, go for depth, not breadth,
mar skills, that is where the class time
should be spent, and the conversational
and discussion activities given less time.
of coverage. For example, my high in-
dents complete a short interview so that
termediate integrated skills class which
I can get an idea of speaking/pronuncia- IN AN INTEGRATED SKILLS CLASS, IT
was just introduced to the topic of EQ
was very interested in the topic, and
the students spent quite a bit of time on
As part of this interview, I ask students SATION ACTIVITIES? READING? AT A
the introductory reading and discussion
what they are interested in working on in FAST OR SLOW PACE? However, as
activities, where the concept was intro-
class. In gathering this information, I am with education in general, an integrated
duced. I allowed this time, which extend-
looking for ways to focus the class: are skills class should be student-centered.
ed the entire class period, rather than
most of the students expressing con- By administering a diagnostic, a needs
rushing through to the more advanced
cerns about their speaking and listening analysis, and observing students, the
vocabulary, listening, speaking, and
skills, for example? Do their diagnostics focus should become clear—with the
writing activities. The students seemed
confirm that? Then this suggests a focus students.
Why Tell a Story? The Academic
Value of the Narrative Form
Often in staff meetings for composition how to open the story and get their audi- driven it to laughter or tears, knows how
classes I have taught, instructors will de- ence’s attention---it’s what they’ve been important the right set of words is. Peo-
cry a possible composition topic as “too doing most of their lives, after all. Story- ple don’t usually have the same kind of
narrative”: that is, by its nature of asking telling exists in all cultures, and all par- response to an essay.
students to tell about an event such as ents and children tell each other stories,
a formative early experience, it is likely
to draw on grammar, vocabulary, and or-
ganizational structures that are personal
and therefore children develop the skill in
doing it. These skills can then transfer to
the academic essay.
Students seem to care more about
and anecdotal and nonacademic. their stories, the characters and what

However, there is a lot of value in the

narrative form, and it can serve as a
When writing essays, students, na-
happens to them, and how their stories
are told, than they do their essays: there
is more of a personal connection. This
springboard to the academic essay. I am tive and nonnative speakers alike, strug- connection and sense of ownership is
not advocating that all or even most of a gle over which verb tense to use in the powerful. Students are more likely to pay
class on academic writing should focus unfamiliar essay genre, often switching attention to details, to labor over correct
on a narrative essay. However, the narra- back and forth haphazardly. However, it’s grammar and punctuation and general
tive form can serve as a starting-off point much plainer why a story usually needs presentation, with something they feel
for academic writing. to be in the past time frame, for the ma- attached to.
jority of it, at any rate, perhaps opening
SO WHY TELL A STORY? in the present to introduce the story and
switching back at the end, to reflect on
the experience. Discussing why these
A storyteller knows the part of a sto-

Why do we read stories? Their pow-
tenses are used then serves as a founda-
tion for later further verb tense practice.
ry the audience is most likely to remem-
ber is the ending and will therefore put
effort into the conclusion: to know where
er to transport us. They develop in the
writer audience awareness. If in proving
the dangers of cigarette smoking, I tell
you about my father’s struggle to beat the
to end it, for example, and to end with
some kind of message, image, or idea for
the reader to take from the story.
nicotine habit, I’m likely to hold your inter- Again, the academic essay is an unfamil-
est much more powerfully than I would in
an essay about the case against tobacco
that uses statistics and dry facts. Also in
iar genre, and students sometimes have
to be drilled repeatedly in how to set up
the introduction, the body, and the con-
Why did I tell you this story? Listen-
clusion. However, a storyteller knows he ers are likely to be angered if they’ve sat
telling the story of my father’s battle, I as
has messed up when he has to say, “Oh, through a story with no point. Similarly,
the writer begin weighing different ele-
sorry, forgot to tell you, before this hap- all essays should have some point to it.
ments and the impact on the reader: How
pened, I had been at the party where I...” While the main point, or thesis, does not
much detail should I include? Should I go
because his listeners immediately be- have to be stated directly at the beginning,
on at length about the different programs
gin to drift and check their watches and as is traditionally the case in the academ-
he was involved in, or just summarize?
phones. Stories have to be told in chron- ic essay, and probably should not be, in
Which is more effective? When writing
ological order or you lose your audience, a story, there should be some point to the
an academic essay, I’m likely to eyeball
so you have to organize and structure story whether or not it’s directly stated.
the page and think, “Okay, I’ve got three
facts for support... I’m done,” without go- your material.
ing through the critical evaluation I would
with a story.


AWARENESS Again, a speaker when telling a story al-
most intuitively knows she has to make
connections for the listener with such
START FROM. It also has many of the
Along with audience awareness, the writ- same features, such as introductions,
er has to develop a sense of structure, terms as “last night” and “Then later that
same evening...” Understanding this skill conclusions, and a specific organization,
of how to open, to build momentum, and that teachers struggle, often unsuccess-
to wrap up. Often teachers struggle over can transfer to the more varied academic
transitions, such as “in the case of—“ fully, to teach in academic essays. Sto-
these issues laboriously for weeks in a ries and the narrative form, while in no
composition class because essays are and “other the other hand.”
way replacing the academic essay, can
largely an inauthentic, unfamiliar forms, serve as a scaffolding device for more
existing in few places outside the writing
classroom. However, in writing a story,
students often know almost intuitively
Anyone who has ever captivated
difficult, academic genres because of
their shared features and learner famil-
iarity with stories...
an audience with just the right words, or
Cultural Practices Your Students
Should Be Taught
in the spring. In fact, it isn’t—some is no one agreed-upon answer. It is
ON A TUESDAY LAST OCTOBER, A places even in the United States don’t probably safest to error on the side of
YOUNG KUWAITI STUDENT IN MY have it and remain on standard time treating those in authority, particularly
MORNING WRITING CLASS EMAILED all year round. Teaching this practice if they have power over you, too po-
ME AND APOLOGIZED FOR MISSING to students is one thing to help them litely rather than not enough.
CLASS ON MONDAY. SHE CLAIMED cope in their new environment. Most
Since class had gone as usual on
electronic devices update automati-
cally to the local time, so thankfully
students are able to check their com-
Americans frequently move and
puters or phones for the correct time. therefore might not develop deep re-
Monday, I thought this was a poor lationships with neighbors. It’s not
excuse for missing, and was about to
send her an email saying that I had
no idea why she had found an empty
classroom as we had been there at
uncommon to live near someone for
years and not develop anything be-
yond a superficial relationship, par-
ticularly since most of us don’t live in
the usual hour. Then I remembered traditional or cultural neighborhoods
resetting the clocks on Saturday night. These type of casual celebrations, in
which the attendees are typically ex- and often have little in common with
I amended my email with “You may be the neighbors.
unaware that on Sunday morning we pected to bring a dish to share, are in
went off daylight savings time, which some ways uniquely American—the
means we set our clocks back one name “potluck,” for bringing a dish TEACHING CULTURE
hour.” She wrote back, shocked and to share, is even a Native American PRACTICE
apologetic, and thankful that I had told word. These kinds of celebrations,
especially the office party, can some-
her, as she had missed her second
class of Monday for the same reason,
and emphasizing that she had had no
times be fraught with difficulty even
for Americans because although they
are officially recreational and informal,
Some of this information which
idea of this particular practice. I be- is factual, such as daylight savings
lieved her as in her home country of they are often actually part of work time, can be imparted in a brief lec-
Kuwait, a desert culture, there would and work protocol applies. ture, handout, and demonstration of
probably be little reason for daylight setting your watch back, for example.
savings time. I wrote back not to
worry - but to remember we would go
through this same business again in
This is information that is not argu-
able, so prolonged discussion isn’t
the spring, when the clocks went for- Americans are capable of strong

ward as we went back onto daylight friendship bonds, but the portrayal of THE DISCUSSION
savings time. This incident highlight- those bonds tend to be exaggerated
ed for me how some of our practices, on TV and the movies. Americans Some of this information makes
which we take for granted (although also value independence, and beyond for great discussion material—such
may still be confused by as native college, constant calls and visits to as who an authority figure is, or the
Californians make similar mistakes friends might be considered intrusive. relationship people have with their
with daylight savings time) can really Calling first and respect of privacy and neighbors and friends here and in
confound the newcomer. independence is expected. students’ home countries. Sometimes
students have great insights, such as
the American habit of telling a new
neighbor, “Well, call if you need any-
thing,” is not necessarily to be taken
TAUGHT? Who is an authority figure in our cul- literally.
ture and how she should be treated is
There are many, but some that may
be particularly troublesome, given
their uniqueness to our culture, follow.
problematic even to many Americans,
who historically have had an uneasy
relationship with authority. For exam-
Showing students fictional char-
ple, Americans are divided on wheth- acters in particular situations, such as

1 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME er teachers should be considered au- a conflict with their boss or in an awk-
thority figures, or politicians, or even ward interaction at the office gives stu-
This seems like a universal the police. This leads into questions dents the opportunity to discuss what
practice to most Americans, of setting about what makes an authority figure: the character did right and wrong.
the clocks back in the fall and forward power? Exemplary behavior? There

TV shows, like “The Office, ” al-
though exaggerated for comic effects,
give students an opportunity to learn
about and discuss some of the unique
features of American life: work life, in
this case, such as the episode where
the office workers are more or less
coerced into participating in a char-
ity marathon to gain favor with their
boss. This makes for a good discus-
sion on the appropriate and inappro-
priate uses of power and what one
should or shouldn’t do just because
the boss tells you.

Have a little “office party” or
neighborhood potluck in class, have
everyone bring a dish, and roleplay
the kind of conversation that occurs
at these events.


It is in these “natural” parts of the cul-
ture that students might need most
help in.

The College Application Process
and Your ESL Students
may be some commonalities among the questions from a school she has
MOST INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS your students. chosen.
OF TWO PURPOSES. They hope to
use English in either their careers or
to further their educations. Those who
Now that your students know what
they are looking for, it is time to start
looking for schools. Using a web site
Many students find that the col-
like College Navigator (http://1.usa. lege interview is the first interview they
learn English for their academic futures gov/qRO2D) can be of great assis- have experienced. For students who
often attend language programs or take tance in finding the right schools to speak English as a second language,
pre-collegiate level English courses look at. By answering a few simple the interview can be even more intimi-
before applying to higher educational questions, each person can generate dating than it is for a native speaker.
institutions. For that reason, using the a list of schools that meet some if not Giving those students a chance to
college application process as content all of their criteria for the right school. practice what they might say during
for your English classes just might be a Now your students will have to read for an interview will help them feel more
natural fit: it gives your students prac- detail about each school to determine at ease so as not to hinder their flu-
tical experience with language and which, if any, meet all of their criteria. ency when it is time for the interview
the application process as well. If you Simply click on one of the schools that that counts. Pair students together and
have students who may be applying came up in your search and read more then give them this list of twelve ques-
to college in the near future, here are about it. Encourage your students to tions ( to be ready for on a
some ways you can get them ready narrow their list based on their criteria. college interview. Each question offers
to apply to school as they apply their Once each person has no more than suggestions on what to say and what
English language skill in the classroom. three schools on her list, have her not to say, so encourage your students
work with a partner to explain why she to think about how they might answer
THE COLLEGE chose the schools that she did for her each question. Then have each pair
APPLICATION applications. role play a mock interview, one person
PROCESS AND YOUR selecting three or four of the questions
and having the other person answer.
Then switch roles for the second in-

Choosing a college or a few col-
Now that your students know the
schools to which they want to apply,
terview. If possible, you may want to
have another student listen in on the
interview and make notes about any
leges is the first step in the college ap- grammatical or content issues for each
it is time to look at the application it-
plication process. If a student knows speaker.
self. By the time they are applying for
what she intends to study, she may be
colleges, your students should have
able to find an educational institution
the basic literacy skills to fill out a
that fits well with her academic goals.
form that asks for general information.
Many students, though, do not know
Along with that information, though,
what they intend to study. For those
most schools will require one or more
students, other factors like size, loca-
essays. Many of these essays focus
tion and price may be the deciding fac-
on topics such as why this school you
tor when choosing a university. Before
want to attend or what you intend to
your students choose one or more
do with your future. Have groups of
schools for their applications, have Encourage each person to choose at
around four or five students work to-
them work with a partner to determine least three schools for their applications
gether to list all the different topics on
what criteria they will use when choos- – a school that will definitely take them
which their potential schools are ask-
ing a school to attend. Explain that the (a safe school), a school that will prob-
ing for essays. Challenge groups to
word criteria refers to the items or is- ably take them, and a school that may
notice any topics that more than one
sues a person considers when making not take them (a reach school). Since
school ask for. Then have the groups
a decision. Encourage each of your many colleges no longer require appli-
strategize how they might go about an-
students to have five criteria for choos- cation fees due to online applications,
swering each of the essay questions.
ing the right college (size, location, your students have nothing to lose by
This may be a good time to review the
courses of study, cost, etc.). Then, keeping their options open and apply-
different organizational strategies a
have them rank those criteria in order ing to several schools. You can support
writer can use in an academic essay.
of importance. Remind your class that your students by offering to read any
Ask each group to choose two of the
each person will have a unique set essays and give feedback before they
questions and write a brief outline ex-
of criteria for choosing the right col- submit it to their schools. If you like, you
plaining how they would answer the
lege based on her individual needs, can celebrate their accomplishments
questions. If you like, ask each student
and that criteria for colleges should be by watching one of the many college
to write an essay that answers one of
unique to each individual though there themed movies available today.
Don’t Address the Teacher
as “Yo, Dude”: Teaching Register
Once on the first or second day of class, Chinese-born mother’s learner English company in their “usual” more conversa-
a young man—nice, polite, first-genera- and how it affects both the mother and tional English and then in precise busi-
tion American---in trying to get my atten- daughter is very powerful. For example, ness English. Will the letters get different
tion, called out, “Yo, Dude!” and then was Tan recounts an incident she describes results? In what way? Which would they,
confused when he was met with shocked as typical in which she had to pretend as readers or recipients of the letters be
laughter from the rest of the students. to be her mother in a phone conversa- more likely to respond to favorably and
This highlights a problem with students tion with the mother’s stockbroker be- why?
like this one who have ESL background cause Mrs. Tan, the mother, had learned
but are otherwise acculturated Ameri-
cans and may very well consider English
their primary language. These students
through painful experience that her Eng-
lish, while strong enough to communi-
cate meaning, was somehow not “good”
6 Have students work on register in
are sometimes called “Generation 1.5,” enough for situations like talking with a their own writing. Have them take a writ-
because they are between cultures. They stock broker, and people didn’t take her ing they’ve completed and examine it.
have fluency in spoken English but may seriously. This raises awareness of the Are there features of conversational Eng-
be somewhat uncertain about the use fact that register exists in language and lish in it? A lot? How could they revise us-
of register, or situational variety of lan- does make a difference. ing more academic language?
guage. “Yo, Dude” is okay for the dorm,
not okay for the classroom. Immigrant
students might also have the problem of
using too formal a register for the situa-
3 Continue identifying register over
7 Notice use of register out in the
tion: “Pardon me, miss, may I introduce the semester. After engaging in a new world. Notice the different registers peo-
myself?” at a fraternity party, for exam- reading, ask students if the writing is ple speak with. Read the letters to the
ple. A native speaker of English would more conversational or academic. Why editor in that day’s paper, listen to a ra-
realize the inappropriateness of this, but do they think so? Identify the features dio broadcast, watch people in conversa-
those more new to the language, or who of academic language, such as longer, tion at Starbucks. What register are they
did not speak it in their homes, may be more complex sentences and multisyl- using? What features identify it as that
more uncertain about which forms are labic words, often of Latin origin, conver- register? Why do you think the speakers
appropriate in which situations. In ex- sational English tends to have shorter chose that register? Assign students to
treme situations, this uncertainty can words Anglo-Saxon in origin. just notice register like this over a week-
lead to conflict when the listener, seeing end and come in to discuss a couple of
only that the speaker appears to be flu-
ent in English, assumes he is being de- 4 examples that struck them.

liberately rude when he misuses register.


Identify different varieties of regis-
ters and their use as they come up. For
example, is there such a thing as a ‘busi-
8 Role play. Have students practice
BE TAUGHT? ness’ register? What are its features? asking for the same thing - money, for
When might it be useful? People often example—in different situations. How

1 complain about not understanding their would the register vary if you were ask-
doctors: this is in part because, while ing your mother? Your best friend? Your
First raise awareness on register. speaking English, doctors often use a boss? A government agency?
Define it as situationally appropriate lan- medical register that is challenging for
guage. Give examples of it: “Yo, Dude” is
okay for the dorms, but how do we say
this in an academic setting? How about
people outside the field to understand.
For example, patients might be described
by doctors as “nonambulatory” rather
9 Practice using different regis-
‘Excuse me, Professor’”? Often students than “can’t walk,” “noncompliant” rather ters in social settings. Once students
are resistant to this notion, that the words than “won’t follow directions,” and “mor- have noticed register in a number of
that come out of their mouths actually bidly obese” instead of “fat to the point of situations and role played it in class, it’s
matter, that people judge them based on possible death.” All of these terms from time to try it out in the world. Encour-
those words, and that varying your lan- the medical register have Latin roots, as age students to have short conversa-
guage according to the context is not be- does much of the academic, noncon- tions in such settings as the park, a
ing inauthentic or phony. Students should versational register in general because coffee shop, and an office. Have them
be gently reminded that what we say, and when Rome conquered England it left its come back and tell their class about it.
how we say it, actually counts and can language on most of the institutions of
affect us and others. higher learning. REGISTER CAN BE DIFFICULT TO DE-
EXIST. All languages have register, the
2 Often a reading on the topic of
5 Have students practice using a dif-
variety of language used in specific situa-
tions. Understanding how to use register
appropriately can help students in their
register is a good way to proceed. Amy ferent variety of English than the usually
Tan’s “My Mother’s English,” about her use, like writing a letter of complaint to a adjustment to a new culture.

Where To From Here? Teaching
the Advanced ESL Student
out what careers students would like and why the father acts as he does,
CONGRATULATIONS! YOU’VE BEEN to hold after school, and focus on while adult native speakers are usu-
ASSIGNED YOUR FIRST ADVANCED some of the writing they are likely to ally aware of a number of implica-
CLASS, SOMETHING YOU’VE encounter in the workplace: memos, tions: the father is drunk, was drunk
WANTED TO TRY FOR A LONG reports, analyses, and recommenda- when he met his son, gets more so as
TIME. AND YOU’VE HAD YOUR FIRST tions. the afternoon wears on, he is an alco-
CLASS SESSION. STUDENTS WERE holic, in fact, and the story makes a
powerful statement on how substance
abuse can destroy families.

As with pronunciation, even fluent Giving students a reading like this and
Well, their English is so good—fluent, ESL students will differ from native discussing it—why is the father acting
correct, even precise—that you aren’t speakers in issues of grammar and this way? Why does he keep going
quite sure what to teach them! You editing. Have students start a portfo- from restaurant to restaurant? — can
suspect that many of them know Eng- lio, analyze their own writing in terms help students spot these unstated
lish as well as you. That might actually of the corrections you make, and from suppositions and develop their infer-
be true in some areas for some stu- this they can create an inventory of ential reading skills.
dents—having formally studied Eng- their personal trouble spots, which
lish for many years, they might have a
more precise understanding of gram-
mar, for example, than the teacher,
who relies more on native-speaker in-
may include word endings, such as
“-s” and “-ed.” Have students then get
into the habit of trading papers with a
peer and proofing for these errors or Even native speakers can struggle
tuition-- but there are still some things make two or three passes looking for with academic listening and notetak-
that most advanced students can the problem areas in their papers be- ing skills and must be trained in them.
learn in an ESL class. fore handing them in. There are textbooks that build exer-
cises around lectures from places like
NPR, National Public Radio, on top-
ics such as the ethics of stem cell re-
search. I don’t advocate necessarily
using such a text as the core text—

Advanced ESL students often have
good reading comprehension skills,
especially at the surface level, but
few texts at this level can meet that
role—but a chapter every week or two
is a good supplement to the class. Or
Even fluent ESL students can usually the instructor could also download a
use some work on their pronunciation. what they often lack, however, is un-
derstanding inferences or the under- lecture from the web and develop her
Have students do individual diagnos- own exercises.
tics by reading a passage while being lying meanings. These underlying
taped. In this way, you can find com- meanings are critical to comprehen-
mon as well as individual concerns
for the whole class. Focus on larger
issues that might impede compre-
sion as a whole.

For example, a story I like to teach

for inferences is “Reunion,” by John Even advanced ESL students can
hensibility, such as faulty intonation
Cheever, a story of no more than sev- use some work on idiomatic lan-
patterns (such as failing to use rising
eral pages in which a boy calls his es- guage. This doesn’t mean the rela-
intonation for questions) and stress
tranged father and asks to meet him tively rare “colorful” language such
(failing to reduce structure words and
at Grand Central Station for lunch as as “raining cats and dogs,” but the
giving all words the same stress in a
he’s heading home, to his mother’s, way that words tend to combine: “pro-
sentence). These are usually of more
for summer break. The father meets cess cultivated over time,” “ongoing
concern than relatively minor issues
him at the station, proceeds to take awareness,” and “insightful change
of individual speech sounds.
him to several restaurants where he of behavior” all occurred in one para-
gets into arguments at each with the graph of an academic text opened at

staff and gets kicked out - they return
to the station so the boy can catch his
train, the father now in tears. The boy
random. The class can spend some
time each session or each week go-
ing over the idiomatic language that
Focus on writing beyond the college occurs in course reading.
vows never to see his father again
essay, which the students may have
as he boards the train. ESL students
been studying for years. Instead find
are invariably confused by the story

A new movie version is currently be-
ing made, so studying the book and
then the film could be a core learning
Often ESL students need to develop
their understanding of the everyday
life and behavior of their new culture,
often having lived here a short time
and learned English somewhere else.
Again, by “culture,” I don’t necessar-
ily mean the big celebrations, like Finally, advanced ESL class is a great
Thanksgiving, which students gen- opportunity to work on resume and
erally do learn about, but the every- job interview skills. Some students are
day patterns of behavior that are so unfamiliar with the job hunt process,
“minor” that they can go unnoticed. having come from cultures where
A Chinese student once expressed people don’t compete for jobs as they
surprise, for example, that Americans, do in the U.S. but rather are placed in
when exiting a building, generally turn them according to skill and education.
back to see if anyone is behind and Explaining the process, showing mod-
will hold the door if so. Similarly, re- el resumes, and practicing interviews
cently a German student told me how can be a big help to ESL students.
shocked her husband was when, at a
working lunch, an American colleague SO DOES THE ADVANCED ESL
rose, went to the buffet table, came STUDENT HAVE ANYTHING LEFT
back with a plate of food, and con- TO LEARN? ABSOLUTELY! THERE’S
tinued with the meeting while eating. ALWAYS MORE TO LEARN.
These behaviors may seem “natural”
to most Americans (indeed, I am typ- The key is to be selective and choose
ing this article in a cafe, with a plate those topics most helpful to students
of food), and not worth discussing, but in transitioning into university classes
because people from other cultures or the workplace. By focusing on im-
are surprised by the behaviors, they proving pronunciation, reading, and
are not “natural” but cultural. It is for writing skills and teaching students
this reason that novel habits students job search skills needed to move into
notice in their new countries should the workplace, class days will be filled
be discussion and writing topics. in no time.

Americans are notorious for their lack
of understanding of their own his-
tory—fitting for a people obsessed
with youth. But anyone who lives here
should understand, for example, the
Revolutionary War, the Civil War, the
Civil Rights Movement and their long-
term effects. Even relatively recent
history, such as the Vietnam War, was
a watershed event, creating a per-
manent distrust in leadership, among
other effects. Without understanding
the Vietnam War, it may be hard to un-
derstand contemporary American life.


Both film and books are ways
to simultaneously develop language
and cultural understanding. The Great
Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, for ex-
ample, is a powerful novel on the
American experience and generally
recognized as one of the great Ameri-
can novels. And it is also manage-
ably short, at fewer than 200 pages.


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