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Lesson Plan Template

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Subject: Morning massage

Integrated lesson plan

Trainee: Ohoud Topic or Theme: I am an Eco-Warrior!

Class:KG2F Date & Duration: 24-2-2021

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on:

Time management

Formative Assessment

Use oral positive re-enforcement

Lesson Focus

Students will be able to:

-Writing skills: Start from the left, finger spaces, use a period

-Literacy: Hear, say and write beginning, middle and ending sounds in word

Lesson Outcomes

R4L: Seeing Skill - Odd one out

D24: numbers E31

R4l: seeing skills – odd one out

KDIs: phonological awareness

Links to Prior Learning

Students were learning about

Read the green words: Bin, Red, Leg, Pet , Fish, Plant, Can.

Letters: R, L, B, E

KDIs: Number words and symbols

D24 Phonological Awareness

E32 Counting

R4L: Rhyming words

21st Century Skills



critical thinking

Key vocabulary

greater than

less than




Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

Students cannot compare between Give students more activity helps them to compare
greater than, less than and an equal between greater than, less than and an equal and
develop their abilities.

Resources/equipment needed


Greater than

Less than


Bin ( drawing )

Resources Introduction
& Time Teacher will say good morning students, teacher ask what day is it today?
10 minutes Wednesday How can help me to write “Today is Wednesday?”
We will start from left to right
Teacher will ask the students what is the first letter of ‘Today’
Teacher will show the student how to write “Today is Wednesday?” teacher will
let someone to write word ‘is’
Teacher will choose a boy to count the boys and
How can write how many boys in the classroom
Teacher will choose on girl to count the other girls
How can write how many girls in the classroom
The others they will use their whiteboard to write the number
Students will: Teacher will:
One boy will count the boys in the Teacher will choose a boy to count the
class, boys
On girl, she will count how many girls Who can write how many boys in the
in the classroom and write the number classroom?
in classroom Teacher will choose on girl to count the
Students will think which group is other girls
greater than boy or girls How can write how many girls in the
The teacher will let the students to think
which group is gather than boy or girls?
Main activities
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
Teacher will show the students a ‘bin’
10 minutes Student will say the sound of b she will ask who know what is this?
Students will give the teacher the
Students will write ‘bin’ in their white
Teacher will ask the students what is
low student, they will say sound of the beginning sound of bin?
letter ’b’ Can you make the sound ‘b’?
As an eco-warrior what we use the
mid students, they will write the bin for?
begging, middle sound of word ‘bin’ Teacher will write the students
high students, they will write and say answers on sticky notes
‘bin’ Teacher will ask the student to get
their write board and write ‘bin’
Students writ it on the board. ‘from For low student, they will say sound
each level of students. of letter ’b’
For mid student ‘they will write letter
high level she will tell he\she to make
bin 1 grater then bin 2
For high students, they will write and
mid student she will ask he\she to say ‘bin’
make two bins equal Then she will choose on students to
writ it on the board. ‘from each level
low student teacher will choose one of students.
from them to count the lids in both Teacher will show the students a
bins plastic bin in each pin lids she will ask
the students to count the lids and put
if its greater than, less than or equal
Teacher will choose on students from
high level she will tell he\she to make
bin 1 grater then bin 2
And for the mid student she will ask
he\she to make two bins equal
low student teacher will choose one
from them to count the lids in both
for self-assessment students teacher
will put a sticker if the student think
they did well they take sticker if not
they will not take
Differentiation activities (Support)

Teacher will differentiate the morning message by asking levelled questions

high level she will tell he\she to make bin 1 grater then bin 2

mid student she will ask he\she to make two bins equal

low student teacher will choose one from them to count the lids in both bins

Maths - Count forward from 1 1o 20 E32 Counting

high level she will tell he\she to make bin 1 grater then bin 2

mid student she will ask he\she to make two bins equal

low student teacher will choose one from them to count the lids in both bins

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

Phonics - Hear, say and write the sounds in the word ‘bin’ D24 Phonological Awareness

High: hear, say, and write first, middle and ending sounds in words.

mid: student she will ask he\she to make two bins equal

low: student teacher will choose one from them to count the lids in both bins

Resources Plenary/Conclusion
& Time What stick in your mind from the morning message?
10 minutes Students will Teacher will
 Teacher will play an online
 Students will participate with game with students

In this lesson I taught the students an integrated lesson plan (morning message) math and English, the
outcomes is about R4L: Seeing Skill - Odd one out, D24: numbers E31, R4l: seeing skills – odd one out
and KDIs: phonological awareness, in the begging of the lesson I show the students to write from
the left, then tell them what I messing ? they said I have to draw a line, then I told them how can help
me to write letter T, then we wrote ‘ today is Wednesday’ I choose one of the students to write for
me ‘ is’ , then I choose a boy to count the boys , Who can write how many boys in the classroom? I
choose on girl to count the other girls then How can write how many girls in the classroom let the
students to think which group is greater than boy or girls? Then we used the sign =, I think in this part
I have first to teach the student what each sign means (<, >,=),
Then I showed the students a ‘bin’ I asked who know what is this? Students will give the teacher the

Evaluation: in this part each student tell their answers but in next time I will write each child answer
on sticky note to use it in their portfolio or use it as formative assessment: I asked the students what
is the beginning sound of bin? Can you make the sound ‘b’? all the students said the sound of ‘B’
then I asked them as an eco-warrior what we use the bin for? I wrote the students answers on sticky
notes to use it later as a formative assessment,

Analysis: but I didn’t write each child answer because we don’t have a much time in next lesson
instead of listening to each child answer I will let them draw what the eco-Warrior do by using the
Bin trash so I can use it later and see each child answer by drawing it, I asked the student to get their
write board and write ‘bin’ For low student, they will say sound of letter ’b’, For mid student ‘they
will write letter ‘b’, For high students, they will write and say ‘bin’ I think is better to let the students
to write on paper instated of using the write board because some of the students they clean their
answers I cannot see all of them, Then I choose on students to writ it on the board.

Analysis: ‘from each level of students’, then I show the students a plastic bin in each pin lids she will
ask the students to count the lids and put if its greater than, less than or equal, the student counted
the lids and they but the sign they do self-assessment, if they answer correctly they take a happy
face if not they take a sad face, I choose on students from high level tell he\her to make bin 1 grater
then bin 2 And for the mid student ask he\her to make two bins equal low student teacher will
choose one from them to count the lids in both bins for self-assessment student’s I put a sticker if
the student thinks they did well they take sticker if not they will not take, I think in next time
evaluation: I will develop this activity more I will let the students to write the numbers in the lids this
way makes them think more about the numbers and use their critical thinking more, for formative
assessment we played an online game with students about greater, less than, equal numbers in this
activity I will develop it more I will let all the students involved in this activity they will make a two
groups one group is less than the other group, they will think and plan with each other’s.

MCT/MST Formative Observation Report Form

Course Code CRN
Student Name Ohoud Yaser Student HCT ID H00348414
Placement School AlJana’en Date of Assessment
MCT Name MST Name/Peer Razna Farhan

on the selected teaching competencies.

Professional Dispositions


She called students by their names.

She communicates with her MST and ask her to giver her feedback for her lesson plan.

Areas for improvement:

Planning for Teaching & Learning


She is well prepared for the lesson.

The board is ready to start the lesson.

All the materials are ready to use them with students.

Areas for improvement:

Managing Teaching & Learning


She welcomed the students and asked them about the day.

She reviewed with students T sound and let them to practice their writing (T-today). She asked them which
mark she should write after Wednesday ‘? Or .’

She manged the students’ behaviours by telling them if they talk/misbehaved she will put his/her name in the

She used positive reinforcement, thanking students when they answered correctly.

Areas for improvement:

If the students make distraction can you try to do something to stop his/her behaviour. e.g., put her/his name
in the yellow/red. Or you can use another way of management.

Implementing Learning


She scaffolds students to write ‘she for girl and he for boy’, when the student faced difficulty to write ‘she’
for girl she let him to ask anyone to help him to write she.

She always let other students participate and let them to help each other.

During the whole group activity, she showed them a picture of alligator and ask the students to see the
number of boys and girls in the classroom and compare which one is greater/less than or equal to.

She linked her lesson with the theme ‘eco-warrior’, there is a garbage bin in the board and ask students what
does eco-warrior means? And what do we throw in the bin as eco-warrior.

She asked students to take their white board.

She included differentiated while she is teaching, she asked some students to write only letter ‘b’ and others
write the word bin. She reminded them the b sound and sing.

Some students confused b and p sound, she asked one student to write b he wrote P.

She let each student to write one letter to write the word bin.

She gave students sticker to help them to answer correctly.

Areas for improvement:

Can you try to help students to compare between b and p, make sure that they understand the sound for
both of them. E.g., show them pictures of P sound and b sound.
Assessing Learning


There is two garbage bin drawing in the board. She puts lids in the garbage bin (in the board) and asked
students to compare between the number of lids and see which one is greater than/less than/equal to.

She did well by using online game to assess their understanding.

Areas for improvement:



Areas for improvement:

Action Plan (Objectives, actions, implementation timeline, resources):

MCT/MST Signature:

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