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Appendix 5:

Lesson Plan Template

LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: Ohoud Yaser Topic or Theme: I’m an eco- warrior

Class: KG 2F Date & Duration: 9-3

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on:

Students achievement

Time management

Students self-assessment

Lesson Focus

3d shapes

2d shapes

compare quantities

Numbers E31, review 3D, 2D shapes

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to:

Math KDIs: numbers E31, review 3D shapes

F: read and order numbers 1-20

KDIs: part-whole relationships E33

KDIs: numbers words and symbols E31 counting E32

Links to Prior Learning

D24: numbers E31

E32 Counting
Maths: count forward 1 to 20

Math: counting backward 15 to 1

Review 2d shapes \ cylinder

Naming and describing the shapes

21st Century Skills



critical thinking

Key vocabulary


Greater than

Less than



Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

Students don’t know the names of the Give the students activity help him\her to know each
shapes shapes name, such as sorting, matching.

Resources/equipment needed


Number card






2d and 3d shapes

sand inside it shape

patterns cubes



& Time
Students will: Teacher will: teacher will show the
 Students will guess what is the students a box shoe will said for them
shape inside the box ‘you remember our friend the giraffe lulu
 Students will sort out the she finds this all boxes, what you think in
10 minutes shapes with the teacher side this box?
 High: can you tell me what the Teacher will give the students a hint
name of this shape ‘it’s a shape and is a solid and it has 4
 mid: count how many side we sides, what you think it is?
have in the cup Students will close their eyes and think
 low: find for me a square shape for 10 second,
around the classroom Teacher will take the students answers
She will show the students the shape
Teacher will show the students shapes
and they will sort it out with the students
‘solid shapes, flat shape’
Teacher will ask a leveled question:
High: can you tell me what the name of
this shape
mid: count how many side we have in the
low: find for me a square shape around
the classroom
Main activities
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
10 minutes Each student will participate in their
centers. Teacher will explain for the students each
High students: ‘how can you use the center:
shapes to make pattern? High students: they will have a square
how many cubes in each tower?’ shape they will do a patterns colors with
mid students: ‘what materials can the shape ‘how can you use the shapes to
you use to make a shape?’ make pattern?
what materials can you use to make They will build a city tower by using the
a shape?’ cubes ‘ how many cubes in each tower?’
mid students: student will have different
martials such as: playdough, stick and
low students what shapes can you they will choose a picture of one shape
find? And how many?’ 3D or 2D shape and they will make it by
‘how can you match the numbers using the stick ‘what materials can you
with a pizza slice?’ use to make a shape?’

focus group: ‘what shape are you on? low students: they will have a sand inside
‘ it shapes they will have to sort each
shape together ‘what shapes can you
find? And how many?’
they have a pizza and they will sort the
pizza slice with the number ‘how can you
match the numbers with a pizza slice?’

focus group: students will play a game

with the teacher, they will use the dice
and throw its and jump and see what
they jump on and tell the teacher what is
this shape name, how many sides it has’
‘what shape are you on? ‘

in each center teacher will put a

formative assessment for the students
three column ‘red for hard, yellow for
mid, green for easy,’
each student will put a tick in the color
how they feel the activity hard, easy or

Differentiation activities (Support)

High students: what shape can you use to build a tower?

mid students: ‘what shape can you recognize? how many sides is each shape?’

low students: match the number with the symbols

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

High: how can you make a pattern with using different colors

mid: what shape do you will make by using the stick and playdough

low: what shape you can sort together?

& Time Plenary/Conclusion

Students will Teacher will

 Students will participate and draw  Teacher will give the students a
10 minutes any shape they remember. formative assessment, she will give
each student a paper and tell them
to draw any shape they remember
in this lesson

Homework -

Assessment  Students Self-assessment

Strategies:  Formative assessment

☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment


☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback



In this lesson, I taught KG2F math lesson the outcomes was about Math KDIs: numbers E31, review 3D shapes,
F: read and order numbers 1-20, KDIs: part-whole relationships E33, KDIs: numbers words and symbols E31
counting E32. In the begging of the lesson I show the students a box I said for them ‘you remember our friend
the giraffe lulu she finds this all boxes, what you think in side this box? And I gave the students a hint ‘it’s a
shape and is a solid and it has 4 sides, what you think it is? Students close their eyes and think for 10 second, I
record the students answers in the sticky notes, Then I show the students the shape ‘cube’ then I show the
students shapes and they will sort it out ‘solid shapes, flat shape’
Then I asked the students asked a leveled question:
High: can you tell me what the name of this shape
mid: count how many side we have in the cup
low: find for me a square shape around the classroom in the begging, the students was curious to know
what’s hidden inside the box they talk with their friends to discuss and think what is inside the box, and all of
them was participating, but I notes some of the students they doesn’t know the different between the ‘ flat,
solid’ in next lesson I will explain first for them the different between the flat shape and the solid shapes and
show them an example picture or play for them a video about the solid and flat shapes, this way they will
understand the different between the solid and flat shapes and they will not feel confused while I ask them,
for the main activates I did a differentiation activities, for the High students: they have a square shape they will
do a patterns colors with the shape ‘how can you use the shapes to make pattern? In this activity, the student
enjoys it and they learn more about patterns but I think they finish is faster so in next lesson I will give them
extension activity, they will count the sides of each square that they used to make the patterns, this activity
will help them to learn how to count and learn about the sides.
For the second activity, they build a city tower by using the cubes ‘how many cubes in each tower?’ this
activity was hard for them because I put for them a high leveled number I knew that from observing them and
also when I saw the self- assessment most of them put ‘hard’, in next lesson I will but for them easy numbers
to build the tower by using the cubes, for the mid students: student they have different martials such as:
playdough, stick and they will choose a picture of one shape 3D or 2D shape and they make it by
using the stick ‘what materials can you use to make a shape?’ the students enjoy this activity
because they have different materials not only one, and they shared with each other’s but in next
time I will extension this activity I will let the student to write each shape name to make sure they
know what the shape they did, for the low students: they have a sand inside it shapes they will have
to sort each shape together ‘what shapes can you find? And how many?’ the student knows how to
sort each shape but I notes they didn’t know the names of some shapes, in next time I will write the
name of each shape and let them to try to read each shape name before they sort it to make sure
they know the shapes name, the second activity, they have a pizza and they will sort the pizza slice
with the number ‘how can you match the numbers with a pizza slice?’ the students in this activity
the finish is faster so in next time I will give them the pizza slice with the dote but without the
number in the box I will let them to count the dots and write the numbers in the box, for the focus
group: students play a game with the teacher, they use the dice and throw its and jump and see
what they jump on and tell the teacher what is this shape name, how many sides it has’
‘what shape are you on? ‘, this activity was enjoyable because we used some movement the student
knows each shapes name and they count the sides in each shape, but in next lesson I will each the
students their white board and let them write the name of each shape they jumped on.
In each center teacher will put a formative assessment for the students three column ‘red for hard,
yellow for mid, green for easy,’ each student will put a tick in the color how they feel the activity
hard, easy or medium.
I sat with the focus group and then I went around the others group the see what they did and writ a
comment about each group, but in next time I will ask them a lot of question to let them use their
critical thinking and measure their leaning, also when the students finish the activity I played ‘ clean
up song and they started to clean up, but some of the students they doesn’t participate and still
work, I think because I didn’t gave them clear instructions such as ‘ close you markers its clean up
time’ or ‘ time is up please clan up’ so In next lesson I will gave them clear instructions.
For the formative assessment, I gave the students a paper and tell them to draw any shape they
remember in this lesson and I let each child to share with us what she\ he draws, in next time I will
improve this formative assessment and let the students to ask their friend a lot of question such as
‘why you choose to draw this shape?’ how many sides on this shape?’ and ‘what is this shape?’.
MCT/MST Lesson Formative Observation Template
The MST (Mentor School Teacher) and the MCT (Mentor College Teacher) will use this form to
observe, formally, the trainee’s performance and to give formative feedback based each teaching

MCT/MST Formative Observation Report Form

Course Code EPC 4406 CRN 23004
Student Name Ohoud Alshamsi Student HCT ID
Placement School Al Janaen-KG1 Date of Assessment Feb, 2022
MCT Name Dr. Aysha AlShamsi MST Name

on the selected teaching competencies.

Professional Dispositions


Completes a lot of MSTs tasks.

Areas for improvement:

Initiate an activity for the school

Planning for Teaching & Learning


 Her plan is well organized and built on previous knowledge.

Areas for improvement:

Add details so any of your colleagues can use it at any time without guidance.

Managing Teaching & Learning


 Ohoud shows a good management behaviour. She has a good but nice personality in the classroom.
 She moves between groups to facilitate and provide feedback. In many times she scaffolds and
provides support and encouragement.
 She knows the students names.
Areas for improvement:

 The implementation of motivation and encouragement strategy as a consistent practice in the class.
Implementing Learning


 I like the demonstration the game Ohoud started using the smartboard and when children started
practicing an using the authentic materials like newspapers.
 I like the resources provided for the activity and the richness of scaffold provide for children.
 She is ready and prepares activities for the lesson.
 Ohoud kept moving around and checking on understanding and extending understanding.

Areas for improvement:

Assessing Learning


Differentiation through questioning; however, differentiation isn’t very clear in the lesson plan.

Areas for improvement:

Higher order questions


Clearly stated her areas of improvement.


Aware of her next steps

Areas for improvement:

Link between objectives and PDP

Action Plan (Objectives, actions, implementation timeline, resources):

Continue working on differentiation and assessment for learning.

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