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1. Prepare business strategies using the following:

SWOT Analysis

Café Tribu SWOT Analysis

Beneficial Harmful
Strengths Weaknesses
● High quality coffee ● Not expanding as fast
● Great customer service ● Higher price points
● Attractive design ● Limited market

● Employee satisfaction ● Many substitute competitive

● Located in one of the best city in products
the Philippines ● Strong existing competitors
● Good atmosphere

Opportunities Threats
● New food and/or drink offering ● Competition with other major coffee
● Introduce an app shops
● Expand number of stores/outlet ● Competition with fast-food chains
● Demand of home delivery ● Employment rate

services ● Increase in suppliers cost

● Move to a franchise model ● Local coffeehouse movement

Ishikawa Diagram
Sunny Brew
Porter’s Five Forces Strategy
Starbucks Porter’s Five Forces

Ocean Strategy
Harley Davidson Ocean Strategy
Eliminate Raise
● Storage ● Engine noise
● Engine quality
● Design
● Customizability

Reduce Create
● Technology ● Brand Image
● Fuel efficiency ● Being part of a community
● Ease of handling ● Coolness
● Comfort

Strategy Canvas of Harley Davidson

Harley Davidson Honda

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4 4 4 4
3 3
Level of Value Elements

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Value Element
2. Ask yourself what qualities you want from business partners, then invite
people within your class (or network) who have these qualities to be a
partner for a small business project.
- Passionate
- Reliable
- Compatible to each other
- Open-minded
- Creative
- Strong connection
- Willing to take risks
- Can resolve problems
I would like to invite Charise Jane Leocario, Angel Grace Agcaoili, Andre Joaquin
Tolentino, and Lynette Clarisse Morillo to be my business partners because all of the
qualities that I look for in a business partner are in them.
Why people don’t start a business?
- First and foremost. Not everyone wants to build and start a business. Perhaps,
they have a job and they enjoy the work they're doing and they wouldn't want to
do anything else. They are not passionate about business, and they have no
intention of entering such a field because their job is their passion.
Cite reasons why people do not start business?
According to these are the 12 common reasons why people
don’t start business.
- Fear of failure
- Inadequate resources to start a business
- No exposure to entrepreneurship
- Don’t want the stress of entrepreneurship
- Passion for their Jobs
- Lifestyle choice
- Views starting a business as tough, hard work
- Poor view of people with money
- No idea what business to start
- Fear of selling
- Need the security of a steady pay check
- Not driven to succeed
Identify potential for each business, then make a master plan and timetable on
how to remove these barriers.
● Adapt - You need to adapt and keep up to date in order to grow your business.
● Promote - You may have a great product / service, but you are unlikely to develop if
your target customers do not know that you exist.
● Diversify - Diversifying your business is an excellent growth strategy.
● Outsource - Small businesses that use external assistance are more likely to expand.
● Listen and learn - Look at your customer needs, speak to them and get feedback. To
identify what areas need improvement.
- There's a lot of ways to avoid the barriers in terms of business. For me, these five
ways to develop your business is helpful to erase the barriers. If you do those five ways,
I will assure you that your business will be growing and seminal. In this way, you can
eliminate obstacles and try out new concepts and ideas that can support your company
and develop yourself as an entrepreneur.
Short Quiz
Fill in the blanks.
1. Entrepreneurship comes along with a lot of responsibilities and risks.
2. Understanding the business This is one of the most important skills set that
every individual must-have.
3. Decision making skills The next skill that every entrepreneur must possess is
decision making.
4. They adapt Successful entrepreneurs are also willing to adapt to solve a
5. Critical thinking is the ultimate key to problem-solving and is the most important
skill you should develop.
6. Good communication can help you boost your confidence level and you are able
to gain a better
perspective and receive valuable insights.
7. They measure outcomes and reflect Successful entrepreneurs actually do more
than just solve the problem.
8. Developing problem-solving skills is an important responsibility.
9. Communication skills Entrepreneurs with good people skills inspire others to be
more confident in
expressing their opinions and encourage them to give feedback.
10. Decision making skills This allows them to move on to the next step without
divagating in

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