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Marvelle Sam S.


Trainers methodology 1

Lead work place communication


As a former TESDA graduate and company electrician, I can tell that those methods of communications
are very useful that you even know that you are already use it and we also have Lead work place
discussion, Lead work place communication are very important because as a new student or worker it
guide you about the work place or the course you taken, and lastly the, Identify and communicate issues
arising in the work place this is some issues in work place like communication problem and more.

Methods of communication, what are those methods.

1. Verbal Communication - is most used method because you interact to others you communicate
or have conversation to another person that you already used in work place and in your daily
2. None verbal communication - is the use of body langue, such crossed arm or hunched
shoulders, or facial expressions like it able to tell countless emotions without saying a word.
3. Written communication – is the act of writing, typing or printing symbols like letters and
numbers to convey information. example, communicating a person through email or text
message that is written communication.
4. Visual communication – is the act of using photographs, art, drawings, sketches, and graphs to
convey information example like google meet meting you can communicate others through
video call or visual presentation to help you to explain your topic.

Lead workplace discussion, this communication we have.

1. Workplace communication protocol - it is a formal process that outlines the types of

information to be communicate to an organization. A communication protocol, which should be
displayed in all common areas such lobbies and conference rooms and also be distributed to all
new hires employee to guide them and gather some knowledge about the workplace.
2. Communication ethics – is the notion that are governed their morals which is turns affects
communication, Ethical communication encompasses being honest in all time communication,
keeping all the information confidential.
3. Communication dissemination process – Dissemination is the process of making available
projects result and deliverables to stake holders and to a widest audience and to broadcast a
message to that public and promote long term sustainability.

Identify and communicate issues arising in the workplace

Workplace problems and issues is typically an environment in which people with different

Some common work place issues that employees face included:

 Interpersonal conflict
 Communication problem
 Bullying

Those are some issues that you might be in counter in workplace. And if you are experiencing this issues
report it into your team leader or supervisor.

There for this are some methods, lead workplace discussions and identify and communicate issues
arising in the work place. That we use to communicate nicely into other person and to help us gain
knowledge about workplace and to know what kind of issues we are facing in the workplace. Keep
smiling and wear a good personality to make you reachable and easy to communicate into the

Prepared by: Marvelle Sam S. Ypil

Date: 12, 08, 2021

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