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Progress in Physical Geography

Understanding the decay of stone-built cultural heritage

B.J. Smith, M. Gomez-Heras and S. McCabe
Progress in Physical Geography 2008; 32; 439
DOI: 10.1177/0309133308098119

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Progress in Physical Geography 32(4) (2008) pp. 439–461

Understanding the decay of stone-built
cultural heritage
B.J. Smith,* M. Gomez-Heras and S. McCabe
School of Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology, Queen’s University
Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, UK

Abstract: The problem of the decay and conservation of stone-built heritage is a complex one,
requiring input across many disciplines to identify appropriate remedial steps and management
strategies. Over the past few decades, earth scientists have brought a unique perspective to this
challenging area, drawing on traditions and knowledge obtained from research into landscape
development and the natural environment. This paper reviews the crucial themes that have arisen
particularly, although not exclusively, from the work of physical geographers – themes that have
sought to correct common misconceptions held by the public, as well as those directly engaged in
construction and conservation, regarding the nature, causes and controls of building stone decay.
It also looks to the future, suggesting how the behaviour of building stones (and hence the work of
stone decay scientists) might alter in response to the looming challenge of climate change.

Key words: durability testing, episodic decay, geomorphology, stress-history, weathering.

I Introduction and background environments, what factors trigger and con-

Stone is widely recognized as an adaptable trol decay processes, and what strategies
and sustainable construction material, with may be appropriate in managing decay or
a low intrinsic carbon signature, and also as a delaying its initiation in the first place. At a
repository of much of the world’s tangible technological level, successful accomplish-
cultural heritage. With this recognition of its ment of these goals requires the bringing
value has come an increasing awareness that together of disparate groups of researchers
stone has a finite life, which can be drastically and practitioners who have historically s
curtailed when it is placed in often-aggressive hown limited inclination to exchange ideas
urban or coastal environments. Because and techniques (Smith, 2003).
of this, it is essential that the conservation of Broadly speaking, these groups range
decaying stone (and indeed the choice of new from those interested in the characterization
and replacement stone) is underpinned by and weathering of rocks under natural
a detailed knowledge of stone behaviour – environmental conditions through to those
how different stone types decay in specific concerned with the decay and conservation of

*Author for correspondence. Email:

© 2008 SAGE Publications DOI: 10.1177/0309133308098119

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440 Progress in Physical Geography 32(4)

stone once it is placed in the built environment that in reality multidisciplinarity is invariably
– primarily within a heritage management used as an umbrella term that defines the
context. The former group mainly comprises nature of the problem and describes the phy-
academic geomorphologists and geologists, sical make-up of the research team. In con-
whereas the latter is principally drawn from trast, interdisciplinarity hopefully describes
architects, engineers and conservators – this the nature of the solution. Central to an inter-
frontier is what Torraca (1982) termed the disciplinary approach is the requirement for
interface between the scientist and the tech- discourse between disciplines, recognition
nologist. Unfortunately, despite their obvious of the possible synergies that stem from the
common interests, these groups generally integration of different strategies and know-
lead parallel, separate existences with few ledge bases, an appreciation of where other
opportunities for face-to-face contact and disciplines are coming from and a willingness
little in the way of intellectual exchange. This to learn and borrow from others.
separation is manifested in many ways, not The need for an interdisciplinary approach
least at a terminological level, but also by at- to the management of stone-built heritage
tendance at separate conferences, publication has been accentuated in recent years by rec-
in discipline-specific journals and member- ognition of the inherent complexity of the
ship of exclusive professional organizations. processes involved. Stone decay invariably
Although one can possibly dismiss this combines physical, biological and chemical
separation as simply a failure to communi- processes under the control of geological and
cate, there are also deeper, philosophical environmental factors. This is even before
divisions. One of the most fundamental of any consideration of the cultural, societal,
these is the largely academic preoccupation economic and institutional contexts within
with a theoretical search for explanations of which the stone is used and under which any
why rock/stone decays – the processes and conservation strategies must be employed.
mechanisms responsible for decay and the The growth of this complexity has made it
underlying factors that control them. In con- less and less likely that any individual can claim
trast, conservation professionals are required true mastery of all aspects of the problem. It
to provide practical solutions through appro- has also reinforced the need for specialists to
priate treatments and management strategies. share their collective insights and experience
Clearly, however, each approach needs the if potentially contentious conservation issues
other. If academics fail to set process stu- are to be successfully addressed.
dies in the context of their wider, practical
significance then they run the risk of pursuing II Attempts to bridge the
the irrelevant. Similarly, a failure to accurately interdisciplinary divide
diagnose the causes of decay can often lead It was in the spirit of the above observations
to conservators treating symptoms instead of that, in the early 1990s, the Stone Weathering
causes. As Kant observed: application with- and Atmospheric Pollution NETwork
out theory is blind, whereas theory without (SWAPNET) was established. This began as
application is mere intellectual play. an informal grouping of researchers interested
In effect, recognition of a need to link primarily in understanding the processes
theory to application is a demand for mean- responsible for the decay of stone exposed to
ingful cooperation between disciplines in a wide range of atmospheric conditions in the
weathering and conservation studies. As urban environment and built on collaborations
Smith and Turkington (2004) have observed, established through the UK Government’s
many see the solution for this in a multidis- wide-ranging study of pollution-related stone
ciplinary approach. The difficulty with this is decay in the 1980s (DoE, 1989). In particular,

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the group sought to bring together and cross specifically to demonstrate how studies of
the boundaries between researchers with urban stone decay have informed our under-
interests in natural weathering processes, standing of natural rock weathering. But
and those with expertise in the decay of stone within all these publications a number of
used in construction. The initial stimulus for themes have developed (raised from the
the group was provided by a geographer, unique perspective of the physical geo-
R.U. Cooke (then of University College grapher), often associated with attempting
London, where the first lunchtime meetings to undo sometimes-damaging views among
of SWAPNET were held), who had been at the wider public, as well as those directly
the forefront of championing the role of the engaged in construction and conservation, as
geomorphologist in explaining the effects of to the nature, causes and controls of building
acid deposition on stonework (Cooke, 1989). stone decay. An overview of these themes
It is perhaps also no accident that it should that have sought to correct misconceptions
have been a desert geomorphologist who follows.
instigated these discussions given, as Winkler
(1975) points out, the similarities in weather- III Common misconception 1: placing
ing processes between bare rock exposed stone in a building immunizes it from
in salt-rich desert environments and the ex- natural weathering processes
posed stone of buildings in equally salt-rich It is not the case, contrary to the common
polluted urban settings. These discussions belief among many involved in construction,
identified and emphasized the multidisciplin- that the cutting and placing of stone in a
ary nature of stone decay problems and the building in some way ‘switches off ’ natural
need for interdisciplinary research if these weathering and decay. The assumption that
problems were to be successfully addressed. placing stone in a building immunizes it from
SWAPNET has attempted to address these the natural processes of weathering is partly
issues through a succession of annual meet- the consequence of a lack of public awareness
ings, initially within the UK and subsequently of weathering processes and what controls
across Europe, designed specifically to pro- them. This is also reflected in the commonly
mote discourse between researchers and held view that where rapid decay does occur
practitioners from disparate backgrounds. it must be either accidental or the result of
This strategy is firmly rooted in the belief some unscrupulous, misplaced human activ-
that important conceptual developments in- ity. The most obvious and widely acknow-
variably come interstitially – not from within, ledged human intervention is the exposure
but at the boundaries between, disciplines. of stone to aggressive environmental con-
Out of these meetings has come a succession ditions resulting from high levels of atmos-
of publications that arguably provide the pheric pollution, commonly linked to an
most comprehensive linked record of stone increase in the acidity of rainfall. Support for
decay research available (see the list of this view is drawn from examples of very
SWAPNET publications at the end of this ancient stone buildings that survived for
paper), comprising an important resource hundreds, if not thousands of years until
not only for the established researcher, but the advent of industrialization and its asso-
also for those new to the field who require an ciated pollution. Such references conven-
overview of how ideas have developed over iently ignore, however, the multitude of other
the last decade. These volumes have been structures that have not survived. Similarly,
supplemented in recent years by a number earlier conservation and replacement can
of publications (for example, Pope et al., be forgotten or ignored. For example, we
2002; Smith et al., 2005a) that have sought often neglect the fact that many of the great

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442 Progress in Physical Geography 32(4)

‘medieval’ cathedrals of England underwent weathering processes. Principal among these

major programmes of stone replacement and factors is the way in which the location and
the removal of surface decay (dressing back) geometry of a building can influence the
in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. degree of exposure to (and shelter from) sun,
Two very dangerous consequences of this rain and wind. The importance of the degree
way of looking at building stone decay (as of exposure stems from its relationship with
opposed to natural rock weathering) is the patterns of wetting, drying, heating and
view that the processes responsible for the cooling. These in turn influence factors such
two must be different and if the immediate as the frequency of salt crystallization and,
causes of ‘accelerated decay’ are removed ultimately, the rate at which stone weathers.
the stone will cease to alter and it will then The most obvious control in this respect is
be safe to undertake remedial action such as aspect. Aspect will, for example, determine,
stone cleaning. exposure to wind-driven rain (arguably the
The reality is, of course, that questions of most effective mechanism for wetting stone)
why and how building stones decay are much and the duration and intensity of exposure to
more complicated than these simple assump- incoming solar radiation. This in turn controls
tions. The fundamental processes behind the physical stresses experienced by the stone
building stone decay and rock weathering are through repeated expansion and contraction
essentially the same, although the ingredients and differential ‘time of wetness’. The conse-
and how they are mixed can differ quite sig- quences of these controls may not, however,
nificantly. Placing stone in a building does not be simple or straightforward. For example,
cut it off from natural patterns of weathering; in contrast to several studies that link south-
instead it superimposes on top of natural pro- facing façades with higher decay rates due to
cesses new, additional, sets of conditions and higher insolation (Paradise, 1999), it is com-
factors that interact in complex and often un- mon in the British Isles for greatest decay to be
predictable ways to produce new patterns and observed on the shaded, north-facing eleva-
rates of decay. Buildings in a polluted town tions of buildings (Robinson and Williams,
near the coast will still, therefore, be exposed 1996). This might suggest that ‘time of
to aggressive conditions linked to the deposi- wetness’ and the ability of salt solutions to
tion of marine salts. However, the effects of soak into the stone might be of equal, if not
these salts will now be combined with the greater, significance than high thermal stresses
actions of other salts produced from atmos- in causing many types of decay. However,
pheric pollutants, in mixtures that can be aspect is not always controlled by the cardinal
significantly more aggressive than when pre- compass points – these wider environmental
sent individually. Often these combinations influences can be overridden by the effects
will act synergistically; for example, the of specific macro-environmental conditions.
presence of sodium chloride can enhance For example, the pattern of airflow around a
the solubility and penetration of pollution- building will also influence evaporation rates
derived calcium sulphate (Turkington and and the deposition of pollution particles on
Smith, 2000; Warke and Smith, 2000) and, stonework. The shape of the building in turn
sadly for most buildings, the combined rate influences the airflow and even very subtle
of decay will be greater than the sum of the changes in surface detail can have a major
individual effects. effect on patterns of soiling.
The physical act of placing stone in a build- The complex three-dimensional geometry
ing creates a wide range of new physical, of buildings also provides opportunities for
chemical and environmental conditions that ‘convergent’ weathering as moisture, tem-
can markedly alter its response to natural perature and other environmental gradients

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intersect across corners. It is for this reason

that architectural detail and carvings are
particularly prone to decay and invariably the
first areas of a building to disappear.
In addition to these environmental fac-
tors, there are physical stresses exerted by
surrounding materials, such as, for example,
the type of mortar used. Construction can,
for example, subject stone to compressive,
shear and in some instances tensile stressing.
Most importantly, mortar typically constrains
individual blocks during expansion caused by
chemical alteration, interstitial salt crystal
accumulation/growth and temperature/
moisture cycling. Kane (1999; explained in
Smith et al., 2005b) investigated these effects
by conducting salt weathering experiments
in which granite cores were constrained be-
tween steel plates. The results suggest that
compression initially inhibited decay com-
pared to unconstrained cores through closing
any existing micro-fractures normal to the
axis of compression. In doing so, it also Figure 1 ‘Boxwork’ on a building
caused the material to behave inelastically. constructed from Globigerina Limestone,
Consequently, in response to repeated low- Malta, where the retreat of the stone has
magnitude stressing as the samples heated left the ‘rigid’ mortar to stand proud
and cooled, a network of micro-fractures was
developed obliquely to the axis of compres-
sion that eventually led to more rapid decay In summary, it can be seen that buildings
than for unconstrained blocks. This effect is provide complex, dynamic environments
commonly observed both in nature, in the that expose their stonework to numerous
form of the ‘buttressed expansion’ of, for possibilities for decay and alteration. The
example, large rock masses (Hall, 1999), and form that this decay takes is dependent not
on buildings where the use of ‘rigid’ mortars in just on the present-day environment, but is
combination with softer stonework can lead determined in great part by the history of
to disruption of the stone during expansion, construction and previous environmental
producing a honeycomb or ‘boxwork’ effect conditions and treatments. The precise con-
as mortars are left proud of the retreating sequences of these environmental factors
stone (see Figure 1). are in turn affected by the characteristics
Chemical decay can also be encouraged by of the stones under consideration, which
surrounding materials. The use of different strongly influence the weathering processes
stone types in combination can trigger decay to which they are susceptible and hence their
where, for example, calcium sulphate salts resistance to decay and overall durability.
produced by the reaction of atmospheric Understanding stone decay, and all that
sulphur with carbonate stones and from this entails for sustainable construction and
lime-based mortars can wash into adjacent, conservation, therefore requires a sound
non-calcareous stonework (Cooper et al., understanding of the weathering processes
1991; O’Brien et al., 1995b). responsible and the ability to recognize their

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444 Progress in Physical Geography 32(4)

symptoms in the shape of the decay features under most environmental conditions, rapid
and products they create. temperature changes and the steepest sur-
face/subsurface temperature gradients are
IV Common misconception 2: normally associated with the rapid cooling
environmental controls are largely of a stone after protracted heating (Gomez-
secondary to the physical properties Heras et al., 2006b) – especially under low
of stones as determinants of their ambient air temperatures and clear skies
durability that allow rapid radiative cooling. From this
It is no surprise, given that those who work in can be inferred that it is not so much high or
the construction industry are drawn primarily low temperatures that are important, but
from engineering backgrounds, that emphasis the rapidity and frequency with which tem-
is placed on physical characteristics when peratures change – especially within the
both specifying stone and explaining the outer few millimetres of a stone where most
reasons why stone ultimately fails. There are weathering occurs through effects such as
notable exceptions to this rule – for example, granular disaggregation (Gomez-Heras et al.,
the seminal studies of the microclimates 2008). Frequency is important because in
associated with buildings by Camuffo (sum- addition to potential breakdown in response
marized in his influential book of 1998). But to a thermal shock there is the possibility
this is the exception and, in this context, that stone can be induced to eventually fail
one of the most significant contributions through fatigue failure by subjecting it to
that geographers and other environmental repeated, smaller-scale stresses (Halsey
scientists have made in understanding the et al., 1998).
complex reality of stone decay has been to Until relatively recently, it was assumed
explain the importance of environmental that the most important temperature cycles
controls on decay and durability, and the driving weathering were the diurnal ones
subtle ways in which they operate. associated with day/night heating and
Central to this strategy have been investi- cooling – although the absolute temper-
gations of the role of temperature in driving a atures involved will obviously vary from
wide variety of physical decay mechanisms, season to season. More recently, however,
especially those involving salt. In doing this, as more accurate temperature measurement
researchers have had to counter the still com- has become possible – especially pinpoint
monly held belief that temperature change measurements within stone using thermistors
alone is a major cause of stone failure. If it and surface measurements using infrared
were to occur, the most obvious mechanism thermometers – researchers have come to
would be for the outer surface of the stone understand that surface and near-surface
to heat more rapidly than the heat could be temperatures can fluctuate very rapidly dur-
transmitted into the stone. Such a thermal ing the day as, for example, surfaces are
shock (Yatsu, 1988) would cause the near- shaded by clouds or cooled directly and
surface layer of the stone to thermally expand indirectly by the wind (Jenkins and Smith,
more rapidly than the interior, setting up 1990). These short-term changes, often only
stresses that cause it to fracture and break 15–30 minutes in duration, can set up internal
away from the interior. Thermal shock and temperature gradients and stresses mark-
this type of spalling does occur, but most edly higher than those driven by diurnal
obviously in response to the extremely high changes. Admittedly, these are restricted to
temperatures and rapid temperature rises the outer few millimetres, but experiments
associated with close proximity to a fire (eg, have shown that they can be effective in
Ollier and Ash, 1983; Gomez-Heras et al., generating breakdown when employed in
2006a; McCabe et al., 2007a). In reality, salt weathering simulations (eg, Warke and

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Smith, 1994a) and, as noted above, this is the physical properties of the stone to highlight
very zone from which material is lost (Gomez- and accentuate differences between them.
Heras et al., 2006b). Recognition of these Warke (2000) has drawn particular atten-
short fluctuations, superimposed on diurnal tion to the significance of conditions at the
cycles, significantly increases the possibility rock surface/atmosphere interface in con-
of fatigue failure, and it has been especially trolling the operation of a range of weathering
promoted in a series of recent papers by Hall mechanisms and the inappropriateness of
and co-workers who have quantified rapid relying upon macro-scale meteorological
near-surface temperature change under parameters (often designed and collected
natural conditions (Hall and Andre, 2001) and specifically to avoid localized variability) to
have proposed that differential expansion characterize micro-scale weathering pro-
and contraction is accentuated at the micro- cesses and phenomena. Shading is par-
scale by thermal and crystallographic mis- ticularly significant in this context, in that
matches between crystals and grains (Hall heating of rock surfaces by direct insolation
and Andre, 2003; Hall et al., 2008) that could elicits significantly different responses from
lead to thermal stress fatigue failure (Hall, adjacent rocks (and minerals) in response
1999). They emphasize that such effects to their different thermal characteristics.
could be accentuated where, for example, In contrast, stone surfaces heated by con-
stone is rapidly heated by insolation under duction from the overlying air under shaded
very cold air conditions (Hall and Hall, 1991), conditions are driven through the same
but more recently Gomez-Heras et al. (2008) thermal regime irrespective of their indi-
have shown significant differential inter- vidual thermal characteristics (Warke and
crystalline thermal response to heating and Smith, 1998). Included among the thermal
cooling under simulated and actual Mediter- characteristics that dictate the thermal re-
ranean conditions. gimes experienced when stones are heated
When this combination of seasonal, by insolation are thermal conductivity and
diurnal and short-term fluctuations in tem- heat storage capacity, which together exert
perature is superimposed on the complex a major influence on subsurface temperature
geometries of a building it is inevitable that gradients (Kerr et al., 1984; McGreevy,
it translates into an equally complex pattern 1985). Thus, stones with a low thermal con-
of spatial variability in the temperature ductivity but high heat storage capacity will
regimes experienced. At one level, diurnal experience steep gradients and localized
heating controlled by the passage of the sun stressing because the surface of the stone
through the sky would emphasize aspect will heat up more rapidly than the absorbed
effects and help to explain differences be- energy can be transmitted into it. The
tween different façades on a building. In con- magnitude of these stresses will also be
trast, the importance of localized shading influenced by other properties such as the
and wind patterns in controlling short-term coefficient of thermal expansion of the stone.
fluctuations could help to explain why, on any Of all the thermal properties that influence
one façade, there are localized differences in temperature the most obvious is albedo
patterns and rates of decay (Turkington and (Peel, 1974). This can go some way towards
Smith, 2004; Gomez-Heras et al., 2008). explaining different susceptibilities to a range
This, in turn, highlights the importance of of weathering processes between stones
microclimatic controls on weathering envir- of different colour, but it also highlights the
onments that has been long acknowledged significance of the soiling of stone surfaces.
in literature on natural weathering, the This effect was studied by Warke et al. (1996)
effects of which are superimposed on the who artificially soiled a range of stone types

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446 Progress in Physical Geography 32(4)

to demonstrate distinctly differing before- Figure 2) develop and create a secondary

and-after thermal responses to simulated surface topography that casts very different
insolation cycles, which have significance patterns of light and shade. Geomorpholo-
not just for internal thermal regimes, but also gists have played a very important role in
for related environmental cycles, including understanding the environmental signifi-
drying rates. Albedo and thermal response cance of surface morphological change and
can also be altered significantly, and in a associated feedbacks through their inter-
series of experiments and trials Carter and ests in the cavernous weathering of natural
Viles (2003; 2004; 2005) have not only rock surfaces – especially in desert and mari-
illustrated the impacts of lichen growth on time environments (Turkington, 1998).
rock temperatures, but also investigated the Central to this has been the proposal that
concept of bioprotection of stone. once hollows are initiated they appear to
The spatial variability of thermal regimes create shaded micro-environments that
across a building façade are clearly not con- self-organize morphologically to minimize
stant and most obviously vary in response to surface area (Turkington and Phillips, 2004),
seasonal variations in the length of daytime while creating an internal micro-climate
and the passage of the sun. In addition, how- that favours moisture and salt penetration/
ever, micro-environmental conditions at retention, and therefore accelerates further
the rock surface can change dramatically as weathering and erosion (Dragovich, 1967;
weathering forms such as honeycombs and 1981; Smith, 1978; Smith and McAlister,
cavernous hollows (alveolar weathering; see 1986; Migon et al., 2005). This contention

Figure 2 (A) Alveolar weathering of calcareous sandstones in a salt-rich maritime

environment, Yehliu, Taiwan; (B) Alveolar weathering on a building constructed from
Globigerina Limestone, in the salt-rich maritime environment of Malta

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was explored experimentally by Turkington erosion, transport and deposition. This is

et al. (2002), who instrumented a sandstone embodied in geomorphological literature in
block for internal temperature and moisture processes such as the dilatation of granite
measurement and, by ‘pulling it’ back into an that produces complex joint systems and
artificial wall, created a progressively larger may leave the stone with a complex network
cavern in front of it. By subjecting the block of inter- and intracrystalline fractures that
to cycles of heating/cooling and wetting/ can ultimately lead to grussification. Fol-
drying at successive stages of withdrawal, lowing initial weathering and release of
they were able to demonstrate that within blocks from the rock mass, Warke (2007)
caverns these cycles tended to be restricted has exemplified the acquisition of a complex
to the outer few millimetres of the stone at a history by debris in Death Valley that origin-
scale that is commensurate with the multiple ated in a high mountain environment and
flaking and granular disaggregation that is was episodically moved through a variety
typical of cavern interiors. These and other of fluvial environments before coming to
experiments subsequently formed the basis rest on the salt-rich valley floor where the
of a model to explain the isolated, cata- ultimate pattern of salt weathering and
strophic retreat of individual building blocks complete breakdown is strongly influenced
that is common on many buildings in salt- by individual stress histories.
rich environments (Smith et al., 2002; Smith In the same way as natural rock weather-
and Viles, 2006) – a model that is comple- ing acquires complex stress histories, con-
mented by, for example, the work of Huinink tained within any building stone are structural
et al. (2004), who used a detailed analysis of and chemical legacies of all previous stresses,
salt migration to model the development going right back to before it was quarried.
of single caverns. These inherited features can take many
In summary, apart from the positive influ- forms and range from networks of micro-
ence that temperature has on the speed of fractures caused by the quarrying process
almost all chemical reactions, temperature and previous weathering to pollutants and
change is always linked to and working with their byproducts such as salts that have
changes in other weathering mechanisms become incorporated into the stone. Warke
and controls. For example, it is temperature (1996) categorized them as either pre- or
that drives salt weathering mechanisms. post-emplacement. Pre-emplacement in-
Furthermore, all stones carry within them heritance includes dilatation for certain
stress histories or legacies of previous con- stone types, but for others can include a vari-
ditions that have affected their composition able period of ‘curing’, whereby often initially
and structure – these weaknesses can be soft stone is cut from a quarry and left to
exploited by expansion linked to heating harden in response to environmental cycles
and cooling without necessarily having been of heating/cooling and wetting/drying.
caused by it in the first place. Stones within this category include laterite,
which is widely used as a construction
V Common misconception 3: decay is material across the Tropics (including key
related primarily to current conditions heritage sites such as Angkor Wat), and a
Stone has a long memory. In nature, debris range of porous stones, including some as
of all sizes typically carries with it morph- emblematic as Portland limestone, that are
ological and stress histories that reflect widely used across Europe. The length of
formation (often at high temperatures the curing period can significantly affect
and pressures), subsequent exposure at subsequent performance and, for example,
the Earth surface, and an often complex Sir Christopher Wren is known to have
and superimposed history of weathering, visited the Portland quarries and selected

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448 Progress in Physical Geography 32(4)

stone to be put aside for curing many years sometimes be appropriate not to replace like
before it was eventually used in the recon- with like, but to choose an alternative that
struction of St Paul’s Cathedral. Subsequent is chemically and physically compatible but
performance can, however, be influenced by which will alter more rapidly to match in ap-
a wide range of other pre-emplacement fac- pearance the original stonework.
tors. Included in these is the surface dressing Often the conservation process itself can
of the stone. Roughened stonework provides add to the memory of a building stone. The
a greater specific surface to react with the inappropriate use of hard mortars, either
environment, as well as sheltered hollows initially or during repointing has already
protected from rainwash in which aerosols been mentioned, but inappropriate chemical
and salts can accumulate. Smooth stone cleaning can also lead to accelerated algal
has reduced opportunities for particulate colonization and the ‘greening’ of buildings
retention, but repeated environmental cycl- (Warke et al., 1999). Neither are the effects
ing into exposed smooth surfaces increases of inheritance limited to heritage in the built
the susceptibility of salt-contaminated por- environment. Curran et al. (2002) have, for
ous stone to effects such as contour scaling. example, shown how burial of a Bronze Age
The type of finish given to a stone is, of course, stone circle in Northern Ireland for 2000
only one of a number of inheritances that years left it exceptionally prone to frost
can be imparted to stone either prior to it damage after excavation. Memories can
being placed in a building or during the time also be superimposed successively over the
that it is in the building. lifetime of a historic structure. As an example
The most obvious example of ‘post- of this, McCabe et al. (2008) have shown
emplacement’ change is the accumulation how a medieval sandstone friary in Northern
on and within the stone of pollution-derived Ireland has experienced a complex history
salts, but it can also include changes in stone of rendering, removal of the render, fire, sig-
properties such as porosity – indeed it is pos- nificant climate change during the Little
sible for stone to inherit one or more of the Ice Age and inappropriate conservation
full panoply of weathering phenomena and intervention in the twentieth century. As a
structural legacies before the conservator consequence, long-term exposure in a mari-
finally encounters it. Often, this encounter time environment has produced a complex
comes hard on the heels of a decision that patchwork of weathering related to the
it is safe to clean and conserve a building differing stress histories of individual stone
following, for example, the enactment and blocks (McCabe et al., 2007b). They have
successful enforcement of clean air legis- also demonstrated that replicating these
lation. In such situations, the existence of a stress histories for sandstone test blocks
complex memory can have numerous conse- under laboratory conditions can produce
quences. It can, for example, explain why markedly different decay pathways when
stone continues to decay even after pollution they are subsequently subject to a combin-
levels have been reduced. Moreover, it means ation of simulated frost and salt weathering
that every stone in a building has its own (McCabe et al., 2007a; 2007c).
unique history. Thus, when new blocks of the
same stone are inserted during conservation, VI Common misconception 4: stone
it is unlikely that they will ever match the performance is satisfactorily predicted
appearance of the surrounding stone be- through short-term durability testing
cause they will not have been exposed to the Because of the complicating issues explored
same historical conditions, and even under in the previous section, it is clearly import-
stable conditions the new stone will always ant that, in addition to issues such as aes-
be playing ‘catch up’. For this reason it could thetics and structural suitability of stone for

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a particular purpose, expensive decisions patina of calcium oxalate (see Vazquez-Calvo

related to the specification of new and re- et al., 2007, for a recent review), which also
placement stone – as well as the cleaning had the benefit of hardening the outer sur-
and conservation of old stone – have to face and possibly delaying decay. A good
be underpinned by a sound knowledge of, architect will take these potential changes
or appropriate advice on, its weathering into account and, all other things being equal,
characteristics. At one level this relates to a building should acquire and carry grace-
straightforward questions of how long the fully a patina that reflects its age and history.
stone will survive under particular conditions Because of this need to understand not just
of use and exposure, ie, its durability. Within how quickly stone will disintegrate and
the stone industry the most widely used test erode, but also how it will weather in situ,
for durability is the sodium sulphate test geomorphologists have developed a particu-
that builds on a long history of development lar interest in the precise simulation of weath-
that began as a means of replicating frost ering processes under controlled laboratory
damage to stone (de Thury, 1828; see also conditions – especially salt weathering.
Schaffer, 1932; Minty, 1965; Price, 1978). Early simulations of salt weathering
This involves the alternate wetting by total (eg, Cooke and Smalley, 1968; Goudie et al.,
immersion in a saturated sodium sulphate 1970) borrowed directly from durability tests
solution and drying out of small test cubes and were interested primarily in establishing
and the assessment of performance through league tables of the most durable rock types
what is usually very rapid weight loss. This and the most aggressive salts (eg, Goudie
test is straightforward, does not require et al., 1970; Goudie, 1974; Cooke, 1979). They
complex equipment or calculations and is also suffered, as pointed out by McGreevy
readily replicable, but although it may give and Smith (1982), from the same shortcom-
an indication of relative durability it does ings of standard durability tests, in that they
not specify even in broad terms how long typically used aggressive salts in high con-
a stone will actually survive in a particular centrations that were not representative of
environment, when used for a particular the salt mixtures often associated with salt
purpose, and it will definitely not indicate weathering, they often dried samples at
how decay may progress over long periods unrealistically high temperatures, and they
of time. used unconfined blocks that were smaller
Such questions are important in terms of than many of the decay features observed
stone specification because they link not only in salt-rich environments and the structural
to actual durability but also to problematic controls, such as bedding, that could influence
questions of design and aesthetics, including patterns of decay. Since these early, but
that of how stone, and hence the building, groundbreaking simulations, much effort has
will appear once it has come into equilibrium gone into the development of more realistic
with local environmental conditions. Surface simulations that in many cases emphasize
change can take place very quickly, and his- the importance of environmental controls on
torically it was not uncommon in polluted decay. These improvements have included:
environments for buildings to show signs of the use of more realistic temperature re-
surface staining and colouration even before gimes (Goudie, 1993); the focusing of mois-
they were completed. Partly because of this, ture, salt and temperature cycles through one
there are many examples of historic buildings exposed face (Smith and McGreevy, 1983;
from areas such as the Mediterranean region 1988); one-off wetting with salt solutions
that were artificially aged by the application (Smith and McGreevy, 1988; Goudie, 1993);
of organic substances – including blood, egg, the replication of salt damage linked to capill-
milk, urine – to form a surface coating or ary rise (Goudie, 1986; Benavente et al., 2001)

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450 Progress in Physical Geography 32(4)

and direct deposition by dew and mist (Smith by the performance characteristics of a
and McGreevy, 1988; Goudie and Parker, limited number of comparatively durable
1998; Goudie et al., 2002; Smith et al., 2002); stones, such as dense marbles and, in the UK,
the use of representative salts in appropriate Portland limestone, used in prestigious build-
concentrations and mixtures (Williams and ings. These stones are largely resistant to
Robinson, 1998; Robinson and Williams, 2000); physical damage and decay in these cases
the replication of specific decay phenomena is driven primarily by dissolution. The rate
and salt distributions (Davison, 1986; Smith of solution is influenced by factors such as
and McGreevy, 1988; Gomez-Heras and Fort, rainfall amount, timing and chemistry. Thus,
2007); the use of large test blocks (Curran with a knowledge of atmospheric condi-
et al., 2001); the combination of salt and tions, decay rates are assumed to be largely
frost weathering (Williams and Robinson, predictable from short-term observation.
1981; 2001; McGreevy, 1982; Jerwood et al., Indeed this rationale formed the basis of
1990a; 1990b; Warke and Smith, 2007); the many attempts to model the effects of dis-
testing of samples with complex stress his- solution of limestones by acid rain both under
tories (Warke and Smith, 1994b; McCabe experimental conditions (eg, Haneef et al.,
et al., 2007c); the testing of confined sam- 1990a; 1990b; Johnson et al., 1990) and in
ples (Kane, 1999); the linking of laboratory nature through the monitoring of solute loads
simulations directly to field observations from experimental micro-catchments (eg,
(Robinson and Williams, 2000; Goudie et al., Reddy, 1988; O’Brien et al., 1995a). This pro-
2002); and controlled experiments con- cess was paralleled in the UK in the 1980s and
ducted in the field (Goudie and Day, 1980; 1990s by the National Materials Exposure
Goudie and Watson, 1984; Goudie et al., 1997). Programme (NMEP). This came out of the
Ironically, as simulations have become Buildings Effects Review Group initiative and
more precise and less overwhelming they linked the performance of a range of build-
have also allowed controls exerted by mat- ing materials to meteorological conditions
erial properties, such as porosity controls on at 29 sites across the country. This exercise
internal salt distribution to become more was part of the wider International Mat-
apparent during the course of experiments erials Exposure Programme set up under the
(Nicholson, 2001; Smith et al., 2002). Con- United Nations Economic Commission for
certed efforts to understand the various salt Europe framework that exposed materials
weathering mechanisms also resulted in the to polluted environments across Europe
bringing together by two geographers of and North America. For the UK and European
what is undoubtedly the most comprehen- programmes, the ‘clean site’ against which
sive overview of the salt weathering (Goudie pollution impacts could be assessed was
and Viles, 1997). This has proven to be invalu- Lough Navar in the west of Northern Ireland.
able, not just as a manual for those involved This choice of site is interesting, in that a
in detailed weathering simulations, but also study of Portland limestone from nearby
as an education in the complexity and poten- Castle Coole (constructed between 1789 and
tial dangers of the process for architects and 1798) identified severe material loss through
conservators. salt weathering and dissolution related to
salt-laden rains from the Atlantic (Smith
VII Common misconception 5: decay et al., 1991) that required wholesale stone
is a steady and continuous process that replacement. This is perhaps further evidence
can be extrapolated from short-term to why natural weathering should not be
monitoring discounted in studies of building stone decay.
Much current knowledge on building stone Numerous questions are raised by the
decay appears to have been overly influenced extrapolation of long-term erosion rates

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from such studies and the extent to which of the recession rates of gravestones in, for
rates derived from laboratory experiments example, the UK (Cooke et al., 1995) and
are indeed representative of rates observed the USA (Meierding, 1981). Such studies can
in nature. Trudgill and Viles (1998), for ex- also be used to identify differential erosion
ample, have asserted that for the chemical related to aspect (Robinson and Williams,
weathering of limestones, ‘relevant labor- 1999; Meirding, 2004), as well as changes
atory rates may be used to predict the order in rates over time as regional patterns of air
of magnitude of field rates, though not the pollution have varied (Meierding, 1993). This
precise rate’ (p. 339). They were even more approach has recently been extended to the
circumspect concerning physical and bio- measurement of the recession rates of build-
logical weathering and considered that ing blocks (Meierding, 2005). Recession rates
‘we are very far from having representative, are, of course, likely to be highly influenced by
replicable rate measurements from either the stone in question. For example, Roberts
field or laboratory studies’ (p. 339). At the (2005), in a study of Marble tombstones in
centre of such conclusions are a range of Montana, found surface recession to be linear
field measurements and trials that have over time. This contrasts with a study of sand-
indicated considerable temporal and spatial stone gravestones by Matthias (1967), who
variability in erosion rates. In the case of identified distinctly non-linear rates of reces-
limestones, Trudgill et al. (1989) have used sion, whereby long periods of apparent stab-
repeat micro-erosion measurements from St ility could be overtaken by instantaneous
Paul’s Cathedral in London to demonstrate loss as complete sections of stone fell away.
erosion rates that differ significantly from The reality that stone weathering and
those predicted from a theoretical analysis associated erosion is non-linear does, of
of potential solution related to rainfall pat- course, come as no surprise to those who
terns and chemistry. They attribute this in study granular stone used in construction,
particular to the importance of the residence where the sudden loss of material is wide-
time of water on, and within, the pores of spread and the rapid, catastrophic decay
stone in controlling solution rates. Other trials of individual blocks after long periods of
using, for example, small exposure tablets apparent stability is commonplace. Indeed,
exposed in different cities have demonstrated Viles (2005) has cogently advocated that
the importance of both local and regional non-linearity in stone decay systems is both
pollution differences and gradients, as well as common and can lead ultimately to a chaotic
stone type in controlling rates of weathering – response by stonework. She points out that
including biological colonization and chemical such non-linear and chaotic systems dynamics
alteration (Smith et al., 1994b; Turkington have been long recognized in many earth
et al., 2003; Thornbush and Viles, 2006). surface systems (eg, Thornes and Brunsden,
Similar trials have also indicated the rapidity 1977) and is an advocate of knowledge trans-
with which the surface characteristics of a fer between earth scientists and building
stone can be significantly altered (eg, Viles, conservators. Especially important in the
1990; Smith et al., 1993; Zappia et al., 1998) context of non-linear systems is trying to
and the potential impact that this can have understand and remediate ‘hotspots’ of
on a stone’s long-term performance through decay on a façade that appear to be unrelated
altering the absorption of moisture and dis- to any specific weakness in the stone or
solved salts and the rates at which moisture environmental condition. In a non-linear,
is subsequently lost through evaporation. chaotic world such hotspots could develop
The importance of local and regional cli- spontaneously, in which case a probabilistic
matic and pollution rates on long-term rates rather than a deterministic model might be
of erosion are also documented in studies more appropriate for their prediction.

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452 Progress in Physical Geography 32(4)

As indicated above, non-linear behaviour of a salt weathering-friendly microenviron-

is particularly common on sandstones, which ment in front of individual blocks as they
do not decay gradually, but instead experi- retreat – and rapid, catastrophic material loss
ence seemingly unpredictable, episodic and occurs. These relationships are summarized
sometimes catastrophic breakdown. This in Figure 3. Important examples of these
occurs as the balance between material stones are the quartz sandstones widely
strength and environmental stress is breached used across north and northwest Europe.
by gradual internal decay, the accumulation Characteristically, such stones are prone to
of internal stresses and/or extreme external disruption by accumulated salts that produce
stresses such as a severe frost. Episodes of rapid surface retreat by contour scaling,
rapid decay can be interspersed with periods granular disintegration, and flaking (Smith
of relative stability that may be marked by et al., 1994a) (see Figure 4). Recognition
surface induration through, for example, of this distinctive decay pathway, and its
the formation of a pollution-derived calcium potentially catastrophic impact on sand-
sulphate crust (Smith et al., 2003) or a case- stone structures, resulted in a three-year
hardened outer skin through the outward project to model the feedback mechanisms
migration and precipitation of iron from that control the rapid decay of sandstones
within the stone (McAlister et al., 2003). in buildings (see Smith et al., 2002, for a
Ultimately, however, a point appears to summary). However, it became apparent
be reached where positive feedbacks are that a similar, threshold-based approach
triggered – possibly linked to the creation to understanding decay pathways might

Figure 3 Hypothetical decay pathways for quartz sandstone used as a building

material in a polluted environment. The inset identifies feedback options at critical
thresholds of decay associated with rapid surface loss of material
Source: Adapted from Smith et al. (1994a) and Smith (2003).

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B.J. Smith et al.: Understanding the decay of stone-built cultural heritage 453

also be applied to certain clastic and oolitic VIII Where to now?

limestones used in construction (Smith and This overview has not set out to be exhaustive
Viles, 2006). Research into understanding and has, for example, not examined in any
the catastrophic decay of such limestones is detail the potential role of frost in causing
currently under way (see Figure 5), details damage to stone-built heritage – although
of which can be found at there are strong arguments that its role is
geomaterials/epsrc/index.htm (www. possibly less than one would suspect be- cause of elevated air temperatures within

Figure 4 Scales of material loss on a quartz building sandstone: (A) salt efflorescence
and granular disaggregation; (B) flaking; (C) contour scaling; (D) catastrophic retreat of
an entire block

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454 Progress in Physical Geography 32(4)

Figure 5 Scales of material loss on a building limestone in Oxford: (A) blistering; (B)
blistering developing into hollows; (C) different surfaces on a limestone block due to
crust detachment and regrowth; (D) catastrophic retreat of an entire block

the urban envelope and the widespread pre- expansion and hydration/dehydration, as
sence of salt (plus the higher temperatures well as crystallization, can exploit a wide
that stone attains under insolation in com- range of environmental fluctuations to
parison to air temperatures). In comparison cause damage. One specific role of freeze
to salt weathering, freeze thaw also re- thaw might, however, be to act as an infre-
quires the crossing of a relatively precise quent high-magnitude event that could open
environmental threshold, whereas salt, up pores and fractures to be subsequently
by potentially operating through thermal exploited by more frequent salt weathering

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B.J. Smith et al.: Understanding the decay of stone-built cultural heritage 455

(Warke et al., 2004; 2006). Likewise, only than in solution. They also identify the pos-
passing reference has been made to the sibility that algal colonization may be
whole area of biodeterioration. This has al- assisted, and the overall response of built
ways been central to stone decay and is heritage influenced, by changing patterns
likely to grow in significance as we become and intensities of atmospheric pollution as
more aware of the interactions and syner- legislation is progressed and patterns of
gies between the physical, chemical and bio- economic activity change. Principal among
logical processes involved in stone decay. these is the dramatic reduction in sulphur
What the discussion has set out to estab- dioxide in the urban atmosphere, together
lish, however, is the importance of fully with the localized rise in nitrogen oxides in
understanding decay processes and how many cities associated with increased vehicle
crucial this is for the successful diagnosis of the pollution (Schiavon et al., 2004). As a con-
causes and controls of building stone decay, sequence, one is less likely to see the wide-
and ultimately for sustainable conservation. spread development of soiling by black
Geographers have already played an import- gypsum crusts and more likely to encounter
ant part in promoting accurate diagnosis (see complex biomineralogic crusts and staining
Smith and Prikryl, 2007) and could potentially as elevated levels of nitrogen encourage
make an even greater contribution with the algal and other growths in atmospheres still
growing recognition that controls on decay rich in atmospheric particulates. One con-
processes are rapidly changing. Because of sequence of this is that, as discovered by
this, it is increasingly necessary to under- Grossi et al. (2006) working on the Tower
stand decay, not just in a dynamic world, but of London, buildings are now more inclined
a world in which the nature of the dynamics to follow other patterns of colour evolution,
is constantly changing. The most high profile related possibly to enhanced biological pro-
of these changes is undoubtedly the question cesses and changing sources of pollution
of how stone will react in response to the (Bonazza et al., 2007) than to turn black (see
varied manifestations of climate change (eg, Figure 6). These shifts in response to changing
Brimblecombe and Grossi, 2007). A recent
European project has, for example, produced
model-based maps of changing sandstone
moisture contents showing current very dry
conditions across Europe and even drier
trends in future (NOAH’S ARK, 2007).
Within the UK, Viles (2002) has concluded
that future climate change is likely to result
in increased salt crystallization damage in a
progressively drier southeast, in contrast to
enhanced chemical weathering in the north-
west of the country. This trend has been
supported by the research of Smith et al.
(2004) who have suggested that increased
winter wetness in the northwest may already
be leading to increased algal growth on
buildings, deeper penetration of moisture Figure 6 Blackening and greening
and associated salts and the possibility that of building sandstone in the polluted
these salts are beginning to move within maritime environment of Belfast,
saturated stonework by diffusion rather Northern Ireland

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456 Progress in Physical Geography 32(4)

environmental conditions will require a sig- environment within which its findings are
nificant modification of stone cleaning and hopefully employed. There is therefore a
conservation procedures. Indeed, there is need for those interested in the science of
already a more widespread, pre-emptive stone and building conservation to reach out
use of biocides and this increased wetness directly to those with a duty of care for built
could stimulate a renewed interest in water heritage, and to engage with those respon-
repellents that fell out of favour during the sible for its sustainable management. Co-
1990s. The concern with water damage has operation must not, however, stop at those
also encouraged a range of research initi- directly involved in and responsible for herit-
atives in the area, including the development age management. An essential component
of innovative electrical resistance methods of this engagement is an understanding of
for mapping moisture (Sass and Viles, 2006) the changing values that society as a whole
for the non-destructive mapping of moisture places on stone-built heritage, and the re-
distribution and change within stonework, quirement that successful management must
and in the development of appropriate cap- also reach out to and involve the wider stake-
pings to limit moisture ingress into historic holder com-munity in any decision-making
masonry (Viles and Wood, 2007). process. Only through this value-based ap-
As well as changes in the colour of soiling, proach, and the public explanation of sci-
the distribution of soiling across façades and ence, can scientific research on the decay
hence the overall appearance of buildings of stone-built heritage acquire the social
also appear to be changing. Previously, black relevance it deserves.
crusts of potentially soluble gypsum and
soot particles tended to accumulate in areas Acknowledgements
sheltered from rain. In contrast, biological Support for this paper was provided in part by
soiling tends to occur preferentially on slop- EPSRC Research Grant EP/D008603/1, and
ing surfaces exposed to rainwash that are we would also like to thank Gill Alexander for
likely to be wetter than other areas on a build- preparing the figures.
ing. If these changing patterns become estab-
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