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Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh ATPL Question Bank


NO. Question Option_1 Option_2 Option_3 Option_4

The temperature of the gases within

the cylinder of a four stroke engine
1. during the power stroke will: Be constant. Decrease. Increase. Follow Charles's Law.
The mixture changes from rich
The explosion pushes the to weak forward of the flame Complete combustion occurs Temperature and pressure
2. When the spark ignites the mixture: piston down. front. within 8 to 10 microseconds. increase within the cylinder.
stay the same for all
With an increase in outside air temperatures up to and
temperature, specific fuel including 15°C and thereafter
3. consumption will: Increase. Decrease. stay the same. increase.
Combustion, in a four stroke engine,
4. theoretically occurs at: A constant pressure. A constant temperature. A constant volume. A constant velocity.
The temperature of the gases The volume of the gases The mass of the mixture The mass of the mixture
5. During the compression stroke: remains constant. increases. decreases. remains constant.
The action of the exhaust gases The action of the exhaust
flowing past the exhaust valve The temperature of the gases flowing out past the
increases the pressure within exhaust gases increases the exhaust valve tends to reduce The crankshaft is moving past
6. During the period of valve overlap: the cylinder. mass of incoming mixture. the pressure in the cylinder. Bottom Dead Centre.
The power output of an internal
combustion engine can be increased Increasing the area of the Increasing the length of the
7. by: cylinder. stroke. Increasing the engine R.P.M. All of the above.
Between the camshaft and the Between the pushrods and the Between the crankshaft and Between the connecting rod
8. A reduction gear is fitted: propeller. valves. propeller. and the crankshaft.
The crankshaft of an `in line' four Rotates at half the speed of the Will have the crank throws Allows a firing order of 1-3-4-
9. cylinder aircraft engine: camshaft. spaced 90 degrees apart. 2. Will not flex or twist.
Two valve springs are fitted to each
10. valve: To minimise camshaft wear. To allow a greater cam rise. To prevent valve rotation. To reduce valve bounce.
Piston rings are manufactured from Because it has a negative To take advantage of its Because of its self lubricating To take advantage of its
11. cast iron: coefficient of expansion. extreme malleability. qualities. brittleness.
Are opened directly by the Are less affected by the heat Are opened by the valve sometimes have their stems
12. The exhaust valves: action of push rods which are of combustion than the inlet springs and closed by the partly filled with sodium to
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in turn operated by cams on valves. rocker gear. assist cooling.

the crankshaft.
A normally aspirated engine is one
13. which: Has four cylinders. Is not supercharged. Is never air cooled. Is all of the above.
The Compression Ratio of an engine swept volume + clearance swept volume + clearance Total volume - clearance swept volume - (swept
14. may be defined as the: volume - swept volume. volume - clearance volume. volume - clearance volume. volume + clearance volume).
Is the inability of the internal
combustion engine to use any Becomes greater as the Is the weight of fuel used by
fuel other than that specified efficiency of the engine an engine per unit horse Increases in proportion to the
15. Specific Fuel Consumption (S.F.C ) by the manufacturer. improves. power per unit time. thermal efficiency.
Theoretical power in the Power required to slow the
16. Brake Horsepower is: cylinder. Useful power at the propeller. Power lost in the engine. aircraft down.
A method of improving "Volumetric
17. Efficiency" is: Valve overlap. The use of carburettor heat. Weakening the mixture. To make the mixture richer.
The specific fuel consumption of a less than the turbo prop more than the pulse jet
18. turbojet engine is:- more than the turbofan engine engine more than the ramjet engine engine
Oil returning to the oil tank is filtered A micron size multi-bore
19. by: The oil pressure filter. The oil tank filter. filters assembly. The scavenge filter.
At take off Cowl flaps should be
20. selected: Fully closed to decrease drag. Open Partially closed Fully closed to increase drag.
When the ignition switch is placed in Makes the engine starter `Earths' or `grounds' the Breaks the primary to earth
21. the `ON' position it: Isolates the breaker points. motor circuit. secondary winding. circuit.
Voltage from the secondary Voltage from the magneto Voltage from the secondary
Voltage from the primary winding to the primary secondary winding to the winding to the contact
22. The distributor directs: winding to the spark plug. winding. spark plug. breaker.
In a complex engine as RPM increases
23. the ignition timing may be: Advanced. Retarded. Not altered. Only retarded.
The Octane rating of a fuel is
determined by comparison with
24. mixtures of: Methane and orthodentine. Heptane and iso octane. Methane and iso octane. Heptane and orthodentine.
Heat energy required to raise
Heat energy required to raise the temperature of the fuel to
Kinetic energy contained within the temperature of the fuel to its boiling point from absolute
25. The calorific value of a fuel is the: it. Heat energy in the fuel. its boiling point. zero.
Pre-ignition refers to the condition A rich mixture is ignited by the The spark plug ignites the The mixture is ignited by The mixture burns in the inlet
26. when: spark plug. mixture too early. abnormal conditions within manifold.
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the cylinder before the

normal ignition point.
Flame Rate is the term used to The mixture burns within the The combustion pressure rises Peroxide forms within the Fulminates form with the
27. describe the speed at which: cylinder. within the cylinder. cylinder. cylinder.
An air/fuel ratio of 9:1 would be
28. considered: Chemically correct. Extravagant. Rich. Weak.
The mixture must be
Because of the reduction in the The mixture control must be The throttle must close progressively richened to
density of the atmosphere associated moved towards the weak progressively to maintain the compensate for the power The octane rating of the fuel
29. with an increase in altitude: position. best air/fuel ratio. loss. must be increased.
30. A chemically correct mixture is: 15:1 (fuel : air) 15:1 (air: fuel) 13:1 (fuel : air) 13:1 (air: fuel)
While weakening the mixture from
the chemically correct mixture the
31. EGT will Increase Decrease Decrease then increase Increase then decrease
Which of the following mixtures
theoretically would produce the
32. maximum RPM? 14:1 (air : fuel) 14:1 (fuel: air) 15:1 (fuel : air) 15:1 (air: fuel)
A weak mixture is used for which of
33. the following? take off climbing engine starting cruising
Initially increases as the
The pressure in the induction throttle is opened but
manifold of a normally aspirated Remains constant as the Decreases as the throttle is decreases after approximately Increases as the throttle is
34. engine: throttle is opened. opened. the half open position. opened.
The R.P.M., the throttle
The fuel flow to a piston engine will The R.P.M. and the throttle position and the mixture The R.P.M. and the mixture
35. vary according to: position only. setting. setting only. The R.P.M. only.
Control the mixture strength
The primary function of a diffuser in a over part of the engine speed Vent air from the float Emulsify the fuel during Enable adjustment of the
36. carburettor is to: range. chamber. engine acceleration. engine slow running speed.
The Venturi in the carburettor choke A positive pressure over the A depression over the fuel A positive pressure at the A decrease in the velocity of
37. tube creates: discharge nozzle. discharge nozzle. throttle valve. the air entering the engine.
The inside of the combustion
The fuel priming pump supplies fuel chamber in the region of the
38. directly to: The throttle butterfly valve. The exhaust manifold. The induction manifold. spark plug.
A weak mixture would be indicated White smoke in the exhaust Detonation and black smoke An increase in engine speed
39. by: A drop in engine speed. manifold. from the exhaust. with black smoke from the
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40. A fuel strainer should be fitted: In the inlet manifold. At the air intake. Before the main jet. After the main jet.
The correct air/fuel ratio for an
41. engine running at idle is: Weak. Chemically correct. 16:1 Rich.
Turn the engine over several
times on the starter motor Position the throttle lever
The method of priming an engine not Activate the mixture control before selecting the ignition Pump the throttle several midway between open and
42. fitted with a priming pump is to: lever several times. on. times. close.
A possible cause of the engine
43. backfiring could be: An exhaust valve sticking open. A broken push rod. A blocked float chamber. A sticking inlet valve.
The exact amount of fuel More fuel than is required by The exact amount of fuel More fuel than is required by
required for all running the engine; the excess fuel is required for all running and the engine, the excess being
44. The engine driven fuel pump supplies: conditions. recycled. starting conditions. used as priming fuel.
The mixture control on an engine Operated by a pneumatic Hydro-pneumatically
45. fitted with fuel injection is: Automatic. plunger system. operated. Necessary.
There will be a throttle valve Neither a throttle valve nor a There will be a Venturi but no Both a throttle valve and a
46. In the intake of a fuel injected engine: but no Venturi. Venturi is required. throttle valve. Venturi are required.
The engine they are fitted to
The discharge nozzles of a fuel supply exactly the same The type of engine they are The octane rating of the fuel and to the nozzles on the
47. injected engine are matched to: amounts of fuel as each other. fitted to. supply. other cylinders.
Meters the amount of fuel
delivered to the engine in Distributes fuel to each Distributes fuel continuously
proportion to the amount of air cylinder in the correct firing to all of the cylinders Is kept entirely separate from
48. The Fuel Manifold Valve: being delivered to the engine. order. continuously. the priming system.
The chord of the propeller The propeller chord and the
The blade angle of a propeller is the The root chord and the tip The chord and the airflow and the longitudinal axis of plane of rotation of the
49. angle between: chord of the propeller. relative to the propeller. the aircraft. propeller.
Is constant along the propeller Varies with changes in engine
50. The blade angle: blade. Decreases from root to tip. Increases from root to tip. rpm.
The distance it would move The distance the propeller
forward in one revolution at The angle the propeller chord actually moves forward in one The angle the propeller chord
51. The Geometric Pitch of a propeller is: the blade angle. makes to the plane of rotation. revolution. makes to the relative airflow.
The angle of attack of a fixed pitch Depends on forward speed Depends on forward speed Depends on engine rotational Is constant for a fixed pitch
52. propeller: only. and engine rotational speed. speed only. propeller.
53. An aircraft with a fixed pitch propeller Angle of attack will decrease. Pitch will decrease. Angle of attack will increase. Angle of attack will remain the
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goes into a climb with reduced IAS same.

and increased rev/min The propeller:
Low at both low and high
For an aircraft with a fixed pitch Low at low speed, high at high High at low speed, low at high speed, and highest at cruising
54. propeller, propeller efficiency will be: speed. speed. Constant at all speeds. speed.
The blade angle of a fixed pitch
propeller would be set to give the At the maximum level flight
55. optimum angle: During take off. During the cruise. speed. For landing.
Rotates the engine in the Rotates the engine in the
normal direction and gives Rotates the engine in reverse Rotates the engine in reverse normal direction and gives
56. A propeller which is windmilling: some thrust. and gives drag. and gives some thrust. drag.
The turning moment
The tendency of the propeller produced by the propeller
to twist around its longitudinal The helical path of the about the axis of the The thrust produced by the
57. Propeller torque is: axis. propeller through the air. crankshaft. propeller.
The greatest stress on a rotating
58. propeller occurs: At the tip. At about 75% of the length. At the mid point. At the root.
59. An `Auto - Feathering' system senses: Low rpm. Decreasing rpm. High torque. Low torque.
Maintains the correct mixture sets the position of the waste
Prevents detonation and Maintains an automatic preset strength for the boost gate to ensure the preset
60. An Automatic Boost Control Unit: dissociation in the cylinder. boost pressure. pressure set. boost is maintained.
The turbo-charger bearing is Its own internal self contained A tapping in the scavenge oil
61. lubricated and cooled by: oil system. The engine oil. A total loss system. system.
During take-off from a sea level
airfield with I.S.A conditions, the
position of the waste gate of a turbo- Controlled by the throttle
62. charged engine is: Fully open. Almost fully open. position. Fully closed.
Unrestricted, but only if
Maximum Continuous Power (M.C.P ) economical cruising power is The maximum power the
63. is: set. engine will give at any time. Given a 5 minute limitation. Unrestricted.
At an idle or low power condition, the
64. turbo-charger waste gate is normally: Partially open. Fully open. Closed. Half open.
When the air or the mixture passes
through the diffuser shroud, the
65. energy conversion is from: Kinetic to pressure. Heat to potential. Mechanical to heat. Potential to kinetic.
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The construction of a turbo-charger

ensures that the turbine and the Are connected by mechanical
66. compressor: Are on the same shaft. Are on different shafts. gearing. Are controlled by the A.B.C.
With a constant manifold pressure set
during the climb, the power output Is unaffected by altitude
67. from a supercharged engine: Decreases. Increases. Remains constant. change.
An internal supercharger is one Compresses the exhaust
68. which: Is driven by exhaust gases. Compresses the air. gases. Compresses the mixture.
To prevent large acceleration loads on
the compressor and the drive shaft of Incorporate a spring drive
an internal supercharger, it is usual mechanism in the driving Rely on the inertia absorbing
69. to: Prohibit "slam" acceleration. gears. qualities of the exhaust gases. Use a Vernier drive coupling.
Over boosting an engine fitted with a
turbo-charger is prevented by the An automatic boost control A waste gate pressure
70. installation of: unit. A manifold pressure gauge. controller. A suck in flap.
The limit of the amount of
supercharging that an engine can The engine is at its rated Maximum boost pressure is The engine starts to suffer
71. tolerate is reached when: Maximum R.P.M. is reached. altitude. obtained. from detonation.
The rotational speed of a turbo- Engine R.P.M. and waste gate
72. charger is dependant upon: position. Engine R.P.M. only. Throttle position only. Propeller pitch and altitude.
The type of compressor normally A reciprocating thrunge
73. used in a supercharger is: An axial compressor. A Rootes compressor. A centrifugal compressor. compressor.
sometimes greater,
The compressor output pressure of an Greater than the manifold sometimes less than the Less than the manifold
74. internal supercharger is: The same as manifold pressure pressure. manifold pressure. pressure.
The pressure increases and
Within the compressor of a turbo- The pressure increases and the Both the pressure and the Both the pressure and the the temperature remains
75. charger: temperature decreases. temperature increase. temperature decrease. constant.
The type of compressor normally
fitted to turbo-chargers and
superchargers would compress the
76. air: Axially. Co-axially. In the diffuser only. Centrifugally.
If the waste gate of a turbo-charged
engine seizes during the climb, the Initially increase and then
77. manifold pressure will: Remain constant. Decrease. Increase. decrease.
78. Boost pressure is indicated on: The cylinder head temperature The manifold pressure gauge. The fuel pressure gauge. The R.P.M. gauge and the
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gauge. manifold pressure gauge.

With an increase of compressor Initially increase, but
79. discharge pressure, the fuel flow will: Decrease. Remain constant. subsequently decrease. Increase.
Enters through the eye of the Enters through the turbine Enters through the
impeller and leaves at the Enters at the periphery and and leaves through the compressor and leaves
80. In a supercharger, the mixture: periphery. leaves through the eye. compressor. through the turbine.
Facing towards the duty
What is the preferred direction for 15` engine to be started on runway threshold to enable
81. aircraft parking prior to start-up? Tail into wind. Nose into wind. windward side. easy taxi-out.
Immediately an engine has started
up, what is the first instrument
82. reading to be checked? Oil pressure. Battery volts. Gyro erection. Vacuum.
What would be the likely effect of
prolonged running with a weak Failure to come up to correct
83. mixture? Overheating. running temperature. Carburettor icing. High oil pressure.
What are the main reasons to In order that a pilot may To pre-set the feathering To check that a full range of To replace the cold oil in the
exercise a propeller from fine to practise propeller control signal before take-off, in case control is available at take-off pitch change mechanism and
84. coarse pitch after warm-up? technique before take-off. of an emergency. boost. check RPM control.
When cruising in a fixed-pitch
propeller equipped aircraft, what Increase in manifold Increase in engine
would be the symptoms of Decrease in RPM, Loss of temperature, Decrease in RPM temperature, Loss of altitude
85. carburettor icing? airspeed and Loss of altitude. and Increase in RPM. and Increase in RPM. All of the above
What is the correct way to shut down switch off both magnetos switch off the fuel booster Move the mixture control to Feather the propeller when
86. an engine? together. pump. ICO. at idle RPM.
The highest pressure in a gas turbine Between the compressor and
87. engine occurs: the combustion chamber. In the combustion chamber. In the jet pipe. At the P 1 probe.
All of the air goes through both
the low and high pressure Not all the air goes through Not all the air goes through All the air goes through the
88. In a high ratio by-pass engine: compressors. the high pressure compressor. the low pressure compressor. high pressure compressor.
Gas turbine engine efficiency An increase in volumetric An increase in ambient A decrease in ambient A decrease in ambient air
89. increases with: efficiency. temperature. temperature. pressure.
Cold stream air to that flowing
The By-Pass Ratio of an engine is the through the hot core of the Exhaust gas pressure to air
90. ratio of: Primary air to tertiary air. engine. intake pressure. Primary air to secondary air.
The Gas Turbine Engine uses the Creating thrust equal to the Expelling air at the same
91. principle of: Newton's Third Law of motion. weight of the aircraft. speed as that of the aircraft. The fluid flywheel.
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The H.P. turbine is connected The L.P. turbine is connected The H.P. turbine is connected
The L.P. compressor is to the L.P. compressor, the L.P. to the L.P. compressor, the to the L.P. turbine, the H.P.
connected to the H.P. turbine is connected to the HP. H.P. turbine is connected to compressor is connected to
92. In a twin spool engine: compressor. compressor. the H.P. compressor. the L.P. compressor.
Cools the combustion
Increases the air mass flow and chamber and therefore Reduces the air mass flow Increases the air mass flow
therefore increases the increases the thermal and therefore increases the and therefore reduces the
93. In a by-pass engine, the by-pass air: propulsive efficiency. efficiency. propulsive efficiency. propulsive efficiency.
Turbo-shaft engine comes
Turbo-fan engine comes from Turbo-prop engine comes from the free power turbine Turbo-fan engine comes from
94. The majority of the thrust of a: the turbine exhaust. from the turbine exhaust. exhaust. the by-pass air.
The net thrust of a gas turbine engine
95. is lower than static thrust because of: Higher exhaust gas velocity Higher air density High fuel flow Forward speed of the engine
decrease with temperature
increase with temperature and increase with temperature and decrease with temperature and also increase with
96. Thrust produced by a turbine engine: decrease with pressure also increase with pressure and decrease with pressure pressure
The thrust of an engine is increased
by injecting water/methanol alcohol increases freezing alcohol decreases freezing
97. because:- water decreases air density water increases air density point point
The propulsive efficiency of an aircraft
flying with a speed of 300 miles/hour
and the jet speed is 400 miles/hour
98. will be:- 85.7% 75% 70% 87.5%
A pitot intake forms a duct the fan to
ensure that the airflow to and convergent before speeds up divergent after slows down divergent before speeds up divergent before slows down
99. achieves a subsonic pressure rise subsonic pressure rise sonic pressure drop subsonic pressure rise
The axial velocity of the air
The axial velocity of the air will The axial velocity of the air will decrease with an increase The axial velocity of the air
increase with a reduction in the will decrease with a reduction in the angle that the resultant will increase with an increase
angle of attack of the airflow in the angle of attack of the airflow forms with the in the angle of attack of the
What effect will severe icing in the with the compressor blades airflow with the compressor compressor blades chord line airflow with the compressor
100. intake have on a high by-pass engine? and a possible stall. blades and a possible stall. and a possible stall. blades and a possible stall.
When an aircraft is in the When the aircraft is near its When the rpm of the engine is When the rpm of the engine
101. Secondary air inlet doors are utilised: cruise maximum IAS. low while stationary. is high when stationary.
In a pitot intake the term `Ram EPR has attained the take off The HP Compressor has The EPR has recovered to its Intake pressure has been re-
102. Pressure Recovery' refers to the time setting. reached its maximum. optimum figure. established to ambient
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when: pressure.
The ratio between The ratio between exhaust
The pressure ratio of a gas turbine Equal to the number of compressor outlet and inlet and exhaust outlet
103. engine compressor is: compression stages. compressor inlet pressure. pressure. Never greater than 5 to 1.
The compressor idling speed of a gas At higher ambient With higher than sea level At altitudes lower than sea At lower ambient
104. turbine engine will increase: temperature. density. level. temperature.
One stage of an axial flow compressor One rotor assembly and one One stator assembly and one One rotor and one impeller One impeller and one diffuser
105. consists of row of stator vanes. row of guide vanes. assembly. assembly.
The pressure rise across each stage of Greater than that of a
106. an axial flow compressor is: centrifugal compressor. Between 3 and 5 to one. Twice the inlet pressure. Between 1.1 and 1.2 to one.
The ring of blades which sometimes
precede the first rotor stage of an
107. axial flow compressor are called: The first stage stator blades. The inlet guides vanes. First stage diffuser blades. Nozzle guide vanes.
The air axial velocity and The speed of the gas flow
rotational speed relationship is The mass air flow and speed through the turbine falls The compression ratio
108. A compressor blade will stall when: disturbed. relationship is constant. below 0.4 Mach. exceeds 10 to 1.
There is a partial breakdown
All stages are at maximum All stages are at maximum of airflow through the
109. Compressor surge will occur when: efficiency. RPM. compressor. All stages have stalled.
The purpose of the diffuser vanes in a Increase the charge Convert pressure energy into Convert kinetic energy into
110. centrifugal compressor is to: temperature. kinetic energy. Increase the air velocity. pressure energy.
It is more prone to damage
The major disadvantage of a It cannot cope with a large It cannot be used for a than the axial flow
111. centrifugal compressor is that: mass flow of air. turbojet engine. A larger turbine must be used. compressor
The vibration level to increase An increase in the turbine gas
with a decrease in the turbine temperature and the vibration The rotation of the engine to The airflow through the
112. A compressor stall causes: gas temperature. level. stop suddenly. engine to stop suddenly.
Is a complete breakdown of May only affect one stage or
Is overcome by increasing the the airflow through the several stages of a Is mechanical failure of the
113. A compressor stall: fuel flow. compressor. compressor. compressor.
The occurrence of compressor stalls is
114. limited by: Bleed valves. Nozzle guide vanes. Swirl vanes. Cascade vanes.
At low engine RRM to
Bleed valves are automatically At maximum R.P.M. to prevent At low R.P.M. to prevent the During engine acceleration to prevent the compressor
115. opened: compressor stall. turbine stalling. prevent turbine surge. stalling.
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A complete breakdown of airflow

116. through a compressor is known as: Compressor turbulence. Compressor buffet. Compressor surge. Compressor seizure.
Bleed valves are set to open at
117. Within the compressor: high R.P.M. Pressure decreases. Temperature decreases. Temperature increases.
Deflect air past the Induce air into a centrifugal
118. Variable inlet guide vanes: compressor. Prevent compressor stall. Deflect air past the turbine. compressor.
Compressor blades are twisted from To maintain a correct angle of To give added rigidity to the
119. root to tip: To decrease the pressure. attack. To reduce the relative airflow. blade structure.
The drop in air temperature is
The air temperature is steady The air temperature falls with inversely proportional to the The air temperature rises
120. In a compressor: with a pressure rise. a pressure rise. pressure rise. with a pressure rise.
The pressure energy of air flow converted to kinetic energy at converted to heat energy at unchanged at nozzle guide increased at nozzle guide
121. through a gas turbine engine will be:- nozzle guide vanes nozzle guide vanes vanes vanes
An axial flow compressor engine may
122. stall:- during acceleration at high rpm at low rpm all the above are correct
to increase the pressure of to increase the pressure of
The purpose of the inlet guide vanes the gases before entering the to circulate hot air through the gases and direct it to the
123. in front of the compressor is :- compressor IGV to prevent ice formation face of the compressor. none of the above is correct
imparting KE to the incoming
The principle of operation of a decreasing, incoming air air then change to pressure
124. compressor of turbine engine is:- velocity to increase energy imparting KE of incoming air all the above are correct
A set of flame tubes, each of One common flame tube Superior to the annular
which is mounted in a separate A set of flame tubes enclosed enclosed in a common air system because it only
125. A cannular combustion system is: air casing. in a common air casing. casing. requires one igniter.
To allow any unburnt fuel to To prevent the igniters
It is necessary to have a combustion To prevent pressure build up To allow moisture content in drain after shut down or a wet becoming wetted by excess
126. drain system: in the combustion chamber. the fuel to drain away. start. fuel.
Shows airspeed and altitude Shows fuel / air mixture
Shows the flame stability limitations for an in-flight limitations for an in-flight Contains the in flight re-start
127. A re-light envelope: limits. restart. restart. igniter plugs.
Swirl vanes in the combustion Increase the velocity of the Reduce the velocity of the
128. chamber: airflow. airflow. Prevent compressor stall. Help to stabilize combustion.
The can type combustion chamber less length and less engine more temperature and
129. have the disadvantage of:- diameter less structural strength less stable flame pressure loss
One of the following statement is not carbon formation must be there must be minimum loss all air passing through the there must be high
130. true for requirement of the kept to a minimum of temperature and pressure take part in combustion combustion efficiency
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combustion chamber :- throughout the chamber

Mostly the combustion section is safety, in case of one sparking efficient ignition by both the better burning of the mixture
131. provided with two sparking plugs for : plug goes unserviceable plugs at a time in the combustion chamber both (a) and (b) are correct
The effect on the temperature and
pressure of the gases as they pass Their temperature decreases Both their temperature and Both their temperature and Their temperature increases
132. across the turbine is: and their pressure rises. pressure increase. pressure decrease. and their pressure falls.
To decrease the velocity of To increase the velocity of the
Nozzle guide vanes are fitted before To increase the velocity of the the gas flow therefore gas flow therefore reducing its To increase the temperature
133. the turbine: airflow. increasing its pressure. pressure. of the gas flow.
Movement of the turbine Temporary expansion due to Temporary elongation due to Permanent elongation due to
134. Blade creep is: blades around the turbine disc. temperature change. centrifugal forces. heat and centrifugal force.
Straightens the gas flow Prevents the hot gases
before it goes into the turbine flowing across the rear turbine Increases the velocity of the Decreases the pressure of the
135. The exhaust cone: assembly. face. gases. gas.
The gas flow through it is The gas flow through it The gas flow through it is
136. A nozzle is said to be "choked" when: subsonic. reaches its sonic value. The gas temperature rises. supersonic.
Implies that no further
increase in velocity can be
Gives additional pressure obtained without the increase
137. A choked nozzle: Decreases thrust. without the addition of heat. Has no effect on thrust. of heat.
The jet pipe is insulated from the A combination of cooling air Semi-conducting geodetic
138. airframe by: Heat insulation materials. A cooling air jacket. and insulating material. structures.
Is high in the exhaust section Is greater than that from a
The noise from a high ratio by-pass Is created mainly in the because of the high velocity Is predominantly from the fan turbo-jet engine of
139. engine: exhaust section. gas flow. and the turbine. comparable power output.
An exhaust nozzle is said to be
choked when the velocity at the
140. throat is: Mach.5. Below Mach 1. At Mach 1. Above Mach 1.
If the length of the exhaust nozzle is it will create laminar
141. too large: gas velocity will be insufficient boundary layer frictional loss will be more all the above are correct
If the diameter of the exhaust nozzle increased back pressure
142. is too small the result will be: choking increased gas velocity through the engine all the above are correct
Before reverse thrust can be selected, Positioned to reverse Put back to the reverser Positioned to reverse
143. the forward thrust lever must be: Pulled back to idle power. minimum power. deploy position. maximum power.
A Reverse Thrust Warning Light Only when the reverser doors When the reverser doors are When the reverser doors are Whenever reverse thrust is
144. illuminates: are fully deployed in the stowed in the forward thrust not stowed in the forward selected.
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reverse thrust position. position. thrust position.

Ratio between intake
Ratio between ambient Ratio between ambient pressure and compressor Ratio between exhaust
145. EPR is a pressure and exhaust pressure. pressure and fan pressure. delivery pressure. pressure and intake pressure.
With an increase in altitude which of Temperature and pressure Fuel consumption will
the following statements are correct reduce with a resulting drop in increase and Specific fuel Fuel consumption will Temperature and pressure
for a jet aircraft with constant engine thrust and Fuel consumption consumption stays relatively decrease and Specific fuel will reduce, resulting in an
146. speed for a fixed throttle setting? will decrease. the same. consumption will increase. increase in thrust.
The maximum thrust that a jet engine
147. can develop will be: Take off thrust. Go around thrust. Max climb thrust. Max Static Thrust.
decrease then recover but
From a standing start with an increase will never achieve its initial
148. in forward speed jet thrust will: increase. stay the same. decrease. setting.
Later than normal due to
On a part throttled engine, take off pressure in the compressor Later than normal due to the Later than normal due to the
149. thrust would be achieved: being low. EPR being low. Earlier than normal. EPR being high.
Thrust is maximum and ram
Ram pressure is maximum at Ram pressure is unaffected Thrust is unaffected by the pressure at minimum at the
150. In a gas turbine engine: the start of the take off run. by airspeed. aircraft's forward speed. start of the take off run.
When the exhaust Automatic when after burning Automatic when approaching
151. When does the variable nozzle open? temperature reaches 1700°C selected. Automatic on take off. Mach l.
Thrust decreases , Fuel EGT increases, Pressure
Which of the following statements Fuel consumption increases, Fuel consumption decreases, consumption increases, thrust increases, Thrust
are correct with regard to after- Pressure thrust decreases , Thrust increases, Pressure Pressure thrust increases, EGT increases , Fuel consumption
152. burning? Thrust increases, EGT increases thrust increases, EGT increases decreases increases
Power can be restored up to Power can be augmented
its flat rated 100% only, and is above 100% due to the denser
On a turbojet aircraft which of the prevented from exceeding its Power can be restored up to Power can be restored up to mixture impinging on the
following statements would be limitations due to a pressure its flat rated 100% only, due to its flat rated 100% only, due turbine, which consequently
correct with the introduction of a sensor at the high pressure a pressure sensor at the to a pressure sensor in the drives the compressor
153. water into the combustion chamber? outlet. combustion chamber outlet. exhaust. quicker.
Engine sections are operating Engine sections are subjected It is difficult to obtain access
154. An inter-stage air seal is used where: at different pressures. to pressures of the same value. It is more convenient. during routine servicing.
An Internal Engine Overheat warning The oil temperature to be The EGT to be closely The engine power to be
155. would necessitate: closely monitored. monitored. reduced to idle. The engine to be shut down.
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H.P. compressor air internally H.P. air tapped from the Air ducted from just before Intermediate pressure air
156. Turbine blades are cooled by: ducted through the blades. combustion chambers. the intake guide vanes. taken from the bleed valves.
Bleed air for engine anti-icing is
157. provided by: The bleed valves. The turbine stages. The compressor. The combustion chambers.
With a bleed air anti-icing system the
effect of selecting `on' while decrease specific fuel increase specific fuel specific fuel consumption will
158. maintaining thrust will: decrease fuel consumption. consumption. consumption. remain the same.
With a bleed air anti-icing system the The ratio between exhaust
effect of selecting `on' will have what pressure and intake pressure
159. effect? EGT will decrease. EGT will increase. EGT will remain the same. will increase.
The drive for fuel, oil and hydraulic
160. pumps is normally taken from LP fan. Intermediate compressor. HP compressor. HP turbine
Air for air conditioning on the Electrical power for ground or
161. A typical APU can provide: ground. Air for engine starting. in flight use. All of the above.
high E.G.T. - high fuel flow - low E.G.T. - idle fuel flow - low low E.G.T. - high fuel flow - high E.G.T. - idle fuel flow -
162. A "Hung Start" is indicated by: low R.P.M. R.P.M. high R.P.M. low R.P.M.
No further attempt to start It must be motored over with
If a gas turbine engine fails to light up It must be motored over with The fuel system must be may be made until the fuel the H.P. fuel cock shut and no
163. within the specified time: the H.P. fuel cock shut. drained. has evaporated. igniters selected.
The action of re-starting a
flamed out engine, usually What occurs when the engine The initiation of the after- What must be prevented
164. A Re-light is: while airborne. drain valve is stuck open. burning system. after a "wet start".
The engine lights up but does
The engine accelerates but The engine stabilises above not accelerate to self There is a double igniter
165. A "Hung Start" occurs when: does not light up. self sustaining speed. sustaining speed. failure.
The speed from which the
The aircraft can roll forward The speed from which the The engine will run engine can accelerate to idle
The term "Self Sustaining Speed" with no further opening of the engine can accelerate to full independently of external without the help of the starter
166. means that: throttles. power within 5 seconds. help. motor.
The Low Pressure compressor
Before opening the high-pressure The compressor must be must be rotating faster than
fuel shut off valve during the engine turning at the correct RPM in The Low-Pressure compressor The Low Pressure fuel cock the High-Pressure
167. start: the right direction. must be stationary. must be shut. compressor.
The air supply to operate an air storage bottles carried in the
168. starter usually comes from: An external installation. aircraft. The auxiliary power unit. A cross bleed start.
169. The starter motor is disengaged from As soon as the engine lights Just above self-sustaining At 26% H.P. R.P.M. Just below self-sustaining
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the engine start system: up. speed. speed.

The power supply for the spark in the
170. combustion chamber is: low volts high current low volts low current high volts low current high volts high current
In a twin spool engine self sustaining
171. speed is normally reached at: 60% N2 60% N1 30% N2 30% N1
In a twin spool engine the typical idle
172. speeds are: 60% N2 25%N1 25% N2 60%N 1 40% N2 30% N 1 80% N2 45% N1
The sequence of starting of a gas fuel, ignition and compressor ignition, fuel and compressor compressor rotation, ignition compressor rotation, fuel and
173. turbine engine is:- rotation rotation and fuel ignition
A starter motor is used during
starting a gas turbine engine to adequate air mass to the adequate air mass in the
174. provide: combustion chamber compressor initial rotation to the engine All of the above
APU's provide electrical,
APU's provide electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic
Which of the following statements APU's provide emergency APU's provide electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic power for ground and air use
would be more correct with regard to hydraulics power for the pneumatic and hydraulic power for air use only and can and can provide an amount of
175. an APU? brakes only. power for ground use only. provide an amount of thrust. thrust.
will shut down immediately will need to be shut down
and if the fire persists the fire immediately and the fire
will need to be shut down bottles will automatically be bottles will be required to be
176. In the event of a fire in an APU: immediately. will shut down immediately. fired. fired immediately.
Which of the following would result in
a automatic shut down of an APU?
1) overspeed of compressor
2) over-temp of lubrication system
3) turbine over-temp
4) combustion chamber over-temp
5) Compressor outlet pressure
177. 6) low pressure of lubricantion system 1236 1246 2356 2346
Emergency hydraulic power Emergency hydraulic power
for the elevator, rudder and for the brakes along with
Emergency hydraulic power for Emergency hydraulic power ailerons along with possible possible emergency electrical
178. A Ram Air Turbine is used to provide: the flaps and slats only. for the undercarriage. emergency electrical power. power.
The power to start an APU comes Aircraft main engine
179. from: Ground power unit. Aircraft main DC battery. generator. Aircraft main AC battery.
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Ensure vapour losses are Make it easier to flow under

180. Fuel is heated to: Prevent waxing. minimised. Make it more viscous. all conditions.
In the line between the main Low pressure side of the High-pressure side of the
181. Fuel booster pumps are situated in: The fuel tanks. fuel tanks and the engine. engine. engine.
Which of the following is a normal Fuel tank booster pumps
182. stopping device for a gas turbine? LP shut off valve close. select off. HP shut off valve close. Isolate electrics from engine.
Between LP pump and the Between LP pump and HP Between HP shut off valve
183. The fuel flow-meter is situated: FCOC. pump. Just after FCU. and fuel nozzles.
The LP pump will draw fuel The LP pump will draw fuel
The LP pump will draw fuel from the tank, but there may from the tank, but there may
from the tank, but there may be a possibility of cavitation be a possibility of cavitation
Aircraft flying at FL 420. If the booster be a possibility of cavitation due to the low pressure and due to the higher pressure
pumps feeding the engine cease to The engine would close down due to the low pressure and higher boiling point of the and higher boiling point of the
184. work: immediately. low boiling point of the fuel. fuel. fuel.
Heats the oil and cools the Heats the fuel and cools the
185. The fuel cooled oil cooler: fuel. Heats the fuel only. Cools the oil only. oil.
In general a gas turbine engine fuel
186. should:- have high flash point have less fire hazard have high calorific value all the above are correct
Via a drain valve at the lowest Via a drain tank at the base of Via a scoop at the top of the
187. Water in the fuel tank is removed: point in the tank. the engine. tank. Every major servicing only.
A high oil temperature would indicate The exhaust gas temperature The air intake of the oil cooler
188. that: The oil pressure was high. (E.G.T.) was high. The oil filter was blocked. was blocked.
To ensure that the oil is
To ensure oil is forced into the prevented from leaving the To minimise heat loss in the
189. Oil seals are pressurised: bearings. To ensure minimum oil loss. bearing housing. bearing housing.
The fuel pressure is always
A pressure-maintaining valve kept higher than the oil
In the event that damage occurs to ensures that the oil pressure is pressure to ensure that the A differential pressure switch The oil by-pass valve will
the matrix of the fuel cooled oil always higher than the fuel fuel will leak into the oil will illuminate a light in the prevent a complete loss of oil
190. cooler: pressure. system. cockpit. pressure.
The main bearings in an axial flow gas
turbine engine are normally Air from an intermediate Gas from the second stage
191. pressuised by: Compressor by-pass air. Air at intake pressure . stage of the compressor. turbine section.
In a Gas Turbine engine oil As it leaves the fuel cooled oil Immediately after leaving the
192. temperature is measured: cooler (FCOC). Before entering the engine. engine. In the engine.
193. In a Gas Turbine engine oil pressure is In the engine. In the return line. After the pressure pump. In the FCOC to ensure oil
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measured: pressure is always above fuel

suction line between the Return line between the
The magnetic chip detectors are fitted The pressure line between the reservoir and the pressure engine and the scavenge
194. in: pressure pump and the engine. pump. pump. Return line after the FCOC.
195. Gas Turbines use: Wet sump and mineral oil. Dry sump and synthetic oil. Wet sump and synthetic oil. Dry sump and mineral oil.
The Purpose of the lubricating system reduce the friction between
196. is to cool down the moving parts cleaning the moving parts two moving parts all the above are correct
The temperature is sensed at the
turbine for the EGT indication system Outside Air Temperature
197. by a: Thermocouple. Ballast resistor. gauge. NTC resistor.
The engine anti-icing system should -10° C and below when there +10°C and below when there
198. be selected when the temperature is: Above +10° C. is visible moisture present. Below 0° C. is visible moisture present.
The time taken for the engine The time taken for the engine The time taken for the engine The time take for the engine
to decelerate from full power to stop after the H.P. fuel shut to slow from full power to to run down to ground idle
199. Spool down time or run down time is: to flight idle. off valve is closed. 30% power. from flight idle.
An Actuator Powered A constant speed, self- self contained but with a
200. An A.P.U is: Undercarriage. contained gas turbine engine. A source of standby power. separate thrust selector.
The efficiency of a gas turbine engine A decrease in ambient air An increase in ambient air An increase in ambient air A decrease in ambient air
201. will increase with: temperature. pressure. temperature. pressure.
What type of fire extinguisher would
202. be used on a propane fire foam water dry powder sand
On what principle do smoke detectors Inductance and light
203. work Resistance and capacitance Ionisation and impedance Optical and ionisation diffraction
If an artificial feel unit is fitted it In parallel with the primary In series with the primary In series with the secondary In parallel with the secondary
204. would be connected controls controls controls controls
The fuel tanks of a modern passenger Fuel is sucked in by the Fuel is pumped in by the fuel
205. airliner are filled by Gravity aircraft pumps truck The VTO system
Spur gear pumps - high Centrifugal pumps - high Spur gear pumps - low Centrifugal pumps - Low
206. Fuel tank booster pumps are: - pressure pressure pressure pressure
Reads fuel quantity by mass & Compensates for variations of
The advantage of a float type fuel Compensates for change of SG & Reads fuel quantity by Simple & measuring volume Simple & Reads fuel quantity
207. gauging system is aircraft attitude mass by varying resistance. by mass
The function of the baffles in a fuel To prevent movement of fuel To prevent fuel surge (or
208. tank is to the wingtip sloshing) during manoeuvring To prevent pump cavitation Both `a’ & `b’ are correct
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Turbine pressure to High pressure compressor Low pressure compressor exhaust pressure to low
combustion chamber inlet inlet pressure to exhaust inlet pressure to high pressure pressure compressor inlet
209. EPR is measured by the ratio of pressure pressure compressor outlet pressure pressure
In a modern airliner what is hydraulic
210. fluid used synthetic mineral mineral/alchohol vegetable
Using the oral inflation
211. How are escape slides inflated Fed from bleed air system Self contained gas bottle Hand pumped by cabin crew adaptor
The correct extinguisher to use on a
212. brake fire would be foam dry powder CO2 water
Electrically for chemical
oxygen generators and
The passenger oxygen drop-down By a lanyard operated by a pneumatically for gaseous
213. mask stowage doors are released barometric capsule Mechanically systems Manually by the cabin crew
The flight deck warning on activation warning light and warning
214. of an engine fire detection system is warning bell gear warning bell warning light
Hydraulic reservoirs are pressurised Air from Pneumatic system Engine bleed air from turbine
215. by Ram air in flight only Separate helium gas system or bleed air supply system engine
In the event that an emergency
decent causes the cabin pressure to The outward relief valve will The inward relief valve will
216. decrease below ambient pressure open The outflow valve will close open The safety valve will close
The purpose of a ditching control to allow rapid to dump the toilet water
217. valve is close the outflow valves open outflow valves depressurisation after landing
In a bleed air anti icing system the wing leading edge slats and
218. areas that are heated are the whole of the wing flaps wing leading edges and slats trailing edge flaps
An undercarriage leg is considered to Mechanically locked by an The actuating cylinder is at
219. be locked when: It is down The amber light is on 'over-centre' mechanism the end of its travel
Along the whole leading
220. Kreuger flaps are positioned Towards the wing tip At the wing inner leading edge edge At the wing trailing edge
What is the purpose of inboard To reduce wing bending at To reduce wing twist at high To reduce wing bending at
221. ailerons high speed speed low speed Both `a’ `b’ are correct
To reduce stick forces in To reduce stick holding forces To increase control To reduce control
222. What is the purpose of trim tabs manoeuvres to zero effectiveness effectiveness
full face and provide a mouth and nose and provide full face and provide oxygen mouth and nose and provide
223. Smoke hoods protect continuous flow of oxygen a continuous flow of oxygen on demand oxygen on demand
Gaseous, diluted with ambient Chemically generated and Gaseous, diluted with cabin Chemically generated, diluted
224. oxygen supplied to the flight deck is air if required diluted with cabin air if /cockpit air if required with ambient air if required
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If during pressurised flight the Safety valve opens when the The inward relief valve will
outflow valve closes fully due to a Skin will be overstressed and differential pressure reaches open to prevent excessive ECS packs are automatically
225. fault in the pressure controller the: could rupture. structural max diff negative differential. closed down.
internal mass airflow divided external mass airflow divided internal mass airflow divided mass fuel flow divided by
226. In a fan jet engine the bypass ratio is by external mass airflow by internal mass airflow by mass fuel flow mass fuel flow
The thrust reverser light illuminates Thrust reverser doors have Thrust reverser doors have
on the flight deck annunciator when moved to the reverse thrust been selected but the doors Thrust reverser doors are Thrust reverser doors are
227. the position haven't moved locked unlocked
In a modern turbofan engine - where In LP fuel supply system of In HP fuel supply system of
228. is fuel flow measured ? In the Fuel tank Engine Engine Both b and c are correct
Is permanently connected to Carries all of the non Is connected to the battery in
229. A hot busbar is one that Supplies galley power the battery essential loads an emergency
An aircraft which uses DC as the
primary source of power, AC for the
230. instruments may be obtained from: CSDU rectifier Inverter TRU
If the oil temperature gauge of the
CSD is in the red what would action is Throttle back and allow to cool Manually disconnect and Disconnect, then when
231. required down Auto disconnect reconnect on the ground cooled reconnect
The number of poles in the
The frequency of an AC generator is The number of poles in the The RPM and number of rotor and the number of
232. dependent upon The RPM of the rotor rotor poles in the rotor phase windings in the stator.
With an almost discharged battery a decrease of voltage with increase of current with decrease of current with increase of voltage with
233. there will be: increasing load decrease of voltage increasing load increasing load
When an overheat is detected When an overheat affects one When an overheat is When an overheat affects
When is an engine overheat firewire all along the length of both detector loop at a point detected all along the length both detector loops at a point
234. system activated firewire loops anywhere along its length of one firewire loop anywhere along their length.
To by-pass oil to the engine if
What is the purpose of the FCOC (Fuel To maintain the oil at the To heat the fuel and cool the To heat the oil and cool the the oil pressure filter becomes
235. Cooled Oil Cooler) correct temperature oil fuel blocked
Elevators are controlled Elevators are controlled
An artificial feel system is needed in Airplane has a variable through a reversible servo Elevator is controlled through an irreversible servo
236. the pitch channel if incidence tailplane system through a servo tab system
When the ground spoilers are When the speed falls below On the landing roll when the
237. Auto brakes are disengaged : retracted 20 kts autopilot is disengaged By the pilot
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In an aircraft with a fuel dunping Down to a predetermined safe To leave 15 gallons in each Down to maximum landing
238. system it will allow fuel to be dumped valve Down to unusable value tank weight
How are modern passenger jet By nitrogen from a storage By ram air through the vent By bleed air from the
239. aircraft fuel tanks pressurized cylinder system pneumatic system By a volumetric top off unit
In which of the following areas would
240. an overheat/fire warning be provided Fuel tank Cabin Tyres Wheel/Undercarriage bay
Hydraulic pressure typically used in
the system of large transport aircraft
241. is 2000 - 3000psi 3000 - 4000psi 1000 - 2000psi 4000 - 5000psi
When smoke appears in the cockpit,
after donning the oxygen mask the
242. pilot should select Normal 1 Diluter Emergency
Which part of the gas turbine engine
243. limits the temperature Combustion chamber Turbine Compressor Exhaust
What ice protection system is used on
244. most modern jet transport aircraft Liquid Electrical Hot air Pressure operated boots
What frequency is commonly used in
245. aircraft electrical distribution systems 200Hz 400 Hz 100Hz 50Hz
When the engine fuel switch When the engine fuel switch
When does the engine High Pressure is selected `on' during engine is selected `off during engine
246. fuel shut off valve close After a booster pump failure start When flight idle is selected shut-down
When the engine fuel switch
When does the Low Pressure fuel is selected `on' during engine
247. shut off valve close When the fire handle is pulled start When flight idle is selected After a booster pump failure
In a vapour cycle cooling system what To remove moisture from the To convert the refrigerant To convert the refrigerant To raise the pressure of the
248. is the purpose of the condenser air by centrifugal action from a liquid to a gas from a gas to a liquid gas to allow efficient cooling
If the pressure controller
malfunctions during the cruise and Cabin ROC Increase, Cabin Alt Cabin ROC Decrease, Cabin Alt Cabin ROC Increase, Cabin Cabin ROC Increase, Cabin Alt
the outflow valve opens what Decrease, Differential pressure Increase, Differential pressure Alt Increase, Differential Increase, Differential pressure
249. happens: Decrease Decrease pressure Decrease Increase
250. What controls cabin pressurization ECS pack mass flow controller Outflow valve Engine bleed valve Inflow valve
If the fire handle is pulled in an
aeroplane with an AC generator
251. system what disconnects. Exciter control relay and GCB GCB and BTB BTB and GCU Exciter control relay only
The CSD can be disconnected The pilot must throttle back to The CSD can be disconnected The CSD can be disconnected
252. If a CSD overheat warning is shown and the pilot must control the reduce the load on the then reconnected later when but not used for the rest of
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alternator himself alternator the temperature has reduced the flight

An emergency exit assisted escape 8ft with the aircraft on the 8ft with the aircraft on the 6ft with the aircraft on the 6ft with the aircraft on the
device must be fitted if the door sill landing gear with the landing gear with the landing gear with the landing gear with the
253. height is above: nosewheel extended nosewheel collapsed nosewheel extended nosewheel collapsed
lower surfaces only, upper surfaces only,
symmetrical and asymmetrical lower surfaces only, symmetrical and upper surfaces only,
254. How do aircraft spoilers work operation symmetrical operation asymmetrical operation symmetrical operation
What speed does the LP compressor
255. run at ? the speed of the LP turbine the speed of the HP turbine half the engine speed constant speed
toilets and cargo toilets and cargo
256. Where are smoke detectors fitted'? toilets compartments A,B,C,D,E all cargo compartments compartments B,C,E
On what principle does a fuel flow
257. meter work Volume and viscosity Quantity of movement Capacitive dielectric Pressure and temperature
The ratio of turbine outlet The ratio of turbine inlet Compressor inlet pressure
pressure to compressor inlet pressure to compressor inlet Turbine outlet pressure x divided by turbine outlet
258. What is engine pressure ratio ? pressure pressure compressor outlet pressure pressure
When is spark plug fouling most likely In the climb if you have not In the descent if you have
259. to occur? adjusted the mixture Cruise power not adjusted the mixture Max take-off power
Flight controls in case of
What is a ram air turbine (RAT) which Landing gear extension if the failure of the engine driven
260. drives a hydraulic pump used for? Nose wheel steering Flap extension normal system fails system
As altitude increases what does the increases flow due to reduced increases flow due to reduces flow due to reduced reduces flow due to
261. mixture control do to the fuel flow air density increased air density air density increased air density
What is the purpose of the diluter
demand valve in the emergency To supply air only when To dilute oxygen with air in To dilute oxygen with air in To supply oxygen only when
262. oxygen system ? inhaling crew oxygen system passenger oxygen system inhaling
Three systems, one for the
Two independent systems, Two systems each capable of flight deck, one for the
One system for both flight one for flight deck, one for supplying the flight deck and passengers and one for the
263. Emergency oxygen is provided by: deck and cabin cabin cabin cabin crew.
An aircraft planning to fly at FL330
with 120 seats fitted and 42 At least one passenger for the At least 3 passengers for the At least one passenger for the
passengers on board must provide duration of the flight above No first aid oxygen is duration of the flight above duration of the flight above
264. first aid oxygen for: 8000ft. necessary 15000ft. 14000ft
In the engine fuel system
265. Fuel heaters are fitted In the wing fuel tanks In the fuselage fuel tanks mounted on the engine All of the above
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Automatically after a time

The engine fire extinguisher system is After the engine has been shut Automatically when a fire delay to allow the engine to
266. activated: down warning is sensed By the pilot when required stop
Both pilots immediately and
Both pilots immediately and the cabin crew plus some
An unpressurised aircraft is flying the cabin crew plus all passengers after 30 minutes
above FL 100 and therefore must passengers after 30 minutes Both Pilots and all above FL 100 but below FL
267. have sufficient oxygen for: above FL 100 but below FL 130 Both pilots only passengers 130
An aircraft entrance door is fitted
with an automatic escape slide, the If the door is opened from the If the door is opened from Entrance to the aircraft from
door is `armed' from the inside by the The door cannot be opened outside the slide will remain the outside the slide will outside must be made
268. cabin crew: from the outside stowed deploy and inflate through the `break in' panel
Enable access behind panels
Aircraft above a certain capacity must Cut through the aircraft and soundproofing to aid fire Cut firewood in a survival Restrain disorderly
269. carry a crash axe, it is provided to fuselage to allow escape fighting situation passengers
At what height is it mandatory for one
of the flight deck crew to wear an
270. oxygen mask 25,000 ft 32,000 ft 37,000 ft 41,000 ft
All earthing of aircraft parts to
ground equipment must be
The precautions to be taken during GPU may not be running completed before filler caps Passengers may be boarded ( No radar or HF radios under
271. refueling are during refueling are removed traversing the refueling zone ) test within 10 metres
What type of fire extinguisher must
272. be on a flight deck Water Dry powder Special fluid Halon
What is the reason for putting the To be more efficient at high Create a pitch up by making To be out of the way of the
273. horizontal stabilizer on top of the fin speed No need for anti-icing the aeroplane tail heavy wing down wash
is harmful to eyes and skin,
274. Hydraulic fluid needs no special treatment is harmful to eyes and skin is a fire hazard and is also a fire hazard
if cabin pressure is decreasing, the
275. cabin VSI will indicate zero climb descent reducing pressure
When opening an aircraft door from
outside, what happens to the escape inflates, but stays inside its
276. slide inflates deploys, but does not inflate container is disarmed
restrict the rate of operation select the most suitable allow two supplies to be to allow a constant volume
277. A shuttle valve is used to of a system system pressure available to a service pump to idle
278. The temperature of hydraulic fluid is after the cooler in the reservoir at the actuator at the pumps
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when the doors move
when reverse power above when reverse thrust is towards the stowed position
279. Reverse thrust lights come on when reverser doors are unlocked idle is selected selected in flight inadvertently
An aircraft is to fly at 29000ft When
280. should the oxygen briefing take place before 10000ft. before 14000ft. at 20000ft before take-off
The excess cabin altitude alerting
system must operate to warn the
281. crew at 8000ft 10000ft 13000ft 14000ft
What does three green lights
represent when the landing gear is the gear and doors are down the gear is travelling between
282. selected down the gear is down the gear is down and locked and locked up and down
Increase lift on down going increase drag on up going
wing and decrease lift on up wing and decrease drag on equalise the drag on up equalise the lift on up going
283. How do differential ailerons work going wing down going wing going and down going wings and down going wings
to demist the interior of the to protect the windows
What is the effect of heating flight window if normal demist does to protect the windows to protect the windows against bird strike and ice
284. deck windows not function correctly against bird strike against ice formation formation
If an aircraft suffers a decompression
what happens to the indications on a VSI up, altimeter up, VSI down , altimeter up, VSI up, altimeter down,
cabin VSI, cabin altimeter and differential pressure gauge VSI , altimeter, differential differential pressure gauge differential pressure gauge
285. differential pressure gauge down pressure gauge all unchanged down down
a specified amount must
286. How much fuel can be jettisoned a specific amount the captain decides all remain
287. The power for LP fuel pumps is 28v DC 28v AC 115v DC 200vAC
converts electrical energy
288. What is a relay solenoid valve magnetic switch into heat energy used in starter motor circuit
An aircraft is in straight and level cabin altitude will descend
flight at a constant cabin altitude to, and continue beyond cabin altitude will increase to,
when the crew notice the rate of normal max. diff, at which and continue beyond normal
climb indicator reads -200ft/min. crew should begin a climb to cabin altitude will increase to point the safety valves will max. diff, at which point the
289. What will be the sequence of events regain cabin altitude outside atmospheric pressure open. safety valves will open.
The angle formed between plane of
290. rotation and relative airflow is called:- angle of attack angle of advance pitch blade angle
291. The advantages of a turbo jet engine high propulsive efficiency lowest thrust specific fuel efficient at high speed both (a) and b) are correct
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are:- consumption operation

assist the basic engine
292. A good thrust reverser should : be mechanically strong have small backward thrust operation all the above are correct
The index of fire hazard of a gas
293. turbine fuel is flash point vapour point cloud point viscosity
If the gas turbine engine is supplied the exhaust gas temperature
294. with lean mixture of fuel and air:- the compressor may surge may increase the engine may flame out none of the above is correct
The lubricating oil used in gas turbine
295. engine should :- have low volatility have low viscosity have low flash point all of the above are correct
increase the incoming air
The purpose of an engine inlet duct is supply sufficient air in the create suction in front of the create turbulence in front of velocity in front of the
296. to:- engine compressor the compressor compressor
The shape of a supersonic engine duct
297. is convergent parallel convergent divergent divergent
The thrust developed by the engine,
taking into consideration of any
presence of initial air mass
298. momentum is called:- gross thrust static thrust thrust net thrust
greater fuel flow than the ignition system
299. A hot start could be the result of normal TGT rise faster than normal malfunctioning Both a) and b) are correct
With increasing altitude the thrust of drop of pressure or density of
300. a turbojet engine decreases due to:- temperature drop air less humidity in the air less oxygen in the air
The advantage of a bypass engine
301. over jet engine is:- less fuel consumption less frontal area longer take off roll less weight power ratio
Upto idle RPM fuel flows through
302. the:- secondary fuel manifold primary fuel manifold both primary and secondary bypass fuel manifold
by using aileron up float and by having tail mounted using aileron up float and by having wing mounted
How can wing bending moments be keeping the centre section fuel engines and using aileron down using the fuel in the wing engines and using the wing
303. reduced in flight tanks full for as long as possible float tanks last fuel tanks first
Which is the correct statement the outboard ailerons are used the outboard ailerons are only the inboard ailerons are only the inboard ailerons are
regarding a large aircraft fitted with only when the landing gear is used only when the landing used when the flaps are used when the flaps are
304. both inboard and outboard ailerons selected down gear is retracted retracted extended
On a modern jet transport the
hydraulic reservoirs are normally by a separate helium gas by air from the air
305. pressurized supply conditioning system by engine bleed air in flight only
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A ram air turbine may be used to

provide emergency hydraulic power leading edge flap extension
306. for landing gear extension flight controls nose wheel steering only
An under inflated tyre on a dry decreases viscous causes the tyre temperature increases wear on the
307. runway hydroplaning speed to fall shoulder increases wear on the crown
An aircraft is in straight and level cabin altitude will descend
flight at a constant cabin altitude to, and continue beyond cabin altitude will increase to,
when the crew notice the rate of normal max. diff., at which and continue beyond normal
climb indicator reads -200ft/min. crew should begin a climb to cabin altitude will increase to point the safety valves will max. diff., at which point the
308. What will be the sequence of events regain cabin altitude outside atmospheric pressure open. safety valves will open
If the outflow valves failed closed in to increase cabin pressure to to shut down the air
309. flight the effect would be to damage the aircraft skin max differential to increase cabin altitude conditioning system
Modern transport aircraft fuel centrifugal and powered by do centrifugal and powered by ac spur gear and powered by do spur gear and powered by ac
310. booster pumps are generally induction motors induction motors induction motors induction motors
Modern passenger aircraft fuel tanks the air discharged by the air ram air through the vent
311. are pressurised by low pressure bleed air low pressure inert gas system conditioning system system
Where are the fuel heaters fitted on
312. jet aircraft in each tank on the engine they are not required centre tank only
supplied to the outboard supplied to any engine
The fuel cross feed system enables engines from any outboard transferred from the centre mounted on a wing from any supplied to any engine from
313. fuel to be tank tank to the wing tanks only tank within that wing any tank
The areas that heated by a bleed air leading edges of all aerofoil
system on a modern jet passenger leading edges of all aerofoil leading edges of all aerofoil surfaces including slats upper surfaces of the wings
314. transport are surfaces surfaces including flaps (where fitted) only
CSDU can be disconnected and CSDU can be disconnected CSDU must be disconnected
If a CSDU overheat warning occurs, not used for the rest of the the pilot must throttle back and then re-connected when and the alternator is
315. the flight the effected engine it has cooled down controlled directly by the pilot
What is disconnected if the fire Generator control relay
handle is pulled in an aircraft with an generator control relay (exciter control relay) and
316. AC generator system (exciter control relay) and GCB GCB BTB BTB
The frequency of an AC generator is
317. dependent upon poles only poles and rpm rpm only load
In an aircraft which uses DC as the
primary source of power, AC for the
318. instruments may be obtained from a rectifier the AC busbar a TRU an inverter
319. How are the loads on an aircraft in parallel so that the current in parallel so that the voltage in series so that the current in series so that the voltage
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busbar connected reduces through the busbar as reduces through the busbar as reduces through the busbar as reduces through the busbar as
loads are switched off loads are switched off loads are switched off loads are switched off
connected directly to the connected directly to the DC connected directly to the AC
320. Hot or vital busbars are heated by bleed air battery generator generator
transistorised unit that transistorised unit that fixed unit that changes DC fixed unit that changes AC
321. A static inverter is a converts AC to DC converts DC to AC voltages voltages
If AC generators are connected in
parallel the reactive loads are
322. balanced by adjusting the frequency torque of the CSDU energising current voltage
parallel with the armature
The voltage regulator of a DC series with the armature and and parallel with the shunt series with the armature and parallel with the armature
323. generator is connected in parallel with the shunt field field series with the shunt field and series with the shunt field
If the frequency of a series capacitve
circuit increases, what happens to the
324. current it increases it decreases it stays the same it increases or decreases
it can be filled from outside
The advantages of a chemical oxygen it is a self contained system, it the pressure hull , it can be the flow of oxygen can be
325. generator system are is relatively light turned off regulated, it can be turned off all of the above
An aircraft operating at FL 350 must
have sufficient supplementary oxygen
available for 100% of passengers for a
descent from its maximum
certificated operating altitude to
326. allow a descent to 13000 ft in 30 minutes 15000 ft in 4 minutes 15000 ft in 10 minutes 10000 ft in 4 minutes
electrically for chemical
generator systems and electrically for gaseous
The passenger oxygen drop down pneumatically for gaseous systems and pneumatically for
327. mask stowage doors are released barometrically operated latch systems chemical generator systems by the cabin crew
The fire extinguisher system for an automatically immediately a automatically once the engine by the pilot immediately a by the pilot once the engine
328. engine is activated fire is sensed has been shut down fire is detected has been shut down
The flight deck warning of an engine individual warning lights and a common light and common individual warning lights and
329. fire is bells aural warning aural warning only a common aural warning
In a gas turbine the maximum gas in the cooling air around the
330. temperature is reached in the combustion chamber at the turbine exit across the turbine turbine
When TAS increases the pitch angle of decreases and then returns
331. a constant speed propeller increases decreases remains constant to its original angle
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Adjusting the mixture of piston increase fuel flow to decrease fuel flow to increase fuel flow to decrease fuel flow to
engines as aircraft altitude increases compensate for decreasing air compensate for decreasing air compensate for increasing air compensate for increasing air
332. is necessary to density density density density
When high pressure bleed valves
333. open they reduce the EPR increase the fuel flow reduce the EGT increase the thrust
The fan stage of ducted fan engine is HP compressor through
334. driven by the LP turbine IP turbine HP turbine reduction gearing
With the CSU governor in the
underspeed condition, oil will be
335. directed to increase the blade angle decrease the blade angle decrease the rpm open the throttle valve
At what speed does the LP
336. compressor run the speed of the LP turbine the speed of the IP turbine the speed of the HP turbine constant speed
The volume of the scavenge pump(s)
in an engine lubrication system is compensate for thermal
greater than that of the pressure prevent cavitation of the oil ensure heat is dissipated expansion of the lubricating ensure that the engine sump
337. pump(s) in order to system feedlines more efficiently fluid remains dry
Variable inlet guide vanes are fitted to increase the mass flow at high prevent a compressor stall at prevent a compressor stall at decelerate the flow into the
338. gas turbine engines to speeds low engine speed high engine speeds compressor
A gas turbine engine power change is fuel supplied and the amount fuel supplied and the amount
339. achieved by adjusting the amount of of air entering the compressor fuel supplied air supplied of air entering the turbine
What happens to the pressure and
velocity of the gas stream from root velocity increases, pressure velocity decreases, pressure
340. to tip across the nozzle guide vanes both remain constant both increase decreases increases
The effect of climbing at rated rpm produce no change to the reduce the time to full
341. but less than rated boost is to increase full throttle height reduce full throttle height full throttle height throttle height.
dynamic minus static
342. A pitot head is used to measure: pressure. static plus dynamic pressure. static pressure. dynamic pressure.
dynamic pressure minus pitot dynamic pressure plus pitot
343. A static vent is used to measure: excess. excess. atmospheric pressure. pitot excess pressure.
Turbulent flow around a pressure 95% increase in manoeuvre an increase in the dynamic
344. head will cause: density error. induced error. pressure. 95% of pressure error.
Static vents are usually fitted to both balance out errors caused by require a calibration card for enable a greater number of
345. sides of the aircraft fuselage. This will: reduce the position error. side slipping or yawing. each static vent. instruments to be fitted.
Which of the following instruments airspeed indicator,
require inputs of both pitot and static machmeter and vertical speed airspeed indicator, vertical airspeed indicator and
346. pressure: indicator. speed indicator, altimeter. airspeed indicator only. machmeter.
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Where an alternate static source is

fitted, use of this source usually leads a temporary increase in lag a lower pressure error than
347. to: error. with normal sources. an increase in position error. no change in position error.
Converted into degrees Celsius - 40°F
348. is: -56.5°C -40°C -20°C -108°C
the maximum temperature the temperature indicated on
attainable by the air when the air temperature the static air temperature the recovery factor plus the
349. Total Air Temperature is: brought to rest, adiabatically. thermometer plus the ram rise. minus the recovery factor. ram rise.
The difference between static air
temperature and total air corrected outside air
350. temperature is known as: temperature. the ram rise. the recovery factor. hot ramp radiation.
If the pitot line to an ASI becomes
totally blocked during a climb, the ASI decrease, no matter what the increase, no matter what the progressively under indicate stick at the airspeed showing
351. reading will: actual airspeed is. actual airspeed is. the value of the airspeed. at the moment of blockage.
is calibrated out of the ASI at is calibrated out of the ASI at
MSL ISA conditions and only MSL ISA conditions and only
causes overreading of the ASI causes overreading when air causes overreading when air
at all levels whenever TAS causes overreading of the ASI density is decreased and CAS density is decreased and TAS
352. Compressibility error: exceeds 300 kt. whenever CAS exceeds 300 kt. exceeds 300 kt. exceeds 300 kt.
overreading, this indicated underreading, this indicated underreading, this indicated overreading, this indicated
If the static line to the ASI becomes speed falsely showing the speed falsely showing the speed possibly leading to the speed possibly leading to the
blocked during a long descent, a aircraft to be further from the aircraft to be closer to the operation of flaps and/or operation of flaps and/or
dangerous situation could arise due stalling speed than it actually stalling speed than it actually landing gear at speeds in landing gear at speeds in
353. to the ASI: is. is. excess of safety speeds. excess of safety speeds.
The airspeed indicator is calibrated conditions of the International conditions of the International an air density of 1013.25 indicate correctly in any
354. to: Standard Atmosphere. Standard Atmosphere at MSL. gms/m3 atmosphere.
instrument error, position instrument error, position instrument error, position
instrument error, position error, temperature error, error, barometric error, error, density error,
Excluding blockages, the full list of error, density error, compressibility error, temperature error, lag, compressibility error,
355. errors of the ASI is: manoeuvre induced error. manoeuvre induced error. manoeuvre induced error. manoeuvre induced error.
If the static line to the ASI becomes
blocked during a climb, the ASI increase, no matter what the progressively under indicate progressively over indicate stick at the airspeed showing
356. reading will: actual airspeed is. the value of airspeed. the value of airspeed. at the moment of blockage.
In the International Standard
Atmosphere, the mean sea level 1225 mb; 2°C per 1000 ft; 37 1013.25 mb; 1.98°C per 1000 1013.25 mb; 1.98°C per 1000 1225 mb; 1.98°C per 1000 ft;
357. pressure is ............., the lapse rate of 000 ft; 66 000 ft. ft; 36 090 ft; 65 617 ft. ft; 36 090 ft; 104 987 ft. 36 090 ft; 104 987 ft.
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temperature ............. between MSL

and ............. and is isothermal up to
............. The numbers missing are:
An aircraft taking off from an airfield
with QNH set on the altimeter has
both static vents blocked by ice. As
the aircraft climbs away the altimeter indicate the aircraft height read the height of the aircraft show only a very small
358. will: read the airfield elevation. amsl. above the airfield. increase in height.
When flying from low pressure to
high pressure, the barometric error of read the true altitude,
an altimeter will cause the instrument providing a correction is made overread the true altitude of indicate a higher altitude underread the true altitude of
359. to: for temperature. the aircraft. than the correct one. the aircraft.
instrument position, instrument, pressure, instrument, position, instrument, pressure, lag,
The errors affecting the pressure manoeuvre induced, density, manoeuvre induced, density, manoeuvre induced, barometric, temperature,
360. altimeter are: temperature, lag. temperature, lag. temperature, barometric, lag. compressibility.
During a missed approach and go-
around procedure the change of
aircraft attitude plus raising of the
landing gear and changing of flap
settings can cause short term
unpredictable errors in certain the airspeed indicator, the machmeter, airspeed the vertical speed indicator,
instruments. The instruments most the altimeter, artificial horizon machmeter and vertical speed indicator, altimeter and airspeed indicator and
361. likely to be affected in this case are: and vertical speed indicator. indicator. vertical speed indicator. altimeter.
When entering a steep turn, an IVSI is a slight descent at high
362. likely to show: no change in altitude. a slight clim a slight descent. airspeed only.
the VSI will stop at the rate of
If the static vent becomes blocked climb of the aircraft at the time the VSI will indicate a the VSI will indicate an
363. during a climb: of blockage. decreasing rate of clim the VSI will return to zero. increasing rate of climb.
the standard VSI is more both types will react the the vertical acceleration
364. In conditions of clear air turbulence: sensitive. the IVSI is more sensitive. same. pump will not be affected.
will affect VSI readings
whenever temperature lapse is compensated at the has no effect on the VSI as
Change of temperature as an aircraft rate differs from standard metering unit by means of a only static pressure is used in may be allowed for by use of
365. climbs or descends: conditions. capillary and orifice. this instrument. tables or computer.
At FL 350 with a ISA deviation of-12,
366. the true airspeed when flying at M 460 kt 436 kt 447 kt 490 kt
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Adjusting the mixture of piston increase fuel flow to decrease fuel flow to increase fuel flow to decrease fuel flow to
engines as aircraft altitude increases compensate for decreasing air compensate for decreasing air compensate for increasing air compensate for increasing air
332. is necessary to density density density density
When high pressure bleed valves
333. open they reduce the EPR increase the fuel flow reduce the EGT increase the thrust
The fan stage of ducted fan engine is HP compressor through
334. driven by the LP turbine IP turbine HP turbine reduction gearing
With the CSU governor in the
underspeed condition, oil will be
335. directed to increase the blade angle decrease the blade angle decrease the rpm open the throttle valve
At what speed does the LP
336. compressor run the speed of the LP turbine the speed of the IP turbine the speed of the HP turbine constant speed
The volume of the scavenge pump(s)
in an engine lubrication system is compensate for thermal
greater than that of the pressure prevent cavitation of the oil ensure heat is dissipated expansion of the lubricating ensure that the engine sump
337. pump(s) in order to system feedlines more efficiently fluid remains dry
Variable inlet guide vanes are fitted to increase the mass flow at high prevent a compressor stall at prevent a compressor stall at decelerate the flow into the
338. gas turbine engines to speeds low engine speed high engine speeds compressor
A gas turbine engine power change is fuel supplied and the amount fuel supplied and the amount
339. achieved by adjusting the amount of of air entering the compressor fuel supplied air supplied of air entering the turbine
What happens to the pressure and
velocity of the gas stream from root velocity increases, pressure velocity decreases, pressure
340. to tip across the nozzle guide vanes both remain constant both increase decreases increases
The effect of climbing at rated rpm produce no change to the reduce the time to full
341. but less than rated boost is to increase full throttle height reduce full throttle height full throttle height throttle height.
dynamic minus static
342. A pitot head is used to measure: pressure. static plus dynamic pressure. static pressure. dynamic pressure.
dynamic pressure minus pitot dynamic pressure plus pitot
343. A static vent is used to measure: excess. excess. atmospheric pressure. pitot excess pressure.
Turbulent flow around a pressure 95% increase in manoeuvre an increase in the dynamic
344. head will cause: density error. induced error. pressure. 95% of pressure error.
Static vents are usually fitted to both balance out errors caused by require a calibration card for enable a greater number of
345. sides of the aircraft fuselage. This will: reduce the position error. side slipping or yawing. each static vent. instruments to be fitted.
Which of the following instruments airspeed indicator,
require inputs of both pitot and static machmeter and vertical speed airspeed indicator, vertical airspeed indicator and
346. pressure: indicator. speed indicator, altimeter. airspeed indicator only. machmeter.
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Where an alternate static source is

fitted, use of this source usually leads a temporary increase in lag a lower pressure error than
347. to: error. with normal sources. an increase in position error. no change in position error.
Converted into degrees Celsius - 40°F
348. is: -56.5°C -40°C -20°C -108°C
the maximum temperature the temperature indicated on
attainable by the air when the air temperature the static air temperature the recovery factor plus the
349. Total Air Temperature is: brought to rest, adiabatically. thermometer plus the ram rise. minus the recovery factor. ram rise.
The difference between static air
temperature and total air corrected outside air
350. temperature is known as: temperature. the ram rise. the recovery factor. hot ramp radiation.
If the pitot line to an ASI becomes
totally blocked during a climb, the ASI decrease, no matter what the increase, no matter what the progressively under indicate stick at the airspeed showing
351. reading will: actual airspeed is. actual airspeed is. the value of the airspeed. at the moment of blockage.
is calibrated out of the ASI at is calibrated out of the ASI at
MSL ISA conditions and only MSL ISA conditions and only
causes overreading of the ASI causes overreading when air causes overreading when air
at all levels whenever TAS causes overreading of the ASI density is decreased and CAS density is decreased and TAS
352. Compressibility error: exceeds 300 kt. whenever CAS exceeds 300 kt. exceeds 300 kt. exceeds 300 kt.
overreading, this indicated underreading, this indicated underreading, this indicated overreading, this indicated
If the static line to the ASI becomes speed falsely showing the speed falsely showing the speed possibly leading to the speed possibly leading to the
blocked during a long descent, a aircraft to be further from the aircraft to be closer to the operation of flaps and/or operation of flaps and/or
dangerous situation could arise due stalling speed than it actually stalling speed than it actually landing gear at speeds in landing gear at speeds in
353. to the ASI: is. is. excess of safety speeds. excess of safety speeds.
The airspeed indicator is calibrated conditions of the International conditions of the International an air density of 1013.25 indicate correctly in any
354. to: Standard Atmosphere. Standard Atmosphere at MSL. gms/m3 atmosphere.
instrument error, position instrument error, position instrument error, position
instrument error, position error, temperature error, error, barometric error, error, density error,
Excluding blockages, the full list of error, density error, compressibility error, temperature error, lag, compressibility error,
355. errors of the ASI is: manoeuvre induced error. manoeuvre induced error. manoeuvre induced error. manoeuvre induced error.
If the static line to the ASI becomes
blocked during a climb, the ASI increase, no matter what the progressively under indicate progressively over indicate stick at the airspeed showing
356. reading will: actual airspeed is. the value of airspeed. the value of airspeed. at the moment of blockage.
In the International Standard
Atmosphere, the mean sea level 1225 mb; 2°C per 1000 ft; 37 1013.25 mb; 1.98°C per 1000 1013.25 mb; 1.98°C per 1000 1225 mb; 1.98°C per 1000 ft;
357. pressure is ............., the lapse rate of 000 ft; 66 000 ft. ft; 36 090 ft; 65 617 ft. ft; 36 090 ft; 104 987 ft. 36 090 ft; 104 987 ft.
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temperature ............. between MSL

and ............. and is isothermal up to
............. The numbers missing are:
An aircraft taking off from an airfield
with QNH set on the altimeter has
both static vents blocked by ice. As
the aircraft climbs away the altimeter indicate the aircraft height read the height of the aircraft show only a very small
358. will: read the airfield elevation. amsl. above the airfield. increase in height.
When flying from low pressure to
high pressure, the barometric error of read the true altitude,
an altimeter will cause the instrument providing a correction is made overread the true altitude of indicate a higher altitude underread the true altitude of
359. to: for temperature. the aircraft. than the correct one. the aircraft.
instrument position, instrument, pressure, instrument, position, instrument, pressure, lag,
The errors affecting the pressure manoeuvre induced, density, manoeuvre induced, density, manoeuvre induced, barometric, temperature,
360. altimeter are: temperature, lag. temperature, lag. temperature, barometric, lag. compressibility.
During a missed approach and go-
around procedure the change of
aircraft attitude plus raising of the
landing gear and changing of flap
settings can cause short term
unpredictable errors in certain the airspeed indicator, the machmeter, airspeed the vertical speed indicator,
instruments. The instruments most the altimeter, artificial horizon machmeter and vertical speed indicator, altimeter and airspeed indicator and
361. likely to be affected in this case are: and vertical speed indicator. indicator. vertical speed indicator. altimeter.
When entering a steep turn, an IVSI is a slight descent at high
362. likely to show: no change in altitude. a slight clim a slight descent. airspeed only.
the VSI will stop at the rate of
If the static vent becomes blocked climb of the aircraft at the time the VSI will indicate a the VSI will indicate an
363. during a climb: of blockage. decreasing rate of clim the VSI will return to zero. increasing rate of climb.
the standard VSI is more both types will react the the vertical acceleration
364. In conditions of clear air turbulence: sensitive. the IVSI is more sensitive. same. pump will not be affected.
will affect VSI readings
whenever temperature lapse is compensated at the has no effect on the VSI as
Change of temperature as an aircraft rate differs from standard metering unit by means of a only static pressure is used in may be allowed for by use of
365. climbs or descends: conditions. capillary and orifice. this instrument. tables or computer.
At FL 350 with a ISA deviation of-12,
366. the true airspeed when flying at M 460 kt 436 kt 447 kt 490 kt
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0.78 is:
When climbing at a constant mach
number below the tropopause the CAS and TAS will both the CAS and TAS will both the CAS will decrease and the the CAS will increase and the
367. through an inversion: increase. decrease. TAS will increase. TAS will decrease.
When descending below the
tropopause under normal conditions
(increasing temperature) at a both TAS and mach number both TAS and mach number the TAS will decrease and the the TAS will increase and the
368. constant CAS: will decrease. will increase. mach number will increase. mach number will decrease.
Cruising at FL390, M 0.84 is found to
give a TAS of 499 kt. The ISA deviation
369. at this level will be: -17 17 19 -19
instrument error, position
instrument error, position error, barometric error, instrument error, position
The errors to which the machmeter is error, compressibility error and instrument error, position temperature error and error, density error and
370. subject are: manoeuvre induced error. error. manoeuvre induced error. manoeuvre induced error.
The machmeter gives an indication of static pressure/dynamic dynamic pressure / pitot dynamic pressure / static
371. mach number by measuring the ratio: pitot pressure/static pressure pressure pressure pressure
An aircraft is flying at FL350 with a JSA
deviation of +8. The mach no is 0.83
and the TAS 485. If the aircraft
descends to FL300 and maintains the
same mach no and TAS, the JSA
372. deviation will now be: 8 -2 2 -18
a circular magnet or pair of a low magnetic moment
In a standby direct reading compass a non-pendulously mounted a single pendulously mounted bar magnets pendulously system, either of circular or
373. there is: magnet system. bar magnet. mounted. bar configuration.
To improve the horizontality of a
compass, the magnet assembly is on the centre line of the varying with magnetic
374. suspended from a point: magnet. below the centre of gravity. above the centre of gravity. latitude.
The magnitude, and sense, of turning the design of the compass and which hemisphere the
error shown by a direct reading the amount of dip at the the direction of the turn and aircraft is in and the heading
375. compass varies with: aircraft's latitude. the rate of turn. of the aircraft. all of the above.
gimballing error, random gimballing error, looping transport wander, apparent
acceleration error, turning wander, apparent wander, error, rolling error, rotor wander, latitude error,
error, altitude error, transport rotor speed error, transport speed error, transport turning error, acceleration
376. Errors of the directional gyro are: wander, rotor speed error. wander. wander. error.
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to reset the heading and to

377. The purpose of the caging knob is: to prevent the gyro toppling. to reset the heading. prevent toppling. to prevent apparent wander.
In an air driven directional gyro the air
378. jets are attached to: the inner gimbal. the outer gimbal. the instrument casing. the rotor axis.
The limits of pitch and roll for a
modern directional gyro are
379. respectively: 55' and 85' 85' and 55' 55' and 55' 85' and 85'
During the take-off run an air driven nose up and incorrect left a false descending turn to the increased nose up attitude a false climbing turn to the
380. artificial horizon will usually indicate: bank. right. and right wing low. left.
False nose-up attitude displayed on
air driven artificial horizon during the the high pendulosity of the the lag of the lateral
381. take-off run is caused by: rotor pendulous vanes the linear acceleration cut out incorrect rotor speed
The rotor axis of an electrical horizon the low centre of gravity of two mercury level switches
382. is tied to the earth's vertical by: four pendulous vanes the roll cut out the rotor housing and two torque motors
False right wing low attitude shown
on an air driven artificial horizon the lag of the base of the rotor the logitudinal pendulous
383. during an acceleration is caused by: housing vanes the roll cut-out high rotor speed
the inner gimbal ring is pivoted
laterally inside the outer the rotor axis is kept level by a
gimbal ring and the outer calibrated spring attached to
gimbal ring is pivoted the inner gimbal ring is tied to the outer gimbal ring and the
384. Inside an artificial horizon: longitudinally inside the case the vertical by a control system instrument case there is only one gimbal ring
the force produced by the
the calibrated spring is spring is producing a the spring is providing a force the spring is providing a force
exerting a force about the precession equal to but which produces a precession which produces a precession
When the pointer of a rate of turn lateral axis equal to the rate of opposite to the rate of turn is equal to the rate of turn (in equal to the rate of turn (in
385. indicator shows a steady rate of turn: turn correctly banked the opposite direction). the correct direction)
If the filter of the air driven rate of
turn indicator becomes partially the aircraft will turn faster the rate of turn indicated will the radius of the turn will
386. blocked: than indicated the instrument will overread be unaffected decrease
The radius of a turn at rate l, and TAS
387. 360 kt is: 10nm 5nm 7.5nm 2nm
The gimbal ring of a turn co-ordinator
is inclined at about 30° with respect make the gyro sensitive to have a higher rotor speed
to the aircraft's longitudinal axis in make the rate of turn more banking of the aircraft as well make the gyro more effective which will prolong the life of
388. order: accurate as to turning during inverted flight the instrument
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one degree for a remote three degrees for a direct ten degrees for a remote one degree for a direct
Regulatory Requirements state that indicating compass and ten reading magnetic compass and indicating compass and one reading magnetic compass
the maximum permissible deviations degrees for a direct reading one degree for a remote degree for a direct reading and eleven degrees for a
389. after compensation are: magnetic compass. indicating compass. magnetic compass. slaved compass.
Compass swings should be carried only on the compass swinging
390. out: on the apron. base or site. at the holding point. on the active runway.
Aircraft magnetism caused by Vertical varies with magnetic heading varies with magnetic latitude it is not affected magnetic varies as the cosine of the
391. Soft Iron: but not with magnetic latitude. but not with heading. latitude or heading. compass heading.
Aircraft magnetism caused by Hard is not usually influenced by the varies directly with magnetic varies indirectly with is maximum on east and
392. Iron: earth's magnetic field. latitude. magnetic latitude. west.
to find deviation on the
cardinal headings and to to record any residual
calculate coefficients A, B and to eliminate or reduce the deviation and to prepare a
393. The aim of a compass swing is: C. coefficients found. compass correction card. all of the above.
The detector unit of a remote
394. indicating compass is normally: Fixed in the vertical plane only Fixed in the azimuth Free in the vertical Free in the horizontal plane
In a remote indicating compass, the
rotor of the slaved gyro is
automatically prevented from
wandering in the vertical plane by A levelling switch and torque
395. means of: motor pendulous suspension Bevel gears and gimbals A torque motor
Regulations state that the residual
deviation of a remote indicating
396. compass shall not exceed; 1 degree 3 degrees 2 degrees 5 degrees
A DG flag appears on the pilots gyro The gyro is no longer being
unit. What does it indicate to the Remote indicating compass in monitored by the detector The compass is aligned with
397. pilot? unserviceable The compass is misaligned unit the detector unit
To show by a dot or a cross
The purpose of the annunciator To indicate that the system is independently that the
398. circuit is to: Alternate irregularly Alternate regularly synchronised system is synchronised
start flashing 2 minutes illuminates if power from the illuminates steadily after
illuminates steadily 2 minutes, before reaching the next aircraft bus bar has been lost passing a waypoint in manual
The amber ALERT light on an INS in AUTO mode, before reaching waypoint and goes out at 30 and the system is operating mode, until the next leg is
399. control and display unit: the next waypoint. seconds to run. on standby battery. programmed in.
During initialisation of an INS the The ramp position has been The gyros and accelerometers The green "ready NAV" light
400. aircraft must not be moved until: inserted and checked. The platform is levelled. are in the "null" position. has been illuminated and the
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mode selector switch has

been set to the "NAV"
When using EHSI, weather radar may
401. be displayed on following settings: map, VOR/ILS. VOR/ILS, map, expanded plan. expanded map, VOR/ILS, plan. map, expanded VOR/ILS.
both captains and co-pilots
402. WXR display is controlled from: captains EHSI control only. co-pilots EHSI control only. a special control panel. EHSI control panels.
Decision height is adjusted and set on HSI section of the EFIS control ADI section of the EFIS control
403. the: flight management computer. panel. panel. ADI or HSI
on both the captains and co-
404. WXR display is on: the captains CRT only. the co-pilots CRT only. a special screen. pilots CRTs.
only on the flight
405. Airspeed is shown: only on the captains EHSI. on both EADIs. on both EHSIs. management CRT.
magnetic north between magnetic north between magnetic north between
With an EFIS flight director using IRS 73°Nth and 65°Sth and true 65°Nth and 73°Sth and true 750Nth and 75°Sth and true
406. guidance, reference north can be: magnetic north only. north above these latitudes. north above these latitudes. north above these latitudes.
Modes available for (EFIS) HSI on VOR, ILS, MAP and AUTO only from manometric
407. some units are: airspeed and Mach. MAP and PLAN. TRIM. sources.
An EFIS as well as having a control
panel, symbol generators and a
408. remote light sensor also has: EADIS and EHSIs EHSIs and altitude indicator EADIS and EICAs EADI and WXR display tubes.
A partially blocked air filter will cause under read the correct rate of over read the correct rate of
409. the air-driven turn indicator to: turn. turn. read in the reverse sense. indicate zero rate of turn.
An aircraft is climbing at a constant
Mach No. below the tropopause in
ISA conditions. During the climb the decrease due to decreasing increase due to falling decrease due to increasing increase due to the LSS
410. CAS will: density error. temperature. density error. decreasing.
An aircraft is flying at FL
390,temperature ISA, at Mach 0.85.
411. The TAS of the aircraft is: 561 476 485 472
The rate of precession of a gyro
412. ROTOR MASS directly inversely inversely directly inversely directly inversely directly inversely inversely directly directly
In a climb the pitot line becomes
blocked. The vertical speed indicator
413. (VSI) will indicate: the original rate of climb. too high a rate of clim too low a rate of climb. zero.
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An aircraft is passing 6,500 ft in a

descent when the static line becomes
414. blocked. The altimeter then reads: 6,500 ft less than 6,500 ft more than 6,500 ft zero
In high speed flight at high altitude
415. the static source will suffer: barometric error lag temperature error position error
An increase of 0.15 in Mach number
results in an increase of 93 kt in TAS.
If the temperature deviation from ISA
416. is +9°C, the FL is: FL 200 FL 220 FL 170 FL 90
If the pitot line becomes blocked in
417. the descent, the ASI will indicate: an increasing CAS a decreasing CAS a steady CAS zero
will prevent the instrument creates a differential pressure
being damaged by high rates of compensates for changes in between the capsule and the compensates for time lag in
418. The restricted choke in the VSI: climb and descent. temperature and density only. case as its main function. the instrument.
a chamber with four exit slots
The latitude correcting device of an an adjustable weight attached an adjustable weight attached the air jet which drives the half covered by pendulous
419. air driven directional gyro is: to the outer gimbal of the DI. to the inner gimbal of the DI. rotor. vanes.
An uncorrected gyro is set to read
100°. The gyro reading after 45
minutes when stationary on the
420. ground in latitude 25°S is: 106.3° 104.8° 093.7° 095.3°
If the static source to an altimeter continues to show the height pointer will return to indicate
becomes blocked during a descent, will over read by a constant at which the blockage a height equivalent to the
421. the instrument: amount. occurred. will progressively under read. sub-scale setting.
The product of the first integration of
the output from the N/S velocity along the local distance along the local
422. accelerometer in INS equipment is: departure latitude meridian meridian
a single gimbal gyroscope a single gimbal gyroscope in
whose primary precession is which a spring, opposing the
a space gyro which uses the opposed by a spring which, in primary precession, in turn an earth gyro in which a
force of precession against a turn, produces a second produces a secondary calibrated spring ensures the
The principle of operation of the turn spring to give a reading of the precession equal and opposite precession equal to the tilt of the gyro is proportional
423. and slip indicator is best described as: aircraft rate of turn. to the aircraft rate of turn. aircraft rate of turn. to the aircraft rate of turn.
With reference to a 'north referenced' the process by which the carried out in the STANDBY the process by which the the process by which the
inertial navigation system (INS), 'gyro inertial platform is aligned with mode by aligning the platform platform is levelled and platform is maintained in
424. compassing' is: magnetic north during the using the aircraft gyromagnetic aligned with true north using correct alignment with true
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ALIGN phase. compass system to define true the earths gravity, in the north during flight.
north. ALIGN mode.
When accelerating on a westerly
heading in the northern hemisphere,
the magnet assembly of a direct turn clockwise indicating an turn anti-clockwise indicating turn clockwise indicating an turn anti-clockwise indicating
reading magnetic compass, when apparent turn towards the an apparent turn towards the apparent turn towards the an apparent turn towards the
425. viewed from above, will: north. north. south. south.
An aircraft is flying at mach 0.86,
426. temperature 218 Kelvin. The TAS is: 494 kt 477 kt 607 kt 575 kt
The subscale of an altimeter is set to
1030 mb and indicates 4500 ft when
the QNH is 996 mb. Assuming 1mb
equals 30 ft, the true height of the
427. aircraft AMSL is: 3180 ft 3990 ft 5520 ft 3480 ft
An uncorrected DGI is set to read
339° when stationary on the ground
in latitude 59N. The reading after 36
428. minutes will be: 346.7° 331.3° 326.1 351.9°
a right turn due to the
During the take-off run, the air driven a climb due to the pendulosity a climb due to the action of pendulosity of the outer a right turn due to the action
429. artificial horizon will indicate: of the inner gimbal. the pendulous vanes. gimbal. of the pendulous vanes.
is compensated for by
affects the capillary tube in the affects the knife edge orifice affects the bi-metallic strip resetting the VSI to read zero
430. In the VSI, viscosity: restricted choke. in the restricted choke. and compensating spring. on the ground before take-off.
directly with the applied force indirectly with the applied directly with the applied force indirectly with the applied
and directly with the inertia of force and indirectly with the and indirectly with the inertia force and directly with the
431. The precession of a gyroscope varies: the rotor. inertia of the rotor. of the rotor. inertia of the rotor.
The rotor of the pitch correction
motor of the electrical artificial
432. horizon is on: the outer gimbal. the inner gimbal. the instrument case. the top of the gyro unit.
An aircraft flying at FL 100 and at a
constant CAS, flies from an area of
warm air into an area of cold air.
Assuming the QNH is the same during
the change of temperature, the
433. aircraft height AMSL and the TAS will decreased increased increased increased decreased decreased increased decreased
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have: Height AMSL TAS

An aircraft is climbing at a constant fall due to density decreasing
Mach number. Assuming the rise due to TAS increasing with due to the increase in local rise due to the decreasing fall due to the increasing
434. temperature is ISA, the CAS will: falling density. speed of sound. pressure. density error.
IAS corrected for IAS corrected for instrument CAS corrected for CAS corrected for position
435. Equivalent airspeed (EAS) is: compressibility. error only. compressibility. error.
With reference to the altimeter,
pressure fluctuations at the static
436. vent cause: Barometric error. Temperature error. Position error. Hysteresis error.
static pressure minus pitot pitot pressure plus static pitot pressure minus static
437. Dynamic pressure is: pressure. pressure. density and static pressure. pressure.
directly with pressure and directly with temperature and inversely with temperature inversely with pressure and
438. Density varies: inversely with temperature. pressure. and pressure. directly with temperature.
An aircraft is flying at TAS of 1100 kt
and FL 650. A change of 0.1 mach
causes a change in TAS of 57 kt. The
temperature deviation at FL 650
439. assuming an ISA atmosphere is: -6° +6° -3° +3°
The deviating effect of vertical soft
iron (VSI) ............. with decrease of
magnetic latitude, due to the .............
of H and the ............. of ............. Z
The line containing the words to
correctly complete the above
440. statement is: increase decrease increase decrease increase decrease decreases increase increase increases decrease decrease.
Angle of attack may be sensed by a stick pusher, adjacent to an indexer, in the flight a conical slotted probe, on a hinged vane sensor, on the
441. means of ............. mounted ............. the flying controls. director. the wing leading edge. wing leading edge.
The servo altimeter is superior to the
442. sensitive altimeter because: it reduces barometric error. it reduces high altitude error. it reduces temperature error. all of the above are correct.
An aircraft is flying at FL 290, TAS 500
kt, mach number 0.86 The
443. temperature deviation from ISA is: -7° +7° -15° +25°
increasing the number of increasing the speed of increasing the speed of decreasing the speed of
The rigidity (gyroscopic inertia) of a gimbals and decreasing the rotation and decreasing the rotation and increasing the rotation and increasing the
444. gyroscope may be increased by: number of planes of rotation. mass of the rotor. mass of the rotor. mass of the rotor.
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An electrically driven artificial horizon being more rigid and increased gyro rpm and
considerably reduces the acceleration being less pendulous and more incorporating erection system using mercury switches and giving it the opposite rotation
445. errors of the air driven variety by: rigid. cut-out switches. torque motors. direction.
A blockage in the static line to the VSI
will subsequently cause the
446. instrument to display: a decreased rate of climb. an increased rate of clim a zero rate of climb. an increased rate of descent.
temperature error and density error and instrument temperature error and instrument error and position
447. Machmeter readings are subject to: pressure error. error. density error. error.
the difference between the
actual mean temperature
below the aircraft and the the difference between the inaccurate calibration of the
Temperature error in the altimeter is mean temperature that would actual pressure setting and temperature compensating the ambient temperature at
448. due to: be found in ISA. 1013.2m device. which the aircraft is flying.
In an inertial reference system the
gyros and accelerometers are: GYROS non-strap down non-strap
449. ACCELEROMETERS down strap down strap down strap down non-strap down non-strap down strap down
TAS obtained from indicated
Mach No. corrected for
IAS corrected for CAS corrected for TAS corrected for pressure and instrument
450. Equivalent Air Speed (EAS) is: compressibility. compressibility. compressibility. error.
In a turn and slip indicator the largest
451. errors will be induced by: yaw angle of bank primary torque reduced spring tension
If the pitot line becomes blocked under read by an increasingly
452. during a climb the machmeter will: be unaffected under read over read erroneous amount.
the flux valve is fixed to the the flux valve is pendulously
the flux valve is pendulously aircraft and so turns with the mounted and so is not
mounted and is free to turn so aircraft to measure the angle affected by the vertical
With reference to the flux valve of a that it remains aligned with the between the aircraft and the the flux valve is not subject to component of the earths
453. gyromagnetic compass: earth magnetic field. earths magnetic field. acceleration errors. magnetic field.
If an increase of 0.15 Mach results in
an increase of 93 kt TAS of an aircraft,
454. the local speed of sound is: 560 kt 685 kt 620 kt 580 kt
An increase of 0.15 Mach results in an
increase of 93 kt TAS of an aircraft. If
the temperature deviation from ISA is
455. +5°C, the approximate flight level is: FL 200 FL 150 FL 220 FL 250
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the temperature of air which

has suffered the full effect of static air temperature minus true outside air temperature
456. Total air temperature is: compression heating. the ambient air temperature. ram air temperature. allowing for cooling
An aircraft is carrying out a rate one
turn at a TAS of 480 kt. The diameter
457. of the turn will be: 2.5 nm 15 nm 5 nm 10 nm
dynamic pressure, static
dynamic pressure, static pitot pressure, static pressure static pressure, pitot pressure pressure and ram air
458. An Air Data Computer has inputs of pressure and air temperature. and static air temperature. and total air temperature. temperature.
When using EHSI, weather radar may MAP, centre map, plan, nav, expanded nav, map,
459. be displayed on following settings: VOR/ILS. VOR/ILS, map, nav, plan. nav, map, VOR/ILS, plan. expanded VOR/ILS.
On the EHSI the following displays are ETA to way point and distance
460. available: to next way point. airspeed and altitude. way point and real drift. pitch and roll attitude.
accept an error of 10° latitude will accept an error of 10°
not accept an error of 10° accept error of 10° latitude but not an error of 10° longitude but not 10° error of
latitude and 10° longitude of and 10° of longitude of the longitude of the inserted latitude in the initial inserted
461. An INS in the "Align" mode will: the inserted initial position. inserted initial position. initial position. position.
the green "ready nav" light is
the gyros and the illuminated and the mode
During initialisation of an INS the the ramp position has been accelerometers are all in the selector switch has been set
462. aircraft must not be moved until: inserted and checked. the platform is levelled. "null" position. to the "nav" position.
EAS = CAS corrected for EAS = IAS corrected for CAS = TAS corrected for TAS = EAS corrected for
463. Select the correct statement: compressibility error. position error. density error. compressibility error.
An aircraft flies an altitude of 3500
feet from A, elevation 700 feet QNH
1015 mb to B, elevation 1120 feet
QNH 992 mb. Assuming the altimeter
sub-scale is not changed, the aircraft
464. will arrive over B at a height: 3500 feet 2810 feet 1690 feet 2670 feet
During a descent at a constant Mach
465. No. below the tropopause in the ISA: TAS decreases LSS decreases. CAS increases TAS increases. LSS increases CAS decreases. CAS increases TAS decreases.
The rotational speed of the gyroscope
in a turn indicator falls below the
correct operational speed. A 90° turn
at an indicated 'rate one' on this turn 30 seconds ± 10 seconds
466. indicator will take: 30 seconds. less than 30 seconds. more than 30 seconds. either way.
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the angle between the chord

the angle between the the angle between the chord line of the wing of an aircraft
The aerodynamic angle of incidence longitudinal axis and the line of the wing and the lateral and the direction of the the angle between the wing
467. (angle of attack) is: relative air flow. axis. relative air flow. and the chord line.
it appears in the middle of the it appears in the scratch pad
If an alert message is generated by CRT screen and a red light it appears at the top of the and the MSG annunciator it appears in the scratch pad
468. the flight management system: flashes. CRT and an amber light flashes. illuminates. and an amber light flashes
The full International Standard
Atmosphere (ISA) is assumed in the the pressure altimeter and the the vertical speed indicator the vertical speed indicator
469. calibration of: airspeed indicator. and the machmeter. the pressure altimeter only. only.
During a steady climb the pitot head
becomes totally blocked by ice. As the
climb continues the indications of the increase no matter what the progressively under indicate stick at the Mach number at
470. machmeter will actual Mach number. the Mach number. the time of blockage. go to zero and stay there.
An aircraft flies from A to B with QNH
at A of 1019 mb set on the altimeter
subscale throughout the flight.
Assuming all other errors are zero and
that 1 mb = 30 feet, when overhead
B, QNH 1013 mbs, the altimeter will
471. be: over indicating by 120 feet. over indicating by 180 feet. indicating true altitude. under indicating by 180 feet.
An aircraft maintaining a constant
CAS and FL is flying from a warm air
mass into a colder air mass. The effect
of the change of temperature on the TAS will decrease and true TAS will increase and true TAS will decrease and true TAS will increase and true
472. TAS and true altitude will be: altitude will decrease. altitude will increase. altitude will increase. altitude will decrease.
An aircraft flying at FL 310 is cruising
at an CAS of 280 kt. If the correct
outside air temperature is -48°C, this
473. will give a Mach number of 0.76 0.71 0.78 0.805
The gyroscopic instrument which has
its spin axis tied to the earth's vertical
474. is: the turn indicator. the artificial horizon. the INS azimuth gyro. the directional gyro indicator.
The rate of precession of a gyroscope
475. varies as: rigidity/disturbing couple 1/(rigidity only) 1/(disturbing couple) only disturbing couple/ rigidity
476. An artificial horizon with an electrical the gyro has greater rigidity, is it is fitted with a roll cut-out the gyro has greater rigidity, is the fast erection switch is
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driven gyroscope has greatly reduced less bottom heavy and there is switch and a linear cut-out less bottom heavy and there used to overcome topple by
take-off errors. This is because: a linear accelerometer cut- out switch. is a roll cut-out switch fitted. increasing the erection rate to
switch fitted. a high value.
position, density, instrument,
The combined Machmeter/ASI is compressibility, manoeuvre instrument, pressure and instrument and
477. subject to the following errors: induced those of the Machmeter only temperature only compressibility only
According to Joint Aviation
requirements, the maximum
deviation on any heading after
correction of a direct reading
478. magnetic compass is: 1° 3° 5° l0°
the functions of Secant
Latitude and Tangent Latitude
used for certain corrections in
An INS with the accelerometers at high speed on East or West the computer start to the correction for the Coriolis
aligned N/S and E/W is limited to use tracks the rate of convergency approach infinity and the effect of earth rotation
at latitudes below about 82°. This is it loses horizontal reference as is faster than the azimuth computer cannot handle the approaches infinity above 82°
479. because: dip becomes large. motor can correct. rapid changes involved lat.
illuminates if power from the illuminates steadily after
illuminates steadily for 2 aircraft bus bar has been lost passing a way point in manual
The amber ALERT light on an INS minutes before reaching the flashes for 2 minutes before and the system is operating mode, until the next leg is
480. control and display unit: next way point. reaching the next way point. on standby battery. programmed in.
The correct check for a turn and slip
indicator when taxying and turning
481. left is: needle left, ball left. needle left, ball right. needle right, ball left. needle right, ball right.
If the alternate static source is
selected, the greatest error in the
482. machmeter will be; position error manoeuvre induced error density error lag
Compared to the VSI what errors are
483. eliminated by the IVSI? lag turning pressure temperature
In an INS the gyros should be strap
down. In an IRS the gyros should be
484. strap down always, never. always, always. never, always. never, never.
The airspeed indicator is calibrated ISA at the height the aircraft is
485. to; ISA at mean sea level. ISA at 36,090 ft. flying. the full ISA.
486. Which of the following lists the errors Position, manoeuvre induced, Compressibility, position, Lag, position, density, Position, manoeuvre induced
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of the machmeter? lag, density and instrument. density, instrument and compressibility and and instrument.
manoeuvre induced. temperature.
A DGI reads 300°T when the aircraft is
stationary at 60°S, what will the DGI
487. read after 40 minutes? 309° 287° 313° 291°
does not vary with aircraft
varies with aircraft heading varies with latitude but does does not vary with aircraft latitude but does vary with
488. Aircraft magnetism; and latitude not vary with aircraft heading heading or latitude aircraft heading
An aircraft is flying a rate 1 turn at
480 kt TAS. What is the diameter of
489. the turn? 3nm 5nm 6nm 2nm
The machmeter measures Mach
490. Number by measuring; P+S/ S D+S/S P-S / S D-S / S
In gyroscopic theory the term `Topple' wander, real or apparent, in real wander only in the wander, real or apparent, in real wander only in the
491. is defined as; the horizontal plane vertical plane the vertical plane horizontal plane
Which of the following is true Its gyro is offset by 30° to the It gives angle of bank and rate It responds to rate of turn
492. regarding the turn co-ordinator? It has a tied gyroscope. longitudinal axis of the aircraft. of turn. only.
EAS from CAS and the CAS from IAS and the EAS from CAS and the CAS from IAS and the
Compressibility is corrected for when correction is always correction can be either correction is normally correction is normally
493. obtaining; subtractive. additive or subtractive. subtractive. subtractive
Reduced spin-up time and a Increased accuracy and a Insensitivity to `g' and
What are the advantages of an IRS dither motor to prevent 'lock- Reduced spin-up time and dither motor to prevent 'lock- reduced wander of the
494. compared to an INS? out'. insensitivity to `g'. out'. gyroscopes.
An aircraft flying at Mach 0.83 is in air
495. SAT 230 Kelvin. What is the TAS? 490 kt 575 kt 495 kt 470 kt
An altimeter has an error of 1 mb. The
error at 20,000ft will be _______,
while at 40,000ft the error will be
496. ________ 30ft, 30ft 50ft, 100ft I Oft, 30ft 50ft, 80ft
to below 500' radio altitude to below 500' radio altitude to below 200' barometric to below 200' radio altitude
The GPWS would provide visual and with flaps not in the landing with flaps not in the landing altitude with flap not in the with flap not in the landing
audible warning to a pilot if the position and speed below position and speed below landing position and speed position and speed below
497. aircraft descended: Mach.28 Mach.35 below Mach.28 Mach.28.
the radio altimeter, the ILS the radio altimeter, the Air the radio altimeter, the Air
receiver, the Air Data Data Computers, the landing Data Computers, the Captain's the radio altimeter and the ILS
498. The GPWS uses inputs from: Computers and the landing gear position indicators and ILS receiver, the landing gear receiver.
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gear position indicators. the flap position indicators. position indicators and the
flap position indicators.
An aircraft 'goes around' after
descending to a radio altitude of 190ft
As power is applied a power unit fails
and some height is lost The GPWS
would provide an alert when the
499. aircraft had lost about: 10ft 20ft 50ft 100ft
On receipt of a TCAS RA your action is initiate the required request a flight clearance Do nothing until a TA is
500. to: manoeuvre immediately. make a note of the details. deviation from ATC. received.
TCAS 2 provides avoidance TCAS 2 cannot provide
Which of the following statements instructions in the vertical and information on non-SSR TCAS 2 requires Mode S to be TCAS 2 provides advice on
501. concerning TCAS is correct: horizontal planes. equipped intruders. fitted to other aircraft. which way to turn.
TCAS I can be fitted to aircraft
TCAS II can provide `Traffic TCAS II can only be fitted to which carry transponders with
Advisories' and `Resolution large aircraft which carry more Mode A only whilst TCAS 11
With reference to Traffic Collision Advisories' whilst TCAS I can than 30 passengers. Whilst can only be fitted to aircraft TCAS II can only be fitted to
Avoidance Systems. The difference only provide 'Traffic TCAS I can be fitted to any whose transponders include aircraft which are equipped
502. between TCAS I and II is that: Advisories'. aircraft. either Mode C or Mode S. with EFIS.
The aural messages provided by TCAS Climb left; Climb right; Climb; Descend; Increase Turn left, Turn Right, Increase
503. II are: Threat, Climb; Threat, Descend. Descend left; Descend right. climb; Increase Descent. Turn, Decrease Turn
RAs may be disregarded only RAs may be disregarded only
when the pilot visually when the pilot visually
identifies the potentially identifies the potentially RAs may be disregarded only
conflicting traffic and decides conflicting traffic and decides when the pilot visually
that no deviation is necessary that no deviation is necessary identifies the potentially
With reference to Traffic Collision and has the clearance and has advised ATC of the RAs must never be conflicting traffic and decides
504. Avoidance Systems: confirmed by ATC. other aircraft's proximity. disregarded. that no deviation is necessary.
What are the inputs to a modern jet
transport aeroplane's stall warning
1. A.o.A
2. Engine RPM
3. Configuration
4. Pitch and bank information
505. 5. Control surface position 1,2,3&4 2,4,5&6 1,2,3&6 2,3,4&5
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6. Airspeed vector
EGPWS may indicate:
1. Excessive sink rate after T/O
2. Excessive descent rate
3. Excessive closure
4. Ground proximity, not in the
landing configuration
5. Deviation from glide-slope
506. 6. Proximity to en-route terrain 1,4&6 2,3&5 1,3&5 2,4&6
A single axis autopilot may also be
507. called: Altitude hold Wing leveller Pitch control loop Auto stabilisation loop
is a system which will maintain is a system which will maintain is an outer loop control
508. An auto pilot: a preselected altitude a preselected airspeed is an auto stabilisation system system
Is another name for an Applies flight data to the auto Is automatically disengaged Can only be used in EFIS
509. An automatic flight control system: autopilot system pilot system by a GPWS alert equipped aircraft
An aircraft has yaw damping included
in its auto stabilisation system. An
essential requirement of such a Parallel connected servo Automatic maintenance of c
510. system is: A three axis autopilot system motors of g position INS inputs to the CADC
Manoeuvring commands may
Manoeuvring commands may be input using pitch and turn
be input by applying normal controls on the automatic
An automatic flight control system is The autopilot must be forces to the control yoke flight system control panel,
fitted with control wheel steering disengaged before the pilot can without first disengaging the without first disengaging the The CWS is only there for
511. (CWS) input manoeuvring commands autopilot autopilot steering on the ground
What type of autoland system would
be required for the landing to
continue following a single failure
512. below alert height: Fail soft Fail passive Fail operational or fail active Land 2 system
An automatic flight system which can
safely continue with an automatic
513. landing after a system failure is a: Fail redundant system Fail passive system Three axis system Fail operational system
During an autoland the caption LAND
514. 2 is illuminated. The system is: Fail active or fail operational Fail passive Approaching decision height Requiring a crew input
For an autoland system to meet FAIL Have suitable system Withstand a system failure Can continue with an Can continue with an
515. PASSIVE criteria it must: redundancy without excessive deviations autoland below alert height autoland above alert height
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from flight path

localiser roll control is
disengaged just prior to flare is disengaged prior to glideslope is the engaged
516. During an autoland approach: flare is engaged at 1500'agl touchdown touchdown at 5'GA pitch mode until 5'GA
In an autoland at 1000' AGL with two the armed roll mode would be the engaged roll mode would the engaged pitch mode the engaged roll mode would
517. autopilots engaged: LOCALISER be GLIDESLOPE would be FLARE be LOCALISER.
An automatic flight control system in
which the application of normal
forces on the control column allows
the ilot to input demands to the
518. autopilot is a: control wheel steering touch control steering series connected system parallel connected system.
If a fault develops in a Triplex auto-
pilot system during an approach, the fail passive and the landing
519. system will revert to; may continue. fail control wheel mode. fail operational. a manual disconnect.
Central Air Data Computers (CADC's) airspeed, altitude and decision airspeed, altitude and Mach airspeed, attitude and Mach
520. transmit data concerning ;- height. Number. Number. airspeed and altitude only.
The auto-throttle is used to control
some factors during the three primary
521. control modes, they are: EPR, Mach and Speed. EPR, wheel and speed EPR, Mach and altitude. EPR, wheel and altitude.
The system which allows the pilot to
control the aircraft with the the electronic inner / outer
522. servomotors engaged is called; touch control steering. control wheel steering. axis loop. the outer loop control.
After a failure of one of the necessary
redundant systems below alert height continue the descent but disengage autoland and take continue descent and land
523. you would; revert to a higher D.H. carry out a missed approach. over manually. automatically.
When localiser and glide slope are
captured at 1,500 feet during an
automatic landing sequence, two
other functions will be activated at touch down mode and roll out flare mode arm and touch flare mode engage and roll flare mode arm and off line
524. the same time, they are; mode. down mode. out mode. channels engaged.
Inner loop control in the roll Outer loop input to the pitch Outer loop control about the Inner loop control in the pitch
525. ALT HOLD is an example of : axis channel longitudinal axis axis
Senses rate of turn and Supplies rate and
Has three degrees of freedom, positions an indicator on the displacement information to
526. A rate gyro: two gimbals and a transducer EHSI the computer Controls the outer loop inputs
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In the pitch and roll channel In the pitch channel only with In the pitch channel only with In the pitch and roll channel
527. Autotrim is functional : with the autopilot engaged the autopilot engaged the autopilot disengaged with the autopilot disengaged
manoeuvre the aircraft in the alter the flight path while the
Control wheel steering enables a pilot air while the autopilot is autopilot is engaged by manoeuvre the aircraft with
528. to: taxy the aircraft on the ground engaged applying a breakout force the autopilot disengaged.
can be engaged without the usually operates on all three is not needed if the autopilot operates only in conjunction
529. The rules for the Autotrim are that it : autopilot axes is engaged with the autopilot
The Autothrottle will come on in a FBW aircraft the AoA
automatically even with the A/T reaches a critical value called a the AoA reaches the stalling reverse thrust is selected in
530. switch OFF when: floor angle TOGA button is pressed flight.
An aircraft on Autopilot is engaged in
the VOR mode and loses the VOR decouples from the VOR and
signals as it flies through the VOR automatically switches to decouples from the VOR and tunes to the next VOR on the flies the last heading for a
531. cone of silence. The autopilot: Heading mode disconnects route fixed period.
With the autopilot in CWS the pilot
manoeuvres the aircraft and releases attitude at the time of
532. control. The aircraft will maintain heading and altitude heading, speed and attitude altitude and attitude release.
Autopilot corrections affecting Pitch
533. are carried out by: autotrim only autotrim and elevators elevators only autothrottle.
the Engine Indicating and
Crew Alerting System, with
the Electronic Centralised the fourth mode a manual
the Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitor, with the the Engine Indicating and cross over from the Electronic
The electronic engine display system Aircraft Monitor, with the fourth mode flight phase Crew Alerting System, with Centralised Aircraft Monitor
534. with three automatic modes is: fourth mode manual. related or manual. the fourth mode manual System.
a compact message will
appear both on the upper a compact message will
With an Engine Indicating and Crew a compact message will only a compact message will only display unit and the captains appear on the upper display
Alerting System lower display unit appear on the upper display appear on the central display Electronic Flight Instrument unit when the status button is
535. failure: unit. unit. System. pressed on the control panel.
one primary and one
secondary display unit for an
EICAS and a change over two display units for ECAM an interconnect to the EFIS
The electronic engine display system selector to change to the ECAM and three display units for either EICAS or ECAM but not symbol generators in an
536. will have: mode if necessary. EICAS. both. emergency.
537. In an Engine Indicating and Crew N1, EGT, N2. N1, EGT, EPR. N2, EGT, EPR. N4, EGT, EPR.
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Alerting System if both displays fail

then the following information is
displayed on the standby engine
checklist format on the left checklist format on the left synoptic format on the left
The Electronic Centralised Aircraft display panel and schematic display unit and the right, or display unit and a warning and continuous primary engine
Monitor (ECAM) type of system form always automatically on lower display unit, a diagram or corrective action display on display on the primary display
538. shows a: the right display unit. synoptic format. the right or lower display unit. unit.
on both the Electronic Flight
Instrument System and Engine only on the Flight
An engine fire indication on an on the primary display panel in on the secondary display panel Indicating and Crew Alerting Management Computer
539. electronic engine display is shown: red. in amber. System secondary panels. primary panel.
An EICAS system with the An ECAM system with the
primary engine instruments primary engine instruments
An engine electronic system which in An EICAS system with EPR, EGT An ECAM system with the displayed on the primary displayed on the primary
normal conditions of flight shows only and N2 shown on the primary primary engine instruments screen, the secondary screen screen, the left screen being
540. the primary engine instruments is: instruments. displayed on the lower screen. being blank. blank.
541. The properties of a gyro are: mass , rigidity & inertia rigidity & precession rigidity & inertia mass & inertia
An aircraft fitted with a Direct
Reading Magnetic Compass (DRMC)
upon landing in a northerly direction
542. will indicate: no change oscillation about north a turn towards east a turn towards west
an airspeed indicator with an airspeed indicator with an an altimeter corrected for
543. The machmeter consists of: mach scale altimeter capsule density a VSI and altimeter combined
An aircraft is flying at an indicated
altitude of 16,000ft. The outside air
temperature is -30° C What is the true
544. altitude of the aircraft? 16,200 ft 15,200 ft 18,600 ft 13,500 ft
the airfield barometric the setting that will give zero the equivalent sea level the setting that will indicate
545. QNH is: pressure indication on the airfield pressure at the airfield airfield height
inertial navigation inertial attitude unit&inertial autopilot system&stabiliser rate of turn indicator&inertial
546. A rate integrating gyro is used in: unit&autopilot system navigation unit servo mechanism system navigation unit
time elapsed for signal to
An Air Data Computer (ADC) obtains barometric data from static travel to and return from the difference between absolute
547. altitude from: outside air temperature source earth and dynamic pressure
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When descending through an

isothermal layer at constant CAS,
548. what does the TAS do? increase at a linear rate increase at an exponential rate remain the same decrease
549. What is VMO calculated from: CAS TAS COAS EAS
Descending from FL390 at maximum
groundspeed, what will the pilot be VMo initially then MMo at a MMO initially then VMO at a VNE initially then MMO at a VNO initially then VNE at a
550. limited by: specified altitude specified altitude specified altitude specified altitude
the flaps may be extended in the flaps may be extended in the flaps may be extended in
551. VFE is the maximum speed that: the flaps can be operated the take-off configuration the landing configuration a specified configuration
Mach number is defined as the ratio
552. of IAS to LSS TAS to LSS CAS to LSS EAS to LSS
The factors which will affect a Turn aircraft speed & aircraft angle of bank & aircraft
553. Indicator are: weight angle of bank & aircraft speed weight all of the above
To obtain heading information from a
Gyro Stabilised platform, the gyros 1 degree of freedom and a 1 degree of freedom and a 2 degrees of freedom and a 2 degrees of freedom and a
554. should have: horizontal axis vertical axis horizontal axis vertical axis
OAT, electric power, static dynamic pressure, TAT&pitot TAT, static pressure, electric
555. What are the inputs to the ADC ? pressure&AOA pressure both a & b power, pitot pressure&AOA
the pilot can fully deflect the should only be exceeded in must not be exceeded for
556. VNO is the max speed which: controls. still air and with caution. should never be exceeded. flap/gear extension
What does the "barbers pole" on an
557. ASI indicate?: VMO& altitude. VMO& temperature. VNO VNE
On board a/c, true altitude shown
558. from: standard atmosphere. pressure altitude. density altitude. temperature altitude.
altitude in the standard
atmosphere at which the
prevailing density is equal to
the density in the standard pressure altitude corrected for
559. What is density altitude: atmosphere prevailing temp. temperature altitude. pressure corrected
ground based and measures ground based and measures a/c based and measures true a/c based and measures true
560. A radio altimeter is: true altitude. true height. altitude. height.
If the pitot tube is leaking (and the
pitot drain is blocked) in a non- over-read in the climb, under- under-read in the climb, over-
561. pressurised a/c, the ASI will: under-read. over-read. read in the descent. read in the descent.
In a right turn while taxiing, the
562. correct indications are: Needle left, ball right. Needle left, ball left. Needle right, ball right. Needle right, ball left.
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What will the altimeter read if the

layers beneath the aircraft are all read lower than the real read higher then the real
563. colder than standard? altitude altitude read the correct altitude readings will fluctuate
The indications of a machmeter are Differential static and
564. independent of Temperature (OAT) Static Pressure dynamic Pressure Dynamic Pressure
1 degree of freedom and an 2 degree of freedom and an 1 degree of freedom and a 2 degree of freedom and a
565. An artificial horizon has: horizontal axis. horizontal axis. vertical axis. vertical axis.
Increasing RPM and Increasing RPM and Decreasing RPM and Decreasing RPM and
concentrating the mass on the concentrating the mass at the concentrating the mass on the concentrating the mass at the
566. The rigidity of a gyro is improved by: periphery of the rotor. hub of the rotor. periphery of the rotor. hub of the rotor.
What is the speed of sound at sea
567. level ISA 644kts. 661 kts. 1059 kts 583kts.
What is the speed of sound at 30,000
568. ft and -40 degrees C. 562kts. 595kts. 590kts. 661 kts.
align compass north with align compass north with true align magnetic north with true get true north and lubber line
569. A compass swing is used to: magnetic north. north. north. aligned.
TAT = SAT - heating due to TAT = SAT + heating due to
570. The TAT probe measures TAT by: TAT = SAT + kinetic heating. compressibility. TAT = SAT - kinetic heating. compressibility.
If a pitot tube and drains are blocked
at altitude by icing, during a descent
571. the ASI will: read constant airspeed. under read. over read. show zero.
establish position relative to
An IRS is aligned when turned on so calculate the computed establish true and magnetic true north and magnetic
572. as to: trihedron. north. north. establish magnetic north.
In a slightly banked turn, the turn angular velocity about the
573. needle will indicate: roll rate. rate of yaw. vertical axis. rate of pitch.
The Primary Flying Display (PFD)
574. displays information dedicated to: engine data and alarms flight path weather radar aircraft systems
Radio Aids, Engine Parameters Route Data,Terminal Data &
575. What are the inputs to the FMS ? & Air Data Operating Data All of the above none of the above
What are the upper and lower limits lower limit VLO and upper limit lower limit VLE and upper limit lower limit VNO and upper lower limit VLO and upper
576. of the yellow arc on an ASI? VNE VNE limit VNE limit VLE
use of an accelerometer
577. In a VSI lag error is improved by: bi-metalic strip two system return spring
An aircraft is flying a true track of
578. 360° from 5° south to 5° north. What 0° per hour + 5° per hour - 5° per hour depends upon groundspeed
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is the change in apparent wander

When turning through 180° at
constant attitude and bank, a classic nose up and correct angle of attitude and bank angle are nose up and bank angle too nose up and bank angle too
579. Artificial Horizon indicates: bank correct low high
The ratio of pitot pressure to The ratio of static pressure to The ratio of dynamic pressure The ratio of static pressure to
580. Mach number is defined as: dynamic pressure dynamic pressure to static pressure pitot pressure
relative temperature measured differential temperature relative temperature ambient temperature
581. What is SAT ? in K measured in K measured in °C measured in °C
What happens when the static vent
supplying an ASI is blocked, and the ASI acts opposite to an ASI always over reads / reads a ASI always under reads /
582. ram air inlet remains clear ? altimeter higher value reads a lower value ASI acts like an altimeter
In a left turn while taxiing, the correct
583. indications are: Needle left, ball right. Needle left, ball left. Needle right, ball right. Needle right, ball left.
the maximum speed at which the maximum speed at which the maximum speed at which the minimum speed at which
to fly with the landing gear the landing gear may be to fly with the landing gear to fly with the landing gear
584. VLO is defined as: retracted retracted or extended extended extended
the speed which must not be the speed above which the the maximum speed for
exceeded in still air, or without landing gear may not be the speed which must never normal flap extension to be
585. VNE is defined as: caution extended be exceeded selected
pitot pressure to static (pitot pressure minus static pitot pressure times static pitot pressure to (static
586. A machmeter measures the ratio of, pressure pressure) to static pressure pressure pressure times pitot pressure)
A standby artificial horizon must have a remote gyro &its own power its own power supply & its
587. the following properties: supply only to be used in emergency both a & b own gyro
increases if SAT is greater
During a descent at constant CAS and than standard temperature
588. total temperature, the mach no: increases remains constant and decreases if it is lower decreases
The single most significant item which
makes a servo altimeter more temperature compensated
589. accurate is: electromagnetic pick-off logarithmic scale spring multiple pointers
If a large aircraft is slide slipped to
starboard, and the port static vent is
blocked, what will the altimeter read
590. ? under read read correctly Over read fluctuate
radio alt flag, red lamp, and radio alt flag and red lamp
591. If the radio altimeter fails: height information disappears aural warning given aural warning given activates.
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maximum structural cruising

592. VNO is defined as: speed never exceed speed manoeuvring speed maximum operating speed
If the left static vent is blocked, and
the right static vent is clear. What will
the altimeter read if the aircraft read correctly whatever the if side slipping to the left, if side slipping to the right,
593. maintains constant level? situation under read altimeter will over read. altimeter will over read.
An aircraft is flying at constant
indicated altitude, over a cold
594. airmass. The altimeter reading will be: greater than the real altitude standard altitude same as the real altitude less than the real altitude
From where does the air data
computer (ADC) obtain aircraft dynamic - absolute ambient absolute barometric sensor
595. altitude? OAT probe pressure on aircraft fuselage none of the above
What does a radio altimeter, for an
aircraft in the landing configuration, height of aircraft wheels above height of the aircraft above
596. measure: the ground the ground altitude of the aircraft altitude of the aircraft wheels
What is indicated on the ASI when the
597. static vent blocks during a descent ? under reads reads correctly over reads reads zero
The error in a Directional Gyro due to
the earth's rotation, at a mean
latitude of 45° N, will cause the spin
598. axis to move by: 10.6° Clockwise 10.6° Anti-clockwise 7.6° Clockwise 7.6° Anti-clockwise
If you maintain the same CAS and
Altitude (FL270), and the temperature
increases, what happens to the Mach increases at an exponential decreases at an exponential
599. No ? rate rate remains the same increases
An aircraft is fitted with two
altimeters. One is corrected for at high speed the non- provided that the ADC is at high speed the non-
position error, the other is not ATC will receive erroneous compensated altimeter will working normally, there will compensated altimeter will
600. corrected for position error information of flight level show a lower altitude be no error to either altimeter show a higher altitude
The pitot tube of an ASI gives a direct
601. reading of: static pressure total & static pressure total pressure dynamic pressure
When descending from FL230 to FL50
at maximum speed, the limitations
602. which apply are: VMO VMO then MMO MMO then VMO MMO
A modern low altitude Radio pulse modulated waves, with Frequency modulated waves, Wave modulation, with Triangular wave, with the
603. Altimeter uses the principle of: the difference between the where the difference between frequency shift due to frequency shift of the ground
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transmitted and received the transmitted wave and the Doppler effect of the ground reflected wave being
waves displayed on a circular received wave is measured. reflected wave being measured
screen. measured
What is the principle of operation of a differential pressure across a
604. VSI: capsule total pressure in a capsule static pressure in a capsule dynamic pressure in a capsule
What is the normal operating range of
605. a low altitude Radio Altimeter? 0 to 2,500ft 50ft to 2500ft 0 to 10,000ft 0 to 7,500ft
to determine aircraft height to determine aircraft height to determine pressure
606. What is a radio altimeter used for? above mean sea level above ground level altitude to detennine aircraft altitude
Why must Latitude and Longitude be to determine the aircraft to check the IRS position with to enable the levelling to determine the accuracy of
607. inserted into an IRS? position relative to the earth the Flight Management System procedure to commence the alignment
608. What is the input to a VSI ? static pressure differential pressure total pressure dynamic pressure
The Pitot tube comprises a mast to avoid disturbance from
position it below the skin of the aerodynamic flow about the position it outside the
609. aircraft for: aircraft boundary layer anti-ice protection easy access for maintenance
The capacitance will change
In a capacitor type fuel quantity The capacitance decrease if The capacitance increase if with fuel quantity and
610. indicator : fuel is decreased. fuel is decreased. temperature. None of the above.
An accelerometer usually measures In all three directions (X,Y,Z)
611. acceleration : In one direction only. In two directions at a time. at a time. none of the above
612. The magnetic equator is : An agonic line. An isoclinic line. An aclinic line. An isogonic line.
613. Compass deviation is due to : Aircraft magnetic field. Earth’s magnetic field. Magnetic storm. None of the above.
Change of latitude and Mechanical imperfections of
614. The cause of apparent precession is : Earth’s rotation. longitude. Both (a) and (b) are correct. the gyro.
During entry of initial co-ordinates, accepts both wrong latitude does not accept wrong
615. the inertial navigation system : accepts wrong latitude. accepts wrong longitude. and longitude. latitude or longitude.
When an aircraft flies 2 dots below gives a “GLIDESLOPE” hard gives a “GLIDESLOPE” soft does not give any does not give any GPW
616. glideslope, the GPWS : warning. warning. “GLIDESLOPE” warning. warning.
cannot measure acceleration calculates the position of the can measure acceleration
without reference to a known aircraft with reference to requires a known initial independently but requires
initial position (latitude, known initial position and position to measure initial position to measure
617. The INS : longitude). velocity. acceleration. present position.
reproduced from prerecorded generated from random generated from read only manually initiated after some
618. The audible warning of GPWS is : tapes. access memories (RAM). memories (ROM). warnings.
619. The auto pilot : relieves the human pilot of assists in navigation with the improves safety but does not All of the above are correct.
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flying fatigue. help of other instruments. replace the human pilot.

At 50 feet agl during an autoland,
what happens to the glideslope signal
620. ? continues to be actioned is disconnected is factored for range is used to flare the aircraft
Autothrottle engaged mode can be
621. checked by the pilot, using: primary flight display thrust control computer position of throttles navigation display
glideslope and localiser
What happens at 50ft whilst carrying disconnect and aircraft radio altimeter controls the radio altimeter controls the glideslope disconnects and
622. out an autolanding? continues to land rate of descent angle of attack aircraft continues descent
If the autopilot is selected to VOR Temporarily follows current The pilot manually flies the
mode, what happens if the aircraft heading until exiting the cone VOR disengages and Heading The pilot must select an aircraft following flight
623. flies over the cone of confusion`? of confusion hold engages alternate roll mode director roll commands.
The autopilot disconnects (or the
624. autoland is completed) at: 100 ft decision height flare roll out
how the pilot's control input and output at the
The control law in a fly-by-wire demands are translated into amplifier level respectively computer input deviation data the versine signal between
625. system is a relationship between: control surface movements. control the deviation data and flap position modification the ailerons and elevators
At the missed approach point the
TOGA switch on the throttles is Autopilot selects max. power Autopilot selects max. power
depressed. Which of the following GA power selected & Pilot & Pilot manually fly’s & Autopilot fly’s the GA GA power selected & Aircraft
626. statements are correct : manually fly’s manoeuvre manoeuvre manoeuvre automatically cleans up
the pilot retracts the flap and the auto throttle selects
the landing gear to reduce drag maximum power as soon as
If a Go-Around is initiated from an & the autopilot monitors the the TOGA switch is pressed &
627. auto-approach : climb the pilot performs the climb both a & b none of the above
Where can the pilot look to see the
628. autothrottle mode ? PFD overhead panel throttle control panel EICAS
The autopilot is engaged with no
modes selected. What is the autopilot
629. providing: wing leveling altitude hold Auto-stability with auto-trim LNAV and VNAV
630. Autoland Flare is initiated at 1500 ft 330 ft 50 ft 5 ft
An autopilot capable of altitude hold
and heading hold is a minimum Single pilot operation in VMC Single pilot operation under
631. requirement for: and IMC. IFR and at night. Aircraft over 5700kg. Dual pilot operation (in IFR).
632. During a fully automatic landing the and the auto-throttle control and the auto-throttle control and the auto-throttle control controls the approach (at
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autopilot: the approach at least until the the approach at least until the the approach at least until least) until the roll-out, the
flare. roll-out. decision height. pilot controls the power.
Pitch attitude holding , Pitch attitude holding , Horizontal wing holding , VOR axis holding ,Inertial
In an autopilot system, a/c flight path Horizontal wing holding & Horizontal wing holding & ASI Inertial heading holding & heading holding & ASI and
633. modes include which of the following: Inertial heading holding and Mach hold Yaw damper Mach hold
ailerons are moved in
ailerons are moved in proportion to rate of angular rudder is moved in proportion rudder is moved in proportion
634. In a yaw damper: proportion to Mach No. velocity. to Mach No. to rate of angular velocity.
LOC ARMED lights up on the localiser armed and awaiting
635. annunciator, this means: localiser beam captured. capture. localiser alarm is on. ILS is captured
What is the most basic function of an
636. autopilot? altitude hold heading hold wing leveller altitude and heading hold
A/P holds IAS/MACH when A/P holds altitude in cruise
Regarding autopilot and auto- climbing in LVL CHG and A/T with ALT HOLD, A/T controls A/P holds pitch in descent in
637. throttle: controls thrust. IAS/Mach. V/S mode, A/T controls thrust. both a and b.
To provide control about To prevent snatching on To prevent snatching on
638. Auto-trim is fitted to an autopilot: lateral axis. disengaging A/P. engaging A/P To correct for Mach tuck
speed , flight path , altitude ,
639. Auto throttle can hold speed , flight path , attitude speed , Mach , EPR / N Mach altitude , Mach , EPR / N
When operating with the autopilot in
ALT hold mode what happens if the
Captain's barometric altimeter
640. pressure setting is increased ALT hold disengages Nothing The aeroplane will climb The aeroplane will descend
to relieve forces on the to relieve forces on the
to synchronise the longitudinal autopilot servomotor prior to to react to altitude changes in control column before hand
641. The function of autotrim is loop hand over ALT HOLD mode over
compensates for the rearward compensates for the forward
movement of the CP due to movement of the CP due to is operational at low subsonic
642. The Mach Trim system shockwave formation shockwave formation controls the aircraft in roll speeds
The Flight Director horizontal and
vertical bars are up and left of aircraft
symbol on the ADI, these indications Increase pitch angle, turn Decrease pitch angle, turn
643. are directing the pilot to: Increase pitch angle, turn left Decrease pitch angle, turn left right right
engine limitation
protection&power automatic engine starting manual engine starting
644. What does FADEC do? management sequence sequence all of the above
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When turning into a desired radial, FD correct attitude to intercept

645. bars indicate: a 45° angle of bank a 30° angle of bank a 15° angle of bank radial
The input to a basic stall warning
646. system are: Angle of attack IAS Slat/flap position Mmo
647. Where is TCAS displayed ? On its own screen On the EFIS&On VSI Weather Radar all of the above
648. The principle that TCAS uses is: Primary radar ATC radar RT communications Transponders in the aircraft
What does a FDR record when Cockpit voice , Radio & Public
649. combined with a CVR? addresses from the cockpit Cockpit voice&Radio Radio & Cabin voice all of the above
The Altitude Alert system alerts the When reference altitude When deviating from the
650. pilot: At decision height At the selected altitude equals the selected altitude selected altitude
Pressure encoding from mode Aircraft specific
S transponder &Radio configurations&Inertial
651. TCAS II obtains information from: altimeter reference unit (IRU) both a and b none of the above
PA announcements even
Cabin crew conversation on when not selected on flight
652. What does a CVR record ? Cabin crew conversations intercom deck Radio conversations
Various inputs including speed Various inputs including
brake position, a warning landing gear micro switch, a Various inputs including EGT,
A stall warning system fitted to a module and a visual or aural warning module and an aural a warning module and an Stick shakers and/or stick
653. large aircraft will always include: warning warning aural warning push
654. GPWS is active between what heights: Oft and 2500ft 50ft and 2450 ft 0 ft and 2450 ft 50 ft and 5000 ft
Smoothly and immediately Turn 90° and smoothly and
What is the correct response to a follow the climb or descent Request permission to Follow ATC instructions as immediately follow the climb
655. TCAS RA ? commands manoeuvre from ATC these override TCAS RAs or descent commands
What symbol is used to represent a
656. RA on a TCAS PPI ? Yellow circle Red lozenge Red square Red circle
From the time when the
From the time when the From the time the first engine From the time when the first aircraft is first able to move
What are the regulatory requirements aircraft is first able to move is started and stops 5 minutes engine is started and stops 5 under its own power until 5
for the CVR to start and stop under its own power until it is after the last engine is minutes after the APU is minutes after it is no longer
657. recording ? no longer able to do so. shutdown. shutdown. able to do so.
An altitude alerting system must at Approaching selected altitude Abnormal gear/flap
least be capable of alerting the crew & Excessive deviation from Approaching selected altitude combination & Excessive
658. on: selected altitude. & Excessive vertical speed. terrain closure. all of the above
659. Other traffic which is assessed as not A solid red square. A solid white or cyan diamond. A hollow cyan diamond. A hollow cyan square.
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being a threat will be indicated by a

TCAS system as:
Flaps in incorrect
Which of the following are modes of Excessive sink rate&Altitude Excessive Glideslope position&High altitude
660. the GPWS? Excessive sink rate&Stall loss after T/O or go-around deviation&High climb rate descent
What corrective action is given by
661. TCAS ? Turn left or right. Climb or descend. Contact ATC Turn then climb or descend.
The Flight Data Recorder actually At the beginning of the T/O Before the a/c starts moving
662. starts running: run. under its own power When the gear is retracted. When a/c lines up on runway.
SINK RATE repeated each 1.5
DON'T SINK, DON'T SINK seconds. Penetrating the
followed by WHOOP WHOOP, DON'T SINK, DON'T SINK second boundary generates
What I's the GPWS Mode 3 audible PULL UP if the sink rate DON'T SINK, DON'T SINK followed immediately by an aural alert of WHOOP,
663. alert ? exceeds a certain value. continuously. WHOOP WHOOP, PULL UP. WHOOP PULL UP.
Crash/Fire resistant
Microphone & Crash/Fire Microphone & A Flight data Microphone &Independent construction& A Flight data
664. CVR components consist of: resistant construction recorder battery recorder
If an aircraft GPWS detects an
excessive rate of descent with gear TOO LOW TERRAIN, TOO LOW
and flaps up, the alert and warning TERRAIN followed by TOO LOW SINK RATE followed by TERRAIN TERRAIN followed by
The requirement to carry a GPWS
concerns aircraft which are,
depending on their age, weight and
666. passenger capacity Jet & Piston Turboprop & Jet Turboprop&Piston None of the above
If both displays of an EICAS system fail
what information will be displayed on
667. the standby engine indicator N1 , EPR , N2 N1, EPR, EGT N2 , EPR , EGT EGT , N1 , FF
During the take-off run , the effect of
increasing airspeed is to cause the increase and subsequently
668. EPR indication to remain constant increase decrease decrease
displayed in red, normally on
displayed in amber on the the upper screen , and displayed in amber, normally displayed in amber, normally
An advisory message on the EICAS lower screen with associated requiring immediate corrective on the upper screen with on the upper screen, indented
669. system screen would be: caution lights and aural tones action aural warnings . one space to the right.
670. A supercharged aircraft is climbing at 18 in Hg 33 in Hg 41 in Hg 46 in Hg
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its maximum permitted boost of 8 psi

(16in.Hg) from sea level to its full
throttle height of 10,000 feet. If sea
level pressure is 29.92in.Hg , when
the aircraft reaches 5000 feet, where
the pressure is 24.72in.Hg, what will
be the approximate indication on the
MAP gauge
An aircraft has a compensated
capacitance fuel contents gauging
system and is refuelled so that the
total fuel contents are 76000kg at a
temperature of 18 degrees C and an
S.G. of 0.81. Whilst the aircraft is
parked the temperature increases to
26 degrees C and the S.G. becomes
671. 0.80 The indicated fuel contents have: increased by 5% increased by 10% decreased by 5% remained the same
The working principle of a capacitive
fuel contents gauging system is based
672. upon volume of fuel changes in capacitance height of fuel dielectric value
Total Air Temperature (TAT) is equal
673. to: SAT + ram rise RAT + friction rise SAT - RAT RAT + ram rise
variation of capacitance of a
The capacitor gauge principle is based capacitor with the nature of variation of capacitance by variation of the EMF in a variation of outflow and
674. on: the dielectric volume measure at the probe wheastone bridge couple in the system
The most significant parameters and
the most important that express the
675. thrust of a gas turbine engine are; EGT or N2 N2 and FF FF and EGT N1 and EPR
On a modern twin spool turbofan, the the temperature upstream the a rotational speed and a The rotational speed of the The rotational speed of the
676. main handling parameter is : turbine or EGT temperature high-pressure compressor low-pressure compressor
rotational speed of the fan (N1)
or the total pressure at the fan rotational speed (N1) or
Two main indications used to outlet of the low-pressure total pressure at the high- fan rotational speed (N1) or high pressure turbine
677. evaluate a turbojet thrust are: turbine pressure compressor outlet EPR rotational speed or EPR
The working principle of mass flow the volume and viscosity of the the temperature and pressure volume mass and dielectric
678. meters mostly used now days, is to fuel of the fuel value of fuel kinetic energy transmitted
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measure in their system:

An RPM gauge has a red line at the it indicates an RPM that must
upper end of the green arc, in the not be used continuously it indicates an RPM that must
middle of the green arc is a smaller because of the increased it is the RPM at which there is not be used continuously
red arc. What is the significance of vibration level from the an increased likelihood of oil because there is insufficient
679. this smaller red arc engine/propeller it is maximum continuous RPM leakage cooling air for the engine
In an ECAM system if a caution illuminate the page number display a diagrammatic view of will alert the pilot by an will cause the relevant
680. message appears the system will that requires to be selected the affected system audible warning only buttons to light up
A cylinder head temperature One in each of the two banks
measuring system in a piston engine One in each cylinder head to One in the coolest running One in the hottest running of cylinders in a horizontally
681. has a sensor average the temperature cylinder cylinder opposed engine.
Advantage of a ratiometer type Changes indication if voltage No external power supply is
682. measuring circuit is Very Accurate Simple changes required
Compressor inlet pressure
Fan Speed (N1) and Turbine Compressor outlet pressure and combustion chamber
683. In a Turbojet thrust is measured by Inlet Pressure N 1 and EPR and jet pipe pressure pressure
What is used to measure gas turbine
684. inlet pressure Bourdon Tube Differential capsule Aneroid capsule Bellows
A Thermocouple would normally be
used to measure the temperature of
685. the: Turbine Exterior Cabin Oil
Temperature probes in front of
686. The Bourdon Tube is used in: the engine Smok detectors Pressure measurement Vibration detectors
Allowing the determination of
the power from the propeller
Allowing automatic Giving the power available by Giving the power from the by using a formula which is a
687. The torquemeter is an instrument: synchronisation of the engines the engine propeller by direct reading function of the RPM
Of the oil pressure resisting Of the frequency of a phonic
Torque can be calculated in a lateral movement of the Of the amount of light through wheel connected to the Of the difference between 2
torquemeter system by the gearing in an epicyclic a gear wheel connected to the planet gears of an epicyclic phonic wheels connected to
688. measurement: reduction gearbox transmission gearbox the transmission
An aircraft that is assessed as not
being a threat would be indicated on a hollow white or cyan
689. a TCAS system as: a solid red square a solid white or cyan diamond diamond a solid yellow circle
During descent through a block of increase at a rate of1000 ft /
690. airspace of constant temperature and increase decrease remain constant min
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while flying at a constant mach no will

cause the CAS to:
The true altitude of an aircraft in
691. flight is shown from: the standard atmosphere pressure altitude density altitude temperature altitude
ground based and measures ground based and measures aircraft based and measures aircraft based and measures
692. A Radio Altimeter is: true altitude true height true altitude true height
excessive sink rate, altitude excessive sink rate, excessive
Which of the following are modes of loss after take-off or go-around glideslope deviation , high excessive sink rate , flaps in flaps in the incorrect position,
693. the GPWS? , excessive glideslope deviation climb rate the incorrect position, stall high altitude descent, stall
An aircraft is travelling at 120 kt, what
angle of bank would be required for a
694. rate one turn? 30° 12° 19° 35°
An aircraft is travelling at 100 kt
forward speed on a 3° glideslope.
695. What is its rate of descent? 500 ft/min 300 ft/min 250 ft/min 500 ft/sec
contact ATC on receipt of a climb or descend at 500
696. What correction is given by TCAS? turn left or right climb or descend Resolution Advisory ft/min
Which of the following are inputs to
the central processing unit of the flaps, landing gear, glideslope, flaps, landing gear, unusual flaps, landing gear, glideslope,
697. GPWS ? flaps,landing gear, VOR radio altimeter attitudes, radio altimeter radio altimeter, VOR
698. What is used for EGT measurement? helical bi-metallic strips thermistors radiation pyrometry thermo emf thermocouples
When accelerating on a northerly
heading what does the Direct Reading
699. Magnetic Compass indicate? no change north a turn to the west a turn to the east
to prevent hysteresis , to
Why is there a vibration device in a to prevent hysteresis ,to keep prevent lag in a mechanical to prevent lag in a mechanical to prevent icing , to overcome
700. pressure altimeter? pilots happy during long flights system system , to prevent icing dither
calculate the computed
An inertial reference system is aligned trihedron with reference to the establish true and magnetic establish position relative to
701. when turned on so as to: earth north true and magnetic north establish magnetic north
Total Air Temperature is than static
air temperature and the difference
702. varies with warmer altitude colder altitude warmer CAS colder CAS
True heading can be converted into
magnetic heading using a compass
703. and: a map with isogonal lines a map with isoclinal lines a map with isobars a deviation card
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An aircraft flies into a colder airmass. the indication will depend on

704. This will cause the altimeter to: over-read under-read read the correct altitude the hemisphere of operation
The period of validity of an FMS data d.varies depending on the
705. base is: 56 days one week 28 days area of operational cover
the accelerometers are the platform is strapped down
strapped down but the but the accelerometers are accelerometers and gyros are accelerometers and gyros are
706. In an IRS: platform is gyro-stabilised gyro-stabilised both gyro-stabilised both strapped down
Which of the following correctly 1 degree of freedom , the
describes the gyroscope of a Rate of 1 degree of freedom , its spin 2 degrees of freedom , its spin axis is parallel to the yaw 1 degree of freedom , the spin
707. Turn Indicator? axis is parallel to the pitch axis frame is held by two springs axis axis is horizontal
A blockage occurs in the ram air
source and the drain-hole. The ASI in
708. a non-pressurised aircraft will: read a little low read a little high act like an altimeter freeze at zero
709. Rate of turn is affected by: aircraft speed , angle of bank aircraft speed , aircraft weight angle of bank , aircraft weight none of the above
The local speed of sound at mean sea
710. level at ISA -10°C is: 661 kt 650 kt 673 kt 680 kt
What would the compass heading be
given a true heading of 247° in an
area where the variation is 8°W and a
711. compass deviation of 11°E ? 255° 244° 247° 266°
An aircraft is flying at flight level 350
at a CAS of 290 kt and a temperature
deviation of ISA -10°C The TAS and
712. MN will be: TAS 498kt Mach 0.885 TAS 520kt Mach 0.882 TAS 481kt Mach 0.855 TAS 507kt Mach 0.86
An aircraft in the northern
hemisphere lands and decelerates on
a westerly heading. The compass will
713. indicate: a turn north no turn will be indicated an oscillation a turn south
The angle formed between the
directive force and the total magnetic
714. force is called: variation deviation dip isoclinal
If a constant CAS is maintained under
normal conditions in the climb what it will decrease in an
715. happens to the Mach No ? it will decrease it will remain constant isothermal layer it will increase
If the TAS at 40,000 ft is 450 kt the
716. Mach No is: 0.815 0.783 0.76 0.0825
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In which of the following modes may expanded ILS , map ,

information from the AWR be plan , expanded ILS , full nav , plan , map , full VOR , expanded nav , expanded VOR expanded ILS , map , full ILS ,
717. displayed ? full VOR expanded VOR , centre map , centre map full VOR , centre map
Wind information can be displayed in
an EFIS system in which of the plan map expanded ILS full full nav full ILS map centre
718. following modes ? VOR map centre map plan full ILS map full ILS full VOR map plan
In FMS fitted aircraft the main
interface between pilot and system the automatic flight control the multi-purpose control and
719. will be provided by: system display unit the flight control unit the flight management source
In the ILS mode, one dot on the
lateral deviation scale on the EHSI
720. indicates: 1 nm 2nm 1° 2°
On a standard 2-dot EHSI in the en-
721. route mode each dot represents: 1 nm 2 nm 5 nm 10 nm
An aircraft maintaining a constant
CAS and altitude is flying from a cold
airmass into warmer air. The effect of
the change of temperature on the
722. speed will be: CAS will increase EAS will decrease TAS will increase TAS will decrease
EAS = CAS corrected for EAS = IAS corrected for CAS = TAS corrected for TAS = EAS corrected for
723. Select the correct statement: compressibility error position error density error compressibility error
An aircraft taking off from an airfield
with QNH set in the altimeter has
both static vents blocked by ice. As
the aircraft climbs away the altimeter Indicate the aircraft height Read the height of the aircraft Show only a very small
724. will: Read the airfield elevation amsl above the airfield increase in height
In an inertial-lead VSI the source of
725. the most pronounced error is: Instrument Position Steep turn Missed approach manoeuver
An aircraft is descending at a constant
mach number. If the aircraft is
descending through an inversion Decrease then decrease more
726. layer, the CAS will: Remain constant Increase Decrease slowly
Position, density, instrument,
The combined Machmeter/ASI is compressibility, manoeuvre Instrument, pressure and Instrument and
727. subject to the following errors: induced Those of the Machmeter only temperature only compressibility only
728. You are flying at a constant FL 290 remain approximately constant increase by 10 kts decrease by 10 kts will increase or decrease
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and constant mach number. The total depending on whether you

temperature increases by 5°. The CAS are above or below ISA.
Reduce spin-up time and a Reduce spin-up time and Insensitively to "g" and
What are the advantages of an IRS dither motor to prevent "lock- accuracy not adversely affect Increase accuracy and a dither reduced wander of the
729. compared to an INS? out". by "g" motor to prevent "lock-out". gyroscope.
lag & density error &
What errors can the Air Data compressibility & density error instrument error & ram rise & lag & density error & temperature & instrument
730. Computer correct for? & position & temperature error manoeuvre error & ram rise manoeuvre & position errors error
Which of the following is the FMS
normal operating condition in the
731. cruise ? L NAV only V NAV only L NAV or V NAV L NAV and V NAV
Weather Radar returns can be
displayed in which of the following
732. EFIS Modes: Plan Exp ILS Exp VOR Plan Exp ILS MAP Map Exp ILS Exp VOR Map ILS VOR
What are the colors used on an EFIS
display to show a tuned navigation
733. aid and an airport? green & white white & magenta green & cyan white & yellow
On both the captains and co-
734. Weather display is on The captains CRT only The co-pilots CRT only A special screen pilots CRTs
The LOC mode is engaged in The ROLL OUT mode is The auto-throttle is
The LOC mode is engaged in the roll channel and the FLARE engaged in the Roll channel maintaining the speed and the
the roll channel and the G/S mode is engaged in the pitch and the G/S mode is engaged pitch channel is maintaining
735. At 200ft on an auto-land: mode is engaged in pitch. channel in pitch. the height.
During a CAT 1 ILS approach, height is
736. indicated by: GPS Radio Altimeter Marker Barometric
Localiser is controlling the roll
channel, off line channels are Localiser is controlling the roll Provided both localiser and
During an approach to autoland at Off line channels are manually automatically engaged and channel, stabiliser is trimmed glideslope signals are valid
737. 1500feet; engaged, flare mode is armed flare mode is armed nose up and roll out is armed LAND 3 will
LOC ARMED lights up on the FMA part localiser beam armed and
738. of the PFD, this means: localiser beam captured awaiting capture localiser alarm is on a/c is on localiser centerline
TCAS 2 when fitted with mode C
739. transponder may give: TA only. TA and RA in horizontal plane. TA and RA in vertical plane. RA only.
The Altitude Alert system alerts the When reference altitude When deviating from the
740. pilot: At decision height At the selected altitude equals the selected altitude selected altitude
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The radio altimeter, static The radio altimeter, ILS The radio altimeter, static
pressure monitor, ILS receiver receiver, static pressure pressure monitor, landing
and the landing gear and flap The radio altimeter and the ILS monitor, and the landing gear gear position monitor, and the
741. The GPWS uses inputs from ; position monitors receiver only position monitor only flap position monitor only
Microphone & Crash/Fire Microphone & A Flight data Independent battery & A
742. What are the components of a CVR resistant construction recorder Flight data recorder All of the above
What corrective action is given by
743. TCAS? Turn left or right. Climb or descend. Contact ATC Turn then climb or descend.
when an intruder aircraft has no
Altitude Reporting facility, i.e. Mode
equipped with 'A' transponder only, TA followed by a Preventative
744. TCAS can only give: Corrective RA only RA TA only Preventative RA only
displayed in red, normally on
displayed in amber on the displayed in amber, normally the upper screen , and displayed in amber, normally
A warning message on the EICAS lower screen with associated on the upper screen with aural requiring immediate on the upper screen, indented
745. system screen would be: caution lights and aural tones warnings . corrective action one space to the right.
An aircraft equipped with digital
avionics includes an ECAM system
This centralised system, if a failure in analyse initially the failure and reset the warning display apply the immediate actions
one of the monitored systems is only respond to a level 1 after noting the failure on the as directed by the checklist on
746. displayed, the crew must: cancel the warning warning left screen the left of the two screens
The compressor outlet Jet pipe pressure to Jet pipe pressure to the Jet pipe pressure to the
pressure to the compressor compressor inlet pressure on a compressor inlet pressure on compressor outlet pressure
747. EPR is the ratio of, inlet pressure turbo-prop engine only a gas turbine engine on a gas turbine engine
If one probe of a multi-sensor EGT
system became disconnected, the Increase by between 20°C to Decrease by between 20°C to
748. reading would: 30°C 30°C Fall to zero Be largely unaffected
The red arc in the middle of the green
band of a piston engine RPM indicator RPM at which a greater level RPM that must never be
749. signifies: Maximum RPM Minimum RPM of vibration is encountered exceeded in the cruise
What is the purpose of the wing main To withstand bending and To withstand compressive and To withstand compressive and To withstand bending and
750. spar torsional loads torsional loads shear loads shear loads
To withstand the fatigue To shape the wing and support To house the fuel and the To provide local support for
751. What is the purpose of wing ribs stresses the skin landing gear the skin
To absorb the torsional and To produce stress risers and To prevent buckling and To support the primary
752. What is the purpose of stringers compressive stresses support the fatigue metres bending by supporting and control surfaces
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stiffening the skin

Has a programmed inspection
cycle to detect and rectify Is changed before its predicted
753. Regarding a safe life structure: faults life is reached Both a and b None of the above
Has a programmed inspection
Is changed before its predicted cycle to detect and rectify Is secondary structure of no
754. A fail safe structure life is reached faults structural significance all of the above
Is made up of light alloy steel Provides aerodynamic lift and Is primary load bearing
The skin of a modern pressurized sheets built on the monocoque Houses the crew and the prevents corrosion by keeping structure carrying much of the
755. aircraft principle payload out adverse weather structural loads
The primary purpose of the fuselage
756. is to: Support the wings House the crew and payload Keep out adverse weather Provide access to the cockpit
Strengthened clear vinyl with
An amalgam of strengthened Strengthened glass with shock an electrical conducting coat
Flight deck windows are constructed glass and vinyl with rubber absorbing clear vinyl interlayer for de-icing and rubber Strengthened glass with
757. from pressure seals and rubber pressure seals pressure seals rubber seals
Folds at the root section to
Is externally braced with either Is supported at one end only Has both an upper an lower ease storage in confined
758. A cantilever wing: struts and/or bracing wires with no external bracing airfoil section spaces
Is a structure within the Is a structure formed between Is a structure within the wing
fuselage to withstand the wing spars, skin and ribs to for housing the fuel tanks,
compression, bending and resist bending and twisting flight controls and landing Is a structure designed to
759. A torsion box: twisting loads. loads gear reduce the weight
Provides a means of passing
Prevents lightning strikes cables and controls through a Collects and disposes of Lightens and stiffens the
760. A lightening hole in a rib damaging the fuselage pressure bulkhead electrical charges structure
Provides additional lift for take Is a destructive vibration that
off and landing in the event of must be damped out within Is a means of predicting the
761. Control surface flutter engine failure Occurs at high angles of attack the flight envelope critical safe life of the wing.
Reducing the moment of the Aerodynamic balance of the Changing the wings before Mass balance of the control
762. Control surface flutter is minimized by critical engine control cables they reach their critical life surface
Has degree of structural Is light, non load bearing Need not be repaired until the
strength redundancy spread structure, damage to which will Is replaced when it reaches its aircraft undergoes deep
763. A damage tolérant structure over a large area not adversely affect the aircraft predicted life maintenance
Light alloy steel sheets with Magnesium alloy sheets with Aluminium alloy sheets and Aluminium sheets and rivets
764. Aircraft structures consists mainly of copper rivets and titanium or aluminium rivets and titanium rivets with titanium or steel with titanium or steel
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steel materials at points or steel at points requiring high materials at points requiring materials at points requiring
requiring high strength strength high strength high strength
The maximum permissible The maximum permissible
The Maximum Zero Fuel Mass The maximum permissible take mass of an aircraft with no mass of an aircraft with zero The maximum permissible
765. (MZFM) of an aircraft is off mass of the aircraft. useable fuel payload landing mass
One of the following devices is used
to divert the spanwise flow of air to
chordwise over the top surface of an
766. aerofoil: Vortex generators. Wing fences Wing let Leading edge flap
when pressure difference is when the aircraft speed is
767. The wing tip vortices is less: less when the angle of attack is low high both a) and b) are correct
maintain straight and level
The purpose of the aileron trim tab is flight without pressure on the reposition the aileron to maintain wing level in case of
768. to : control wheel. maintain wing level primary control failure. none of the above
Effect of tail plane is considered
769. mainly in maintaining: Lateral stability Longitudinal stability Directional Stability all the above are correct.
The wing shock-wave moves The wing shock-wave moves The wing shock-wave remains The wing shock-wave
770. As the airspeed increases: backward forward in the same position suddenly disappears
An aircraft using flaps can land at increasing drag and
771. lower speed because of: pitching up moment additional lift. decreasing lift. flap acts as an air brake.
usually located in the bottom
772. An aircraft integral fuel tank is: removable from the aircraft. a self sealing tank a part of the aircraft structure of the fuselage
break the airflow and destroy create a smoother airflow decrease airspeed during
773. The function of the spoilers is to: lift create more lift over the wing steep descent
A pre charge pressure of 1000 bar of
gas is shown on the accumulator
gauge. The system is then pressurized
to 1500 bar, so the accumulator will
774. read: 500 bar 1000 bar 1500 bar 2500 bar
The pressure gauge of a hydraulic
system provides information the air and hydraulic fluid in the proportional pressure in the hydraulic fluid in the
775. regarding the pressure of: the air in the accumulator. the system. the system. system.
allows two supply sources to allows one source to operate
776. A shuttle valve: is used to replace NRVs. operate one unit two units acts as a non-return valve
The hydraulic fluid is changed, but the high operating fluid system failure from leaks and seal damage and jack
777. wrong fluid is replaced. This would temperature blocked filters, high temp and corrosion normal operation
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lead to: possible corrosion.

prevents excessive pressure
relieves below system maintains pressure to a priority relieves at its designed through increased fluid
778. A relief valve: pressure. circuit. pressure. temperature.
The primary purpose of a hydraulic to compensate for leaks, to allow a space into which to maintain fluid between a
779. reservoir is: displacement and expansion. spare fluid may be stored. to indicate system contents. jack and the accumulator.
With air in the hydraulic system you ignore it because normal allow the accumulator to
780. would: operation would remove it. bleed the air out of the system. automatically adjust itself. expect it to operate faster.
The pressure filter in a hydraulic filters the fluid returning to the is fitted down stream of the can be by passed when clears the fluid as it leaves the
781. system: tank. pump. maximum flow is required. reservoir.
pressure is inversely oxygen can be used to charge applied force acts equally in
782. Pascal's law states that proportional to load liquid is compressible the accumulators. all directions.
does not need a positive fluid outlet pressure is governed by does not need a cooling fluid
783. A high pressure hydraulic pump: needs a positive fluid supply. supply. centrifugal force. flow.
store compressed gas for tyre
784. The purpose of an accumulator is to: relieve excess pressure. store fluid under pressure. inflation. remove air from the system.
flow stops when input pressure flow stops when the thermal flow starts when input flow stops when input
is greater than output relief valve off loads the hand pressure is less than output pressure is less than output
785. With a one way check valve (NRV): pressure. pump. pressure. pressure.
A restrictor valve is physically fitted in u/c down line and flap down supply line to the a/c
786. the: u/c up line and flap up line. u/c down line and flap up line. line. retraction actuator.
the terminal pressure will be
In the case of a failure of a cut-out a full flow relief valve is fitted a full flow relief valve is fitted a full flow relief valve is not controlled by adjusting the
787. valve: down stream of it. upstream of it. required. pump RPM.
reduces the size of the removes the dissolved gases maintains the fluid level in the
788. A separator in an accumulator: isolates the gas from the fluid. accumulator required. from the fluid. reservoir.
more when the piston is the same at both ends
more at the piston head than more at the cylinder end than moving than when it is between the piston and the
789. In an enclosed system pressure is felt: the rest of the cylinder. the piston head. stationary. cylinder head.
can only be fitted if provided closes if inlet pressure exceeds opens if inlet pressure equals,
790. A non return valve: with a by pass selector. outlet pressure. outlet pressure. closes if inlet pressure ceases.
provide an idling circuit when
An Automatic cut-off Valve(ACOV) provide an idling circuit when a extend the life of the the accumulator is fully ensure the pump is always on
791. will: selection is made. accumulator. charged. load.
the accumulator to be emptied the pressure pump to off-load two independent pressure high pressure fluid to return
792. A shuttle valve will allow: after engine shut down. when the system pressure is sources to operate a to the reservoir if the Full
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reached. system/component. Flow Relief Valve fails.

compensates for small leaks,
compensates for temperature expansion and jack
793. The purpose of a reservoir is to: changes. displacement. compensates for fluid loss. to minimize pump cavitation.
reservoir fluid contents will rise reservoir fluid contents will
When the hydraulic system pressure reservoir air pressure will if reservoir is lower than other fall if reservoir is the highest reservoir contents are
794. is released increase. components in the system. point in the system. dumped overboard.
is greater in pipes of larger is greater in pipes of smaller does not vary with pipe varies in direct proportion to
795. Hydraulic pressure in a closed system: diameters. diameters. diameter. the system demands.
to allow for fluid to provide a housing for the
displacements, small leaks, main system pumps and so
to provide a housing for the to enable the contents to be thermal expansion and obviate the need for backing
796. The purpose of a reservoir is: instrument transmitters. checked. contents monitoring. pumps.
Different diameter actuators supplied
797. with the same pressure at same rate: exert the same force. will lift equal loads. will move at the same speed. exert different forces.
798. The function of an accumulator is to: Store fluid under pressure Dampen pressure fluctuations Allow for fluid expansion All of the above
restricts fluid flow in one allows fluid flow in one allows fluid flow in one
direction and prevents in the direction and prevents in the direction and restricts in the restricts in one direction only
799. A one way restrictor: other direction other direction other direction during overpressure
To a pressure greater than the To a pressure lower than the
Dry air should be used to charge pressure required to operate a pressure required to operate a Before installation in the
800. hydraulic accumulator : mechanism mechanism aircraft both b and c are correct
The purpose of the relief valve in relief the excess pressure to protect the system from over
801. hydraulic system is to: the atmosphere. pressure damage regulate the system pressure both a & c are correct
Support the weight of the Limit the speed of compression Lubricate the piston within Limit the speed of extension
802. Oil is used in an oleo strut to : aircraft of the strut the cylinder and compression of the strut
The aircraft may swerve on the The tyres may be damaged on It will remove any slush or
The nose wheel assembly must be There is limited space in the next landing if the nose wheel landing if the nose wheel is debris which may have
803. centered before retraction because: nose wheel bay is not straight not straight accumulated on take-off
Counteract the force of gravity
The movement of the gear on Prevent the fluid becoming which would bring the gear Make the lowering time Prevent the hydraulic fluid
804. lowering is normally damped to: aerated down too fast greater than the raising time becoming overheated
always a danger after the the responsibility of the first
Inadvertent retraction of the landing Not possible because the prevented by the ground/air ground locks have been officer when he is on the
805. gear on the ground is : system is not powerful enough logic system removed aircraft
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reached. system/component. Flow Relief Valve fails.

compensates for small leaks,
compensates for temperature expansion and jack
793. The purpose of a reservoir is to: changes. displacement. compensates for fluid loss. to minimize pump cavitation.
reservoir fluid contents will rise reservoir fluid contents will
When the hydraulic system pressure reservoir air pressure will if reservoir is lower than other fall if reservoir is the highest reservoir contents are
794. is released increase. components in the system. point in the system. dumped overboard.
is greater in pipes of larger is greater in pipes of smaller does not vary with pipe varies in direct proportion to
795. Hydraulic pressure in a closed system: diameters. diameters. diameter. the system demands.
to allow for fluid to provide a housing for the
displacements, small leaks, main system pumps and so
to provide a housing for the to enable the contents to be thermal expansion and obviate the need for backing
796. The purpose of a reservoir is: instrument transmitters. checked. contents monitoring. pumps.
Different diameter actuators supplied
797. with the same pressure at same rate: exert the same force. will lift equal loads. will move at the same speed. exert different forces.
798. The function of an accumulator is to: Store fluid under pressure Dampen pressure fluctuations Allow for fluid expansion All of the above
restricts fluid flow in one allows fluid flow in one allows fluid flow in one
direction and prevents in the direction and prevents in the direction and restricts in the restricts in one direction only
799. A one way restrictor: other direction other direction other direction during overpressure
To a pressure greater than the To a pressure lower than the
Dry air should be used to charge pressure required to operate a pressure required to operate a Before installation in the
800. hydraulic accumulator : mechanism mechanism aircraft both b and c are correct
The purpose of the relief valve in relief the excess pressure to protect the system from over
801. hydraulic system is to: the atmosphere. pressure damage regulate the system pressure both a & c are correct
Support the weight of the Limit the speed of compression Lubricate the piston within Limit the speed of extension
802. Oil is used in an oleo strut to : aircraft of the strut the cylinder and compression of the strut
The aircraft may swerve on the The tyres may be damaged on It will remove any slush or
The nose wheel assembly must be There is limited space in the next landing if the nose wheel landing if the nose wheel is debris which may have
803. centered before retraction because: nose wheel bay is not straight not straight accumulated on take-off
Counteract the force of gravity
The movement of the gear on Prevent the fluid becoming which would bring the gear Make the lowering time Prevent the hydraulic fluid
804. lowering is normally damped to: aerated down too fast greater than the raising time becoming overheated
always a danger after the the responsibility of the first
Inadvertent retraction of the landing Not possible because the prevented by the ground/air ground locks have been officer when he is on the
805. gear on the ground is : system is not powerful enough logic system removed aircraft
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Tyre wear when taxying can be restricting the use of brakes staying on the smoothest
806. reduced : and using thrust reversers taxying at less than 40 kph parts of the taxiway taxying at less than 25 knots
To prevent scrubbing the tyres while make sharp turns only if you turn no sharper than the deflate the tyres to a
807. taxying, you should : use tyres with fusible plugs have high speed tyres fitted minimum specified radius minimum pressure
The best extinguishant to use on a
808. wheel or brake fire is : CO2 Dry powder Freon Water
When inflating a tyre fitted to an
aircraft, the tyre pressure reading on
809. the gauge should be modified by : 1Opsi 10% 4psi 4%
The pressure needed to operate the
wheel brakes on a large aircraft the aircraft main hydraulic
810. comes from: system the pilots brake pedals a self contained power pack the hydraulic reservoir
Applying full anti-skid braking Application of reverse thrust
Which of the following statements Crossing the threshold at the as quickly as possible after as early as possible in the
811. will produce the shortest landing run: correct height and speed touchdown landing run All of the above
An aircraft has a tyre pressure of 225
psi , its minimum aquaplaning speed
812. will be: 135 mph 135 knots 145 knots 145 mph
fitted before flight to ensure fitted after flight to maintain a removed prior to flight and
the landing gear locks are fully removed prior to flight and hydraulic lock in the down stowed on the aircraft where
813. Landing gear ground locking pins are: cocked. returned to stores lock jack they are visible to the crew.
The most likely cause of brake unit dirt between the rotor and the brake pressure being too incorrect operation of the
814. dragging is: stator assemblies grease on the rotor assembly high adjuster assemblies.
A likely cause of nose wheel shimmy the aircraft is incorrectly a torque link is worn or
815. is: aircraft is overweight the tyre pressures are too high loaded damaged.
for both take off and landing
816. The anti-skid system would be used : on landing runs only on take off runs only for take off on icy runways runs
A hydraulic gear retraction
mechanism consists of sequence
817. valves, uplocks and: an anti-skid braking system downlocks torque links a shock absorber.
allows the nosewheel to castor prevents the nose gear from
prevents the nosewheel from within preset limits when in allows the nosewheel to lowering if the nosewheels
818. A nose wheel steering control system; castoring at all times the neutral position castor freely at all times are not centralized.
At an aircraft taxying speed of 10mph operative only on the operative only on the main
819. the antiskid braking system is: inoperative operative nosewheel brakes wheel brakes
820. The tyre pressures are checked after a fallen by 15% from their rated risen by 15% from their rated remained constant risen by 10% of their original
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long taxi to the ramp following value value value

landing. The pressures will have:
always indicates the number of never indicates the number of
cords or plies in the tyre cords or plies in the tyre indicates whether or not an is the index of the tyre
821. The ply rating of a tyre : carcass carcass inner tube should be fitted strength
When the landing gear is selected UP
822. the sequence of lights is: red, green, out. red, out, green green, red, out out, red, green
The amount of wear on a reinforced ,
823. ribbed tread tyre is indicated by: the offset wear groove marker tie bars concentric wear rings grey cushion rubber
In the event of an approach to land
being made with the throttle levers
retarded towards idle and the flaps
down and the gear up , the warning
824. given to the pilot will be a; continuous bell horn buzzer stick shaker
Lowering the gear using the free fall
system will result in the main landing
825. gear doors : closing hydraulically closing mechanically remaining open being jettisoned
With RTO (rejected take-off) selected
and armed the brakes will be V1 is not reached after a Vr is not reached after a reverse thrust is selected at one of the thrust levers is
826. automatically applied if: predetermined distance predetermined distance any time returned to idle
A green fusible plug is designed to
deflate the tyre if a temperature of ---
827. -----is reached. 177 ° C 277 ° C 155 ° C 199 ° C
Anti-skid system functions by sensing
828. : the aircraft speed. the rate of wheel deceleration the rate of wheel acceleration the touch down protection
The landing gear in modern aircraft
are retracted into the structure to
829. reduce : induced drag weight parasite drag both (b) and (c) are correct.
The purpose of the torque link
attached to the cylinder and piston of absorb shock and reduce maintain correct wheel
830. a landing gear oleo shock strut is to: limit die compression stroke. hold the shock strut in place bounce alignment
Which of the following can be used as
braking device in flight as well as Spoiler & aerodynamic speed
831. during landing? Wheel brakes brakes Thrust reversers all the above are correct.
Implementing shimmy application of friction at the locking the wheel while
832. Shimmy can be prevented by: dampers spindle of main wheel taxiing at low speed all the above are correct
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to limit control surface range in to limit the secondary control

The purpose of the secondary stops in to reduce the control loads on the event of primary stop system from excessive to remove the excess backlash
833. a control system is the primary stops failure movement in the controls
remove backlash from the
control linkage and provide provide tension on the provide tension on the
In a cable control system cables are positive action in both turnbuckles and compensate turnbuckles and ensure the
834. tensioned to directions for temperature variations full range is achieved all the above
are reversible, are instinctive
In a manual flying control system the are irreversible and are are reversible and are for the movement required
control inputs to the primary control are reversible and are opposite opposite for the movement instinctive for the movement and are limited in range by
835. surfaces for the movement required required required flight deck obstructions
the right rudder pedal is the right rudder pedal is the left rudder pedal is the left rudder pedal is
pushed forward and the rudder pushed forward and the rudder pushed forward and the pushed forward and the
836. To yaw the aircraft to the right moves to the left moves to the right rudder moves to the left rudder moves to the left
The aileron control is moved The aileron control is moved
the rudder control is moved to the aileron control is moved to to the right and the right to the right, the right aileron
the right, the right aileron the left and the right aileron elevator goes up and the left goes up and the left one
837. To roll the aircraft to the right moves up and the left down. moves up and the left down. one down. down.
Which way does the balance tab
838. move to bank an airplane to the left? upward in the left aileron. downward in the left aileron downward in the right aileron right in the rudder
different, with the mains
being unpressurized and the
839. Main and nose wheel bays are: pressurized unpressurized conditioned nose pressurized
when atmospheric pressure where the cabin pressure falls
exceeds cabin pressure by the below aircraft altitude pressure when the cabin pressure
Normal maximum negative amount permitted by the at which time the inward relief exceeds the atmospheric the pressure at which the duct
840. differential pressure is: system controls valve opens. pressure by 0.5 PSI relief valve is set to operate.
When would the negative differential rapid descent when A/C rapid ascent when aircraft when changing to manual
841. limit be reached/exceeded: descends below cabin altitude during ground pressure testing climbs operation
A/C in level flight if cabin altitude
842. increases does pressure diff: increase decrease remain the same nil
adjust to provide constant adjust to provide constant
In level pressurized flight does the flow, and is normally partially open to increase air flow, and is normally almost
843. outflow valve: close open conditioning closed
The rate of change of cabin pressure in periods when the
844. should be kept to the minimum. Is in descent in climb dehumidifier is in use in cruise
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this more important:

Fatigue life of the fuselage is based on number of pressurization number of explosive number of cycles at maximum
845. the: cycles decompressions number of landings only. differential
If the forward oil seal in an axial flow `b' is only correct if synthetic `a' will be correct only if the
846. compressor fails, will air be: contaminated unaffected oil is used aircraft is inverted
Cabin discharge valve (pneumatic) is air data computer output cabin pressure, static and air
847. supplied with: information cabin and static pressure speed information cabin pressure only
What is the purpose of the duct relief to protect the undercarriage to ensure the compressor to prevent damage to the to relieve excess pressure to
848. valve: bay pressure is regulated ducts compressor return line
What is the purpose of inward relief to allow positive pressure to
849. valves: to prevent negative differential to back up the duct relief valve be bled off in an emergency to back up the outflow valve
On a ground pressurization test, if the
cabin suffers a rapid de- the temperature will rise duct relief valve may jam
850. pressurization: suddenly water precipitation will occur damage to hull may occur open
passing charge air through
mixing the various vapours ducts and cool air around
851. A heat exchanger functions by: combining ram and charge air inside the heat exchanger ducts removing the static charge
is the maximum authorized
pressure difference between
the inside of the fuselage and is the absolute pressure the
the atmospheric ambient is the absolute pressure is the pressure loss over a cabin pressure ducting is
852. Maximum Differential pressure: pressure provided by the vacuum pump given time limit designed to carry
the safety valve would limit the safety relief valve would
If the discharge or outflow valve the duct relief valve will take the inward relief valve would the positive pressure limit the negative pressure
853. closes: control assume control difference difference
Air for conditioning and the engine compressor or cabin the engine by pass duct or the engine compressor or ram the engine turbine or cabin
854. pressurization is taken from: compressor thrust reverse by pass duct turbine compressor
in the direction sensed by the
855. Safety valves are biased: inwards outwards SVC neither a nor b
In a pressurization circuit the inward relief valve to open outflow valve to operate outflow valve to operate after outflow valve to operate the
856. sequence of operation is for the: before the safety valve before the safety valve the safety valve same time as the safety valve.
With the QFE set on the cabin the fuselage will be pressurized a ground pressurization will the cabin will be the flight deck will be
857. controller, against an altitude of zero: on landing automatically take place unpressurised on landing depressurized
In the cruise at 30,000ft the cabin
altitude is adjusted from 4,000ft to cabin differential will not be cabin differential will
858. 6,000ft: cabin differential will increase affected decrease nil
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An aircraft climbs from sea level to

16,000 ft at 1,000ft per min, the cabin
pressurization is set to climb at 500ft
per min to a cabin altitude of 8,000ft.
The time taken for the cabin to reach the same time as it takes the half the time it takes the twice the time it takes the three times the time it takes
859. 8,000ft is: aircraft to reach 16,000ft aircraft to reach 16,000ft aircraft to reach 16,000ft the aircraft to reach 16,000ft
860. Negative differential is limited by: dump valve inward relief valve outflow valve safety valve
air introduced into a fuselage the frequency in Hzs the
The term "pressurization cycle" air introduced into a fuselage under pressure until the time air discharged from the pressure cycles from the roots
861. means: under pressure only the air is released fuselage, above 15 psi blowers enter the fuselage
in conjunction with the cabin in conjunction with the cabin when manually selected
pressure controller when there altitude selector when there is during the emergency descent automatically when there is a
862. Inward Relief Valves operate: is a negative diff. negative diff procedure negative diff.
at higher diff than discharge at a lower diff than a at a set value, which is
863. Safety valves operate: valve as soon as initiation takes place discharge valve selected
automatically when the soluble to direct pressure into
864. Ditching Cocks are operated: plugs dissolve to shut all outflow valves flotation bags for rapid depressurization
excessive pressure builds up in to prevent the floor from the cooling modulator
the air conditioning system to keep cabin pressure close to collapsing should baggage shutters reach the optimized
865. Duct Relief Valves operate when: supply ducts ambient pressure door open. position.
During a normal pressurized cruise, at a position pre-set before open until selected altitude is closed until selected altitude
866. the discharge valve position is: take off partially open reached is reached.
automatically opens when fuel is opened automatically when is controlled by the safety
867. A dump valve: is dumped is controlled manually the safety valve opens valve integrating line.
When air is pressurized, the % of
868. oxygen in it: increases decreases remains the same nil
care should be taken to
an extra member is required to the climb rate would be climb rate could not be ensure climb/descent rates
869. If pressure is manually controlled: monitor system operation maintained automatically maintained are safe
An aircraft is prevented from the auto deflating valve on the inhibiting micro switches on inhibiting micro switches on the pressure control master
870. pressurizing on the ground by: main oleos the landing gear the throttles switch
If the cabin pressure increases in level no change unless the aircraft
871. flight does the cabin VSI show: rate of climb climbs rate of descent nil
the altitude corresponding to altitude at which cabin altitude corresponding to
cabin pressure regardless of is presented on a second pressure equals ambient cabin pressure in relation to
872. Cabin altitude in pressured flight is: aircraft height needle on the aircraft altimeter pressure MSL ISA conditions
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the ability to pressurize the the ability to maintain a

The term pressure cabin is used to pressurization of the flight deck aircraft to a higher than the passenger cabin on an constant pressure differential
873. describe: only ambient pressure airliner at all altitudes
supplying hot gases from the
essentially constant input mass essentially constant output does not start until an altitude engine exhaust unit to the
874. A pressurization system works by: flow and variable output mass flow and variable input of 8,000ft has been reached mass flow control system
When air is pressurized by an engine the temperature is not
875. driven compressor, it is also: moisturized heated cooled affected
Cabin negative differential pressure is outflow valve safety
876. prevented by : Relief valve inward opening mechanism needle valve auto controller
When an aircraft is de-iced prior to
departure, if the temperature is 0°C in
precipitation, which type of fluid and
application method will provide the Type I fluid at the rate of 100% Type II fluid diluted to 50% hot Type I fluid diluted to 50% hot Type II fluid at the rate of
877. longest holdover period: cold spray application. spray application. spray application. 100% cold spray application.
is to cause an increase in the
surface roughness which in
is to cause an increase in has no significant effect on turn increases skin friction
boundary layer energy and so the aerodynamic contour or and reduces the kinetic
878. The effect of frost on an aircraft: delay the onset of the stall. can be generally ignored. CL max. energy of the boundary layer.
879. In flight airframe icing does not occur: above 25,000 feet above 40,000 feet above 35,000 feet above 35,000 feet
The methods used to provide de-icing mechanical or pneumatic or electrically heated or air centrifugally forced or ram air
880. in flight can be: fluid. pneumatic or thermal or fluid. heated or oil heated. heated.
that engine icing conditions
Ice detectors are used primarily to that they are approaching that they are approaching now warrant the initiation of that airframe icing conditions
881. warn the crew: airframe icing conditions. engine icing conditions. the engine system. exist.
the aircraft can be de-iced neither the APU or main
If an aircraft is to be de-iced prior to the aircraft can be de-iced with the aircraft can be de-iced with with the APU running and the engines can be running during
882. departure: the engines running. the APU running. bleed air off. the procedure.
whenever the OAT is +10°C or whenever the ice detector
With a gas turbine engine, should below and the air contains whenever the TAT is +10°C or system warning light comes
883. engine anti-icing be selected "ON": whenever the igniters are on. visible moisture. below and it is raining. on.
increase the strength of
884. The windshield anti-icing is used to: windshield prevent ice formation improve the impact resistance All the above are correct
the boots remain inflated while the boots are inflated and vacuum inflates the boots and when the boots are fully
885. In a pneumatic de-icing system: the system operates. deflated repeatedly. pressure deflates them inflated the pressure is
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repeatedly. released and they collapse

due to their elasticity.
a small flow of hot air the dynamic pressure on the
When the pneumatic de-icing system the relief valves admit ram air continuously flows through the leading edge ensures that the vacuum deflates the boots to
886. is switched off: to the boots. boots. boots lie flat. minimize drag.
transfer power to the
use only continuous loads to convert electrical energy to elements via a commutator in
887. Propeller electrical de-icing systems: the elements. use a cyclic timer. mechanical energy. DC systems.
To prevent propeller elements use only when all other carry out a load check before use only when the propellers
888. overheating: services are switched off. starting engines. are rotating. use only when in flight.
feeds the engine exhaust relies on heat generated by
feeds hot air along the through the leading edge ducts can use air taken from the the kinetic heating effect of
889. A thermal wing de-icing system: complete upper wing surface. only. engine compressor. the airflow.
by passing current across an
only to prevent condensation by agitating the window with a reflective inner coating inner conductive electrical
890. Pilots cockpit windows are heated: occurring. molecules with an AC current. that prevents fogging. coating.
only heated when the MAT
For maximum strength against impact normally kept to a minimum specially treated during heated internally to increase falls below 0°C in
891. damage pilots windows are: size. construction. their elasticity. precipitation.
constructed by heat treating made of sandwich
only heated by air from the de- the outer surface to reduce construction with an electrical
892. Pilots cockpit windows are: misting fan. glare. conductive coating. made of polarized glass.
An aircraft is to be de-iced and then
enter the line up for departure. Which
de-ice fluid will have the best
holdover time at 0°C with a 50%/50% solution of type II a 50%/50% solution of type I type II fluid at 100% cold
893. precipitation: type I fluid at 100% cold spray. fluid hot spray. fluid hot spray. spray.
Without added oxygen the time of
useful consciousness at 25 000 ft is
894. approximately: twenty seconds eighty seconds three minutes six minutes
Without added oxygen the time of
useful consciousness at 40,000 ft is
895. approximately: twenty seconds three minutes eighty seconds six minutes
The maximum altitude without
oxygen at which flying efficiency is
896. not seriously impaired is: 10,000 ft 17,500 ft 25,000 ft 30,000 ft
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each member of the crew has a each member of the crew has a oxygen is supplied with a oxygen demand will cause the
897. In a pressure demand oxygen system: regulator. continuous oxygen supply. continuous pressure flow. pressure to rise.
In a continuous flow oxygen system, only when the mask is plugged only on passenger inhalation only when the cabin altitude only when the supply has
898. oxygen is supplied: into the socket connection. through the mask. is above 18 000 ft. been regulated by the pilot.
In a diluter demand system, selection
of emergency on this regulator will air mix supplied at emergency 100% oxygen supply as called 100% oxygen at positive 100% oxygen continuous flow
899. result in: pressure. for by the user. pressure. at positive pressure.
If the aircraft suffers a decompression automatically drop to a half are handed out by the cabin must be removed from the
900. passenger oxygen masks: are released by the passengers. hung (ready position). staff. life jacket storage.
Oxygen cylinders are normally
901. charged to: 1 000 PSI 1 200 PSI 1 800 PSI 2 000 PSI
902. Rate of flow of oxygen is given in: liters/minute pounds/minute liters/second kilos/hour
Dangerous pressure rise in oxygen is relieved by under is controlled by a thermal
903. cylinders: is relieved by a thermostat. pressurizing the bottle. is relieved by a bursting disc relief valve.
fairy liquid and de-ionized acid free soap and distilled
904. To leak test an oxygen system use: water. thin oil. water. acid free soap and water.
Satisfactory operation of the oxygen
905. system is indicated by: flow indicators. lack of anoxia. aural reassurance. pressure indicators.
If the pressurization system fails and
the cabin starts to climb, then at the passengers grabbing a masks automatically ejected &
14,000 ft oxygen will be available to the stewardess who will hand mask from the overhead portable oxygen bottles hung to the passenger
906. the passengers by: out masks. lockers. located in the seat backs. position.
only when the cabin altitude only if selected by the cabin if selected manually /
907. Passenger oxygen masks will present reaches 14 000. only if selected by the crew. staff: electrically / barometrically.
The charged pressure of a portable
908. oxygen cylinder is normally: 500 psi 1200 psi 1800 psi 3000 psi.
At what altitude will the diluter-
demand oxygen regulator provide
909. 100% pure oxygen. 10,000 ft 14,000 ft 24,000 ft 34,000 ft
that the system pressure
that exactly the correct that the crew member is reducing valve is supplying the
A Flow Indicator fitted to an Oxygen amount of oxygen is being used that oxygen is flowing through correctly connected to the correct pressure to the
910. regulator indicates: by the crew member. the regulator. regulator. regulator.
What is the effect on cabin A gradual decrease to A gradual decrease to
temperature of a rapid de- Insignificant change over the ambient over a period of ambient temperature over a
911. compression at 30,000 ft. Sudden and extreme drop first 2 minutes about 10 minutes if the cabin period of about 30 minutes if
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heating ceases. cabin heating continues

Susceptibility to hypoxia is increased
912. by: Heat Noise Smoking Under-Breathing
What is the approximate cabin
altitude above which you must breath
100% oxygen if you are to maintain an
alveolar partial pressure equal to that
913. at sea level: 26,000 ft 30,000 ft 34,000 ft 38,000 ft
The duration of a chemical oxygen
914. generator is 10 minutes 2.5 hours 30 minutes 15 minutes
flashing red light for each
On a multi engined aircraft, an engine flashing red lights for each steady red light for each engine engine and a common steady red light and bell for
915. fire warning system consists of: engine and a warning horn and a common warning bell warning bell each engine
passenger cabins, cargo bays, cargo bays, APU compartment, toilets, electrical equipment cargo bays, electrical
916. Smoke detectors are fitted in: electrical equipment bays toilets bays, APU compartments equipment bays, toilets
A short circuit in a resistive "fire wire" fire the squib in the fire bottle cause a spurious fire warning cause the blow out disc to be
917. detector will: discharge head to be received ruptured disable the test circuit
On receipt of an engine fire warning pull the fire handle, fire the fire shut down the affected fire the first extinguisher, pull
on the flight deck the correct fight the fire with the flight extinguisher, shut down the engine, pull the fire handle, the fire handle, shut down the
918. procedure should be: deck BCF fire extinguisher engine fire the first extinguisher engine
automatically fire the engine are connected to the Vital bus can be tested from the flight
919. Fire detection systems: extinguishers can only use AC electricity bar deck
by high temperature in its by remote control from the by a switch at the nearest
920. A toilet fire extinguisher is activated: vicinity flight deck flight attendant station by a smoke detector
must be outlined externally by
can only be opened from the must have an escape slide a 2 inch band of contrasting
921. Emergency exits: inside fitted to them are painted yellow colour
Regulations governing the fitting,
marking and use of safety equipment British Civil Airworthiness Joint Airworthiness
922. is contained in: Requirements Navigation Regulations Requirements Operations Manual
automatically inflates when inflates when the recovery
can be armed from the inside can only be activated from the the crash switches are team open the door from the
923. An automatic escape slide: of the aircraft only flight deck activated outside of the aircraft
Emergency lighting must be capable
of remaining illuminated for a
924. minimum of: 5 mins 7 mins 10 mins 15 mins
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The LED indicator light on the

emergency torch is flashing at 4
925. second intervals. This indicates: the battery is charging the torch is serviceable the battery needs replacing the filament is broken
If the emergency lighting system is
powered from the aircraft electrical
926. system, it takes is power supply from: AC essential bus-bar DC essential bus-bar Vital DC bus-bar The inverter
Lifejackets are inflated with
927. compressed: Helium Nitrogen Freon Carbon Dioxide
comprises flight deck lighting,
can be switched on from the must illuminate the inside of cabin internal and external once activated cannot be
928. Emergency lighting: flight deck only the passenger cabin only lighting switched off
is delineated by external
always has a crash axe located is designated as a weaker is lit internally by the markings having right angled
929. A Cut-in area: next to it fuselage area emergency lighting system corners
Normal use by the Cockpit Emergency use by the Cockpit Emergency use by both
Portable Fire Extinguisher is used in crews and emergency use by crews and normal use by the Cockpit crews and cabin Normal use by both Cockpit
930. the aircraft for- the cabin occupants cabin occupants occupants crews and cabin occupants
The fire originating from electrical
931. equipment is known as : A class fire B class fire C class fire D class fire.
A fuel booster pump, besides
pumping fuel to the engine, can also
932. be utilised to: jettison and transfer fuel. jettison and heat the fuel. transfer and heat the fuel. transfer and recycle the fuel.
a ground power unit is passengers are walking
933. The aircraft cannot be refueled while: operating on the ramp. through the refueling zones. passengers are boarding. the A.P.U. is running.
The disadvantage of refueling the
aircraft to "tanks full" the night the change in the specific the change in the volume of the change in calorific value
before a departure in the heat of the gravity may cause the aircraft the fuel may cause it to spill may reduce engine power to the R.P.M. governor will be
934. day is that: to be overweight. through the vent system. below sufficient. rendered inoperative.
The main components of aircraft fuel fuel abut off valve and
935. system is : fuel tank electrical booster pump refueling valve all the above are correct.
equalize the tank Pressure
936. Fuel tank vent system is installed to: pressurize the fuel tank remove the fuel vapour with ambient both (b) and (c) are correct
If a fuel sample appears cloudy or
937. hazy, the most probable cause is: water contamination. anti-microbiological additives. mixing different fuel grades. oil in the fuel.
On an aircraft equipped with a a decrease of 10% of the
938. compensated capacitance type fuel an increase of 10%. volume factored by the new a decrease. the same amount.
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quantity indication system graduated specific gravity.

to read in kg, the temperature
increases just after the tanks are half
filled with fuel. If the fuel expands by
10%, the gauges will show:
must be started before
must be switched OFF fuelling is carried out, and can can be started only after the
The exhaust gases from the A.P.U. go throughout the refueling can be started while refueling be run throughout the refueling operation has been
939. into the refueling zone. The A.P.U.: operation. is carried out. refueling operation. terminated.
can only be used in domestic can only be used by aircraft cannot be re-used until its
940. De-fuelled fuel: heating systems from the same operators fleet. must be put back into storage. quality has been verified.
isolation of the engine from
The fuel cross feed valves are fitted in the use of fuel from any tank refueling when only one the fuel system in the case of transfer of fuel between the
941. order to facilitate: to any engine. bowser is in use. an engine fire. main fuel tanks.
if the aircraft has more than
twenty seats and the ratio of
cabin attendants to
passengers is greater than
Refueling with passengers on board is 1:50 and it is a wide bodied
942. not permissible: on a fixed wing aircraft. if AVGAS is being used. jet. in any of the above cases.
the rear left or right door must
be manned constantly by a
While refueling with passengers on two sets of extra steps must be cabin attendant ready for use
board, when a loading bridge is in provided, one of which must as an emergency exit using the ground servicing must not be catering and cleaning must
943. use: be at the rear of the aircraft. inflatable escape slide. carried out. not be carried out.
with a/c communication
Aircraft refueling should be in an open air for good as soon as possible after in a hangar when activities equipment on and in contact
944. accomplished ventilation engine shutdown can be controlled with the tower in case of fire.
allow the booster pump to maintain a pre-determined
prevent longitudinal remain covered by fuel dampen lateral movement of quantity of fuel in the
The purpose of fitting baffles in fuel movement of the fuel during irrespective of the aircraft the fuel in the wing tanks outboard section of the wing
945. tanks is to: acceleration. attitude during a sideslip tanks
to stop cavitation in the High to maintain a constant to prevent water to stop ice blocking the Low
946. Fuel is heated: Pressure Fuel Pump. viscosity. contamination. Pressure fuel filter.
947. Fuel tank booster pumps are: centrifugal, low pressure. centrifugal, high pressure gear type, low pressure gear type, high pressure
948. The Low Pressure engine driven backs up in case the engine backs up in case of a double assists in the refueling pressurizes the fuel tanks to
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pump: High Pressure Pump fails. booster pump failure. operation if only low pressure assist flow to the booster
refueling systems are pumps.
The purpose of the fuel cooled oil
949. cooler is to: heat the oil and cool the fuel. heat the fuel and cool the oil. cool the oil. heat the fuel.
If a fuel tank with a capacitive
quantity system was filled with water
instead of fuel, the gauge would it would indicate the same as if it would freeze at the last
950. indicate: full scale low (zero) it were filled with fuel full scale high (max) known indication
The advantages of integral fuel tanks
951. are: it is trouble free more safe for crash landing saves more weight and space all the above are correct
Current in amps =(Resistance Resistance in ohms = (Current Current in amps =
in ohms)/(Electromotive force in amps)/(Electromotive force (Electromotive force in
952. Ohms Law states: in volts) in volts) volts)/(Resistance in ohms) None of the above.
In a simple electrical circuit, if the the sum of the currents taken the average current taken by the sum of the reciprocals of
resistors are in parallel, the total by the devices divided by the the sum of the currents taken the devices times the number the currents taken by the
953. current consumed is equal to: number of devices. by the devices. of the devices. devices.
The current flowing in an electrical
954. circuit is measured in: volts ohms inductance amps
955. Electro-motive force is measured in: amps x volts Watts ohms volts
Directly proportional to Directly proportional to Inversely proportional to Inversely proportional to
resistance, indirectly temperature, inversely resistance, directly applied voltage, directly
956. The current flowing in a circuit is proportional to voltage proportional to resistance proportional to voltage proportional to temperature
Current will decrease but
The voltage applied to a simple power consumed remains Resistance and power Current flow will increase and Current flow increases and
957. resistor increases constant decrease power consumed will increase power consumed decreases
In a circuit fitted with a non trip free if the reset button is the reset button may be
circuit breaker if a fault occurs and depressed and held in, the the trip button may be pressed a non trip free circuit breaker pressed to make the circuit
958. persists: circuit will be made. to reset, but not permanently. can never be by-passed. permanent.
A trip-free circuit breaker that has can be reset and held in during maybe reset manually after
959. tripped due to overload: rectification. can never be reset. can be reset after overhaul. fault has been cleared.
are used in low current
960. Circuit breakers and fuses are used in DC circuits only are used in AC or DC circuits are used in AC circuits only circuits only
A trip-free circuit breaker is one cannot be reset by holding the can be reset by holding the must be held in during checks
961. which: lever in while the fault persists. lever in while the fault persists. to find faults. can be by passed.
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If the reset button is pressed in the

trip-free circuit breaker, the contacts only be made if there is a fuse reset itself only after a delay not be made and the reset
962. with the fault cleared will: be made and kept made. in the circuit. of 20 seconds. will remain inoperative.
A thermal circuit breaker works on differential expAnsion of differential thickness of differential pressure of
963. the principle of: metals. metals. differential density of metals. metals.
964. Circuit breakers are fitted in: series with the load. parallel with the load. across the load. shunt with the load.
the amperage has been
a current of a higher value sufficiently high to cause the
an excess current has burst than the fuse rating has fuse to trip out of its holder
the outer cover and melted the conductor and and has therefore,
disconnected the circuit from disconnected the circuit from disconnected the circuit from
965. A fuse is said to have blown when: the supply. the circuit is reconnected. the supply. the supply.
Overloading an electrical circuit increases the weight of the disconnects the fuse from its
966. causes the fuse to 'Blow'. This: insulation. fractures the fuse case. holder. melts the fuse wire
the amps capacity of the
What must be checked before the amps being used in the consuming device in the the correct fuse volt or watts
967. replacing a fuse: the ohms of the circuit. circuit. circuit. rating.
A fuse is used to protect an electrical
968. circuit, it is: of low melting point. of high capacity. of high melting point. of low resistance.
969. A battery capacity test is carried out: 6 monthly 2 monthly 3 monthly every minor check
An aircraft has three batteries each of
12 volts with 40 amp/hr capacity
connected in series. The resultant unit a voltage of 36 and a capacity a capacity of 120 amp/hr and a a capacity of 36 amp/hr and a voltage of 36 and a capacity
970. has: of 120 amp/hr. voltage of 12. 120 watts. of 40 amp/hr.
The method of ascertaining the
voltage of a standard aircraft lead- the current flow with a rated the voltage with rated load
971. acid battery is by checking: the voltage on open circuit. voltage charge. the voltage off load. switched ‘ON’.
A battery is checked for serviceability measuring the specific gravity
972. by: using an ammeter. of the electrolyte. a boric acid solution. using an ohmmeter.
the battery is connected in a battery cannot be used a battery cannot be used only NICAD batteries can be
973. In an AC circuit: series. because the wire is too thick. because it is DC used.
Energy in general cannot be
created or destroyed but can In a motor, mechanical energy In a battery, chemical energy
be transformed from one form is converted to electrical is converted to electrical
974. Find the correct statement : to other. energy. energy. Both ( a) and ( c) are correct.
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In an aircraft having a battery of 24

volts nominal and fully charged the
975. voltmeter would read: 22 volts 24 volts 26 volts 28 volts
The electrolyte used in the lead acid
976. cell is diluted: hydrochloric acid. sulphuric acid. boric acid. potassium hydroxide.
The number of lead acid cells
required to make up a Twelve Volt
977. Battery is: 8 12 6 10
determined by the area of the determined by the active determined by the size of the determined by the number of
978. The capacity of a lead acid battery is: plates. materials on the plates. series coupling bars. separators.
Acid spillage in an aircraft can be bicarbonate of soda and
979. neutralized by using: caustic sod soap and water. soda and water. water.
the battery is discharged
When the battery master switch is the generators are the battery is isolated from through the bonding circuit
980. switched off in flight: disconnected from the bus bar. the ammeter reads maximum. the bus bar. diodes.
in series when the generator
When the generator is on line the in parallel with the other is on line and is relayed when
981. battery is: loads. in series with the generator. the generator is off line. load sharing.
The voltage rating remains the The current rating remains the
If two batteries are connected in same while current rating same while voltage rating Both the voltage and current Only the ampere-Hour
982. parallel : increases. increases. rating increases. increases.
The area of force around a magnet is
983. termed: conductance. stable. magnetic resistance. magnetic field.
When a magnet is unable to accept
984. any further magnetism it is termed: reluctance. saturation. active. reactance.
Permanent magnets are
985. manufactured from: steel. plastic. liquid. glass.
Magnetic lines of force flow externally one main line station to
986. from: another. the master station. the north to the south pole. in a random direction.
Which of the two poles has the both poles have the same
987. greatest strength: north seeking pole. south seeking pole strength. the saturated pole.
988. Electromagnetism is a product of: voltage. current. resistance. engine resistance.
To increase electromagnetic force
989. one would: increase coil resistance. reduce current flow. lower EMF. increase current flow.
A DC generator has a commutator change AC to give a generator transmit the generator maintain a constant
990. whose purpose is to: output of DC. change DC to AC. output to the electrical circuit resistance.
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and to cool the generator.

Another name for a number of
conductors rotating in a magnetic
991. field is: a capacitor. an armature. a condenser. a commutator.
the generator voltage
the EMF is constant and the the rate of flow is constant reduces generator back EMF is equal and
992. A generator is governed so that: rate of flow varies. and the EMF varies. temperature. opposite to the applied EMF.
senses generator output senses generator output
senses cut out pressure and pressure and adjusts field current and adjusts the field
993. The voltage regulator: adjusts field current. current. voltage. senses back EMF.
in the field circuit which is in the field circuit which is in
The generator master switch is fitted with a mechanical safety connected in parallel with the parallel with the voltage fitted in series with the
994. normally: catch. generator output. regulator. commutator.
regulates the amount of
provides a constant current maintains a steady generator current supplied by the
flow from the generator with voltage with changes of battery to operate the
995. The voltage regulator: changes of generator speed. senses current output. generator speed. generator.
Voltage is controlled in a generator
996. by: a reverse current relay. moving the brushes. a voltage regulator. it is uncontrollable.
On aircraft, generator voltage is varying the generator field increasing and decreasing the changing the generator
997. regulated by: strength. load. speed. changing generator load.
In an aircraft having a battery with a
nominal voltage of 24volts, generator
998. output would be: 24 volts. 28amps. 28 volts. 24 amps.
In DC electrical generating systems, regardless of varying engine by me Ans of a relay which
the voltage regulator controls the RPM and electrical load, by closes contacts in the output by a variable resistance which
system voltage within prescribed varying the current in the line when a certain RPM is limits the voltage given by the
999. limits: generator field windings. reached. by temperature. batteries.
prevent high circulating to ensure correct voltage to prevent battery feedback
1000. A voltage regulator is fitted to: currents. prevent backlash. output to battery. to the generator.
If an aircraft electrical system is
quoted as 24 volts DC the output of 12 volts with the generators 28 volts with the generators 36 volts with the generators
1001. the generator is: connected in series. connected in parallel. connected in series/parallel. 42 volts.
The aircraft electrical generator sensing the generator output a resistance in the generator the resistance of the
1002. output is controlled in flight by: pressure. ram air. output circuit. armature circuit.
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In a generator control circuit the

strength of the magnetic field is the reverse current
1003. controlled by: the commutator. the voltage regulator contactor. the output C/B.
AC current from an engine driven
generator is converted to DC current
1004. by: a commutator a converter. an alternator. a rotary actuator.
an equalizing circuit to sense
On a twin engined DC aircraft having an equalizing circuit to sense the difference and equalize
two DC generators load sharing is the difference and equalize the synchronizing relays and the field currents of the two
1005. achieved by: equalizing engine RPM'S voltages of the two generators voltage coil tuners generators
Pilots are informed of rotary actuator
1006. positions by: non return valves. lights or dolls eye indicators. travel indicators. veger counters.
To supply direct current from a
generator giving alternating current it
1007. is normal to fit: a commutator a rotary inverter. an alternator. a static inverter.
to indicate to the pilot that the only to indicate to the pilot
circuit has power and is to control the movement of a to indicate to the pilot that that the equipment has
1008. Press to test lights are used: complete. rotary actuator. the circuit has operated. malfunctioned.
1009. A device for changing AC to DC is: an inverter. a rotary transformer. a rectifier. an alternator.
Friction clutches are fitted to protection against mechanical protection against brake on protection against non return protection against supply
1010. actuators for: overload. loads. valve failure. failures.
AC synchronous motor higher
DC shunt motor is higher than DC series motor is higher than than that of AC induction AC synchronous motor is very
1011. The starting torque of : that of DC series motor. that of DC shunt motor. motor. high.
In an electrical circuit the reverse when battery voltage exceeds when circuit voltage is less when the main output C/B is
1012. current cut-out relay will open: generator voltage. than generator voltage. reset. when the batteries are flat.
to prevent discharge of the
to prevent the battery over to prevent the battery from to allow the generator to be battery through the
1013. A generator cut-out is provided: heating. being overcharged. isolated in a crash. generator.
circuit loads equal the battery the air temperature reaches circuit loads equal the generator voltage falls below
1014. A generator cut-out will open when: voltage. 45°C. generator voltage. battery voltage.
the battery discharging
A generator cut-out is fitted to through the generator the generator overcharging fire in the event of
1015. prevent: windings. the battery. overloading the system. out of phasing.
In the event of the cut-out points
1016. sticking in the closed position, the gain of engine power. a burnt out generator. loss of residual magnetism. no apparent reaction.
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most probable results, when the

engine stopped would be:
To prevent circulating currents when
more than one generator is being reverse current relays are the generators are connected
1017. connected to the same bus bar: fitted. in series. rectifiers are fitted. differential cut-outs are used.
in series with the generator in parallel with the generator
1018. A generator cut-out is fitted: output. in the diode circuit. output. in the field circuit.
On a 28 volt system with a 24 volt
battery the cut-out contacts close at
1019. approximately: 36 volts. 24 volts. 28 volts. 26 volts.
A component whose job is similar to a
1020. generator cut out is: a rectifier. a converter. an inverter. a reverse current relay.
If the cut-out is open, the battery is
1021. feeding the loads which are: in series with the battery. in parallel with the battery. in sequence with the cut-out. cross coupled.
one ammeter for each one voltmeter for each
generator and one voltmeter generator. and one ammeter one ammeter and one
switchable to indicate either switchable to indicate either one ammeter showing the voltmeter each showing the
In a two engine aircraft with two generator voltage or battery generator current or battery total output and one average current and voltage
1022. generators, there would be: voltage. current. switchable voltmeter. output.
A generator converts mechanical
1023. energy to electrical by: electro magnetic spring action. electro magnetic induction. electrostatic induction. electro dynamic induction.
If the generator warning light comes the generator is feeding the the generator is not feeding
1024. on in flight it indicates that: battery bus bar. the battery bus bar. the battery has failed. a rectifier is faulty.
the ammeter reading the voltmeter reading
decreasing or showing a increasing, the ammeter
A generator failure is usually discharge and a red warning reading showing discharge and the current consuming
1025. indicated by: lamp lighting. a red lamplighting. devices failing to operate. the motor speed increasing.
when the generator is
supplying current to a fully when the battery charge
when the battery voltage charged battery, and no current is lower than required
A generator warning light will be exceeds that of the generator electrical loads are switched to maintain its fully charged
1026. illuminated: and the cut-out has opened. at night only. on. state.
the voltmeter will read the ammeter reading will load sharing circuits will the watt metre will show a
1027. If a generator fails in flight: maximum. decrease. operate. increase.
stop and feather the engine switch off the failed switch off the failed
1028. If one generator fails you should: switch off the good generator. concerned. generator and continue generator, and cut down on
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normal use of the electrical the electrical services being

system. used.
switched into the electrical
A generator is brought 'on the line' connected in series with other circuit in parallel with the other connected with the ground connected to a phase
1029. when it is: generators. generators. batteries for starting. reducer.
In a twin engine aircraft, fitted with the failed generator must be cut down the air supply to the failed generator must be both generators must be
1030. two generators, if one should fail: isolated. reduce five risks. stopped. switched off.
an increase in voltmeter
a decrease or discharge in readings, a discharge in
load sharing circuits ammeter readings and ammeter reading and failure of electrically driven
1031. Generator failure is indicted by: connecting. generator warning light on. generator warning light on. instruments.
In a twin engine aircraft, with a the engine with the failed
generator fitted to both engines, the generator will automatically
1032. starboard generator fails. Will: the starboard engine cut. the port engine cut. both engines run normally. feather.
in series with the generator so determined by the cross
that the voltage can be in parallel so the voltage can in parallel so the current can sectional area of the lead
1033. Loads on a bus bar are: reduced. be varied. be reduced. cable.
the battery is discharged
When the battery master switch is the generators are the battery is isolated from the through the bonding circuit
1034. switched off in flight: disconnected from the bus bar. bus bar. diodes. the battery may overheat.
1035. A generator is taken'off line’ by: the battery switch. operation of the field switch. opening of the cut-out. removing of all loads.
If the ammeter reads plus 5 amp after some switches have been left the generator field switch is
1036. engine shut down: 'on'. the battery is charging. 'on'. the ammeter is defective.
If the ammeter shows 'no' charge, yet
the battery remains charged. Would
1037. you look for: loose battery connections. defective voltage regulator. defective C/B. defective ammeter.
During flight a malfunction of the
generator cut-out would be indicated
1038. by: overheating of the battery. the ammeter. lights going out. the current limiter.
The indicating range of an ammeter A shunt fitted in parallel with A shunt fitted in parallel with A shunt fitted in series with A multiplier fitted in parallel
1039. can be increased by fitting; the instrument. the load the instrument with the instrument
An electrical system which uses the
aircraft structure as a return path for
1040. current, is known as: a diode pole circuit. an earth return circuit. a single phase circuit. a dipole circuit.
On a single pole circuit, if the positive the electrical component will the circuit will be under the load will only operate at
1041. conductor is shorted to the aircraft operate. the fuse will blow. loaded. half speed.
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In a earth return circuit if the
1042. conductor is open circuited: the fuse will blow. the bus bars will overheat. the load will not operate. the generator will burn out.
the bus bar always connected the bus bar that supplies the the bus bar that supplies the the bus bar that supplies the
1043. A `hot bus' is to the battery galley power essential loads nom-essential loads
Why are static wick dischargers fitted to smooth the generator to prevent tyres bursting on to minimize radio to act as an earth return in a
1044. to aircraft: output. landing. interference. single pole electrical system.
metal components become sparks occur due to
very hot and ignite differences of potential and aircraft tyres become heavily
Static electricity constitutes a fire inflammable gases and could ignite inflammable gases charged and may burst on
1045. hazard because: materials. and materials. of colour charged electrons. landing.
Static electrical charges and currents
in an aircraft structure are evened out
1046. by: hardening screening bonding anodizing
prevent them interfering with
The electrical components of aircraft bond the circuit to reduce risk prevent short circuits in radio the function of radio
1047. systems are screened to: of fire. prevent them discharging. equipment. equipment.
the bonding plug must be the continuity between
the re-fuelling nozzle must be connected to the earth nozzle and hose must be
1048. When re-fuelling an aircraft: bonded to the fuel tank. terminal. infinity. only use plastic nozzles.
by law with a stated
1049. Spare fuses are carried: at the operator’s discretion. for generators only. minimum number required. by the first officer.
When selecting a fuse for a circuit the the power requirement of
1050. governing factor is: the voltage of the circuit. the fuse length and diameter. the resistance of the circuit. the circuit.
Differential cut-outs close when a
differential voltage exists between generator bus and battery bus-
1051. the: bar. generator bus-bar and earth. batteries. battery bus-bar and earth.
When a generator is on line and its
associated ammeter reads 10 amps,
1052. this is an indication of: BTB's being energized. battery charge rate. battery discharge rate. generator load.
If the voltage in a circuit is doubled increase only if the battery is
1053. the current will: double in circuit. remain the same. decrease.
When generators are connected in divided by the circuit
1054. parallel their output voltage must be: resistance. the same. added together. controlled by one generator.
A generator or battery cut-out is to isolate the battery on touch to prevent the battery from to allow the generator to be to prevent the battery
1055. fitted: down. being overcharged. isolated in a crash. feeding back into the
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generator when its voltage is

above the generator voltage.
A circuit breaker that has tripped due cannot be reset unless the will not be able to be reset in will reset itself when the
1056. to overload: circuit has returned to normal. the air. circuit returns to normal. must be replaced.
As the speed of an electric motor
1057. increases the back EMF will: remain the same. fluctuate. increase. decrease.
The output of a shunt wound will rise gradually as load is will remain constant as load is will vary with generator will fall gradually as load is
1058. generator: applied. applied. speed. applied.
An inertia switch on an aircraft will when selected by the pilot or during an emergency or crash
1059. operate: flight engineer. automatically in flight. landing. in flight only.
to provide a low resistance
to isolate all components path for earth return circuits
to prevent compass electrically and therefore and safely dissipate local
The purpose of electrical bonding on to directly earth the positive malfunctioning and to gather make the static potential static charges and lightning
1060. aircraft is: lead. local static charges. constant. strikes.
prevent them interfering with prevent short circuits
Electrical components of aircraft bond the circuit to reduce risk the function of radio interfering with aircraft
1061. systems are screened to: of fire. equipment. equipment. prevent engine malfunctions.
is the total resistance in an is the highest resistance of a
1062. The impedance of a circuit :¬ is the AC inductive load. is the DC inductive load. AC circuit. rectifier.
The ratio of true power to apparent
1063. power is known as :¬ Ohms. the power factor. kVAs. the r.m.s. value.
The amount of electrical power
output for a given generator weight is dependent on the aircrafts determined by the size of the
1064. :¬ power requirements. greater for a DC generator. greater for an AC generator. aircraft.
the ease with which the
voltage can be stepped up or
One advantage that AC has over DC is that the generators require that the cables require less down with almost 100%
1065. :¬ that T.R.U.s are not required. less cooling. insulation. efficiency.
The voltage output of an AC in one direction, fall to zero
generator will rise to a maximum in one direction, fall to zero in one direction and remain and rise to a maximum value
1066. value :¬ and rise in the same direction. there. in the opposite direction. in one direction only.
If the frequency in a circuit is less than
it was designed for, then current
1067. consumption will :¬ decrease. remain the same fluctuate increase.
1068. The line voltage of a typical aircraft 115 208 200 400
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constant frequency paralleled AC

system is :
In an AC circuit which is mainly current and voltage will be in the power factor will be
1069. inductive : current will lead voltage. phase. current will lag voltage. negative.
1070. An alternator is :- a reversing input switch. an AC generator. a DC generator. a static inverter.
The number of separate stator
windings in an AC generator the output voltage of the the output frequency of the the number of phases present
1071. determines :- supply. supply. the power factor. in the supply.
AC generators usually have a rotating reduce the overall diameter of allow the output to be taken reduce the weight of the prevent arcing at the
1072. field and a fixed armature to ;- the of the generator. from the stator. generator. commutator.
The field current is DC for
Current supplied to the field is Current supplied to the field is both rotating field and The field current is DC for
AC for rotating field type AC DC for rotating field type AC rotating armature AC rotating armature type a.c
1073. In an A.C generator : generator. generator only. generators. generators only.
Instruments measuring AC are
1074. calibrated in : r.m.s. values. average values. peak values. mean values.
The output of an AC generator is
1075. taken from : the exciter windings. the field coils. the stator windings. the rotor coils.
A step-up transformer is one in which
the number of turns on the secondary the same as the primary if the greater than that on the always the same as on the
1076. winding is : cable diameter is the same. primary. less than on the primary. primary.
half as much current flowing four times as many turns on
A transformer which halves the twice as many turns on the half as many turns on the in the secondary as in the the secondary as on the
1077. voltage will have : secondary as on the primary. secondary as on the primary. primary. primary.
The power output of a transformer is in proportion to the in inverse proportion to the increased in a step up
1078. : transformation ratio. transformation ratio. the same as the power input. transformer.
1079. A frequency wild alternator must be : paralleled. a rotating magnet type. self exciting. unparalleled.
In a 3 phase AC generator circuit, the
1080. phase voltage is : greater than line voltage. 10% higher than line voltage. less than line voltage. equal to line voltage.
The generator output voltage is decreasing the generator increasing the generator field
1081. increased by : putting more load on it. the frequency controller. field voltage. current.
An alternator normally used to supply
1082. an aircrafts power system would be : single phase. three phase. two phase. frequency wild.
line and phase current are line current is greater than line current is less than phase phase current is 0.707 times
1083. In a star connected supply system : equal. phase current. current. line current.
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In a 3 phase supply system, line

voltage would be sensed between the
1084. : phases only. phase and earth. phase and neutral. phases and earth.
In a typical aircraft constant
frequency supply system, the phase
1085. voltage is : 200 115 208 400
If one phase of a star wound three
phase system becomes earthed, it will cause a large current to flow in have no effect on the other cause a reduction in the
1086. : earth all three phases. the neutral. phases. frequency of the supply.
The alternators fitted in an aircrafts
main power supply system would
1087. normally be : brushed self excited machines. frequency wild. self excited. externally excited.
To ensure correct load sharing on both real and reactive loads actual loads should be the reactive loads should be the the load impedance should be
1088. paralleled alternators : should be balanced. same. same. constant.
An aircrafts constant frequency
1089. supply is maintained at :- between 350 - 450 Hz. between 380 - 420 Hz. between 1 15 - 200 Hz. between 395 - 495 Hz.
For a modern aircraft powered by an
AC system, the ground power unit 200 volts, three phase, 400
1090. must supply : 28 volts AC only. 200 volts. 115 volts, three phase. Hz.
supplied from the engine oil a separate self contained drawn from a common tank only required for lubrication
1091. Oil for the operation of a C.S.D.U. is : system. supply. for all S.D.U.s. purposes.
automatic electrical operation of the drive operation of the drive
disconnection of the drive at that the input drive will shear disconnect switch at any time disconnect switch on the
1092. Malfunction of a C.S.D.U. requires : any time in flight. on the ground only. in flight. ground only.
suitable control arrangements
their frequency, phase, phase must exist for the sharing of
sequence and voltage must real and reactive loads. these
Before two constant frequency AC match, and a means of real and reactive loads must the synchronization lights on will correct any phase or
generators can be connected in automatic real and reactive match. Frequency, phase and the alternator control panel frequency error existing at the
1093. parallel : load sharing must be available. voltage must be within limits. must be fully bright. time of connection.
between the alternator and its between the load bus bar and
1094. The generator control relay (G.C.R) is : in the excitation circuit. load bus bar. in the stator circuit. the synchronous bus bar.
DC which is rectified AC and
could be from a separate
The running excitation current for an excitation generator on the
1095. alternator is : AC DC from the aircraft batteries. DC from the static inverter. main rotor shaft.
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there is a considerable
increase in complexity
the greater load on the compared with a non-
faults can propagate, and any the system is less flexible due S.D.U.s means that their paralleled system, due to the
One disadvantage of parallel error in supply can affect all to the need for additional power / weight ratio is much need for C.S.D.U.s and load
1096. operation is that : services. control and protection circuits. reduced. sharing circuits.
The A.P.U. generator can only be used the bus bars are being fed when no other power source
1097. when: - another generator is on line. the aircraft is on the ground. from another source. is feeding the bus bar.
The purpose of the differential
protection circuit in a three phase AC to compare alternator output to compare on and off load to compare the alternators to compare theC.S.D.U.
1098. system is : current to bus bar current. currents. reactive load to its real load. efficiencyratings.
enable interconnections to be
The purpose of a synchronizing bus made between generator bus
1099. bar is to : bars. supply essential services. monitor on-load currents. interconnect DC bus bars.
the drive disconnect unit will
In the event of a mechanical automatically separate the the real load will be adjusted the C.S.D.U. oil temperature
1100. malfunction of the alternator : C.S.D.U. from the alternator. to compensate. the quill drive will fracture. will decrease.
the frequency meter indicated
Disconnection of the C.S.D.U. in flight a discrepancy of greater than 5 there was an over or under the oil temperature was high
1101. would be advisable if : Hz between alternators. voltage. or the oil pressure was low. the engine failed.
one load meter which one voltmeter for each one load meter for each one meter which indicates
1102. Paralleled alternators will have : measures total system load. alternator. alternator. both voltage and frequency.
paralleled only when the DC is
1103. Frequency controlled generators are : always paralleled. not always paralleled. never paralleled. paralleled.
If the C.S.D.U. drive disconnect unit only be reconnected when the be reinstated in flight from the be reinstated in flight from be reinstated when necessary
1104. had been used, the drive can : aircraft is on the ground. electrical supply department. the flight deck. by using the Ram Air Turbine.
to prevent out of balance to prevent large flows of to prevent harmonic
Paralleled generators must share real to prevent large current flows forces being fed through the current from one generator to frequencies being created in
1105. and reactive loads : through the T.R.U.s. C.S.D.U.s to the engines. another. the synchronous bus bars.
a large capacity is available to
absorb heavy transient loads
One advantage of running alternators the supply to all circuits is in when switching of heavy the risk of overloading the there is only a requirement
1106. in parallel is that : phase. currents occurs. system is reduced. for one C.S.D.U.
the aircraft generators are run the synchronizing unit will
When an external AC supply is the internal bus bars are in parallel with the external the aircraft generators are ensure that no frequency
1107. feeding the bus bars : disconnected. supply. taken off line. difference exists between the
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aircraft generators and the

external supply.
A three phase AC system can be used both one or three phase only inductive or capacitive
1108. to supply : equipment. only three phase equipment. only single phase equipment. loads.
A fault on one phase of a three phase effect only the phase cause inductive loads to
1109. AC star connected system would : have no effect. concerned. overheat. affect all three phases.
to change the frequency of the to act as a back up for the
1110. The purpose of an inverter is : to change AC into DC AC supply. alternator. to change DC into AC
In the event of a mechanical failure
occurring in the generator, the
1111. C.S.D.U. is protected by : a hydraulic clutch. a universal joint. a quill drive. a feather drive.
To increase the real load which is the voltage regulator adjusts both its drive torque and its only its excitation is
1112. being taken by a paralleled alternator: the generator rotor torque. excitation are increased. increased. its drive torque is increased.
Where the aircraft's main electrical
supply is A.C, DC requirements are
1113. met by: batteries. T.R.U.s. inverters. a static inverter.
two T.R.U.s which are
In normal operation, the split bus bar two T.R.U.s which are always a battery which is supplied connected together by the
1114. AC system takes its DC supply from : isolated. from N° 1 T.R.U. only. isolation relay. the static inverter.
The static inverter in the split bus both essential and non-
1115. system supplies : the essential DC consumers. the essential AC consumers. essential consumers. the batteries.
are automatically connected are automatically connected can be connected together by can never be connected
In the split bus system, the AC bus via the isolation relay if one via the bus tie breaker if one switch selection if one together because there is no
1116. bars : alternator fails. alternator fails. alternator fails. load sharing circuit.
there are two synchronizing the G.C.s connect the the B.T.B.s connect the the G.C.R.s connect the
bus bars which are normally generators to the synchronizing bus bars generators to their load bus
1117. With parallel generator operation : kept isolated. synchronizing bus bar. together. bars.
would require that the would require that both the would require that all
An earth fault on a bus bar of a appropriate G.C.B. should would require that the appropriate G.C.B. and B.T.B. alternators should operate
1118. parallel generator system : open. appropriate T. should open. should open. independently.
To prevent high circulating currents their frequencies must be their voltage, frequency, their inductive and
between paralleled alternators, the their voltage and frequency identical and their phase phase and phase sequence capacitivereactances must
1119. following conditions should be met : must be the same. sequence must be the same. must all be the same. match exactly.
If external power is plugged into an it will automatically parallel essential AC consumers will
aircraft which utilizes the split bus itself with any alternators it will only supply non- it will supply all the aircraft be supplied from the static
1120. system of power distribution, then : already on line. essential AC consumers. services. inverter.
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Synchronous motors are usually DC to the stator and AC to the

1121. supplied by : three phase AC single phase AC DC to the stator. rotor.
Reversing two phases to a three cause the motor to run in
1122. phase motor will : blow the phase fuses. reverse. overheat the stator windings. stall the motor.
will run at about half speed
If one phase of the supply to a three the motor will continue to run but will not start on its next
1123. phase motor fails, then : at the same speed. will slow down and stop. will stop immediately. selection.
The basic principle of operation of a 3 A rotating field created in the A rotating field created in the A stationary field created in A stationary field created in
1124. phase induction motor is : rotor. stator. the stator. the rotor.
energized by DC and it lines up
with the magnetic field in the impeded by the AC induced
1125. In a synchronous motor, the rotor is : stator. wave wound. both AC and DC energized. into it.
1126. An induction motor has : slip rings and brushes. a commutator. no slip ring or brushes. slip rings but no brushes.
A starting circuit for a powerful single a resistance / inductance
1127. phase induction motor might be : a capacitance starter. starter. a cartridge starter. a bump starter.
input peripherals and inertial central processing unit and auto brightness control and central processing unit and
1128. A basic digital computer consists of: unit memory output peripherals inertial unit
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU),
The Central Processing Unit (CPU) input device,output device and input device,Hard disk and Hard disk, Control Unit and Shift Registers and Control
1129. consists of Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) output device Shift Registers Unit
In computer terminology an input
1130. peripheral device would be: a hard disk a floppy disk a keyboard a screen display unit
In computer terminology an output
1131. peripheral device would be: a floppy disk a hard disk a screen display unit a keyboard
In computer terminology a memory
which loses its data when power is
1132. removed is called: non-volatile non permanent non-retentive volatile
In computer terminology a memory
which retains its data when power is
1133. removed is called: non-volatile volatile RAM ROM
In computer terminology "software" the memory system floppy the programme of
1134. refers to: disks, hard disks, etc the RAM and ROM capacity instructions the BIOS
the digital computer
In computer terminology "hardware" components, keyboard, the permanent memory the programme of
1135. refers to: monitor, CPU, etc system and its capacity the RAM capacity instructions
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The smallest information element in a

1136. digital system is: byte digit electron bit
A group of binary digits handled as a
1137. group is referred to as a: byte mega bit giga bit bits
Convert the decimal number 7 to its
1138. binary equivalent: 1110 111 1101 100
Convert binary 1 110 to its decimal
1139. equivalent: 13 14 15 16
The computer language in which
calculations are carried out and
1140. information is stored in memory is: decimal hexadecimal octal binary
The computer language system which
1141. uses the base 16 is known as: septagesimal hectadecimal hexadecimal octal
The computer language system which
1142. uses the base 8 is called: decimal binary octal hexadecimal
The number system which uses the
numbers 0 to 9 followed by the
1143. letters A to F is: alpha numeric hexadecimal octal numeric alpha
binary 1 and binary 0 are
binary I is a low level, binary 0 binary 1 is a high level, binary binary 1 is positive, binary 0 is equal levels above and below
1144. In a negative logic system: is a high level 0 is a low level negative zero
floppy or hard disks whose
The permanent memory of a digital Integrated circuits rated in shift registers whose capacity capacity is measured in mega
1145. computer usually takes the form of: megabytes is rated in mega or gigabytes or gigabytes Central Processing Unit
The purpose of the Arithmetic Logic perform calculations in the perform all clock functions
Unit within the Central Processing act as a temporary store for perform calculations in the binary, octal or hexadecimal based on the computer clock
1146. Unit is to: information being processed binary number system system frequency (clock time)
Aircraft data in analog form, before
being processed by a computer must digital to analog converter (D analog to digital converter (A
1147. be passed through a: to A) EPROM EAROM to D)
Within the Central Processing Unit,
the temporary stores and
accumulator which handle the data
1148. during processing are called: Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) Shift Registers Control Unit BIOS
A gate which requires that all inputs
1149. must be HIGH to obtain an output a 'NOR' gate. an 'OR' gate. an 'AND' gate. a 'NOT' gate.
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would be;
The two most commonly used gates
1150. are; 'NOT' and 'NOR'. 'OR' and 'EXCLUSIVE AND'. 'AND' and 'OR'. 'AND' and 'NAND'.
can be used as a demi- can be used as a semi-
conductor to act as an conductor to act as an
can only be used as an automatic switch or an is an inverted silicon automatic switch or an
1151. A transistor ; amplifier. amplifier. controlled rectifier. amplifier.
is made up of crystals in the is made up of crystals in the is made up of crystals in the
arrangement of emitter, base arrangement of emitter, arrangement of collector, requires a current of ten amps
1152. A transistor ; and collector. collector and base. emitter and base. through the base to transmit.
A gate with only one input and one
1153. output; cannot be a 'double' gate. is a 'NOT' gate. can only be a 'semi-gate'. cannot be a 'NOT' gate.
Truth tables illustrate the relationship integrated gates for trouble the sequence of operation of electronic and electrical
1154. between; inputs and outputs. shooting. the gates. circuits.
The advantages of single sideband Bandwidth halved/signal to Bandwidth reduced by 2/3
over double sideband Bandwidth halved/power noise ratio greater/more better signal to noise ratio Bandwidth reduced by 1/3
1155. communications systems are: output many times greater power may be transmitted greater power output reduced
A signal with a wavelength of 7360
1156. metres lies in the: VLF band LF band MF band HF band
Phase comparison is only possible
1157. between two signals with the same: Amplitude Frequency Amplitude and frequency Plane of polarization
A frequency at with sky waves are
1158. unlikely to occur by day or night is: LF MF HF VHF
A frequency which corresponds to a
1159. wavelength of 12 cm : 2500 KHz 360 MHz 2500 MHz 3600 MHz
A maritime reconnaissance aircraft
using primary pulsed air to surface
radar first detects a large vessel on
this radar at a range of 110 NM.
Considering only line of sight
limitations of the system the aircraft
1160. altitude must be approximately: 230 ft 790 ft 2300 ft 7700 ft
The wavelength corresponding to a
1161. frequency of 108.95 MHz is: 0.275 m 275 m 27.5 m 2.75 m
The optimum frequency of an HF Puts the receiver just within Puts the receiver just within Puts the receiver just outside Allows a skywave to return to
1162. signal is one which: the surface wave coverage the minimum skip distance the minimum skip distance the surface
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As the frequency of a signal entering

the ionosphere increases, the amount
of refraction suffered by the signal Increase by day, decrease by Decrease by day, increase by
1163. will: Increase Decrease night night
As the frequency of a transmitter is
increased the range of the surface Remain the same by day but
1164. wave will: Increase Decrease increase by night Increase over the sea only
The type of modulation described as HF single side band
1165. A3E is used in: ILS equipment VHF communications communications Doppler VOR
Increase due to both the
As the frequency of an HF Increase due only to the Increase due only to the increasing minimum skip
transmission is increased the dead increase of the minimum skip decreased surface wave distance and to decreasing
1166. space will: Decrease distance coverage surface wave range
Atmospheric ducting is most likely to There is a marked inversion There is a marked inversion There is a marked inversion
occur close to the surface of the earth and no change in humidity with and a marked increase in and a marked decrease in
1167. when: height humidity with height humidity with height Over the sea
The wavelength corresponding to a
1168. frequency of 9875 MHz is: 0.303 m 0.303 cm 3.03 cm 30.3 cm
Horizontal antenna rotating Horizontal antenna with the
Horizontal antenna with the Vertical antenna with the about a horizontal axis with electrical field in the
electrical field in the vertical electrical field in the vertical magnetic and electrical fields horizontal plane and the
A horizontally polarised wave is plane and the magnetic field in plane and the magnetic field in in alternating horizontal and magnetic field in the vertical
1169. emitted from: the horizontal plane the horizontal plane vertical planes plane
Wavelength decreases and Wavelength decreases and Wavelength increases and Wavelength decreases and
1170. As frequency increases: antenna size increases power requirements increase antenna size decreases antenna size decreases
Loran operates at 100 KHz the
1171. wavelength and band are: 3000 cm LF 3000 mm VLF 3 Km LF 3 nm LF
Frequency modulation had
Frequency modulation techniques are The large bandwidth required not been invented when
not used in the LF/MF/HF bands The power requirements would Naturally occurring static is not available in these frequencies in these bands
1172. because: be too high would swamp the signal congested bands were allocated to users
What is the average height of the F
1173. layer of the ionosphere: 75 km 225 km 275 km 500 km
produce a sine wave from a increase the frequency of a
1174. The purpose of a basic Oscillator is to: amplify a signal attenuate a signal DC input sine wave
1175. An electrical resonant circuit is resistors and inductors in inductors and resistors in series inductors and resistors always capacitor and inductor which
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constructed from: series or parallel in parallel may be in parallel or series

When a parallel inductive capacitive inductive reactance equals inductive reactance equals
circuit is operating at its resonant capacitive reactance is greater inductive reactance is greater capacitive reactance and a capacitive reactance and zero
1176. frequency: than inductive reactance than capacitive reactance large circulating current exists current flows in the circuit
In a LC circuit the frequency where XL
1177. = XC is called: Impedance (Z) Cancellation point Oscillation frequency (Fo) Resonant frequency (Fo)
remains constant up to
approximately 30MHz and
decreases as frequency increases as frequency remains constant with then decreases with
1178. Capacitive reactance: increases increases changes in frequency increasing frequency
a quartz crystal vibrating at a
frequency dependent on its a quartz crystal vibrating at a
the generation of sine waves thickness when an EMF is frequency dependent on the
1179. The Piezo electric effect is: the resonation when XL = XC by an oscillator applied to it size of the EMF applied to it
The advantages of a crystal controlled precise stable frequency very narrow bandwidth and
oscillator over a LC controlled output and very narrow cheapness of construction and frequency can easily be there are no particular
1180. oscillator include: bandwidth very narrow bandwidth changed advantages
The output frequency of a magnetron the voltage applied to the the voltage applied to the the material from which the
1181. depends on: cathode anode the size of the cavities cavities are constructed
To produce frequencies in the SHF
(microwave) band which of the LC oscillator and Crystal
1182. following could be used: oscillator LC oscillator and Magnetron Magnetron and Klystron Crystal oscillator and Klystron
electrons under the influence
electrons under the influence of an electrostatic field
Oscillations in a magnetron are of a magnetic field energising creating negative feedback to electromagnetic coupling electromagnetic coupling
1183. maintained by: the cavities the cavities between anode and cathode between heater and cathode
The high power pulse of a ground
radar system is most likely to be klystron followed by a power
1184. produced by: crystal oscillator klystron amplifier magnetron
The relationship between current and they are in phase on a
voltage in a dipole or monopole monopole and out of phase in
1185. antenna is: they are out of phase by 90' they are in phase a dipole they are out of phase by 180'
placing a reflector behind it placing a reflector behind it placing directors behind it
A simple dipole may be made placing a reflector behind it and placing reflectors in front and placing directors in front and placing reflectors in front
1186. directional by: and placing directors behind it of it. of it of it
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unfed elements which make unfed elements which make

With reference to antennas, parasitic the radiation pattern the antenna radiation pattern dipole or folded dipole parabolic reflectors placed
1187. elements are: directional omni directional radiating elements behind the antenna
an antenna which has had its
natural wavelength increased an antenna which has had its
by adding inductance and natural wavelength increased
capacitance or a combination by adding directors and a
1188. What is a loaded antenna: a highly directional antenna a parabolic dish antenna of both reflector
Loaded antenna come in the inductive (L), resistive (R) and inductive capacitive (LC) and inductive (L), capacitive (C) inductive (L), capacitive (C)
1189. following forms: resistive capacitive (RC). resistive capacitive (RC) and inductive capacitive (LC). and resistive capacitive (RC).
causes to current to flow only
causes insulation to effectively reduces the in the outer layer of the effectively increases the
breakdown and effectively resistance of the conductor conductor and may be resistance of the conductor
reduces the resistance of the and may be overcome by using overcome by using andcauses insulation to
1190. Skin Effect: conductor. waveguides. waveguides. breakdown.
in moist, humid conditions
at the higher frequencies ie in radar systems fed by when insulation may
1191. Skin effect is most likely to occur: at high power levels up to VHF VHF and above rectangular waveguides breakdown
use hollow conductors, multi use conductors with a large
frequencies are reduced below stranded conductors or cross sectional area thus
1192. To overcome skin effect: VHF power levels are reduced waveguide reducing resistance
Terrain and buildings , antenna scan rates, different
Radio beams may be "bent" or Terrain and buildings, weather weather and ionospheric coastal refraction, different power levels and ionospheric
1193. deflected by: and antenna scan rates refraction power levels and weather refraction
lobe transmissions on a UHF lobe transmissions on a VHF a scanning beam on a UHF a scanning beam on a SHF
carrier which are amplitude carrier which are amplitude carrier which is frequency carrier with the designator
1194. The glide slope antenna radiates: modulated modulated modulated A8W
a scanning azimuth beam in two lobes on a single VHF two lobes on paired VHF two lobes on a UHF carrier
the VHF band with 150 Hz and carrier with amplitude carriers with amplitude with amplitude modulations
1195. The localiser transmitter radiates: 90 Hz amplitude modulations modulations of 90 and 150 Hz modulations of 90 and 150 Hz of 90 and 150 Hz
With reference to the ILS localises, at up to 17 nm range when at up to 25 nm range when
false course and reverse indications anytime when outside the within +/-35o of the approach within +/-10° of the approach
1196. may be received: never published coverage area course line course line
The lowest false glide slope
1197. associated with a 3 ° ILS is: 2° 3° 6° 12°
1198. The ILS markers transmit: lobes at 75 MHZ vertically a fan beam vertically upwards a fan beam vertically upwards lobes amplitude with tones
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upwards at 75 kHz modulated with at 75 MHz modulated with vertically upwards

amplitude modulated tones amplitude modulated tones
hectometric or kilometric
1199. Fan markers use: centimetric wavelengths millimetric wavelengths metric wavelengths wavelengths
hectometric or kilometric
1200. MLS equipment uses : centimetric wavelengths millimetric wavelengths metric wavelengths wavelengths

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