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Translate the following to English*

Finfinnee, Eebila 3, 2013 (FBC) – Tattaaffii Ityoophiyaan nageenya naannoo ishee fi tasgabbii
naannichaa mirkaneessuuf taasiiftu Raashiyaan kan deeggartu ta’uu Ityoophiyaatti Ambaasaaddarri
Raashiyaa Yaavgaanii Tarkiin ibsaniiru.Raashiyaan misooma Teeknooloojii Niiwkileeraa hojii
nageenyaarra oolchuuf Ityoophiyaa waliin kan hojjettu ta’uu ibsaniiru .Ityoophiyaan nageenya
naannoo ishee eegsiisuuf hojii hojjechaa jirtuuf Raashiyaan deeggarsa adda hin cinne ni taasiifti

Mootummaan Raashiyaa naannoo Gaanfa Afrikaatti hojii nageenyaa calmaatti cimsuuf deeggarsa
barbaachisu kan taasiisu ta’uu himaniiru.Raashiyaa fi Ityoophiyaan damee kanaan hariiroo bara
dheeraa qabaachuu ibsaniiru.

Mootumman Raashiyaa naannichatti tattaafii nagaa buusuuf hojjetamu kallattii hundaan deeggarsa
hundagaleessa ni taasiifti jedhani Dhaabbata Preesii Ityoophiyaa waliin turtii taasiisaniin.

Finfine, April, 3, 2013(FBC) -Russian ambassador to Ethiopia Yavgani Tariq expressed that
Russia supports Ethiopia’s effort to ensure its peace and stability of its region. He stated that
Russia will work with Ethiopia on the development of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.
Ethiopia’s work to maintain its peace will provided with uninterrupted support said the
Ambassador. He also reiterated that the government of will provide the necessary support to
enhance works on security in the Horn of Africa. The ambassador noted that Russia and
Ethiopia has a long standing relationship in this sector. The government of Russia will provide
a comprehensive support in all directions for the efforts to bring peace in the region, expressed
the ambassador to Ethiopian Press Agency.

Finfine, 3 April 2013 (FBC) – Yavgani Tariq, the Russian ambassador to Ethiopia, stated that Russia
supports Ethiopia's efforts to preserve regional peace and stability. He stated that Russia will
collaborate with Ethiopia on the development of peaceful nuclear technologies. Ethiopia's efforts to
keep its peace will be supported indefinitely, according to the Ambassador.

He also stated that the government of will continue to provide the required assistance in order
to improve security in the Horn of Africa. Russia and Ethiopia have a long history of
cooperation in this area, according to the envoy. According to the Ethiopian Press Agency, the
Russian government will provide broad support in all directions for regional peace initiatives.

He also stated that the government of will continue to assist efforts to improve security in the
Horn of Africa. In this area, Russia and Ethiopia have a long-standing cooperation, according
to the envoy. The Russian government would provide comprehensive support in all directions
for attempts to bring peace to the region, the envoy told the Ethiopian Press Agency.

He also stated that the government of will continue to assist efforts to improve security in the
Horn of Africa. In this area, Russia and Ethiopia have a long-standing cooperation, according
to the envoy. The Russian government would provide comprehensive support in all directions
for attempts to bring peace to the region, the envoy told the Ethiopian Press Agency.

He also stated that the government of will continue to provide the required assistance in order
to improve security in the Horn of Africa. Russia and Ethiopia have a long history of
cooperation in this area, according to the envoy. The Russian government would provide
complete support in all directions for attempts to bring peace to the region, according to the
ambassador, as reported by the Ethiopian Press Agency.
He also stated that the government of will provide the required assistance in order to strengthen
security efforts in the Horn of Africa. In this area, Russia and Ethiopia have a long history of
cooperation, according to the envoy. The Russian government would provide complete support
in all directions for attempts to bring peace to the region, according to the ambassador, who
spoke to the Ethiopian Press Agency.

Translate the following to Oromo*

Addis Ababa, April 21, 2021 (FBC) – Ethiopia says the way forward on the GERD negotiations is to
request the Chairperson of the African Union, President Felix Tshisekedi to call the meeting of the
Bureau of the Assembly of the AU in a letter addressed to the Prime Minister of the Sudan Abdalla
Hamdok. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, in response to the letter of Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok
dated 13, April 2021, stated that assuming the negotiation process as a failure is not right because we
have seen some tangible results including the signing of the Declaration of Principles (DoP) and the
establishment of the National Independent Scientific Research Group (NISRG) and its work in
relation to stage based filling schedule. The letter also cites the Kinshasa meeting, the understanding
reached on the resumption of the stalled AU led trilateral negotiation, the agreement reached on the
continued and enhanced role of the observers, namely EU, South Africa, and United States, and the
need for the current AU Chairperson to use resources at his disposal for the effective discharge of his
facilitation role. 

Eebila 21, 2021 (FBC) Ethiopian Xalayaa MM sudan ABHALLA HAMDOOKIF barreessiteen
mariin hidha haaromsa irratti gaaggeeffamu kan itti fufu dura taa’aa yeroo Gamtaa Afrikaa
Preezdaant Feeliiksi Shiiseekeediin walga’ii Gamtaa Afrikaatti Biiroo Yaa’ii hoggantootaa
akka yaaman gaafachuudhan akka ta’e ibsite. Muummeen Ministiraa Abiy Ahimad xaalayaa
Muummeen Ministiraa Sudaan Abdallaa Hamdook Xalaya Eebilaa 13, 2021 barreessaniif
deebii yeroo laatan, mariiin hanga ammaa adeemsifame akka kufaatitti fudhachuun sirrii
miti, sababni isaas bu’aawwan qabatamoo kan akka waliigaltee qajeettoowwanii mallatuun,
garee walabaa qorannoo biyyaaleessa hundeessuu fi hojiin sagantaa guutiinsa
sadarkaarratti hundaa’en walqabatee hojjatame akka milkiitti fudhatamuu qaba jedhan.
Walga’ii kiinshaasaa, itti fufiinsa marii sadee gamtaa Afrikaan duurfamu irratti walhubannaa
irra gahame, gahee cimaa fii itti fufaa taajabdoonni kan akka Gamtaa Awurooppaa, Afriikaa
Kibbaa fii Ameerikaa qabaniin walqabatee waliigaltee irra gahame fii dura taa’aan Gamtaa
Afrikaa ammaa Gahee haalamijeessuma isaa haalan akka bahuuf waan harkaa qabu itti
fayyadamuun isaa barbaachisummaa inni qabus xaalayichi tuqeera,.
mit sababni isaan laataniiru Muummee ministeeraa Abiy Ahimad deebi yookennan, Eebilaa 2013

Rakkoon mariiwwan seeraa fi teeknikaa hidhicharratti taasiifamu muudate waliigaltee

hunda moo’ataa taasiisurra akka hin geenyeef gufuu ta’uu ibsaniiru.
Dooktar Abiy mariin sadee dhimma Hidha Haaromsaarratti taasiifamu ammaas
mariisiisummaa gamtaa Afrikaan itti fufuu akka qabu fedhii qabaachuu isaanii xaalayaa
barreessaniin ibsaniiru.
mit sababni isaan laataniiru Muummee ministeeraa Abiy Ahimad deebi yookennan, Eebilaa 2013

Finfinnee, Eebila 13, 2013 (FBC) – Waldhabdee fi harkifachuu marii Hidha Haaromsaarratti
walga’iin akka waamamu Ityoophiyaan Gamtaa Afrikaatti Biiroo Yaa’ii Hoggantootaaf yaada
Ityoophiyaan dura taa’aa yeroo Gamtaa Afrikaa Preezdaantii Rippablika Koongoo
Diimookiraatawaa Feeliiksi Shiiseekeediin harkifachuu marii Hidha haaromsaan walqabatee
walga’iin akka waamamu yaada dhiyeessiteerti.

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