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He stayed 5 years in Europe, and he returned to Philippines in August 1887. He practiced his
medicine in Calamba, after the publication of Noli Rizal was warned no to return to the
Philippines. These are the reason why Rizal returned in the Philippines first is her mother has an
operation for her eyes, second is to serve his people, third is to see how the Noli affected the
Filipinos and Spaniard in Philippines. Lastly is to ask information why Leonor Rivera remained
silent, Bluementritt to Rizal he lives in Madrid and continue to write from there. Rizal rode from
Rome in the Marseilles a French port and boarded to Djemnah. He found Manila the same
when he left it, Rizal were welcomed affectionately also they are worried about his safety,
Paciano did not leave Rizal on his first day while Don Francisco did not let him go outside by
himself. In Calamba Rizal established a medical clinic Don Teodora is the first patient and they
plan to operate his mother eyes, but they eye cataracts were not ripe that why they couldn’t
perform the surgery. He opened a gymnasium also he introduced European sports; Rizal failed
to see Leonor Rivera he tried to go in Dagupan, but Leonor’s parents forbade him to go. The
chairman of permanent commission of censorship Fr. Salvador Font banned the Noli but it
made the Noli more popular, the prior of Guadalupe Father Jose Rodriguez published a series of
eight pamphlets it is used to blast Noli and other anti- Spanish writings, it was sold churches
after mass and Filipinos were forced to buy, Vicente Barrantes criticized Noli- La Espana
Moderna, Marcelo H. del Pilar, Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor, Graciano Lopez Jaena, Mariano Ponce
& other Filipino reformists they upholded the truths of Noli. Fr. Sanchez defended and praised
Noli to Public Don Segismundo Moret, Dr. Miguel Morayta & Professor Bluementritt read and
like the novel next is Rev. Vicente Garcia wrote a defense of the Noli which was published in
Singapore as an appendix to a pamphlet. Lt. Jose Taviel de Andrade and Rizal enjoyed fencing,
shooting, hunting, and painting. Lt. Jose Taviel de Andrade was Friars of Calamba because of the
Death Olimpia it marred their happy days together, Governor General Terrero influenced by
facts from Noli, ordered the investigation of the friar estates. Rizal findings of the friars estate
with the tenant’s signature with three officials of the Calamba Hacienda, Friars exerted more
pressure to the Malacañang Palace to eliminate Rizal, Rizal parents received anonymous death
threats they advised Rizal to go away. Governor General Terrero summoned Rizal and advised
him to leave Ph for his own good. Rizal was given a chance to escape. Poem as
commemoration- Calamba’s elevation from a town to a villa- Becarra Law of 1888.

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