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Oregon-Oxford debate Overview



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Oregon-Oxford Debating

l History of Debate

l Objectives

l The Resolution
l Research

l Case-building

l Parts of the Debate

l Speaker Roles

l The Constructive Speech

Debate during the Olden Days

l It was in 5th Century B.C. in Syracuse a city from Ancient Greece has gone through war and
revolution. People struggled for peace and order. A particular concern for them was land ownership for
lands were claimed through memory.

What is Debate?

l Debate is basically a response to a problem. It is a competition using words and logic. It is to change
people’s minds and actions through our words and power of conviction.

Objectives of Debate

l Main Objective

* To resolve the issue intelligently at the end of the debate

• Specific Objectives

* To have a comprehensive grasp of issues

* To be able to prepare a case which tackles the P, N and B.

The Resolution

• Stated as: Let it be resolved that (LIBRT):______________.

• Characteristics:

* Usually about a policy.

* Stated in a way that alters the status quo.

* Positively-stated.


l Research first before case-building

The team should research before building their case if the issue is new and is still developing.

l Case-building before research

The team should build their case first before undergoing research when the issue has already
been widely discussed and debated.



Affirmative – Burden of Proof

Must establish a prima facie case

Must prove all aspects of their case to win

Can not win based on the inability of the negative to prove its case.

Negative – Burden of Rebuttal

Must destroy either the P, N, or b of the affirmative’s case

Can not discuss anything that the affirmative did not bring up


Practicability – feasibility of a proposition, includes matter of:

*law *clamor *finance

Necessity – need for the proposition, discusses the presence or absence of an inherent flaw in the
status quo.

Beneficiality – advantages or disadvantages of adopting or rejecting the resolution, includes;

* specific beneficiaries *specific benefits

Parts of the Debate

l Constructive Speech

The presentation of each team member’s arguments and evidence for each aspect of the case – 5
minutes each

The opportunity for each debater to ask and answer questions regarding their speeches - 3


The summary and defense of each team’s arguments and evidence, to be delivered by either the
scribe or the team captain – 6 minutes

Speaker Roles

l 3 Speakers

Practicability speaker

Necessity Speaker


1 Scribe

l 1st Speaker (Affirmative Side)

I. Introduction

II. State the proposition

A. Define the terms

B. Give the status quo

1. What is the status quo?

2. What is wrong with it?

C. State your stand

Team Split

A. State all your arguments first

B. Go back, then strengthen each one

C. Always give transition. You could repeat the argument after your explanation.

VI. Conclusion

l 1st Speaker (Negative Side)

I. Introduction

II. State the proposition of the affirmative

A. Negate/show the clash with the given proposition

III. Rebut the 1st speaker of the affirm.’s arguments

IV. Caseline (same as the 1st spkr-aff)

V. Conclusion (same as the 1st spkr-aff)

l Rebuttal Speaker (Affirmative and Negative)

I. Introduction

II. State the proposition

A. What has happened in this debate?

B. Where was the clash?

Rebuttal of the Opposing team

A. What have they said?

B. Why is it wrong?

C. Fallacies committed


A. Restate all the arguments of each speaker

1. What have they said?

2. Why is it right?

Strengthen arguments by giving more examples or elaboration.


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