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You are A BADASS; How to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life was
written by Jen Sincere. The author shares how you can tune your subconscious mind and
conscious mind to accelerate your personal development to achieve anything in life. Author gets
practical with her personal life experiences. Within the first six months, author tripled her
income with an online business created around coaching writers. The book focuses on the power
of shifting the mindset.

Book portrays the universe as abundant with things and opportunities we want in life. It explores
all personal development tools like getting a mentor, meditation, forgiveness, life accountability
systems like making abet with a mean person, and building the muscle of not caring what others
think. Jen advises that everyone writes a thank you note to themselves every evening. Readers
will learn how and why everyone must get a temporary role model.

Readers of the book will wake up because most people are living in an illusion based on
someone else’s beliefs. Author believes that the problem is that many of our beliefs have nothing
to do with who actually we are/were or what is actually true. ”You are BADASS” looks at life as
your party. You choose how you invite people and experiences and things into it. After reading
the book, you will move from wanting to change your life to deciding to change your life.

According to the book, our subconscious mind is in control with not filter. Your thoughts and
beliefs dictate your reality, so if you want to change your reality, you have to change your
beliefs. You can make anything work. “In order to kick ass you must first lift up your foot.”—
Jen Sincero; author, coach, self-quoter. The book will train you to be tenacity to wear down your
obstacles and excuses.

Favorite quotes

“It is better to be hated for what you are than too beloved for what you are not.” —André Gide;
French author, Nobel Prize

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