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A D&D 5e class by Ric Boreland – All image credits to their

original creators.


After much experimentation on the flesh of an
ancient aberration, a group of alchemists managed
to synthesize a new virus strain which they named
'Blacklight'. Publicly, they were claiming it would
cure global diseases. However the real goal was to
engineer a virus that could copy and combine
genetic traits to re-write living creatures. An
aberration of sorts that could be weaponised, all
while connected to a hive mind.

The alchemists were testing the virus on animals, noting
that a large portion of the virus’ variants had deadly effects on the test subjects. Countless animals were infected
with this variant and in a large number of cases, subjects showed dramatic increases in metabolic rate, strength, and
reaction times, as well as being a part of the hive mind network. However, due to the rapid changes caused by the
virus, the infected individuals usually do not survive the transformations as they once were in life, often dying or
becoming grotesque aberrant versions of their former selves.

The virus is highly contagious and can infect organisms through a multitude of means, including physical contact,
exposure, bodily fluid contact, or direct administration. (See Template: Blacklight Aberrant)

Physical Contact: If a non-infected creature is bitten or scratched by an infected creature, or a Hunter, the virus can
spread directly to the victim resulting in their infection.

Exposure: Coming into contact with an infected water source via ingestion, or proximity to a Hive can result in the
infectious agents infecting nearby creatures.

Bodily Fluid Contact: Infectious bodily fluids and materials are capable of transmitting infection through open

Direct Administration: As intended, the virus can be spread via direct administration.

In a mere 1% of all known cases of infection something incredible and rare occurs. In the event of one of these
occurrences, the genetic rewrite provoked by the Blacklight virus causes the body to metabolise and bond with the
virus on a cellular level. This results in an evolved viral-hybrid species with phenomenal abilities, completely
disconnected from the hive and eventually becoming a free willed deadly shapeshifting being of nearly limitless
potential, power and destruction. They can fashion portions of their bodies into weapons and cause mass
devastation to the environment with their incredible physical strength and durability. Newly enhanced musculature
and strengthened epidermis and bodily tissue increases their strength, speed, reflexes, and agility by shifting their
biomass to their limbs, allowing them to break the boundaries of human sprinting and jumping/climbing ability to
perform amazing feats. The Blacklight Mutator represents the result of this aforementioned 1%.
Class Features
As a Blacklight Mutator, you gain the following class features.

Aberration: In addition to your chosen race’s type, you are also
considered to be an aberration for any effects that target or affect
such creature types.

Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Blacklight Mutator level

Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier

Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per Blacklight Mutator level after 1st

Armour: None
Weapons: Natural Weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Intimidation, Perception, Stealth and Survival

Blacklight Mutator: Class Table

Level Proficiency Mutation Unarmoured Features
Bonus Points Movement
1st +2 - - Blacklight Biomass, Mutate Weapon
2nd +2 2 +10 ft. Biomass Mutations, Danger Sense
3rd +2 3 +10 ft. Bonus Mutation, Absorb Shock
4th +2 4 +10 ft. Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 5 +10 ft. Bonus Mutation, Extra Attack
6th +3 6 +15 ft. Bonus Mutation, Empowered Strikes
7th +3 7 +15 ft. Bonus Mutation
8th +3 8 +15 ft. Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 9 +15 ft. Bonus Mutation
10th +4 10 +20 ft. Bonus Mutation
11th +4 11 +20 ft. Bonus Mutation
12th +4 12 +20 ft. Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 13 +20 ft. Bonus Mutation
14th +5 14 +25 ft. Bonus Mutation
15th +5 15 +25 ft. Bonus Mutation
16th +5 16 +25 ft. Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 17 +25 ft. Bonus Mutation
18th +6 18 +30 ft. Bonus Mutation
19th +6 19 +30 ft. Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 20 +30 ft. Apex Predator
Blacklight Biomass
Blacklight Biomass encompasses the following five features: Biomass Defence, Consume, Infected Thermal Vision,
Magic Rejection and Unarmoured Movement.

1: Biomass Defence
Due to the bulk of your internal biomass acting as an absorption layer, your Armour Class equals 10 + your Dexterity
modifier + your Constitution modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.

2: Consume
Consuming is the process by which you absorb the biomass and DNA or essence of other entities, copying and
assimilating it into your own in order to gain the entity's genetic memories and physical presence. After consuming,
the left over body is an unidentifiable mess.

As a bonus action upon dealing the killing blow to a creature, or as an action otherwise, you can consume a creature
as long as it is within 5ft and is either dead or on 0 hit points. Upon doing so, the following events happen:

 Heal: Upon consuming, you can choose to metabolize part of the creature’s biomass and regain hit points
equal to one of the creature’s Hit Die + the creature’s level (or number of Hit Die). Once you use this
feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
 Access memories: You receive random images and memories that represent part of the creature’s life
immediately after consuming it. Only works if the target was a humanoid with 3 or more intelligence.
 Assume Form: Upon first consuming a corpse and accessing its memories, you can polymorph into the
creature as a part of the same action if it was a medium humanoid. At any time before consuming another
corpse, you can use your action to polymorph into the same creature, or back into your true form. The
change is only visual, your statistics are the same in each form. Your appearance is identical to the consumed
creature, however social interactions with others that the creature knew in life will require a CHA check to
avoid indicating that you are acting out of character. You revert to your true form if you die.

3: Infected Thermal Vision

You have the natural ability to see the heat signatures of all living and/or infected creatures within 60ft. As an action,
you can adjust your vision to see such targets. Until the end of your next turn, you have the equivalent of darkvision
and you see the locations of any living and/or infected creatures within 60 feet of you. This allows you to discern the
exact location of targets who are invisible or behind any form of obscurement except Total Cover. You also know
whether each creature is infected or not.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier. When you finish a long rest, you
regain all expended uses.

4: Magic Item Rejection

While attempting to use magic items, your biomass contorts and reacts wildly as if trying to protect itself and reject
the item. Whenever you attempt to use a magic weapon, magic armour or any form of magical wondrous item your
body twists and bends out of shape wildly, giving you disadvantage on all attack rolls, ability checks and saving
throws until it is no longer worn or wielded.

5: Unarmoured Movement
Starting at 2nd level, your biomass increases the strength and speed of your legs. Your speed increases by 10 feet
while you are not wearing armour or wielding a shield. This bonus increases when you reach certain blacklight levels,
as shown in the blacklight table.

At 9th level, you gain the ability to move along vertical surfaces on your turn without falling during the move.
Mutate Weapon
At 1st level you can select your first weapon mutation from the Bonus Mutations list. Your choices are Claws, Blade,
Hammerfist or Whipfist. You may form your selected weapon for free during your move or action just as any other
character can draw or sheath a weapon. In order to change the form of your weapon more than once per round will
require the use of your action.

Biomass Mutations
Starting at 2nd level, your biomass allows you to harness the versatility of biomass mutation. Your access to this
ability is represented by a number of mutation points. Your Blacklight level determines the number of points you
have, as shown in the Mutation Points column of the Blacklight table. You can spend these points to fuel various
mutation features. You start knowing three such features of your choice that you meet the prerequisites for.
Whenever you gain the Bonus Mutation class feature, you may select a new mutation.

The maximum number of mutation points you can spend on a single mutation is equal to your proficiency bonus.
When you spend a mutation point, it is unavailable until you finish a short or long rest, at the end of which you
regenerate all of your expended biomass back into yourself.

Some of your mutation features require your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature’s effects. The saving
throw DC is calculated as follows:

Mutation save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier

Danger Sense
At 2nd level, you gain an uncanny sense of when things nearby aren’t as they should be, giving you an edge when
you dodge away from danger.

You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects that you can see, such as traps and spells. To gain this
benefit, you can’t be blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.

Absorb Shock
Beginning at 3rd level, you can use your reaction when you fall to reduce any falling damage you take by an amount
equal to five times your blacklight level.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score
above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Empowered Strikes
Starting at 6th level, your natural attacks create their own supernatural signature and count as magical for the
purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Apex Predator
At 20th level, you become an apex predator and your body reaches the pinnacle of genetic mutation. Your Strength
and Constitution scores increase by 4. Your maximum for those scores is now 24.
Bonus Mutation List
Weapon Mutations
Weapon mutations allow your biomass to create weapon-like forms in the place or
your arms. You may only have 1 type of weapon mutation active at any time.

Mutate Claws
Once learned, your biomass allows you to mutate and produce claws. You gain the
following benefits:

• You can roll a d4 for your claw damage. This die increases 1d6 at 5th level, 1d8 at
11th level and 1d10 at 17th level.

• Special: When you use the Attack action with your claws on your turn, you can make
one additional claw attack as a bonus action.

Advanced Claw Mutations

Rend – (Prerequisites: Claws)
Immediately after you take the Attack action on your turn, you can spend 1 mutation point to make two
claw attacks as a bonus action.

Ground Spike – (Prerequisites: Claws)

As an action you can spend 2 mutation points to channel your biomass into the ground and make it erupt
under a targeted creature within 30ft. The eruption of spikes deals 2d8 piercing damage to your target and
all other creatures within 5ft. Targets take half damage on a successful Dexterity save. For each additional
mutation point you spend, increase the range by 10ft and the damage by 1d8.

Ground Spike Graveyard – (Prerequisites: Claws)

The biomass from your Claws is channelled into the ground and erupts all around you. As an action you can
spend 2 mutation points to make your claws erupt in a 5ft radius around you. All affected targets take 2d8+2
piercing damage, or half on a successful Dexterity save. Enemies that fail the save are also knocked prone.
Each additional mutation point you spend increases the radius by 5ft and the damage by 1d8+1.
Mutate Blade
Once learned, your biomass allows you to mutate and produce a heavy blade.
You gain the following benefits:

• You can roll 2d6 for your blade damage.

• Special: On your turn, when you score a critical hit with this weapon or reduce
a creature to 0 hit points, you can make one melee weapon attack as a bonus

Advanced Blade Mutations

Air Slice – (Prerequisites: Blade)
As an action for 1 mutation point you can perform an aerial drop attack. Jumping from a height above your
target, you transfer the energy of your fall into extra attack damage. Upon landing you automatically land on
your feet and take any applicable falling damage yourself. In addition, you make an attack roll with
Advantage against your target and for every 5ft you fall, your attack deals an extra 1d4 points of damage.

Blade Frenzy – (Prerequisites: Blade)

When you take the Dash action, you can spend 2 or more mutation points to perform a Blade Frenzy. During
your Dash action, you can make one melee weapon attack plus an additional melee weapon attack for every
two mutation points spent at the beginning of your Dash action. These attacks can be on the same target or
different targets, but you must move at least 5ft between each attack.

Vorpal Blade – (Prerequisites: Blade, Level 3)

Your blade’s ferocity increases and its edges sharpen. As a bonus action on your turn you can spend 1
mutation points to increase the critical hit range of your blade to 19-20 for 1 minute.

 For 1 additional points you can roll an extra d6 when determining the extra damage for critical hits.
 For 2 additional points you can roll two extra d6 when determining the extra damage for critical hits.
 For 3 additional points you can roll three extra d6 when determining the extra damage for critical hits
and the critical hit range becomes 18-20.
 For 5 additional points you can roll three extra d6 when determining the extra damage for critical hits
and the critical hit range becomes 18-20. In addition, a roll of 20 on the attack roll cuts off one of the
creature's heads. The creature dies if it can't survive without the lost head. A creature is immune to this
effect if it is immune to slashing damage, doesn't have or need a head, has legendary actions, or the DM
decides that the creature is too big for its head to be cut off with this weapon. Such a creature instead
takes an extra 6d8 slashing damage from the hit.
Mutate Hammerfist
Once learned, your biomass allows you to mutate and produce a heavy hammer-like
mass. You gain the following benefits:

• You can roll a d10 for your hammerfist damage.

• Special: When you roll a 1 or 2 on the damage die for an attack you make with your
hammerfist, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1
or a 2.

Advanced Hammerfist Mutations

Blunt Force – (Prerequisites: Hammerfist)
As an action on your turn for 1 mutation point you can begin charging extra mass into your hammerfist. On
your next attack within 1 minute you release your charge and swing. If you hit your target, roll damage as
normal and multiply the total result by 2, also knocking the target back 10ft.

Having your hammerfist charged in this manner requires focus. If you take damage while charged you must
make a Constitution save with a DC of 5 + the damage dealt or lose the charge.

Power Slam – (Prerequisites: Hammerfist)

The biomass from your Hammerfist is slammed into the ground and erupts the ground around you. As an
action you can spend 2 mutation points to make your hammerfist deal normal weapon damage in a 10ft
radius around you. All affected targets take normal weapon damage, or half on a successful Dexterity save.
Enemies that fail the save are also knocked prone. The ground within a 10ft radius also becomes difficult
terrain as it shatters. Each additional mutation point spent increases the radius of difficult terrain created by

Critical Pain – (Prerequisites: Hammerfist, Level 5)

As an action, you can spend 2 mutation points to violently launch the biomass of your hammerfist towards a
target within 60ft. The target takes 2d6 + 10 Bludgeoning damage, or half on a successful Dexterity save.
Each additional mutation point you spend increases the damage by 1d6 + 5.
Mutate Whipfist
Once learned, your biomass allows you to mutate and produce an extendable
whipfist. You gain the following benefits:

• You can roll a d4 for your claw damage. This die increases 1d6 at 5th level, 1d8 at
11th level and 1d10 at 17th level.

• Special: This weapon it has a melee attack range of 30ft.

Advanced Whipfist Mutations

Whiplash – (Prerequisites: Whipfist)
You can spend 2 mutation points as a bonus action to whip, shove and pull a creature to unbalance it. A
creature that you can see that is within 30 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save,
the creature takes 3d10 piercing damage, plus an extra 1d10 piercing damage for each additional mutation
point you spend, and you can either knock it prone or pull it up to 25 feet closer to you. On a successful save,
the creature takes half as much damage, and you don’t pull it or knock it prone.

Street Sweeper – (Prerequisites: Whipfist)

The street sweeper ability helps in dismembering multiple foes in front of you with a 90-degree swath. As an
action you can spend 2 mutation points to sweep your whipfist out in front of you dealing 3d6 piercing
damage to all targets within a 15ft cone, or for half damage if they succeed on a Dexterity save. For every
additional mutation point you spend, increase the range by 5ft and the damage by 1d6.

Tendril Barrage – (Prerequisites: Whipfist)

As an action you can spend 2 mutation points to shoot tendrils of biomass out in every direction. Every
creature within a 30ft radius takes 2d4+2 points of piercing damage, or half on a successful dexterity save.
For each additional mutation point you spend the damage increases by 1d4+1. These tendrils penetrate
everything short of total cover.
General Mutations
Biomass Armour – (Prerequisites: None)
As a bonus action for spending 1 mutation point you can encase your body in solidified biomass, granting
you resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. This armour lasts for a number of rounds
equal to your constitution modifier. While encased in armour, you lose your unarmoured movement speed

Genetic Regeneration – (Prerequisites: Level 17)

Over the course of 1 minute, you spend 6 mutation points and your biomass starts pulsating, which
stimulates your natural healing ability. You regain 4d8 + 15 hit points and any severed body parts (fingers,
legs, and so on), if any, are completely regrown after 2 minutes. If you have the severed part and hold it to
the stump, it causes the limb to instantly knit back onto the stump.

Glide – (Prerequisites: Level 5)

The glide ability is believed to be achieved via the lightening of the Blacklight’s cells. This is caused by
shedding biomass, leaving a trail of mist streaming from the limbs. If you run at least 10ft and spend 2
mutation points, you can jump up 10ft and glide for 60ft until the end of your turn. At the end of your turn
you fall if you are still aloft. If you start your glide from a height, your glide distance increases by 10ft for
every 10ft you are off the ground. While gliding, any actions will cancel the glide and cause you to drop from
your current position. While gliding you can only maintain your current height or descend; you can never
gain height.

Greater Consumption – (Prerequisites: Level 3)

When you consume a creature, you can spend 1 mutation point to end one disease that afflicts you, or one
condition from the following choices: blinded, deafened, paralysed, or poisoned.

Additionally, from level 9 when you consume a creature, you can spend 3 mutation points and end any one
of the following effects: The ‘charmed’ condition, one curse (including attunement to a cursed magic item),
any reduction to one of your ability scores, or one effect that is reducing your hit point maximum.

Mutate Shield – (Prerequisites: None)

As a reaction when you are hit by any form of targeted attack, you can spend 1 mutation point to shift your
biomass into a shield and absorb damage. The shield can absorb damage equal 1d10 + your Constitution
modifier + your Blacklight level. Any excess damage beyond the shields limit is taken as normal.

Muscle Mass – (Prerequisites: None)

As a bonus action you can spend 2 mutation points to significantly increase your muscle mass for 1 minute.
During this time you have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws, and when you make a melee
weapon attack using Strength, you gain a +2 bonus to
the damage roll.

Additionally, as an action during the duration, you can

pick up and throw an object. The total weight of the
object thrown can be up to your unencumbered
weight load. The object has a base range of 20 feet
and a maximum range of 60 feet. Your attack bonus
for all projectiles thrown is your proficiency bonus +
your Strength modifier. The damage of any projectile
you throw is shown on the table above + your
Strength modifier.
Pounce – (Prerequisites: None)
You can spend 1 mutation point to take the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action on your turn, and
your jump distance is doubled for the turn.

Primal Reflexes – (Prerequisites: None)

When a creature misses you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction and spend one mutation point
to make a melee weapon attack against the creature at lightning speed.

Trample – (Prerequisites: Biomass Armour)

When you take the Dash action, you can spend 1 mutation point to briefly encase your body in your biomass
armour (see Mutate Armour) and potentially trample all creatures in your path. As you move through
enemies (no larger than large) they must make a Strength save. If they fail, you knock them prone and keep
running. When an enemy succeeds their save you are prevented from moving further. At the end of your
turn, your armour gets assimilated.

Pack Leader – (Prerequisites: Level 11)

The Pack Leader ability allows you to mutate the corpses of nearby creatures. Biomass tendrils extend from
you and into their bodies, pumping them with biomass, and using their genetic material to spawn brawlers.

As an action, you can spend 4 mutation points to transform any two medium sized creatures that have died
or are on 0 hit points. The biomass of each corpse mutates and contorts, changing from what they once
were, into the foul alien-like monstrosities known as Brawlers.

On each of your turns, you can use a bonus action to mentally command any brawlers you made with this
mutation if the creatures are within 60 feet of you (if you control multiple creatures, you can command any
or all of them at the same time, issuing the same command to each one). You decide what action the
creatures will take and where they will move during their next turn, or you can issue a general command,
such as to guard a particular chamber or corridor. If you issue no commands, the creatures only defend
themselves against hostile creatures. Once given an order, the creatures continues to follow it until its task is
complete. The creatures are under your
control for 1 minute, after which they stop
obeying any commands and self-destruct. The
explosion from each brawler has a 5ft radius
and deals 3d8 + 9 piercing damage, or half as
much with a successful Dexterity save, as
shrapnel from their corpses explode outward.

For every additional mutation point spent, you

can create 1 additional brawler, however each
brawler must come from its own corpse.

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