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Aluno (a)______________________________________ Data____/_____/______

Professor(a)_________________________________ TURMA/CURSO:_________________________________


1) Preposições são geralmente usadas na frente de substantivos ou pronomes e eles mostram a relação entre o substantivo ou pronome
e outras palavras em uma frase. Vejamos algumas: IN, ON, AT, AFTER, TO e WITH. Elas descrevem, por exemplo:
a) A posição de algo:
Ex: Her bag was under the chair. (A bolsa dela estava embaixo da cadeira)

b) O tempo em que alguma coisa acontece:

Ex: They arrived on Sunday. (Eles chegaram no domingo)

c) A forma como algo acontece:

Ex: We went by train. (nós fomos de trem)

d) Algumas preposições são formadas com mais de uma palavra:

Ex: They moved here because of the baby. (Eles se mudaram por causa do bebê)

2) Uso de IN, ON e AT:

AT The weekend
Christmas/ Easter
Ex: Are you going away at the weekend?

IN the morning
the afternoon
the evening
Ex: I always feel good in the morning.
My birthday is in July.

ON Monday
Tuesday afternoon
Saturday night
Ex: I’m meeting Jill on Monday morning.
She was born on June, 24th.

Exceção: Não usamos IN/ON e AT antes de:

This (this morning/ this week)
Every (every day/ week
Last (last week/ month)
Next (next week/ month)
3) Form… to (De… para/à):
Ex: I work from Monday to Friday. (Eu trabalho de segunda à sexta)

4) Until (Até):
Ex: Wait here untill I come back. (Espere aqui até eu voltar).

5) Since (Desde):
Ex: Jon has been in hospital since Sunday. (John esteve no hospital desde domingo).

6) For (Por):
Ex: George stayed with us for three days. (George esteve conosco por três dias)
Verbos + preposições

1) Preencha as lacunas com AT/IN ou ON:

a) Goodbye! See you __________ Friday.

b) Where were you ________ February?

c) I got up _________ 8 o’clock this morning.

d) I like getting up early _________ the morning.

e) My sister got married _________ May.

f) Diane and I first met _________ 1979.

g) Did you go out __________ Friday?

h) Did you go out __________ Friday Evening?

I ) Let’s meet __________ 7:30 tomorrow


j) I’m starting my new job ________ 3rd, june.

1) (PUCRIO) Mark the only sentence that CANNOT be correctly completed
with the preposition FROM:
a) Commercial sales of drugs derived __________ this one plant are about
US$160 million a year.
b) Madagascar's rosy periwinkle, a plant __________ Africa, provides two
important anti-tumor agents.
c) Quinine, an aid in the cure of malaria, is an alkaloid extracted __________
the bark of the cinchona tree found in Latin America and Africa.
d) __________ 1960, only 19 percent of Hodgkin's disease sufferers had a
chance for survival.
e) Until recently, wild yams __________ Mexico and Guatemala provided the
world with its entire supply of diosgenin, an active ingredient in birth control pills.

2) (UFRS) In the phrase "Exports to China are expected to quadruple by 2010",

BY is being used with the same meaning as in:
a) I'll finish reading the book by midnight.
b) We could go to Gramado by car.
c) He paid the hotel expenses by cheque.
d) Forty divided by eight is five.
e) Do you know "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown?
3) (PUCRS) The alternative which contains the prepositions that best complete
the sentences below is:
Prepaid meters have been launched with the aim __________ improving water
service; however, they might be a problem __________ those who cannot
afford paying __________ water services.
a) to – for – of
b) on – to – for
c) of – to – on
d) for – on – of
e) of – for – for

4) (UNESP) Something is cooking __________ the oven.

a) up
b) to
c) in
d) into
e) for

5) (ITA) It's clear that Gossard and the rest of Pearl Jam no longer want to
"rely" __________ anger and craziness to drive the band.
– A preposição que deve acompanhar o verbo "rely", relacionado no texto, é:
a) at
b) on
c) in
d) for
e) with

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